Smokeless Fire (Fire Spirits Book 1)

BySamantha Young

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I bought this book because I was curious about it and had never heard of Samantha Young. I was loving the book from the first chapter and would not put it down. I am now a huge fan of Samantha Young and will read any book she writes. I have always thought I would never read another series that I would love more than twilight but I was wrong these books are awsome.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Wow! the store showed me this book my recommendations, and this lovely cover caught my eye. The blurb was awesome, the sample snagged me, so I bought it. . .and finished it. . .all in one day! Man, I love being on break!

Wow, wow, wow. I know already said that, but I don't think four times is enough. This story was fascinating. At first, I wasn't sure what to think about Ari since she wanted Charlie so badly. I thought she was kind of pathetic, like her friends did, but I kept reading. I felt sorry for her because she seemed lonely. Her dad was gone all the time, and she really had no one to talk to. When she suddenly wakes up in this other world and meets her true father. . .well, things just didn't slow down after that!

Samantha Young has created an amazing world with very unique world building. The Jinn have many different forms, and the magic system is really neat.

I really liked Jai. I'm usually turned off by sarcastic, arrogant love interests like him, but I think there was more to him than a typical Jace or. . .okay, I don't read a lot of PNR, so Jace is pretty much the only one I can name :P BUT I liked Jai. I think Samantha did a good job at showing his age. He doesn't act like a 17 year old, and I'm glad she didn't make him that young. He's much more mature than Charlie (groan) and it showed. I really liked the chemistry between Jai and Ari and I was hoping for something to happen. . .but I won't tell if anything did or not.

There were some things, writing style, that rubbed me the wrong way. Mainly mechanics stuff. Like mixing up you're/your? Come on. Or there were a couple sentences I had to reread where an extra comma could have helped. That's mainly the reason it's 4 instead of 5 and because I think Ari could have been a tad more dynamic. I'm not sure how, I just think. . .I'm not sure. I did like her quite a bit. Even in the beginning, I just thought she was kind of naive. I still feel bad for her, too, considering all she's been through. I hope she doesn't let things get to her. I feel like she needs someone she can actually rely on, but she's kind of this island and it's sad.

I'm excited to see what else is coming up in the rest of the series. Obviously, big, epic things considering what's revealed in this book. And the second one comes out in February, yay! I will definitely buy the sequel.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I bought this book because a friend said I should read it.The story is kind of original,being about jinn,rather than vampires or angels.if you're a fan of Cassandra Clare you're definitely going to enjoy this book!
Valentine: An On Dublin Street Novella :: Slumber :: Get in Trouble: Stories :: Swamplandia! (Vintage Contemporaries) :: Out of the Shallows (Into the Deep #2) (Volume 2)
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
soyoung park
I bought this book because it sounded like a cool, new idea for a series and had really good reviews. I knew it was YA when I bought it, but I liked The Hunger Game series and some other YA books, so why not this one? Well, the idea is cool and the author does a good job describing and growing the characters in the book. However, and maybe it's because I'm old at 34, but I could not get over the romance part of the book. I'm sorry to say I tried, hard, to finish this book but the heroine and her romance hang up in the book drove me crazy. **SPOILERS** After what happens at her house during her birthday party with Charlie /cough loser and she's still /sigh . .so in love in with him. What?!?!? I would have been duces, it's over! I mean, really? In her own house? On her birthday? Wow! Honestly, so much of the book goes on and on about her and him that it killed the entire story for me. I'm glad that others liked the book. Perhaps I'm just too old or I'd like to think a girl, even a teen, would not put up with that.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Samantha Young has an amazing talent for writing stories in a way that draws you away from reality and into the mystical and interesting worlds that she creates...I have read all her novels and have yet to be disapointed!!
Smokeless Fire was (like expected) an awesome book and I can't wait for the next one to come out!!

PS... I can't wait to read more about Jai :)
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
There were a fair amount of problems with this book, but mostly I enjoyed it enough that I'm willing to overlook it and give it a decent rating.

The mythology of the world is very interesting and different from what I've seen out in the YA urban fantasy / paranormal romance genre. I haven't read one based on Middle Eastern mythological creatures before and I like the fresh take on the whole "I've found out I'm not human" plot.

I like the characters and am curious to see where they're going. I do love a good conflicted character and one whose loyalties keep you guessing (I'm looking at you, Red King!). They give a depth to stories and feel more true to life, since people are often shades of gray rather than black and white.

However, like I mentioned there are a few problems with the plot. Issues here and there that crop up, like (SPOILER) why would anyone think it's better to have a weapon of untold power be a walking, talking teenage girl? Teenage girls are at best immature and clueless and at worse emotionally unstable. It just seems like an incredibly stupid idea to me and seems unbelievable that these ancient, super powerful jinn would think it's a good idea. I'm hoping that gets a little more explanation down the road.

There are other little things here and there that I'm left wondering if they'll be explained away later or if they're just plot holes, but I really don't want to go about enumerating each one. I just simply want to say there were issues with the plot and a handful of spots in the writing that were a bit difficult to understand, but mostly this is a fun book and I'm excited to see where it's headed.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
****I would like to thank Samantha Young for providing an e-copy of the book, and giving me an opportunity to review it! :D****

Usually when you hear "YA paranormal romance book", the first things that come to mind are - vampires, werewolves, witches, warlocks, angels and demons. But hardly ever do readers come across Jinns. Yes, you heard me...JINNS. I don't know what I was expecting when reading Smokeless Fire, but it definitely wasn't a world so brilliantly created by Ms. Young. The original concept was one of the strongest qualities of this book - and I found myself completely absorbed by it. A wonderful start to a new series - Smokeless Fire will leave you pleasantly surprised from the first to the very last page.

It's always refreshing to read about something new, especially in the YA paranormal genre, where more than often the topics are generally "similar". By introducing Jinns to the YA scene, Ms. Young's inventiveness is much appreciated. The idea of this whole other world where Jinns exist was simply fascinating. But what's even more surprising is how much the characters were so easy to relate with, despite having that paranormal aspect present. The portraying of these issues through the character's emotions was very well written - and it was something I looked forward to while reading this book.

As the protagonist - I thought Ari was lacking that "it" factor. I liked her - and on more than one occasion found myself relating to her and sympathizing for her. But, I believe she still needs a final push into being a great heroine. Although, Ari hasn't fully captured my attention, I still found her to my liking. No matter who or what she was up against, she never gave up. She remained strong and never got deterred, which is an admirable quality to have in a character - and one I liked best about Ari. Another thing that really struck out to me was when Ari finds out about her Jinn heritage - it takes her a while to come to terms with it. Ms. Young didn't rush through that issue, which made it realistic and an effective aspect of the story.

Then of course, what's a fantasy story without a love interest? Ever since she was young, Ari believed that she was in love with Charlie, her best friend. Even after Charlie loses his brother in an accident, and cuts of all contact with her, she still "loves" him. That is until she finds unexpected growing feelings for her new bodyguard, Jai. The constant bickering and humor between them is a bright side to the story, which always had me smiling. Jai is, to put it in YA terms, the bad boy with the soft soul. There was nothing I didn't like about him. He was fun, unique and someone you would love to be friends with. The romance between him and Ari was achingly sweet. It's a gradual build up, that just barely skims the tipping point - so there is a lot to expect from the next book. But, it was perfectly paced and a joy to read about.

One part of the book, that really got on my nerves was the relationship between Ari and Charlie, the best friend. Honestly speaking, I didn't understand them. After losing his brother, Charlie cuts Ari out of his life and turns to drugs. Throughout the story Charlie repeatedly hurts Ari, but she is still infatuated with him. She wants the old Charlie back, so she sticks to him. Where loyalty is an admirable quality, in this case it was just irritating and frustrating beyond belief. But, thankfully, Ms. Young turned the story around just in time, by bringing Jai into the picture. I really hope the sequel presents this relationship a lot differently.

Overall, Smokeless Fire proved to be not only adventurous and action-packed but also a refreshing and original read. The story captures your attention from the very start and it will have you flying through the pages. I am looking forward to the sequel to this because Ms. Young's beautifully crafted world is not one I intend to miss out on.

This Review is also posted at my blog: Literary Love Affair. [...]
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
stephanie levy
The book starts off by introducing Ari and her friends and the teenage drama surrounding every day life...with a tiny twist. Her old best friend has been blaming himself for his little brothers death and has fallen in to a black pit of drinking, drugs and sex with easy young girls. Ari is absolutely devastated at what this is doing to him and, with her love for him, she vows to bring him back from the edge before it is too late.

Already a great plot/story right?

Add another guy, Jai, a sexy, brooding Jinn with a hot body, compassionate personality and great skills with magic and combat. Jai, though Ari doesnt understand why, becomes her guardian to protect her from the other Jinn and those who would try to harm her...because our Ari has a deeper secret that even she is unaware of! He confuses her, intrigues her and leaves her baffled by her new feelings for a boy who isnt Charlie.

I picked up this book and refused to put it down until 2 am in the morning, even knowing I had to be up early for work the next morning (boy did I pay for that-but it was totally worth it!)

The characters are fantastically written, as well as the plot lines and the sub plots and the twists and turns, the backstabbing and betrayal, the double crossing and cruelty. It all kept me rivited to my kindle for hours and hours and hours. Ari is beautiful and brave and caring and strong. Charlie, though we are led to think of him as a bit of a loser, definately tugs on the heart strings when his troubles are revealed, though we are kept guessing all the way through about his intentions when he suddenly snaps out of his downer. And then there is Jai, my favourite character in the book and one I could not stop drooling over. He is a dark, brooding male with a troubled past, a father he hates and brothers who are...well...knobs. But underneath that he is strong and passionate and, my personal opinion, more on Ari's level than Charlie could ever hope to be.

The story is paced well, keeping you in suspense but allowing humour to seep in and relieve the tension every so often. I connected with Ari from the very begining and literally bit my lip every time she was in danger, hoping Jai would come to the rescue....but Ari is no damsel she has her own set of
skills...powerful ones.

Then came the ending! A great cliffhanger and lots more about the characters to explore. I have a feeling this trilogy is going to leave you guessing until the very end. It is going to be full of ups and downs and twists and turns and I am going to love each one...In fact, the moment I finished this book, i bought the second.

This is a must read for everyone and anyone!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
ben dewar
Great start to a new series! Around her 18th birthday, Ari finds out she is a very special Jinn. She is granted a bodyguard Jai by her uncle the Red King. Reading about the history and all the different types of Jinn was a little confusing and hard to remember but overall it was a good story. Can't wait for the next book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Ari is turning 18. High school graduation is close and all her friends have plans to move on and attend college. All her friends have clear plans for their prospective futures except Ari doesn't know what she wants. Her best friend from childhood, who she is in love with, Charlie is in the midst of a downward spiral of self-destruction. Jai is a 23-year-old Jinn guardian. Ari makes a wish that she would like to meet her mother. There is a White King and a Red King, reminiscent of Alice in Wonderland, though in total there are 7 Jinn kings. Ari is told her heritage and she reacts badly. She wants it all to go away. She stubbornly wants to bury her head in the sand. All she wants is Charlie. This was an excellent book. Apparently the beginning of a series and I am really interested in reading more about this world and these characters. Loved it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
robin rountree
5.5/5 + Amazing Book Cover!

Proserpine @ Proserpine Craving Books : [...]
Amazing, Intriguing, Exciting, Smokeless Fire leaves me breathless.

Surprised by how fast I fell in love with this story so unusual and different from what I read so far! (That's reminded me of Pyxis, the Discovery by K.C. Neal). It's the first time I read something about Jinn and I was charmed from the first chapter until the unpredictable ending! This book is one of my favourite YA this year so far!

This story is rather surprising. I really liked the form of writing, fluency, information provided by the author about the Jinn. The story is well mounted and readers go through several stages as the main action of the book, the mystery surrounding the Jinn, the suspense surrounding the various missions of Ari, Jai and Charles. Reading this book was easy, funny and it was very entertaining.

The characters are awesome with they own personalities:

Ari's a smart charming girl build up with determination and courage. She's a natural beauty, loving daughter, caring and supportive friend. I really like reading about her! She does everything with a positive purpose. She's also able to take control of the situation when it's needed. She's also down to earth and helpful even with people who aren't caring as much. I really enjoy the little growing love triangle between the characters!

Charlie's a very complex character; you never know really how he's involved in the action. How he's serious or motivated (positively or negatively). Charlie seems to enjoy the love and friendship that he gains from Ari. One that will always be for him no matter the situation and the obstacles to climb. I liked this character especially intriguing aspect he brings to the story. Is Charlie really a good friend for Ari? Is he really interested in friendship or what he will discover throughout these strange events? Does he really want to help Ari? The author managed to remarkably lead the reader in doubt at the level of feelings and motivation of Charlie over the situation with Ari.

Jai (I love this character's name!) was a total turn on for me! He's probably one of the best male characters from a YA book I've read for some time. I enjoyed his presence and the mystery that completely defined him. It is a dark character but at the same time so attractive. The kind of boy who would turn into dark handsome male who defends his future bride stuck with demons or vampires in a book for adults PNR as a character in Kresley Cole and Donna Grant. A future great seducer!

The cover really caught me from the beginning in fact; I must admit that's what makes me want to read the book at first. Then I go surfing a bit on the website of the author and discovered the universe not only Smokeless Fire but also another series that is now on my TBR pile: Tale of lunamorte. All the covers are great and sublime BTW. The reading is done with ease and without restraint. This story is incredibly intoxicating that you will find it difficult to do without this book. The end is not suspected and it's not a total Happy Ending and that makes me love this book even more! I loved the imagination, creativity and effort that the author has made to make this world a wonderful and magic new place as Jinn could bring! I cannot wait to read more!
If you are a fan of YA and you like the change of subject I suggest you quickly get a copy of this fabulous story that will take you almost to the Thousand and One Arabian Night modern time!!!

Proserpine @ Proserpine Craving Books : [..]
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Smokeless Fire is the first novel in the Fire Spirits series by Samantha Young. I strongly recommend this wonderful, original, and magical story.

I tried to write a brief synopsis for this novel, but it was extremely hard to do without giving everything away. Having a blank slate going in to this novel and discovering it all on my own was one of the best things about this novel, and I don't want to take that experience away from anyone.

Whenever you pick up a novel about vampires, werewolves, or angels you already have some preconceived notions about that paranormal species. Therefore, you automatically compare your picture of vampires, werewolves, etc. with author's version. Smokeless Fire was the first time I was exposed to the Jinn, a paranormal species similar to genies. I had absolutely nothing to base the Jinn on, and I love that the only picture I have of the Jinn is what Samantha Young painted for me. Samantha Young details and defines the Jinn's history beautifully. It was easy to picture her original and exciting world filled with magical powers, creepy creatures, and crazy kings who thrive on chaos.

Smokeless Fire also includes a fabulous love triangle.
Ari has been in love with Charlie all her life, but Charlie hasn't been the same since his brother was killed in a car accident on Ari's sixteenth birthday. Charlie has spent the last two years getting high, skipping class, and blaming himself for his brother's death. Ari has tried to help Charlie numerous times, but Charlie doesn't seem to want any help.
Jai was handpicked to protect Ari, and as her Guardian, he must watch over her 24/7. Although their lives are extremely different, Jai and Ari learn to trust and appreciate one another. When her life is falling apart, Ari starts to fall for Jai. *I am TEAM JAI.* I love his mysteriousness, his one-word answers, and his cocky attitude.

I gave Smokeless Fire by Samantha Young 4 STARS. This was an extremely enjoyable novel. It's funny. It's exciting. It's original. It's romantic. It's only $0.99 on the store Kindle so there is no reason not to read this fabulous new novel.



★ ★ ★ ★ ★
meta silvyani
I admit, I read the twilight series because my teenage daughter was obsessed with them and I wanted to know why. Had this series existed then I would have suggested she read this instead. Far better character development, better writing skills, and so darn addictive that when I finished the first book at midnight I turned around and bought and then READ the second book that night!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
***May contain spoilers***

I must admit, I have been kicking myself hard since I finished reading this book. Why might I be kicking myself? Because I cannot believe that this is the first book of Samantha's that I have read (especially since I have at least five of her books on my Kindle- and have had them on there for at least half a year)! If you have yet to read one of Samantha's books, what are you waiting for? Seriously, go read one, I guarantee that you won't be disappointed!

This book was jam-packed with everything that I love, a wholly unique premise (I personally believe that Samantha has done for Jinns what Rachel Vincent did for bean sidhes), a strong (and snarky) female character, equally strong male characters (both of whom were entirely swoon-worthy), and the basis for a successful love triangle (for some of you a 'successful love triangle' may seem like an oxymoron, but in my opinion, a successful love triangle is one in which the reader has an extremely difficult time choosing which of the characters they would like the main character to end up with, in this case Charlie and Jai, because both are such equals, possessing amazing qualities and whatnot, versus an unsuccessful or unnecessary love triangle where it is obvious from the get-go who the main character will choose as one option clearly outweighs the other- for instance Jace over Simon in Cassie Clare's "Mortal Instruments" series). While I am a tad bit more Team Jai than Team Charlie, I wouldn't be disappointed in the slightest if Ari were to choose Charlie.

As mentioned, each and every one of the characters in this book was so well developed and complex (main characters and secondary characters alike!)- from Ari, lonely and struggling to find her place in the world (even before being made aware of her paranormal heritage), from Jai, also lonely, being a pariah amongst his family, to Charlie, a boy blaming himself for something that was out of his control. Furthermore, I loved the change in perspectives as it allowed us to gain an even better understanding of each character- I think it would be near impossible to not feel for these characters and come to befriend them.

All in all, this is a book that I know I will be rereading time and time again. Not only can I not wait to read the next next book in this series, but I cannot wait to start reading Samantha's other series including her "The Tale of Lunarmorte" series, her "Warriors of Ankh" series, and her "Chronicles of the Fade" series!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
matthew clasby
I have just discovered Samantha Young and cannot put her books down. Just love the drama and twists and turn and most of the characters. Read this in one sitting and started book two before I could even write this review that is how good this series is. Pick and read now one word awesome.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kristi staker
Samantha Young as really done an excellent job with this book. I found myself drawn to the book with every sentence and couldn't put it down until the very end. It was just that good. Every word written, every thought, and every spell in this book seemed to really form itself out of words and into a movie right in front of me. I love her books.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
koren zailckas
Truly inspirational. It's not easy to find a book that accurately portrays normal life and then seamless makes it paranormal. I am so glad that out of all the random books I could have chosen I picked this one. I definitely think it's worth reading.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Samantha Young has been a big favorite of mine for a long time. I had all her stuff on my first Kindle and lost it when I lost my password to that email, my college shut the account and changed systems and I could not get it again. I actually cried! Jai is such a great alpha, there is some mystery to him and I love it that you have to wait and know him before you know his sweet side. He is not an open book, like real guys are not either. If you love Jai maybe check out Set in Stone - there is a guy in there, Noel, I am reading till I get more Jai! Hurry up, Samantha, and make my summer!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
tim baldwin
I loved the concept of this story, and have continued to read through the 3rd book, but there are a few distracting typos and strange word choices that make me wonder where her editor was. So I DO like the book but wouldn't pay more than $3 for it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
harriet parkinson
If you don't know Samantha Young, well you better learn about her and her books. Smokeless Fire blew me away. With a completely new and unique concept, this book will have you flying through the pages until you're finished.

We start out with Ari, who basically lives alone. She never knew her mother and her father travels for work constantly. She has a few close friends she talks to, but her best friend, the one she truly cares about is Charlie. But, after the death of his younger brother, Charlie has been distant and a completely different person. Then Ari finds out a shocking secret, her true parents are Jinn and she is extremely powerful. Because of this, she ends up with Jai, her new 24/7 body guard. With two hotties at her side and a world she didn't even knew existed, Ari is thrown into an adventure she could have never imagined.

Let me start of by saying, I started this book in the afternoon and finished it that same night. I couldn't stop. I could not put it down. It seems like I couldn't flip the pages fast enough. Jinn is a concept I really didn't know much about or have ever read about, so it intrigued me so much to learn something new while reading a story I was incredibly enjoying. Smokeless Fire touches on so many real and raw issues and emotions, shows so many real things, yet there's still the fantasy side to it.

Ari is the all-around protagonist I couldn't help but love reading about. When she felt alone, I felt alone. When she laughed, I laughed. When her heart was sinking into her stomach, mine did as well. When she triumphed, so did I. I just felt so connected to Ari and related to her so much. What she deals with, with Charlie I felt like it slammed right into my gut. I've been there. I'm sometimes still there. I loved watching her come into her heritage, and enjoying the ride. And, I loved her interactions with Charlie and Jai... hoping for even more of those in the future ;).

I was so rooting for Charlie. For some reason I'm drawn to the boys that needed to be helped. The ones where you need to swoop in, pick them up off their troubles, and save them. And Charlie was that adorable misguided hottie, that I so wanted to save. My heart ached for him, and I just wanted to hug him but still at other times I wanted to kick him in the shin. Then, there's Jai. Another sexy boy, who understand where Ari is coming from and relates to her. He's older than Ari, so protective, yet witty and I just wish he would let himself have something he wants for once! So now... team wise, right? Usually my loyalties are clearly determined but with this book, I find myself unsure and that makes me love Samantha Young even more for doing this to my heart! For the first half of the book, I admit I was completely Team Charlie, but then Jai started weaving his ways into me, and I believed he was the perfect guy for Ari. I honestly love both boys, but I think for now I'm going to slightly lean towards Team Jai. As much as I love Charlie, I think Jai may be the better guy for Ari.

I honestly cannot wait for book 2. Smokeless Fire is unique, exciting, yet so real. This book has just enough fantasy, just enough real world, just enough love triangle, just enough strength, just enough laughs. I couldn't put it down and Samantha has definitely found herself a new fan.
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