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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Jack Blank and the Imagine Nation is basically awesomesauce. I mean, we have killer robots, superheroes, orphans, a secret island, and SO much more.

First, we have Jack. He's had a pretty miserable life at the orphanage, so when he finds out he has super powers and there's a place where he belongs, he's pretty ecstatic. But then he gets there and almost everyone in Imagine Nation hates him. Jack gets a little down at this, understandably, but he doesn't give up. He pushes onward working to develop his powers and prove he's not the person everyone thinks he is. Sure, he gets a little worked up and emotional sometimes, but he's twelve so it's pretty understandable. I don't even think I could handle the type of stuff Jack does and I'm 20!

I've never really been into superheroes, but I still found them really fun to read about in Jack Blank. And there are so many different types! There's everything from people with true super powers like flight and super-stretchiness to androids.

I really thought the pacing was great. There's plenty of action and adventure with just the right amount of downtime in between for the perfect balance. Plus, there's quite a few mysteries sprinkled in to keep you wondering about everything. Jack Blank does a good job of leaving you wanting a sequel yet still satisfied with the ending.

My one main problem with Jack Blank was the side characters. I'm hoping for a little more of all of them in the sequel. I feel like despite the fact that we could see growth in some of them they were still just background noise.

The Nutshell: If you like your middle grades full of action, mystery, superheroes, and plucky young heroes then Jack Blank and the Imagine Nation is for you.

★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
By Jessie 11/19/12
A Jack Blank Adventure, Book 1, The Accidental Hero by Matt Myklusch is a book of action and adventure. The Accidental Hero is about a kid named Jack Blank that doesn't know much about himself (he doesn't even know his real last name). He lived at St. Barnaby's Home for the helpless, abandoned, forgotten and lost, where there were not many people like him. One day he got in trouble and was doing his punishment, when a Robot-Zombie, from one of his favorite comic books, tried to kill him. Soon after that, some guy whisked him away to an island named Imagine Nation, where people mechanics and aliens with strange powers stayed. There he found out his unique ability, and something bad. From the day that the Robot-Zombie attacked, his life will never be the same. His power can make him the savior of the Imagine Nation or the greatest threat alive to the nation. Which one will it be?
The Accidental Hero is a great book. A lot to read, this book is about 470 pages long! Despite the length, it's interesting from the beginning to the very end. The interesting beginning brings you in, and the action keeps it so you can't put the book down. This book is a whiplash for the emotions. One moment it is happy, then the next it is a tragic, like when Jazen, a Mecha, was killed by tumbling out of a very high window.
"Jack watched him (Jazen) drive the two Rustov back to the edge of the broken window and out over the side. He didn't let go for a second."(pages 391 and 392)
That part is so sad, because of how Jack lost Jazen his first friend! I can relate to that, not having many friends and losing a few. It has happened to me, and it may happen again. There was some mysterious parts as well in this book. When Revile, The Undying was with Jack,
"Revile removed the faceplate and Jack finally had the answer to the question that had been gnawing at him in the elevator." (page 396)
Jack is about to find out something that what is incomprehensible to him. Revile is a dangerous foe, but he has secret that he had been keeping. The world will feel like it was ripped inside-out when he finds what Revile was hiding behind that mask. There is much of page turning action, mystery and wild emotions in this book, and this is only a part of it.
I rate The Accidental Hero 4 out of 5 stars, because it is a wonderful book but it can be a little more interesting for readers who aren't into heroes and advanced technology. This book is very much like Wings, a fairy tale by E.D. Baker. Both books are in a fictional setting, both have action and both have a goal to save something. Though Wings, a fairy tale is about fairies, gnomes and goblins, where The Accidental Hero is about heroes and villains. If you liked Wings, a fairy tale you would like The Accidental Hero. I recommend this book for action lovers, fantasy people, fictional book readers and sci-fi lovers. An amazing read for people in those categories!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
austin book club
Today's book review is The Accidental Hero by Matt Myklusch. It is and upper middle grade novel published by Aladdin and ends at 470 pages. It looks like it was previously published under the name, Jack Blank and The Imagine Nation. But, it has just been re released by Aladdin.

The Story- Young Jack Blank doesn't know who he is. All he knows is that he was abandoned as a baby and now lives at (I love this name) St. Barnaby's Home for the Hopeless, Abandoned, Forgotten and Lost. Jack consols himself with a pile of comic books that he keeps hidden in the library. He knows their stories by heart. One day, when the rest of the school leaves on a field trip, Jack is attack by a creature from his comics. His adventures begin when he is taken to Imagine Nation island, meets the real heroes of his comics and develops super powers himself. He's just in time to help save the world from evil alien robots and learn for himself who he really is.

My Thoughts-I liked this book. The mystery of who Jack Blank really is pulls you through the entire story. And interestingly enough, when you get to the end, the author has done such a good job developing Jack's character, that you no longer really care who his parents were. I really think young readers will like this book, especially boys. It is full of action, mystery, robots and comic books. The other characters are also developed well. The author takes you into each of the sub character's worlds and lets you get a feel for where they're coming from. It makes you much more emotionally invested when Jack has to make a final and fatal decision at the end. I was excited to get to the end and find out there's going to be a series. This book doesn't leave you hanging though, it wraps up its story before the end.

For Parents- Perfect for ages 8-12. It does contain some violence, mostly fighting robots. There is no bad language or inappropriate scenes.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sarah h
Jack Blank is such a brilliantly written book, with an amazing setting, wonderful characters and a lot of powerful messages written within it's pages. It's a place where all the super heros & real life heros I grew up with and even never before heard of heros, live. It makes the extraordinary seem ordinary.

Twelve year old Jack Blank has been living in a horrible orphanage, where he's constantly picked up on the bully Rex, and finds excitement in reading his comic books. Jack Blank has no idea where he came from, where his family is, and what his real last name is. On the morning a killer robot from one of Jack's comics becomes a reality and tries to kill him, Jazen Knight, an emissary from a secret country called Imagine Nation, has come for Jack. Jack soon finds himself in a place that is right out of his imagination. The way to get there is by believing.

Imagination Nation is in constant motion and travels between the countries of our world, though the members from this nation are from all over the world, make believe, real and from out of this world. I was really surprised that I loved Imagine Nation as much as I did. One of my favorite places in Imagine Nation is in Cognito. A city where people can go to, to "disappear", not even the streets have names. Imagine Nation is made of all sorts of living creatures from normal people to ninjas, kung fu masters, aliens, sorcerers, androids, regular people and more. It almost felt like it has a more updated Star Wars feel to it, complete with it's own Yoda in the form of one of my favorite characters, Stendeval, who's wisdom and encouragement help Jack find out who he is.

I really admired Jack's character. His life hasn't been easy and it gets tougher as soon as he arrives to Imagine Nation. He's been infected by a virus from a feared enemy, the Rustov, as known as Robie-Zombies, who all but destroyed many lives 12 years ago, in an invasion. Jack has few people who believe he's not a threat, Jenzen Knight and the wisest leader on Imagine Nation, Stendeval are two of them. I loved their characters. They convey such powerful messages not only to Jack, but to the reader.

Here's some of my favorite messages:

* "Be the change you want to see in the world" (pg 169)
* "Change begins with the individual" (pg 179)
* "... always remember that the path you choose to follow is your own." (pg 181)
* "Knowledge is power." (pg 209)
* "...we always have a choice. It's only the brave who choose not to surrend where there's no reason left to hope." (pg. 297)
* "The best way to predict your future is to create it." (pg 318)
* "Never underestimate the power you have over what happens today. Never forget the power today has over tomorrow." (pg 467)

Jack Blank is out to prove he's not a threat, and it will take Jenzen, Blue, Stendeval, and Jack's new friends to help him in his quest. Jack alone must believe in who he is and what his powers can do. Jack has a power that has not only kept his infection at bay, but it can destroy the Rustov. When the evil Rustov robot comes back to kill Jack and reveals who he is, Jack will be faced with a decision that can ultimately change his future forever.

I know this book is written for grade and middle school aged kids, but I really enjoyed Jack Blank and The Imagine Nation. I was reminded of how much fun it is to imagine. I can't wait for son my to read this when he's a little older. Matt Myklusch writing it truly what kept me glued to the book. Jack Blank and The Imagine Nation is an awesome, action packed, must have book, with some great plot twists. I'm really looking forward to the next book in the series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Jack Blank is an ordinary orphan kid. Or not. Because a robot attacks him at the orphanage, and he's picked up by a secret agent named Jazen Knight and taken to the Imagine Nation. He quickly discovers he has some kind of superpower, and is also infected with some kind of alien parasite. And that's all in the first few chapters!
First the negatives.
1) There aren't many female characters, which is kind of to be expected, but rather disappointing. And the ones who are there are either extraordinarily unapproachable or so terrified of everything that they glom onto anyone stronger.
2) Nothing really was added to the superhero genre in this story. The author didn't take any chances and didn't add anything new.
3) It's definitely written for younger children. Not to say teens can't enjoy it - I did. But be prepared for a rather more simplistic syntax and vocabulary.
And now for the positives.
1) Wow, what a world! The Imagine Nation has obviously been designed with care.
2) The action is basically non-stop from beginning to end. Which I love. But it didn't feel forced, probably because this book is so long and the author could afford to squeeze in a lot of material.
3) The main character is likeable and believeable, which gives credit to the plot.
An interesting story, with some interesting themes of being true to oneself and always being honest. This book is rather light, but definitely one to check out.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
jasmine spacher
I enjoyed this adventure. It's a good fantasy/sci-fi story and is a carefully crafted adventure that will allow you the opportunity to visit some incredibly creative places.

However, I think the plot and characterization suffer from trying to put too much into one story. It kind of ends up being a mishmash of ideas, along with quickly-thrown-at-you plot points that, in the end, seriously take away from the chance to really get to know the characters or even care for them.

For example, the author is trying to get so much of the packed plot out that he ends up doing a lot more telling than showing. A character's back story is related briefly, such as Skerren's, and he actually has an incredibly deep back story, but literally it's thrown at you as if the author himself doesn't really care for you to get to know these characters.

And there is one character, I call him the wise old Yoda dude, who does nothing but say a "million" times, "I once met so and so and they said . . . "insert wise quote here." Literally, count them - especially near the end. I actually thought this character was great, but just wish his endless quotes would have been edited down. "Learn to cut endless quotes you must," would be my sage Yoda advice for the whole book. :)

Overall, I found myself enjoying the experience of the setting a bit more than the actual story. It's still a fun, solid read. Just don't think too hard about the plot or intend to care about the characters much.

And there were some interesting and super cool concepts, such as the digital paper or the fun visit with Virtua into the world of the Internet. The story is loaded with new and amazing ideas, and with so much to do and explore in each section of the city, the author really makes you wish you could visit the Imagine Nation for real!

I do hope to see more from this author!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
marina sonnenbarke
I really enjoyed this book. well written with lots of action twist and turns. This was a fun read. Job well done. This is one of those which has a bit for everyone. This is about an unremarkable boy's journey Jack Blank (doesnt even Have proper last name) learns to make and turst newfound friends all with a superhero twist.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
joe graff
Young boy grows up in miserable orphanage*, picked on by grown-ups and kids alike. Things mysteriously go wrong when he's around, but he's saved and taken to a wonderful, magical place where everybody knows of him and he's offered a spot in an elite school. Also, things are awesome.

Sound familiar? And please - don't say Harry Potter. Try something novel, like any of the thousands of books with a premise just like this.

Sounds tired and predictable? Well... not so much. Sure, this is the premise that has launched a thousand authors' careers, but that's because it works. What kid doesn't sometimes wish somebody would whisk THEM away from the drudgery of daily life? What kid doesn't hope THEY have a magical heritage, just waiting to be found? (If there is such a kid, I hope we never meet. It'd be weird.)

Okay, so it's an old story, and the sub-premise (that there's a secret moving island that all our hopes and dreams and superheros are nurtured on) is a bit silly. So what? It's still an engrossing and engaging book, with a couple of surprising plot twists near the end. And certainly having the kid whisked away to where everybody knows his name in a BAD way, that's new.

This isn't a series likely to break any new ground, but the first book was pretty fun.

*State of being an orphan. Also, via metonymy, a place where orphans live. Technically Jack is a foundling, but that doesn't preclude the first sense of orphanage.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mary jo
Matt Myklusch's book JACK BLANK AND THE IMAGINE NATION took me by surprise, not really because of the unusual plot. Basically, Jack Blank is an underdog who turns hero in the end. What surprised me was how much enjoyed the story, especially the characters. True, there were some corny parts, but it worked well and there were a couple of twists that I didn't see coming, especially in the end.

The story opens with Jack, age twelve, in an orphanage. He has no idea where he came from or if his parents are still alive. He doesn't even know his last name. When he was younger, Jack would leave his last name blank and it sort of stuck.

The author paints Jack's life as a dismissal one, but things become exciting when an evil robot from one of his comics becomes a reality. In the fight of his life, the orphanage's generator was destroyed along with any evidence of what Jack was claiming. The head disciplinarian had decided to send Jack to the mental ward when someone from the government rescued him. The thing is this really wasn't someone from the government, at least not our government. Jazen Knight was an emissary of a secret country called Imagine Nation and in order to get there, you had to believe it existed.

Things were looking up for Jack. He found the place he came from. In fact, records showed Jack had been a resident of Imagine Nation. Before he could find out more, DNA results showed that Jack was infected with a virus from Imagine Nation's most feared enemy, the Rustov. No longer was he welcomed, but now citizens considered Jack to be an enemy or at the very least a Rustov spy. Luckily not everyone believed this to be true and he's going to need all the friends he can get. The evil robot Jack thinks is dead isn't and his mission is to kill Jack.

JACK BLANK AND THE IMAGINE NATION is book one of the action-packed Jack Blank Trilogy. I can't wait for book two!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
barb hope
Jack Blank includes dashes of The Terminator, Mystery Men, and August Rush in a kids book version of course. It is wrapped around a great story that included surprises and plot twists I did not see coming! It's a fun imaginative read and I would recommend it for a boy or a girl who has an imagination and is interested in comic book style action stories.

Don't let the thickness of the book give you pause, it is a quick read and for some strange reason seems to be double spaced (or 1 and ½ spaced) which makes it quite literally twice as thick as it should be.

This book that is a solid investment of your time and money and will reward you with dividends of several entertaining hours devouring it's contents.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
geri chesner
JACK BLANK AND THE IMAGINE NATION is a pretty thick book but I gobbled it up in just two nights. Most of that has to do with the exceptionally vivid world. The Imagine Nation is filled with colorful characters, politics, schools, and ideas. It's a fully realized country where super powered people live and breathe. Much like the wizarding world of Harry Potter, the Imagine Nation is so detailed that I could easily imagine it existing right off my own coast. It's a remarkable feat.

But beyond that, Matt Myklusch creates a character in Jack that I rooted for all the way through. His story is a pretty neat version of a hero's journey, but with a twist that keeps the story fresh. It's never clear whether Jack is going to swoop in and save the day, or inadvertently destroy his new home. Either way, Jack is relatable, fun, and pretty darn awesome.

The pacing is swift and never dull, the writing is detailed and sharp without ever bogging down in unnecessary description, and the conclusion was satisfying but with just enough threads left over for the other two books in the trilogy.

Mixing superheroes and aliens and ninjas and robots, JACK BLANK AND THE IMAGINE NATION is a great read for kids and adults alike. It'll leaving you checking the horizon, looking to find your own Imagine Nation.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I finished reading this book within 6 days of buying it. It is a total action-fantasy story filled with suspense and mystery that just thrust you into the world of Imagine Nation. The ending is so twisted that it should be made into a movie with the write director and studio. This story has all the elements of action-adventure, sci-fi, suspense and disaster, friendship and moral focus on life's big questions. I recommend this book to all those who just want to read a great story that is easy and casual and fun. I recommend this to all kids who just love action movies. Honestly after the trilogy is done there needs to be adapted into a movie. Universal Studio and Steven Speilberg should do it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
When I first read The Accidental Hero, it was the best book I ever read! I coulden't wait to read the next books When I finished it, I told everyone immediately that i finished it. i was so exited maybe more exited than Jack the day Jack got the comic books! now i have read the 2nd book. and more than halfway through the 3rd (once i finish the 3rd i'm planning to make a 4th book).
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
awani yaduwanshi
The Jack Blank book series is fantastic. I have read all of them at least 3 times! I love this author and I hope he will write more books. I Started reading them when I was 12 and I am now 14 and I still enjoy them!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amir shariff
Jack Blank and the Imagine Nation is a compelling and thrilling book! For 2 days I was on the edge of my seat waiting to see what would happen to Jack Blank. I can't wait to see what adventures he gets into next!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
erin stubbendieck
Would love to get this e-book, unfortunately the publishers or perhaps it's the author have decided not to enable the text-to-speech capability for it. I am a school librarian and listen to books while driving. So, guess which books won't be reviewed or purchased for my library...
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