I Don't Book 1, Ready To Run: I Do

ByLauren Layne

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book, given by Netgalley.
This book was perfection!

From the begging I knew I would love Luke, he was just real. I couldn't believe he was this guy the TV network was looking for because there was no way he could have abandoned three women in the altar.

Jordan is sure he is the guy for her show, but as she gets to know him she realises that things might not be they way she thought and her attraction for him gets stronger by the minute.

The cat and mouse game they start playing is fun for both of them, because Luke doesn't really want her gone and she is definitely not staying because she wants him to be auctioned to the best woman.

They are the perfect fit and little by little they start to fall for one another. Unfortunately they still have so many secrets between them that any little problem could ruin them; and in the end it would be up to them to fight for what their hearts are telling them.

Can you really fall in love that fast?, or is it just the sexual chemistry. Jordan has her career in the line and she is not sure how she will be able to handle letting him go. Luke is just scared, his past marriage failures have taken a toll on him and he is not ready to let go of his guarded heart just yet.

Their biggest challenge will be to trust each other, leave all the drama behind and overcome their fears. Maybe then they'll find the happiness they have been looking for.

A beautiful love story!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tara grady
"There was nothing more appealing than the idea of taming the man who couldn't be tamed."

"Was there any part of his life this woman wasn't going to infiltrate?"


I'm so in love with this series already!!
Holy cow! It's so good!

I Immediately fell in love with both Jordan and Luke.
They were both strong characters with such chemistry for each other.
I mean, Holy Tension, Batman!

"He had kissed the girl.
Wanted to do it again.

As the story unfolded, you saw these two not only fall for each other, but also discover that they needed one another to start truly living again.

Between Luke's past love life and Jordan's untold story, you fight for these two just as much as they yearn for each other.

I loved the banter, the pull, the arguements, and the absolute surrender.
I couldn't get enough!!

"You make me want things I haven't let myself want in a long time."

Lauren Layne is one of my favorites when it comes to romcoms!
She knows how to weave a story with funny lines and heartfelt words.

I adored every single character within these pages!
Simon needs his own story!!!! Just saying;)

I can't wait for more in this series because I'm hooked so hard!!

"I didn't realize...I didn't realize just how isolated I felt until a certain City Girl waltzed into town and tried to turn my life into a circus...I've never been so grateful."
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
julie gosling
Cute, sweet small town romance with a city girl, a firefighter hero and lots of nosy neighbors. Given how much interference and meddling Luke's neighbors and exes add to Luke and Jordan's rocky relationship, this was a blend of Runaway Bride and Sweet Home Alabama, but with a touch more angst.

Jordan and Luke were a great match - how can you go wrong with a firefighter who has a golden retriever and a cat? I'm a big fan of Lauren Layne, but this one was not my favorite. I'm not a fan of romances set in the world of reality tv shows (poor Luke just really wanted to be left alone). Also, unlike the usual cosmopolitan flair of the author's NYC-based romances, I tired of the endless small town antics, not to mention the long drawn out mystery of Luke's three abandoned brides-to-be
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ghaidaa rummani
Jordan Carpenter is a successful woman living in New York City, who is trying to get a new show about runaway grooms, up and running. She believes she found the perfect person for the new show, Jilted, and when he doesn't respond to any of her emails, she decides to hunt him down in person, so off to Montana she goes. She finds herself enjoying all the friendly people in Lucky Hollow, with the exception of Luke, the man she's after. He has no desire to come on the show, as he's all locked down tighter than the Pentagon about his past, so he's trying to get her to leave using rudeness. But as she sticks around, she starts to learn that there's more to the runaway groom than what she thought. Ready to Run was a super fun, fast paced story that I devoured in less than 2 hours. Normally, I'm not a huge fan of small towns, but seriously, I would love to live in Lucky Hollow, especially with that colorful cast of secondaries that kept me laughing hard. And that fire department, I mean who doesn't love yummy fireman? Jordan and Luke were great together, as all of their banter shot sparks flying everywhere. I'm a newer fan of Lauren Layne, and I have to say that her talented writing style, and original stories have me all kinds of addicted. Not to mention that she shocked me with that last twist that I never saw coming, which made for the f-bomb dropping parade to perform. I cannot wait to read more by her, so I HIGHLY HIGHLY HIGHLY RECOMMEND!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mary katharine gill
Yet another wonderful Rom-Com by Lauren Layne. Jordan Carpenter is an up and coming T.V. producer and the one thing she needs to make or break her career is finding the new Bachelor. Well not "The Bachelor" but along the same lines except that the potential groom for the show need to be runaway grooms. Men who have left their fiancees at the altar and Jordan has found the perfect one. So far Luke Elliot has left three women at the altar, yet he still seems to be the town's darling boy, a well liked and still very sought after Fireman. To Jordan and her boss he is the perfect choice only one problem he doesn't want to do it. Jordan goes to his small town in Montana and says she won't leave until he agrees. Only now that she's there she realizes that he's not just perfect for the show but for her too, because Luke isn't what he seems he's better.

This was such a fun read, I'm not big on reality tv shows and I was worried how this one was going to play out but it's quite a read. Lauren Layne does so well with the small town romance it surprised me because I'm so use to her big city love. Jordan and Luke have this great chemistry that confuses them at first so they start out not friendly but the more Jordan digs into Luke's past the more she likes him and the more that Luke sees of Jordan and since everyone in town is pushing them together it's not hard for them to finally give in. The story is funny and enchanting and I can't wait for more.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
tracy thomas
This story seems to be about the next great reality show Jordan Carpenter’s job is to scope out candidates. Luke Elliott is a man who tells it like it is. They both show the charm of small time living. Simon is a funny character and I want to be his friend. Found myself looking forward to the scenes where he’s included.

We have a woman who brings new meaning to persistence. We have a man that just wants to be left alone. It’s interesting to watch Jordan trying to get Luke to come over to the dark side. We usually see these things in reverse but isn’t this how The Bachelor shows are like? I think that if you’re a fan of that show than you will like this story. I may be the only one on the planet but I just find that and The Bachelorette are stupid. Yes, they’ve had a couple of success stories but do you want to see what you hope to be your man kissing all those women in front of you?

I did like the sexual tension that you could almost feel. Also liked the banter back and forth between those two. You can’t help but like a woman who’s very persistent. And don’t forget about Luke and how almost from the beginning, he gives her a nickname. My problem became that I always kept going back to Simon. He kept things light and you couldn’t help yourself but laugh. I’m a sucker though – always love that happy ending.

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
penny toews
Everything about this book was great - the author really managed to draw the reader's attention in from the very beginning of the book. There were so many good things about this book that I don't know if I could come up with some negatives to even mention.

I'll be honest, when we first met Jordan and Luke I wasn't sure they were going to be characters that I would like. I should've known that they both would be more than what meets the eye. Jordan first comes across as this cutthroat New Yorker who will do anything to get what she wants, and Luke seems at first glance to have some low qualities - I mean, how do you leave 3 brides at the altar? However, the deeper we get into this book, the more we realize that these two have depth to their character and you can't help but love them - as individuals and together.

The author made me laugh and she made me cry; this book has romance and action and funny comedic moments that round the book out perfectly. This book wasn't too long, and the story gets the reader engrossed that the entire thing flies by - suddenly you're at the end and wishing it wasn't the end of the book. This is the first book in a new series that the author is working on, and let me just say how excited I am for the next one.

***4.5 Stars - I received an Advance Reader copy of this book in exchange for an honest review***
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amit anand
How does Lauren Layne do it? She consistently creates characters I love, witty banter, swoony heroes, steamy connections, and happily ever afters that keep me coming back again and again. Ready to Run is no exception.

Jordan has landed in Lucky Hollow, Montana to convince the local hot firefighter to star in a new reality dating show. Too bad for her, Luke Elliott wants no part of it and does his best to send her packing. Jordan's not one to take no for an answer and proceeds to make friends and charm everyone in the small town all while continuing to try and get past Luke's defenses. She thinks he's stubborn, he thinks she's pushy - but neither one can deny the sparks that fly every time they're together.

I was completely charmed by every character in Ready to Run. Not just Jordan and Luke but every side character as well. How often does that happen? From Jordan's best friend Simon (can he be my best friend, too?), to the ladies (including Luke's exes) that befriend Jordan, to Luke's firefighter buddies... I loved them all. I'm not typically a fan of small town settings but I found myself wanting to take up residence in Lucky Hollow and call these people my friends.

Admittedly, the plot may be a little formulaic, but that didn't lessen my enjoyment one bit. Cute, funny, sweet and sexy, and low on angst, Ready to Run totally hits the mark.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I absolutely adored this book! It’s my second book by Lauren Layne and she is now on my must read list. Walk of Shame had me laughing out loud and Ready to Run made me both laugh and cry. Any author who can bring out that range of emotions in me is a real winner to me.I adored Luke and initially it is hard to believe he would jilt 3 women and once we learn the reasons I really felt bad for him. He is a total hottie and a sweetheart on top of it. Jordan is a spitfire and I loved seeing her push Luke. The story line is great and like I mention will tug out of you all sorts of emotions. Watching the sparks fly between Luke and Jordan was mesmerizing and the cast of supporting characters was excellent. I loved Jordan’s best friend, Simon, and adored every scene that he was in.
I cannot wait until the next book comes out and highly recommend this book if you love a good romance that can both make you laugh and cry as well as fall in love with the entire cast of characters.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Jordan arrives in Montana hoping to talk to Luke into doing a Runaway groom reality show. Jordan’s welcomed by the entire town except Luke. Jordan tries talking to his former brides but they want Luke to explain when he’s ready. After Luke refuses to be part of the shw Jordan just cannot force herself to leave the small town because it brings back special memories for her. While Luke and Jordan get closer in some ways Jordan’s job comes between them. You’ll need to read this book to find out what happens to Luke and Jordan. Lauren Layne has another hit series on her hands. I can’t wait to read book two about the Runaway groom reality show.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
rebecca von hoene
Gotta love a new Lauren Layne story! Enter Jordan, the big-city girl (or is she???) and Luke, a hot firefighter who has left not one, not two, but three brides at the alter. Most of LL's stories tend to take place in big cities, so the change of venue to a small town in Montana was surprising and refreshing. The coziness and familiarity of small towns is hard to beat in a romance. But why oh why would a flashy, city girl fall for a man who obviously has commitment issues??? That's where it gets good, because things are not always as they seem. This was a cute story with plenty of sparks and fire. It's the set-up for another two books that sound like they will follow the Jilted tv show storyline. Luke and Jordan will totally steal you heart as you root for the two of them to find their way to each other. This was a very quick and easy read that will just leave you with the feel-goods!!

I received a copy of this title in exchange for an honest review
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
christine klingel
Another fantastic Lauren Layne book filled with her typical humor and snarky banter that will have you laughing out loud. This kicks off a new series and what a way to begin. Reality TV producers have come up with a new show concept and Luke Elliott would make the perfect contestant. It's Jordan Carpenter's job to go to small town Montana and convince the rugged firefighter to do the show. Ha, good luck with that!

I loved the small town romance feel of this one with all the great townspeople and the way the pulled Jordan in. I can't wait to read the next one in this series. I highly recommend this one.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
READY TO RUN is classic Lauren Layne. If you’re a fan of Runaway Bride, you’ll definitely love this read.

Jordan heads to small town Montana to convince firefighter Luke to star in her new reality tv show: Jilted (“a new dating show about runaway grooms”). Luke has absolutely no interest in participating or sharing his personal laundry with the cameras. The minute these two meet, sparks of their own fly and a flirty and fun romance ensues.

I’m personally not a big fan of reality television shows like “The Bachelor” (particularly after working behind the scenes on one)—so I appreciated Layne’s pointed writing about the falseness of the entire industry.

Well written, great characters, and tons of fun!

Note: I received a FREE ARC (advanced reader copy) from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
What an interesting premise...combine the Runaway Bride with The Bachelor. Except, Jordan and the network she's working for is looking for a runaway groom. And she found one, but Luke wants nothing to do with the show.

I really liked this! Jordan expects Luke to be a playboy cause he's left three women at the altar. But when she finally tracks him down, she realizes he really is a good guy, even if he glares at her and is broody since the last time he left a woman at the altar. The more Jordan got to know Luke, the harder she fell for him. I have to say though, Luke was a bit of a jerk to Jordan. I get that he was frustrated and angry, but he said some VERY hurtful things to her. Not sure I'd been so easy to forgive. Thankfully, it all worked out in the end :)

*thanks to Tasty Book Tours for sharing a copy of this with me*
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
aaron clair
Jordan Carpenter, a TV producer, for the brand-new show, Jilted is looking for the perfect hot jerk to be featured on her show. Luke Elliott, is a hot, small town firefighter, who has left three women at the alter. When Luke shows no interest in being on Jilted or even speaking to Jordan....so Jordan ends up on a flight to Montana to convince Luke otherwise. Sparks fly in this enemies to lovers story where Jordan quickly learns that everything might not be as it appears, and that Luke might be more than meets the eye.

READY TO RUN is one of Lauren Layne's best books! I read this in one sitting and then quickly read it again... Jordan and Luke's story is something wonderful, heartwarming, funny, and hot to read all in one sitting....I'm completely obsessed. I can't wait for the rest of the I Do, I Don't series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Lauren Layne knows her way around a laugh-out-loud, heart-warming, swoon-worthy romcom and READY TO RUN has all that and MORE! Jordan and Luke sizzle from their first look, and the sparks are flying at their first touch, but this is one pair that are determined NOT to fall for each other, ya know because she is trying to get him to start in her new reality show is all!

Layne brings her "A -Game" with this new series and I can't wait for the next book in January! Buy it, Read it, Love it! Then read it again!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Totally fun. Layne has created another great scenario populated with enjoyable characters. Our main characters are attractive and charming, with secrets that we just can't wait to figure out. And learning about Luke's almost-marriages as well as Jordan's history added a lot of depth to the story. The town is just what a small town should be, with warm and friendly (if nosy) people--almost like a big family. Their protectiveness of Luke, as well as their warm welcome to Jordan and Simon, made it a definite feel-good setting. The reality show scenario was a stretch, but it was certainly believable in the crazy out-there world of reality TV. Altogether a great beginning to another of Layne's sure-to-be-successful romance series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Ready to Run is close to perfection. It has surprises, twists and turns enough to keep even the most discerning romance aficionado more than satisfied. The book begins with Jordan Carpenter and Simon, her co-worker and friend, traveling to Lucky Hollow, Montana. Jordan plans to sign Luke Elliott as the runaway groom on the TV show Jilted, a cross between The Bachelor and The Runaway Bride. The question that needs an answer is, how can Luke still be the darling of the small town of Lucky Hollow, when he has left three women at the altar?

Luke has ignored all of Jordan's attempts to contact him. When they finally meet, the air ignites between them. Even after his constant glares and unequivocal no's, Jordan won't give up. She realizes two days to get Luke, the hot firefighter, to sign on the dotted line won't be enough. So, Jordan rents a house for a month. Gradually she and Luke become friends. Then we get to know more about Luke, Jordan and their secrets.

I loved this book! Jordan and Luke are perfect, as individuals and as a couple. I liked the secondary characters too, especially Simon. Although Simon is stereotypical, and the other gay characters are shallowly drawn, I was still able to enjoy them. Ready to Run seems like a typical romance at the start, but when we know all the secrets, it's really not. It's perfectly delicious!

An ARC was received in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bonnie nadeau
The craziness of reality TV meets the beauty of small town living and creates some delicious down home scandal. Ready to Run doesn't take itself too seriously. Lauren Layne has concocted a bushel of joy with her usual sassy style and ingenious characters. A groom on the run, a woman in hot pursuit and a small town full of matchmaking citizens lead to some crazy antics. Lucky Hollow is dangerous to the heart but pure magic for the soul.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
maura johnston
If you love romantic comedies, you really can't be disappointed with Lauren Layne's Ready to Run, the first book in her new series which centers around finding reluctant heroes who've​ left brides at the altar and are now contestants in a new reality show called Jilted. It's definitely a cross between Runaway Bride and The Bachelor and only Lauren Layne can come up with that idea and produce a fantastic, small town guy meets big city girl toe-curling-romance that will make you smile, laugh, cry and basically hug these characters close to you because they feel so alive! Ready for the next book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
shondra bergmann
While I would never have the nerve to keep badgering someone like Jordan does to Luke, it was pretty fun to watch their interactions. I loved the bantering. Jordan's best friend, Simon, was a hoot too. I always enjoy Lauren Layne's books. They allow me some much needed escape time where I can just shut my brain off and jump into her stories.

The ARC of Ready to Run by Lauren Layne was kindly provided to me by the publisher through NetGalley for review. The opinions are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
elisabeth middleton
Cute, sweet and enjoyable. Another great book from Lauren Layne. I will say that it did take a bit of time for the romance to kick in but once it did, I just couldn't put the book down. I wish the book was a bit longer because I wanted more of Jordan and Luke. I can't wait to read the next book in this series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book was a fun read! Jordan is interested in hiring Luke for a reality TV show. He has left three brides at the alter and she thinks he's the perfect fit a Bachelor type show. This was my first Lauren Layne book but it wont be my last! A must read!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
michael klem
Great story of a hot firefighter/runaway groom and a television associate producer determined to get him to agree to a reality show. They meet in small town Montana and sparks fly. Will he agree to the show or will her career take a hit?
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
claudia c
What a cute story. Loved the cast of characters and the all around fun story. Lauren Layne does GREAT cast. More emotional on the backstory than I’d expected which I liked quite a bit. Really great stuff.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
catherine newell
Ready to Run
I Do, I Don't #1
Lauren Layne
4 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Runaway groom meets The Bachelor. Another great ready by Lauren Layne. Her books are always easy to read and grab you right from the beginning. Can't wait to read more of hers soon.
Thanks NetGalley for the arc in exchange for my honest review.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Ms. Layne is getting lazy. The heroine is unappealing, and there is no justification for the instant attraction. The plot devices were cliche and obvious. I liked her earlier works, but the last two have scared me off her future works.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Ready to Run is quintessential Lauren Layne goodness — a sassy, feel-good and entertaining love story infused with laughter, sizzling chemistry and heartfelt romance. Associate television producer Jordan Carpenter travels from the bustle of New York City to the small town of Lucky Hollow, Montana, to recruit Luke Elliott to be the bachelor on a reality dating show featuring contestants who have been jilted. She’s never met Luke, but she’s convinced he is perfect for the show, because he is devastatingly handsome and has left three brides at the altar. She believes she has him figured out and just needs to persuade him to agree to her plan, but the closed-mouth, broody firefighter wants nothing to do with Jordan or her television show.

Jordan and Luke immediately clash and begin a feisty and flirty battle of wits and wills, but their verbal sparring masks a searing attraction that heats up with every exchange. Luke finds himself reluctantly charmed by Jordan, and she slips under his defenses and into his heart. This endearing and seemingly mismatched couple finds common ground where they least expect it and give in to the unrelenting pull between them melting into each other with an exactness that is sigh-worthy. Ready to Run is sexy and engaging with endearing characters, and readers will be smitten with this emotionally satisfying romance.
Recommendation appeared on USA Today's Happy Ever After.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Ready to Run is just as advertised with a delightful mixture of The Runaway Bride and The Bachelor. Jordan’s job as a producer is to convince Luke, a firefighter who left three women at the alter, to be the next big star for the TV show Jilted, a similar concept to The Bachelor. Jordan and her colleague, Simon, go to Lucky Hollow, small town Mayberry, to ask Luke personally to be the first bachelor of the new show. Luke has not responded to Jordan’s calls or texts. Thus, the need to visit him personally.

Luke is not the guy Jordan expected. He is a gentleman, trustworthy and loyal without being arrogant. And, he avoids her for the half of the book. Luke does not want his life opened up to the television viewing community. But, he cannot help but fall for Jordan. Their connection is immediate. He begins to see her as truly a small town girl with a big heart. Yet, he is struggling with trusting her completely.

To make matters worse for Luke, the whole town is helping Jordan, including two of the women he left at the altar. The third ex no longer lives in LH. Jordan, too, is trusting and loyal, more so than Luke. She fits right in with his small town community.

This is another sensual Lauren Layne book that is super enjoyable. Layne is one of my favorite authors writing with a good combination of heart, love and true feelings. What I did not like is that Layne may be trying to be too PC. About half of the secondary characters are LGBTQ, nothing more than light kissing, but if I wanted an LGBTQ book, I would request one.

Thank you Net Galley for sharing Ready to Run in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dhruv joshi
As with every story Ms Layne writes, Luke and Jordan's story, the first in the new I Do, I Don't series, is touching, romantic, with drama and a touch of intrigue thrown in...a truly winning combination. The couple evokes an emotional connection with readers that is trademark Lauren Layne...sure to create a heartwarming reaction.

There is a vulnerability and kindness to Luke that touched me deeply. The Firefighter who has so many layers under the surface, and such goodness overall, that it was difficult to let the emotions not take over, without including Jordan's hidden pain to their story. The two of them created for me such a deep attachment to their story, that it was hard to let go at the end.

This story is the gateway to a series that is sure to touch each reader as this author's other series preceding I Do, I Don't have. I look forward to the next book in the series, I'm sure it'll be just as captivating as this first one was.

This ARC book was a complimentary copy provided by the Publisher and Netgally, I am voluntarily providing my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sophie engstrom
After a lengthy search, Jordan has found the perfect bachelor for her reality show, Jilted, Luke Elliot, who has left 3 brides at the alter.
When despite numerous attempts to pitch him the idea for the show, Luke doesn't respond, Jordan visits Lucky Hollow to convince him in person.
Luke's stubborn reluctance on doing the show convinces Jordan that he is the best candidate, and she decides to stay back in his hometown till she gets him to agree.
The attraction between Jordan and Luke is instant and the constant bickering just keeps adding fuel to the fire.
I absolutely loved ready to run, and think it's only if the best books I've read in recent times. I loved the bickering, the small town meddling, the people, the suspense, basically everything about the book. And I would definitely recommend it to all.
I have voluntarily read and reviewed the arc from Netgalley.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
chad kieffer
I loved reading Ready to Run by Lauren Layne, book one in her new I Do, I Don’t series. As the sales line says, it is definitely the Bachelorette meets the Runaway Groom. New York City assistant, Jordan Carpenter is trying to secure Luke Elliot, a three-time runaway groom, as the star for an up and coming television show, Jilted. Luke, a firefighter in the small town of Lucky Hollow, Montana, does not want the details of why he was a no-show groom to get out to the public. Coming to Lucky Hollow is like going home for former small town girl, as many of the residents befriend her. The more she gets to know to Luke the more she respects, understands and falls in love with him.

I really loved reading this book and had trouble putting this book down. Ms. Layne wove a wonderful story, drawing me in and not letting go until I read the last page. I highly recommend this book to other readers and can’t wait to read the next book in this series.

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
hannah betz
Luke has been a reluctant run away groom three times. This is why Jordan has been sent to the small town he lives in to get him to participate in a new reality TV show called Jilted. Luke is a private person who just wants the City girl to leave him alone but there's something special about that girl.... Sweet romance.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cathy lubenski
What a fantastic romance. I loved the build up between Jordan and Luke. It wasn't rushed nor drawn out. Their chemistry was off the charts. All the secondary characters made this book so perfect. The story was charming and fun. Luke's secrets kept me reading and reading. What a bomb! I love Ms. Layne's books. They are truly swoony romances. I voluntarily read an advanced reader copy.
Please RateI Don't Book 1, Ready To Run: I Do
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