The Death of the Genetic Theory of Disease Transmission

ByJoel D. Wallach D.V.M

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
May this work be read and heeded especially by those who can make a difference
HEY - maybe that is just me & possibly you ~
If you will read & act by passing it on.
This team of doctors refuses to quit in publishing the message that some factions are virulently trying to quell.
I applaud them and all who keep up the charge
It's almost as good as the Gospel!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Someone complained the book wasn't much about epigenetics. But Dr. Wallach's books snd speeches are almost entirely about epigenetics. Included in epigenetics is diet, chemicla, and pharmaceutical drugs. So perhaps it's good to know the rigorous scientific area of study before expressing dismay. Of course he goes head to head with conventional treatments. They don't cure, when research shows natural foods can cure. My basel cell melanoma is cured by an eggplant based cream. "Curaderm". Another Dr. Nixon at the USCMS Hollings Institute of Cancer research in Charleston, SC has successfully used red raspberry seeds to cause apoptosis in 70 percent of all cancer types. Why this isn't better known is probably due to misinformation by big pharma.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
This book is specifically targeted at academia especially the medical profession. I bought a copy for my wifes birthday as a companion to Dead doctors Don't Lie which she thoroughly enjoyed. If at all possible i would like to return the book unused.
Dead Doctors Don't Lie :: Let's Play Doctor :: Why We Long for a Golden Age That Never Was - What's the Matter with White People :: An Unconventional Search for the Real Savior - Stolen Jesus :: Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome - Prevention and Cure of Obesity
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
colleen herman
This is about KINDLE editions: I'm not buying eBooks or print books on the store that do not allow me to see a Table of Contents and Index. A print book for sale that the store only provides the KINDLE edition preview sample is not sufficient info to interest me -- but it does annoy me! . Why has LESS information become the store's newest means of marketing a book?

Lately, books through the store I look at for an interest in buying, only provide a KINDLE sample, no TofC and no Index. Sorry, Authors, you should demand potential readers of your work have the opportunity to see your index, your TofC! That should, at least, be part of dealings with publishers. You wrote the book for us; let us have enough to see to want to buy it!! the store won't get my business unless I enjoy buying a book and/or KINDLE edition here.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
laura borrer
What a waste! This book isn't about epigenetics even remotely, in the way we have come to view the term. Instead, it's hundreds of pages of the authors' pet theories about nutrition, focusing mostly on minerals and vitamins. It bashes traditiional medicine without grounding and does NOT have anything new or useful to say about actual epigenetics. A total waste of money. I could not be more disappointed in this book. I'm not going to even bother to donate it to a library -- it belongs in the paper recycle bin. Not only that, but it's awkwardly written and evidently not edited. All kinds of phrases are in "quotes," which is a mark of a novice writer and an absent editor.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Epigenetics is another masterpiece by Dr. Joel Wallach! Dr. Wallach IS A BEAST when it comes to "telling it like it is" and "keeping it real". This book is a MUST READ if you want to get off of the hamster wheel of taking those toxic prescriptions! Open-minded people you will love this! Haters beware: any person with common sense can decipher comments from "medical doctors" as hatred for Dr. Wallach. Most M.D.'s are typical prescription writing money grubbing haters of Dr. Wallach! Of course a "medical doctor" commented on this book, "Epigenetics", but his review was not considered. He simply used this space to attack and bash Dr. Wallach's character and work...totally expected! Thank you Dr. Wallach for ALL the work you do to tell the world the truth, the whole truth and NOTHING but the truth!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
desiree kipuw
As a physician/scientist interested in the rapidly evolving fields of psychopharmacology, brain research, pharmacogenetics and epigenetics, I purchased this book with excitement. I had just finished reading the excellent book The Epigenetics Revolution by Nessa Carey (a strong 5 star read), and was eager to further expand my knowledge in the young field of epigenetics. To my extreme disappointment, Wallach's book in my opinion is an angry man's messianic autobiography filled with blatantly false information and statements that are not based in scientific fact or well-established scientific paradigms, but rather are an attempt to vindicate his lifelong work which has been shunned and appropriately strongly criticized by the competent and ethical scientific community.

I give this book a "one star" because there was clearly a lot of research and information which is accurate and interesting. Unfortunately it is contaminated by Wallach's ignorant hypothesis that all human health, medical and psychological ailments can be successfully prevented and treated by the same three prescriptions: 1) avoid gluten, 2) supplement with the 90 essential nutrients and 3) add extra selenium. Bizarrely, Wallach contends that there are actually no genetic or inherited diseases (including Huntington's Disease, Down's Syndrome and Cystic Fibrosis), and that modern medicine has conspired, for pure profit, in developing the current medical/scientific models of diseases and their treatments. Wallach goes so far as to blame modern medicine as the cause of Alzheimer's Disease, obesity and Type II Diabetes. I will spare the reader of this review the specifics, but the book is riddled with significant factual inaccuracies (one example is the statement that a disease can only be genetically inherited if it has 100% penetrance from parent to offspring) that demonstrate Wallach's ignorance of the detailed and elaborate foundation of modern science/medicine.

My main reason for writing this review is to caution the naïve reader to research any conclusions or recommendations by Wallach to prevent a disastrous, and potential life-threatening consequence. I do this in the spirit of the medical communities heritage to "do no harm".
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ali afghah
Dr. Wallach's genius and mastery of multiple fields of medical science, anthropology and history combine into the most relevant message for the human race. We've all been played, especially when it comes to what we've been told about the causes of most chronic disease.

America has a health crisis, because it suffers from a truth and knowledge crisis. Read this book, and share the knowledge with everyone you know. Dr. Joel Wallach is a true genius, and a true American hero.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
maxwell dillion
Wonderful insight into the world we live in from a seasoned medical and scientific standpoint. Not finished with the book but can't wait to see what the full scope of what Dr. Wallach touches upon. Very easy to read and understand. Keep it interesting.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Wow what a masterpiece. This book was so much more than I expected. A very thorough review of medical history and things that baffled us for years, from philosophers to the cause of "witches" all the way up to modern medical blindness about the cause of disease. Watching how so many diseases were reversed so fast in so many universities once a fresh viewpoint was applied is amazing. Dr Wallach really has a great skill at applying his multiple perspectives into 1 solution. The real kicker is all of his comparative pathology experience that lets him walk into a room and diagnose, treat, and reverse something that was baffling Dr's and scientists for a decade. The inbreeding to prove the lack of genetic causation in the arctic foxes was a stroke of genius. If the genes are bad inbreeding them would destroy them... but.. they actually got 100% better each generation because of course genetics was not the problem. What an awesome book.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
diana prasatya
Don't let the multilevel marketers who are hyping this book convince you to buy it. This is a book about an extremely fascinating genetic property written by someone who apparently has not cracked open a genetics book in the last 30 years. It is nothing more than a rant against doctors combined with an extended sales pitch for mineral supplements. I read this book at the recommendation of my father-in-law who is an ardent advocate of Dr. W. I was extremely disappointed at the lack of any real science. The entire book is based on anecdote and the extensive section on cystic fibrosis that claims it is a mineral deficiency and completely ignores an absolutely massive body of literature about the molecular genetics of this diseases led me to dismiss the work as a whole. There might be some truths buried within, but the anti-doctor vitriol and obvious lack of any understanding of molecular genetics would make it difficult for someone like me with a degree in biology and genetics emphasis to take anything in this book seriously. This is a great book if you want to make yourself feel better about spending a lot of money on mineral supplements. I wish you well and hope that they help you with whatever ails you but please don't confuse this with science.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Transmission is one of my most recent curiosity reads. With the increased attention given to Genetic Testing, the subject matter of Epigenetics intrigued me. Stemming from the diligent research of the highly acclaimed, powerful collaboration of Joel B. Wallach, BS, DVM, ND; Ma Lan, MD, MS, LAc and Gerard M. Schrauzer, PhD, MS, FACN, CNS; Epigenetics offers a valid and noteworthy perspective on the functionality of the human body and the benefits of utilizing applied research to our daily nutritional intake. Reading Epigenetics was a most informative and comprehensive undertaking. The esteemed recipient of the 2011 Klaus Schwarz Commemorative Medal. Dr. Joel D. Wallach leads his colleagues in presenting a combination of scientific research and applicable lifestyle transformations vital to healthier living. Epigentics is guaranteed to serve as a reference point for all of our families' medical questions and concerns.

One fact that I failed to mention, the definition of epigentics. "Epigenetics is an emerging field of science that studies alterations in gene expression caused by factors other than changes in the DNA sequence." Trust me, these are the words of the above referenced scholars, I am merely sharing the knowledge.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
corinne sheldon
Someone complained the book wasn't much about epigenetics. But Dr. Wallach's books snd speeches are almost entirely about epigenetics. Included in epigenetics is diet, chemicla, and pharmaceutical drugs. So perhaps it's good to know the rigorous scientific area of study before expressing dismay. Of course he goes head to head with conventional treatments. They don't cure, when research shows natural foods can cure. My basel cell melanoma is cured by an eggplant based cream. "Curaderm". Another Dr. Nixon at the USCMS Hollings Institute of Cancer research in Charleston, SC has successfully used red raspberry seeds to cause apoptosis in 70 percent of all cancer types. Why this isn't better known is probably due to misinformation by big pharma.
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