Hyde and Seek (Hyde Series Book 1)

ByLayla Frost

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cheryl lucanegro
I could not put this down. I loved the interactions between Jake and Piper. I really do not see how the next books can get better. It wasn't all sexy times, there was an actual story here... which I love. Though there was quite a bit of physical lovin goin on. ;) I did read this on KU...but this is defentily one I'm buying for my personal library.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Loved this book.

Piper and Jacoby, perfect together. I love that Piper was cool and totally go with the flow and Jacoby, much different to his usual self, was worried and planning for everything.

Some angst in the beginning, but once that is resolved by Jacoby, Layla adds in a stalker.

“The stalker” broke my heart.

After reading Hyde and Seek I jumped into BKS and I loved that too. I can honestly say I cannot wait for Layla Frost’s next book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
layla rostami
KU purchase

Lord have mercy this was a hot as heck read that was also sweet at times. Hyde was the perfect Alpha male and although a few women tried to throw drama Piper handled it well without turning bitch on Hyde.

H/h worked great, flowed well, low angst, awesome secondary characters and a unique career for the h.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Yes yes yes!

Five amazing stars!!!!

I've had this book on my to read list for a long time now, and I'm so happy I finally got around reading it!

From the first chapter I found it impossible to put the book down, I lost a couple of hours of sleep but it was totally worth it !

So we meet Piper, innocent and beautiful baker, who happens to need some mechanics and ends up in Girl's Heaven.

From the way the author describes this men, I just didn't know if I could choose one, each and every one of them was perfection.

Though I gotta confess that Jake and Kase were my favorites

Since she meets the boys, her life becomes exciting and fun, who wouldn't want all those hot guys falling over themselves to be close to her and trying to win her over ?!

I was surprised by the level of innocence she had, I never would have though by the way she showed herself, that that was the case.
Nevertheless, Jake was really an A****hole about it, but we still love him once we know the reasons behind his choice.

The book was fun and witty, I loved each and every character, the sex scenes are Amazing !!!!!! The level of connection between the characters is of the charts.

The main problem this beautiful couple face, above all we see in the book, is their trust issues, she needs to let her walls down and he needs to understand that he is definitely good enough for her .

The twist at the end gives the book just the right amount of excitement necessary to make it thrilling !

Kase and Harlow?!?! Hell yeah ! Can't wait !!!!!!!

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Loved this story of a strong but sweet heroine and a badass alpha hero. It is nice to read a novel where the hero is so obviously into the heroine, and the heroine is the one with all of the attention. Loved the supporting characters, loved the dialogue, and I loved the hot romance. This showed a relationship that is more than just sex, and this made the story so much better.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tom jenckes
So I started this series backwards. I hadn't heard of Hyde and Seek. I saw Best Kase Scenario on a Facebook Book Blog page and had to one click...I fell in love with Harlow and Kase, so I decided to check out Hyde and Seek.
From front cover to back Piper's story rocks!!!!
I loved him, he was alpha and yummy and gosh sooooo sexy! I can not wait to read more from Layla Frost in the future!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
will robinson
Piper Skye needs some custom work done on her van, which she uses to deliver her specialty cakes. She walks into hot mechanic heaven, aka Hyde’s, and what usually happens? Romance, of course.

The Good, The Bad and Everything In Between

“Sometimes the road to your happily ever after is on the back of a bike with a badass knight that would kick the prince’s ass if he came near you.”

-A really enjoyable custom biker fairy tale: It’s a heightened reality of the hot virgin heroine meeting an entire cavalcade of hot men (they grow on trees in this stretch of Massachusetts, it seems) who all want her and all her sweetness. It reminded me of Kristen Ashley's Rock Chick series in the best way possible. That there's potential for all those hotties to get their own books is a bonus.

-Piper’s young, but not TSTL: Piper’s 20 and running a specialty cake business on the side while going to school full time. She’s pretty much a Mary Sue in terms of characters, but her humorous inner monologue saves her from being too perfect. She’s a bit wacky, but she’s very level headed when it comes to relationships and loving Jake. It was refreshing to see her be the rational one, the one who doesn’t jump to conclusions and has faith in her man. Now Jake...

-Welcome to your alpha hero Jake: Jacoby “Jake” Hyde is your classic bossy alpha caveman, verging on alpha-hole, though he pulls it back from the domineering edge and apologizes when he screws up. His possessive and protectiveness over Piper was sweet, but ….

-If he were a heroine, I’d slap him upside the head: I have to say his irrational insecurity about Piper’s feelings, although it only came out a couple of times, drove me nuts. If the roles were reversed, I’m pretty sure that Piper would get alot of flack for that level of mistrust, so I have to hold him to the same standard. That he would essentially think that Piper would somehow turn into a ho when she’d never slept with anyone else, irked me.

-The twist was great, but: I would have liked mystery integrated a little more seamlessly into the overall story. It felt as if there was alot of information imparted in the final pages that could have been parsed out throughout the story to really amp up the tension of the stalker subplot. That said, I really liked that it was a surprise, it tied up several loose plot threads together and was a true dramatic climax.

-Minor issue with timejumps/switches: Sometimes it wasn’t as clear when Piper was having a flashback or jumping forward in time. This wasn’t horrible, just noticeable at certain times.

The Bottom Line
A very enjoyable debut by Ms. Frost. Piper’s funny inner monologue was entertaining and the romance had the right balance of fantasy and smutty. I’m eager to read more in this series.

**ARC provided by author in exchange for an honest review**
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Amazing, surprising, fabulous debut novel for Layla Frost! Piper is rock n' roll but she comes from a super conservative family where her mother places all these crazy restrictions on how she acts, who she should be with, etc. She has broken away from that world, moving out on her own and working towards her dream to pursue baking as a career. When she takes her van into Hyde for some work, well, she meets this amazing cast of characters. Little does she know how this one visit is going to shape her future. Jake is blown away by the librarian/rocker chick that showed up at his shop but he really tries to stay away from Piper believing he's not a good guy… of course, when the other guys start to sniff in her direction, well, let's just say the Alpha male stakes his claim. I loved the banter and connection Piper and Jake make, we find that they have more in common than they realize based on their families. The crew from the shop are amazing as they embrace Piper and make her part of their family … it does help that she feeds them in baked goods but still, their protectiveness towards her is incredible. Of course, no new romance is easy, people from their pasts emerge to cause trouble but the bigger issue is the mystery stalker for Piper. This is a great twist, I thought I knew but boy, was I wrong. Layla Frost has a fresh new voice that kept me reading to find out more. (I love getting to 'read' Piper's inner monologue when she's nervous … hilarious!) Looking forward to reading more stories about the crew.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jenn reinbold
Holy moly where have you been. I recently bought a book from a kindle world and it happened to be a book later in the series. My pet peeve is I can't just read a random book in a middle series so here I am. Loved this and the suspense. Never saw that ending.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
galang syahya
**Gifted a copy in exchange for an honest review**

Ooh where do I even start. I absolutely loved Hyde and Seek. I fell in love with Piper Skye; I fell in love with Jacoby Hyde; and then I fell in love with their story. The emotion in this book just flows from the pages, if there was tension, you felt it; sadness, yep; excitement, hells yes; want, tenfold! From the outside looking in, Piper and Jake couldn't be more perfect for each other. They just fit, like a gear or the perfect cupcake recipe. Their relationship starts off touchy, and when they can't fight it anymore it's just like breathing. There are so many things I didn't expect, that I was ecstatic about because for me, that means its original, and nothing like I've read before.
A friend contacted me, recommending Layla Frost's Hyde & Seek, and since I didn't know what to read next I said, why not. Boy am I glad I said yes. So thank you Sarah for the recommendation and thank you Layla for taking a chance on me.
I thoroughly enjoyed this book, and I cannot wait to see what Layla has up her sleeve for Kase & Harlow.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
julie carr
*spoiler alert* Jake and Piper's story was a great start to the stand-alone series. The story has the mandatory sexy hot dipped in sin male the sweet but hot young female, angst, parents that weren't the greatest, suspense, betrayal, near death, pregnancy scare and the beautiful hea! I am looking forward to reading more from this author.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
david littman
** I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review **

4.5 Who doesn't LOVE a man who's good with his hands stars!

This book absolutely did it for me! What a perfect start to what is destined to be a fantastic series. I only hope the series is going to move from one hot mechanic to the next in each book because I would love to read more about all the secondary characters!

Piper was such a fun and ballsy character and she held her own against all the hot dominant maleness in this story! At the beginning of the book I struggled a bit with just how self aware and cool she was...I mean when I was 20 I was a complete mess...I digress, by the end of the book I was ALL IN! She is who I wish I was at 20/21!!

Jake/Jacoby...a man so hot he needs two names! Need I say more...probably not but I will anyway. I'm a sucker for man buns, muscles, tattoos, blue collared H's who work with their hands and controlling alphas and the mold was broken when Jacoby was created. He is even more than I could have envisioned. His picture is next to "Alpha Male" in my sexy little dictionary.

From the beginning of this story I was in lust with Jake. I loved his grumpy intensity but those little moments of tenderness are what makes him special. The first time he met Piper I felt he claimed her but not in the typical way...the simple gesture of holding her hand (even though she was a complete stranger) was enough for me. It was a moment for me that let me know I was going to love this story and dream of Jake for many nights to come. I thought the flow of the story was felt pretty natural. Towards the last 1/3 of the book there were a few moments when I got a little confused because it hopped back and forth between a few different days. I thought the connection between the 2 of them was the stuff dreams are made of...at least my dreams are. There was a point about 70% in that I was crying and screaming WHY?!?! but it all made sense in the end. I both LOVE AND LOATHE the author for taking me on that ride!

The only thing that had me dinging this book a 1/2 star was that there were 2 tiny things that drove me a little nuts while reading. I felt there was a lot of time spent describing Piper's makeup and outfit/shoe choices. I like to be able to visualize a character but once that's established I don't need to know what color eye shadow she is wearing. Also, Piper's nickname of Mr. Bossy Pants...I just didn't like it.

Now that I got that out of the way:

If you love REAL MEN who are dominant, possessive, controlling, sexy, intense, passionate and would do anything to protect their women...READ THIS BOOK!

If you can't stand meek and "damaged" h's who are forgettable then you will LOVE Piper because she is the antithesis of that! She is strong, hardworking, open, funny, and a guys girl to her core...if that sounds good...READ THIS BOOK!

If you love lots of hot sex, angst, sweetness and deep real love... READ THIS BOOK!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Until now no one came close to doing alpha badass sweet like Kristen Ashley. I'm glad I stumbled upon this group... So excited about learning more about the guts especially Rhys, Keys and blue eyes who's next on my reading list!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Absolutely Fabulous! I can't wait to read the next edition! I love a series with well developed characters and no cliff hangers!!! I can see several books coming from this wonderful cast of characters! Please keep them coming! I will definately purchase this in Audible format if it is released.... hint, hint, hint...
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
marc brian
Pluses for OTT bad boy sexiness and motorcycles. This is slightly cracky with sweet girl meets alpha male. Jake wasn't quite an alphahole, and he does grovel really well. I was a bit put off the the condom talk in this, and the eventual decisions. I'm also underwhelmed by how many times Jake made the same screw-ups he inevitably groveled for. I suppose the purpose was to show his vulnerability, but he mostly came off as an insecure ass. And much as I liked Piper, the "does this chick have beer flavored nipples" thought went through my head a few times. But no. Apparently, she smells like sugar and cake and everything good. So clearly every man wanted to do her.

Regardless, I liked this book, and I agree with everyone comparing it to Kristen Ashley. Very much KA lite, in my opinion, and possibly better edited than quite a bit of KA's stuff.

Review first posted on Goodreads.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I really liked this book. It has a Kristen Ashley feel to it, but that didn't bother me and is probably why I liked it so much. There are no long drawn out misunderstandings between the H and h and this made me VERY happy. I am really tired of books where the whole story is driven by miscommunication and misunderstandings. The story covers about 9 months to a year of time, something that I also liked, it was more insta lust and attraction with the I love yous coming a bit slower. For the most part the pace of the story was good, it got a tiny bit slow toward the end but then it picked up again. The mystery was good and did not take over the story and the stalkers identity was a surprise, although if I had been paying closer attention to all the supporting characters, it probably wouldn't have come as a surprise. All in all a very good first book and I am looking forward to the next books in the series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
So I hate comparing authors absolutely hate...but seriously this is like one of KA's mystery men dating a Rock Chick. Was in a slump and looking for a good read when someone pointed me to a Layla. I'll be reading more for sure!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I absolutely LOVED this book!!! Definitely a 5 star read for me!!!!

Funny, witty, sexy and holy hotness! I loved Piper. She is a breath of fresh air. I have not read a book where I loved the h. I loved her banter with her self and all sweetness! She is strong, confident and knows what she wants. She is rock n roll with a lot of class! I have to say that I almost fell out of my chair at work with a lol moment with her "hulk" reference.

Jake was the right amount of hotness alpha male. I loved how he was hot, Brody and very honest! I really liked that he was vulnerable but totally didn't like to come off that way. To me it seamed that they were more alike then the new. I loved his boys with piper.

I could not put the book down. I totally did NOT see that twist coming. I look forward to reading the next book!!!!! Highly recommended this book!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Loved how she mixed humor and romance together. Great plot -- mystery of who is behind the demise of the two main characters. Absolutely worth a purchase -- another
reason why I love kindle unlimited.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jenn phillips
Going hrough a book funk, i was looking at various listopia lists, Hyde and Seek was in the top 5 in a couple so I decided to check it out. So glad I did! One of my favorite books this year.

Jake is Alpha extreme. Piper is comfortable with who she is... She was amazing, instant attraction for both, but well hidden. As the story went on, Jake maintained bad ass alpha while being incredibly sweet. Scorching hot sex!

Im ready and waiting for book 2!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dori gehling
Such an amazing story. Love, laughter, and steamy sexy Jake. Can't wait for the next book. Loved the realist relationship problems, arguments, compromise, working it out, and crazy hot make up sex. Again loved this book.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
pam o dea
Charolett & Jake had a very intense romance. I do not think the stalker theme needed to be dropped in like it was. It just felt off. Same with the whole ex-girlfriend who he broke up with years ago suddenly becoming a jealous beast. The story was great without those add ins. They seemed forced & totally out of left field.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
fran ois
I really don't understand all the positive reviews. This was a badly written Kristen Ashley fan fiction. That's what it read like anyways. If you are fan of Kristen Ashley, you will be disappointed. If you haven't heard of Kristen Ashley, check her books out before this and you'll see all the elements this author stole from her books and I mean ALL and put it in just one book, without any character or relationship development. And I'm supposed to buy how awesome the heroine is, how everyone loves her after meeting her once, how mature she is for a 21 year old (she's not!), how great her posse is, throw insanely jealous exes and a stalker, she does rock glam so well, blah, blah. Such bad Kristen Ashley fan fiction! There was a LOT of telling and not much showing. Little to no development. I rarely write review unless I loved or hated a book. And this is definitely in the latter. This author needs an editor's help to figure out how to trim out the unnecessary and develop the important stuff.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Wow!!! Piper and Jake's story was hot, steamy, full of twists and turns! Jake's set bossy personality was so completely hot. I was pon the edge of my seat throughout the whole book! Fantastically hot read!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mark silverberg
Hot guys, with big hearts and sweet talking lips. A bumpy, suspenseful read with a wonderful HEA. Enjoyed the story line of a hardworking, student, baker with a lot of innocence but wise beyond her years.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
emily lam
If you like a little badass mixed with sweetness - DO NOT MISS THIS! This book has it all - rock 'n' roll, humor, sexy hot alphas, innocence, and love!!! I can't believe this is the author's first book - it's was so good I didn't want it to end. I guess I just started reading without realizing this is a series and was so excited to see at the end there is more to come. Even though this is the first book, it does not have a cliffhanger - perfect. I am looking forward to reading more from Layla Frost, but especially more of Piper, Jake and their friends. What a group - what a story!!!

ARC received from author in exchange for an honest rev
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
dulce phelps
Meh...this book was okay. The first half was good, then once the H and h were a couple it just kind of went blah. Page after page of conversations, interactions with friends and hanging at the bar where the story didn’t move. There was an undertone of a stalker that was brought formost into the story towards the end but it wasn’t enough of anything to hold a readers attention. It was hard to finish.

In a nutshell: This book wasn’t near what all the five star reviews made it to be. I wouldn’t buy it and read again, it dragged on for way too long for me. Kinda boring story line.
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