
ByPepper Winters

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Well where to begin....
Pepper Winters knows how to write beautifully stories that mess with your heart, mind and emotions. Hazel and Fox's story had me wanting to root for their love one minute and the next, just let it go, but don't let it go at the same time have faith in him. Oh this one was just brutal at times to read. My heart went out to them as a couple as well as individually.
Hazel is the product of the foster care system she did what she had to do to make it out alive. Fox is the product of abuse at the hands of those who enslaved him to carry out there purposes as an assassin for hire. Both of their lives are haunted by their pasts. When they meet there is recognition in each other they feel familiar, they are both hiding and keeping secrets. This recognition is what pulls them together and is the story of something beautiful and haunting.

"My temper exploded, I'd had enough of idiotic male testosterone. Shoving Oscar off me, I hissed, I'm not yours. I'm not his. I'm mine."

"Your dying inside when I'm trying to help you live"

"The strange compulsion, the unknown need. Maybe it was purely lust-two bodies who recognized a person with similar wants and urges. If it was, I'd never been affected so violently."

" I thought she was a saint.
She thought I was a sinner.
Too bad we didn't try to find the truth.
We both paid the price.
We destroyed each other.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sigrid van de ven
My head still hurts from reading this. Definitely drama after drama after drama. I seriously don't know how I feel about this book. Kept me entertained, might have been a little too long and sad but overall I think it was a good read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This story is full of loss, emotional turmoil, mental anguish and unyielding devotion. It's a story of a boy turned monster and the man fighting his way back into being human. A once feral and wounded woman full of passion that is on the brink of losing everything and when I say everything I mean, EVERYTHING. When they meet up their very souls are able to find a kindred spirit in the other; a reason to preserver. I have never given a spoiler but I feel that to be fair I should warn some who are going in to read this story that if they have experienced the loss of someone they love dearly their wounds may still be too raw to handle this book, but at the same time you might be able to find some healing with some of the things that are stated within this story. Be warned though this will be a hardship. This is a one book story with no cliffhangers. Also was right in line with other Pepper Winters books with very dark overtones to the story but something we all can find happiness with in the end. I think I am now addicted to Pepper Winters writing she has the type of stories that crawl under your skin and stay with you long after the last page is read.
Je Suis a Toi (Monsters in the Dark) (Volume 4) :: A Novel (Random House Large Print) - The Chilbury Ladies' Choir :: Hyde and Seek (Hyde Series Book 1) :: Off Armageddon Reef: Safehold Series, Book 1 :: Indebted Epilogue
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Well, the Goodreads review doesn't even scratch the surface on this book. As with other Pepper Winters books, this book is tragically dark with very flawed, damaged characters. It was kind of like reading a modern day darker version of "Beauty and the Beast." Roan (a.k.a. Obsidian Fox) can't escape the lifetime of mental and physical conditioning forced upon him. His life is nothing short of horrendous, ingrained so deeply in him he can't function as normal, nor escape the chains of his past. It's like he's left with a black soul, or even soulless. And whatever you do, DO. NOT. TOUCH. HIM. His secrets and demons run so deep, nobody knows a thing about his past. Hazel (a.k.a. Zel or Zelly) has her own secrets and demons, but nothing compared to Roan. Her first, conceiving her daughter, Clara, when she was 15. Clara will turn out to play a very pivotal role with Roan. This book was so different than anything I've read - it oozed with anger, fear, turmoil, strength, empathy, grief. You felt the sense of hopelessness with both Roan and Hazel yet also an inner strength to overcome it all. This book was long and dark, so it's definitely a diversion from the norm, but I really did love it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is one of those books where the reviewer should not give anything away. The reader needs to just experience this book with no preconceived notions. The emotions that will poor out are amazing! Excellent book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
taylor stokes
This book has an elaborate storyline that the synopsis doesn't even hint at. Fox/Roan is a Russian who was kidnapped as a boy and trained to be an assassin. He escaped as an adult after years of abuse and killing and is starting over in Australia. Hazel is a woman who has been living on her own since she was a child, doing anything she can to survive. She is raising a young daughter who has a terminal disease and is desperate to make enough money to afford the care her daughter needs. When Fox sees Hazel at the fight club he owns he knows he wants her, even though he's never been with a woman except for one time in his youth. He offers her a bunch of money to stay with him for a month and be at his beck and call and she accepts. Unfortunately for Hazel she doesn't quite believe him when he tells her his main rule, which is to not touch him at all. Being touched is one of Fox's biggest triggers that causes an overwhelming drive to kill that overrules any rational thought. I don't want to give away anymore of the plot but I will say the ending was a big surprise because it was impossible to predict which way it would go. Great story and awesome writing!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
walter hollenstein
Well written, perfectly paced and made me cry! I fell in love with Hazel's strength and then I fell in love with Roan. I rooted for them both with all I had. Broken, lost souls who deserved better thab the lives they were given. Anger, sorrow, disbelief, love, happiness- this story takes you through the entire gamut of human emotions!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
hany youssef
Holy crappers!
Hot, suspense, needy, addictive, soppy, dangerous, dirty. This book kinda had a bit of everything.
There are many things I loved about this book and few I struggled with. Not really the subject matter as such, but more the execution.
I want you to get past the first few moments. As an author the beginning of a book for me is the hardest to get past. I value my time and when something doesn't suck you right away I give up and move the heck a long. That being said, I also know how hard it is to write a superb beginning, not to mention, the love at first sight thing. It can either ruin or make a book and for some readers it is experienced differently.
I am no stranger to love/lust/addiction at first sight, and even experienced it, but I have to say it was the smack in the face (I'm reading a book reminder) for me. I love to lose myself and it would be the only part I can say that stood out for me.
Pepper is a wonderous (I think I just made that word up) author who writes extremely well. Destroyed is still a fab read filled with enough dirt to make you grit your teeth. (God I love that sh@#!)
Yes, it has been said there is a bit of repetitiveness but who the eff is not repetitive when lost or passionate.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tala mhni
This is one of those books where the reviewer should not give anything away. The reader needs to just experience this book with no preconceived notions. The emotions that will poor out are amazing! Excellent book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ayman zead
This book has an elaborate storyline that the synopsis doesn't even hint at. Fox/Roan is a Russian who was kidnapped as a boy and trained to be an assassin. He escaped as an adult after years of abuse and killing and is starting over in Australia. Hazel is a woman who has been living on her own since she was a child, doing anything she can to survive. She is raising a young daughter who has a terminal disease and is desperate to make enough money to afford the care her daughter needs. When Fox sees Hazel at the fight club he owns he knows he wants her, even though he's never been with a woman except for one time in his youth. He offers her a bunch of money to stay with him for a month and be at his beck and call and she accepts. Unfortunately for Hazel she doesn't quite believe him when he tells her his main rule, which is to not touch him at all. Being touched is one of Fox's biggest triggers that causes an overwhelming drive to kill that overrules any rational thought. I don't want to give away anymore of the plot but I will say the ending was a big surprise because it was impossible to predict which way it would go. Great story and awesome writing!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mike lietz
Well written, perfectly paced and made me cry! I fell in love with Hazel's strength and then I fell in love with Roan. I rooted for them both with all I had. Broken, lost souls who deserved better thab the lives they were given. Anger, sorrow, disbelief, love, happiness- this story takes you through the entire gamut of human emotions!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Holy crappers!
Hot, suspense, needy, addictive, soppy, dangerous, dirty. This book kinda had a bit of everything.
There are many things I loved about this book and few I struggled with. Not really the subject matter as such, but more the execution.
I want you to get past the first few moments. As an author the beginning of a book for me is the hardest to get past. I value my time and when something doesn't suck you right away I give up and move the heck a long. That being said, I also know how hard it is to write a superb beginning, not to mention, the love at first sight thing. It can either ruin or make a book and for some readers it is experienced differently.
I am no stranger to love/lust/addiction at first sight, and even experienced it, but I have to say it was the smack in the face (I'm reading a book reminder) for me. I love to lose myself and it would be the only part I can say that stood out for me.
Pepper is a wonderous (I think I just made that word up) author who writes extremely well. Destroyed is still a fab read filled with enough dirt to make you grit your teeth. (God I love that sh@#!)
Yes, it has been said there is a bit of repetitiveness but who the eff is not repetitive when lost or passionate.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
WHAT A BOOK!! *bows down* to the queen of dark!!!!

Pepper did not disappoint with Destroyed. What a roller coaster of effed up emotions. Can't even begin to tell you how much I loved this book. As with every book I've read from Pepper Winters my poor heart has been put through the ringer. But I love every minute of it!!

There is not a lot I can tell you without spoiling the book for you, so I will not even try to come up with a description. Just know this, its dark, twisted, romantic, heart ripping, stay up all night to read it (even tho you have to work the next day) GOOD!!

I started this book, and at about 15% I told my friends that it was a bad idea to do so on a weekday cause by 15% I already knew I was not going to be able put it down, and I didn't!! BUT it was so, so worthy!! I went to work after I finished it, with the biggest smile on my face!! Loved the ending!! Its been more than 24 hours since I finished and I'm still with the biggest book hangover ever!! Do yourself a favour and grab a copy!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mary willhite
Wow. Just. Wow.

"Fox" has lived an incredibly dark life as a human weapon. Trained and programmed since a young age to be a merciless killer he leads a cursed existence even two years after escaping his past life. He has a temper and he cannot stand to be touched. Physical pain pleases him, helps to bring him momentary peace from his training and life. "Fox" meets Hazel as she visits his illegal fight club with her best friend for a temporary respite from her own personal misery and pain. The attraction is immediate and all consuming and Fox convinces Hazel to stay with him for 30 days. She agrees only as a desperate attempt to save herself and her sick child. Fox hopes that this strange attraction to Hazel means he has finally found the "cure" to his tortured existence.

This book had palpable sexual tension and was well paced. While it was quite predictable, it was still an emotional ride and many times brought tears to my eyes.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nisha d
Like all Pepper winters' stories, Destroyed was unique, excellent, sexy and can't be put down until finished. I also love that it is one book and not a series that I have to wait for after getting into it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
diana oana
First of all I doubt that Pepper Winters will ever write a book I don't love. Her stories speak to me.
This one is NO exception. The relationship between Fox/Ronan & Hazel is not only very dark but quite disturbing, but because their personalities are multi-faceted it makes them compelling and you want to watch them "play out." When the character of Clara enters the picture, the dynamics completely shift. I think that's why I love this author's writing so much because it is so far removed from rainbows and puppies, I need a little bit of reality in my fiction(just a smidge) and I believe their are some really deeply disturbing & twisted individuals out there. I love stories about redemption.
This story is not only well-rounded but compelling. Oh and I cried like a sissy girl, which clearly states I am invested in the story.
I read this is one day because I COULD NOT PUT IT DOWN!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
beatrice ognenovici
Wow talk about different. Honestly there at the very beginning I had my doubts wondering if and when it was ever gonna really capture me and hook me. It took a few chapters but once it did I was entranced. I couldn't wait for the next page to see what would happen next. It was crazy, messed up and infuriating but it was worth it. It even ripped out my heart. I don't even know hot to really explain it. I thought a few times of beauty and the beast although the beauty was flawed with her scars too. It was just crazy but in a good crazy. I could understand her reason for wanting to heal him but I. Just say she is stronger than I would ever be because I would of left in the beginning but the love for her daughter pushed her forward to try anything in her power to protect her. Honestly I wasn't sure he could change I thought he was so far gone, but the ending was just beautiful. So different than what I imagined.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I loved this book. Pepper Winters has done it again and I so can't wait for more from her. Destroyed was very emotional to me and I kept hoping for a different outcome honestly in one aspect of it. But I had a feeling that wouldn't be the case. Now that I've had time to think back on it, the way the events turned for the book, well I couldn't see it any other way.

Both characters had lots of secrets and I wondered if Roan would be able to overcome his. Parts were so sad I just had to take breaks in between and hug my little boy and thank god he has no problems. Anyways, I'm trying not to give too much away here...

I would recommend this to any dark book lover. Just be ready for an intense read.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
beth copeland
Mixed emotions with this book. A warning of the deep emotions you would feel would've been helpful. A major part in this book had me crying for chapters. Get out your tissues!! My heart broke in a million pieces. The way he treated her made me sick. The way she would take him back over and over after the same thing happened, made me sick. All while feeling so bad for what this man was going through mentally. But isn't that what an author is supposed to do? Make you feel happy, mad, & so sad? Have you read something that can happen in life, good or bad? I guess that is the part that made me love it. The story sucked me in, even though I knew I was not going to like what was about to happen. It made me feel. I gave it 3 stars because of the repetition in the beginning. But all in all it was a good read and at least, with all the emotions, had a good ending.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cassie milligan
I love Pepper Winters as an author. I really enjoy reading all of her books for she always makes you feel as if you are actually in the story. I started to cry during this book. I couldn't put it down and then when I finish it, I miss reading it straight away.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have recently been introduced to Pepper Winters as a writer - i am now a huge fan.
Her books are awesome. Where do i start with Destroyed?
Emotional roller coaster - a book that i just could not put down, a story that was sad and yet had light at the end of the tunnel.
This story was dark at times and a the alpha male really comes across as a crazy one, but you hold out hope for him.
Pepper Winters definately made me feel and there were loads of tears. (not great when your in bed trying not to cry, as you dont want to wake your hubby up and explain why you are crying - lol)
Would i recommend the book? A big YES.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Just finished this yesterday and while I agree it was long, I think it was really well done.

BOTH the hero and heroine were twisted up by past events, the hero definitely more so. I liked how the author stayed within the realm of believability when it came to both of their issues. It wasn't an overnight fix for either of them. It was long, it was painful and it was an arduous journey but finally, when revelations hit and achievements unlocked it was a stark reality portrayed on whether the awful journey was really worth it or not.

You left this book at a perfect point where you weren't really sure it was a HEA but you still had a good feeling about how Roan and Zeal would faire.

It was great. :)

Four stars for being a touch long winded.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alexa johnson
Pepper, You destroyed ME with this book!! I will be honest, at first it was a little hard for me to get into and kind of understand what was going on. I don't know anything about that sport, so it did take me a couple of re-reads to get the drift of what was going on. The story was dark, deep, sad, heart-filled, just left you wanting more. I literally couldn't put it down when I found my rhythm in the book.

I am not a person who reviews books based on # of pages, grammar (Unless it's horrid-and luckily I haven't come across that anywhere)--I write my reviews based on how the book captures me, makes me feel, the content and story.

Destroyed did destroy me and then brought me back to life. It was a dark and beautiful story.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
3.5 Stars
Destroyed was a good read with the possibility of ugly tears. Winters writing was okay, but it seemed a little stereotypical or sappy at times. The beginning of every chapter has some of the same repetitive "he hurt me and I hurt him", or visa-versa intro, before the chapters begin. I like the Beauty and the Beast retelling, but wish it were a little less in your face about it.

Overall there were some good things, and some not so good things. But it was an interesting read that kept me engaged through to the end. I think my opinion maybe the minority and fans of Winters may like it more.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Never has a book had a more appropriate title.
Destroyed, indeed.
While Pepper is known for her dark twisted erotica, this is something different- more painful.

Secrets. Hazel is doing the best she can with horrible life circumstances.

Secrets. Fox is trying to live outside of the horror of a life he was forced into.

When Hazel and Fox meet, it's electric. It's instant. But their secrets will destroy each other.

*The beauty in this world was hidden by filth and lies while evil was painted in beauty and smiles.*

A crushing story of trials, desperation, destruction, and redemption. Be warned- I am not a cryer, but this one got me. This one hurt a lot.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
heba abdulaziz
Destroyed is a beautifully written, dark and raw story of the relationship between Fox and Hazel that seems doomed from the beginning. I was hooked on this book immediately and could barely put it down.

Destroyed involved nearly every human emotion imaginable - love, lust, loss, passion, heartbreak, guilt, disappointment, anger, frustration, hope, and on and on. The book asked how much the human spirit can experience and still be able to love and become whole again.

I particularly loved this book for two reasons, first because of the deep, unshakable love Hazel had in her heart. She was a person who desired to help people, regardless of how broken they were or how much she had to risk in order to show her love. She has a beautiful spirit and is able to see good and beauty beneath scars and scowls. Fox was broken and truly consumed by his dark past, but she saw something incredible in him. So did I. I could not help but love him and ache for him throughout the book.

Secondly, I truly enjoyed this book because there was nothing petty about it. Any argument or breakdown the relationship had was real, not the result of some stupid insecurity or immaturity, but because of something soul shattering that would destroy most anyone.

This beautifully written book dug deep into my heart and took hold. I was destroyed along with Hazel and Fox, and loved every minute of it. I recommend reading this book if you want something truly dark and gritty that will make bring you to tears (ugly crying for me). I also recommend reading it without reading too much about the plot beforehand. It is better to learn about the characters from Pepper Winters' incredible writing through the perfect pacing of the book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
deborah mingle
I think this story is fantastic. The storyline is unique, but what I think really sells this book is the writing. She captures every raw emotion so well that it's hard not to feel for the characters. Her writing really touches you and makes you feel as if you are there. As if you are the character. I don't want to say much else because I don't want to spoil anything. You can't help but like all the characters. Each is different and special in their own ways.
Take my word for it, you don't really need to know all of what this book is about. Just pick it up and read it because it will not disappoint.
This is the first book I've read from Pepper Winters, but based on how incredible this story is, it won't be the last!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I loved this book. Profoundly sexy and sensual, gritty, violent - and emotional - I sobbed through some chapters. Ms. Winters has become a favorite author of mine. In this genre so many authors stick with the same type story line, inserting different characters into slots, so we readers always know what we're getting -- and that's OK! But Pepper Winters' stories are all different from each other; you never know what to expect from her, and that's even BETTER!

As for editing, there were a few errors -- grammatical, punctuation, wrong word, etc., and these errors pull the reader out of the story. The funniest one I came across was "MARITAL arts" ... an easy mistake to make but definitely should have been caught during careful editing!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
chris hughes
Well Pepper once again you wrote an amazing book that keeps you hooked from start to finish...
I'd say this is dark grey - It is pretty dark at moments but you"ll find a lot of redemption as well..

They are both destroyed but will they be able to find redemption and make it to the end togheter? Yes, they will, but take in mind it is going to be a rough ride and it will make you question everything thought is right..

Just look at the stars and you know there is hope.. Read the book in order to get what I'm talking about! ;-)

That's it for now - just wanted to share my thaughts straight after reading the book.. :-)

Sanne (Scandalous Book Blog)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Destroyed, a totally unexpected type of book than the normal romance drama. I did not relate to the characters, I did not really like the characters, but they were absolutely mesmerizing, intriguing, deliberately drawing the reader deeper into their personal hell. Fox is not the regular BBF, nor is Zel the ideal broken heroine. Both characters are so deeply emotionally challenged that it made it nearly impossible to find any resolve with the constant battle between them. Their story became an emotional turmoil that evoked such an intense response; I cried, I felt violated, I hated, I cherished along each paragraph of this tragic love story.
This was my first Pepper Winters book and I am looking forward to more of her stories.
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