Hearts Aflame (Haardrad Family)

ByJohanna Lindsey

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book was absolutely wonderful! It kept me interested and grabbed my attention from the first page. My only complaint would be that you cannot loan this book to a friend. I have several that I would have loved to share this book with.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Johanna Lindsey has written so many biomechanics couple slip through harbor feel are "run of the mill" without good character development and a long story that could have been cut in half- for me this was one of those books
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
laura belle
While this book had an intriguing start, it evolved into a rather poor excuse of a romance. Kristen is such a strong heroine, yet she keeps giving in to sleeping with the "handsome strong" Royce. not only that, I found both of their characters odd and somewhat unbelievable. Anyway, this doesn't seem to be a book for the jaded or bored romance reader. If you love a bit of will-bending and submission, I guess this is for you.
You Belong to Me (Cardinia's Royal Family Book 2) :: Say You Love Me (Malory, No. 5) :: Keeper of the Heart (Ly-San-Ter Family) :: The Magic of You (Malory Novels) :: A Malory Novel (Malory-Anderson Family) - Captive of My Desires
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
In this spectacular sequel to Ms. Lindsey's classic _Fires Of Winter_, we are introduced to Brenna and Garrick's daughter, Kristen.

Beautiful Kristen Haardrad has waited many years to find a man she can love. She's searched among the countless men in her country but has yet to find one to stir her heart. When she hears of her brother Selig's plan to take their father's ship merchanting, she thinks it will be the perfect opportunity to seek a love in a new land. Her parents are against the idea, thinking it unwise for a young lady to travel aboard a ship full of lustful Viking men. But, as the reader soon finds out, Kristen is in fact her mother's daughter. She takes matters into her own hands and stows away on the ship, thinking it will be a grand adventure and the chance she's been waiting for to find her heartmate. Unbeknownst to her, the young Vikings are *not* going away to try their hand at being merchants, but have decided to raid a Saxon monastery before the Dane's can steal all the wealth of the land for themselves. As soon as the ship docks in Wessex things do not go as planned. The Saxons attack the Vikings and take the survivors (including Kristen disguised as a boy) back to Wyndhurst Hall as prisoners.

Royce of Wyndhurst has suffered great loss at the hands of Viking raiders and has little mercy for the captives brought to him for judgment until one of his men suggests that they could be used to build up the defenses of the keep and ward off future attacks. He reluctantly agrees, but keeps a watchful eye on the slaves in case of a rebellion that would cause the deaths of his people. He notices a puny boy among the powerful Viking men and is intrigued when those men show such care for the lad. Thinking that this young man must be their leader he has the boy whipped, only to find out that the boy is, in fact, a woman. Stunned by the statuesque beauty he has enslaved, Royce mistakenly assumes she must have sold herself to the Viking men to ease their long and lonely voyage. He's disgusted by her nationality and low morals and tries his hardest to use that as a buffer against his attraction to her. It doesn't take him long to succumb to her enticing offers, though, and soon it doesn't matter what sort of woman she is, only that she's *his* woman.

I've read nearly all of Ms. Lindsey's work and I'd have to say that this one tops my favorites list. The characters (both new and from the previous book), the humor, the passion and the angst all add up to an amazing story that will have you laughing out loud one minute and crying the next. Kristen and Royce play off each other very well -- their characters are well matched and most of the time you'll be unsure who's the master and who's the slave. Every scene is well thought out and essential to the book, but the end of the book, in particular, is hilarious and such a fitting way to bring Brenna and Garrick back into the story that it's nearly impossible to put down. You'll be thanking your lucky stars that there's another book in the series (_Surrender My Love_).

I'm sure I'm not the only one who hopes Ms. Lindsey intends to write about some of the other characters introduced in this book. Royce's sister Meghan, his cousin Alden, and Kristen's younger brothers Eric and Thorall would all make wonderful additions to an already outstanding series.

If you've never read these books, don't wait any longer to fall in love with Johanna Lindsey's Vikings.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
evan cvitanovic
Kristen Haardrad smuggled herself in her brothers' ship bound, she thought, on a trading voyage. However Selig has plans to raid a Saxon church, supposedly easy pickings. The raid goes horribly wrong, Selig is struck down and the remainder of the force taken prisoner. At first, Kristen is taken for a man (due to her Viking height and men's clothing) but once it is discovered she's a woman she is removed from her compatriots and sent to work in the hall of Royce of Wyndhurst. And now for a battle of another kind, as master and prisoner become attracted to one another. Who will win the battle of lust and love?
For a seemingly straightforward plot, there is much that is complex here. The relationship of the Haardrad family members is in turn endearing, frustrating, funny and heart-warming in their dedication to one another. Kristen is not the normal mould of Viking, due to her mother's teachings and beliefs (her mother herself was taken captive by Kristen's Viking father). Yet her fierceness, exuberance and willingness to fight is pure Viking, and very different from the Saxon way. Kristen never considers herself a slave, although all the Saxons including Royce do. Kristen quickly realises that she wants Royce for her own, and has few maidenly hesitations about using whatever it takes to make him hers, dedicating herself entirely to the task. Much about the book may be uncomfortable from the modern perspective - the issue of slavery, of the Viking culture and attitude to women taken prisoner being prime examples - and may give some readers pause. The action scenes are excellent, the development of the relationship developing between Kristen and Royce is well described.
Once reconciled to the cultural issues, there is much to enjoy about this romance as Kirsten sets about winning her man.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
debbie jones
This is the Second book of The Haardrad Trilogy.

This my favorite love story out of the trilogy series. The sequel follows the tale of Brenna and Garrick's daughter, Kristen, who has been protected and loved by her large family of Vikings. Kristen yearns for adventure as well as wanting to finding a husband, where she knows she can't find in her homeland. She stows away in her brother's ship. Soon a battle occurs; Selig (her brother) is wounded left for dead and Kristen is disguised as a boy when captured by an enemy. Kristen's father's men tried their best to keep Kristen out of sight, but soon she is found out that she's a girl and kept captive within Royce's home, where the seduction takes place.

This book is a "MUST have" to add to your romance book collection.

The trilogy follows of Brenna & Garrick's two children, Selig and Kristen

1st book- "Fires of Winter" The parents' story
2nd book- "Hearts Aflame" Kristen's story *loved the best*
3rd book- "Surrender My Love" Selig's story *liked this better than Fires of Winter*
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
heather clark
Hearts Aflame was even better than Fires of Winter! I had forgotten just how engrossing this book was.

Kristen is just as strong willed as her mother but unlike her Mom, who at first wanted to be a boy, Kristen, who can swing a sword just as well as a man, embraces her femininity.

Royce upon seeing Kristen for the first time, thinks she's a boy, but soon learns that she's a woman. At first he is repulsed by her, not because she isn't beautiful but because Royce isn't used to women being almost as tall as he is.

Like her mother before her, Kristen refuses to consider herself a slave and will not concede to that fact even though Royce puts her in chains. She even refuses to admit that she wants him even when her body tells him that she does. There is a scene in the book between the two of them that made me surprised there wasn't steam coming off the page! Royce has a very interesting way of trying to make her give into him.

I think my favorite part in the entire book was toward the end when Kristen's family pay Royce a visit. I could picture it vividly in my mind and couldn't help laughing when he not only has to confront an angry father and uncle but also an angry mother with a crossbow!!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
miss gray
Johanna Lindsey is undoubtably one of my favorite romance writers. I can't tell you why. She was one of the first authors I read, and I've kept pace with her over the years. If a reader has read more than say 3 of her books, they sense very definate patterns. While that formula is very successful, it does get a bit tedious in its endless repetition. This book, while enjoyable, follows that same predictability of plot.
Kristen stows away on her brother, Selig's ship and finds herself inadvertantly going raiding with the Vikings. Unfortunately, their intended victims are a bit more prepared for them than they ever knew. This leads to the enslaving of Kristen and her band of Viking warriors. Enter predictable "dueling of fiery woman who is enslaved/held captive by a dangerous and ridiculously handsome master" storyline. In its execution, this story was well written. If you've read a Lindsey or two, this book holds no surprises. But, if that formula still captures your attention? Then this book is as good as any of her books. Strongly written characters and a very interesting time of history inhabited.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
While I'll admit that "Hearts Aflame" is not great literature, it is a fun romp in the medieval romance style and I stayed up half the night finishing it.

I loved the character of the heroine, Kristen Haardrad, a spirited Viking girl who stows away on her brother's ship and ends up being taken captive by Saxons when the Viking raiding party is ambushed. My favorite part of the book was the beginning when the Vikings are trying to hide the fact that Kristen is a woman from their captors. She is discovered (of course) by the virilely handsome Saxon lord, Royce of Wyndhurst, a man who, unfortunately for Kristen, saw his family murdered and his beloved fiance raped and murdered by Viking raiders five years previously.

Royce is a decent-enough hero (although he has the usual "medieval romance hero" attitude toward women--i.e. women as sex objects to be used at will) and this grates on modern sensibilities. Kristen is definitely a fiesty heroine and not afraid to go after what she wants and I did like her for those things. I was disappointed that she fell so *quickly* for the man who was enslaving her and became his mistress. It seemed a bit out of character for a girl who was so *very* proud and raised in a strong family such as hers. And she is *definitely* not the poster girl for the "No Means No" campaign against coercive sex. (I'll admit, I am not a big fan of that kind of raped-but-still-enjoyed-it sex scene that was so popular in the 1980's.)

The book has alot of action and Kristin is one heck of a tough heroine (I loved the part when she goes after Royce's cousin with a knife!) My book did *not* have Fabio on the cover, but it is certainly a "Fabio-on-the-cover" kind of book, albeit a really fun one!

Recommended for readers who like medieval romance (with warnings to those who are offended by the "woman as love slave" plotline.)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
samonia byford
I quite liked this book. I loved Kristen, her spirit, her determination, her pride. Even though it sometimes kept her from what she wanted. But despite it all, she wasn't too stubborn. And I liked Royce. I liked the way he tried to resist Kristen but couldn't help himself. And I liked it that they actually spent some time together - I loved the time when they went to the lake. And I loved it when she saved him. And I loved it when she said to him that he could simply ask her to stay - but now he will never know if she would actually stay. What I didn't like, anyway, was the ending. I wanted them to decide to be together on their own, not because her parents arrived and forced him. Well, despite that, it was a beautiful story. Much better than her parent's. Or her brother's. I truly recommend this one.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Kristen, a norsewoman of Viking heritage finds herself a captive slave in England, after stowing away on her brother's boat which set sail intending to raid a wealthy monastery in England. Her captor is Royce, a saxon knight under the reign of Alfred the Great. Both Royce and Kristen have a mutual attraction. But will love overcome his prejudice and hate for the Vikings?
Another captivating JL book. The attraction between Royce and Kristen is sizzling.Kristen is neither afraid of Royce nor her feelings for him. She's trained in the arts of fighting and will not let any man take her if she is not willing. Royce carries a pain from his past and will not trust anyone but he will protect all those he loves.
The prequel to this book is Fires of Winter, Garrick and Brenna's story. The Sequel is Surrender My Love, Selig's story. It's a fun series to read but repetitive as the same story is rehashed three times.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
omar fawz
This was the first non-serial romance I ever read. Back in the day Johanna Lindsey was ahead of her time. Between this book and Secret Fire she broke ground with bodice rippers with both an alpha heroes and strong, SMART, fiesty heroines. And she rounded each book out with hotter sex than we were used to seeing in romances. She used her brand of high melodrama (which, BTW, never seemed out of place or corney) to work me up into an angst-filled frenzy. I might buy these books just to read them again!

I think a couple of years ago she went into a different direction and it soured me on her works, but I'm more than willing to give her a second and third and fourth shot.

After all, she's the one who got me hooked on high romance.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Kristen is the daughter of Garrick and Brenna in Fires of Winter. Unable to find a husband, she sneaks aboard her brother's ship so she might meet a man at one of their trading ports. Unbeknownst to her, her brother and his men are going on a raid and are soon captured by Saxons. Royce keeps the Vikings alive to help him build a fortified wall. He is stunned when he finds Kristen among them. Despite his desire to keep away from her, he finds that he is unable. Kristen is bold, honest, and forthright in her dealings with him. Together they sizzle. This story is one of my favorites and so much better than the previous story. Kristen is able to admit her feelings for Royce, which excites him and continues to draw her closer to him. They are wonderful as a couple!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
sarah haynes
I read this book after I had already read "Surrender My Love", which is Selig's story. After that great book I couldn't wait to get my hands on the other stories. Well I was thoroughly disappointed with this book. All I kept thinking throughout the entire book was what a jerk Royce was. I just couldn't get past that. Don't get me wrong! I love Johanna Lindsey, and I don't think she can ever write a bad book. Her dialouge, wit, and humour is always apparent. Yet, this book just didn't cut it for me. I do recommend this book with a 3 star rating, but I also recommend reading the trilogy in order. Don't start at the end like I did.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This book was so much better than the prequel, "Fires of Winter". The hero was so much kinder even if he did have a temper. Everything he did out of anger was warranted. The Vikings did after all try to raid the land. Kristin was also a breath of fresh air. She never tried to hide any of her feelings, including the way she felt about Royce. The ending was a bit anticlimactic.

I would have preferred if the hero showed his feelings when there was no one else in the room. Oh well.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
worf thaddeus
Hearts Aflame by Johanna Lindsey was released in 1987. A well written novel set in Viking times. Kristen and Royce make a romantic couple, but really take their time getting together. Fans of Johanna Lindsey will like this the most.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
This was the best book of this Viking series. She goes aviking with her brother, his friends and some relatives. They don't realize till it's too late to turn back. They are captured, and it's discovered that she's a woman in disguise. That's when things get interesting. This one I felt was worth reading.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Kristen is the first character in a historical romance that didn't get on my nerves at all. This is one of the best books I have EVER read. She doesn't act strong one minute then is crying like a baby the next. She goes after what she wants, and doesn't need a man to "save" her all the time--you know like in reality. To Johanna Lindsey: you really did a wonderful job with this book --WE WANT MORE KRISTENS!!!! Thanks!! END
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
anxhela cikopano
I first heard of Kristen after reading about her brother Selig. Since my name is also Kristen, I HAD to find this book.
I LOVED IT! At first, I was disappointed in the love affair because of the seemingly hopeless attitude that Royce could not marry his slave and that he hated all Vikings. However, he eventually came around. :)
I love Kristen's relationships with her family members, and I quite enjoyed the entrance of her family to save her. That scene was so funny!
The love scenes were great, although I thought the kidnapping plot was useless. There was already enough turmoil within Kristen and Royce's relationship to keep you interested without the kidnapping. In defence, I do understand that something needed to take place to convince Royce to marry Kristen. Isn't that always like men? :)
Beyond being excited to see my name (spelled correctly) used in a Romance novel, I loved this book, and I love JL.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kerrie d ercole
I literally stayed up all night reading this book. It was HOT. Kirsten is brave, beautiful, and loved by all her brother's soldiers.. and protected by them even when they are captured by Royce who has a hatred for Vikings. However, once he discovers she is a woman.. he finds a better things to do with her. One of Johanna's best! Seriously amazing!!
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