(Merry Gentry 8) (A Merry Gentry Novel) - Divine Misdemeanors
ByLaurell K. Hamilton
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Readers` Reviews
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
a cooper
I was very much looking forward to reading this book, and I have to say I was a bit dissapointed. I loved all the others but there was just something about this one that seemed like the plot had just been thrown together, almost last minute as if the author ran out of thins to write about. Overall however it does tie into the series in keeping the same characters, and overall this series was one I enjoyed very very much.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
an d koenig feldman
The Merry gentry series is my favorite series by Laurell Hamilton. I grew tired of the smut of the Anita Blake books, and might have been turned off by it in these, but it worked better. Maybe I just liked the dark and gritty faerie aspect more, but it felt better then watching Anita fall down the rabbit hole of sex orgies. If you're a fan of faerie tales and like smutty romance as well, perfect, but even if you skip or skim the sex scenes here, as I have done when I just wanted to devour the story, it's still highly entertaining. My only problem is the fact that the author is not writing for this series at this time so we're left in limbo wanting more.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
eban o sullivan
Though the last two novels in this series have been fairly interesting, this one really falls short of the mark. It tries to be a detective novel, but really isn't up to the standard LKH set in her early Anita Blake novels. Sadly, it does very little to advance the sidhe Meredith Gentry story line either. It is full of gratuitous sex scenes, but none of them are with Frost or Doyle. You could skip this one and not miss a thing.
The Zen of Building the Best Team in Baseball and Breaking the Curse :: The Science of Hitting :: Leading the Charge in Football and Life - Swing Your Sword :: Saving Babe Ruth (Prequel to the Lawyer David Thompson Legal Thrillers Series) :: (Merry Gentry 3) (A Merry Gentry Novel) - Seduced By Moonlight
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
I really liked this series when it started, but I have to agree with others about the "story arc" -- the series was clearly meant to end with Merry becoming queen of Faerie and having her children. But, for whatever reason (money?), Hamilton tried to rewind, pull Meredith out of Faerie, and put her back at her original job as a private detective. And it just doesn't work -- too much has happened since then. She has a harem of men and is pregnant -- I actually worry that Hamilton will kill the "babies" off to make her story-writing easier. Anyway, plot can be summed up as follows: we get the groundwork for what might be an okay mystery to solve; then we get tons of unrelated sex just randomly tossed in as she jumps from person to person (and I thought after she got pregnant she was required to stay with the "fathers" by faerie law?); then someone walks into her office and explains everything about the murders, who's doing them, and why (can we say "deus ex machina?"); then she gets thrown into mortal peril and nearly dies, but her men save her. It was so rote I actually starting waiting for how Hamilton was going to PUT her in mortal danger, because it was obvious that she'd be resorting to that YET AGAIN to try to create tension. I don't mind the sex scenes at all, but I wish she'd start putting real plots into her stories again.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
I read these to escape - not for the classy literature, so my expectations are not high. But even by LKH standards this was pretty lame. It was a lot of relationship angst with a murder mystery thrown in as the supposed centerpiece, however she spends more time describing everyone's hair then the "crime scenes". The murder investigation is a joke. I enjoy the characters and it was nice to see the gang again, but she basically parades everyone out for a chapter to give you their life update and that's it. Almost no action and really no forward movement in the series plot. I agree with the reader who said read it but don't pay $18 for it - go get it from the library for an afternoon's update on the fey crowd. Just keep your expectations humble.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
linda higgins
Although this may be my least favorite of the Merry Gentry series, I still prefer Merry to Anita and am waiting with bated breath for the next installment. After all, who wouldn't want to know more about the miracle twins with six fathers between them???
I recommend Laurell K. Hamilton for all paranormal afficianados, and highly recommend her Merideth Gentry books.
I recommend Laurell K. Hamilton for all paranormal afficianados, and highly recommend her Merideth Gentry books.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
amanda page
All of the interesting things, with the sole exception of Barinthus' struggle with Merry's decision to not be queen of the Unseelie, happened offscreen.
For example:
Andais is massacring her court - mentioned no follow up.
Taranis raped Merry and may be prosecuted under mortal jurisdiction - mentioned no follow up.
Cel is now dead - mentioned no follow up (this probably happened as a one off sentence at the end of the last book - but for a baddie that has been such a threat, it's a waste).
They somehow got Frost back - How? When? Would have loved to see it, especially since he was gone at the end of the last book, but no.
It felt as though a full third of a book was cut out of the beginning. The character development that has been proceeding apace (if only in stops and spurts), taking a selfish child and maturing her into being able to act, not according to her wishes, but what is best for her people, died in between the books.
I wanted to see Merry, an abused orphan, show the UnSeelie, Seelie, Goblin, Sluagh and Demi-fey why it is better to be ruled by love than fear. I wanted to see in her what Essus and Barinthus must have seen. And if that meant the death of a character I would miss greatly, the death would have at least lent weight and gravity to the situation; the realization that life is not a fairy tale, even in Faerie. Certainly Merry would have come full circle, and be making the hard decisions and sacrifices herself. The candles were lit, the table laid, but no.
What did we get? More Gentry Investigations in LA. Character development in characters we will never see again. An abandonment of character development in the characters we were interested in. And badly portrayed sex. I feel robbed.
The entire series could do with a rewrite. So many excellent and edgy ideas, themes, cultures and real moral dilemmas are tantalizingly present. Nuances of character and psyche that should have been explored in more depth. But as the series stands now, there's so much muck to sift through, why bother?
Do not buy this. Library.
For example:
Andais is massacring her court - mentioned no follow up.
Taranis raped Merry and may be prosecuted under mortal jurisdiction - mentioned no follow up.
Cel is now dead - mentioned no follow up (this probably happened as a one off sentence at the end of the last book - but for a baddie that has been such a threat, it's a waste).
They somehow got Frost back - How? When? Would have loved to see it, especially since he was gone at the end of the last book, but no.
It felt as though a full third of a book was cut out of the beginning. The character development that has been proceeding apace (if only in stops and spurts), taking a selfish child and maturing her into being able to act, not according to her wishes, but what is best for her people, died in between the books.
I wanted to see Merry, an abused orphan, show the UnSeelie, Seelie, Goblin, Sluagh and Demi-fey why it is better to be ruled by love than fear. I wanted to see in her what Essus and Barinthus must have seen. And if that meant the death of a character I would miss greatly, the death would have at least lent weight and gravity to the situation; the realization that life is not a fairy tale, even in Faerie. Certainly Merry would have come full circle, and be making the hard decisions and sacrifices herself. The candles were lit, the table laid, but no.
What did we get? More Gentry Investigations in LA. Character development in characters we will never see again. An abandonment of character development in the characters we were interested in. And badly portrayed sex. I feel robbed.
The entire series could do with a rewrite. So many excellent and edgy ideas, themes, cultures and real moral dilemmas are tantalizingly present. Nuances of character and psyche that should have been explored in more depth. But as the series stands now, there's so much muck to sift through, why bother?
Do not buy this. Library.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
peter lewis
The characters are unforgettable and, well, immortal. I've had to re-read the series waiting for the next book to be released.
There has been TOO MUCH TIME between this book and the new one to come out.
I enjoy the Anita Blake series. I don't want Merry et al to get pushed aside.
There has been TOO MUCH TIME between this book and the new one to come out.
I enjoy the Anita Blake series. I don't want Merry et al to get pushed aside.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
All of the interesting things, with the sole exception of Barinthus' struggle with Merry's decision to not be queen of the Unseelie, happened offscreen.
For example:
Andais is massacring her court - mentioned no follow up.
Taranis raped Merry and may be prosecuted under mortal jurisdiction - mentioned no follow up.
Cel is now dead - mentioned no follow up (this probably happened as a one off sentence at the end of the last book - but for a baddie that has been such a threat, it's a waste).
They somehow got Frost back - How? When? Would have loved to see it, especially since he was gone at the end of the last book, but no.
It felt as though a full third of a book was cut out of the beginning. The character development that has been proceeding apace (if only in stops and spurts), taking a selfish child and maturing her into being able to act, not according to her wishes, but what is best for her people, died in between the books.
I wanted to see Merry, an abused orphan, show the UnSeelie, Seelie, Goblin, Sluagh and Demi-fey why it is better to be ruled by love than fear. I wanted to see in her what Essus and Barinthus must have seen. And if that meant the death of a character I would miss greatly, the death would have at least lent weight and gravity to the situation; the realization that life is not a fairy tale, even in Faerie. Certainly Merry would have come full circle, and be making the hard decisions and sacrifices herself. The candles were lit, the table laid, but no.
What did we get? More Gentry Investigations in LA. Character development in characters we will never see again. An abandonment of character development in the characters we were interested in. And badly portrayed sex. I feel robbed.
The entire series could do with a rewrite. So many excellent and edgy ideas, themes, cultures and real moral dilemmas are tantalizingly present. Nuances of character and psyche that should have been explored in more depth. But as the series stands now, there's so much muck to sift through, why bother?
Do not buy this. Library.
For example:
Andais is massacring her court - mentioned no follow up.
Taranis raped Merry and may be prosecuted under mortal jurisdiction - mentioned no follow up.
Cel is now dead - mentioned no follow up (this probably happened as a one off sentence at the end of the last book - but for a baddie that has been such a threat, it's a waste).
They somehow got Frost back - How? When? Would have loved to see it, especially since he was gone at the end of the last book, but no.
It felt as though a full third of a book was cut out of the beginning. The character development that has been proceeding apace (if only in stops and spurts), taking a selfish child and maturing her into being able to act, not according to her wishes, but what is best for her people, died in between the books.
I wanted to see Merry, an abused orphan, show the UnSeelie, Seelie, Goblin, Sluagh and Demi-fey why it is better to be ruled by love than fear. I wanted to see in her what Essus and Barinthus must have seen. And if that meant the death of a character I would miss greatly, the death would have at least lent weight and gravity to the situation; the realization that life is not a fairy tale, even in Faerie. Certainly Merry would have come full circle, and be making the hard decisions and sacrifices herself. The candles were lit, the table laid, but no.
What did we get? More Gentry Investigations in LA. Character development in characters we will never see again. An abandonment of character development in the characters we were interested in. And badly portrayed sex. I feel robbed.
The entire series could do with a rewrite. So many excellent and edgy ideas, themes, cultures and real moral dilemmas are tantalizingly present. Nuances of character and psyche that should have been explored in more depth. But as the series stands now, there's so much muck to sift through, why bother?
Do not buy this. Library.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rebecca rebecs44
The characters are unforgettable and, well, immortal. I've had to re-read the series waiting for the next book to be released.
There has been TOO MUCH TIME between this book and the new one to come out.
I enjoy the Anita Blake series. I don't want Merry et al to get pushed aside.
There has been TOO MUCH TIME between this book and the new one to come out.
I enjoy the Anita Blake series. I don't want Merry et al to get pushed aside.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
didi chanoch
Merry Gentry is finally pregnant, she kills her cousin Cel and eliminates that threat, she's been offered the crown of the Unseelie Sidhe and turns it down and goes back to L.A. At this point you'd think the story would begin to show you what direction it's going to take next. Instead, we get a lesser fey murder mystery, lots of gratuitous sex, magic shows it's still alive with Merry... but no actual movement in the story. By the time you reach the end you've learned nothing and the story has gone nowhere. All in all....I'm very disappointed that I've had to wait an entire year for this. If the next story doesn't start to go somewhere I have to think I'm going to be done with this series. This book was a huge disappointment to me.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cheryl symonds
I love this continuing storyline...and I can't wait for the next book! Will the children have their own
sithin? Will Merideth finally have her own kingdom ? This book was a teaser in the best sense of the word,.
A lot of continuing relationships grew, but more importantly, Merideth is growing in strength of personalty.
Please Ms Hamilton, write more!
sithin? Will Merideth finally have her own kingdom ? This book was a teaser in the best sense of the word,.
A lot of continuing relationships grew, but more importantly, Merideth is growing in strength of personalty.
Please Ms Hamilton, write more!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
anna baker
Just finished reading through each book in order, again, and loved them better since I had them all and didn't have to wait till another one is written. I can now read the newest book with everything fresh in my mind. I enjoy the Merry books as much as the Anita books.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
marcus blair
I love the whole series and I'm actually saddened that there isn't more of the series to come, I hope one day there will be just to learn of what the babies turned out to be, who they favored more in the looks area, and as well just to hear more of them.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
chelsea c
I love all the Merry Gentry books! I look forward to each one and preorder when I can. I enjoy the premise of the fey trying to make it in the real world and having to deal with the issues we all do. Throw in Merry Gentry's men and magic and the story is great!
Please Rate(Merry Gentry 8) (A Merry Gentry Novel) - Divine Misdemeanors