Fourth Debt (Indebted Book 5)

ByPepper Winters

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
becky ranks
Read the first four in just days, had to preorder this book 5, but I didn't want to read it.... Just horrible. I really wanted it to be done. Pepper Winters has me wrapped around her finger and I'm gonna preorder books 6... Such great writing... Ripping my heart out... I gotta know how this ends.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
jeff wrubel
I must say the series started off quite interestingly... It became quite repetitive and downright insulting as the Author watered down the contents in order to stretch the series out. This series should not have gone past 3 books... Very disappointing...
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
christie schraad
This book it was everything .this book broke me. My heart and soul are shattered. My heart bleeds for Nila and my soul crys for Jethro. You feel everything in this book. I mean EVERYTHING. There is a reason why Pepper is my queen of Dark and she keeps proving it over and over again.
Indebted Epilogue :: Destroyed :: Je Suis a Toi (Monsters in the Dark) (Volume 4) :: A Novel (Random House Large Print) - The Chilbury Ladies' Choir :: Can't Touch This
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
holly ables
Enough of this BS. This book just sucked. This author just soaked me for another $4 really for nothing. I'm going to wait and see if anyone is willing to post a spoiler about the final book. I'm done spending money on this author permanently. Too much useless internal dialogue. A good editor would have advised this author to cut the crap and turn these books into a trilogy. I'm not even sure what the 4th debt was or if it was paid it in this book called the 4th Debt. You can read my spoilers on Goodreads.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
campbell macgillivray
I love Pepper Winters, she is an Amazing Writer! I was estatic when the store said my book that had been pre-ordered was delivered to my it in 2 days!! I couldn't put it down and really tried to read slow because the other doesn't come out until later this year. It's hard to find other books to read that you could even compare...thanks for the awesome read!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
“I refused to live in a world where evil triumphed over good. That wasn’t right-life couldn’t be that cruel.”

The Indebted series has become an addiction for me, but it is not for the faint of heart. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, this series will push boundaries and go to dark places that will make you squirm, and your heart race. It will frighten you and make you FEEL ten times over, but is that not the definition of a truly amazing book? For me YES! Nila Weaver is left on her own at the end of Third Debt when the Hawks take away her last reason to live.

“Why did I care what my future entailed when I no longer had anyone to fight for?”

Fourth Debt begins exactly where we left off in the last book, after one of the) best/worst depending on your perspective) cliff hangers ever. Nila is devastated and the Hawks once again have the upper hand. What I really want to make clear here, before I go any further is how strong Nila’s character is in this series. I don’t think I’ve ever read a book with a main character that is stronger and more resilient than Nila. Where anyone else would be traumatized and rocking in a corner, she perseveres and struggles with every fibre of her being to never give up.

“It was me versus them now. I wouldn’t back down again.”

Everything she has survived up till this point is astounding. The Hawks well, never in a series have I ever come across a more depraved, cruel and viscous clan of villains! If you’ve read the previous books you will know exactly what I’m talking about here, I cannot wait until karma is brought full circle (hopefully) and they are re-paid for all of the horrendous acts, they have rein acted over the years. All in the name of their revenge and justice.

Pepper Winters has created a labyrinth of a story with this series spanning the course of six full length books. Each book manages to give you more, while holding back enough to make you NEED the next! The writing is everything you can expect from Pepper Winters, beautiful, meticulous and powerful, Fourth Debt is a testament to this. Writing this series she has managed to yet again to blow my mind with her talent to create a story that is not only incredibly addictive, complicated, intricate and mysterious but also unforgettable. I never have to go back to re-read the previous book before diving into the next simply because they are engrained in my mind. I picked up Fourth Debt and dove in, now in hindsight I should have been armed with tissues, a stress ball and a couple of bottles of wine, but when I reached the end of this one, my nerves were shot! I was left testy, unnerved and mouth gaping. Pepper’s books swallow me whole every time and this last one, well she did it again. Fourth Debt has left me with a book hangover that refuses to subside, I needed to purge in this review to hopefully alleviate some of the residual feeling and thoughts, and now I’m realizing that even this may not help…

“You’re all monsters. Every single one of you. You’ll all pay.”

Fourth Debt is an astounding read; it will traumatize you and leave you feeling rage, sadness, desperation. It will also without a doubt leave you BEGGING for that last book, I need relief, I need justice, and I need a happily ever after in some form. Nila has more than earned it at this point and if she doesn’t get hers I may LOSE MY GD MIND!!!! True Story. This series gets more intense with every installment and I’m left here typing this review fully expecting and bracing myself, because Final Debt will be the most intense yet, I can feel it already. If you have not yet experienced this series, I cannot recommend it highly enough. Emotional readers like me will devour these books one after another like candy and come back hands out begging for more, guaranteed.

“Love was what ruined me the most. Love was the ultimate destroyer. But no matter how much I tried to let go…I couldn’t.”
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Pepper Winters blows me away with this one! The last one is waiting in my books to read, can't wait, thought it was the last but now I see there is a novella also, u go girl! Another to read in this kick-a## story! Kept me interested from 1st page in 1st book to where I am now! Would recommend this book to anyone DEFINITELY over the age of 18! That's also to anyone who likes a very dark read! No for the faint of heart by any means!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
teresa kintner gunderson
Wow, this fifth installment might just be the darkest and most powerful yet in this series. Seriously, this book had me on the edge of suspense and it made my skin crawl more than a few times. Yeah, I gasped and cringed for my dear characters but everything they go through was so precisely elaborated that the experiences gave them that much needed courage and strength and I loved them getting stronger. Not to mention that darkness in the story was so thrilling to read as it made me FEEL so much.

"Live for me. Breathe for me. Come back to life for me."

I can truly say this book has prepared me for the big finale. Oh yes, I'm so pumped for retribution and justice to happen in this story that's not even a joke. I can't wait for Nila and Jethro's last chapter because thanks to the Fourth Debt I know is going to be of epic proportions where definitely good will win over evil.

"It was me versus them now. I wouldn't back down again. I'm done being tortured. It was their turn."

I have loved the incredible ride these characters have taken me and this book was another amazing breakthrough. Here's where the strength an faith of Nila and Jethro are really put to the test and as terrifying as it was to see them endure so much, it was also exhilarating to see how mentally powerful they've have become. Witnessing that growth in them did wonders for me but I have to say, what I loved the most about this book was how the author manipulated my emotions so intensively. Ms. Winters has not only made me passionate about the good feelings (love, faith, forgiveness) in this story, no, she has also achieved to make me feel strongly passionate about the not so good feelings too (revenge, hate) and all on behalf of my two dear characters. That really goes far to say how extremely invested I feel about this whole story no matter where it takes me. ♥

"Fear was a strong emotion, but it had nothing on love."

So kudos to Ms. Winters again, this is the fifth book in this series that I loved and devoured with pleasure. This story has been just amazing and for that I cannot wait for Final Debt and see how the final punch is delivered. I know one thing though, it's going to be EPIC fore sure! :D
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sarah hess
That was entertaining! Pepper is without any holds barred! I'm in love with this series and repulsed at once! The evil she isn't afraid to write is heart shattering! The love she isn't afraid to write her characters feeling and fighting for would make anyone envious! I'm too far gone, book hangover awaits me at the end of this! Onto book #6!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
johnny stork
OMG OMG OMG!!! After months of waiting for this book ... Pepper Winters has delivered once again a dark, edgy, emotional story that leaves you on the edge of your seat clutching your pearls!

This is the 5th installment in the Debt Inheritance series and let me just say that I went into this book with VERY high expectations because well i have loved every book in this series and each one has surpassed the last!! Pepper did not disappoint this book was outstanding!!

"The old Nila died the day she entered Hawksridge. But this new Nila was a fading photograph, vanishing piece by piece while her lover bled out on priceless carpet."

We see a new side to Jasmine in this book, she really came into her own, she steps up and becomes a strong character in this book. What Jasmine may lack in her physical abilities she makes up for in brains and determination. Cut, Daniel, and Bonnie let their true crazy shine through as they torture and torment Nila.

We left off on the third debt with of course a huge cliffy ... Is he dead ?? Is he alive ?? What the heck was Pepper thinking!! I won't tell you either way, but let me just say with Jethro and Kes out of the picture there is no pardon, truce, reprieve for Nila. Cut and Daniel continue to torture her with the debts of her ancestors, with ancient torture devices, and emotional games. Nila does her best to stay strong, she wants to be the lsat victim in all of this, but is left countless times beaten and broken both physically and mentally.

"Why did I care what my future entailed when i no longer had anyone to fight for?"

But will the Hawks break her?? Will she be the last Weaver to suffer these debts ?? How much can one woman take ??

I won't go into details about this book because honestly every single detail of this book needs to be experienced blindly!! Pepper hit this one out of the park ... I can't wait to read the final installment and see how all of this ends!!

“I am you. I’m not a whole person anymore without you.”
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
daniel little
Complimentary copy provided in exchange for honest review.

Another solid story in the series, although not my favorite. This one is intense, no doubt, and we learn the fate of a character. I've loved watching the change Nila has gone through, she's proven to be quite the fighter, and I can't wait to see how the whole series will wrap up.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
reagan dayberry
I wanted to kick and scream in frustration!!! I went through an emotional roller coaster with this book. I have to say Pepper Winter can write!! But at the end of this book you know there is one last book to read or so I thought. I will need a few drinks after.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Another winner from our queen of dark and twisted!
This book leaves you wanting more just like the rest :) Jethro and Nila are currently one of my favorite book couples. I can't get enough of their tale. I am already impatiently waiting for the next book!!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Relationships are cemented and torn apart in this book.There are lots of surprises in store for the reader,some good and some horrific. I remain glued to the pages of this book,each story offers more enlightenment and I am just as absorbed as I was when I read book 1,and I must recommend this book,it is fantastic!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alexis bailey
I have really enjoyed reading this series! Anything Pepper Winters writes is worth reading. You MUST read the other books before reading this one so you will understand it. I hope we don't have to wait too long for The Final Debt!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Well hello cliffhanger!!! Not so nice to see you again, lol.... so Jethro and Kestrel are dead... but... wait.... what???? Oh I tell you... happy reading, hope you enjoy this one as much as I have, come on final.debt!!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
naomi may
The story just keeps getting better. Pepper's writing is magnificent! Nila and Jet's emotions, feelings, and thoughts become part of you. As with the other 4 books, this gave me another book hangover. Pepper, you are an awesome writer!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
leslie patrick
So this book really took me by surprise. I really thought he was dead. Omg thank you for not killing him off. I'm trying very hard not to think negative. You did a great job with these books even if they do not have a happy ending they where well worth the read. Now on to the next one.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
janet stella
I have been loving the Indebted Series and was so looking forward to this book, I read (most of it) on the day it was released. A couple weeks have now passed and I have put off this review because I wasn't sure what I wanted to say about it. It was great to get back into the story, and a relief that Jethro is still alive. (Apparently the author gods haven't yet made a decision if Kes is worth keeping around or not.) But it would have been pretty hard to go on with this series without Jethro. I guess my main problem with Book 5 here is that, up until this point, Cut was such a stickler that everything regarding the Weavers and the Debts be done exactly as prescribed by tradition. An example of this was the way the 'welcoming ceremony' was conducted in Book 1, with all the scraps of paper holding the clues having to be read at exactly the appointed times. Also, Cut was very upset in Book 2 when the First Debt was completed, but Jethro had forgotten to do the final step of recording it with the tattoos. (I'm assuming that just about everyone who is reading this book is familiar with the earlier books in the series, if not, there may be some minor spoilers.) In Book 4, when Jethro and Kes try to foil the Third Debt, things get all screwed up. Knowing how Cut is such a stickler for tradition, it just seemed to make sense that one of the first things on his agenda at this point would be to complete the Third Debt and record it. Even though it is alluded to a number of times, that it needs to be completed, no one seems to be in any kind of hurry to finish it. If nothing else, I find it super hard to believe that Daniel would totally keep his hands off of Nila all this time with Jethro gone, regardless of any of the debts. Then they make this big deal about 'giving' Nila to Jasmine, yet she is left out of any further decisions and Cut and Daniel go about the Fourth Debt, somewhat half-haphazardly and piecemeal. Also, as the book ends, they are leaving on a trip, where they say that not only are they going to finish the Fourth Debt, whatever it is, (and why is it in pieces?) but go backwards and complete the Third Debt, and also complete the Final Debt. Yet earlier in the series, Nila was taken and shown the exact place where the Final Debt is traditionally competed, which is right on the Hawksbridge estate. Another careless disregard for the rules. It seems like they are just making things up as they go along, and not carrying out a historical series of debts that has been followed for decades. It just doesn't seem to make much sense to me.
Also, and this is the most piddly complaint in the history of reviews, but did anyone look close-up at the cover picture? If you look at the cuff of the shirt sleeve, there is a rather large thread dangling from it. It drives me crazy every time I see the cover and I desperately want to pull it off! Yet in some ways it symbolizes to me the same kind of haphazard carelessness that is so evident in the disregard for rules in the book.
All in all, a little bit of a disappointment in what has so far been an incredible series. I am hopefully confident that Pepper Winters will get it all together and give us a bang-up finish in the final book. This series has meant too much to so many people it deserves nothing less.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
andrew homan
Dark, twisted and oh so wickedly good. If you love Dark Novels this is for you otherwise stay clear. Brilliant as always Pepper Winters. Well done! Guess I have to try & put my heart back where it belongs so it can be ripped out yet again in the Fifth Debt. Can't wait for book 6.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
hailea mabee
Oh. My. Hell!! This book and this series is killing me!!!!
Pepper Winters has continued The InDebted Series and oh what a continuation! This story grabs your attention and does not let go - it is amazing!! I seriously read the entire story in one sitting .. Nothing was allowed to interrupt my reading!! Thank you Pepper for this Fan-Freak-ing-Tastic Amazingly Twisted Journey!!!

Nila's story continues in this 5th book of a six book series and the things Pepper puts her through, truly cringe worthy! Will Nila continue to fight or does she resign herself to the fate of her ancestors?

Oh, and of course after book 4 you want to know about Jethro, right? Well you are going to have to buy the book to find out the fate of all Hawkes -- oh what a wicked nest of lies & deceit that family is based on. It just keeps getting better!!!

What happened to Vaughn and Tex? Did they just decide to give Nila up and move on with their lives?

This story is so chocked full of information, foreshadowing, subtle hints and blatant in your face shocking moments you will need to read it again and again ... It is just that good!

Truly a wicked masterpiece ~ worthy of 10 stars ~ if you have not read the InDebted Series you really need to fix that now!!!

This book is part of a series and should be read in order. Series reading order is:
InDebted, #1;
First Debt (Indebted Book 2);
Second Debt (Indebted Book 3);
Third Debt (Indebted Book 4);
Fourth Debt (Indebted Book 5);
Final Debt (Indebted Book 6 - to be released late 2015)

~ARC provided by Pepper Winters in exchange for an honest review. Reviewed by J.Loves2Read by Alpha Book Club without any influence from author~
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book was wow.... So many emotions and my god .... So good! Pepper Winters is outstanding writer....... I enjoy all of her books! This book had me crying and feeling like I couldn't breathe and then crying and then omg and then ... Bam sexy and hot and then omg nooooo
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
anurag bhatt
Once again Ms. Winters has slayed me. I was heart-broken, shattered, excited, engrossed, and angry at the characters in the book all at the same time. Can't wait for the next book in the series. Ms. Winters is one of three authors total that I pre-order everything they write and tear through as soon as downloaded. Keep writing Pepper!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
s j hirons
I was sad at the beginning and completely shocked by the end. Nila thinks she is not strong enough to endure the Hawk's punishments but she keeps proving us wrong. What will happen next?? I will be anxiously waiting for the Final Debt!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Pepper Winters has done it again!!
Waiting for this release was one of those, is it 12:01 yet so I can check my kindle to see if it’s there kind of thing.
Pepper has continued to take us on the ever-growing journey of Jethro Hawk and Nila Weaver.
It’s hard to put into words how this series makes me feel but I do know that I can’t stop reading it and I can’t wait for the final book.
Book 4 seems darker, which I love, and the struggle that Nila withstands is deeper-I mean come on, if you read Book 3, you’ll know why.
I know some readers might say or think this was “filler” but guess what….If this is filler, then I have no idea what they are reading because this kept me on the edge until well in the morning reading and I didn’t want to stop. Everything that happened in this book pushed the story forward and each character developed even more. We find out more about Jasmine and some “unsuspecting” alliances are made.
There is more torture and interesting new “devices” that are introduced, but that’s what this story is about. We can’t forget why Nila is there-this is more than just a romance story, this is Nila and Jethro’s story; the debts that are carried out are characters in themselves. Pepper’s describes everything in such detail that I felt I paid a debt at one time.

I don’t want to say too much for those of you that still need to read it and I don’t normally give too much away when I review but if you are looking for a dark read, emotional read, still f**king hot, HOT sex scene read, you must read this!!

OH and I want to thank my best friend AGAIN for suggesting I read this series!!!!

Pepper, you are fabulous and I can’t wait for this to be picked up for a TV series! These characters and this story needs to be seen on the “big” screen.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nancy barnes
This book was wow.... So many emotions and my god .... So good! Pepper Winters is outstanding writer....... I enjoy all of her books! This book had me crying and feeling like I couldn't breathe and then crying and then omg and then ... Bam sexy and hot and then omg nooooo
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
chess via email
Once again Ms. Winters has slayed me. I was heart-broken, shattered, excited, engrossed, and angry at the characters in the book all at the same time. Can't wait for the next book in the series. Ms. Winters is one of three authors total that I pre-order everything they write and tear through as soon as downloaded. Keep writing Pepper!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mohammed ahmed
I was sad at the beginning and completely shocked by the end. Nila thinks she is not strong enough to endure the Hawk's punishments but she keeps proving us wrong. What will happen next?? I will be anxiously waiting for the Final Debt!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Pepper Winters has done it again!!
Waiting for this release was one of those, is it 12:01 yet so I can check my kindle to see if it’s there kind of thing.
Pepper has continued to take us on the ever-growing journey of Jethro Hawk and Nila Weaver.
It’s hard to put into words how this series makes me feel but I do know that I can’t stop reading it and I can’t wait for the final book.
Book 4 seems darker, which I love, and the struggle that Nila withstands is deeper-I mean come on, if you read Book 3, you’ll know why.
I know some readers might say or think this was “filler” but guess what….If this is filler, then I have no idea what they are reading because this kept me on the edge until well in the morning reading and I didn’t want to stop. Everything that happened in this book pushed the story forward and each character developed even more. We find out more about Jasmine and some “unsuspecting” alliances are made.
There is more torture and interesting new “devices” that are introduced, but that’s what this story is about. We can’t forget why Nila is there-this is more than just a romance story, this is Nila and Jethro’s story; the debts that are carried out are characters in themselves. Pepper’s describes everything in such detail that I felt I paid a debt at one time.

I don’t want to say too much for those of you that still need to read it and I don’t normally give too much away when I review but if you are looking for a dark read, emotional read, still f**king hot, HOT sex scene read, you must read this!!

OH and I want to thank my best friend AGAIN for suggesting I read this series!!!!

Pepper, you are fabulous and I can’t wait for this to be picked up for a TV series! These characters and this story needs to be seen on the “big” screen.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
These books keep you turning pages. You want to sleep, but have to keep going to see where the characters are going. You will want to read on through each book until the end of the series. They are amazing books! So engaging and enthralling! A must read!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jarkko laine
The last players have been placed, the cards in this debt game have been dealt. Everything is ready for the final installment. This book will leave you panting from the angst, anger, passion and love and hoping for the end to finally come!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
molly lehman
I love this series. The love the dark and bizarre love story going on is phenominal.. At times I think they make stupid decisions but I am older than these characters and wisdom does come with age. It is a great series and worth reading again.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
aida dietz
I thought book 4 was intense. The surprises keep coming. The characters evolve. And when the reader is ready to sigh in relief, the author does an about face and we're left wanting more. Read this in 24 hours. Starting the last debt now.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Excellent read can't wait for the last book. That seems to be a problem each book is getting shorter and it's a way of getting more money out of readers. This story should have been in possibly 2 books it has been drawn out into 6.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
nina todd
The 5th book in the Indebted series.
This one wasnt as good as the previous ones.
really didnt settle anything except Jethro was still alive.
Was a little disappointed in it.
Cant wait to see how it does end.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
heather unwin
Another Pepper hit to go with the collection!! This one will leave you hanging and dying for the next but not as heart broken and shattered as the last. Just mad. Jethro and Nila are the ultimate couple that have such an unyielding and true love. Their love pours from the pages.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
allison jones
Indebted #5 OMG
Pepper Winter, a beautiful woman; wonder where all the dark images come to mind for you to write detailed ancient torture devices and techniques. So much happened at the end of Indebted #4 that I couldn't wait until #5 came out to answer certain questions:
I wondered if Jethro, Kes, and Vaugh are dead or alive?
Trying to decipher who is friend or foe?
Is the Debt Inheritance legal, even in this day and age?
Some of the questions are answered yet still some remain, and other issues arise.
Bonnie Hawk, aka the Devil, reincarnated perpetuates the debt inheritance. She is insistent history is going to repeat itself. Nila fell in love with Jethro just like her great- great grandmother, Elisa, fell in love with Jethro's great-great grandfather, Owen. They even resembled their ancestors. A picture is worth a thousand words.
Spoil alert: A character from another series appears in this volume.
Does Daniel inherit Nila? Does he take her to Africa? Do his threats come to fruition?
AJ Marks
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Pepper Winters your mind is all twisty girl! I just love this entire series and Fourth Dept is right in there. It's a bit of a transitional book imo and usually those leave me less than thrilled. Not this one. It was filled with so much torment and emotional havoc reeking that it actually stressed me out a bit, in the good way of course. I love books that have that effect on the mind and body. Not to mention I had to grab my ancient dictionary (ok, google really) and look up what these 'devices' were. Holy Cow! That was quite educational and I hope that the FBI does not come confiscate my computer any time soon cause it would be really embarrassing :-)))) I'm very much looking forward to the next book in this series to see how it all wraps up and whose head(s) will be rolling (insert Vincent Price laugh). I truly hope that Nila & Kite/Jet/Jethro have a HEA... I highly recommend this entire series if you enjoy dark, erotic romance reads that are really twisty and a little demented.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
OMG, how am I going to start?
Torture! Pure torture! How am I going to last until the next one? I honestly don’t know.
Do you know that moment when you begin a series and then you say to yourself, “Damn! I must be crazy!” That’s what I said right after I read the first page in the first book of this series!
This book was different than the previous ones because the circumstances changed.
Without wanting to give too much away, Jethro & Nila’s story continues with all the twists and turns that are so Pepper Winters’s style, leaving us completely speechless.
It starts where Third Debt ended and until we realize what is happening, you can only feel angst!
Debts are still being paid without mercy. Love is trying to conquer over vengeance. And when you think something good is going to happen, Pepper has the ability to turn it in a way that you will have to struggle not to throw your Kindle against a wall.
Pepper digs deeper and deeper in our emotions and captivates us with her words. It’s almost hypnotizing.
There are so many questions still unanswered. What if…? That’s the main question throughout this book in particular. Will Jethro and Nila find their HEA? And if they do, will it be on Heaven or on Earth? Well, that’s something we will have to wait to find out. I sincerely hope it’s on Earth.
Pepper Winters wrote, once again, a wonderful story and it’s going to be hell until we can see how it’s going to evolve. You call it dark for a reason, right?
Pepper has the ability to push our own limits. You will want to yell, cry, beat them, curse, I would dare to say, kill that family.
New characters were explored in this book and something tells me that their roles will be crucial to the story.
Although I want to know how this is going to end, it will be hard to let them go. Jethro & Nila will stay with me for a very long time and just like diamonds, they will become immortals. They won’t be forgotten.
Only a few authors have this kind of talent. The one talent that changes your life, your emotions. You can’t stop thinking about their books and their characters. Pepper Winters is one of them. Pepper Winters is that kind of author that if you go on vacation, you have to make sure you have wifi available because you will want to buy her books as soon as they are released. Believe me on this!
A five star book without a doubt. A must read!! Just like all the other books in the series.
---Reviewed for The Bookery Review---
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
clairine runtung
I agree with other reviewers that there were too many fillers and rehashing things that were said, over and over.

I did not find this book to be written as smoothly as previous books in this series. I also didn't like the way things with Nila's thoughts and actions went from current and then all of a sudden went back to what had occurred during her recent abuse by Cut an Daniel. The abuse was extremely graphic and way too excessive, IMO. Although the story was exciting, it was choppy and at times didn't flow well.

I have read and enjoyed ALL of Pepper's books and will continue to read her work. Unfortunately, this one was not to my liking.

I've come this far and will read the final book in this series, which is to be released late fall.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
shuai dong
I loved this series. This was my first time reading anything by this author and I'm looking forward to reading more by her! I loved the two main characters, Nila was so strong and unbreakable throughout the whole series even after everything that has happened to her. Pepper Winters has now made me search for Dark Erotica books so far I have not found anything that gets me zoned out in a book like this series!!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
bryan worra
At first I was really into this story, thinking that the fourth debt was supposed to be the last book in the series, but now there's another book. It should have ended already. I still like the storyline though. I can't wait for the Hawks to pay for their sins.
Please RateFourth Debt (Indebted Book 5)
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