Highway: A Post-Apocalyptic Tale of Survival

ByJohn Q. Prepper

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tim h
It is difficult to avoid citing clichés that are so often used in reviewing books, so I won't try. This novel is definitely a page turner. It kept me interested from page one until the end and left me wanting more of the same. The characters are well developed, especially the two main ones, Lexi and her brother. It was easy to fully visualize them walking down the highway pulling their roll aboards behind them. The surprises were always just that: surprises, realistic and believable. The plot was quite original, but the happenings of Highway are very believable as possible and potential events of the 21st century. If you're looking for an apocalyptic genre book that you will think back on after you read the last page, don't miss Highway. If you've read any of Michael's other novels, you'll be just as entertained, if not more so, by this one. If you've not read his others, prepare to add a new author to your list of favorites.

As an advance reader for the author, I received a complimentary copy of this book. Having said that, I will add that my review of the book has in no way been influenced by the fact I did not buy it. After reading Mr. Banner's other offerings, I certainly would have purchased it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Pretty decent read. No major copy editing, grammatical errors typically seen. Engaging characters. Enjoyed the fact that everyone wasn't a super soldier though there is always going to be some of that or the story would stop on the first day.
My only disappointment was this will end up as a series. I was so hoping for one complete novel. I read so much that by the time the next in the series comes out I've forgotten the story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
charliann roberts
Stanley Broadmoor drove his old Plymouth Duster along highway I-10 heading for Florida. His two children slept in the backseat, unaware that their father, who they hadn't seen since their mother died eight years earlier, knew a secret that led him to pull his 22 year old daughter Lexi, and 9 year-old Travis from their aunt and uncle's Tucson home, and head out on this "family vacation". A brilliant flash of light behind and Stan lost control of the Duster, careening from side to side down the highway, coming to rest in the median.
Lexi and Travis had been thrown wildly around the passenger compartment, but were relatively unhurt. Stan knew he was critically injured, and didn't have much time to instruct his children on how to survive and reach safety. Lexi opened her door and reached the front seat as Stan began giving her instructions on what to take from the car, what to buy at the first store they found, and how to find their godfather's home down the highway. Lexi knew the signpost penetrating her father's chest had left little time and quickly jotted down his instructions, knowing with her near-photographic memory she would remember the rest. With Stan's last words ringing in her ears, "The highway will take you home. I'm sorr--". She gathered the items she needed and stuffed them in Stan's bugout bag, helped Travis gather himself and his luggage, and saying a final farewell, left her father and made their way along the highway, the glowing red mushroom cloud looming on the horizon behind them.
Major Frank Cartwright, U.S. Army SOG, retired, woke from a fitful sleep with the impression of an explosion, forcing him alert. The sound of vehicle engines brought him to the window to see three vehicles approaching. Grabbing his 7mm Remington Magnum, he peered through the mounted Armasight Vampire night-vision sight. The vehicles were filled with figures who had just blown his gate open. The Remington barked once and the second truck veered wildly off the rode, now driverless. He quickly shifted his sights to the first truck, and squeezed the trigger, aiming at the driver's head.
Lexi and Travis are hard pressed to survive in a nation gone still, most electronics fried by EMPs. Gangs and thugs move into the lawless vacuum, taking advantage of an America in shock. Frank finds some answers to the question - What happened?
The exciting story, clearly written, with wonderfully described characters you quickly fall in love with will leave you wanting only more. The plot is action packed, the characters are exciting, the writing bold and descriptive. This book is an excellent adventure and I loved every word! You won't want to put this book down and will love it as much as I did.
Mystical Warrior (Midnight Bay Book 3) :: For the Love of Magic (A Spellbound Falls Romance) :: Rocky Mountain Miracle :: Highlander for the Holidays (Jove Book) :: The Summer Guest
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
chad roskelley
This is an excellent book that very successfully combines several genres including, prepper/survivalist, action-adventure, and a darn good story of very real people reacting to extraordinary circumstances. Without resorting to super hero or super villain characters, in fantastic circumstances, the authors weave a page turner thriller that will not set off your BS meter. Yes, it is a novel but recent past events and events which were occurring as I read the book, made the authors seem clairvoyant. This is not just a good read but a good education on present and sadly, future reality. Great writing and professional editing. I hope these and other authors will follow the tend this book could be the starting.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I thoroughly enjoyed this book but it left me wanting more! Having read more than my fair share of prepper style books I felt the authors did a credible job with the settings and characters. It was easy to get immersed in the story line and I liked the background jumpbacks on several of the characters. Hope to see more of this continued.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
christina vecchiato
Disclosure: I was provided an advance copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
I have read M.L. Banner's CICADA and Stone Age series, and was very excited to read his new book, written in collaboration with John Q. Prepper. I think the story is well written, very interesting, and action packed. The pacing is fast and I especially liked the character development of Lexi, the protagonist, though I feel her brother, Travis, could have used a little more attention early in the book. It was a nice change to read about a main character that has to struggle through a severe situation without any relevant experience instead of having another protagonist that is a current or former special forces operative (though there is one in the book). Having the main characters be inexperienced was an excellent decision and this is a well conceived and welcome departure from other books in the genre. It was much more natural to be genuinely concerned about the Lexi and Travis than it is for the typical super-soldier protagonists we tend to find these days.

I read the book in a single sitting (as I am wont to do). I feel the use of a man-made disaster as the backdrop was a good choice, and gives the audience an easier way to relate to the events in the book. While many apocalyptic/societal breakdown novels have relied on zombies (which is becoming quite worn out), I much prefer and appreciate the more plausible scenarios in this novel and in Banner's other series. I look forward to reading more about these characters in the future and am interested to see what John Q. Prepper has in store for us in the future.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
lorenza beacham
Very intricate writing. It seems to take the reader into the possibility of actual and involvement in the defence of our own individual lives. The characters who involved in the overthrow of an actual military base was difficult to believe, however that is what creates the thought of possibilities that could take place.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I read this book on the recommendation of another prepper author, William H. Weber, and I found it to be excellent. I especially liked that the lead character was a girl who had to quickly mature into a woman and take care of her little brother. The author also left an opening for a sequel and I'm anxiously awaiting it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kate hagerman
Disclaimer: I recieved an advance copy in return for a fair and honest review.
The beginning of this book appeared to be a predictible end of the world story. Then the plot made an a sharp 90 degree turn and never looked back. If you are looking for a well written, unique take on invasion of the United States, this book is a real treat. I loved it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ole nadreas
I received a copy in advance for an honest review.

There were a lot of characters in this book you need to keep track of, but how they were brought into the story was seamless.

I was onboard right away and couldn't wait to find out who was behind everything.

What was also great about this book was that it jumped back in time to give you a bigger insight as to what was really going on.

I would love to see another book come out following one of the characters that made it through everything.

I would highly recommend!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
lauralei dorian
A must read for all genuine and wanna-be peppers. I have spent a great deal of time in the geographic areas used in the book and can verify that the descriptions put forth were very much on point. Dom't pass this one up!
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
I found this story frustrating as it jumped around chronologically, with the authors making some surprising statement and later explaining it. It was like the authors wanted to surprise the reader but failed to make these transformations believable or even understandable. I also found the character's character changing throughout the story and the inconsistency didn't ring true. Last, the coincidences and believability of events was another irritation. Writing was decent so I gave it an extra star.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Wow. Islamic Jihadists establish a thousand cells in America, including Suitcase Nukes, and the FBI and assorted Homeland Security agencies can't do ANYTHING about it? Yeah, that sounds *plausible* to me. NOT. This book epically fails the "suspension of disbelief" test. It's a shame, because the writers are talented as writers. It's too bad their scenario is so very, very, ridiculous. I got to the 74% mark before I gave up and fast-forwarded to the absurd end. Highly NOT recommended for anyone who has any measure of self-respect. If you want a good TEOTWAWKI work, I suggest John Ringo (Zombies), Don Esquibel / "Echoes of a Dying World" (evil bad guys w/EMP), or David Crawford / "Lights Out" (EMP with a more realistic, slower apocalypse). Strongly suggest staying away from this maximally-unrealistic drivel. I further suggest that those reviewers who have praised this book lack the critical judgement facility that a smart 3rd-grader should have. Shame on them.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nicole harris
I was given an advanced copy for an honest review I loved this book and all of Mr. Banner's books This is a story that could happen here at any time. You should read this for an idea of what can happen I really like how the characters had to grow up in this situation. How the love of family can get you through many bad things I will be glad when the next book comes out so I can follow this brother and his sister into whatever comes next This book does have an ending, or the best ending in this kind of situation.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Excellent book with actually a lot of useful survival information. Scared me more than just a little..hope nothing like this ever does happen. Loved the book and hope there is a sequel. Could not put the book down. Might not be able to sleep easily anytime soon.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book keeps you on your toes, with a refreshing new twist to the post apocalyptic novels. A young 20 something self centered girl is forced into a survival situation and she uses common sense and quick wits to help her little brother and herself to survive.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mallorey austin
This book keeps you on your toes, with a refreshing new twist to the post apocalyptic novels. A young 20 something self centered girl is forced into a survival situation and she uses common sense and quick wits to help her little brother and herself to survive.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
victoria lowes
The ending of the book was disappointing.It seemed to me that while you are reading the book you expect there too be at least another chapter to bring the story to a close , instead it just feels like it ends mid sentence.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
kristi green
Cold hearted heroine. Takes a long time to connect with any characters. I'm going to say this writer is probably a HUGE Trump and NRA supporter. Guns good, immigrants and all Muslims bad. Likely great for others, not a fan myself.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I received this book as an advanced reader. The book is very well written, I couldn't stop reading it. The authors kept the suspense going with small clues as to what was coming. I really enjoyed how you could see this happening. I would recommend this book to anyone that is interested in post apocalyptic and/or terrorist stories.
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