Silver: The Silver Series Book 1

ByCheree Lynn Alsop

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★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
aimee christian
To start I loved the werewolf fights and the fight for dominance, but the romance part of this story wasn't necessary. I'm a big romance reader and all but I felt the author just put the love blooming between Nikki and Jaze in there just for kicks. They knew each other for a short amount of time and in that time she had a boyfriend, then all of a sudden she has absolutely no feelings for her boyfriend and all she cares about is Jaze. This seems like a forced relationship on the author's part.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This was defiantly a good book and I loved reading it!! I don't have any money to spend so I am really wishing the second book was free... but I guessbibwill just have to save up
over all I would DEFINATLY recommend it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
zach zelq
This book teaches us a very good listen. Revenge is not a good thing. Blah blah blah. But I really like this book. There love was beautiful. Even though they were different they accepted each other. It felt like I just watched a movie. A really good one! Download this book! You won't regret it!
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rain j shavaun
This book teaches us a very good listen. Revenge is not a good thing. Blah blah blah. But I really like this book. There love was beautiful. Even though they were different they accepted each other. It felt like I just watched a movie. A really good one! Download this book! You won't regret it!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
I have hundreds of books and love paranormal. Especially werewolf but I could t even finish this book. I forced myself to keep reading but it was so boring I was literally dozing off. This is one of only 2 books that I just quit reading. It had all the elements for a good read, the girl who is unreachable but attracted to, tension with local pack, family hardships and a crooked power hungry uncle but it just didn't do it for me.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
audrey bretz
This book was so great!!! Finishing it on Halloween made it even more fun since a werewolf was the main character.

The story was told from Jaze's point of view. He's a 17 year old werewolf. I haven't read a lot of books from male perspectives and wasn't sure if I'd like it, but I actually loved hearing from Jaze. He was my favorite character in the story. Sometimes the main character in books can annoy me with their terrible choices. That was not the case with Jaze. In my eyes, he couldn't do wrong. He was smart, caring, strong, brave, and loyal. He had some great friends that added to the story: Mouse, Brock, and Nikki.

The romance was not front and center in this story, but when the scenes came they were so sweet! I loved the way the romance built up throughout.

Jaze goes through a lot in a new town with a hostile werewolf pack nearby. All around this book was such an awesome read. If you enjoy books with suspense, fighting, and romance you'll love this one.

Content Ratings:
sexual: very mild
language: none
violence: moderate

*I received this book from the author. I am not paid for my reviews. My reviews are solely my opinion.*
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
amy gilmore
It was well written, not too many grammatical errors and was easy to follow. Will definitely keep reading but there was a lot I was confused about and things just didn’t make a lot of sense and during the story I almost started writing down notes but here are somethings I was confused about.

It was weird how things would be happening and right in the middle a new chapter would begin. If he had never held a gun before how did he know how to shoot it so fast and the parents didn’t think to instruct him on how to hold it and aim? Why didn’t we ever find out where the mom worked? How do the hunters earn money?

Slight spoilers ahead

Why did they have so many boxes if he burnt his house down? He didn’t want to grab anything before doing so??
What did his mom think when she went to visit her sister and the husband wasn’t sick?
I felt the end needed more explaining, what happened to the Mom? Did he tell her he became alpha?
How did a grey manage to kill every single alpha?? That’s far stretched. Nobody connected the dots but a 17yr old kid? The alphas has to have known of other packs right? They didn’t realize that in their neighboring packs only the alphas were dying? Haze said they would appoint alphas until the kids took over but the uncle didn’t kill them? Why would he have left them alive? He knew they would grow up right? Why did Jaze go in the stadium alone? Chet’s pack knocked down the gate, why didn’t they follow him? How did Chet get from being surrounded by 20 wolves to being next to the hunters? Did Jaze take over his pack? When did Jaze work out the peace agreement? Him and the hunters had only met once and I don’t remember that being mentioned. What about the hunters who killed his father? Did they ever apologize? Did he just forget about them? Maybe he knew they would go away so he forgot about them?
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Silver (The Silver #1) by Cheree Alsop

4 Stars

The murder of Jaze’s father forced him and his mother to start a fresh life in a new town. What he didn’t account for was the high amount of werewolves in the area, or to walk into a power struggle where someone was trying to kill all the alpha’s so he can rule every one of the packs. Once Jaze learned who the werewolf responsible was, he teamed up with an unlikely sect to attempt to stop him.

I’ve not read a werewolf story for ages so it was a nice change and I found myself totally engrossed in this book. Jaze is a well rounded character who has his heart in the right place. This coming of age drama does have a touch of romance but it doesn’t over shadow the story.

A well-written novel that was just the right length to hold my attention from beginning to end and I’m looking forward to continuing the series.

Copy supplied for review
★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Book Title: Silver

Author: Cheree Alsop

Published By: the store Digital Services

Genre: Young Adult / Supernatural

Recommended Age: +13

Reviewed By: Emily Tuley / AngelsCryHavoc

Blog Reviewed For: Great Minds Think Aloud Literary Community

Rating: 5 Ravens

More, I know it's wrong to start a review with just one word but that's the first word that comes to mind after I read the first novel in this series of books from Cheree Alsop. The book landed on my desk as an assignment from several of my fellow reviewers and friends. I had placed it in a pile of possible next reads when I decided what the heck lets go ahead and get it out of the way. So when I picked it up and began to read I wasn't expecting to get pulled into the book as I was but I did.

It's a nice start to a story we come in with a young werewolf moving with his human mother to a new town after the death of his father, Not only does he have to face the pack of wolves that are there and protecting what they think and feel is their territory but he has to find out who it was that killed is father with a very good idea in his mind of who it was. He meets a his neighbor a girl who has more secrets like he does as well about his family. Together the two face the world with their few friends and deal with the feelings that they slowly have developed for each other even though both their worlds want the two apart.

I can not wait to read the other books in this series and hopefully some of you all will step in the world with me and take this wonderful ride.
©2010, Emily , all rights reserved.

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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Different kind of were story mixed with a coming of age tale. Well put together and always drawing you forward. The only misused word was species. For those that don't know if you have two different species they cannot have offspring that can in turn have offspring. Meaning they are sterile.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
christina welsh
I read the entire series and wrote my review after the last book. Decided to write another review for those just starting the series. These are books you do not want to miss reading. Exceptional writing and strong emotional connections with the characters.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nelson jackson
This is not your ordinary werewolf story and I am so glad that the next book is already out so I can jump right in and read it cause I am hooked on this series. Silver is a page turner that had me up past my bedtime because I did not want to put it down. Jaze is a really down to earth guy that has experienced some hard things in the last month. I think Ms. Alsop was realistic in how Jaze deals with the trails set before him. It touched my heart how he looks out for his mom. Nikki is a little rebel and needs a good friend. I like how Jaze and Nikki form a friendship first. I also like that it is not perfect and that people need to say sorry when they mess up. I also thought the ending was perfect. But, if I had to wait to read book two I might have died waiting. I think Ms. Alsop was brilliant in her weapons she uses in her book and I loved when Brock a friend of Jaze tells his driver test story. I was cracking up. This story was awesome, faced pace with lots of action and a sweet romance on the side. It does contain some violence that is tastefully written. But, does not have any swearing or sex. I really think my daughter would like this series and she is 12. I am off to read book two!
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