Foreign Enemies And Traitors

ByMatthew Bracken

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Prophetic. Many things discussed in this trilogy as fiction have come to pass. While some things might have been "predictable," they were more inevitable, seeing as how the most recent volume was published in 2009. While we do not live in the dystopia of Mr. Bracken's America, a look at how the present political administration has played it's hand in gun confiscation and immigration policies, would serve as a warning to all patriots.

Let this be a wake-up call to all about the termination of freedoms in America.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
joanne nolan
Good plot, good major have to read the first two books to get the context. To some the plot may seem way out there but its quite possible given the current political situation in Washington. A few minor mistakes and not quite the development of the semi-major characters and some are just passing probably better left out. Overall good series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
caleb h
Whether you keep up with national current events, or just like to read great semi-ficton, you will enjoy Bracken's entertaining Enemies Foreign and Domestic trilogy.

As many point out, the trilogy reflects the seemingly unfortunate direction the United States is heading. Yes, there is an uncomfortable amount of reality in these texts and often there is not a clear right or wrong. Still, the series does not get mired down in doom and gloom. Bracken's story line and characters are wonderfully crafted. The bad guys leave us screaming for blood, while the good guys are faithful, full of hope, play smart, and overcome, to change the course of what seems to be the inevitable fate of the United States.
Ratchet Wives Club: Episode One :: The Connect's Wife 7 :: Ever Loved someone so much that you would kill for them? :: Bedrock: A Gripping Psychological Thriller :: Domestic Enemies: The Reconquista
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
conner colosi
The knowledge of the author was exactly as my experiences, as a old grunt in the USMC,RICKY RECON,VIETNAM VET, 0311 Super squad, 8th & I of 45 years ago. I also have three college degrees. The story could actually take place, and that just scares the check out of me. Sempier Fi Bracken!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Better chapter development than the last book. Shows Bracken maturity a different development as a writer. He still does a great job projecting the advancement of socialism in America. I found myself looking at the date written and amazed to could foresee current events.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Author's style of writing reminds me of Tom Clancy or W.E.B. Griffin. He captures your attention within the first page, and doesn't let go until you close the book on the last one. Even then, you'll want to find his next book as soon as possible, because you don't want to miss anything or skip a beat. If I had to describe his book with one word: "Addictive." Some other ones come to mind: captivating or exciting.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rachael collins
Some people might ask how The United States could ever be converted to a Socialistic, totalitarian state. The answer is: "a little at a time". All that is required is buy-in of the media and a corrupt Congress and Executive Branch to chip away at the Constitution until it no longer offers any protections to the citizenry. Matthew Bracken does a chillingly thorough job of showing how this could happen here, beginning with the first book in the trilogy and ending with this third book. What is really frightening is how many parallels there are in this series to actual present-day situations.

All three of the books, (but especially this one) are well written and peopled with believable characters. I have seldom read fiction that is as compelling and difficult to put down as this book, despite the uncomfortable subject matter.

Everyone who loves this country should read this series before it is banned. At the very least, it should equip you to watch for some of the warning signs of those situations that can rip away our remaining liberties in a short period of time.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
melissa law penrose
Well written book with good background information. Excellent read especially in today's political environment. Finishes the trilogy out completely. Read the first two books before this one. Makes the storyline flow way better.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The series is frightening for people that are paying attention to world events and the political environment. Matt Bracken authored this series long before we opened our southern border to an influx of "illegal immigrants", he may not be a prophet but many of his fictional ideals are coming true right before our eyes. WAKE UP America, we have enemies inside & out!

Thank you Matt for writing a very entertaining and thought provoking series as well as your service to our armed forces.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
leah fitzgerald
Chilling novel about how America could fall and the heroes that fight back. The events leading up to the collapse of American government are so similar to what is happening today, it's frightening. Highly recommended!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kelli raymond
I can not recommend this book to anyone who cannot stay up until 1 or 2 am each night reading. You just sort of start reading and then you desire to know what is going to happen next. Storyline moves quickly from one event to the next, very well done! Mr Bracken is now one of my favorite authors along side C.J. Box, Cussler and William Johnstone.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
david steinberg
Wow! What an amazing conclusion to the trilogy. Especially poignant to me as I live very close to the geographical areas involved and know most of the towns and landmarks. Again, just wonderful character development. The parallels with our current state of affairs is unmistakeable. If our Jamal could only have a similar outcome!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
gloria recio
The words escape to describe how important it is to read this series. You'll be mesmerized by how much that's in the book is actually happening or just breaching the horizon. God, guts and guns... all you need to get the job done. Prep and pray for this country is dying. Matt knows how to write a book that is relative and entertaining.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I had the great pleasure of reading the trilogy....AWESOME...Very interesting take on the current state of affairs. It was not a stretch to see what can become of our country. These books make you think more than twice what is going on. It was actually scary how easy things can turn and this book lays out a fairly good possible outcome for things to come if the sheeple don't wake up. Fantastic writing and story line....
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
lauren aguilar
Great character development, and yet another page burner. New characters are introduced but most importantly we learn what happened to Phil Carson. His plight unfolds in this gut wrenching story, as the country continues to plunge into the abyss. This book brings the Enemies trilogy to a satisfying conclusion.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kaitlin caudle
You should definitely read all three books in the trilogy, starting with Enemies: Foreign and Domestic. I blasted right through all three; couldn't wait to find out what happened next, but didn't want it to end. Matthew Bracken is a talented storyteller and much better writer than most TEOTWAWKI authors. I fear he may be scarily prescient. Highly recommended.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
linda strawn
An absoultely scary read. Parallels things going on (or about to go on) in this current administration. Matt Bracken is a very knowledgeable writer and has a very good insight into the political and military workings of this country. I highly advise reading all three books of the series. You may just change the way you look at things going on in this day and time. Congrats to you, Matt.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
toni harmer
Much, much better written than most books of this genre. Most post-apocalyptic books feel like they've been written by gun enthusiasts or "Doomsday preppers" who have limited writing experience. Mr. Bracken's books, including this one, are for the most part well-written stories that happen to be about perilous times. I imagine that if the author wrote an adventure novel set in any interesting locale, it would be a worthwhile read. One slight criticism I have is that Mr. Bracken has a tendency to be somewhat repetitive in describing a character's state of mind, saying the same thing in incrementally different ways over the course of several paragraphs. This is a minor ding; I would recommend his books to anyone.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great reads! Would love it if you branched out and maybe wrote about other 'hot spots' alluded to in the series such as the ongoing war for Colorado, or maybe resistance in the upper midwest (there are a lot of deer rifles and here too).
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
debi linton
Matthew Bracken's portrayal of America in this series is frighteningly realistic. The series of books may well be a preview of our future history. I truly fear for the future of our country and how my grandchildren may very well have to live. In my opinion every American should read this series and think about what is going on in our country today. If this series of possibilities, coupled with current events doesn't scare you, I am afraid you must not be paying much attention.

Sheeple don't do well in times of crisis! WAKE UP!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
this, the third book in the "Enemies trilogy" from Matthew Bracken was a great read as were the two previous books in the trilogy. Some of the characters from the first book finally meet up again, as well as some from the second book for the "grand finale" of events.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
josh seol
Well done, Mr. Bracken. Makes one stop and think of where we are and where we're going. It really grabs your attention. I didn't want it to end. Outstanding work! Keep 'em coming. Great message.
Ken Farmer - Co-author of the Black Eagle Force series and The Nations series with Bass Reeves.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kate hayes
Matt has you looking at what happens when a country tears itself apart because of goverment selfpower and the people forgetting what this country was built on and why. It makes me think that Matt is a time traveler and he is here to remind us WE THE PEOPLE and my hope is that I will be able to meet Matt and talk with him.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
eugenia vlasova
I am a consumate optimist, and I love our country. I see it failing, and this whole series lays out one possible avenue we may have to take to save our ideals. Far from optimum, but possible.

Fiction is only interesting if it assumes the least deviation from reality. If the author "assumes" too many things that are not real, then the fiction is highly unlikely. If the deviations from reality are minimal, the fiction is closer to future history. Sadly, this work is closer to future history than many of the public want to believe.

One should read the series as a series, in order, for it to build to it's climax.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jessica simone
the villains are much better developed in this thriller. It makes the reader pause and wonder if governmental ignorance is sometimes a coverup for a conspiracy. the one world idealists take a bashing. the unforseen consequences for Americans of a stronger UN are hinted at. makes one think.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
scott aitken
Imagine an American Drones killing Americans! Marshal law, your life savings stolen by the bankers. Plus... you are What's For Dinner during the breakdown of civilization in large cities. Add, the dissolution of our Military by Homeland Security's leaders! An amazing tale of adventure and Patriotic Heroism!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
tippy holmes
All three of the "enemies" series are rip roaring reads, and ring true with how Merica is trending. Both highly entertaining and thought provoking. Also should help urge any true patriot to more political action before the actual scenarios in the novels come to fruition
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
danielle franco malone
Uncanny ! ! ! (see below)
How close it resembles our current administration is uncanny !
Made me hope that it never comes to that !
Being said, I hope that if it does, we could have a similar outcome !

The psychological concept of the uncanny as something that is strangely familiar, rather than just mysterious, was perhaps first fixed by Sigmund Freud in his essay Das Unheimliche. Wikipedia
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
frank white
For the most part the thee books kept my interest. I thought they were too long and at times I wondered if it was worth my time to keep reading but I am glad I did because in the end I felt it was worth it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
yana a
I read the whole trilogy front to back without putting any of the books down. Chilling story line. Glad it is only fiction though sounds like more of today's reality than is comfortable. In this third book, Matt wraps up all of the story lines. Great suspense throughout. I'd recommend this book and the entire series to anyone.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
joanna wade
Just finished the trilogy. Its got everything to make the stories interesting: good vs. evil, characters you can love and characters you can hate, romance, guns,cliff hangers, technology.

The stories are about the dissolution of the US. It is frightening how close they follow things happening today. I recommend all of the books and suggest you read them in order.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jill harrington
For revisions....any doubt about which President was replaced in the narrative, nor the action packed ending?

We dodged this bullet in 2016. Let America get back to business, and get people back into the middle class .
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I really have enjoyed reading Mr. Bracken's books. The premises are well researched. You will find that once you buy one of his books, you will want to read all the others. Mr. Bracken has never published a dud. People interested in foreign and domestic affairs will really like reading his series. I own nearly all of them.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
titti persson
This book was outstanding! I love how the author wrapped up the trilogy. I didn't like the first book as well as numbers two and three, but I'm sure glad I kept reading! I would recommend this book to anyone who loves the constitution, and especially veterans. Thanks Matt!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kat o b
Great read! Maybe the dumb masses will get the picture of what this nation is becoming under BOTH the Dems and Repubs. The parallels are undeniable and the extrapolated consequences are already being talked about in the halls of congress and the white house as possible action plans, NDAA etc. Tyrants through out history have never voluntarily relenquished their strangle hold. It has had to be ripped from their greedy little rat paws at the point of a gun. Welcome to what PC and a Godless society have wrought.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nicole papa
I started this trilogy and finished it in a week. Great read. I hope it remains a novel and doesn't too closely reflect our reality. So many parallels for today. This would make a great series. Better than zombies or aliens. Make people think about the path we may be on and how to avoid it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was an example of a unique gun-grabbing attempt. In this day and age, when the elites have bodyguards to protect them, the rest of us need the 2nd Amendment more than ever. Constitutional carry, which means a permit is not needed to possess a gun, was the original intent of this right. Remember - No Bill of Rights, then No Constitution!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
pat shand
I highly recommend all of Matt Brackens work as it is very well written, very timely for the situation we live in now, & is more believable than a lot of other writers out there in the same genre. Buy all of Matt's books, you wont be sorry!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jan morrison
Matthew Bracken has done it again. I won't cover the plot, I just want to say that this third book in his trilogy is as good as or better than the first two. I especially love his characters -- even the bad guys are interesting! How a relatively new writer can write such a fantastic thriller is beyond me. It should be on the best seller lists! If you liked reading Baldacci and Clancy, without the political correctness and fawning awe of the central government, you will love these books. In fact, if you love freedom and liberty, and the U.S. Constitution, you will love this book. My only quibble with his books are whether there really are as many people in the U.S. as he thinks that value their freedom enough to fight for it. I certainly hope so.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
j dale
Another amazing and strikingly plausible book.

I have just finished this book and thus completed the Enemies Trilogy and Castigo Cay.

I am looking forward to future books by this author.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
winaldo swastia
You can guess who President Tambor is modeled after, along with his professor friend. I just hope that if it did come down to it that there would be americans as courageous as the ones written about here; that is the ones who didn't give in to tyennary!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book should be read by every American citizen! It lays out a real possibility in today's times of efforts but hoses in power to reduce the United States to a global socialist state. Highly recommended reading for all true citizens.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Matthew Bracken has a good handle on the unfortunate direction our nation is on, and I just hope and pray we can reverse it.

All of his books are of the same high quality, so this is my review for all of them ... read them all and in order if possible....
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
carmen arias
I read all three books in this trilogy this week. I could not put my kindle down. All three books are riveting. These are real "page turners" filled with action. Read these with the following caution: don't plan to do much else once you start reading because these books are hard to put down.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rebekka istrail
Read all three books then view the politics of land with a slightly more critical lens.... And you'll see the light too!

And if you haven't done so since middle school... READ THE CONSTITUTION.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Our God given freedoms are under assault. Each day brings new legislation that is an affront to every man, woman and child who believes that they were born with the God given rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. These novels don't seem that far fetched now, but the first one was published in 2002, and reads like today's headlines.
All that it takes for evil to prosper is for good men to do nothing.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was the third book of the "Enemies" trilogy. Loved every page, surprised to find it set in my neck of the woods which made it even more enjoyable! I Served in the military and found myself nearly weeping at the patriotism demonstrated by the military men when they had to make the difficult decision...
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