Critical Failures III (Caverns and Creatures) (Volume 3)

ByRobert Bevan

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
So this story line is really really cool. What he Robert does very very will. Is talk about the absurdity of fantasy rules in games.

The best is they are at a poison control clinic and they need some poison antidote. And those of us who play lots and lots of these games both on a computer and on a pen and paper now that you have 99 antidote in you back pack. The startling part is when the poison control specialist says no it does not work like that. The poisons in you body react in a very specific way with your internal chemistry. The various agents we use correct that or reduce its harm full effects. But, to offer effective treatment I need to know the following.
1 what poisoned you.
2 exactly when you where poisoned.
3 exactly where you where poisoned so I can know where it is in your system.
4 I need a very good understanding of your internal chemistry to make sure I do not give some one insulin too much surgery products etc.

I assumed a poison control clinic in Gulf Port Mississippi. Would know what to do with a 1/2 Orc 1/2 human with serious case of dysentery who had been stung by a dire scorpion a magical monster from another dimension. What Robert Does very well is he makes fun of our traditional notions of what fantasy or sc-fi series should be like. The best part is even as you realize the the whole fantasy world that you are in is absurd, Robert paints a few very real characters in the center of the plot who have very real problems who are stuck in this silly world with silly rules and you really care about them. You care about the big stuff like are they going to make it and you care about the small stuff like will the chicken restaurant lose its business license. You care what happens to some of the characters who have not sen their families in years. Even the some of the bad (guys) you realize are just little kids who are having too much fun and really need to just go home.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
francesca matteini
Great book. Wish it would have been available as an audible since the first two were done very well by Mr. Sleep. Because I like the series so much, I didn't want to wait for this one to be narrated. Unfortunately, now I must wait for the fourth book. :(
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
benjamin ferrari
But it's overloaded with juvenile penis jokes, poop jokes, and masterbation. It wouldn't be so bad if it added to the story, but it rarely does. Most of it seems to be put in to try and get laughs.
The characters are supposed to be adults, but come off more like idiots, and I blame the incessant poop lines and lines about wood or masterbation.
Really ruined what would have been a 4* story.
I can no longer recommend this series unless you can handle the childish manner in which the crude humor is over used.
Critical Failures II (Caverns and Creatures) :: Going Rogue (Spells, Swords, & Stealth Book 3) :: Critical Failures IV (Caverns and Creatures) (Volume 4) :: The Bear and the Piano :: Among the Hidden; Among the Impostors; Among the Betrayed; Among the Barons; Among the Brave; Among the Enemy; Among the Free
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
j r randle
At first, I enjoyed this series. The irreverent humor, the throwing up, the poop jokes etc. etc. etc. I mean, I'm a guy and a good fart joke never gets old. But a WHOLE SERIES of books devoted to bathroom humor, and not much else gets, real old real fast. At first I kept reading to see if the gang would get out of their predicament. But after the characters defecated, farted, puked and picked their collective noses for the umpteenth time, I got to where I couldn't care less about the character, the story, or who would fart, defecate, puke or pick his nose next.

I'm beginning to think a ten year old wrote this garbage.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
christopher ruz
Much as been written about Critical Failures III: A Storm of S-Words, so it is difficult to come up with an original and useful observation, apart from my assertion that Mr. Bevan should be award a Huge-O award for Extreme Humor.

If you’ve read this far, keep going. Read this book. Our heroes continue to have adventures and modern science is still at a loss to explain exact what is wrong with Robert Bevan. No cure is at hand.

What is really important in March of 2017 is that the teaser trailer for Deadpool 2 has hit the streets. Many people have seen it, many have remarked on it, and even a few have noticed that there are two versions - short and long. The long one includes a philosophical enquiry about the existence of telephone booths (ask your parents) and the temporal longing for Cherry Garcia ice cream.

Further, the end sequence of the trailer includes critical analysis of Ernest Hemingway’s “The Old Man and the Sea.”

The Old Man and the Sea is the story of a fight between an elderly, accomplished fisherman, Santiago, and a really big fish. Like… HUGE. The story opens with Santiago suffering eighty-four days without catching a fish because he’s the unluckiest son-of-a-gun on planet earth. Honestly, if you were in a boat for eighty-four days, it’d be hard to NOT catch a fish… even by accident. Santiago was so unlucky that his apprentice, Manolin, was forbidden by his Ma and Pa to fish with him. But as The Fresh Prince used to say, ‘Parents Just Don’t Understand’. So the boy visits Santiago’s shack anyway.

-the store won’t let me post the entirety of this excellent scholarly work, so we’ll just fast forward to the end.

Manolin brings Santiago newspapers and coffee when he wakes and they decide to fish together again. Many years later, there’s a Red Lobster Restaurant in nearly every city in America, offering a casual dining experience and convenient parking.

There are no Red Lobster Restaurants in CF III, btw, but there is a Denny’s. Arby’s also figures prominently as are weaponized Funyons.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
john doe
First two books were brilliant, but third installment falls flat. A child rapist cop (really?), racist redneck with many guns (you must with With Her?), pedophile that befriends characters.... it sounds like today's left ideals - anti-cop, white racist people, and minor-attracted-individuals are all becoming a new norm. As one of other reviewers noticed, Cooper pooping jokes are wearing out thin. Elements that made first two books so wonderful are not here. I'll give the 4th installment a try before I decide if it's time to drop the series.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
This installment was horrible. Stupid decisions by the characters, more poop, fart, vomit, pee, male parts, balls.... you name it, it hits you in the face every page. Pedophilia, violent vampire sexuality, graphic and unnecessary animal violence, flippant behaviors, inexplicable foresight given to the one character that is described as a desperate dork with no social skills or any discernible ability to critically think his way out of a freezer.... the list goes on. I couldn’t finish it... I just couldn’t do it. This author is just plain sick
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is the sort of series that's deeply enjoyable if you're immature enough to keep laughing at a nonstop barrage of poop and dick jokes in a D&D (errr, C&C) setting. I am so that person; it's a wonderful escape from mundane life that requires minimal saves against Intelligence to enjoy.

A change of setting and some new characters added to the fun in this one. Partway through, it seemed that the scatological humor lessened (not disappeared, mind you) in favor of plot & character development.

My favorite running gag is that a British accent is completely the same as Elven (Elvish?). Seems legit.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
nellie lind
The portrayal of Biloxi, MS (where I currently live), greatly diminished my enjoyment of this one. The cop eager to rape a child, then after that being treated as a sympathetic character... eh. I just don't get most of the writer's choices here. All the background characters talk like Boss Hog. Everytime someone eats the description sounds like they're Cookie Monsters (or Arby's Monsters).

I could go on, but I won't. I like the series enough to keep going. I hope Biloxi/Gulf port is not a major part of the remaining novels.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Kindle Unlimited, the writer definitely isn't 'right' but he is on ku, think a few binge readings in my future.

Caverns and Creatures: Volume I (Books 1 - 4)
Critical Failures (Caverns and Creatures Book 1) Critical Failures II (Caverns and Creatures Book 2) Critical Failures III (Caverns and Creatures Book 3) Critical Failures IV (Caverns and Creatures Book 4)

various numerous other D&D books
Space Puppies
Flying Toasters - The DeadPixel Tales {one of collection of writers, seems to be permafree}
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tharini rajkumar
Probably my favorite book in the series, the focus slowly begins to shift from cheap laughs to deeper, more sophisticated humor, without losing any of the underlying comedy. Running gags finally begin to develop into their own storylines while the adventure takes a totally different turn from previous stories. A host of new characters is introduced, while the unexpected continues to be the norm.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
joshua hanna
These reviews criticising the story and characters are beyond grasp!! (Although I did enjoy the one attacking the grammar while putting commas after every vowel.) Supposing to limit this series to a demographic is silly also. It is imaginative, very funny, and a complete surprise. The development of the characters is really cool! Bevan doesn't take himself too seriously either, singling out Dave and Chaz as being dull by other characters' descriptions within the narrative.
I've torn through all three books in a week, and now have the short collections to hold onto while I wait for the next one!! This makes me sad. Open the bag of holding and release the fourth, please. It needs love too.
- Tiff
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
micayla lally
Third book in the Critical Failures series. Want to know S'up? You hot to read this series from book 1 to really appreciate this hilarious bunch of characters and their numerous critical failures. Dungeons and Dragons was never like this. Great entertainment. What will happen next to our intrepid, if vulgar heroes?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I really enjoyed this series and the short story books D6,2D6, 3D6 as well. For a really immersive experience I recommend paying extra for the audible versions. They are very well narrated by a talented reader.
low brow
D&D (or rather "C&C")
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is probably my favourite of the first four Critical Failures books. It was hilarious from start to finish and there's never a dull moment. The series is just brilliant. I love the sense of humour. I got my husband hooked on it too and he read all four books over the course of the week and is on to the short stories now lol!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
daniel milaschewski
this series just keeps getting better! the interaction between the characters leaves me with alot of true laugh out loud moments! I really suggest the audio versions of these, the narrator does a great job of giving each character a unique voice and has great comedic timing! i sure hope they make these books into a movie!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Another oh-so-addictive installment about geeks, weirdos, baddies and nasties (that means you, Cooper, you hilarious half-orc disgustimatron). This one is particularly titillating as the hapless dweebs and their fantasy world collide with reality, including cops. Need I say that hilarity ensues? Fine: hilarity ensues!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
If you haven't bought this already but are considering it, maybe go for the volume 1 (books 1-4) bundle on Kindle depending on price, because you probably already know you'll want the 4th one too.

This one picks up right after CF 2, with a new twist and some new characters, both of which I enjoyed.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kathy bozek
These stories are all just fabulous. Absolute hilarity. I'm going to be so sad once I've read them all.

Do yourself a favor and read these books.

I am DYING to see this brought to life in screen, BTW
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