Keeper of the Heart (Ly-San-Ter Family)

ByJohanna Lindsey

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★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Contrary to the opinions of previous reviewers, I give this book one star. If I could go lower, I would. This was one of the worst books I have ever read. I am appalled by this "novel".
This piece of literature is the sequel to Warriors Woman. I do not understand how Ms. Lindsey can go from writing such a beautiful novel as Warriors Woman, to write one such as this. All the characters of her earlier novel are also in this one, but their roles have changed. They are not the same characters we loved.
This story is about Challen and Tedra's daughter, Shanelle. She meets a visiting warrior, Falon Van'Yer. They are supposedly drawn to one another upon their first meeting. Love at first sight. We are then taken through almost 400 pages of extremely boring text, until they reach "Happily Ever After".
The story line is very poor. The story itself does not make much sense. The main characters are very unlikable. I recommend that you do not waste your time or effort.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
charity tahmaseb
I love Shanelle she is like Tedra although how they met their lifemates are different from one another. Challen Dalden and Falon's name I have to agree with the one of the customer's that their name's match. I only borrowed the book from the library. I love all of the characters Johanna Lindsey is a wonderful author her work is very wonderful. And she is great at entertaining us with her books.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
chineka williams
'Keeper of The heart' is a sequel to 'Warriors Woman'. Let metell you, Warrior's Woman is EXCELLENT! I've read it more than 50times and I still love it. It's very funny, crazy and sexy. You'll roll around laughing, believe me. I LOVE the book. So that's why I look forward to reading 'Keeper of the Heart', to see what happened to the offsprings of the characters in 'Warrior's Woman'. Boy, was I VERY disappointed! 'Keeper of The heart' is a very poor imitation of the parent book. There is no strength in plot, in fact, there's no serious plot at all! To me, Shanelle is weak, empty and airheaded. I skip the first few pages because it's boring. Then I started skipping more pages. Then I ended up throwing the book under the bed without even bothering to read the end.
So my advice? Read 'Warrior's woman' first. THEN read 'Keeper of The Heart' and you'll find yourself agreeing with me.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jennifer s r
This book was a really good read. I always judge a book by its cover and I would never have chose this book, except that a friend lent it to me. I found it to be sexy and very appealing.
The actions scenes,however, did not have much action. And when Shanelle ran away, I was hoping for a little more action and an intense scene or two. Shanelle's fighting and flying abilities were shoved to the side more often than not. Her character needed more emphasis.
If you want credibility in your books, look elsewhere. BUT! if you look past the credibility and just want a good, curl-up-and-forget-normal-life-type book, them pick this one up and don't let it go! It is ultra sexy and made me PURR like a kitten!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
I started this book when all we had was paperbacks. I read the first chapter in total disbelief. I would normally purchase any book by Johanna Lindsey, but never again. I threw the book away and wasted my money.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
elizabeth wylder
I think my first review was denied because I gave away the "plot" if you can call it that.
This is supposed to be a romance/science fiction novel. It is a poor excuse for either genre, and I am ashamed for the author for her half-***ed attempt at combining the two. For those of you who enjoy romance, but would like to venture into the realm of science fiction or fantasy, PLEASE do not think that this is in any way a fair representative of the genre. For those who enjoy SF/F but want to read something spicier, look elsewhere. This book is about as spicy as a bowl of oatmeal.
This book has many reviews that might lead a reader to believe this is an X-rated, hot and sensual romance novel. There are only two "love" scenes in this book, neither of which are x-rated, hot, or sensual. And they are certainly NOT romantic.
The ONLY interresting and halfway realistic character in this story is a COMPUTER, for crying out loud. ALL the other characters are completely un-likable. The "heroine" is a simpering, whiney, indecisive flake. The love-interrest is a hunk. That's it... a hunk. There are no other adjectives to describe this non-character. Only a doe-eyed teenager would think this man was anything but repulsive.
The "romantic" plot is based on love-at-first-sight. They have no relationship whatsoever throughout the entire book, except she is physically attracted to him, but mentally and emotionally repelled. (Until she decides all she really needs is a hunk after all. Who needs a relationship when you've got a total Babe?)
The "plot?" You could say there are many twists and turns, but that would be an understatement. A roller-coaster has twists and turns, but at least it has a stable base that keeps it on TRACK. This book is like a leaf in a hurricane. It really veers off-course when the heroine leaves the planet to escape being married to the handsomest bore/boar in the universe. From here on out, it's one seemingly random, unimportant mini-story after another. The ending is drawn out and forced. New characters are introduced for no apparant reason in the last few chapters. And to make the entire book a complete flop, the main character (who should always ALWAYS go through some sort of change...for better (novels) or for worse (literature))fails to do so. She ends up in the exact same situation that she started out in, and just resigns herself (happily) to being the same simpering, whiney, indecisive flake she always was, only now we can add "submissive" to the list of bad character traits.
I won't go into the male dominant/female submissive angle much, as it has already been discussed at length. However, I would just like to say that this was a great opportunity for the author to make a positive advancement in the leading lady's character, as she was TERRIFIED OF PAIN and this was the ONLY basis of the novel's momentum. If she had not been so afraid of pain, there would not have been a conflict which is the driving force in any work of fiction. I suppose you might consider the fact that she was forced to experience pain by way of semi-public humilation, and a spanking that left welts and bruises on her body the heroine's "great transformation." Some people's reviews have hinted that this "punishment" was sexy. It was not written in a sexy manner, and it did not lead to sex. It was actual punishment, and she ended up being brain-washed into believing that she DESERVED this and all future punishments because she was a woman. Yes it is fiction, and no it is not "real," but this is the message that is being represented. Another reviewer stated that her father whipped her and her mother with a belt. I sincerely hope that her mother is able to get help, and the reviewer does not end up in an unhealthy relationship where this type of treatment can be perpetuated from mother to daughter again.
I gave this book one star because this was the lowest possible rating. I hope the store will soon offer a zero-star rating, because that is what this book deserves.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
karen terris uszenski
I own every book Johanna Lindsey has written, and truth this is the only one I wish I wouldn't have wasted my money on. It isn't that it was a bad book but I don't approve of any abuse. Some people don't think that hitting a person in the butt is bad. No matter what it is hitting and it is meant to hurt and humiliate a person. I don't see it as romantic or erotic about this form of abuse. I hope nobody tries to justify the abuse that he did to her. Just thought I should warn people about the down part of this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
james robbins
I read this book, expecting another historic romance for which Johanna is famous for, but this one wasn't historic. In this one, like in Warrior's Woman, Johanna takes us to a different world, one full of fantastic wonders and sometimes familiar scenes. I read it over and over again, because I find it's like daydreaming about what can be. I love this book, although it's not my favorite one that Johanna has written, it is still a great novel. I reccommend it highly!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sangya gyawali
I read this book on a Mexican vacation expecting another bodice ripper romance novel and instead I found a futuristic escapade into tomorrow. Johanna not only knows how to tell a story but she knows how to incorporate Sci-Fi and Sci-Fact into a thrilling tale. From a best friend in a box (laptop) to a cyber image bodyguard who can be programmed for lots of good and bad deeds. It combines StarGate with Bararians. Great for role playing game fans too. Awesome-- just when will someone make a movie of this...Maybe I will some day
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
anna johnson
Johanna Lindsey does it again. In the first book "Warrior's Woman" she captured the mix between science-fiction and romance, and she repeats her sucess in this one. She does a very good job of showing a young lady's confused feelings between mixed cultures and adds a guy who has some of both, in his own way. This book was truly riveting, as well as showing us all how to blend worlds together.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I had a difficult time trying to rate this story. There were definitely moments that were fun and interesting to read, but especially when compared to the prequel (Warrior's Woman), I can't help but feel that this book was lacking.

I found Shanelle to be a bit childish and weak- particularly in light of her parents. You would think that she had a bit more backbone and would face her fears instead of running away. I also found Falon to be at times a shallow brute. This defintely wasn't a book about love blossoming between two equally strong and spirited characters.

Like I said, this book had its moments which made it a good read, but compared to the stellar Warrior's Woman (about Shanelle's parents) this just didn't quite compare. Perhaps I just expected too much after the first book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nadja w
This one was my favorite of the Warrior Series. I love the interaction between Falan and Shanelle. We also get to see Tedra and Challen from the first book in the series. Great romance for Sci-fi lovers or Lindsey lovers. This book could stand alone but I would recommend reading the Warriors Woman first for full enjoyment.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I love Keeper of the Heart. I love reading stories about times gone by and about places that the writers have created from their imagination. That way we can do anything we want and it should not be questioned. It is in fact not real. So, if a character is spanked, loved or otherwise, we as readers have to know that this is not really happening somewhere. I feel Johanna Lindsey isn't afraid to go there, those who are write boring stories. Those who can't read it miss out. Johanna I'm waiting for a story about Dalden, you can even write another story about Shanelle and Falon. I miss them.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have read this book twice and would recomend it to anyone who likes futuristic romances. The first book was Warrior Woman which was really good this is a follow on and is very good. But it leaves you a bit up in the air waiting for the next book. That is how I would descibe it. I am wondering if there is follow on. Did anyone else feel like that. I would like to know what happens to the brother or some of the other characters. I would like the author to write a few more books along this line, as she does it so well.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is a great story...Fallon is awesome!! Martha is hilarious, and the heroine is adorable. I do not understand the big hubub about the wife beating--someone got a spanking, but nobody got beaten. Getting a spanking and getting BEATEN are two completely different things as many unfortunate souls could tell you. Besides, it is a book, read for entertainment value. And what a great book it is! Check it out!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
kelli forbes
This sequel to "Warrior's Woman" is even worse than the first one. Johanna Lindsey is a marvelous historical romance writer but horrible at setting her romances in the future. I truly don't know what prompted this book (and its predecessor) and hope it's the last in this genre.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was a great book. The tension, the fire, the humor...i never wanted it to end. All Ms. Lindsey needs it to write Dallen's story. I would love to see him get his "socks knocked of" by a special lady! good work!
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
reno nevada
Unfortunately, I did not enjoy this trite and boring storyline. Like Bertrice Small, Johanna Lindsey is very popular and like Bertrice Small, she is writing less favourably these days. She's losing her punch. I was bored.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I've been reading JL books fore several years and this has got to be one of her best. I am a fan of books in a series, and am currently reading all of her Mallory Novels. I would LOVE to see another book about Tedra's son, Shanelle's twin brother! Please keep the books coming
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
samantha flaum
This book is FABULOUS! Like some of the other readers, I didn't exactly LOVE the spanking scene, but you have to admit it was kind of erotic. But other Lindsey novels have spanking in them too (Captive Bride, Defy Not the Heart, Man of My Dreams, etc.). Anyway, this is a must-read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alper aky z
If you like Futuristic Books you will love this I hope she writes more of these books There are 3 of them that I know of and they are all great this is the middle one. Heart of a Warrior is the last one and Warrior's Woman was the first one.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
aniruddh vijayvargiya
I thought I was purchasing a historical romance,but it turned out to be science fiction, which is not my favorite genre. The story and characters were interesting, but just not my cup of tea. Someone who enjoys interplanetary travel set in the future will enjoy this book much more than I did.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
aditya surti
From looking at the cover and reading the back synopsis, I never would have guessed this was a futuristic Romance, and because it isn't what I would have elected to read, I was rather surprise to find that I did enjoy it.

I am really not into the 7" tall, muscle bound men who are so Alpha, they make me cringe, but JL was able to make these two fairly evenly matched--it was okay for a light read, but it will definitely not be a story that will stay with me....
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I had a difficult time trying to rate this story. There were definitely moments that were fun and interesting to read, but especially when compared to the prequel (Warrior's Woman), I can't help but feel that this book was lacking.

I found Shanelle to be a bit childish and weak- particularly in light of her parents. You would think that she had a bit more backbone and would face her fears instead of running away. I also found Falon to be at times a shallow brute. This defintely wasn't a book about love blossoming between two equally strong and spirited characters.

Like I said, this book had its moments which made it a good read, but compared to the stellar Warrior's Woman (about Shanelle's parents) this just didn't quite compare. Perhaps I just expected too much after the first book.
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