A Malory Novel (Malory-Anderson Family) - Captive of My Desires

ByJohanna Lindsey

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
denise jenks
I have to agree with the other readers of Johanna Lindsey that her books have gone downhill recently. It's almost as if someone else has taken over the use of her name (which I'm sure isn't the case, since she does have a unique voice and style) or she's brainstorming with a new agent/publisher and letting them put their own spin on the books - it just doesn't 'sound' like her older work. I know evolution is part of the writing process, but (as many others have pointed out in reviews for her books over the last five years) hers seems to be devolving instead.

For example - something I noticed in this book (which may be very relevant in her other books, but never drew my attention) was that she rapidly jumped locations. I would expect the next segment/chapter to pick up at roughly the same time and it would be the next day or weeks later. It was jarring for the reader (at least, for this reader) and disappointing. After a particularly big moment in which the hero reveals a secret about the heroine, we're left with the cliffhanger of the secret coming out. Turn the page to read the outcome and it's the next morning and the heroine is going downstairs to visit with a friend. To be fair, there is a brief synopsis of what happened after the reveal, but it's not nearly as enjoyable as what we were led up to.

And while I didn't hate Captive of My Desires, I didn't like it either. It one of those that I was glad I checked out at the library. However, it was much better than last year's book (Marriage Most Scandalous - 2005) but I enjoyed Jeremy's story (A Loving Scoundrel - 2004) much more than I enjoyed this one. Captive had promise and I enjoyed it when it was set in London, but once they went aboard the ship, I lost interest - I finished the book, but it didn't hold the same appeal.

The biggest problem I had with the book was Drew. I've really enjoyed Drew's appearances in all of the other Malory novels (notably, Say You Love Me) and was looking forward to him having his own book, but it was such a disappointment. I felt what a lot of reader's seem to feel in being let-down by Jeremy's story a couple of years ago (I was never drawn to Jeremy, although I liked him, so I didn't dread or anticipate his story). Drew was always fun-loving with a quick wit and I was hoping he would find a heroine who would be able to match him comment for comment.

And while Gabby is a pretty good heroine, Drew does some horrible things (verbally) to her and shows no remorse for any of it. He does have a brief flash of guilt at one point in the story, but it's not focused on. The man ruined her reputation (mentioned in the summary on the inner cover of the book, so this is not a huge plot reveal) and made snide comments to her throughout the entire book. I was hoping Gabby would either surprise him with a right-hook or walk off and leave him to actually realize what he'd been saying to and about her.

Drew was much too cynical in this one and Gabby didn't have as much of a backbone as we were led to believe. After stating that she wouldn't marry the man if he begged her on his knees, she's putty with him a couple of pages later. I don't think I'm alone in saying that the heroine who turns to mush every time the hero kisses her is a tired cliche. Yes, it's fun once or twice, but Ms. Lindsey seems to use that as a fallback device for getting her characters out of their more irritable dispositions and back into the bedroom.

That being said, I truly didn't hate the book, but I won't be buying it in paperback either. It definitely doesn't rank among her worst books (which I classify as The Heir and/or The Pursuit) but it's not among her best, either. My favorites that she has written are Once a Princess, Love Only Once - the first Malory novel, and Prisoner of My Desire.

I really hope The Devil Who Tamed Her continues to show that the author is improving and getting back to her old story-telling capabilities, but I'll be checking it out from the library before I buy it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Gabriella Brooks sails to the Caribbean in search of her long lost father. In the process she discovers her father is a pirate. After living with him for a few years he decides she needs to go back to England to find a "proper" husband. To do this he asks the help of an old friend, James Malory. Enter Drew Anderson, who's sister is married to Malory. Drew gets pulled into the parties and balls because his sister needs an escort since her husband hates formal parties. While he is fiercely attracted to Gabriella, he keeps his distance because he does not want to ever settle down and Gabriella is husband hunting. However, when Gabriella chooses a husband and Drew learns who the person is, his emotions get in the way. When his comments about Gabriella cause a scandal, she vows revenge and takes Drew hostage on his own ship. Soon it is hard to figure out who is the captive and who is the captor.

I need to tell you that this is the first Johanna Lindsey book I have read in over 15 years. BUT, I really loved it. The characters just grabbed me, and I haven't even read the other books in this series... but trust me, I will. I loved her having Gabriella take Drew hostage on his ship, I only wish the whole hostage thing had lasted longer. Solid 4 stars.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
maksim abovi
ANOTHER Lindsey book I couldn't finish.

I have come to believe the publishing company is using a "ghost writer" to pen the "Johanna Lindsey" novels. If you compare her early books...especially the Mallory novels...to her later novels, the quality, maturity and depth of the writing that made her early books so good is obviously not in the later books. I would even go so far as to say that her latest books haven't even been written by the same "ghost"...some are so shallow and silly I am amazed the publisher let them be attached to the Lindsey name.

Johanna Lindsey used to be on my "buy hardcover" list. Now I won't even buy paperback...either I get a book from the library or used...preferably from the library so I'm not paying for a book I won't finish.
Hearts Aflame (Haardrad Family) :: You Belong to Me (Cardinia's Royal Family Book 2) :: Say You Love Me (Malory, No. 5) :: Keeper of the Heart (Ly-San-Ter Family) :: Joining (Shefford's Knights Book 2)
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
anne mccoy
I enjoyed the book--it gave me idea--unfortunately JL didn't go as erotic on this one as I wanted her two. The heroine had the hero tied up and at her mercy---she needed to do more than touch him while giving him a bath! Well, I at least wanted her to do more.....

The story was well thought out and interesting the final plot was rather predictable, but I expected that it would be. I had read enough Mallory novels in bygone years to be able to recognize the supporting characters.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
I was very disappointed with Johanna Lindsey and this book. I've read all of the other Mallory novels and was looking forward to the excitment of another regency romance with strong-willed heroines and the men who love them. What I found was a silly girl and a rushed plot line. The writing was more like an outline and did not draw me into the story. I would love to read more about the Mallory's and will probably take the chance and hope Johanna Lindsey takes the time to write a good book the next time.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
wendy davis
I was very disappointed in this latest installment of the Malory family. I loved the previous Malory novels, but this one really lacked in development and likeability. In this book, Drew seems more of a cad than romantic hero. He doesn't seem much like the fun loving Drew who had been introduced in the previous novels. The hereoine, "Gabby", isn't likeable either. The characters just don't seem very believable, and the relationship seems strained to me.

The best part of the book is that you will revisit your favorite characters from before, like Georgina and James Malory.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
This book is OK but disappointing. Other rewiewers have done well at describing the story line,so I'll skip that.

Since discovering Johanna Lindsey about 10 years ago, I've found and read all of her books.

In my opinion,in recent years she has not had a really good book since the 1994 book "You Belong to Me". Her writing seems to have changed over the years and I am not overjoyed with the product. It has lost the creative flair that it once had in books such as "When Love Awaits", with Leonie and Rolfe, in "A Heart So Wild" with Chandos and Courtney. Then there was the Malory novels featuring James and Georgina ("Gentle Rogue") and Anthony and Roslynn ("Tender Rebel"). I also enjoyed the futuristic novel "Keeper of the Heart" and her novel ("Man of my Dreams")about the Duke of Wrothston.

I have bought her hardback books new when they first come out but I believe that this is my last year to do this, from now on I will wait and get them at the second-hand store. I will remain hopefull that she will return to be the wonderful creative writer I have enjojed in the past.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Usually, when reading J.Lindsey's books, I fall "in love" with the hero. Not so with Drew. I did not even like him much and there is no way I would want him to be my man.. I hated that he bought necklaces for women in each port, I disliked how he so thoughtlessly 'ruined' her and repeatedly insulted her. He practically rapes her. He just does not seem like an honorable, hero type like I'm used to getting from Lindsey. It is a so-so read at best and my least favorite of her works.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
rusyda fauzana
Sadly, I have to say I was gravely dissapointed with this book. I had even read the previous reviews and I thought they were just bored with Johanna Lidnsey and the book wasnt bad itself, but alas, it was.

When I first read the summary of this book, I was so thrilled. A woman takes a man and his ship captive, then the tables turn and she's the captive. Classic Johanna Lindsey storyline there, but something is missing.

Firstly, you never hear Drew's point of veiw. Maybe 4 SHORT times in the book you see his thoughts and emotions, but its all Gabrielle. Romance....what romance? I didn't see them fall in love. All they did to me was have sex and take a few walks along the deck. Shoot, Drew doesn't even speak of the word until page 305, and theres only 311 pages in the book! Gabrielle finds herself in love about 20-25 pages from the end, but I didn't see any romance. The lovemaking descriptions are quick and boring at best. The first time, oh my Lord...I had to put my book down because it was just too absurd. I don't know about Gabrielle, but if I woke up to find my dream was reality, I wouldn't be that willing. There was too much other stuff going on in this book...if I didn't know the book was about Gabrielle and Drew to start with, I might have had a time figuring it out.

So here I am, writing a bad review along with the others that I found hard to believe. But I had to find out for myself. I can honestly say that the only reason I finished this book rather than stopping 3 quarters way in frustration is because I hate to leave a book unfinished, and I wondered what other ridiculous thing might happen.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
farah nadiah
I actually really enjoyed this book. I enjoyed the story and could feel for the characters. I am quite surprised the ratings aren't much better. I have not read all of the other Malory books thus far - only 1 other, so perhaps I am coming from a different perspective from many of the reviewers who seem to have read all of these books. The writing had a nice flow and the story kept me captivated (pun intended :-)).
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kasey wilson
Gabrielle Brooks takes to the high seas in order to find her long lost father. She has no idea that her papa has always been a pirate and instead of being appalled by his trade she enjoys living in the Caribbean and sailing with her father. But, when it comes to her father's attention that she is being snubbed by island society he decides it's past time to send her back to London for a season. He enlists his friend James Mallory, and sets his daughter on a ship back to London.

Gabrielle is not thrilled to be going back to London but does as her father asks. She will find a man who is not afraid to leave society behind and perhaps take her back to St. Kitts to live. When she runs into American Drew Anderson the first meeting is not that brilliant but the second demonstrates what a fun loving, handsome, rogue the man really is. He is also indifferent to her search for a husband and his indifference fires her determination. But when Drew gets her involved in a scandal she wants the rogue to pay. So she does what any daughter of a pirate would do...she captures the ship he is sailing and things change. Now anger is not the only emotion they are sharing. Love and passion are playing a large role now. But, will these two strong people give in to the feelings that they share?

Ms. Lindsey has been writing and entertaining readers for decades. Her latest effort reunites fans of the Malory Family once again. This is a good read, reminiscent of her previous stories. Still, there are some differences and as a result long time fans may feel a twinge of disappointment. Drew and Gabrielle are dynamic characters and their romance although may seem formulaic in nature is still an entertaining effort from one of my favorite authors. Come to the read with an open mind and you will be rewarded with strong characters, and a sweet romance.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
michelle dornfeld
My only real problem with this book is that sometimes she went off topic to other things, uninteresting things going on in the story a little too much, taking the focus off the couple.

I completely fell in love with Drew. There were some really sensual and arousing scenes on the ship. The way Gabriel lost her virginity though...that could have been written differently.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Dear Readers:

Ms. Lindsey and her editor were sleeping through this installment of the Malory family saga. Not only does Ms. Lindsey not deliver with her usual witty dialogue and description, she leaves the reader wondering where the plot went. Captive of My Desires has few redeeming qualities. You're not sure if Drew and Gabby are truly even interested in one another or being manipulated to fit into the author's plot when it's there. The dialogue is stilted and forced and the plot trite and full of holes. The ending is contrived and unrealistic. Sadly, the only interesting part of the book was catching up with the Malory family. I'm sorry to say this book is a shipwreck and not worth the $25.00 I had to pay for it.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
sara dempsey
I could hardly believe that Ms. Lindsey wrote this! There was nothing to this story... To me it read like, and then they, and then she, and then he... the characters were ALL 2 dimensional. Was it even believable that the hero really fell in love with the heroine at the end? I really didn't care, since it read more like a manual than a romance. Disappointment doesn't begin to describe my reaction to this book!
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Not only does this book completely romantisize the pirate life to an unrecognizeable extent, but it also romanticises a woman's ability to command a ship in that day and age, it romantisizes that a woman could commandeer a ship and how the original captain would feel about it, and on many other levels. But then, it is a romance after all! My problem is that you have to suspend disbelief many times in this narrative, so often that the story looses credibility and authenticity. You start feeling like you're fifteen again, and the period doesn't matter, accuracy doesn't matter, plausibility is taken for granted, all that matters is the awakening feelings of the characters. There is even a scene where the hero is in bed with the herione, and she thinks she's dreaming until she discoveres she's lost her virginity! I had to suspend my disbelief about that!

The saving grace is that Drew is a very sexy character - on the audio CD the reader does a great job giving his voice 'presence.' This is probably just the sort of story I would have liked back when I was fifteen. The herione goes on an adventure, is in charge of her fate, has a couple of dastardly enemies to face, and it is a rip-roaring good time all around. She's never in any real danger, but there is just enough credible tension to make the story fun. I could give this book to my niece when she's old enough.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
judy king
I usually love Johanna Lindsey but I couldn't even finish this book. The hero bothered me till no end. He was mean and rude to the heroin through out most of the book. And the heroin, I just couldn't identify with, if anyone was ever that rude to me the way the hero was I wouldn't happy with her planed revenge. In most of Mrs. Lindsey books I am hooked until the last page and I feel the romance all the way through. With this book it was just so bad, I now read five reviews before I order any of her books. I will have to say that I do love the most of her other works.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
When I began reading Captive of My Desires, I was immediately underwhelmed. The tone of the narrative is casual, the era barely recognizable, and the characters are 2007 transplants.

Everything about this book is contrived and superficial. Manners of the era apparently only exist for better authors, as Ms. Lindsey has decided to make up a whole new set of manners and etiquette to suit her plot. Who ever heard of a maid telling her mistress to let her down so she can go and talk to a friend AND EXPECTING THE MISTRESS TO WAIT PATIENTLY; or a gentleman of the era going to a young lady's boudoir(bedroom) while she is undressing to ask if she wants a night cap? Give me a break.

Drew doesn't do anything to make himself endearing, to either the reader or the idiot heroine, yet she suddenly falls in love with him while not knowing anything about him except he doesn't want to get married. Of course, this is enough to make this nincompoop go after him as if she's a dog and he's a milk bone, and it gets worse from there.

James and Georgina are still a thousand times more interesting than this idiot and her brainless love. I hate paying good money for trash.

It's too bad Ms. Lindsey can't manage to write one good book a year instead of two lousy ones.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book is the latest installment to Lindseys Malory series. Its about a women named Gabrielle whose father is a pirate in the Caribbean and has sent her to James Malory in London to find a suitable husband, she ends up meeting James wife's brother named Drew and the rest is how their turbulent romance evolves.
This book was the first Johanna Lindsey novel that I read, and I have to say that if I didn't like this book as much as I did I would never have attempted to read the other Malory novels. Lindsey has the ability to make you fall in love with her characters and keep you entertained all the while. This is by far my favorite Malory novel and I don't believe at all that Lindsey is loosing her touch. I highly recommend this book and all of the Malory novels if you are looking for a good read.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
jason otis
I generally enjoy Lindsey's novels, but this one was terrible! I can't believe it was even written by her - she must have churned it out too quickly. The dialogue was boring and at times absurd, and the storyline disjointed. The basic plot was fine, and could have been quite exciting. And there were some humorous additions, such as the smart-talking parrot. But so many elements seemed to be just tossed in without any conclusion or flow: Avery's appearance as a villain, Wilbur's defection, among others. I can't believe I made it through the entire book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This is only the second Johanna Lindsey novel I have read so I really cannot compare it to her previous novels. However, I thoroughly enjoyed it. It moves along quickly and keeps your interest. The characters are interesting and likeable (and who doesn't enjoy a little action on the high seas). You can almost sense the chemistry between Gabrielle and Drew. Lindsey is great at painting a picture that includes all your senses. I would definitely recommend "Captive of My Desires" for anyone looking for a good, quick read (I think I read it in 2 days). So far, my experience with Johanna Lindsey novels has been great. I'm hooked on the Malory clan and cannot wait to read the earlier novels in the series.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
matthew yapchaian
Caution - Rapist contained within. First the "hero" tries to take advantage of the heroine/victim after getting her drunk. Then later in the story he rapes her in her sleep.

The disgusting part is the writer excuses his behavior by having the victim take the blame for the rape. Then he chains her to a wall. I was nauseous and had to stop listening.

I will never buy another Johanna Lindsey book again.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sandra clark
Despite all the other poor reviews I really liked it. I read the reviews here before reading the book and was ready to be disappointed in the story. I truly liked it. I thought it was a good love story and definitely better than her last book, Marriage Most Scandalous. Yes, Drew was different than he was in past books but it has been a few years and he's gotten older. Every young man goes through that stage...at least in romance novels. I recommend this book. It's still a Malory novel and we still get to see our favorite family!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
dina d alessandro
Sadly, this is the most disappointing of the Malory novels. I found the characters undeveloped and rather boring. Johanna Lindsey's previous Malory novels were much more exciting and the characters were very likeable despite their flaws. In this latest installment, Drew was mostly morose, brooding and not very likeable at all and I found Gabrielle shallow and silly while the dialogue between her and Drew not very exciting. The best parts of the story included the characters from her previous novels like James, Tony and Georgiana.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I stayed up late last night to finish 'Captive of My Desires'. It was amazing, just like the rest of Lindsay's books. And unlike some of the usual romances, this book actually showed sufficient interaction between the two characters to depict them as enjoying each other's company and conversation.

The storyline was also fairly original. Gabrielle leaves England after her mother dies to search for her father, a man she rarely got to see and knew little about. She discovers that her father has been a pirate, actually more of a 'treasure hunter', before she was even born. She spends the next three years sailing the seas with him and his crew, searching for treasures. After three years of this, however, Gabby's father realizes that Gabby should have a season in London to find a husband, just as her mother would have wanted. Gabrielle would prefer to not go, but she doesn't put up too much of a fight. She is sponsored in London by one of her father's old pirate friends, James Malory, and James's wife George. George's brother Drew also happens to be visiting at the same time Gabby arrives. There is an immediate attraction, but they can't do anything about it because Gabrielle is wanting a husband, and Drew doesn't ever want to commit to marriage.

Unfortunately for Gabrielle, Drew causes her to be part of a scandal, and right after she learns of it, she finds out that her father is being held hostage, and the ransom the captor wants is Gabrielle. Gabrielle now needs a ship that can immediately sail, and she is also enraged with Drew, so as payback, she and some of her father's old crew take over Drew's ship. Drew, of course, is furious that she took over his ship, and he is chained in his cabin, powerless.

But Drew does hold some power over Gabby. They are hopelessly attracted to each other. It makes for a very interesting voyage.

You really must read this classic Malory novel. It is flawlessly written as usual, and is a powerful love story. I've fallen in love with Drew. (Of course, I'm also in love with all the Malory men.) Wonderful job, Ms. Lindsay.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Thoroughly enjoyable. I loved the Heroine, Gabby. Drew, the Hero, well he could have been a bit more developed...James Malory upstages him somewhat at times, which I didn't like. Drew should have been given more of the spotlight, but nonetheless...I loved the setting(s) and plot and interaction between the couple. Very enjoyable.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
brendan crozier
Hey faithful fans, I have to say I was disappointed in this book too. I mean I had to start it three times. The first few chapters were just boring. I was unable to actually relate to the characters, but by the last couple of chapters I was snagged. Not her best write, but by the end she did make up. I feel like she is running out of ideas. Man of My dreams, unique, great, gripped you. This is amateur in comparison. Have fun with it!! If your a JL fan, its a must read.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
nick douglas
Lovely cover......... Liked that the Malory's are sprinkled thru out. But it really felt as if someone else wrote the book. Jumping from location to location, insipid heroine, couldn't get to know the hero. Thru the book whick took me a week to read because I was so reluctant to pick it up again and again, I would find myself saying 'this suck' and it is soley becasue I expected a Johanna Lindsey book, not a first attept.

I regret that I didn't like it. I wanted to .
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
lee goldberg
This book held my attention the whole way through. When Gabby is kidnapped by pirates and saved by her father, he decides she needs a proper husbund. He sends her to live with an aquaintance in London, where she is a huge social sucess... until her escort reveals a dark family secret, ruining her chances in the social circles. Gabby is out for revenge.... but what will it cost her?
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
khalil tawil
Like everyone else I could not wait for this book to come out. I was so excited because I loved the Malory family. This was disappointing because of the focus of the book. I would have preferred it had been longer if that meant it would go into more detail about the family. In Gentle Rogue you first meet Red, the female Pirate. She is reintroduced here but with no exchange with James or George. Also I did not care for the young pirates' interest in George. I was truly disappointed, and hope her next Malory Novel is a lot better. There was also little talk about the rest of the family and of Drew's brothers.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
kelly c
This definitely lacks the brilliance of earlier Lindsey work. Her older characters were flawed but loveable, these are simply flawed and frankly lacking in sufficient dimension to be loveable. The sets ups are trite and unbelieveable, particulary the totally unnecessary "lady pirate" plot line. It's not the worst novel I've ever read but I can't recall a single scene worth reading again.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
deborah hermon
I didn't even finish this novel. The characters are flat. Their emotions toward each other are horribly written, or non-existant in the case of the hero. The plot is more suited to a novella that she strung out over waaayyy too many pages. I honestly thought I had mistakenly picked up the wrong author. All I can say is, "Wow. Where is Johanna Lindsey?"
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Unfortunately this addition to the family story does not captivate. There was little character development, the story line seemed to be hurried along and was quickly and easily resolved. The romance was flat, I felt like it was a forgotten line in the book and Ms. Lindsey had to throw the resolution in at the last minute. I bought this book, after reading it I decided it was not worth the full price of a hard back and returned it for a refund. I'll be checking Ms. Lindsey's books out from the library in the future.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
barbara b
Usually, when reading J.Lindsey's books, I fall "in love" with the hero. Not so with Drew. I did not even like him much and there is no way I would want him to be my man.. I hated that he bought necklaces for women in each port, I disliked how he so thoughtlessly 'ruined' her and repeatedly insulted her. He practically rapes her. He just does not seem like an honorable, hero type like I'm used to getting from Lindsey. It is a so-so read at best and my least favorite of her works.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
lisa hartman
I could hardly believe that Ms. Lindsey wrote this! There was nothing to this story... To me it read like, and then they, and then she, and then he... the characters were ALL 2 dimensional. Was it even believable that the hero really fell in love with the heroine at the end? I really didn't care, since it read more like a manual than a romance. Disappointment doesn't begin to describe my reaction to this book!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
rachel whitmire
I have read almost all of Johanna Lindsey's books and really have never been let down, until now. This one is a must miss!! The plot is unbelievably boring. The charactors are dismilly underdeveloped, and the love scenes are luke-warm at best. The back and forth banter between the Malorys and the Andersons is beyond boring. I found myself skimming through this book just to get through it. If this is what we can expect from Ms. Lindsey she needs to take a long break and refocus.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
This definitely lacks the brilliance of earlier Lindsey work. Her older characters were flawed but loveable, these are simply flawed and frankly lacking in sufficient dimension to be loveable. The sets ups are trite and unbelieveable, particulary the totally unnecessary "lady pirate" plot line. It's not the worst novel I've ever read but I can't recall a single scene worth reading again.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
I didn't even finish this novel. The characters are flat. Their emotions toward each other are horribly written, or non-existant in the case of the hero. The plot is more suited to a novella that she strung out over waaayyy too many pages. I honestly thought I had mistakenly picked up the wrong author. All I can say is, "Wow. Where is Johanna Lindsey?"
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
annie williams
I cannot understand how this book has an average rating at 3 stars because this book had many good qualities. This was a very exciting read, it has pirates, romance, jealously, action, and a great ending. This book left me wanting more of the Malory family; I hope there is going to be another story.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
I knew by the second chapter, I should have waited for the paperback. (Much cheaper} As a long time fan of Johanna Lindsey. I was bored, story was dull, characters were simple and somewhat idiotic. Not her best at all and I will have doubts if will buy her next. Sorry Johanna this fan has jumped ship.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nikhil khare
Thoroughly enjoyable. I loved the Heroine, Gabby. Drew, the Hero, well he could have been a bit more developed...James Malory upstages him somewhat at times, which I didn't like. Drew should have been given more of the spotlight, but nonetheless...I loved the setting(s) and plot and interaction between the couple. Very enjoyable.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
beccah kornberg
This book did nothing for me and I recommend that you not waste your money on it. It is written for the simple-minded reader with not much excitement at all. Too bad that Ms. Lindsey has fallen so low in her writing.
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