The New Way to End Anxiety and Stop Panic Attacks Fast

ByBarry McDonagh

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have had anxiety and panic attacks for 20 years. They have gotten better over the years,with the eception of driving. I am absolutel terrified. I have done acupuncture, which has helped somewhat, but the fear is still there and I always rationalize its ok not to drive. I donated money to DARE and received a copy of Barry's book. Since then I have downloaded everything I can that applies to the book. I also have had two fiends buy it and just bought 2 more for 2 more friends. This is by far the best book, advise that I have ever read. Today I drove, with my husband in the car, round trip about 90 miles. This would have never happened a few months ago. You accept the anxiety and work though it. It is working and for the first time in 20 years I honestly feel that I am going to win and beat this!! From the bottom of my heart I want to thank Barry and his staff for this wonderful book and support group!!!
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charlotta lahnalahti
I have worked as a physician assistant for 16 years. It's almost laughable how many people I have treated for anxiety. But I could not find my out of own prison. My mother died in 2004, anxiety became a daily part of my life. It wasn't until I gave birth to my son in 2007 that I had my first panic attack.
Since then I have not driven a car except in back roads white knuckling to get to work. I would always have to have another person with me. It was awful. I missed so much. I did tell people, but they really didn't get it. It was very isolating and painful. I had to take Ativan just to get through the day for several years
In the last 3 months I have regained my freedom. I drive, even on the freeway, alone. Wow. This really has changed my life. I am beginning to see the free and adventurous person I was 'before' I am so grateful. Thank you.
This will change my practice of medicine.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I was amazed by the techniques of approaching your anxiety rather than repressing it.The book teaches in repetition, and Barry McDonagh gives examples of everyday living situations. I would recommend to anyone who has really bad anxiety or panic attacks to go read this book asap! I've been using the techniques to apply to my life and I've seen a difference already.
Drug-Free Anxiety Therapy That Can Change Your Life :: Change How You Feel by Changing the Way You Think :: The Summer Guest by Justin Cronin (31-May-2005) Paperback :: The Summer Guest :: The Feeling Good Handbook
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
snowfairy 33
This book is very good! Its amazing how cognitive therapy is so useful when someone has anxiety issues! Don't rely on your medications alone. Read books like this one and other great books, and other therapies as well and you will overcome! I couldn't sleep at night and lost almost 20 lbs, but I'm happy to let you know this was a 3 month bout and I am almost back to myself completely. So, don't suffer from this your whole life. Its not necessary. The truth really will set you free!!! Turn to Jesus for more help and strength than you can do on your own. I know people don't like to hear that these days and may leave me snarky remarks but I know prayer has been a life saver for me. I have deep compassion to those with "mental illness"! FYI I'm using my husband's account. God bless and help you! :)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
melita pritchard
I have had anxiety in different forms for decades, but four months ago I had a bad panic attack that brought on agoraphobia. I have been pretty much homebound since then, at first unable to even step outside. I still have a ways to go, but learning and applying DARE has gotten me back out in the world. Anxiety comes, but I apply the steps and get through it to the point of even enjoying experiences again. Acceptance is the core of this approach and it really works. What we resist persists. Thanks to Barry for making this process concise and easy to apply in the moment. Getting over panic is not easy and takes time, but this is the way to do it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
tess degroot
this book does help. as someone who has suffered with pretty severe social anxiety as well as multiple phobias, I can say that this book is not only validating to anxiety sufferers, but more importantly it offers a different, logical approach that can really help when reinforced and implemented over and over again.
Highly recommend
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Last year I started having panic attacks multiple times a day and whenever I would get on an airplane. The techniques I learned from this book helped me successfully fly cross country without any crutches (e.g. medication, support person) and helped me learn to de-escalate my anxiety before it turns to panic.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
shery nasef
I was desperate. Bought many other things to try and get my head on straight because of anxiety and panic. This book is the biggest help I have found. I read it nightly and follow easily implemented suggestions. I have had success. I have recommended it to others.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
liz sale
I've been suffering very high anxiety for an extended period of time and found this book on an the store search. It's very straightforward and gives you, the reader, a very solid approach to dealing with anxiety along with guidance on giving yourself a break (not beating yourself up) and setting yourself up for a more peaceful life.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
karen boyce
I have been struggling with post traumatic stress disorder for a while now which did come and go when something really stressful happened in my life. So far I kept my medication as a placebo for worst case scenarios but this time I want to accept my anxiety and started to use the DARE response which is absolutely amazing and the technique is very unique. Im in the practicing stage and re-reading the book to build it in my daily practice. Thank you Barry!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kelley marhe
No one can truly understand the impact this book has make on my life. It has allowed me to start taking back control and living life again. With practice and willingness to learn, your life can be transformed. Learning to feel comfortable with the anxious sensations was utterly the breakthrough for me. Barry McDonagh is AMAZING.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
andrea clarkson
This book has changed my perspective of life w/ anxiety. Being 18 w/ anxiety that's almost paralytic is very frustrating especially when you don't know what triggers it but it manages to pop up on every good day. With the help of "DARE" it has literally provided the simplest, yet most effective techniques you could ever receive (in my opinion). This book was very well written, almost like it was written specially for you; which locked me in. I'm not a big reader, but I thoroughly loved this book and finished it in 3 days. Throughout the book, the author ties in every anxiety type and inserts the proper way to handle the situation, whether you have a fear of speaking, driving or even using a toilet he uses "the dare response" to give insight on how to properly handle your anxiety from the moment you feel the thoughts coming. What also really stood out for me, was the fact that I learned anxiety will manifest based on your response to it, which made so much sense to me. So now when I notice I get fidgety, I don't fear the anxiety anymore I can actually acknowledge it and not fight it which is something I NEVER would've thought would be the solution. Who knew inviting your anxiety and telling it to come stronger would actually make it almost vanish?!!? If you are considering getting this book but are hesitant or you are looking for a book that will provide you with tools and comfort and even reassurance this is the book!!! I 100% recommend this book to anyone who is ready to stop fearing anxiety!!(:
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
britt wilson
Nothing has changed my life more! I am not kidding, I am a total skeptic of self help books and this book is totally legit. I was suffering greatly, even had to quit my job due to severe anxiety. I was on medication and still felt hopeless. But in the last 2 months since starting this program, yes this book is a program, my life has taken a 180. Buy it, just do it. I have total confidence it can help anyone with GAD or panic attacks.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
zack brown
Nothing terribly new here for me, but written with sincerity reflecting the desire to help others.
For those who are not familiar with the work of Claire Weeks, it may be very helpful.
I ended up putting it on the shelf.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tara springer
This is a different than anxiety management - it's actually a way to heal from anxiety. I am working this program every day and have seen great results so far. I am very, very grateful to have found this book and very grateful for Barry McDonagh!
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k klemenich
This book is the best thing about anxiety you can read. It is like good news. It clearly explains what is happening and how to get back to your normal self again. The way through is to practice and practice away. Barry Mc Donagh is there for you - sharing his insights, recording audios, doing coaching programmes, determined to help you get out of this trap. An amazing companion. I highly appreciate what he is doing for all those suffering from anxiety - he is the one who knows what he is talking about. You can rely on his personal experience and scientific background. You are not alone on your journey to freedom!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I've lived with anxiety disorder my whole life practically. I'm now agoraphobic and this book is helping me SO much! I thank God for it! Please help yourself and get this book! I also joined the FB support group as well.
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wade stevenson
This book is amazing! I highly recommend this book to anyone who has anxiety and or panic attacks. It gave me my life back. I am now panic attack free and seldom have anxiety and when I do I can easily manage it and it doesn’t escalate at all. This is a must read!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
maricela rodriguez
This book is fantastic for anyone experiencing anxiety. I am now moving from a 'sufferer' to a 'survivor' and am slowly losing my fear of my anxiety after implementing the methods in this book. I have done a LOT of reading on this subject and find this book to be amongst the best I have read. It is succinct and repetitive in some parts but that is exactly what an anxiety sufferer needs. I do think it would have been great to have tips on how to change the thought patterns that caused the anxiety, so that you can attack the issue from every angle.

I'm working on things every day and I can't wait to be free.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I don't normally bother writing a review for anything but I had to in this case im truly amazed at how much this book is helping me. I've have read the book and now im listening to it on audio. I'm putting this DARE technique into practice and for the first time I've found something that is actually working for me ? .its sometimes hard but its getting easier every day and i can now feel a difference in myself a more confident and outgoing me.( the old me) I will continue to read/ listen to the book over and over its changed my life already and I've only using the dare response for about 3 weeks. Cant believe after twelve years of panic attacks and high anxiety and therapy and doctors and medication this all I needed. Recommend to anyone ?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
First of all, I was really amazed how straight forward and well written this book is by Barry. This book is very easy to read and understand. Secondly the book offers clear, real, and counter intuitive solutions to overcome anxiety and panic attacks. And finally the Dare app and Rapid Relief audios are simply awesome. I found Barry's voice in these audios so soothing and relaxing. It's been only three weeks since I bought the book but I feel I have learned really valuable tools in my journey to boldly overcome anxiety and fear!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book and program are amazing and have helped me control my anxiety. I had tried MANY things over the years but the great thing is that Barry helps put you back in control. I have recommended this program to many people because it actually works!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
laci paige
This book will help you manage your anxiety! I have general anxiety and sometimes it escalates to panic. I was able to apply the DARE method during my last panic attack and it worked! Thank you Barry for a great life-changing book!
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james cook
I recommend this book to anyone looking for answers for their anxiety and how to cope with it. The author does a great job of making you feel like Human being and relating to every day people who deal with anxiety. But even better, he gives answers that actually work! I definitely recommend this book! It helped to change my life for the better!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
While "Dare" is a very good resource of tools for dealing with anxiety the best thing about Barry's approach is his awesome perspective that made me feel like my journey through life has been enhanced by having anxiety issues and facing them with courage, humane compassion and daring!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is the only book that made sense when dealing with my anxiety. For years I was trying to stop my anxiety which made it worse. Barry teaches you to defuse it and accept it. The book and audios have been so important in my journey. I've read the book 3 times and taken excerpts and put them on my phone to remind myself in stressful times. Since reading this book I have gone out of my comfort zone and started living my life again!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sarah archer beck
Very effective guide to handling anxiety and panic, or as Mr. McDonagh so aptly puts it, "being afraid of being afraid". Sometimes in life, because of circumstances, we trigger our fight or flight response that is part of our evolution as human beings. Adrenaline floods our body, and we have troubling symptoms of palpitating heart, sweaty palms, queasy stomach, light-headedness, etc. For whatever reason, some of us fall into making this a habit, with panic lurking around the corner at every turn. The book walks you through how to deal with these symptoms with a very clear system, returning you to your normal, everyday life with new confidence and assurance that you can handle yourself even when visited by anxiety and panic. That's right; the anxiety will always be there, and accepting that fact is key to recovery; you will simply regard it as an irritation that you know how to treat, instead of an overwhelming monster. If you purchase the book, I recommend joining the Facebook support group; it is a closed group of kind and supportive readers.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
zac davis
I've struggled with anxiety since being a kid, and I'm now in my mid 30's. This book was a god-send, and I am not kidding, I felt freedom the first day of reading about the dare response. Read this book if you struggle with anxiety. It is brilliantly practical, and is at the same time deeply rooted in greater truths of love and compassion. I never write reviews, and I just had to write something about this book - wonderful, wonderful book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I absolutely love this book! I started having bad panic attacks three months ago in my college dorm. I found this book and have been able to transform my anxiety. I have shared this book with all my friends and family member with anxiety. I highly recommend this book! I might read it over a second time!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I think this book brings a new perspective into anxiety. It makes it something that is part of most people's lives, for me it was reassuring to know that most people have some kind of anxiety, and the book provides a hands on way of changing your relationship with anxiety. I highly recommend it even if you don't have an anxiety problem.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
johan l vgren
Amazing book! Highly recommend for anyone who has anxiety. It is like the book was written for just you! Barry has an amazing gift to detail the perils of anxiety from real life experience, which is essential in connecting with individuals suffering from anxiety. Such great information in an easy read and you will be amazed at how much you can learn and also feel confident in your abilities to overcome anxiety and not "manage" it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have never met anyone who described my anxiety so exact. Thank you Barry for this amazing book and truly helping me through my panic attacks and fear of anxiety. I am still learning to move throughout the DARE process, but already have seen a difference!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I never would have thought there was any help for me until I read this book. I thought that anxiety was just going to be a part of my life I just had to "deal" with. I have read others, but not like this. The author leaves no stone unturned. I would always say to myself, "people do not understand what I go through." OR, "they have never experienced "my" anxiety before. Well, he touches on every singe scenario I have ever had. It was almost mind blowing. I have recommended this book to three other people I know. They are currently reading it. Please, do yourself a favor and read this book if you are looking for change. I want to say thank you to Barry for writing this book for people like "us" always remember. YOU ARE NOT ALONE!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book cover just about every base in showing you how to get rid of your anxiety and panic without medications and for good. Would highly recommend. The support group that comes along with this book is phenomenal.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
For me, this book has changed my life for better. It has allowed me to keep growing as a person and as a future psychologist. I would totally recommend it to people who are struggling with any sort of anxiety. Why? Because it is effective and simple. As a person who cares for people 's mental health, I can tell this can be very helpful for all of you.
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