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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kathy wetsell
Finally getting a backstory on the first female villain was a long awaited one! Villains have always held a place in my heart to understand how or why it is they act they way they do, if you are a fan of warriors, I highly suggest this one!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lisa laughlin
I loved it so awesome
Awesome sauce as my sister would call it
I always though Mapleshade was bad for no
Reason but now I know th whole story
I feel so bad for her but I hope everyone loves it
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
stephen porath
While not the worst book in the series *cough* moonrise *cough* this book was extremely shallow the only thing I learned from this book is that mapleshade will auto correct to applesauce and that she is insane not that that is a bad thing but it does not fit her character well I would have thought that mapleshade would not put her kits lives in danger and the medicine cat in this book is a butt applesauce was a nursing QUEEN and she should have been protected at least untill her kits could take care of themselves because that's the warrior code but no thunderclan doesn't care about the code now ok. no it's not bad book
Vengeance: A Novel :: Duplicity: A Novel (The Major Brooke Grant Series) :: Debt Collector 2 (A Jack Winchester Thriller) :: A Novel of the Civil War (The Gettysburg Trilogy) :: Two Bit: Satan's Fury MC (Book 7)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
nahom tamerat
I really love the warriors series, and I love all the characters equally...well all except for tigerstar, but as for this book I really really really enjoyed reading it, but the ending was a little bit weird and is kinda left me hanging. I mean this is a super edition so there isn't going to be a second book. So I would want to see something with Mapleshade and her life in the Dark Forest and The Place of No Stars but all in all it was a great read and I would totally recamend this book to anyone (and m sorry if their are some spelling errors)
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
mike dally
Ok, um.. where do I start..
1.Badly Written
This was just badly written. There was no real plot development, just "Hey random Riverclan cat who I apparently love, I'm expecting kits!" "Mah kits r teh best and u r mean to say they r not awesome" "O noes, dey felled in da river and died, I gotta kill 3 cats!" *ded*
2. Stupid Names
"Frecklewish". Just think about it for a second. "Birchface"? "Appledusk"? Who named these cats? Think of some better names! How about "Frecklenose" "Birchtail" Or even "Darkwater"? Appledusk sounds more Shadowclan.
3.Rushed Story
The entire thing was just a bit rushed. We don't learn how Mapleshade and Appledusk fell in love. She doesn't even "descend into madness" it's just kinda like "My kits are dead. Time to murder!" What could be an amazing story is just taken, all the important details are squeezed out, and they sell it as Mapleshade's Vengeance.

All in all, 2 put of 5 stars. Not the best, but not the worst. *cough cough the fourth apprentice cough*
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Mapleshade spent one half of the book being stuck up, (My beautiful kits will unite the clans, I shouldn't have to deal with the lies I've told, I'll just go join your clan, after all why would you be upset to have your biggest regret join your clan) and the other half being demented, (The wailing of Patchkit had ceased, it was all his fault, it was all her fault, Appledusk just wanted to mess with me, he could have saved them). Many things are left unexplained. It seems that there wasn't much character development at all. Also, the main reason I bought this was because it advertised a preview to a novella about Goosefeather. Did not happen. Maybe I imagined it. Either way, it left me at the end of the book feeling disappointed
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
robyn kent

I am a huge Warriors fan (I have read and loved every other Warriors book) and was so excited when I saw this was coming out! However, I was extraordinarily disappointed when I found this book to be extremely shallow. What I mean by that was that the ENTIRE book was about how Mapleshade's kits died and she had to kill three others just to "redeem her kits". Mapleshade had first tricked the cats into believing that the father was Birchface. However, the real father is Appledusk, the cat who killed Birchface. When the secret comes out, Mapleshade is banished from ThunderClan, and Frecklewish, Birchface's brother, watches as Mapleshade takes her three kits across the river, where they all die. She is then banished from RiverClan where she went for refuge, and vows revenge. She begins hearing her kit's voices in her head, and they only disappear when she kills someone. She finally dies, and doesn't go to StarClan. She instead goes to the Place of No Stars, where a mysterious voice "welcomes" her. Overall, I wish a book about Jayfeather or Lionblaze had been done, because Erin, I believe, would have done a much better job with them.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
toby lyles
definently the best novella yet!!!!! i never really got into the novellas much because id get through them in two seconds then im like what to read what to read???!!!! this novella made the most out of its limited pages. SPOILERS mapleshade was a good cat that was loyal to starclan and stuck to the warrior code like a leech so i was like what could of possibly made mapleshade evil? yes, she had a mate in another clan, but a lot of greayt and insporational cats had a mate in another clan: Bluestar, Leafpool, etc. and mapleshade was a really good cat for like 80% of the book. No other cat has been exiled from their clan for having a mate in aother clan its been done before. At least the kits should of been appreacted. I really thought patchkit would turn into patchpelt in the prophecies begin but i guess that happens later because all three kits drown in the river while mapleshade wades there to get help from riverclan. riverclan should of least helped her, but they were like get out of our camp we dont want you here now youre exiled from TWO clans!!!!! Mapleshade wasnt dark forest evil even then he had to go to twolegplace and myler the stupid kittypet let her in and comforted her and stuff. (sorry if im calling mapleshade a him in this) then in his dreams his kits were like save me mama dont let me drown and mapleshade thought the only way to save them was to kill the cats who let them drown which were ravenwing, who found out about mapleshade and applepelt and told oakstar, frecklewish, who was watching mapleshade when her kits were drowning but didnt help, and his exmate applepelt ( i think pelt ) who also didnt save her kits from drowning. She then killed them all and her dreams about her kits were gone. mapleshade went to mylers barn to heal up but she died there. mapleshade was now in the dark forest where she truly belonged. END OF SPOILERS so basically mapleshade wasnt a bad cat from the beginning like tigerstar she was just pushed into it anyway best novella ever five stars etc. etc. etc. bye!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
My name is Tkmoonkitty. i personally loved this book. Mapleshade is my second favorite cat(1st is Lionblaze!) and I wanted to know more. when I read this, it brought tears to my eyes! Poor Mapleshade! Appledusk deserved to die to tell the truth. He told Mapleshade that he loved her. My question to him is did you really? Because Reedshine was known to be expecting his kits lets say 3 days after Maple's exile... So in order for her belly to be even a little swollen, she must'vs been atleast one moon into her pregnancy. Apple you fox hearted liar!!!!!!!!! And then Apple goes and blames the death of his three perfect kits on his former(if ever) mate. I beleive that This book wad amazing.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sherry tucker
I honestly think that Mapleshade is my favorite cat out of all the cats ever mentioned. She suffered through loss, betrayal, and she wanted vengence (hence the title). I think her story was sad, and heart felt. She just found the love of her life, but her love is forbidded. She disobeyed the code to be with her love, and soon was the mother of their children. alas, her clan found out, and mercilessly kicked her and her innocent kits out. So she went to her mates clan to asked for shelter. Sadly, she had to cross a river to get to their territory. As she dragged her kits across, they were swept away. They died because their mother's clan showed no mercy, even to the innocent kits who knew none of their mother's wrongdoing. So she treked to her mate's clan alone, only to be turned down by her own mate! Heartbroken and rejected, cast out by the ones she loved, Mapleshade became a rouge, and swore for her vengence. When she saw Crookedkit, so raw and innocent, she struck. She made him swear apon a oath, and he agreed. If you want to read more about Crookedkit, check out Crookedstar's promise. so Mapleshade used Crookedkit for her vengence. She made his life miserable. She made him watch him mother die, his brother fall for thubderclan cat, and later made him watch his mate and his daughters die of greencough. His last surviving daughter died giving birth to a thuderclan cat's kits. Mapleshade made sure Crookedkit (now Crokedstar) felt the pain she went through. I really reccomend this book to you it is a great read and brought me to tears.

one thing though to answer one of the other responses. The reason why Mapleshade was kicked out while later on, Leafpool and Greystripe didn't get kicked out is because at Mapleshade's rime, the clans code wasn't as enforced as it is today, and times were hard, so the leaders were more strict with cats breaking the code (not that any leaders now are not strict enough I didn't mean it that way).
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
leila desint
*spoilers*This book really makes you feel bad about Mapleshade. She got exiled for pretty much doing nothing because Frecklewish assumed that they were birchface kits and told everyone . I bet you if it was different cats oakstar would have givin them mercy. but because it was his son, he was mad as if he was going to The Place of No Stars. i dont blame Mapleshade at all. I was mad that they treated Mapleshade so unfairy
(well, you cant blame any of the dark forest cats for being bad. Tigerstar got his ambition from Thistleclaw who was bad becauase his mate died, Brokenstar was treated horribly by lizardstripe, hawkfrost was bad because he wanted to advenge his father, Darkstripe was bad because he was on of tigerstars followers.)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mary mcmyne
So many codes broken! This book makes you love Mapleshade for her faith, but then watch (or read) her become sour, and so angry with grief, and her faith tainted, that you feel bad for her. You wish she would just run off somewhere else, and start fresh, but she doesn't. It is a great book with all the twists and turns, and you see why she tried to ruin Crookedjaw's life. It explains some of it in Crookedstar's promise, but it is nice to see the whole story. :)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Stormfur, Feathertail, Oakheart, Shellheart, Crookedstar, Willowbreeze, Graypool, Graypool and Willowbreeze's parents, Silverstream, Graystripe, Millie, Briarlight, Bumblestripe, Blossomfall, Thornclaw, Thornclaw's parents, Stormfur, Pine, Lark, Mistystar, Stonefur, Reedwhisker, an Mistystar's 3 dead kits, Brook Where Small Fish Swim, Bluestar, Snowfur, Whitestorm, Willowpelt, Sootfur, Rainwhisker, Sorreltail, Brackenfur, Cinderpelt, Molepaw, Honeyfern, Poppyfrost, Berrynose, Cherryfall, Molewhisker, Cinderheart, Lionblaze, Jayfeather, Hollyleaf, Seedpaw, Lilyheart, and Lilyheart's kit are all related to Appledusk and Reedshine!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This book tells about Mapleshade and how she went to the dark forest. Ill give a short summary. Mapleshade was a truly good warrior except for one thing. She had fell in love with a Riverclan warrior. Two moons after she bares his kits her secret is found out. She is banned from Thunderclan and sets of with her kits to Riverclan. As they start across stepping stones a sudden flood pulls her kits off. All three of her kits drowned and she didn't even get to say bye and there was no vigil. She is cast out from the clans. Out of rage she pretty much goes crazy and avenged her kits by killing the cat told her secret, blinding the cat that watched her kits drowned, and killed her mate. She swore vengeance on all her mates kin then dies in a barn. This is a good book that tells Mapleshades past. P.S sorry for my bad grammar
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
betty c
I read this book intreged to know more about Mapleshade. I thought I knew everything about her after I got the feild guide, but to my surprise I didn't and actualy found myself crying in sympathy fo Mapleshade. SPOILER ALERT - I always hated Mapleshade after all she did, doing horrible things to crookedstar, yet I did not know she was the entire reason for the final battle. It was so sad when she trusted her mate Appledusk, just to be betrayed and ger kits die, to find Aplledusk completley blames her and has a new mate. I was also very angry at her friend for sudenly hating, and wanting to kill her.
Above all it was reallh an amazing book
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book made me feel much more sorry for mapleshade and I did not think she was completely evil. It is just Erin Hunter keeps writing these short books and it looks like she is avoiding super additions which is always awesome. I finish the little books in like one second. Can somebody tell her to get a super addition! Othetwise this is a very good book and the best mini yet. To me anyway. Great for a car ride or plane. Good story to.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
sam smith
It was a wonderful read, but I thought the vengeance was wrong. Being a christian, I thought it was uneeded. Mapleshade could have found a better way of dealing with this. I know it was really hard for her to lose everything, her clan, her mate, her kits, and her honor. It was just that her heart was too filled with anger and revenge, to make them suffer as she did, to see clearly. She used to follow the Warrior Code, but in her search of revenge she through it aside. Apart from that, it wasn't bad.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
judy vincenti
when i read crookedstar's promise, i thought mapleshde was a horrible evil cat but when i read this book, i felt completely different about her. how dare thunderclan cast her out! how dare appledusk lie to her! how could starclan do this to her?
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