Wild Horses (The Montana Hamiltons)

ByB.J. Daniels

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
This is labeled Harlequin Romance, but I would not call it a romance. I’d call it mystery suspense. There is no relationship development. The story starts with the main couple Livie and Cooper already engaged. They have problems and tension throughout the story. They have a happy ending, but nothing was fun about changing their relationship.

There is no sexual content other than Livie wondering if she had been raped.

All the characters were like regular people, the main differences were some were rich and others not, which is ok, but my favorite stories have an oddball character or an odd relationship. Instead of focusing on characters, this was more about mysteries and plots. And by the way that can be good for many readers. It’s just not the best for me.

The book consisted of several substories. The author spent a page or two on one story and then jumped to another story. There was always at least one cliffhanger moment in the air, for example: someone is following Livie. She stops and raises her rifle to see who is coming out of the pines; the author switches to another scene. The author did this frequently. I was annoyed and frustrated. I prefer logical ends to scenes before switching elsewhere.

I was disappointed that two of the mysteries were not solved at the end. I suppose they might continue in a sequel.

Stupid/Unsmart heroine:
I don’t mind an unsmart heroine. But give me good reasons for her doing stupid things. Livie did several things that did not make sense. For example. She thinks she was raped, but she does not report it or find out. Then she receives a blackmail letter from the rapist asking for money. She pays him. Why? She did nothing wrong. Her father was loving and supportive. Delia dated Livie’s fiancé. They are not friends. There is tension between them. So why does Livie ask Delia to be her maid of honor? Supposedly this was a childhood promise. I wasn’t buying it.

Narrative mode: 3rd person. Story length: 365 pages. Swearing language: mild. Sexual content: none. Setting: current day Montana. Copyright: 2015. Genre: mystery suspense.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
tara bateman
Livie Hamilton and Cooper Burnett loved each other and were ready to marry when one night's events changed everything. Secrets, blackmail, danger and a killer on the loose will test Livie and Cooper's love for each other. Is this the end or will they get their Happily-ever-after?

B.J Daniels' books are always on my list of favourites. I love her writing style and the novelty she brings to each of her stories. Through her, I feel like I know Montana even though I haven't physically visited the place!

Wild Horses is the first book in a new series by the author which revolves around the rich and influential Hamilton family. The cover is colourful but still not catchy enough. I feel it could have been made more captivating and unique to attract new readers towards the book.

The blurb is very interesting and instantly attracts the attention of the reader making him want to pick up the book to buy and read!

This book narrates the story of Livie Hamilton who has always seen and experienced the best things that money can buy. So when she falls in love with Copper Burnett who is poor, works for her father at the ranch and can never give her the lifestyle that she is accustomed to, everyone is very skeptical of her choice and even her sisters think that the match will never last. But Livie and Cooper are madly in love with each other and determined to tackle every difficulty together. Just when everything is panning out beautifully, a secret shatters their world and breaks them apart.

Like all her books, the story flows beautifully and kept me interested in the book until the very end. Some characters from BJ's previous books make an appearance in this book too and I was so thankful that one of the previous character's story which carries over from her previous books gets a closure here.

As usual, BJ is a master storyteller and balances mystery, suspense, romance and the emotional appeal of the story expertly. The characters extract various emotions from the readers from love to hate and are sure to interest the reader in wanting to learn more about their own story!

This book introduces the characters of the series while bringing Livie and Cooper together. Although, I loved the book but still could not help noticing that the mystery didn't captivate me as much as I would have liked. That being said, I still feel that this is a book not-to-be missed and I certainly look forward to the other books in the series.

All in all, Wild Horses is a suspenseful romance set in Beartooth, Montana and sure to make your evening or afternoon more spicy while reading it. 4 out of 5 to it and recommended to all romantic suspense lovers.

This review is also available on my blog Njkinny's World of Books & Stuff
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
alison zammit
I love B.J. Daniels. No other author brings Montana and cowboys to life like she does. For a Harlequin author, she is a master story teller. Her books always have a romance and a mystery. a perfect combination. In this book there are a lot of plots, sub-plots and past plots along with a mess of characters to go along with all that. Messy, messy, messy.

This book is the first of The Montana Hamiltons series. We have the six daughters of Buckmaster Hamilton, a very wealthy rancher turned politician, a United States Senator with visions of the White House. He has a few skeletons in his closet too. His first wife died 22 years ago in an auto accident and her body was never recovered. I have a feeling that this will be a overarching theme for the series.

This book is about Livie. She has some serious problems. Her stubborn and impulsive traits got her in a whole mess of trouble, blackmail and an unplanned pregnancy and the pregnancy could be the result of being drugged and raped.

Cooper, Livie's fiancé, is a cowboy. He just can't understand why he had to fall in love with Olivia Hamilton. He is an up by his bootstrap kind of guy and will not accept any help from Buckmaster Hamilton. Now Livia has told him that she is being blackmailed and is pregnant and the baby may be the blackmailers. That doesn't hurt as much as her not trusting him when it happened.
Bear Wants More (The Bear Books) :: Bear's New Friend (The Bear Books) :: Between Parent and Child:(July 22, 2003) :: The Bestselling Classic That Revolutionized Parent-Child Communication :: Lone Rider (The Montana Hamiltons)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
y m a
Originally Reviewed For: Bodice Rippers, Femme Fatales and Fantasy

This is me swooning over a book.. I just put this book down and resent that I finished it. It was just that good! B.J. Daniels writes the best cowboy suspense.. she might be the only one who writes it but even if there were a thousand other writers who attempted this sub genre, B.J. Daniels will still be the best!

Edge of your seat romance! Twisted plots and devious desires. As a reader you are never quite sure of just who is the good guy and who is the bad guy. Ms. Daniels tells stories surrounding small town Montana. Wild Horses is the first book in her Montana Hamilitons Series and it is a spin off from her Beartooth Mountain Series which I discovered in Mercy. You can read this book without having ever read a B.J. Daniels book and not be lost but there are characters that are familiar to those of us who have some of her previous books. They come across as important secondary characters and kind of tease the reader into wanting to read more about them but they don't overwhelm the story.

As I said before Wild Horses is book 1 of her Montana Hamilton Series.. A Widower and his six, count em six daughters.. A RICH widower (ok remarried to the ice queen) and one who is running for President.. maybe.. but for now he's a Senator for the great state of Montana. This tells the story of Olivia (Livie) and her hard headed, too proud fiance..

Livie Hamilton was one of the darlings.. at least so everyone in Montana thinks (and is probably right) but privileged or not, she was smart enough to fall in love with Cooper Barnett, horse wrangler. Nothing fancy about him. Only one night after a fight she runs off into the storm only to be "saved" by a stranger. Now three months later she's pregnant and being blackmailed by said savior. Livie is desperate, not knowing who is the father and certainly not knowing where to turn. When she finally steps up and turns to Cooper, he is furious, feeling betrayed and more than a bit confused.. And Livie just wants him to hold her and tell her it's going to be all right.

Cooper Barnett comes from the total and complete wrong side of the tracks. Having dusted off his past and left his family behind, Cooper has become a man to be impressed by. Determined to do it all on his own, no on is more surprised than he is when he falls in love with the princess of the manor.. Or in this case, the Senator's daughter.. But Livie is all that he has ever dreamed of and even his pride and chip on his shoulder can't keep him away from her. When she comes to him on the night of their freakin engagement party, Cooper is sure she is going to cal it off.. but nope, there is so much more than just canceling the wedding. Can he accept everything that is happening?

This was the foundation this book was built on.. but there was so very much more going on. Her mother, who was declared dead 22 years ago, reappears with amnesia, no less. Her father is beginning his bid for presidency, her sisters are against the wedding and Cooper? Well he has issues of his own. An ex girlfriend who won't give up, a past that won't stay in the past and...

Just what is going on in Montana? There are so many twists and turns, misdirections and miscalculations. Just who is the bad guy? Can you figure it out? I doubt it.. I couldn't.. Another treat from the mind of Ms. Daniels..


This review is based on the ARC of Wild Horses, provided by netgalley
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
aya nady

This was a good setup for this new series. Some of the secondary characters are old familiar ones. I want to read the rest of the series. There is a lot of drama going on in this story. There are couple of different mysteries. Lots of action. Clean read too.

Olivia Hamilton is engaged to Cooper Barnett. At her engage party we find that Livie is being blackmailed and is pregnant. Cooper might not be the father.

Cooper Barnett is training wild mustangs. He works for Senator Buckmaster. He does not want to take any help from the Senator to build his house. He wanted to wait till he had the house finished but Olivia does not want to wait.

Senator Buckmaster Hamilton has six daughters. His first wife Sarah died twenty odd years ago or did she. Senator Buckmaster is getting ready to run for President of United States. He owns a big ranch. Angelina is his second wife.

Lot of people are betting that Cooper and Olivia will never get married.

The characters are interesting. I want to see what happens to them next. I want to see the one mystery solved.

The setting is Beartooth, Montana. Modern day.

I was given this ebook to read by Net Galley and Harlequin. In return I agreed to give honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
B.J. Daniels once again provides readers with a great romance and suspense novel rolled into one. In Wild Horses, readers are introduced to the Hamilton sisters, six daughters, of a powerful Senator and would be President of the United States. Wild Horses is primarily Livie's story. Readers looking for a romance with a twist, will definitely want to pick this one up. One mistake changes more than one life in this very intriguing book, that has everything from blackmail to betrayal.

Wild Horses is the first book in a new series from B.J. Daniels. Readers who are familiar with Daniels work will be glad that she once again takes readers back to Montana. One of the things that is so remarkable about any book by this author is the setting. She does such a wonderful job of transporting her reader to a different place. Montana is infinitely beautiful...
How do I know that? Because B.J. Daniels tells me so! She can set a scene as good as any author in the business. I want to visit Montana!

I liked the fact that Daniels gives readers a very difficult situation with Livie and Cooper. They are forced to make some drastic decisions in their lives after a tragic event that reshapes the landscape of their relationship. Livie is used to the good life, she isn't used to be in a situation like this one. You can tell that she has the strength to do what needs to be done, but shes scared. I really felt for her as a character, what a sad set of circumstances to find yourself in, just when you've given up everything you've always known for the man you love.

Cooper is a great guy. He may not have much money but he has plenty of heart and he isn't afraid of a little work. I liked his tenacity and his determination. Just when it looked like everything was going great, he got the girl and they were going to live happily ever after... boom, it all blows up. Handling this situation would be difficult for anyone and I liked the way Daniels allowed Cooper to react. He was a great character, only made better by this situation.

Bottom Line:

Great storyline, great characters, and spectacular setting. This is one of those romances that you just want to savor. They went through so much to get where they are. I loved that and I think readers will too. Daniels is a pro at setting the scene and with giving the reader everything they need for a good heartwarming and intriguing story. I did not like the cover, they could do so much better with her books in that department.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
fission chips
Contemporary, Romantic Suspense

Beartooth, Montana

One impulsive moment on a two-lane highway cost Livie Hamilton more than she could imagine.

Cooper Barnett is a determined cowboy that feels a man is responsible for his own prosperity. What he has sacrificed to get a piece of Beartooth, Montana for himself and his fiancée, Livie, no one could know or guess. What he is willing to do for love no one knows. At least until someone’s twisted vendetta threatens their happy ending, one that should have happened long ago.

Livie is keeping more than one secret from her fiancé. One fateful mistake is just the beginning. She was victimized during a blizzard by a man she mistakenly thought she could trust. Now she is pregnant and isn’t sure who the father is. With the threat of exposure by a blackmailer, she now must confess all to Cooper and trust that he will still protect her. When the truth comes out she might end up losing the only man she has ever loved or something even worse.

This is part of a series set in and around the small town of Beartooth that makes for a wonderful return to the town and population. It will have readers wondering how it is possible to have so much happening in such a small town but makes for a series that is fun and interesting to revisit time and time again. It has plenty of action and suspense that the reader will never guess just what is going to happen next. It will also have readers hoping for more from Beartooth. While the story can easily be read as a standalone readers will find it much better if they read the other books in the series first. Readers who enjoy westerns or contemporaries will find an amazing series in this one. Even readers that don’t enjoy westerns will find themselves loving this series. It is definitely one to check out.

Received a review copy.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
seana blanchard
"Jack and I are looking forward to the wedding. Jack said he's never seen a man who has such a way with horses as Cooper Barnett."
Livie nodded. Cooper gave the horses a kind of unconditional love that seemed to make them want to do anything he asked of them. She swore she'd seen the horses look at him with adoration. She chuckled at the thought since she was sure she looked at him the same way.

WILD HORSES by B.J. Daniels is the first fantastic installment in her brand new The Montana Hamiltons series. This new series will be focusing on The Hamiltons, consisting of "Buckmaster", a rich and influential widower with Presidential aspirations, his "ice queen" second wife and his six daughters. WILD HORSES is the story of horse wrangler Cooper Barnett, and of his fiance, Livie Hamilton, Montana Senator "Buckmaster" Hamilton's daughter.

Wow! There hasn't been a day since I finished reading it that I haven't thought about this book. That right there tells you that this is one fabulous book! B.J. has proven, again, that's she's truly the master of western murder mayhem. I am not exaggerating when I state that she writes romantic suspense like no other. This is, hands down, her best book yet! I know I say that with every one of her books, but this one is beyond fabulous!

First of all, I was drawn in by the cover with the sexy cowboy and the lone horse silhouetted against the rolling hills. To me, it's a reminder that B.J.'s picturesque Montana settings set against the Crazy Mountains always draw the reader into the ranch life highlighted in her stories.

My full review is posted at Reading Between The Wines Book Club.

5 Wine Glasses!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Daniels writes romantic suspense like no other. She keeps readers on her toes with this fantastic novel, while at the same time portraying all of the trials and tribulations of a real life romance. The plot was complex and very rewarding. Each and every aspect of the tale was tied to another, leading readers on an intricate journey that they won’t ever forget. Her picturesque Montana settings draw you in to ranch life, allowing you to experience this world to its fullest.

I thoroughly enjoyed the characters that Daniels introduced us to throughout. The cast of this novel was all well developed and a joy to get to know. I enjoyed the fact that there were ties back to the original Beartooth, Montana series without being dependent on it for character development. Top this off with an unforgettable lead couple who had more than their share of troubles yet a love that will stand the test of time. I really appreciated how their personalities and histories contrasted one another yet at the same time they fit together perfectly.

Daniels had definitely created a fantastic tale to begin her Hamiltons series. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend it to those who enjoy romance with suspense and a healthy dose of ranch life, or to anyone looking for a romance that will touch your heart.

Please note that I received a complimentary copy of this work in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
mrs meier
Livie Hamilton and Cooper Burnett loved each other and were ready to marry when one night's events changed everything. Secrets, blackmail, danger and a killer on the loose will test Livie and Cooper's love for each other. Is this the end or will they get their Happily-ever-after?

B.J Daniels' books are always on my list of favourites. I love her writing style and the novelty she brings to each of her stories. Through her, I feel like I know Montana even though I haven't physically visited the place!

Wild Horses is the first book in a new series by the author which revolves around the rich and influential Hamilton family. The cover is colourful but still not catchy enough. I feel it could have been made more captivating and unique to attract new readers towards the book.

The blurb is very interesting and instantly attracts the attention of the reader making him want to pick up the book to buy and read!

This book narrates the story of Livie Hamilton who has always seen and experienced the best things that money can buy. So when she falls in love with Copper Burnett who is poor, works for her father at the ranch and can never give her the lifestyle that she is accustomed to, everyone is very skeptical of her choice and even her sisters think that the match will never last. But Livie and Cooper are madly in love with each other and determined to tackle every difficulty together. Just when everything is panning out beautifully, a secret shatters their world and breaks them apart.

Like all her books, the story flows beautifully and kept me interested in the book until the very end. Some characters from BJ's previous books make an appearance in this book too and I was so thankful that one of the previous character's story which carries over from her previous books gets a closure here.

As usual, BJ is a master storyteller and balances mystery, suspense, romance and the emotional appeal of the story expertly. The characters extract various emotions from the readers from love to hate and are sure to interest the reader in wanting to learn more about their own story!

This book introduces the characters of the series while bringing Livie and Cooper together. Although, I loved the book but still could not help noticing that the mystery didn't captivate me as much as I would have liked. That being said, I still feel that this is a book not-to-be missed and I certainly look forward to the other books in the series.

All in all, Wild Horses is a suspenseful romance set in Beartooth, Montana and sure to make your evening or afternoon more spicy while reading it. 4 out of 5 to it and recommended to all romantic suspense lovers.

This review is also available on my blog Njkinny's World of Books & Stuff
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I love B.J. Daniels. No other author brings Montana and cowboys to life like she does. For a Harlequin author, she is a master story teller. Her books always have a romance and a mystery. a perfect combination. In this book there are a lot of plots, sub-plots and past plots along with a mess of characters to go along with all that. Messy, messy, messy.

This book is the first of The Montana Hamiltons series. We have the six daughters of Buckmaster Hamilton, a very wealthy rancher turned politician, a United States Senator with visions of the White House. He has a few skeletons in his closet too. His first wife died 22 years ago in an auto accident and her body was never recovered. I have a feeling that this will be a overarching theme for the series.

This book is about Livie. She has some serious problems. Her stubborn and impulsive traits got her in a whole mess of trouble, blackmail and an unplanned pregnancy and the pregnancy could be the result of being drugged and raped.

Cooper, Livie's fiancé, is a cowboy. He just can't understand why he had to fall in love with Olivia Hamilton. He is an up by his bootstrap kind of guy and will not accept any help from Buckmaster Hamilton. Now Livia has told him that she is being blackmailed and is pregnant and the baby may be the blackmailers. That doesn't hurt as much as her not trusting him when it happened.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
richard bean
Originally Reviewed For: Bodice Rippers, Femme Fatales and Fantasy

This is me swooning over a book.. I just put this book down and resent that I finished it. It was just that good! B.J. Daniels writes the best cowboy suspense.. she might be the only one who writes it but even if there were a thousand other writers who attempted this sub genre, B.J. Daniels will still be the best!

Edge of your seat romance! Twisted plots and devious desires. As a reader you are never quite sure of just who is the good guy and who is the bad guy. Ms. Daniels tells stories surrounding small town Montana. Wild Horses is the first book in her Montana Hamilitons Series and it is a spin off from her Beartooth Mountain Series which I discovered in Mercy. You can read this book without having ever read a B.J. Daniels book and not be lost but there are characters that are familiar to those of us who have some of her previous books. They come across as important secondary characters and kind of tease the reader into wanting to read more about them but they don't overwhelm the story.

As I said before Wild Horses is book 1 of her Montana Hamilton Series.. A Widower and his six, count em six daughters.. A RICH widower (ok remarried to the ice queen) and one who is running for President.. maybe.. but for now he's a Senator for the great state of Montana. This tells the story of Olivia (Livie) and her hard headed, too proud fiance..

Livie Hamilton was one of the darlings.. at least so everyone in Montana thinks (and is probably right) but privileged or not, she was smart enough to fall in love with Cooper Barnett, horse wrangler. Nothing fancy about him. Only one night after a fight she runs off into the storm only to be "saved" by a stranger. Now three months later she's pregnant and being blackmailed by said savior. Livie is desperate, not knowing who is the father and certainly not knowing where to turn. When she finally steps up and turns to Cooper, he is furious, feeling betrayed and more than a bit confused.. And Livie just wants him to hold her and tell her it's going to be all right.

Cooper Barnett comes from the total and complete wrong side of the tracks. Having dusted off his past and left his family behind, Cooper has become a man to be impressed by. Determined to do it all on his own, no on is more surprised than he is when he falls in love with the princess of the manor.. Or in this case, the Senator's daughter.. But Livie is all that he has ever dreamed of and even his pride and chip on his shoulder can't keep him away from her. When she comes to him on the night of their freakin engagement party, Cooper is sure she is going to cal it off.. but nope, there is so much more than just canceling the wedding. Can he accept everything that is happening?

This was the foundation this book was built on.. but there was so very much more going on. Her mother, who was declared dead 22 years ago, reappears with amnesia, no less. Her father is beginning his bid for presidency, her sisters are against the wedding and Cooper? Well he has issues of his own. An ex girlfriend who won't give up, a past that won't stay in the past and...

Just what is going on in Montana? There are so many twists and turns, misdirections and miscalculations. Just who is the bad guy? Can you figure it out? I doubt it.. I couldn't.. Another treat from the mind of Ms. Daniels..


This review is based on the ARC of Wild Horses, provided by netgalley
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
andy sternberg

This was a good setup for this new series. Some of the secondary characters are old familiar ones. I want to read the rest of the series. There is a lot of drama going on in this story. There are couple of different mysteries. Lots of action. Clean read too.

Olivia Hamilton is engaged to Cooper Barnett. At her engage party we find that Livie is being blackmailed and is pregnant. Cooper might not be the father.

Cooper Barnett is training wild mustangs. He works for Senator Buckmaster. He does not want to take any help from the Senator to build his house. He wanted to wait till he had the house finished but Olivia does not want to wait.

Senator Buckmaster Hamilton has six daughters. His first wife Sarah died twenty odd years ago or did she. Senator Buckmaster is getting ready to run for President of United States. He owns a big ranch. Angelina is his second wife.

Lot of people are betting that Cooper and Olivia will never get married.

The characters are interesting. I want to see what happens to them next. I want to see the one mystery solved.

The setting is Beartooth, Montana. Modern day.

I was given this ebook to read by Net Galley and Harlequin. In return I agreed to give honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
B.J. Daniels once again provides readers with a great romance and suspense novel rolled into one. In Wild Horses, readers are introduced to the Hamilton sisters, six daughters, of a powerful Senator and would be President of the United States. Wild Horses is primarily Livie's story. Readers looking for a romance with a twist, will definitely want to pick this one up. One mistake changes more than one life in this very intriguing book, that has everything from blackmail to betrayal.

Wild Horses is the first book in a new series from B.J. Daniels. Readers who are familiar with Daniels work will be glad that she once again takes readers back to Montana. One of the things that is so remarkable about any book by this author is the setting. She does such a wonderful job of transporting her reader to a different place. Montana is infinitely beautiful...
How do I know that? Because B.J. Daniels tells me so! She can set a scene as good as any author in the business. I want to visit Montana!

I liked the fact that Daniels gives readers a very difficult situation with Livie and Cooper. They are forced to make some drastic decisions in their lives after a tragic event that reshapes the landscape of their relationship. Livie is used to the good life, she isn't used to be in a situation like this one. You can tell that she has the strength to do what needs to be done, but shes scared. I really felt for her as a character, what a sad set of circumstances to find yourself in, just when you've given up everything you've always known for the man you love.

Cooper is a great guy. He may not have much money but he has plenty of heart and he isn't afraid of a little work. I liked his tenacity and his determination. Just when it looked like everything was going great, he got the girl and they were going to live happily ever after... boom, it all blows up. Handling this situation would be difficult for anyone and I liked the way Daniels allowed Cooper to react. He was a great character, only made better by this situation.

Bottom Line:

Great storyline, great characters, and spectacular setting. This is one of those romances that you just want to savor. They went through so much to get where they are. I loved that and I think readers will too. Daniels is a pro at setting the scene and with giving the reader everything they need for a good heartwarming and intriguing story. I did not like the cover, they could do so much better with her books in that department.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
caitlin corrieri
Contemporary, Romantic Suspense

Beartooth, Montana

One impulsive moment on a two-lane highway cost Livie Hamilton more than she could imagine.

Cooper Barnett is a determined cowboy that feels a man is responsible for his own prosperity. What he has sacrificed to get a piece of Beartooth, Montana for himself and his fiancée, Livie, no one could know or guess. What he is willing to do for love no one knows. At least until someone’s twisted vendetta threatens their happy ending, one that should have happened long ago.

Livie is keeping more than one secret from her fiancé. One fateful mistake is just the beginning. She was victimized during a blizzard by a man she mistakenly thought she could trust. Now she is pregnant and isn’t sure who the father is. With the threat of exposure by a blackmailer, she now must confess all to Cooper and trust that he will still protect her. When the truth comes out she might end up losing the only man she has ever loved or something even worse.

This is part of a series set in and around the small town of Beartooth that makes for a wonderful return to the town and population. It will have readers wondering how it is possible to have so much happening in such a small town but makes for a series that is fun and interesting to revisit time and time again. It has plenty of action and suspense that the reader will never guess just what is going to happen next. It will also have readers hoping for more from Beartooth. While the story can easily be read as a standalone readers will find it much better if they read the other books in the series first. Readers who enjoy westerns or contemporaries will find an amazing series in this one. Even readers that don’t enjoy westerns will find themselves loving this series. It is definitely one to check out.

Received a review copy.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tajja i
"Jack and I are looking forward to the wedding. Jack said he's never seen a man who has such a way with horses as Cooper Barnett."
Livie nodded. Cooper gave the horses a kind of unconditional love that seemed to make them want to do anything he asked of them. She swore she'd seen the horses look at him with adoration. She chuckled at the thought since she was sure she looked at him the same way.

WILD HORSES by B.J. Daniels is the first fantastic installment in her brand new The Montana Hamiltons series. This new series will be focusing on The Hamiltons, consisting of "Buckmaster", a rich and influential widower with Presidential aspirations, his "ice queen" second wife and his six daughters. WILD HORSES is the story of horse wrangler Cooper Barnett, and of his fiance, Livie Hamilton, Montana Senator "Buckmaster" Hamilton's daughter.

Wow! There hasn't been a day since I finished reading it that I haven't thought about this book. That right there tells you that this is one fabulous book! B.J. has proven, again, that's she's truly the master of western murder mayhem. I am not exaggerating when I state that she writes romantic suspense like no other. This is, hands down, her best book yet! I know I say that with every one of her books, but this one is beyond fabulous!

First of all, I was drawn in by the cover with the sexy cowboy and the lone horse silhouetted against the rolling hills. To me, it's a reminder that B.J.'s picturesque Montana settings set against the Crazy Mountains always draw the reader into the ranch life highlighted in her stories.

My full review is posted at Reading Between The Wines Book Club.

5 Wine Glasses!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
deborah cade
Daniels writes romantic suspense like no other. She keeps readers on her toes with this fantastic novel, while at the same time portraying all of the trials and tribulations of a real life romance. The plot was complex and very rewarding. Each and every aspect of the tale was tied to another, leading readers on an intricate journey that they won’t ever forget. Her picturesque Montana settings draw you in to ranch life, allowing you to experience this world to its fullest.

I thoroughly enjoyed the characters that Daniels introduced us to throughout. The cast of this novel was all well developed and a joy to get to know. I enjoyed the fact that there were ties back to the original Beartooth, Montana series without being dependent on it for character development. Top this off with an unforgettable lead couple who had more than their share of troubles yet a love that will stand the test of time. I really appreciated how their personalities and histories contrasted one another yet at the same time they fit together perfectly.

Daniels had definitely created a fantastic tale to begin her Hamiltons series. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend it to those who enjoy romance with suspense and a healthy dose of ranch life, or to anyone looking for a romance that will touch your heart.

Please note that I received a complimentary copy of this work in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
susan carlson
Wild Horses
B.J. Daniels
Harlequin HQN, Feb 24 2015, $7.99
ISBN: 9780373779567

In Montana Olivia Hamilton and Cooper Barnett are in love, but the engaged couple also vehemently argue too much. During a heated fight, angry Olivia drives off in a snowstorm, but has an accident. A stranger saves her life only to drug and rape her.

Soon after her harrowing experience, someone blackmails Olivia; she believes the extortionist is her sexual predator. Pregnant she tells her fiancé of the assault and that the fetus may not be his. Stunned and depressed, Cooper reacts poorly to Olivia’s revelations. He comes to his senses when Cooper realizes the danger his beloved faces. Turning to the law to find the rapist, Copper relies on himself to keep his Olivia safe.

Moving from the Beartooth saga, B.J. Daniels provides a satisfying Montana Hamiltons' opening act. The storyline is at its touching best when it focuses on the bickering yet loving lead couple. However, the romantic mystery loses some momentum when the plot falls to a first book syndrome by veering into the lives of several other characters (many of whom I assume will headline future dramas). Still Wild Horses is a solid Big Sky novel.

Harriet Klausner
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cresta mcgowan
I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review. This is a new series about the Hamilton sisters. The first book is about Livvy and Cooper. I won't go into the story since I don't want to ruin it but it has romance, suspense, and everything else in between. We do get their complete story, so no cliffhangers with them. We're brought back to Beartooth so we do get some follow up unfinished business from the previous books. FYI They are still on going? The book also has several story lines going on which is what I love the most about B.J. writing. She leaves us once again with unfinished business but that is to be expected so I'm waiting anxiously for Lone Rider. I highly recommend this if your a fan or looking to read something new.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
As usual, B J Daniels has outdone herself!! Wild Horses, the first book in the Montana Hamilton series, has everything a reader could ask for...romance, suspense and mystery.
After an argument with her fiance, Livie Hamilton takes off, only to run her car off the road during a blizzard. What happens next sets up an exciting story, which will keep the reader on the edge of her seat.
A MUST read for all B J Daniels fans!!!
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
damian valles
This should not be categorised as romantic suspense, it is straight suspense and nothing more. There's no developing romance and there's absolutely no description of intimacies between the supposed hero and heroine (no sex, btw as the prudes want sexual content marked I want no sexual content marked. I would not have bought this book had I known it calls itself a romance without being one and does not contain any romance or scenes of erotic nature in it). On top of that there is a super annoying heroine. Being immature does not make you 'feisty', it makes you way annoying and Cooper would have been much better without her. This reader decided to part ways with her and the no-sex policy of this writer and stopped reading about 70% in. Could not care less about what happened to any of them.
Unfortunately, I bought the second one in the series as well, but if it is going to be like this one, if B. J. Daniel's style is ',must write a romance but take out the romance since I have no flair for writing erotic encounters', then it is going straight in the bin. The new Sandra Brown, my arse!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
stephen dranger
Having just finished reading this book, my heart is still in my throat over all that went on throughout this story. Wow! I loved it! This is Book 1 of the Montana Hamiltons but by the time I finished, I felt I read more than one book. There is suspense, family dynamics at its best/worst, murder, and oh yes, blackmail plus romance. You put all that in a book and you have a wonderful time reading long hours and into the night. B. J. Daniels can really put a book together that covers all sorts of twists and turns. Senator Buckmaster Hamilton, six daughters and wife all live on or about the ranch. The Senator has aspirations to run for President so everyone tries to put their best face before the cameras. I laughed at some of the things in the book and felt sad over other situations. I highly recommend this book as it is great and the mystery is exciting.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kristin kelsey
There are several stories going on in this book at the same time, I was disappointed that all were not resolved by the end of the book. This is mainly Olivia and Cooper's story, Olivia leaves home in a snit and gets into a very bad situation. There is mystery, suspense, romance and a lot of angst. Looking forward to the rest of the series.
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