Dirt (Shoot for the Heart Series Book 1)

ByCassia Leo

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tania miller
5 Crazy Ass Must Read Stars!!!!!

Breathe, just breathe. Ok, I need a breather after reading this. Talk about intense. Seriously, that ending has totally thrown me. I need sometime to wrap my head around this all. I totally am having the beginnings of a book hangover. My head is all over the place right now. I can't seem to grasp onto anything coherent so I'm gonna return in a couple of days to see if I can sort my thoughts into some kind of semblance of a review this book deserves.

So I had to go back and do a quick re-read of this due to the fact that I'm a book whore and book amnesia and I needed a little refresher before starting Seed. #TheStruggleIsReal. OMG, I'm so glad I did because the ending was so much more powerful the second time around. However, unlike my first read through, my thoughts aren't jumbled at all.
Just like the first read, my heart just absolutely shattered for Jack and Laurel. The things they go through. While reading both times, I totally could see both sides of their struggles. So when that ending happened and I knew what was coming, I still felt like the air had been knocked out me. OMG. I'm starting Seed right away. I just have to know what the heck is going on.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book had me saying WOW! for hours after reading the last line. I couldn't function nor do anything productive for this story wouldn't leave my thoughts. It still hasn't and I read it weeks ago. Now I am ready to stumble through my review that couldn't possibly justify this life changing, heartbreaking story. First of all the writing is phenomenal. It's as if you are watching it unfold right before your eyes and feeling all of the emotions and feels right by their side. I honestly felt my heart actually break a time or two. Secondly the characters....oh be still my heart. The devistation and sadness that transcends them along with horrific events that has shaped them. Then we journey with them as they try to heal in ways they only know how. It's a story about finding your place in life after a tragic event, it's about coexisting in a world that doesn't look the same and learning your new new. This story sure hit me in all aspects. I cried, I shouted and clinched my fist more times then I can count. This is book one of three and I am looking forward to the rest. This book is brilliant. Bravo Cassia Leo! I would also like to add that book has never put me in a hangover as this one. It was so bad that I didn't think I could read anything until the next book in this series came out. The struggle was real!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Cassia Leo really knows how to write about damaged lives. She takes a horrific incident in Jack and Laurel's lives and shows the how each is dealing with it. In both cases neither is dealing very well. One is in denial there is a problem the other is trying to to acknowledge there is a problem. One is set on revenge the other is prone to panic attacks. It is an interesting study of both lives. Cassia Leo knows how to write suspense entwined with heartache and hot angry sex. I believe there is love there under all the heartache. I really don't like Jack and the way he exploits Laurel's weaknesses. I'm not sure he is going to be able to redeem himself in the next two books. I like Laurel and the fact she knows there are problems and they need to be addressed, I just wish she was strong to say no to Jack. The best thing I can say about Dirt is it left me wanting more. Not sure when Seed is coming out, I believe that is the next book. If you are a Cassia Leo fan, in my opinion she did not disappoint. I would recommend, but does end in a cliffhanger. Ugh!!! I was given an ARC edition for honest and voluntary review.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
phil chang
After a tragic event, Laurel and Jack's marriage suffered the aftereffects. Jack wanted revenge and justice. Laurel wanted to let it go and move on.

The two couldn't find the balance they previously had, so Laurel moved to her mother's house in Portland during the separation.

As she started to fix up her mother's home and garden, she developed a relationship with her sexy neighbor. A relationship that didn't involve sex or money.

Isaac is patient, attentive, and kind. Although at times I was hoping for the marriage to work, I also really enjoyed the relationship between Laurel and Isaac. If you asked me which man is better, I wouldn't be able to answer you because I liked them both. I loved Jack's dominating personality and desire to protect, and I loved Isaac's patience and kindness.

If you're not into books about cheating (even emotionally), then this one is probably not going to be enjoyable for you. But if you like steamy romances with crossroads, pick this up. Cassia Leo's writing is absolutely addicting.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
bryan hartney
This book will take you on such an emotional rollercoaster. But any fans of Cassia already know this to be true about most of her books.

Jack and Laurel had the perfect marriage until a tragedy had them at polar opposites, fighting for the marriage and to get back to the life they had together. Laurel decides that she needs some space and moves back to her hometown to try and get some clear thoughs on the situation and why the two of them can't move forward. (I can't give you details because its too much of a spoiler.)

When Laurel moves home she finds herself becoming friends with her next-door neighbor, who has his own little mystery going on himself.

This book is so full of angst and intensity, I had to walk away a few times just to give myself a break. I will let you know that this does have a BIG cliffhanger. But the great news is that book two is just around the corner.

I love Cassia and her writing is always on point, toying with you from page to page. Dirt is a definite read and I can't wait to see how this all ends up!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
perduto boy
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

When Dirt starts, you have this feeling like something terrible is going to happen. And my intuition is correct. It’s one of my worst fears. I do want to write this review without giving anything away. So I will not be going into detail.

Jack and Laurel are married and have gone through the ringer. They both are lost in their own way. They're married, but it’s like they lead two separate lives. Jack is intimidating and has no filter, it seems. Though I know he loves her, it was overwhelming.

The journey these two have to embark on is a difficult and emotional one. I loved the secondary characters in this story. I wanted to get to know some of them better. Dirt is a well-written story, it draws you in and keeps you reading. The only thing is I didn’t emotionally connect with the characters. Jack is a little too alpha for me. But that ending? Oh, my. I really can’t wait to find out what happens next.

Overall, Four Boundless Stars
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
That was one addictive read. I have been avoiding everything so I could read more.

I could totally understand Laurel's grief and pain. We all deal with loss and tragedy differently. Feeling the added loss of her connection with her husband Jack only added to the loss. She decided in an attempt to save her marriage she needs to find herself as well. Can this separation help fix their problems?

Jack loves his wife more than anything but the anger he holds from the loss of their son is consuming him. Still two years later he is obsessed with finding the person who took his family away. Willing to do anything to get his wife back and keeping her safe.

Laurel found herself some new friends in her finding herself journey but she still ached to have her love with Jack back as it once was. Will those new friendships end up helping or tearing them further apart?

I was not ready for this story to end. I need more now....I don't think I can wait. Please please tell me I don't have to wait long.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
O M G!!!!!!! I’m beyond speechless and have all the feels in the world right now. First of all I enjoyed all 3 POV, yes 3!!!

This story started out so sad with a tragic incident that happened to Jack and Laurel. Then it fast forwards two years where they are trying to save their marriage. That’s when she meets Isaac. At this time I didn’t know how this was going to end up. Jack was all alpha but a bit controlling in a sense but he loved his wife fiercely. Laurel had her moments where she seemed weak but then at times she was a tough cookie. Isaac seemed to just be in the middle but he knew Laurel was in love with her husband.

When it finally seems like Jack and Laurel are finally getting their life’s back on track other things start happening. They are things Jack is hiding from her for security and she’s not stupid she knows he’s lying. These two have a lot to work on and holy hell that cliffhanger!!!!! Damn Jack!!! That was a shocker and I can’t wait for Book 2!!!!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I'm struggling a little with this review. I liked this book - it's a solid book. But, I didn't love it. I think it's partly because it's a very different read than I expected. It wasn't nearly as dark and twisty as I'd expected based on the overview of the story. The writing was good, the pacing was fine. I think what threw me most was that it was essentially the story of two people trying to make their relationship work and yet the story brings in a third person and I'm not entirely sure what his purpose was to the overall story. I suspect this third person will make more sense when I read the 2nd book based on the ending, but it was frustrating to get to know him but have it never really go anywhere. I just finished the novel feeling very underwhelmed. Which isn't much fun ... I think I'll ultimately be satisfied after reading the next book (based on what I've read) but this one, in and of itself, didn't wow me.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tim princeton
Jack and Laurel were leading the seemingly perfect life until their world is shattered by unexpected violence and tragedy. Two years later both are still dealing with their grief in different, yet destructive ways. They have drifted apart in so many ways that it's heartbreaking to see. Jack is a brilliant, sexy, and charming app developer hell-bent on revenge. Laurel is sweet, sexy, and sassy while experiencing debilitating anxiety and living in denial. Their marriage is at a cross-roads when Laurel moves to Portland and meets her new neighbor, the sexy, intimidating, badass Isaac. Where Laurel and Jack are struggling to communicate and talk about their grief, their needs, and how to move forward, Laurel and Isaac bond over gardening and their guilt over events they couldn't respectively control. Dirt is emotional, tragic, sexy, and ends on a doozy of a cliffhanger. Cassia Leo provided complicated and imperfect characters who are struggling. I can't wait to see what happens next!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
heather whippie
This Author is renowned for her gritty and controversial writing and this book is no exception to the rule. I love how she continues to push her readers with her characters and how she doesn't conform her book to the cookie cutter contemporary romance reads currently available.

The book is told in Laurel, Jack and Issac's POV so there is a full all around reading experience and to get a good insight into the feelings and thoughts of all the character.

The book allows you to feel a myriad of emotions as Jack and Laurel both struggle in totally different ways with their losses and ultimately their marriage is put to the test.

The secondary characters Issac and Dylan just make this book and it inevitable that you will pick a side when reading this book but I think this book has just scratched the surface of whats to come in the upcoming books.

This is the first of a three book series and need to be read in order.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I definitely have a cliffhanger hangover. This is fair warning to hang onto your Kindle at the end, I almost tossed mine. Everyone grieves in their own way. When tragedy strikes Laurel and Jack drift apart. Each of them dealing with in their own way. When it's more than she can take she decides to put some space between them and moves to her mom's house. Jack being a proud man will have no such thing so he goes after her. They still love each other, if it didn't hurt it would mean there was nothing left up fight for. And they fight hard but they love harder. Marriage is hard work, it's not for everyone. Along comes her neighbor and they start to heal each other. Jack continues to pressure her to come home with the promise to do things differently. Just when it seems things are going well something happens that changes everything. And then the cliffhanger that makes you scream. Bring on the next book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
warren kenny
I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of the book.

I'm really happy that this is part of a trilogy, because while I enjoyed the writing, Dirt sort of left me with mixed feelings. I'm hoping that those feelings will be resolved in the following books. I was immediately intrigued by the blurb - both the bit about a strained marriage and the introduction of a third party. But instead of feeling immersed in the story, I felt like I was watching everything go down from the periphery; it was difficult making a connection with any of the characters and thus difficult to feel truly invested. I mean I liked Laurel ok (we get to know her the most), but really didn't like Jack, and barely got to know Isaac - but I have faith that these issues will be resolved as the series goes on and I'm happy to stay along for the ride. 3.75 out of 5 wine glasses.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
emily gomm
So... I’m still feeling shocked by the last few chapters!! I want the next book!
It’s hard to say much without spoilers.

Jack and Laurel are falling apart after tragedy. Understandable. I went back and forth about how I felt about them as a couple.

Jack isn’t my favorite but there are moments when I felt for him and understood his actions. Some of his behavior/tactics made him a bit of a jerk( in my opinion)

Isaac is likable I hope we get to know him better in the next book. I don’t feel like I got enough of him. But this is the first of a series so understandable.

Likable secondary characters, the pace isn’t fast more at a speed where you’re experiencing everything with them.

Huge Bam!! moments at the end!!

Really good start to a series,I can’t wait to read the next one!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This book starts out with a shocker and ends with a shocker. It will make you yearn for the next book in the series.

Wow - Jack and Laurel are dysfunctional enough that they seem perfect for each other. But how can you recover from loss and the fact that you spend more time f***ing instead of actually communicating.

Laurel decides to say good-bye and heads to Portland where she meets her sexy neighbor, Isaac. You just have a feeling this is going to stir up trouble.

Hard to describe in any detail without giving away the story, but suffice it to say that this is another stellar read by Cassia Leo. You may not like all the characters, but they will definitely make you feel.

Bring on "Seed"!!!!

I voluntarily requested and reviewed an advance reader copy.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
talal chamsi pasha
I absolutely loved Dirt!!! From the very start I was so drawn into the story of Laurel and Jack that my life was put on hold to read this story and boy was it so worth it.
Laurel and Jack have a life so many people wish for. Wealth, happiness, family and undying love. However in one tragic moment none of that matters. On their third wedding anniversary, their lives are shattered. When she can no longer stand what her marriage has become, Laurel leaves Jack and moves in to her mom’s house, hoping that it will be the wake up call Jack needs. Will these two be able to come together again? Their love for each other is never questioned, but sometimes love isn't enough.
Holy cliff hanger…. I never saw that ending coming!!! I can not wait to read Seed, the second book of the series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
regge episale
This is a riveting story!! A very raw and emotional one that I couldn't put down! Two people who had it all,Laurel and Jack. They were happy and in love. Then on one horrific night everything changed. Their dreams turned into nightmares. Their marriage started to fall apart afterwards. Laurel had decided enough was enough! That tragic night,Jack,and her marriage were in her rear view mirror. But,Jack loves Laurel and goes after her. But Laurel's friendship with Isaac may cause a problem. Their friendship is not Jack approved!
I'll honestly say this story is beautifully written. You feel Jack and Laurel's pain in every sentence. It does leave off with Quite a cliffhanger!!! I can't wait to see what Cassia Leo has for us in book #2!
Reviewed For Reviews From The Heart
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I read and reviewed this book voluntarily.

Wow... This book was awesome.
Laurel and Jack had it all. After a devastating loss, Jack spends all his time finding who is responsible, while Laurel is left to deal with the loss by herself. In order to try and save their marriage, Laurel leaves. can Laurel and Jack find their way back to each other or did they lose each other as well?
This book ends in a cliffhanger, and you will not see the ending coming.
I cannot even begin to imagine the pain they are going through, but you can see the love they still have for each other. She left to get him to fight for them along with her, but will she fight when he really needs her to?
I loved this book and cannot wait for the next one.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Dirt is a powerful story about grief and betrayal. Six years into their happily ever after, Jack and Laurel are forced to endure an unspeakable tragedy. Dirt is about their journey to recovery.

Two years later, Laurel is fed up with the dysfunctional state of their marriage so she moves in to her mother’s house three hours away from Jack. She hopes the distance will give them a chance to heal themselves and in turn their relationship. Jack, on the other hand, doesn’t want to admit that they need help at all. He is hellbent on seeking justice. Over the course of the story, Jack and Laurel manipulate each other in an attempt to reconcile. Despite the toxic nature of their relationship, it is clear how deeply they care for one another.

During her stay at her mother’s house, Laurel meets a broken ex-soldier, Isaac Evans. They form an unexpected bond that helps them create beauty out of their loss. As Laurel nurtures her ailing soul she and Jack are finally able to heal.

This book is amazing! It balances brutally honest, gritty characters with laugh-out-loud humor. And, yes, there is a cliffhanger, but it is the first book in a series and it’s also part of what makes the ending so impactful. Would definitely recommend to anyone who enjoys hot, angsty romance!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Cassia Leo is the queen of emotional writing. She knows how to pull out every emotion in her readers. Dirt is the first in her new must-read series, Evergreen. It chronicles Jack and Laurel as they try to move forward after a horrific tragedy two years prior. Each has his or her own means of coping.

I felt this couple's pain, heartache, and became so engrossed in their lives as I read this book. Yes, it does end in a shocker of a cliffhanger, and I am patiently awaiting the second in the series.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an ARC of this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
stacie schlecht
"I voluntarily read this book for my honest review" I absolutely loved this book, holy cliffhanger. I need the next book now!!! Jake and Laurel have a special kind of love and bond but after a devastation that no parent should have to face their relationship is put to the ultimate test. After Laurel leaves to try to get Jake you fight for their marriage she meets Isaac, who she becomes friends with. Will the separation bring them back together or further apart. This is a must read!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book was brilliant, intense, beautifully broken, smoldering hot, painful and heart shattering. I have read it several times and my heart is still processing. This is a story you will never forget. You are going to be torn wide open. You are going to feel and you may not always like how you’re feeling, but I wouldn’t change a thing. Prepare yourself for one shocking cliffhanger that makes me want Seed in a desperate way!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
WOW... my jaw hit the floor with this fantastic book by Cassia Leo. She has never disappointed her readers but has definitely left us wanting MORE. This book follows a young married couple after a traumatic event. You learn how they each deal with the pain this event as caused them. They have ups and downs just like every couple does but with a twist. This is a MUST read, you won’t be disappointed or able to put it down.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
caroline boll
This one was a winner for sure. I absolutely love everyone of Cassia Leo's books that I have read and this one did not disappoint. However I have a major love hate emotion towards Jack. I loved how he loved Laurel but I hated how cocky he was all the time. Then that ending ugh I really need to have seed in my hands soon!!!
I could go on and on about this book and the characters and everything but I don't want to spoil anything for anyone.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
c tia santos
Laurel and Jack have been through a heartbreaking loss and their relationship has taken a big hit. Laurel packs up and moves away to help with her grief and she meets her sexy next door neighbor Isaac. An amazing read that will have you wanting the next book.

I received a copy of this book via Netgalley and am voluntarily leaving a review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
eric simpson
** purchased on the store.com.au**

Cassia Leo is back with a bang. I absolutely loved Dirt, I was hooked from page one and I completely devoured this book. She pulled at the heart strings and just when you think you know what’s happening BAM she takes you on a completely different path. And that ending left me speechless, bring on book #2
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
What happened to Jack and Laurel was horrendous. It was brutal. Will they overcome this mountain, or will they be swallowed whole by the avalanche which is cascading down from the top of the mountain? Of course we have to wait for the second, and am certain third book. I hate cliff hangers.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nick f
Wow just wow. Hooked from page one right until the very cliffhanger that has me holding on by my finger nail. Agonizing , sexy, tough and love, lots and lots of love. Jack a sexy alpha who loves his wife but can't seem to get passed the devastation of his son. Laurel a woman who wants her husband to just love her like it once was. Isaac the neighbour who may love a married woman. I NEED this next book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I honestly can't believe how friggen good this book is! This book has my heart pounding from page one. I cried, got angry, and laughed out loud at the events that take place in Laurel and Jack's life. Thank you for taking us on this Rollercoaster ride, Cassia!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
heather benson
It was exciting to read about. However I want more development for these characters. It was pretty good overall. I just want more backstory and changing throughout!

I received a copy of this book and am voluntarily reviewing.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nikki golden
I read for a honest review for Gloss Publishing LLC & NetGalley. I ready enjoyed reading this book, can't wait to read more books by this author.loved the characters, storyline kept me on the edge of my seat.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This was an emotional roller coaster for Jack and Laurel after the brutal death of her mother and their three month old son in a home invasion. How a young couple ever recovers back from such a terrible loss is what this story is about and how they are not really coping very well. She is mentally devastated but is trying to save her marriage by separating g from her husband who has been ignoring her for months. Leaving him makes him want to work on their marriage but he is just lying to her and telling her things he thinks she wants to hear. The story ends with him assuming that she had slept with another man when she had not and asking her for a divorce. It is so sad but I want to see what the next book is about and if they can salvage their relationship. This first book ends on a sad note but I hope it gets better with the next release in this series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Laurel and Jack have gone through the very best of times together, and then the absolute worst of times. Can they come out stronger together? Or will life break them apart? Dirt is about love, loss, trials and tribulations. In usual Cassia Leo fashion, it's a bit like reading a rollercoaster, you cry, you laugh, and you want to throw your book across the room. I loved the intensity, how people can go through so much, and how to pick up the pieces of your life after it's shattered.
This is not an easy read, but it is well worth your while. Trust me, you want to pick this one up!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
barry gibbons
This author is EPIC!!!!! I had assume that Heiress was wicked. However, this is EPIC!!!!! Overall, this author knows how to hook in readers like me in. I was on edge the whole time until the very end. I honestly can not see myself burying a child or my mother. For the first time, as a blogger/reader I cried like a baby wanting my mama bear. Thank you Ms. Leo!!!!! I am looking forward for SEED. Any chance this book will be on audible?
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