Human Race Get Off Your Knees - The Lion Sleeps No More

ByDavid Icke

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sarah bryde
Why would someone spend 20 years researching so many diverse subjects about human life on earth in 50 different countries: compiling history, politics, market and bank dominations and policies and laws and expose a connection at the top to a few ruling families? Why bring into this mix, universal phenomenon including interdimensional life on other spheres beyond earth in the galaxy?

It seems Icke is bringing forgotten self-respecting information to those who desire to learn about it during an unprecedented era in human life, in order to help unstick and empower people who desire to be self determined.

Free to think, to feel, to have unique adventures, to protect your dignity, life (and the lives of fragile or voiceless children and nature) this seems to be the alert. Icke exposes over-chemicalized, sadistic or ignorant living, but most shocking is elite policies or expanding tracking, surveillance, invasions of private lives with cameras and imposed undignified searches (for example invasive radiation scans or touching pat downs for law abiding people to be able to fly) and military, medical martial law on law abiding people. No thanks to that, I prefer mutual respect, co-existence, free informed choice in consenting, trustworthy, honourable relationships.

After learning about this it made me think: "What's wrong with this increasingly controlling military-medical corporate picture?" Isn't a technological era supposed to be more shared respect, ideas, understanding of the fragility of nature, the importance of free choice to humans and more communication and fun?

Most of all this book encourages all who desire to be so, to be thoughtful, become empowered "get off your knees" become more informed about what affects your life and the lives of your children.

Choose the kind of life and adventures you desire and no longer play out the limiting robotic human as dictated by "a bad one-size-fit's-everyone" blueprint pushed along by corporate and sometimes self-annointed ill-informed mill-billionaire advisors and media who over-influence governments.

This book was a tough (multi-level) read with a lot of detail, yet it is a vital, good and worthy read. There are long lists of names exposing what and who seem to be out-of-touch, self-appointed, "elite" people, corporations and think tank institutions affecting our lives behind unaccountable closed doors (many names are listed). There are also many exposures of those who enjoy mononpoly on the earth who seem to be obsessed with "trying to be our life, marketplace, health, food, information (media) controllers and earth leaders" by bringing in laws and policies which increasingly interfere with free informed choice.

There are many people which I have noticed working hard to expose corruptions since seeing Icke's books. Starting in their own lives or whistle-blowers great strides are being made in bringing back openness and honour in governments, commerce and politics after exposures of such things as debt-profit and corrupt private banking, disaster-profit corporately planned wars and resource stealing from other countries and institutionally hi-jacked profitting or manipulation of the market or government policy. (such as that done by pharmaceutical companies in funding university science and medicine labs.) Do the research.

Icke is a steadfast forerunner who discovers unsavory disgraceful activities often hidden behind the eyes of most people and he reveals it. No matter how unthinkable people ought to be able to know about what secretly affects their thoughts, lives and freedoms. I prefer debt-freedom, fair trade, honourable trustworthy relationships and no longer chemicalizing children and nature in harmful ways. (For all who desire that.)

In this book, there is gentle encouragement to uncover or pull back the curtain on those who profit by: injuring with chemicals, electromagnetic weaponization, sound weapons technologies; burdening the earth's fragile biosphere; creating unfathomable debt, corrupt private money-lending or trading-banks; lab patented seed and food cartel attempts to dominate; police-military, government imposition of surveillance; markets propagated by fear, planned sickness scares, media, medical-pharmaceutical and (red flag) military manipulations. Why would anyone want to control people's lives that much? I don't prefer it. I prefer more simple, honourable and trusting living to be promoted with genuine honesty and care.

The most important message I got from this book is there's no one to hate or blame, it's a waste of energy, love them all. After that, the first step is to learn about the problems ...(the families, leaders, institutions or corporations who profit when they bring fear, harm, steal freedom, denature food, harm health, disrespect life and nature, monopolize markets or profit from chemical harm, killing, secrecy or dominating world resources to dominate profit a few behind closed corporate doors) ... otherwise you can't do anything to address them.

Another message was to do a reality-check and question what you are told to believe. If it doesn't seem honest or self-respecting question it. Also, allow yourself to discover the multi-level nature of earth and recover your creative capacities. Most important of all perhaps, no matter what religion you may enjoy, connect to "the you" that is Infinite Consciousness - directly. Something to ponder.

Finally, don't fight those people or conditions which you don't desire, instead say no-thanks, do the best you can to enjoy "the non-compliance dance" alongside of others while calmly exposing injustices and earnestly, honestly doing everything you can to build what you want in your health, life, neighbourhoods and on the earth (and maybe ponder beyond earth realms) in self-respecting ways.

Icke in all of his books (over a dozen) is empowering even if you differ with some of his points. He redirects you back to YOU as the one who ought to do your own thinking, research and decide what brings meaning to you and your life. He also reminds respectfully that others have a right to do the same for their lives. Also woven into this man's book are perspectives (some I agreed with, some I differed with) which uncover a pattern (after 20 years of research in 50 countries) and he connects the dots to a blue-print which is unfolding from country to country. We can say no to the blue-print and go a free healthy direction together this decade or we can go with this unveiling plan which takes us in another direction dictated by a few who seem to enjoy tracking, surveilling, controlling and dictating your life and the lives and bodies of your children (from birth to death). Sharing and informed options and guidance is nice in life but I don't prefer being secretly dictated to by those who seem to be very out of touch with the needs of most people and nature.

Most important and inspiring is Icke's "powerful lift up" to: remember who you are ... Infinite Consciousness ... having an experience as 'the unique person, 'you' in this cosmic game.

Each of Icke's books do have repetitive sections which are added to. However, because for me this is all so new, it is a good refresher. I am now able to see that these subjects which affect our lives are not as 'random' as I once thought, it seems corporations like to plan behind closed doors and dictate things. The monopoly corporate types (from this realm and Icke suggests underground and inter-dimension-capable) actually systematically orchestrate (sometimes above the law and above governments and behind closed doors) while it seems they often ignore wisdom or input from 7 billion people the tax-paying, hard-working others and their families who actually are the very ones who pay for, support or uplift them!

I prefer a world with less law, less goverment, less corporations. Instead living 'guidelines' and communication as needed to help us all get along when needed, but most of all I prefer to build trust in each person's self-caring ability to be self-trusting, self-honourable, self-respectful and thoughtful and then contributing to how they each desire to live. I do not desire a "Wizard of Oz" or a "one world order" - which so many officials have parroted in the media recently. A very few out-of-touch "rulers" trying to run and control everyone's lives doesn't make any sense. Free and with informed choice in a (real democracy), where 7 billion unique 'leaders' care for our bodies, lives and nature thoughtfully in our backyards (while sharing ideas with those who care for "fair flow in trade or maintenance in shared infrastructure" this technological day-and-age) - does make sense.

If you are new to these topics, I recommend Icke's other books starting with his first about the enviroment: It Doesn't Have to be Like This: Green Politics ExplainedASIN:0952614758 I Am Me I Am Free: The Robots' Guide to Freedom]] I Am Me, I Am Free:  I Am Me, I Am Free: The Robots' Rebellion: The Story of the Spiritual RenaissanceThe Robots' Guide to Freedom or Robots Rebellion or The David Icke Guide to the Global ConspiracyThe David Icke Guide to the Global Conspiracy: And How to End It or you can go to Icke's website to see update reports and his list of books.

Marilyn Idle L.L.B. J.D.
Wellness Advocate
Author 'Scrumptious Care'... After You Read This Book, You Will Feel Better Than Before You Read It. Scrumptious Care: ... After You Read This Book, You Will Feel Better Than Before You Read It
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jos mendoza jr
You have opened my world, and I have an insatiable craving to learn more. David is a great writer. This is my first book of his to read, but I will be ordering more.
Bless this man for being a beacon of truth. He doesn't deserve the ridicule. There are many sources now that speak to the same things he talks about, such as Phil Schneider, who was murdered for what he was sharing with us. Take care David, you have more courage than anyone I can think of. Alex Jones is close behind.
A grateful fan!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cassandra turner
In my opinion, this book is his best yet. Wether you are an avid fan.. or new to the subject.. Your mind should be sufficiently blown -or simply expanded- and you should be taken for a wild and exciting ride. Yes, it's true, most of his books (and I've read a few) "re-hash" similar information.. It's always on the same subject, so of course some info. will be repeated.. and if you are familiar with Icke, he explains why he does this. It's so anyone, even if they have never read any of his books, can pick up any one of his books and be filled in on the story. There is such a mass of information that needs to be digested, could you imagine if he simply left off from where he was in his last book how confusing that would be?

In any case, if you've never read any of his books, this should be the one that you get. You will need to keep an open mind, for sure. You may find some parts of yourself rejecting these ideas and concepts, but just the fact that you are willing to research an alternative view of reality with an open mind speaks volumes for your character and intelligence. Just my opinion. Perhaps, you've already tuned in to the fact that all is not as it first appears.. If you can put your fears aside and open your heart, you just may find some of the answers you seek. I know I have, and I have more peace in my heart now that I understand more clearly the story of humanity and why things are the way that they are. Do I know everything? NO.. most certainly not. How boring would that be? and does Icke know everything? No. definitely not. But, from my perspective (and hundreds of thousands, if not millions of others) there is some truth to what Icke has to say. In my opinion, his finger is firmly on the pulse, so to say, of the deeper reality.. the strings behind the curtain, if you will. and if you are at all curious to scratch the surface - to explore the rabbit hole - then, you will not be disappointed.
And to previous fans of Icke's work, I still think this is a good buy. This is my favorite book to date because of the up to date information, new revelations, beautiful illustrations and a profoundly positive and solution-based perspective that he is taking recently that I really "vibe" with. Neil Hague has a brilliant way of visualizing complex subjects. They make a good team. Plus, you are supporting his work which, in these times when free-thinkers are put on trial simply for thinking outside the box, is badly needed.
Reduce or Eliminate Salt Without Sacrificing Flavor :: A Recon Marine's Tales of (Self) Destruction - No Joy :: 84 Charing Cross Road by Helene Hanff (1972-12-26) :: 84 Charing Cross Road (VMC) by Helene Hanff (2002-10-03) :: A No-Fail Plan for Achieving Financial Freedom at Any Age
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
David Icke admits he is learning just like the rest of us that is why his book mentions topics in past books. These topics are continually fine tuned with other information. I purchased this when it was only available on his UK site and completed it weeks ago. I still sit down and re-read some of the more fascinating things. Although his positive side isn't as obvious as the other David (Wilcock) there is information he feels people need to know to raise the planetary consciousness. Icke is certainly that 100th monkey with his observations and collected information. His network of researches are impressive which includes the Project Camelot folks.

Basically you either know you are going to purchase and read and get more informed or you will turn a blind eye. But down the road when the Brave New World isn't manifesting as you had envisioned you'll come back here and pick it up used. Hopefully the used prices will not be 85 bucks like they are now.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
chad helder
The statists must hate this book. Once again, Icke does a fantastic job at explaining the "holographic" nature of the universe and exposing the elite's manipulation. However, The Global Conspiracy contains a bit more information and is a longer read (more fun for conspiracy nerds like us :). If you desire a book that exposes the conspiracy on a different spectrum, then I highly recommend the God Component which exposes religion's, government's, science's, and society's control without all the reptilian confusion. 2013=1984
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
aarti munjal
it's very difficult to say for me that everything what is written in this book is true. but i spent lot of my spare time for last 10 years with trying to understand the world and Creation, read lot of books and articles about the financial system, secret groups, religions, i learned some east teachings that try to explain some laws of our universe and the reality we are perceiving. and now i found this book and there i find almost every part of this puzzle to fit into itself. the author has great ability to put every information in right context and sequence so that all analytical and mind emphasizing people could find it thought provoking. by reading this book you will find it sometimes dificult to digest all the information you find there and it will be more difficult the more you are stuck in this "matrix". but either you are new in this field or you are already some time looking at the world with conspirative view, this book is useful to have read. it is really worth much more it costs. it is really breathtaking book.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
First of all I felt repelled by the illustrations of Neil Hague, which seem to have been created under the influence of psychotropic substances and depict all of the symbols that David Icke usually brands and exposes as those of the crooks.

Secondly there is such an overabundance of information on a myriad of topics that cannot be verified by the newbie and most probably will only increase the confusion at that.

In the third place David Icke, who is into this "truth business" since many decades, is again repeating the mainstream narrative on almost everything connected to Germany and it is beyond me, how this most important part of the global deception can still slip his awareness.

Ayahuasca enlightened him - as he never ceases to promulgate - except on this part of world history and the requests to publish suppliers of this natural drug rose immensely on his forum after the publication of this book.

All things considered, this book reveals not a lot of new information for those who read his previous books and constantly inform themselves from various sources, and for the newbie it might even be "dangerous", because of the plethora of information which makes it almost impossible to differentiate between information, mis- and disinformation.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
henny sari
This book should not be overlooked by anyone puzzled by the insanities reflected in this world, but equally it is not for mainstream readers who however should know that David Icke now receives standing ovations. His events sell out months ahead, proving that the corporate-owned mainstream media cannot fool everyone all of the time.

Icke shares esoteric information beyond most of what has been published elsewhere, hence 5 stars. I did however consider whether 4 stars would have been more appropriate since even Icke does not go far enough in the understandings that are necessary before we can begin to set right what has been rent asunder by buried belief systems that have been running us from our subconscious mind. However, he certainly deserves 5 stars for getting as far as he has.

Still, excellent as his information may be, actually, Icke doesn't even begin to consider the implications. If we are all one (as he repeats many times here), then "them" and "us" are all one too, which means we are they, at some level. (And no, that wasn't easy to say, since I mostly hate "them" and wish them the same slow, painful, and powerless death we experience, misleadingly called "getting older". Then I wonder how much of my own hate they are reflecting: what a vicious circle...)

Near the end, when Icke mentioned "denials", my heart leapt in hope - he'd worked out that "they" are reflections - of our denied hatred and other deep denials - but he turned out to be referring to our mass denials of the totalitarian world we are increasingly living in. He is not wrong, but denial goes much deeper, and is far more twisted, than is recognized...

For instance, "Left in the Dark" by Graham Gynn and Tony Wright shows that the left side of the brain creates a false version of life, overriding the reality perceived by the right side. The left brain doesn't really experience reality and will always lie to maintain its subjective version. It appears disconnected from a truer perspective provided by right hemisphere function, meaning our whole lives may be based on denials, suppressions, and lies - we are not sane, in other words.

Michael Tsarion, a revisionist historian, also offers a huge body of work on the real story of mankind, much of which can be listened to for free on youtube. Although he doesn't have everything right, he is probably the deepest thinker on our true and hidden past. He too understands that humans are not really sane: his belief is that we were deeply psychologically wounded during a global catastrophe thousands of years ago. He claims the world is mad, mad as hell, and again he is not wrong in this.

Icke has learned about the tragedy that happened to humans long ago - The Fall - but does not seem to have even a glimmering of what could have caused it to happen. Make no mistake, we ourselves had plenty of input into our Fall. This input has been identified by Ceanne DeRohan, whose "Right Use of Will" (RUOW) series of books feel deeply into "original cause". She explains how imprinting, or the blueprint in the subconscious, underlies everything and how we are all imprinted in ways that we have never been able to move past, no matter how hard we have tried.

DeRohan's last book, "Feelings Matter" (which was mentioned to Icke), is in fact all about our reptilian brain, which Icke discerningly identifies in his book as a major factor in this mess. (BTW, why is so little attention paid to the limbic brain, the feminine aspect, in all this?!)

I happen to know that years ago the whole RUOW set was delivered to Icke's office in the Isle of Wight, but they don't appear to have touched him in any way. A pity, because we have little chance of creating the freedom Icke devotes his life to regaining without the understandings offered by DeRohan's unique body of work, nor can Icke hope to grasp the roots of what we are experiencing without a much deeper understanding of denial.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
diego ulanosky
It's absolutely a fascinating book to read, one of a kind and also my first book from David Icke to read.
For some people this is true science fiction and it goes way beyond there understanding...
But so far the best information i came across
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
judge parker
Left, left..... left, right, left, right, left, right...... left, left, left, or so goes the song that they sing in cadence at so many boot camps whilst they march away the hours and miles. However this is not about boot camp, but how to escape from hell. That involves synchronizing the left and right brain hemispheres, thus the song introducing this book review. As always I am impressed by the writings of David Icke. In my opinion he is the best there is at exposing the criminal syndicate which runs this prison planet. Even more important are the practical suggestions on how to escape, or to be more accurate, to change it to the paradise it could just as easily be and was meant to be. What follows are my impressions of his newest book, titled; Human Race Get Off Your Knees-The Lion Sleeps No More.

Before I write any more I would just like to say this. If you think that Lee Harvey Oswald was the lone gunman, if you think that Osama bin Laden had anything to do with the September 11 attacks, if you think that the United States government or any government has ever fought a war or passed a law for our benefit, don't bother to read any further. Just go back to watching the television. Keep it turned on 24/7 and you will be fine. For everyone else, thank you for reading my words. I am writing them for our mutual benefit.

One of the big reasons I like what Icke says and writes is because I've lived through so much of what he talks about. Or put another way, I already know he's telling the truth and it feels true in my heart chakra to have it confirmed from an external source.

For example I've known for years about the importance of synchronizing the left and right brain hemispheres. The left brain is in charge of logic, thinking, mathematics, time, the laws of physics, and sequential, separate experiences. The right brain is in charge of spontaneity, imagination, magic, knowingness rather than thinking, artistic expression and instantaneous fulfillment of creative impulses. In other words, the left brain gives us the "waking" world and the right brain gives us the "dream" world.

The two brain hemispheres are connected by a lump of flesh called the corpus callosum. If that lump of flesh were working properly we would have a fully functioning brain. Instead, the connection has been deliberately stepped down. In computer terms the information throughput could be thousands of gigabytes per second. But instead the connection crawls along at a tiny fraction of that. A fully operational brain means we would "dream" while we are "awake." Does that sound bad? It's not. It's what the human experience is meant to be.

We are infinite consciousness using a brain and a body as tools to live in this holographic universe. We are confined to the world of three dimensions and the "laws" of physics, which are "laws" only because we've been conditioned to accept them as such. In the real world, the paradise which is our birthright, life is a "dream." We can fly, instantaneously travel anywhere, have all sorts of fun without effort, just as we do in dreams. That is what our lives would be like with a fully functioning brain. Because the "dream" world and the "waking" world are two sides of the same coin. We have been tricked into thinking one is real and one is fantasy when in fact they both are fantasy. The only thing that is "real" is you and I. As I said, we are consciousness and that is all that exists. We have allowed ourselves to be enslaved by truly vicious, hateful entities who make Bush, Stalin, Hitler, Obama, etc. look mild in comparison. In fact all those names I just mentioned are just the errand boys who do the bidding of the real evil ones, the ones behind the curtain.

Who has turned off the vast majority of our brain power? The malevolent controllers of this realm who suck our energy for their food, that's who. They are the demons and devils of every religion and every culture in history and they are as real as the Ford or Honda that you drive to work everyday. However, as the Christians say, the greatest accomplishment of the devil is that he convinces people he does not exist. And so it is with the controllers who rule from the shadows. Or more precisely who rule from a dimension of existence just outside of our limited sense perception. Our sense perception has been limited through genetic engineering by those same controllers for the specific purpose of keeping us ignorant of their game. That is why they have desynchronized our brains. If our brains were working we could see all of reality instead of just the incredibly small slice of it known as visible light, or the smudge that falls between ultra-violet and infra-red. If that were the case we could see the demons, devils, gods etc. who keep us as slaves and play games with our lives for their own sadistic amusements. Sound crazy? It probably does, but that is the way we've been trained to think. It is not our true self saying, "That's crazy," rather it is our robot self responding as it has been programed to do whenever it hears anything approaching the truth. It is time to shake off the shackles, stop being Pavlov's dogs and grab reality by the balls and wake up to who we are truly meant to be.

All I've just said is part of David Icke's latest book, and there is a lot more.

For years I've "known" that the moon is an artificial satellite of the earth. (I put "known" in quotation marks because I am always willing to admit the possibility that I could be wrong even when I'm certain that I'm correct.)

Many real scientists have said as much. I call them real scientists because they search for truth rather than tow the party line in order to get funding. Here are just a few of the oddities about our moon. It rings like a bell for hours when struck by a meteorite or missile. That indicates it's hollow with a rather thin shell. If it were a real satellite captured by the earths gravity instead of being put into place by extremely advanced technology, it would only be about thirty miles in diameter. Instead it's over two thousand miles in diameter. The probability that it would be exactly the same size in the sky as the sun when viewed from earth is really tiny, but it does and that just happens to fulfill so many religious requirements of the ancients. The surface of the moon, underneath all the moon dust appears to be titanium and other man-made, or somebody-made, metals, perfect for absorbing impacts. There is more, but read the book, and as I've said, it's in scientific books as well, one that are always suppressed because they contradict the "official story," the one they want us to believe.

In addition just about all the ancient legends say that the moon was put there by someone long after the earth was inhabited. I know in the Bhagavad-gita it says the moon was created out of the ocean. (Curiously, many main stream scientists say the same thing. They say that a planet the size of Mars hit the earth not once, but twice, and knocked the moon into existence from the impact.) All in all I would guess that it is a space ship, not by coincidence, similar to the Death Star in the Star Wars movies, in other words, a means of keeping us under the thumb. It's what the demons use as a base to broadcast to us a phony impression of reality, in other words it's the source of the "television" signal that creates this false reality, what David Icke calls the moon matrix.

I won't go on any more. You're probably ready to call the looney (once again a reference to the moon.) bin to come and get me. But guess what? I'm not crazy, just open-minded and educated. If we've been taught it by the system, it's almost certainly a lie. David Icke does his best to expose the lies and tell us the real story. He's not perfect but he's a helluva lot better than the "history" books and the "science" books. All in all I would say that Icke just keeps getting better, in spite of the fact that his books often repeat the same information.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
heba shaker
It's absolutely a fascinating book to read, one of a kind and also my first book from David Icke to read.
For some people this is true science fiction and it goes way beyond there understanding...
But so far the best information i came across
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sharon w
Left, left..... left, right, left, right, left, right...... left, left, left, or so goes the song that they sing in cadence at so many boot camps whilst they march away the hours and miles. However this is not about boot camp, but how to escape from hell. That involves synchronizing the left and right brain hemispheres, thus the song introducing this book review. As always I am impressed by the writings of David Icke. In my opinion he is the best there is at exposing the criminal syndicate which runs this prison planet. Even more important are the practical suggestions on how to escape, or to be more accurate, to change it to the paradise it could just as easily be and was meant to be. What follows are my impressions of his newest book, titled; Human Race Get Off Your Knees-The Lion Sleeps No More.

Before I write any more I would just like to say this. If you think that Lee Harvey Oswald was the lone gunman, if you think that Osama bin Laden had anything to do with the September 11 attacks, if you think that the United States government or any government has ever fought a war or passed a law for our benefit, don't bother to read any further. Just go back to watching the television. Keep it turned on 24/7 and you will be fine. For everyone else, thank you for reading my words. I am writing them for our mutual benefit.

One of the big reasons I like what Icke says and writes is because I've lived through so much of what he talks about. Or put another way, I already know he's telling the truth and it feels true in my heart chakra to have it confirmed from an external source.

For example I've known for years about the importance of synchronizing the left and right brain hemispheres. The left brain is in charge of logic, thinking, mathematics, time, the laws of physics, and sequential, separate experiences. The right brain is in charge of spontaneity, imagination, magic, knowingness rather than thinking, artistic expression and instantaneous fulfillment of creative impulses. In other words, the left brain gives us the "waking" world and the right brain gives us the "dream" world.

The two brain hemispheres are connected by a lump of flesh called the corpus callosum. If that lump of flesh were working properly we would have a fully functioning brain. Instead, the connection has been deliberately stepped down. In computer terms the information throughput could be thousands of gigabytes per second. But instead the connection crawls along at a tiny fraction of that. A fully operational brain means we would "dream" while we are "awake." Does that sound bad? It's not. It's what the human experience is meant to be.

We are infinite consciousness using a brain and a body as tools to live in this holographic universe. We are confined to the world of three dimensions and the "laws" of physics, which are "laws" only because we've been conditioned to accept them as such. In the real world, the paradise which is our birthright, life is a "dream." We can fly, instantaneously travel anywhere, have all sorts of fun without effort, just as we do in dreams. That is what our lives would be like with a fully functioning brain. Because the "dream" world and the "waking" world are two sides of the same coin. We have been tricked into thinking one is real and one is fantasy when in fact they both are fantasy. The only thing that is "real" is you and I. As I said, we are consciousness and that is all that exists. We have allowed ourselves to be enslaved by truly vicious, hateful entities who make Bush, Stalin, Hitler, Obama, etc. look mild in comparison. In fact all those names I just mentioned are just the errand boys who do the bidding of the real evil ones, the ones behind the curtain.

Who has turned off the vast majority of our brain power? The malevolent controllers of this realm who suck our energy for their food, that's who. They are the demons and devils of every religion and every culture in history and they are as real as the Ford or Honda that you drive to work everyday. However, as the Christians say, the greatest accomplishment of the devil is that he convinces people he does not exist. And so it is with the controllers who rule from the shadows. Or more precisely who rule from a dimension of existence just outside of our limited sense perception. Our sense perception has been limited through genetic engineering by those same controllers for the specific purpose of keeping us ignorant of their game. That is why they have desynchronized our brains. If our brains were working we could see all of reality instead of just the incredibly small slice of it known as visible light, or the smudge that falls between ultra-violet and infra-red. If that were the case we could see the demons, devils, gods etc. who keep us as slaves and play games with our lives for their own sadistic amusements. Sound crazy? It probably does, but that is the way we've been trained to think. It is not our true self saying, "That's crazy," rather it is our robot self responding as it has been programed to do whenever it hears anything approaching the truth. It is time to shake off the shackles, stop being Pavlov's dogs and grab reality by the balls and wake up to who we are truly meant to be.

All I've just said is part of David Icke's latest book, and there is a lot more.

For years I've "known" that the moon is an artificial satellite of the earth. (I put "known" in quotation marks because I am always willing to admit the possibility that I could be wrong even when I'm certain that I'm correct.)

Many real scientists have said as much. I call them real scientists because they search for truth rather than tow the party line in order to get funding. Here are just a few of the oddities about our moon. It rings like a bell for hours when struck by a meteorite or missile. That indicates it's hollow with a rather thin shell. If it were a real satellite captured by the earths gravity instead of being put into place by extremely advanced technology, it would only be about thirty miles in diameter. Instead it's over two thousand miles in diameter. The probability that it would be exactly the same size in the sky as the sun when viewed from earth is really tiny, but it does and that just happens to fulfill so many religious requirements of the ancients. The surface of the moon, underneath all the moon dust appears to be titanium and other man-made, or somebody-made, metals, perfect for absorbing impacts. There is more, but read the book, and as I've said, it's in scientific books as well, one that are always suppressed because they contradict the "official story," the one they want us to believe.

In addition just about all the ancient legends say that the moon was put there by someone long after the earth was inhabited. I know in the Bhagavad-gita it says the moon was created out of the ocean. (Curiously, many main stream scientists say the same thing. They say that a planet the size of Mars hit the earth not once, but twice, and knocked the moon into existence from the impact.) All in all I would guess that it is a space ship, not by coincidence, similar to the Death Star in the Star Wars movies, in other words, a means of keeping us under the thumb. It's what the demons use as a base to broadcast to us a phony impression of reality, in other words it's the source of the "television" signal that creates this false reality, what David Icke calls the moon matrix.

I won't go on any more. You're probably ready to call the looney (once again a reference to the moon.) bin to come and get me. But guess what? I'm not crazy, just open-minded and educated. If we've been taught it by the system, it's almost certainly a lie. David Icke does his best to expose the lies and tell us the real story. He's not perfect but he's a helluva lot better than the "history" books and the "science" books. All in all I would say that Icke just keeps getting better, in spite of the fact that his books often repeat the same information.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Excellent, eye opening. Put everything in perspective. I Like everything David Icke has the courage to write and I have watched his speaking performances as well. If you want to Wake Up to the world around you I suggest David Icke.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book is great. There is A TON of information. Some of it will boggle your mind and other parts will frustrate you, but in the end it is totally worth reading and can change your perspective on life.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
short reviews
The most important book of our time by far, please read from cover to cover.
I had to get mine from the man himself as the store has yet to get in the
hundreds of copies I'm going to be giving away this holiday.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
While I appreciate the breadth of information David Icke has crammed into this book, much of it is just too ridiculous to believe. I think people would be much more inclined to recognize the shortcomings of our global society (and potential resolutions) by watching "Zeitgeist - Moving Forward", than they would by reading this book. The tone is angry and bitter (think raving and name-calling) and there is not enough meaningful time spent on developing a path of resolution with which to address our global human rights, monetary and environmental issues. I appreciate that Mr. Icke has genuine faith in his beliefs and hopes to change the world. And I do believe that the world (global society) desperately needs to follow a new model. Unfortunately, in my impression, David Icke's ideas about the evolution of our society seem more "crazy" than "concrete" and offer very little in terms of method and structure through which to implement positive change.
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angela thompson
But way off. We.... um I mean, reptiles... could never actually enslave humanssss.

Seriously, in the early 90's didn't this Icke guy claim to be the second coming of Jesus? Why would any sane individual put any stock in what Icke says now?

And, even if Icke is rational, it is interesting that the all powerful reptilian overlords allow him to tell us the "truth". If one follows that "logic", an obvious explanation for this "slip" is that the reptiles aren't behind this at all. It is just a front for another, vaster, conspiracy. A conspiracy that involves David Icke himself. WAIT! I have an idea for a book!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
David Icke admits to inviting unseen spirit guides into his life. He has taken the drug DMT (which sometimes mimics alien abduction experiences) and had someone throw "prophetic" sticks on the ground to get "truth." I believe the real agenda of his writings is to build up a spirit of fear and hopelessness in people, while at the same time leading them astray, with his new age doctrines, from any real saving truth.

Notice something about the NWO and David Icke. They both push new age agendas and contact with supernatural entities but hate and despise the Bible and try to turn people from it at every chance. Though Icke presents himself as informed and a revealer of truth, I have heard him twist and distort with words like these in his Youtube vids, "In the Old Testament we are told that in the beginning was the Word and the word was sound." First of all, it's the New Testament. 2nd, it says, "In the beginning was the Word [Messiah] and the Word was with YHWH [aka God] and the Word was YHWH." What a deceiver Icke is. I hope believers will pray for him and those he is leading astray.

Google David Icke Debunked.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
elsa ehlers
I like to consider myself an open-minded person, but without any biases or preconceived notionss either way, just consssider the logic of what this guy is sssaying. If all-powerful reptilians from constellation Draco really interbred with the human race and became the global elite, then why don't they just censor this information or alter "the matrix" so that we are unaware of that fact? Furthermore, David Icke devotees believe there to be countlesssss instances of reptilian shapeshifting caught on tape. If their technology is that unsssstable, why do they use themssselves as figureheadssss rather than exclussssively using human puppets? I'm ssssssorry, but sssssomething jussssssst doessssssn'tREVEROF PEELS PEELS DNAH TA SI DNIKNAM FO KSUD EHT SNAMUH NUR add up.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
sue hanson
The fact that the ravings of this madman appear in print is scary. The fact that even a few people have bought into his lunacy is both scary and disheartening. Anyone remember when he told us the world would end in 1997? But maybe it did and the holograph that is the world has continued to be displayed by our reptilian overlords. Straight jackets, anyone?
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