A Malory Novel (Malory-Anderson Family) - A Loving Scoundrel

ByJohanna Lindsey

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
jordan wells
It only took 20 pages before the "hero" decided to rape a girl. He decided to have sex with a person whether the object of his attention wanted it or not. That isn't attractive or heroic in a man yet all of the Mallory men apparently think it is something they can do and get away with it. And guess what....they are right. Usually the woman decides that he is so darn handsome that they give in to him, even while at the same time not wanting to have sex. When did Johanna Lindsey decide this was romantic?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
surjit singh
I love the Malory family and have been waiting for Jeremy's story for a long time. I'm happy to say.......... I loved it! While not particularly earth shattering regarding plot, it made up for that in charm. I'm glad that Johanna kept the irrepressible spirit that earned Jeremy the title, "Scamp." She pairs him with an equally charming and equally irrepressible young lady by the name of Danny. Her introduction is funny and starts the ball rolling into what turns out to be a delightful story.

Danny and Jeremy are immediately attracted to each other, but Danny insists that she wants a, "respectable husband." Quite a change of a tune for a lady who has been masquerading as a man for the better part of her life. Jeremy installs her at his new home not as his mistress as he would wish, but as his maid. He is also going to teach her to talk 'correctly' without any of her street cant. Those who remember Jeremy and his own struggles with cant will find that funny. The sparks fly between our hero and heroine with Jeremy doing quite a bit of chasing and Danny doing quite a bit of evading, but really, what else do we expect from the son of James Malory? Who makes an appearance in the book, along with a few other Malorys. They all engage in the subplot where one of Jeremy's fangirls decides she's going to be the one who gets him and sets up the rumor mill that will force him to marry her. The ever resourceful Regan devises a way to show up the girl by introducing Danny as Jeremy's betrothed at a ball. This allows Danny to dress up and for Jeremy to show her off. He also uses the moment to get her drunk. *grins*

There is the standard plot of someone trying to kill the heroine and noone knows who or why. It turns out Danny has quite a past and her inability to remember is danger to her and everyone around her.

This is however, all second to the romance of Jeremy and Danny. A secret past, dead bodies, vengeful debutantes, silent would be assassins in the night, who cares?! It's the love, humor and charm that I was looking for when I picked up this book and it's here in spades. Johanna delivers in a delightful romp about that scoundrel Jeremy and she gives us a woman who is more than his equal in every way, who can stand up to him (literally) toe to toe. It's rare that I love the heroine of a hero I've been adoring for so long. Usually, they never quite measure up, but Danny exceeds expectations. She's neither bitter, TSTL, or annoying. She's charming, gracious, and good spirited, and quite frankly that's a relief. She could certainly be forgiven for any negatives, considering her life, but in a way it makes sense. Jeremy also had a rotten beginning and is good cheer personified. It's as if two kindred spirits found each other and realized how well they fit together. *sigh* I applaud Johanna Lindsey in writing a good book and delivering on a hero she's teased us with for a long time. Brava!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
In everyone of the Malory stories Jeremy just stood out as exceptional - even at 17 he was a rake and a scoundrel but you just had to love him. His famous "hell's bells" was so indearing and what a perfect son for James and the fact that he looked like Uncle Anthony - now that is a lot for any young man to live up to. I was not sure as this story began whether it would live up. It starts a bit slowly with Jeremy and Percy taking the little gutter lad {and of course the fact that Danny was actually a girl was so perfect after James & George) and expecting Danny to steal from a Lord. But once Danny gets under the same roof as Jeremy things do indeed begin to pick up - with the constant interuption of Malory's dropping in to Jeremy's new residence and of course they all notice the lust in Jeremy's eyes for his new maid. Just like in Derek and Kelsey's story the fact that Jeremey actually gets to spend time with Danny is so very important. In so many of these historicals there is no spending of time - only of the chaperoned type and I doubt very much if Jeremy would have found his true love under those circumstances. And was Danny not perfect for him? The fact that she had been pretending to be a male for the last 15 years was the best - when Jeremy is explaining to his father that she actually thinks just as he does - well father James knew he was in big trouble then. The mystery of who Danny really is - is just enough to not overwhelm the romance but keep it interesting and also to help Jeremy realize how important Danny really is to him. And of course the addition of a few of the Malory's we have come to know and love was the perfect topping for this romantic tale. Seeing both Amy and Regan just take over and help their cousin and also see James get his son out of a rumor/forced marriage were perfect additions to Lindsey's tale. This was another absolute winner - I hope she comes up with another family soon to write about - because I will miss the Malory's they are one of the best ever!!
A Malory Novel (Malory-Anderson Family) - No Choice But Seduction :: The Heir (Reid Family Book 1) :: The Present (Malory Novels (Paperback)) :: Fires of Winter (Viking Haardrad Family Book 1) :: The Magic of You (Malory Novels)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
meakin armstrong
I LOVED "A Loving Scoundrel". I am so happy Jeremy's book lived up to what I'd hoped it would be. It is such a sweet Pygmalion/Pretty Woman-ish/rags to riches story. It doesn't hurt that Jeremy and Danny are impossibly gorgeous and have an amazing chemistry. Danny is so unlike the typical romantic heroine being raised in a slum as a boy. Yet she's not annoying, nor does she fight w/ people for no reason like so many of JL's heroines. She has goals, pride, depth, and only a girl like her could make a rake like Jeremy fall in love with her. This couple makes sense. So many other couples don't make sense, don't have a real love story with any real emotion, just physical attraction. Jeremy & Danny have both, the great physical relationship, but also a real friendship and connection. I just couldn't stop smiling the whole time I was reading this book. Ofcourse we all know how it will end, I just couldn't wait to turn the page to see HOW it would get to that happy ending. I loved Danny, she is one my favorite heroines ever and she deserved to land the incredible catch that is Jeremy Malory.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Johanna Lindsey returns to the Malory clan again, so I was eager to pick this title up. Danny is an endearing and unconventional character and one you do not tend to see in historical romances. The story was interesting to a point, but the long awaited tale of Jeremy fell short.

I certainly didn't like Jeremy as much as I did when he was introduced to readers at a young age as James' son. He just wasn't interesting, he wasn't deep, and I didn't feel the charm of this Malory as much as is evident in Ms. Lindsey's other stories about this well loved family. We as readers are used to the Malory men being manly. It seemed the only thing Jeremy had going for him was his good looks and relation with his notorious rakehell family. He didn't appear to be able to do a thing for himself, but rather had to have his entire family solve problems for him.

This story is about our heroine and that is the magic here. Jeremy, I felt, was just thrown in for good measure. Having the other members of the family being supporting characters was another saving grace. Johanna Lindsey is a great author and so this wasn't an "empty" story...just not one of her best.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Like all Johanna Lindsey book the plot of the story is exceptional. But the charcters made it little bit tedious.

Danny is a feisty indenpendant orphan and try to have a good life any way she can but whn she meets the handsome womanizing jeremy, (son of James, my favorite charcter of the Mallory Family)he hires her as his maid and attraction comes out and secrets are revealed.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
gabrielle zlotin
Well, I have been a dedicated fan of Johanna Lindsey and the Malory clan since I was 14 years old. I have been waiting for this novel for years, and was very pleased with the overall read. I have read the other reviews complaining that the Jeremy character was not well developed, but I felt that, of course, Jeremy has to view everything in terms of sex and that he would size up every potential woman as a future bed partner, this should come as no suprise to fans of the Malory series.

I also enjoyed Danny, while some complained that she is "too beautiful", I would have to say that this is what romance novels are all about. A stunning gorgeous man and a spunky fiesty gorgeous woman. I found Danny's beauty endearing as she doesn't realize that she is beautiful and doesn't base her morals on that which is refreshing. And that she is such a genuinly good person with a giving,loving spirit.

Overall, I throughly enjoyed the book and am now eagerly awaiting the next installment, Drew Anderson or Maybe Jack and Judy's stories??
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
haylee rethman
Loved it.my second favourite of the malory series (Gentle Rogue) could have given it a 10 but will have to settle for 5 only because I couldnt get it on kindle edition in Ireland so to the Powers That Be please fix this problem as I am dying to add it to my collection.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
todor paskov
I was so happy to finally begin reading about Jeremy Malory, though I wished he were a bit older to find love such as his father and his uncle Anthony did, given he's so irresistibly handsome! Then I found myself trying to picture Danny, until one day I found myself watching America's Top Model and said to myself, hmm, she looks like...huh, THERE! I found Danny! (except her name was Amanda Lynn Swafford) click on
[...] she's absolutely perfect as the character, and ok, if you insist on seeing what Jeremy may look like click on what one of the fans picture him as on [...] , do you agree? Hee, hee. Let me know. Enjoy reading!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
robert anderson
This is another installment of the Malory Series and I find it quite entertaining. Jeremy Malory proves to be a true Malory in his determination to live his life his way and to pursue his lady love on his terms. However, the women who gets involved with the Malory men are equally as strong and determine to win their men on their terms. Danny may not know her background but she knows what she wants and will settle for nothing less that her dreams. It is not a question of love but struggle of will powers and determination that has Danny challenging Jeremy's willingness to admit what his heart is telling him he really wants. It is the struggle that makes the book worth the read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Can; get enough of these beautiful Malory and Anderson Men and their gorgeous wives. What wonderful playful marriages they have, with so much excitement and truth devotional love...not like today. These are my " take me back calgon" books...can't get enough of them!!! Please keep them coming!
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
michael cammarata
I enjoyed Lindsey's earlier Malory books years ago, and have been waiting for Jeremy's installment. I think my tastes have matured because the book was incredibly disappointing.
Perhaps it could have overcome Jeremy's lack of personality if Lindsey had even a basic knowledge of Regency England. As it is, she displays little knowledge of the peerage, language, social customs, etc. that it's hard to concentrate on the story. Really, it's not THAT hard to understand rank and her story would work just as well if she could get it right.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
amit anand
this is the fifth malory novel which i've finished so far. kinda a bit disappointed on the story line compared to 'say you love me' and 'gentle rogue'.
indeed i'm totally agreed on a few comments which been posted by other readers which mentioned there's not much 'life' in the characters of this book. pretty boring and lack of excitment in the story when compared to 'gentle rogue' which provides 'colors' for both James and Georgina.
overall this book still consider alright for some 'light reading' to kill times, but not that fantastic that will make you to complete the whole book within a day.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
terrance mckean
A Loving Scoundrel

by: Johanna Lindsey

Reviewed by: Pamela Ackerson (author of Home of the Braves trilogy)

Sweet and romantic

This book is one of the Malory novels. The Malory series makes you feel like part of the family. You just know what is going to happen, you just don't know how it is going to happen. Ms. Lindsey keeps it going strong and unexpected, just like real life. This is a sweet, happily ever after story that has you drooling in anticipation of what will happen next. Enjoy!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
rob duford
Well, this book was certainly better than "A Man To Call MY Own". There still not the magic you feel of Johannah Lindsey's characters getting to know each other and falling in love. The characters were more apart then together in this story. The character development in this book sucked. One minute Jeremy is enjoying his affair with Danny and then suddenly you turn the page and he is in love with her. What's up Johannah Lindsey??? You haven't produce a story of your potential in a long time.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have to agree with everything 'Dakota' said below. This was just a fun read. I didn't find this so much Pygmilian as others though. Jeremy had little to do with fixing Danny up. She 'remembered' a lot and learned from the other servants and when it came time to go to the ball his sister helped with the fixing and more learning. He pretty much just panted after her and tried to get her in bed. It's to the authors credit that instead of being an obnoxious creep Jeremy actually is quite endearing. And I LOVED Danny. I haven't read the other Mallory novels, but if they are anything like this I guess I should.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mike lomonico
I have been captivated with Jeremy Malory since the very first of the series. Until I read this one, my favorite was Gentle Rouge because James was so funny! Jeremy is like a great combination of James and Anthony. And I think I have to say that I just loved Danny. She was not born wealthy, raised on the streets, couldnt read but never gave up on her ambitions. How awesome is that?? I read this book twice in one day and I would recomend it to anyone. Even if you havent read any of the Malory series, it's good as a stand alone.
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