Repressed (Deadly Secrets Book 1)

ByElisabeth Naughton

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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
steve p
3.5 Stars. The opening chapter of this book hooked me! The book then shifts to 18 years later and Samantha Parker is back in Hidden Falls. (Actually she's been back 6 months when this story picks up). She is handling the sell of her mother's house who recently died. She isn't happy to be back and not only is she dealing with her bad memories but she's teaching in a school where one of her students is having trouble. Enter Dr. Ethan McClain who has also returned to Hidden Falls as a therapist for Sam's student. The two are immediately attracted to each other but they are both dealing with their past and the difficulties of returning to Hidden Falls.

The plot focuses on a past murder, repressed memories, and a group of people desperate to keep the past in the past. I enjoyed the story but thought that the identity of the "bad guys" was obvious as was Ethan's big secret. The first half of the book was a bit slow although I was on the edge of my seat waiting for Sam to discover that Ethan had also spent time in Hidden Falls and just how he was involved in her past. I enjoyed both Sam and Ethan and the romance between the two of them. The biggest issue I had was with the rest of the town. There didn't seem to be a nice person in the entire bunch. I like to have a few likable secondary characters.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for gifting me this book in return for an honest review
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
claude goozer
3.75 stars---REPRESSED is the first installment in Elisabeth Naughton’s adult, contemporary DEADLY SECRET romantic, suspense series. This is psychologist Dr. Ethan McClane, and high school chemistry teacher Samantha Parker’s story line.

Told from several third person perspectives REPRESSED follows Samantha Parker on her return to her childhood home in Hidden Falls where her mother has died following an lengthy illness. Eighteen years earlier, Samantha had witnessed the murder of her older brother Seth but a recurring nightmare reveals something more sinister was witnessed that night-something Samantha no longer remembers about the ‘cabin in the woods’. Enter Dr. Ethan McClane, a child psychologist and advocate hired to check into a local student, and a man who knows more about Samantha’s past than our heroine is able to remember. What ensues is the building relationship between Ethan and Samantha, and the threats and attacks against our heroine by an unknown source. Samantha begins to believe that the man with whom she is falling in love, may be responsible for a number of the current attacks.

The relationship between Ethan and Samantha is quick to build. Ethan is on assignment in the town he never thought to return. Samantha is the woman who steals his heart and his love but Ethan and Samantha’s paths crossed years before and Samantha is unaware of their past connection. As Ethan prepares for the inevitable fall out of his secreted past, Samantha begins to doubt the man that she loves. The $ex scenes are intimate and intense.

There is a large ensemble cast of characters all centered in and around Hidden Falls. Eighteen years of secrets involving everyone from the sheriff’s department to the local newspaper editor, and someone running for political office adds a series of twist and turns to a story about one woman and her struggle to move forward following the death of her beloved brother.

The world building focuses on secrets and lies, and a past that comes full circle with the return of Samantha Parker and Ethan McClane. The premise is suspenseful with several easily deduced twists and turns; the characters are animated, colorful and an eclectic mix of small town gossips, bullies and power hungry thugs; the romance is captivating and passionate. Elisabeth Naughton’s REPRESSED is an entertaining story of mystery and romance with a little bit of small town mentality thrown into the mix.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Thought I was buying a suspense thriller but book is fraught with almost continous pedestrian references to lust and heat in bellies, groins, and just ruins the story. Nothing subtle about it or I could have just overlooked it. Put the book down at 38%.
Lethal Consequences (Aegis) :: MARKED (Eternal Guardians Book 1) :: Tempted (Eternal Guardians Book 3) :: Bound (Eternal Guardians Book 6) :: An Eternal Guardians Novella (1001 Dark Nights)
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
james layton
Entertaining and quick. Way more sex scenes than I thought there would be. I very rarely read books that are as far into the "romance" as this one so maybe that's par for the course, I wouldn't know. The story was convoluted and a little soap opera-ish. At times I had a hard time keeping track of the characters. I really wish authors wouldn't switch back and forth from referring to characters by their first or last name. It's a lot easier if you just pick one!

Samantha Parker is back in the town she grew up in... and not thrilled about it. She returned to care for her ailing mother, and after she died had the house to deal with. The town is full of terrible memories for Sam, mostly of the brother she lost as a child. She's working as a chemistry teacher for the high school, but it's only ever supposed to be a temporary thing. She really can't wait to leave... if only the house would sell. But life in Hidden Falls suddenly gets more interesting with the arrival of handsome psychologist Ethan McClane. He's here to check up on a student of hers, one she's become a bit attached to. The young man has had some trouble in his past but seems to be turning things around.

Not everyone is happy to have Sam back... she's getting warnings to leave town, and they keep escalating. Someone definitely wants her gone, even more than she wants to leave... but she's determined to stay until she sells the house, and on her own terms.

To sum things up... romance books are still not really my thing, even when they have a mystery involved. However, this one kept my attention and had a pretty good story to it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
erin lockard
Interests: Romantic Suspense, Small Towns, Cold Cases

Quick Summary
Samantha Parker doesn't want to be back in Hidden Falls -- the town where her brother was killed, her parents got divorced, and her life was changed forever. She just wants to sell her grandmother's house and go back to California. But when she meets therapist, Dr. Ethan McClane, she finds herself tempted by someone she shouldn't want. Ethan is in town to assess the behavior of a troubled teen but he has his own turbulent past in Hidden Falls that he hopes will stay buried. But as he spends time with Samantha and strange happenings begin to occurred, he realizes the past can't stay hidden.

What I Liked
I liked the mystery of this one and how fast-paced it was. The action starts almost immediately and continues to escalate. I was constantly trying to figure out who all was involved in the old cold case and though I got most, there was one I didn't see coming. I especially liked that this involved a cold case because I always think this adds an interesting element to stories. I also really liked Ethan and wanted to know more about his adoption and his siblings. I love this story concept of troubled kids adopted by a loving couple who help change their lives. Ethan was such a gentle person but also protective and strong when it came to keeping Samantha safe.

What Needed Work
I would have liked a little more development of the characters past in the sense of what they share with each other. As the reader we know more about their respective histories but I wish they had shared more of this together. And the really big parts of their pasts are shared at the very end and are the catalyst for the climax and aren't revisited as much as I would have liked. Samantha's confusion over whether or not she wanted to be with Ethan was awful! I'm surprised Ethan didn't get whiplash from her changing her mind so much. I understand that Samantha has a lot of emotional issues that have caused commitment problems but my goodness. She gets it together in the end but it was a bit annoying.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Hidden Falls is exactly as Samantha Parker left it—small, insular, and prone to gossip. Eighteen years have passed since she witnessed her brother’s murder, but she’s still the talk of the town. Until a handsome child psychologist with haunting memories of his own arrives.

Dr. Ethan McClane isn’t exactly a newcomer. If it weren’t for his latest case, he’d never set foot back in Hidden Falls. Thankfully, no one seems to recognize him as the troubled teen from years past. Not even Sam, the delightfully sharp and sexy high school chemistry teacher he can’t stop thinking about.

When Sam and Ethan work together to help one of her students, sparks ignite. But Sam’s hazy memories of a long-ago night concern Ethan, and unlocking the repressed images reveals a dark connection between them. As the horrors of the past finally come to light, their relationship isn’t the only thing in danger. A killer will strike again to keep an ugly secret hidden, and this time no one will be safe.


One of the best romantic thrillers that I had read in a while!

The story had me hooked from the prologue where we find out some of the terrible things that happened 18 years ago. I am going to try and give a spoiler free review. A few of the things were pretty clear as to the mystery of what really happened 18 years ago, but the red herrings were so good that I did not have everyone involved figured out until it was revealed. The repressed memories aspect of the story was very well-written and believable. It could have easily taken a bad turn and made the story terrible, but that was not the case and I loved the tension that it put in the story. Both of the main characters were extremely likable, both are caring, smart, capable people who did not have the best experiences in their childhood but have become better because of that. The sexual chemistry and tension between the two of them is instant but I liked that they got to know each other before jumping into bed. They are what you hope for in main characters. I have to say the ending had me very happy and satisfied.

I have read only read Ms. Naughton's paranormal romances and have really liked them, so I was curious to read this different genre by her. Again, I think she did an awesome job! The plot and story was great, engaging and exciting. I did not know who should be trusted or what ulterior motives everyone had until the end. This is the first in a new series, so I am extremely excited where the series is heading and which sibling is getting a story.


*I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for a fair and honest review.*
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Too predictable and unfortunately, poorly written. I honestly could of played a drinking game with myself on how many times, "she bit her lip," and, "the warmth spread through...," was used throughout the book; hell, I would of ended up in an alcohol induced coma if I did. The plot itself had SO MUCH potential, but was ruined with corny, repetative, vanilla sex scenes and cliché characters.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
naomi searl
Samantha/Sam was back in her home town and planned to sell her childhood home now that her mom had passed away. It was taking longer than Sam thought it would Eighteen years ago her brother had been murdered and that had torn her family apart. She had nightmares before and didn’t want to relive that or the therapy sessions she went through. Now a Dr. Ethan McClane would be in her class and she didn’t want him near her student Thomas. Being the new teacher- Chemistry- around for the last six weeks and gave homework and actually expected it to be done . She had become a target for teenagers to mess with her. But Sam was determined not to be pushed around . Sam would leave town as soon as she could but on her terms. Ethan came back to Hidden Falls as a favor to Judge Wilson to help a student- Thomas in High School. Settle into a new life there and have counseling from Ethan.
This was a very good story definitely ,Repressed had an excellent plot. I loved the characters and I was glad one of the characters believed to be bad turned out not to be evil after all. So ironic how twisted in each others lives Sam and Ethan really were without knowing how Sam played a large part in changing Ethan’s life and didn’t know it. I loved the twists and turns of this story. I recommend.
I received an ARC of this story for an honest review.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
phelecia odima
Too predictable and unfortunately, poorly written. I honestly could of played a drinking game with myself on how many times, "she bit her lip," and, "the warmth spread through...," was used throughout the book; hell, I would of ended up in an alcohol induced coma if I did. The plot itself had SO MUCH potential, but was ruined with corny, repetative, vanilla sex scenes and cliché characters.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Samantha/Sam was back in her home town and planned to sell her childhood home now that her mom had passed away. It was taking longer than Sam thought it would Eighteen years ago her brother had been murdered and that had torn her family apart. She had nightmares before and didn’t want to relive that or the therapy sessions she went through. Now a Dr. Ethan McClane would be in her class and she didn’t want him near her student Thomas. Being the new teacher- Chemistry- around for the last six weeks and gave homework and actually expected it to be done . She had become a target for teenagers to mess with her. But Sam was determined not to be pushed around . Sam would leave town as soon as she could but on her terms. Ethan came back to Hidden Falls as a favor to Judge Wilson to help a student- Thomas in High School. Settle into a new life there and have counseling from Ethan.
This was a very good story definitely ,Repressed had an excellent plot. I loved the characters and I was glad one of the characters believed to be bad turned out not to be evil after all. So ironic how twisted in each others lives Sam and Ethan really were without knowing how Sam played a large part in changing Ethan’s life and didn’t know it. I loved the twists and turns of this story. I recommend.
I received an ARC of this story for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
annie mccarty
Montlake Romance and NetGalley provided me with an electronic copy of Repressed, in exchange for an honest review.

Samantha Parker left Hidden Falls 18 years before, after being present for her brother's murder. Back temporarily to sell her recently deceased mother's house, Sam is teaching chemistry at the local high school. Sam has the occasion to meet up with Dr. Ethan McClane, a child psychologist called in to help with one of Sam's students. When Sam is targeted and seems to be in danger, will Ethan's secret ties to the area keep him from helping Sam?

Small town secrets are abound in Hidden Falls. This romantic suspense has an air of mystery about it, as Samantha fights to remember her repressed memories from a childhood trauma. Repressed is well paced and the book becomes more interesting as the mystery deepens. I would have preferred if the author had stayed with the suspense angle, instead of pushing the romance to the forefront, as I thought it was a strong enough story without it. Sam was a strong character, capable and resilient. Overall, readers who enjoy romantic suspense will take a liking to Sam and Ethan.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
stephanie carson
3 - 3 1/2 stars

This had a great storyline, interesting characters, secrets, lies, betrayal, intense situations, and surprise twists, which made for a good read. I enjoyed the story, but it moved a bit slow for my tastes. The first 3/4 of the book was more thinking/talking about the past, vandalism, and some verbal threats trying to get Samantha to leave town before she remembered the past. It had little to no action, and the mystery was too easy to figure out, causing the suspense to be weak at best. The last 1/4 of the book was what I wish the entire story had been like. It was intriguing, suspenseful, and more fast paced, which was great. 

Don't get me wrong, this wasn't a bad story at all. I did enjoy it, and will definitely be reading the next book in the series. This was my first book by this author, and I am interested to see where she goes with this series. 

I would recommend this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kathy heare watts
The prologue hooked me and my attention was kept till the end. Now some of the story was a little hard to believe, but I still kept turning the pages. In my opinion the mystery was the best part. I had some of the mystery figured out, other parts I did not. Now there are some slow moving parts and some parts are long and drawn out. Sometimes things were very repetitive and a little childish. I was okay with that. There were times in the book when names got switched and that became a little confusing. If you want hot sex, then maybe this is not for you. I did not find the sex hot and steamy, but that is not the reason I read it. I liked both Samantha and Ethan. Both have their baggage and are up front about that, and yet both are liars. When I got to the last 10% of the book I could not put down. Overall I liked it and was entertained by it. I read on Kindle Unlimited.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I loved this book! The characters drew me in from the start. Samantha was a fierce though talking chemistry teacher. She hated being back in her home town because it borough nothing but bad memories and now a laundry list of pranks she attributes to her disgruntled students. Ethan also has bad memories of this town. Thankfully he is a different person from who he was when he lived there. His life has come full circle, and he is in town to help one of Samantha's students whose behavior is eerily familiar. Ethan was so kind and gentle and caring but still fiercely protective. I especially loved reading from his perspective as the book alternated points of view. When Ethan and Samantha cross paths the attraction is instant and mutual, but while Ethan immediately pursues, Samantha sounds the retreat. As Ethan works on tearing down her defenses, the threats against Samantha escalate. Both of them begin to suspect ties to the past, but neither is fully open with the other about those suspicions. The suspense and tension were strong as the intersection of their pasts became inevitable. I found myself strongly suspecting what was coming but being in my head for that not to be where things went. As the best books do though, it went there. Suddenly, it wasn't even about whether their relationship could survive the past, but rather whether they could escape it with their lives.

I have been a fan of this author for a while due to her Aegis series, but I almost think I liked this book even better than those. It was a great read that kept me connected from the start.

I received an ARC from Net Galley for review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
akber ahmed
This is the first book in the Deadly Secrets series that can be read as a stand-alone.

The prologue opens with riveting scenes from the past, where it all began, as seen from the eyes of a young female child and sets the stage for what happens in the future, there are those who do not want the truth of that night to surface. As the story unfolds you’re made to wonder if it was a nightmare or a memory. The town of Hidden Falls, Oregon is hiding deadly secrets and the sins of the past are about to permeate the present, after almost two decades conspiracy still abounds and a mystery begins to unravel when a catalyst, a former resident, returns to town.

Samantha Parker after witnessing her brother’s murder when she was ten years old and dealing with the subsequent dissolution of her parent’s marriage never expected to return to this town of bad memories once she’d left it but her mother’s deteriorating health and then passing warranted her staying a while. A chemist by profession she’s taken the job of substitute high school chemistry teacher to bring in some income while she works toward selling her mother’s home. Not everyone is happy to have her back and strange things have been happening, pranks she first blames on teens. Being back in town has brought on nightmares and she can’t wait to return to California. Her dreams are vividly intense, as if they are trying to tell her something, perhaps something forgotten. The handsome child psychologist in town proves to be a good distraction from her troubles and then of great assistance when events take a deadly turn. He’s very different from psychologists that she’s dealt with before.

Dr. Ethan McLane, a child psychologist, has returned to town to help a troubled high school teenager. If someone hadn’t taken a chance on him at a similar age he wouldn’t be the man he is today so though the memories of the place are decidedly unpleasant and he never wanted to return he takes the case. With a different surname and so many years that have passed it’s unlikely he’d be recognized or so he hopes. Meeting the sexy chemistry teacher who doesn’t like psychologists is a definite bonus. She’s gorgeous, smart and witty and there’s something about her that calls to him. When nasty things start happening to her he wonders if the nightmares she suffers from are repressed memories, accessing them could help solve what is going on around them. He has reason not to trust anyone in this town.

Two souls tainted by the events of a night long ago are brought together by present circumstances to face their pasts. Samantha and Ethan are great characters, protagonists with a connected past that is unknown to them until much later on, who they are to each other could destroy the relationship that has been building between them. This read was a wonderful, enthralling past/present murder mystery romance, high in suspense with many unexpected plot twists. The main characters were fully developed, their emotions palpable, and relatable, the storyline intricately detailed. The ending was perfection. I look forward to more in this series.

An advanced reading copy was obtained from the publisher via NetGalley, thanks for granting my wish.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
nad ge
I read this expecting a mystery/thriller with some romance. Instead it was a romance with some mystery/thriller elements. I'm not really into romances, so the low rating is for someone expecting a mystery.

There were parts that were interesting and suspenseful, but they were broken up far too often for my taste with romance portions. An interesting event would happen, then it would switch to several pages of the female and male protagonist thinking about each other, how hot the other one is, how much they want to be with each other, etc.

If you are looking for a crossover mystery-romance where romance is the primary focus, this may be more to your liking.

The writing (spelling, grammar, formatting) is good and along the lines of printed paperback books.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Elisabeth Naughton has the ability to grab you with her characters, hook you with her stories and leave you satisfied at the end of it all. This book has an amazing story, an amazing suspense that will have you guessing, keep you on the edge of your seat to see what happens next. The twists and turns of this story had me hook, line and sinker. The amazing HEA for Samantha and Ethan is just an added bonus.

When Samantha Parker was just 10 years old, she witnessed the death of her older brother. After that, her entire world and that of her family fell apart. After years away from Hidden Falls, Samantha is back to try and sell her mothers house. Taking and temporary job as the Chemistry Teacher at the local high school, Samantha is biding her time until she can return to California. But when strange and scary things start happening to Samantha, she begins to wonder if she is losing her mind.

Dr. Ethan McClane never thought that he would ever return to Hidden Falls, and if he had his way he never would. But he has been handed a case and needs to follow up on young Thomas to make sure that he is adjusting to his new home, his new school and is staying out of trouble. What Ethan never counted on was the feisty chemistry teacher who has problems with shrinks, but does not seem to hold that against him.

The closer that Ethan and Samantha get, the more strange and frightening things start happening. When Thomas is accused of crimes that he insists that he did not commit, it will take Ethan and Samantha to unravel the web of lies to get to the truth before someone else gets hurt.

What I loved about this story is the twists and turns that the story takes. Just when you think you have things figured out Naughton throws you off in a different direction. That keeps that story moving and keeps the reader hooked until the end when everything comes to light and is explained. Both Samantha and Ethan have secrets that they keep hidden from each other, and all I can say is that when things are revealed it could spell tragedy for the pair.

An amazing start to what is going to be another suspense filled series. I cannot wait to see which of Ethan's brothers fall next.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
eliza grant
One place that Samantha Parker never intended to return to was Hidden Falls. It is where she grew up and the place where she heard her older brother being killed. But when her mother fell ill, Sam came back and now is in the process of selling her mother's home. The town hasn't exactly been welcoming though with vandalism being done to her house. The one bright side is that she has discovered that she enjoys teaching.

The only reason that Dr. Ethan McClane has returned to Hidden Falls is to do a favor for a judge. He has agreed to help Thomas adjust to living in a smaller town to give the kid a chance to stay out of trouble.

There was an immediate attraction between Sam and Ethan but neither were looking for a relationship in this town. Besides there are too many secrets between them. Secrets that could tear them apart if they came to light.

REPRESSED is an enjoyable book that seems to jump right into the action. I found however that there was a delight undercurrent of tension that builds up slowly towards a climatic finish. And it was this undercurrent that really caught and held my attention.

The characters are finely developed and the dialogue flows nicely. Ms Naughton put as much attention into developing the secondary characters as she did with Sam and Ethan which adds much to the story itself and made it difficult to pinpoint just who the real villain is.

I do recommend REPRESSED to my readers who enjoy romantic suspense. This book will keep you on your toes and it is even has a cute dog as part of its cast.

*** I received this book at no charge from NetGalley in exchange for a fair and honest review. All opinions expressed within are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I received a complimentary book from Net Galley in exchange for an honest review.

Repressed is the first book in a new series called “Deadly Secrets.” It is a Romantic Suspense written by Elisabeth Naughton.

This is the story of Samantha Parker and Ethan McClane. Both of them lived in Hidden Falls before, but have since left. Eighteen years ago, when Samantha’s was ten, she had witnessed her brother’s murder and has had terrible nightmares ever since. She returns because her mother has passed away, and Samantha is preparing the family house to sell. Afterwards, she plans to leave again – until she meets Ethan.

Ethan was a “troubled teen” when he lived in Hidden Falls, and, when he left, it was definitely not on good terms. As an adult, he vowed never to return. Now, as a child psychologist, he comes back with great trepidation only to help another troubled teen
Elisabeth Naughton is a very skilled author who has the ability to hook the reader in from the beginning and not let her go until the end of the book. This plot is so well developed that I felt as if I were on an unending roller coaster. I kept coming up with ideas of what happened and who did it, but I continuously had to change my opinion as I got lost in the “loops” of the ride.

Because of their troubled pasts, Samantha and Ethan have difficulty relating to people. However, in spite of that, the two people fall in love with each other. Ms. Naughton does a fantastic job of making these characters interesting and realistic as they stumble their way through their pain to get to their happily ever after.
This is a fantastic book with a lot of interesting secondary characters patiently waiting for their own story. Unfortunately, I am having trouble being as patient as they are.

I highly recommend this book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
e burak yurtta
REPRESSED by Elisabeth Naughton is the first book in her new Deadly Secrets Series. The story takes place in the small town of Hidden Falls, Oregon. The book focuses on the main characters of Samantha Parker and Dr. Ethan McClane. Both are forced to face their childhood demons in this novel filled with mystery, suspense and romance.

As reflected by the book’s name, Sam has repressed memories surrounding the decades-old murder of her brother, Seth. But being back in Hidden Falls threatens to bring those memories back. Remembering the event and who committed the murder could lead to the answers she’s been desperately seeking. But remembering will also threaten the memories Ethan has been trying to forget. If those recollections are not kept in the past, the people who killed Sam’s brother could also seek to kill her and Ethan.

Amidst the mystery, there’s a “combustible heat” brewing between Sam and Ethan. They find themselves drawn to each other and eventually falling in love, which neither wanted or expected. Love doesn’t fix problems, but love can be a catalyst toward healing a brutal past that could lead them both to a brighter future – possibly a future together.

I’ve been reading Naughton’s books for years and was excited to read REPRESSED. As expected, the storyline and characters are presented well. It was a pretty quick read and somewhat predictable, but wasn’t sappy or riddled with clichés and situations that were unbelievable.

I liked both characters, especially Ethan McClane. And neither are perfect, which I found refreshing. For once we have a leading man whose problems and issues are not miraculously fixed by the love of another. This was a welcome change from the rich man/woman who finds a down-and-out companion in need of rescuing. Naughton created characters that fill the reader’s need for a hero/heroin without being the same-old-story. I look forward to reading the next books in this series.

I received an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Repressed is just Riveting!! Elisabeth Naughton has done it again in the release of Repressed Book 1 in her new Deadly Secrets Series. Repressed is exactly what it sounds like. A story of mystery, suspense, danger, secrets, and of course love. As I began to read I was quickly drawn into to this captivating story and found that I couldn't put it down through all the twist and turns, the wondering who did it, what it was, and trying in general to piece all the puzzle pieces together to get to the heart of what actually happened that deadly but fateful night. Then there is Samantha and Ethan's relationship as they find love in the midst of unsolved murders, secrets, and recurring nightmares. As everything begins to fall in to place you will not want to miss the fatal outcome of Repressed.

To say I enjoyed reading Repressed would be a definite understatement. It has been a while since I've read a mystery romance and I found that Repressed has reawakened my love of this genre. Naughton did a very good job of setting up all the chess pieces and moving them into play as the story unfolds and would recommend this book to anyone that enjoys this genre.

Last but not least I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review. I honestly loved this read and look forward to the second book in the series. Thank you Elisabeth Naughton for giving me this opportunity to experience a great beginning to a thrilling new series it was definitely worth staying up all night on a work night to get through this book to the amazing conclusion.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
chris fortin
Elizabeth Naughton’s, Repressed: Deadly Secrets Book #1 is the newest series from this amazing author. I love her other series, the Eternal Guardians and the Aegis Series, and this a departure from those genres, but every bit riveting and intriguing until the very end.
Eighteen years is a long time and Samantha Parker didn’t think that she would be returning home, however, circumstances in her life has brought her back to Hidden Falls and where her nightmares began and the ghosts of the past rise up to haunt her again. Also returning to Hidden Falls is Dr. Ethan McClane, no longer the youth with the troubled past that he left behind there. Together with Samantha, they slowly begin to unravel the mystery that has plagued her that fatefully night and in the process secrets come to light, with danger waiting around every corner threatening them both.

This is a wonderful mystery/suspense/thriller (with the usual touch of Naughton romance) and you will absolutely love each and every turn along the way. The storyline is wonderfully crafted with fully developed characters that are complex and engaging and draw the reader in. I loved the chemistry between Samantha and Ethan and it was smoldering and Elisabeth took the time to fully develop the relationship between those two characters. I also enjoyed the way Elisabeth weaves the secondary characters into the story line that help accentuate the plot.

This is a fabulous first installment to what I am certain will be another outstanding series, I cannot wait for Gone: (Book 2 in the Deadly Secrets). If you have not had the chance to read any of Elisabeth’s previous works, you are missing out. Just don’t miss out on this gem!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I was given an ARC of Repressed from NetGalley for an honest review and this is my review.
I can honestly say Repressed is one of the best books I have read so far this summer. This book was the total package. It was full of romance and suspense and if it is the first in a new series I can't wait until the next one hits the self.
Both Samantha and Ethan were interesting characters with secrets that could impact their relationship when they are revealed. How will they deal with it when Samantha's memories come back and when Ethan reveals his true identity to her? Or will Sam even live long enough to remember that night eighteen years ago or will she be silenced for good?
Repressed is a book full of twist and turns and even though you, as the reader, know who most of the players in the game are throughout the book there are a few surprises towards the end to keep you on your toes. I also enjoyed the matching between Samantha, who saw herself as broken, and Ethan, the therapist who liked to help those that needed to be fixed. It was intriguing watching how frustrating Samantha was for Ethan. This was a very entertaining book in all aspects.
I am definitely giving Repressed five out of five stars.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
liam kelly
I so enjoyed this story. Do like intense mysteries, drama, and romance? Then you will definitely love this.

Samantha has so many secrets. She comes back to her little town to take care of her mother, who passes away. But she can't leave until she sells the home she was raised in. With her vivid nightmares that keep repeating themselves she is at her wits end. There is so much darkness around her and someone wants her gone. Her loss is ever in the forefront of her mind, and wants to move forward with her life, away from Hidden Falls.

Ethan, is the very sexy, handsome psychologist, who come to this little town to help a boy with a trouble background. Then he sees Samantha, and everything he thought he knew dissolves. He too has secrets, secrets that can harm his relationship with Samantha.

This is a dark, suspense for me thriller. Very intense, I just could not put it down. Lot's of surprises, and some that will even shock you.

This is is a well written story that I just loved. Elizabeth Naughton always (at least for me) writes excellent stories that will keep me in suspense.

I received this ARC for a honest review. Thank you for giving me the opportunity.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Samantha Parker has finally returned home to Hidden Falls to pack up her mother’s home

Psychologist Ethan McClane is new town and has been called upon to help a troubled teen; one of Sam’s students.

The journey Sam and Ethan go on is indiscernible, passionate, heart wrenching, and full of suspense. Sam has built walls around her since she witnessed her brother’s murder 18 years ago and slowly Ethan starts tearing those walls down one by one. Ethan has secrets and Sam’s past slowly starts to come back to haunt her. The chemistry and energy that follows these two makes it impossible to put the book down!

I have been a huge fan of Elisabeth Naughton and I am so excited for her to add this new book to her collection! This is a must read!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book was full of suspense with a nice helping of romance on the side. Samantha and Ethan were both great characters and I enjoyed their immediate attraction. The sparks between them kept up throughout the book nicely. I have to give Samantha props for all she handled in this story. She had a great head on her shoulders and a fantastic gut instinct. Ethan was an honest, reliable guy. He truly felt genuine to me, and I have to say, it's not often I get that feeling from characters.

While the romance wasn't the main plot point (as it is in most of the books I read.) I found the intrigue and of course Naughton’s fantastic writing, kept me reading. I had a few guesses at who and what might happen, but was still left wondering enough to keep the story fresh. I did have one question at the end however. Don’t worry there is no cliffhanger, it was just something I wish was answered, but who knows, perhaps that will be a nice detail for the next book! - Which of course, as always, I can’t wait to read!!

*I was given an ARC in exchange for an honest review*

Original review posted at:[...]
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Samantha Parker witnessed the murder of her older brother when she was 10 years old. She's also having nightmares that she can't explain that involves the cabin in the woods.

Repressed begins 18 years later when Samantha is back in town temporarily taking care of her mothers estate. While she waits to sell her mom's house, she takes a temporary job as a Chemistry teacher in the local high school. There have been a few scary incidents while she has been in town and Samantha believes some local kids are responsible, trying to scare her out of town. What we soon learn is that the past is coming back to haunt her.

This was an intriguing "who did it" novel that keeps you guessing until the end. Some of the players in this was a bit predictable but I believe that was the intent of the author. However, you soon learn there is more to the story than what you first believe. I think a good suspense novel keeps you guessing and that's exactly what Repressed did for me.

ARC provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jb rowland
Samantha Parker is back in her hometown of Hidden Falls, to handle the sale of her deceased mother’s house. She is temporarily teaching chemistry at the local high school. She has been away for the last 18 years, after the death of her brother. She is tormented by nightmares and repressed memories from her brother’s murder.

She meets Ethan McClane, a child psychologist who has come to the town to help a troubled boy. Ethan has secrets of his own. The sexual chemistry and attraction between them is instant, but their entwined past and Ethan’s secrets could harm their relationship. Despite his demons, Ethan will not hesitate to protect Sam when she is threatened by those who want the past to stay buried.

Elizabeth Naughton has woven an intense romantic thriller that kept me on the edge of my seat from start to finish. This book was a great start to a new series and I can’t wait for more!
An advanced copy of this book was provided by the publisher.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Thrillers are a favorite genre of mine and a romantic psychological thriller such as “Repressed” makes it even more satisfying. It has all the necessary elements for a good read; an original plot, strong characters, suspense, and romance with some good old rip off the clothes sexual tension. The only thing that kept this from getting a five star rating from me was the insta-love between Ethan and Samantha. Insta-lust is totally believable but declaring your undying love after less than a week? Not so much. That said, I’ve already downloaded books two and three in the series.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
melissa keating
I enjoyed reading this book, but I was disappointed. The summary made it seem like a psychological thriller and mystery with a touch of romance. In reality, the book was 50% mystery and 50% sexuality. I'm all for romance, but the long sex scenes detracted from the most interesting aspect of the book. If that were the only negative piece, I'd give it four stars. However, I also felt it was relatively predictable if you're paying enough attention. Worth the read? Sure, if you need to pass time. Just don't expect it to be up there with your favorites.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kaley ihfe
I found this novel to be an entertaining read. The plot was well defined, the characters believable and empathetic. The only significant drawback I noticed is that it was a bit too long. The editor could have cut about 60 pages from the manuscript without losing any of the novel’s flavor. There were sections that dragged out too far, causing boredom to set in. With this shorter length, the novel would have been more polished, making for a better read. Aside from that, I did enjoy this novel and plan on reading more stories by Ms. Naughton.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
liam williamson
Hidden Falls has a lot secrets and bad memories for Samantha Parker and Dr. Ethan McClane. Samantha left Hidden Falls after the death of her brother, never wanting to return until her Mother becomes ill and passes away. Now Samantha is staying until her she can settle the estate but someone wants her to leave badly enough to commit murder. Ethan left Hidden Falls after Samantha identified him as her brothers killer. He is back at the request of a Judge to help a trouble young man, hoping to finally put the past behind him. Samantha and Ethan are strong, beautiful characters, the plot was real, the action was fast and a must read if you love danger and romance. Repressed will keep you hanging on until the very end! REPRESSED is an example of why Ms. Naughton is a best selling Author.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
When I saw that Elisabeth Naughton had released a new book, I was thrilled. She definitely knows how to write an amazing story, and this book was no exception. I loved Samantha and Ethan together. They were both complex characters with secrets, but it is impossible not to root for them. Samantha is a strong character and I loved her even more as she became more vulnerable with Ethan. Ethan is a great hero--he had a troubled past but completely turned his life around and now helps others in similar positions. Their relationship was slow to build, and the romance was a great complement to the mystery! There were twists that I did not expect, but the story still felt realistic. I love Ethan's family and can't wait to learn more about them in future books!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kathy leslie of Elisabeth Naughton’s books and I’m impressed with her writing style. I was instantly drawn to the characters and enjoyed how she wove all the storylines of each character together. I was surprised at who the masterminds were in the whole drama and the redemption at the end for one of the primary characters. I won’t spoil the story for anyone else but readers will definitely enjoy the story. I look forward to the next installment.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
annie kate
I love Elisabeth Naughton's books, especially her paranormal romances. This romantic suspense is filled with twists and turns, somewhat dark and haunting as well. Without rehashing the summary, I'll just get right to the point. Sam has been shrouded in a self-imposed layer of protection against the memory of losing her brother so violently. Ethan also has his own past he's dealing with regarding that night. The mystery of who killed Sam's brother years ago kept the story going, as well as their budding relationship. The book was somewhat slow in the beginning as it was all laid out like fine brick work, but it picked up pace after halfway and the ending was good. There was plenty of secondary characters and action to keep it a page turner.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bahaah ibrahim
Ethan and Sam's story is drenched with suspense and romance. Both have secrets in their past that seem to collide with their presents. And though for the first time in their lives they feel as if they are with the one person who can make it all better, the revelation of these secrets has the ability to drive them so far apart there may not be a possibility of coming back to each other. This new series is going to be another MEGA bestseller. Ms. Naughton's ability to grab one's attention and hold it is amazing. She weaves the web of her story in such a way that it is difficult to put down and carry on with normal life.

I received an Advanced Reader's Copy from NetGalley for review consideration
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
emanuel silva
I first started reading Elisabeth Naughton when I discovered her Eternal Guardians series. I enjoy the heck out of that series, but holy cow!! Repressed is amazing. It took me a bit to get past the first two chapters- not because there was anything wrong, but because I felt as though I was there and, frankly, I had to stop occasionally so my heart rate would slow down. Once I got past those initial chapters and as Sam and Ethan got past their initial meeting, I found myself unable to put this book down. Thank goodness for summer break and a respite from responsibility!! I am always wary of saying too much in a review, but let me say that Repressed will keep you on the edge of your seat! This is the perfect end of summer read!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
If you enjoy romance novels you'll probably like this one. I was looking for more of a thriller novel and while there was a mystery and a lot of action, too much time was spent describing the sexual activities of the two main characters. The author wraps up the mystery quite nicely at the end of the book, but at times I got bored and irritated with the repetition and it caused me to think about not finishing. Apparently, there is a followup book to this one, but I believe I will skip it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
hope baxter
This was really good. I loved Samantha. I loved the relationship between her and Ethan and especially loved how his family was formed. I figured out most of it pretty early on but there were several twists I didn't anticipate so that was good.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
jenna lowe
Sex scenes that lasted multiple pages. Inconsistent plot with confusion about what time things happened. Completely unbelievable scenarios. It just was not my kind of book. I thought this was going to be suspense/ mystery, but it was romance with a little bit of mystery thrown in.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
mark dostert
A story I really wanted to connect with more than I did, but I feel it’s a case of “it’s not you, it’s me.” If the romance doesn’t click, the rest tends to fall apart which is what happened for me. Awkward at times, the writing was serviceable, but it was way too easy to put it down. However, if you’re a big fan of romantic suspense, you may enjoy this more than I did.

**ARC provided by publisher via netgalley for review**

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This author was great, not read her book before but I will in the future
This was a page Turner I couldn't put it down once I started, I laugh and cried though this story I loved all the characters .
Filled with love and suspense everything just clicked I am glad there wasn't cliffhanger but I would love to hear more about Ethan's family and how that came to be.
I would definitely recommend this author and this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ron demaio
Repressed by Elisabeth Naughton is everything I'd hoped for and more. I've been a fan of her paranormal books for a long time now. I must say that her contemporary novel is just as fulfilling to read. The characters are terrific. Her use of imagery to describe the small town and the people that live there is so realistic of small town America. You can't help but cheer for the characters to finally come together and build their futures together in spite of the past. Great job Ms Naughton. I can't wait to read your next contemporary work. I received an ARC from Netgalley for my honest review
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
An 18-year-old murder, repressed memories, secrets and lies made Repressed perfect for audio. Amy Landon did an excellent job of bringing both the story and suspenseful tones to life.

Hidden Falls, California. Samantha Parker reluctantly returns to her hometown after her mother’s passing to prepare the home for sale. She ends up working temporarily at the local high school in the science department.

The return home hasn’t been easy. Samantha has been plagued by nightmares. To make matters worse someone wants her to leave. There have been several incidents and local police keep dismissing it or worse believe Samantha is imagining it. Maybe she is losing her mind?

Ethan McClane grew up and left Hidden Falls too. Like Samantha he thought he’d left the past far behind. Ethan finds himself back in Hidden Falls when a judge orders him to handle the Thomas Adler case. Thomas is a young man who seems to be having trouble adjusting to his recent move.He soon finds himself at the center of a murder investigation.

Naughton slowly began to expose the cracks in Samantha as she reveals what happened eighteen years ago. Plagued by nightmares Samantha has very little memory of what happened the night her brother died.

The author weaves in the past, Samantha’s nightmares, Ethan and the present day murders into the tale. Well-crafted with several twists that will please even the most seasoned of mystery readers I found myself looking for reasons to grab my earbuds. I did figure out some of the twists, but was surprised by a few. I love when that happens. Naughton made the story feel plausible while keeping the reader on edge.

We are given several perspectives including those of Samantha and Ethan. Naughton also shares those of other key characters as she begins to expose what happened that fateful night.

Ethan and Samantha have an intense attraction to one another, and slowly we see it develop into more. Their passion is heated but we are kept on edge as Samantha begins to remember. Their feelings felt genuine and I loved the suspenseful aspect of discovering if their pasts are connected. Copy provided by publisher, full review posted at caffeinated book reviewer.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What an Awesome book! Complex, suspenseful, edge of your seat goodness with a little romance thrown in for good measure. Incredible character development and captivating plot. Could not put it down!!!! LOVED Sam and Ethan and how their bad memories, and each ensuing reminder of them, put me on high alert!
Can't wait to read Gone!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
brenda keith
Very engaging story, makes you want to keep reading to find out what happens next. My only complaint is that several characters were so obsessed with sex that they would jump to having sex at any opportunity when they really needed to be talking and figuring things out to get to a better place and to stay safe. But, other than that, I thoroughly enjoyed the book and recommend it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
If you like a mystery, drama and some romance, this is a perfect story for you. Samantha is back in her old hometown to sell her mom's house. Ethan is there to watch over a troubled boy. The first time they meet sparks fly. Join them as they try to navigate around their feelings and try to find out the truth behind suspicions and nightmares. Sexual situations fit nicely into this mystery.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Repressed is a well written romantic suspense story. It's a good balance of mystery, suspense, action and love. I like that the male hero is not the standard, heavily muscled, alpha, ex-warrior-turned-private-special-ops pro who breaks all rules to rescue his girl by himself against an army of enemies. And I like that the female lead despite baggage uses her brains and stays true to herself. All in all, Repressed is a good start for a series and I'm looking forward to the next story.
Please RateRepressed (Deadly Secrets Book 1)
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