Bedrock: A Gripping Psychological Thriller

ByBritney King

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★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
isabel summers
Bedrock by Britney King
Purchased: Kindle - $2.99 [Free at time of purchase]
My Rating: 2 of 5 Stars


What’s It All About:
“When Addison Greyer, a happily married mother of three, decides to re-enter the workforce, she never once considers that taking a job might unravel everything she thinks to be true about her life—that it would cause her to look deep within and confront fears she didn’t know existed. She couldn’t have foreseen how a chance meeting or a single day can change the course of an entire lifetime.

Like many women, Addison is defined in terms of marriage and motherhood, until she suddenly finds her life turned upside down by her husband’s decision to take a job thousands of miles away. When her tough-as-nails boss offers her an opportunity she can’t refuse, Addie is forced to make difficult choices. Those choices take her further and further out of the carefully crafted fairytale life she has created and lead her into an unknown world where things are anything but black and white: a world where she learns that desire is not only dangerous but deadly. In this world, all bets are off as she is forced to finally confront her past. As her past and present collide, she has to make decisions that for most are unthinkable, decisions that can tear her family apart, and perhaps even have fatal consequences.”

Description taken from the store.

The Worst Parts:
The description of this novel doesn’t really prepare you for what you are about to read. This sets up the tale like after her husband left for his job things went down hill. Well things were already going down hill and her husband doesn’t even leave until over half way through the book.

The start of this book also is like so abrupt, but then doesn’t stated that it is present and then we go back in time to before it happened. Confusing timeline. To go along with the whole timeline thing the whole novel is literally a step by step of Addison’s life. From the time she was six to now. There was so much unneeded information about old boyfriends and then patrick and then their relationship. The problem I have with this was that I was basically being told what happened, like I was a child. There were barely any scenes I this novel that actually played out. Everything is told to you in way too many details and long paragraphs. Truth here, I skipped and skimmed a bunch of paragraphs and didn’t feel like I missed anything.

The Best Parts:
I liked William, and it seemed when he was in the picture we actually got to see interactions and other things, but then it was ruined for me when the whole Dom thing came into play. I don’t mind Dom/Sub plot lines, but this one just seemed to be thrown in here with no real purpose. That was another thing that bugged me. There were so many things happening form the Dom plot line, to Addie cheating, to her husband cheating, to her mother in law, to the kids, to her boss. It was just all too much for me to grasp onto one thing and stick to it.

Final Thoughts:
Granted I am curious to see where William and Addie end up, but it doesn’t seem worth it for me to buy the other books if they are written the same way. If you don’t mind too many description and being told a story, then this is for you, but if you actually want some interaction then I wouldn’t recommend this novel to you.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
clo newton
I read a lot, especially urban fantasy and romance. I consider myself a discerning reader. This book was the first in a long time that put me in that "zone." You know, where you tune out everything else and become immersed in the story. Waiting to pre-order the next one!
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
veronica guranda
I hate criticizing self-published books. So much work goes into them that the author should receive nothing but praise for their accomplishment. But I just couldn't get into this book. It starts from the first chapter when the climactic scene is given away. Then we have some scenes showing the MC going into depression and feeling oppressed by her husband. I was at least following along until the MC gets a part-time job for $85,000 and a clothes budget? Whaat? Then she gets an offer to become a dominatrix? Huh? I guess my biggest problem was how unbelievable the whole situation was. Not to mention that, for an erotica, there is very little sex actually going on. Really wanted to like this one.
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★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
deborah gray
The story dark, had to many little stories but doesn't interconnect, so, the reader got lost. Characters, Et Al without even a little may be I'll connect...but no.

An incomplete road with a story that maybe good.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kevin auman
I read a lot, especially urban fantasy and romance. I consider myself a discerning reader. This book was the first in a long time that put me in that "zone." You know, where you tune out everything else and become immersed in the story. Waiting to pre-order the next one!
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
angie davis
I hate criticizing self-published books. So much work goes into them that the author should receive nothing but praise for their accomplishment. But I just couldn't get into this book. It starts from the first chapter when the climactic scene is given away. Then we have some scenes showing the MC going into depression and feeling oppressed by her husband. I was at least following along until the MC gets a part-time job for $85,000 and a clothes budget? Whaat? Then she gets an offer to become a dominatrix? Huh? I guess my biggest problem was how unbelievable the whole situation was. Not to mention that, for an erotica, there is very little sex actually going on. Really wanted to like this one.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
kristy marie
The story dark, had to many little stories but doesn't interconnect, so, the reader got lost. Characters, Et Al without even a little may be I'll connect...but no.

An incomplete road with a story that maybe good.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
tammy lim
How did this get published? Even self-published??

The writing is horrible.
The protagonists are weak.
The characterization non-existent.
Couldn't tell you what the plot was because I bailed after 30 minutes of reading.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jessica baetjer
by Britney King
Main Characters: Addison, Patrick & William

I volunteered to review an Advance Reader Copy of this book.

5 out of 5 stars

This is the first book of Ms. Kings that I have read. I would normally not read a book with cheating in it..(This comes from a woman who has been with her husband for 54 years) But because I accepted a ARC and said I would give an honest review I then read the whole book and absolutely frigging loved it. Let me also say I also do not usually like to read series because I find it gets too expensive but now that I have read this 1st book I just have to read the other two. Loved the way she developed her characters. Loved the suspense and had a hard time putting the book down to even bother cooking dinner. lol I don't want to get into a synopsis of the book because there would definitely be spoilers and I know I hate it when reviewers ruin it for me. Suffice to say that I started out not liking the choices Addison and even Patrick made but ended up liking the way things were turning out. This book has mystery, love and suspense. Give the book a try and forget about your preconceived ideas about cheating. This is a book and meant for enjoyment. I highly recommend you try it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sam mahmoudi
Usually the one the mother in law hates is always the one who rebels or gets in trouble. Addie Greyer is getting a little bored with the stay at home wife/ mommy role then her husband takes a year research grant to work in China. She goes for a job interview. Ends up in a malfunctioning elevator with the CEO of the company. She ends up in the ER with a job offer an affair and several dark secrets. This makes Fifty Shades Of Grey blush. Everyone has secrets. It all comes down to the nosy mother in law still trying to get her out of her sons life. Her affair, her husbands affair, the kids, her extracurricular activities at her secret job that nearly gets her killed. She knows who she loves in her heart and who loves her. But, can she risk her children. What happens after the trial? Britney King has a way of putting words in a sentence that put you in the situation you are reading. You can smell the dank cellar and sense the terror of the characters. The script flows smoothly. Kudos Ms. King! You have a new reader! Can't wait to get more books!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
ashleigh walls
Awhile some of the two star reviews have valid points and there are some major flaws in the book writing I found myself wanting to finish. I also found myself liking Addison. Her past made her a bundle of mixed up emotions and low ideas of her self worth. Accepting a sub-par marriage and a spineless spoiled husband that came from money is the most she can hope for. Besides if you feel unlovable being loved by anyone is something you hang on to tightly. Even if it's not what you really want. Some of the dream job benefits are just to outlandish to pass up. She finally meets someone who brings to the surface her feelings not those of others. She acts on these and it leads to ups and downs that could kill her and her family. Yes I had to buy book two to find out what happens but that's just good marketing and as Britney goes on to write she can develope her strategy that entices readers to get the next book not force them. I went on to read book two that accomplishes that feat and leaves you satisfied and I want to get book three.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
liz adame
OH MY GOD! Seriously Bedrock packs a punch. As soon as I read the first chapter I found myself thinking WTF is going on here! Then the story leads to some flashbacks of what led Addie to the point in life she was currently in and at first I was bored. I didn't want the back story. I wanted the now but as I kept reading I realized how sucked in I was getting and how everything was starting to make more and more sense and then I just couldn't put Bedrock down. I was captivated by Addie's life and her experiences. She has these thoughts about parenting and relationships that I'm sure so many of us think of and never voice. I didn't like Addie at first because I thought she portrayed motherhood in a poor light but as I got to know her I realized just how real her character was. How her thoughts and feelings were so raw. I appreciated the Authors willingness to go where many Authors wouldn't dare. This really was one of those books that made me think. I didn't love how the ending left me from a cliff. Though I suppose thats probably a good thing since I promptly stalked the authors site trying to find information on an upcoming book two. I found none at first and was kind of freaking out thinking there HAS TO BE a book 2 but after speaking with the author I found out she does have something in the works so needless to say I'm thrilled to see what happens next. All in all a great read. I read it in a day and its only $2.99 right now for Kindle. You can't beat that. Totally worth buying but be warned, There is some BDSM in it, not as much as I had expected so in my opinion nothing that would be off putting (This is no 50Shades so if your squeamish your safe) so this one is for 18+ but I would definitely recommend Bedrock.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
stephen schwegler
Bedrock is an absolute jewel of a story. The adrenaline is still pumping and my thoughts swirling!

This was a story that just grabbed you at chapter 1 and if you survive it, you are on your way to an amazing read.

Intelligently written story of choices and the consequences of those choices. All choices have consequences, some good, some bad.

Bedrock is a roller coaster of emotions. Lot's of twists and turns. Every chapter a page turner. Every page a WOW factor.

Addison has her life very carefully planned out. She wants a loving husband, children, and a happy life. Coming from a home life less than stellar, she is very goal oriented in what she perceives to be her dreams.


Addison meets Patrick in college. He is everything she wants in a partner and they immediately hit it off. Patrick is also very focused on what he wants as life goals.


They are blissful. The relationship has many ups and downs all very realistically written, leading them to marriage. All is happy and life goals achieved, or are they?

Nothing in life is perfect and Addie soon discovers she is not as happy as she had hoped to be. With the birth of her first baby who is colicky, Patrick's dominating personality in wanting Addie to be a stay a home wife and mother, dissatisfaction in herself and loss of career, Addie becomes very disillusioned. Not what she thought her life would be.

Patrick on the other hand is very happy. Career is going well, Addie is home raising the children, ideal life in his minds eye, or is it? We shall soon discover, not so much on his part either.

But they do love each other, you definitely get a feel for the chemistry these two have. They want things to work and they want to be happy.

Addie decides to look for a job, quietly.

Enter William. A handsome and powerful man she meets after getting stuck in an elevator. And something very surprising happens while stuck in that elevator. It is at this point the story really takes off.


There are so many choices for all three of them. All leading to a very climatic and surprising ending in the story and with even more choices. A bit of a cliffie ending but no worries. I checked with the author and she is writing the follow up as we speak to be released in October. I personally have not had my fill of Addie, Patrick, and William.

Bedrock is not an easy story to review. There were so many levels in the story happening, though seamlessly and well written out that it would be very easy to give away spoilers. I definitely don't want to do that. I want you to read it and tell me how much you love it too!

Very powerfully written and engaging. You will be very drawn in and very pleased with this gem of a story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is a review of Both Bedrock and Breaking Bedrock

Is your seatbelt fastened? Okay good because this series is one hell of a bumpy ride.
Have you ever looked at your life and asked yourself “What would have happened if I made different choices, took greater “How would my life change?”
How does one choice; one action ripple throughout your life? Meet Addison Greyer who is about to find out what happens when the choices she makes sets her life in a tailspin she can’t control and into the arms of a man she can’t resist.ddison Greyer had a plan for a life; a dream of marriage to a great man, of being a loving mother, and the perfect wife. When she meets her future husband Patrick in college she believes her dream will come true and it does for a little while at least until her idea of motherhood is harder than she planned and her husband decides to take a job thousands of miles away. Addison’s dreams soon start to crumble and in its wake she realizes that maybe it’s time to make some choices of her own. Deciding to renter the workforce Addison is swept into a world unlike her own, one filled with passion, deceit, control, lust, murder and ultimately love and it is in that world that she meets the man she can’t refuse, William Hartman. Torn between what is right and what is in her heart Addison makes choices that can possibly destroy the family she once craved but give her the love she most desperately needs.
Well, where to begin! These books had me all over the place, complete emotional roller coaster. I couldn’t decide if I wanted to smack Addison or hug her. When I first started reading I was definitely judgmental. I completely judged the characters based on their actions in the story at face value without considering their reasoning, and I have to say, I think that was Britney King’s plan all along because as things started to unravel my feelings started to change as well. One word –“INTENSE”. King creates a story that sucks you in and spits you out a completely different person, she shows two sides to almost every character and by the end of the series you are desperately rooting for everyone to end up with a happy ending because getting there has definitely been rough. Oh and “Hello William Hartman!” this man is smokin hot and oh so broken, so much so that you want to jump into the story and lick all his wounds. The heat that he and Addison give off is basically volcanic, another one-word “Elevator”, yup fanning myself as I think about it. This series is bold, brave and in your face from the beginning. The characters make some choices that will make you want to cover your eyes in disgust but peak through your fingers at the same time because even though you think something was wrong you can’t help but want to see the outcome. You can’t help but hope that maybe the decisions weren’t necessarily bad but perhaps they were right all along. King brings us truth in this series, that life is messy, right and wrong choices are never really clear; sometimes we do need to stumble perhaps even fall and sometimes we do end up hurting people we love. That is living, and how many of us wouldn’t wish to be the person that is brave enough to put it all on the line if it meant genuine happiness at the end, for everyone involved. So are you brave enough to take the plunge into a darker story full of twists, heartbreak and love or will you stay in your comfort zone were Happily Ever After’s are all sunshine and rainbows? What’s YOUR choice?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
christy smith
This book keeps getting more and more wild. I dont know who to cheer for I mean whos faithful here. The mother in law I want to rip her head off. I despise people like that. Patrick what a douche typical mommas boy. William I cant help but to love him. Addison I think most stay at home moms feel like her. To turn from Stay at home mom to Buisness woman to Dom. Thats alot of roles to take on. I like how her kids always come first. The role between her and Sondra is funny. Shes turned around so much from beginning to end. I just cant stop reading once I started now its done. Im on to the next
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
beth dillman
Addison seems to have the perfect suburban marriage that she has always wanted. But her husband takes a long term assignment in China. But don’t worry, she has already had mad sex in the elevator of her workplace with the billionaire owner. To say that her life unravels in so many ways is an understatement. It would be hard to find a collection people so imprudent. It’s all ridiculous.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
david chidende
I found myself actually enjoying and liking this book. I read over some of the other reviews, and saw mention that there was a lot going on in this book. This is true, there is a TON of stuff going on. But, I still liked it. I don't like my books being simple, or just one thing going on. That can get boring. That being said, I'll see if I can sum it up some.

Addison is a married mother of 3, that after dealing with a very colicky baby, begins to question her ability as a mother, and yearns to go back to work. Eventually she does, much to her husbands disdain. But, then again, what say does he have, this man chose going to China for business over his family. But, even with that, there's something going on with why he really chose, which we find out later. But given some of the details earlier on, it's not hard to figure some of it out.

So, the day of Addie's interview, she meets Mr. William Hartman. And what happens? Of COURSE they have hot elevator sex when it gets stuck! So, despite that, she tells him she's married, that it can't happen again. But it does. William refuses to take no for an answer.

In the meantime, Addie is approached by her boss, Sondra. Now, this one just surprised me. In all honesty, the book could have done without it. It really wasn't necessary. It has to do with subs and doms. But, I would have liked to know what happened or more details about the 7th client that was unexpected.

So, we have a married couple, who claims to love one another, both having affairs. A dominatrix, who employs Addie as the new Mistress. We also have the meddling Mother In Law, who seems to hate Addie for no apparent reason. She thinks she just wants Patrick for money, but yet she wants to work, yes that makes sense. What also got me was the whole affair thing. Addie should have stood up for herself, she wasn't the only one!!!

Let's add a little something else in there. A revenge seeking psycho thinking he's doing God's work. Yep, let's go there. So, I found it interesting, and would have liked to know more, but we aren't given more. We don't know the full and complete reason why he's pissed at William. Left with more questions than answers.

So, yes, there was a LOT going on. Some could have done without, wasn't necessary to the story. Made it interesting, yes. I like more than one plot going on. But, the book was doing ok on its own without some of the extra stuff. I also would have liked for it to be longer. it was surprisingly a quick read, and if it were longer, we could have gotten more answers, more details, and see what happens next. It just seemed to abruptly stop.

So. While the book does have some flaws, (I also found it hard to read at first in the 3rd person, and I mean, every character was in the 3rd person) it was busy, and interesting.

Ok, so just checked and saw that there will be a book 2, so knowing that, I like this book a little bit better, knowing that it doesn't just end. There's more, and I look forward to reading it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Engaging characters, though flawed, you want them to win at life and love. This psychological thriller is just that, thrilling and will keep you up all night, literally in my case, because you have to finish it! I was completely captivated by Ms. King's writing style. Her words flowed effortlessly from the first paragraph. Definitely recommend!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Bedrock is captivating and interesting. As a book it tells a number of stories from the lives of the characters which gives a feeling of depth. At its heart, though, this is a story about choices and the opportunities that life throws up.

There is love, betrayal, intriguing personalities and lovely scene setting. This is a book with plenty of adult themes and while not graphic in detail it is not shy about its content. There is also something just beyond real about this book, somehow just too much neatness comes out of the chaos at times.

Bedrock hits a fine balance and I found this book to be very entertaining and gripping and once started I found it difficult to stop reading, to read what was to happen next.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jacqueline higgins

Well first off bravo Britney King on a great debut novel.
This book kept me turning page after page, I certainly didn't see the twists that happened. I would describe this book as erotic suspense.
A fantastic read of a mom and wife that wants more in her life, she however didn't expect William....
This book is captivating and very entertaining.
A story of love,lust,infidelity and broken hearts.
The characters are well developed and I really enjoyed Ms Kings writing style.
It is not overly graphic but you are still drawn into he story none the less.
Fantastic Debut and I can't wait to see if their story continues... Hint hint...
5/5 stars
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
s wright
This book definitely had me turning the pages to see what happened next. I read this in one day. The strong female characters kept me intrigued, wondering what they would do next. No matter the odds Addison keeps fighting to make the best decisions for herself. I am looking forward to reading the other books in the series to see how the whole story plays out. Just in this first novel the characters grow so much!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kelli walcher
Addison has known what she wanted her whole life. When her dreams come true, they aren't everything she thought. Addison sets out to find what makes her happy and along the way discovers a differ side of herself. The characters kept me turning the pages to see what was going to happen. The story takes twists and turns. I really enjoyed this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
There are a few reasons why I thoroughly enjoyed this book. Originally, I read the first six teaser pages, and I thought 'what the heck?' I pondered the opening scene for a while, wondering exactly where this story was going to go, because the very beginning rocks you. Once I got the full book, I literally couldn't put it down. There were so many plot twists and the storyline mirrors real life and the decisions people are forced to make that can alter their entire existence. I like how the author didn't sugar coat the character flaws, but delivered them with true rawness in a world marred with secrets and deception. I found myself riveted by the story, constantly analyzing the heroine/hero and what drove them to the point they were at. I even looked up at the skyscrapers of downtown Austin wondering which one was Hartman's building.

I was warned that this book doesn't end on a happily ever after (which I'm all about). . . well, let's just say, I am hoping there is a sequel in the works. :)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
madalin daniel
When I read the first chapter of Bedrock I thought this book is not for me. But I kept reading and I am so glad I did. I found this book to be very entertaining with a few twists which I didn't expect and I didn't want to put it down. I loved the chemistry between Addie and William, the flirty/humor they had. The more I read the better it got and I was sad when it ended. I've heard this book is a little Fifty Shades of Grey and it does have a few similarities but it's definitely its own book. The sex is low key but has lots romance and makes you want to read more.
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