The Quarryman's Bride (Land of Shining Water)

ByTracie Peterson

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Book description: "Emmalyne Knox and Tavin MacLachlan were destined to be together...until the tragic deaths of Emmalyne's youngest sisters. Family tradition mandates that the youngest daughter should remain single to care for her parents in their old age, and now that daughter is Emmalyne. Her father unyielding, Emmalyne surrenders to her duty, heartbroken. Tavin leaves town, equally devastated.

Years later, Emmalyne's family moves, and she and Tavin meet again. Their feelings for each other are as strong as ever, but their painful past and Emmalyne's father still stand between them. Soon both families are in the midst of the growing conflict rising between the workers at the granite quarry that Tavin's father owns and operates. When a series of near-fatal accidents occur, Tavin must figure out who is behind the attacks before someone gets killed.

Bound by obligation, yet yearning for a future together, can Emmalyne and Tavin dare to dream that God could heal a decade-long wound and change the hearts of those who would stand in the way of true love?"

My review: Tracie Peterson really gets the reader thinking about how far an adult child nees to go to honor their father and mother. This would probably be considered a controversial subject, but I think Ms. Peterson handles it very well. I appreciated the character of Emmalyne. Her character displayed strength, yet she showed her weaknesses. Also, while hating Emmalyne's father the reader is drawn to love him by the end of the book. Ms. Peterson did a great job showing the heart of her characters and allowing the reader to experience their circumstances with them. I loved the plot and the unexpected twist at the end. This is a great book and one that I had a hard time putting down. I received a complimentary e-copy of this book from Bethany House Publishers in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lauren roy
Although "The Quarryman's Bride" is the second book in Tracie Peterson's Land of Shining Water series, it can easily stand on its own. The novel opens in the tragic aftermath of a tornado that took the lives of Emmalynne's two younger sisters. In his grief, Emmalynne's father forces her to leave her fiance to move with her remaining family to uphold the family tradition that the youngest daughter will care for her parents in their old age. Devastated, Emmalynne chose to honor her parents much to Tavin's displeasure.

After a period of over ten years, the Knox family returns to their former home where her father has accepted employment at the Maclachlan quarry. Emmalynne's mother has become a invalid so Emmalynne is responsible for making sure all the work is done; however conditions in their new home are primitive compared to their city home. Emmalynne's father is still a tyrant who demonstrates no love to his family and she has lost all hope for happiness. Even the new doctor's obvious interest is doomed to come to nothing. Tavin's return home brings both pain and hope to Emmalynne who realizes she has never stopped loving him. Yet nothing has changed - there is no way they can ever be together.

Filled with raw emotion and a steadfast love, "The Quarryman's Bride" was a thoroughly satisfying book. Peterson's characters are so well developed that they invite the reader's involvement in their lives. A beautiful story of reconciliation and redemption, it emphasizes the importance of reliance on God rather than oneself. I especially liked the changes in Emmalynne's father after she chose to love him despite his harsh treatment of his entire family. A poignant tale with danger, drama, action, romance, and even a hint of mystery, "The Quarryman's Bride" is an excellent choice for historical fiction lovers.

This book was provided for review by LitFuse Publicity.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The Quarryman's Bride, by Tracie Peterson, opens in 1886 at the funeral of Emmalyne Knox's two younger sisters who died as the result of injuries sustained during a tornado while living in St Cloud, Minnesota. Emmalyne and Tavin MacLachlan are to be married in two months. Suddenly, her father forbids the marriage. The reason? Tradition. Emmalyne's older sisters are married with families of their own. Her sisters tragic death left Emmalyne to honor the Knox family tradition of taking care of her parents. To make things worse, her father announces he is moving the family to Minneapolis. Tavin begs Emmalyne to elope. Heartbroken, she tells him she cannot defy her father.

Fast forward eleven years and the Knox family has moved back to St Cloud because Mr. Knox has accepted a position at Tevin's father's quarry. The past eleven years have not been kind to Emmalyne. Her mother has been physically weakened by her deep depression and sorrow. Her father remains cold, unreasonable and cheap. Emmalyne has done her best to care for her mother as well as tending to the needs of her father and younger brother. She now finds herself living within a few miles of Tevin's family home and she doesn't know what to expect. She hasn't stopped loving him. Does he still love her?
The Knox and MacLachlan families were no strangers to tragedy and sorrow. The author skillfully provides an intimate look into their lives. Family secrets, faith, fear, mistakes and love are presented with compassion and grace. I found the story to be emotionally stirring and believable.

I received this book free of charge from Bethany House and I give this review of my own free will
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★

'Tradition' - one coveted word and yet needed to be done away with. This story takes place in 1897. As usual, Ms. Peterson writes another historic fiction book, Christian based. This is the second book in the Land Of Shining Water series. Book One was THE ICECUTTER'S DAUGHTER. Two small girls were killed during a tornado. Combined with that and the 'Tradition', two people's lives were changed. A wedding to be ended right then and there. The 'Tradition' came from faith in the Bible.

Emmalyne, the bride to be, could not go against her father or the 'Tradition'. Could the love last for years between Tavin and Emmalyne? Maybe Tavin had found someone else. The book describes the depression and how it had affected everyone. Work at the quarry was being interfered with. Was the Union behind it? Or was it someone with an axe to grind? There is so much struggle, personal and family in this book. But you can't put the book down, You want Emmalyne to stand up for herself and call the 'Tradition' to a halt. But instead she honors her father and loses her husband to be. More conflict and tension as Emmalyne's father and Tavin begin working together at Tavin's father's quarry. The author makes the 19th century story come alive, as though you are there. The author did another fine job and didn't miss a beat. The next book in this series is THE MINER'S LADY. I would recommend this book to anyone. It's marvelous, as usual.

I would give this book 5 STARS.

I received this complimentary copy of THE QUARRYMAN'S BRIDE by Tracie Peterson from Bethany House Publisher's for this unbiased review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
trish chiles
Set in St. Cloud, Minnesota, "The Quarryman's Bride" by Tracie Peterson features the story of Emmalyne Knox and Tavin MacLachlan. Emmalyne's father rules his family with an iron fist, showing very little love and compassion. After her younger sisters are killed in a tornado, she is torn apart from her fiancee, Tavin, when her father declares she can no longer marry but will be required to care for her parents, as is tradition for the youngest unmarried daughter. Tavin attempts to convince Emmalyne to elope, but she refuses out of a desire to honor her parents.

Eleven long years have passed. Emmalyne has faithfully served her parents and Tavin has performed a number of different jobs, traveling to different parts of the country, in an attempt to forget his love for Emmalyne. When Emmalyne's father returns to the quarry business he left eleven years ago, circumstances reunite the couple and they rediscover their love for one another.

Mental illness is a side plot that runs through this story. Emmalyne's mother suffers from depression and Tavin's sister suffers from severe mental illness occurring after the death of her husband. It's a great look at a common, but much neglected topic in Christian literature.

Overall, the story was good. The second book in the trilogy, it wasn't quite up to par with the first book in the series. There are enough twists and turns to keep the reader engaged in the story.

(I've received this complimentary book from Bethany House Publishers through the Book Blogger program in exchange for a review. A positive review was not required and the views expressed in my review are strictly my own.)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This was an extremely difficult book for me to review. First of all, it is a historical romance, and it written by one of the my favorite Christian authors. I was enthralled with the Christian message and sound Biblical theology, and I the exceptional writing captured my mind and spirit. I was able to connect with much of the story, and I found myself actually caring about what each character was experiencing within the story. Though a sweet, clean romance, there are some realistic portions where the author deals with mental illness, union activities, and the questioning of God's goodness. The book has most of the elements to make it an outstanding story.

I struggled to separate my dislike of a few of the story elements from the actual review of the book. I did not like the ending, and I wished that happy endings were not so expected in romances. I was hoping for an open-ended conclusion and possibly a sequel in order to solve the love triangle. Redemption is an part of the story, but I just felt that some of the story seemed contrived. An organic story where things don't always happen like they should would have resonated with me better. I just never liked Tavin. Gve me the doctor any day!

I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. I was not financially compensated, and all opinions are 100 percent mine.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I recently finished reading the book The Quarryman's Bride by Tracie Peterson. Tracie Peterson is one of my favorite authors, so I was looking forward to reading this historical fiction novel.

The book begins in St. Cloud, Minnesota in 1886. Emmalyne Knox's family has just experienced a tragic loss and as a result, her father forbids her to marry Tavin MacLachlan despite the fact that their wedding is to take place very soon. Emmalyne honors her father's order and leaves the area with her family without marrying Tavin. The remainder of the novel takes place eleven years later in 1897. Emmalyne has toiled for years to care for her family, but she has never forgotten or stopped loving Tavin. After leaving the St. Cloud area not long after the tragedy, the Knox family moves back to the area in the summer of 1897. Tavin also finds his way back to his childhood home and he and Emmalyne are unexpectedly reunited. Emmalyne continues to honor her father's command, but also begins to fervently pray for her family and their restoration to joy and happiness.

I very much enjoy reading historical fiction books and this one was well-written. I especially appreciated the information woven into the book about how hard people had to work in their jobs and to maintain their homes. Emmalyne honors her parents throughout the book but begins to pray and believe that changes can happen in her family. I found her kind and obedient character in the book extremely endearing. I would definitely recommend this book!

I received a copy of this book from Bethany House Publishers in exchange for this review; all opinions are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I really enjoyed The Quarryman's Bride. I felt such a range of emotions: anger, irritation, frustration and joy. While I didn't agree with the reason that Emmalyne and Tavin didn't get married I found it interesting to see the different ways each of them handled their disappointment. Emmalyne has accepted that she is to be alone for the rest of her life and while she is saddened and hurt by the abuse her father heaps on her and her mother she keeps trudging through a life of sorrow and unhappiness. Her mother has given up on life and taken to her bed, her father is so angry and grieving so deep that he takes out his emotions and fury on his family. The only one in their family that has really made strides forward is her brother. Living in this family would be awful and it's amazing that Emmalyne kept her spiritual life growing.

Tavin on the other hand is angry - he has taken his disappointment to the other extreme by making choices in life that a Christian has no business taking. When he returns home after his father becomes ill it's to a family that is still functioning but his sister is ill and his parents really need his help and he needs to decide if he is going to hang around and help his parents or risk disappointing them.

Outstanding book! I'm really hoping that there is a sequel to this book - I'd love to see Emmalyne's brother in a book of his own. It would be wonderful to see him grow spirtually and find a love of his own. =D

Disclaimer: I was given a copy of the book to read & review on GivingNSharing. No money exchanged hands and I was not required to have a positive review. Thanks for reading GivingNSharing!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This book was just as enjoyable as the Icecutter's Daughter. It is the second in the Land of Shining Waters Series, but you don't need to read this series in order. This is the story of Emmalyne and Tavin. They are to be married, but after a tornado takes the life of Emmalyne's two younger sisters, her father says she can't marry Tavin because she has to take care of her parents to fulfill a long held tradition. The family then moves away, Tavin also leaves the area. Eleven years later, they are all back to help Tavin's father, Robert, with his Quarry. Emmalyne and Tavin find that they still have feelings for each other, but Emmalyne's father is so bitter and hate filled Emmalyne knows her life will never change. Her mother never got over the deaths of her sisters and is not much help, it takes Emmalyne's brother Angus falling sick for Emmalyne's mother, Rowena, to snap out of her depression. Tavin's sister, Fenella, is also suffering mental illness after the death of her husband. This brings Emmalyne and Tavin together as Emmalyne goes to help Tavin's mother to help care for Fenella and her two young sons. After many prayers to GOD, will Emmalyne's father have a change of heart. And what about all of the problems at the quarry that are thought to be caused by a local Union. And after a tragedy will Emmalyne and Tavin get to be together. This was a very well written book and makes me glad that I wasn't born in those times and have to give my life to take care of my parents to fulfill a tradition. Great job Tracie another great read.

I received a complimentary copy of this book for my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The Quarryman's Bride, by Tracie Peterson, is the second novel in the series, Land of Shining Water. This novel is the story of young love, sacrificial obedience, soul searching, and reconciling redemption.

Set in late 19th Century St. Cloud, Minnesota, tragedy strikes, tearing two families apart. Emmalyne Knox is forced to chose obedience to her father's wishes, over a life filled with love to the man of her dreams. Their wedding is called off, only weeks before the date, when her father uproots his family, moving to another state. After the passage of eleven years, the family unexpectedly returns to St. Cloud where Emmalyne is forced to revisit her past, though events have changed the lives of people she once held dear. Circumstances cause Emmalyne to examine her heart and the feelings she has toward her father. She is also forced to confront her greatest fear, seeing the man she left behind all those years ago. Is there any hope that love has remained constant, through heartache and time?

While I enjoy reading novels by this author, I did feel that the book moved very quickly at the beginning; I struggled with the hasty transition. However, she worked to redeem herself after the eleven year lapse between chapters one and two. The book was not entirely predictable, though some parts seemed a little forced and didn't seem to flow. The book lent itself to being a good love story. There are some historical references throughout, as well as some minimal insight into the time period, but nothing extensive. Overall, I thought it was a nice book and an enjoyable read. I would recommend it.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Bethany House Publishers for the purpose of review. All thoughts in this review are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I received this book for review from Bethany House Publisher
The Quarryman's Bride is a story about love lost and found again. Emmalyne and Tavin are engaged to be married when the deaths of her two sisters turn her world upside down and end all thoughts of a wedding. Over the years Emmalyne and Tavin struggle with trusting God and accepting His plan for their lives, especially after they are reunited. Can they work through their anger and resentment toward God and Emmalyne's father?
I was a little disappointed with the story line as I found it to be very similar to other books so much so that I could tell you how it was going to end. However, there were some things I did like about the book.
I found the characters to be very real in this story. The struggles they went through (mentally and emotionally) are ones that we face every day and the author was able to show how we are to get through them Biblically. I thought it was good how the main character confided in her pastor and took his advice on dealing through her issues with her father. So many of us face similar circumstances and feelings towards parental authority so it's a topic that definitely needs to be addressed in our world.
I did think the subplot (Tavin's sister suffers from a mental break down) was one that could have been developed more. Dealing with mental illness is a big thing in our society and needs to be handled with great care. The author does show how we need to be willing to accept help if someone we know suffers from this and not be afraid of looking weak.
Overall I found the book a little disappointing and not as captivating as it could have been.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
muhammad emam
Emmalyne Knox and Tavin MacLachlan were destined to be together...until the tragic deaths of Emmalyne's youngest sisters. Family tradition mandates that the youngest daughter should remain single to care for her parents in their old age, and now that daughter is Emmalyne. Her father unyielding, Emmalyne surrenders to her duty, heartbroken. Tavin leaves town, equally devastated.

Years later, Emmalyne's family moves, and she and Tavin meet again. Their feelings for each other are as strong as ever, but their painful past and Emmalyne's father still stand between them. Soon both families are in the midst of the growing conflict rising between the workers at the granite quarry that Tavin's father owns and operates. When a series of near-fatal accidents occur, Tavin must figure out who is behind the attacks before someone gets killed.

Bound by obligation, yet yearning for a future together, can Emmalyne and Tavin dare to
dream that God could heal a decade-long wound and change the hearts of those who would stand in the way of true love?

THE QUARRYMAN'S BRIDE is the second book in the Land of Shining Waters series. I did read the first book The Icecutter's Daughter first, but the books did stand alone. THE QUARRYMAN'S BRIDE starts sad...and it is a rough time period, as well as a rough setting so there were other sad parts in the story. Readers might want to keep tissues handy.

This isn't a sweet romance. It is a romance fraught with struggles that seemed destined to keep lovers apart. I had to keep reading to find out how they overcome all the obstacles. Fans of Tracie Peterson won't want to miss this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
donna marie
Does true love have an expiration date? Can it last after twelve years of absence? Does absence really make the heart grow fonder or does it make the heart forget? Would you obey your father when he has forbidden you to marry the only man you've ever loved?

Emmaline Knox has always loved Tavis MacLachlan. Twelve years ago, they were just weeks away from being man and wife when a storm takes the lives of Emmaline's two younger sisters, their plans for marriage are destroyed. Tradition rules and as the youngest daughter, Emmaline must now remain home to care for her parents. She obediently bids Tavis goodbye, moves out of town with her family and holds her heartbreak in silence.

But now the family is back at the quarry and she meets Tavis again. Nothing in her heart prepares her to be so close and yet still so far away. A new set of challenges face Emmaline and she is once again having to choose between honor and love.

Heart-breaking unrequited love and honor for parents are themes woven throughout this book by Tracie Peterson. The moral compass pointed straight to God and family. I found myself weeping along side Emmaline as she struggled to make a home on the prairie and keep her family together. Touched by tragedy, heartache, loneliness, the characters in this book evoked empathy. I found myself reading late into the night rooting for them to find happiness, peace and most of all love.

I received this book from Bethany House through the Litfuse Publicity Group. Everything written above is my opinion and I was given a copy of this book in exchange for this review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nick boisson
Below are the top three reasons you might NOT want to read this book. (Hee, hee, hee. Stay with me here... *toothy grin*)

Here are they are in no particular order....

Reason 1: Don't read this book if you value sleep.
I had the HARDEST time putting this book down, and I'm suffering for it. But its worth it, even if I do walk around acting (and looking) like a zombie. My husband loves me anyway.

Reason 2: You will be VERY tempted to rename your children Tavin and Emmalyne.
These main characters are AWESOME! This is the first HCR that I've read (that I can remember...) where the main characters have a history. They were in love before--engaged actually--and now, eleven years later, they are throw back into each others lives. The romantic tension is fabulous. Tavin, well, he's completely wonderful--tough and tender all at the same time. And Emmalyne is just as sweet.

Reason 2: The next book you read might not be quite as good.
You might be worried whatever you read next won't be as good. Has that ever happened to you before? Well, if it hasn't already, it might happen now. *wink* But, thankfully we HRC lovers know that really great stories like this aren't hard to find.

Seriously, folks. This book had excellent characters, fun drama and marvelous spiritual messages throughout the story. If nothing else, you should read the book because the cover is magnificent.

Thank you very much to Bethany House for the free copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
isaac kerry
The Quarryman's Bride by Tracie Peterson is historical fiction set in the late 1890s. I haven't enjoyed one of her books in a long time, but this one was pretty good. It was predictable, a little long in some places, but different and enjoyable overall. :-)

Emmalyne Knox is at the funeral for her two younger sisters when another tragedy strikes. Her father reneges on his permission for her to marry Tavin MacLachlan because of a tradition. Heartbroken, she obeys her parents and moves away with them. Tavin, meanwhile, is furious that Emmalyne wouldn't elope with him and travels to Maine.

Eleven years pass, and Emmalyne's love has never waned for Tavin. When her father says they are moving back to St. Cloud, Minnesota to work for the MacLachlan's quarry, she is dismayed. Is Tavin back home? If so, how can she bear to see him knowing they can never be together.

Tavin travels back home when he hears how sick his sister is. Once there he promises his father he will stay and help him with the business. That was before he found out the Knox's were back in town.... Tavin has no choice but to stay, but at what cost? He can't bear to see Emmalyne again. Not after how she spurned him for her father's ridiculous decree.

Like I said, it was predictable, but aren't all romance's predictable? haha I liked it, though. It was a nice change of pace. :-)

I was given this book free from Bethany House in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
vern hyndman
I've read several books by Tracie Peterson and enjoyed them all. "The Quarryman's Bride" from the Land of Shining Water series was no exception.

Emmalyne Knox and Tavin MacLachlan have always been close friends and are actually hoping to marry in the not to distant future. But when tragedy strikes their family, Emmalyne's dad informs Emmalyne and Tavin that they cannot get married. In fact, Emmalyne is not allowed to get married at all. She is to spend her life taking care of her family. Tavin tries hard to convince her to run away and defy her father, but Emmalyne stands strong. Her family moves away from the town where they grew up, and Emmalyne resigns herself to a life of tending to her family and never doing anything for fun.

Several years later, the family returns to their former hometown. While many things have changed, what has not changed is that Tavin's family still lives in the area. Tavin has grown bitter and left the small town, but ends up returning and his path crosses with Emmalyne again. I won't say more for fear of giving away too much of the story.

I found this to be an enjoyable piece of historical fiction. My heart broke for Emmalyne and the situation she found herself in, and I rejoiced for her in moments of joy. If you enjoy historical fiction, and if you are a Tracie Peterson fan, you will enjoy this book.

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
In "The Quarryman's Bride" by Tracie Peterson we meet Emmalyne Knox. Emmalyne grew up in St. Cloud, Minnesota and fell in love with Tavin MacLachlan. Just weeks before their wedding, a storm comes through and kills Emmalyne's two younger sisters. Her father ends her engagement because of a tradition that the youngest daughter must never marry and take care of her parents. Emmalyne and Tavin were devastated. Now eleven years have passed and Emmalyne's family has moved back to St. Cloud. Her father and brother are now working for the MacLachlan's. Tavin also returns to St. Cloud in order to help his father with the family business. When Emmalyne and Tavin run into each other they realize the love is still there, but Tavin knows that nothing can ever come of it. He tries to push Emmalyne away but circumstances keep bringing them together. The more time they spend together the deeper the feelings grown. Emmalyne knows that the only way for them to be together is to convince her father he was wrong. Will she be able to bring her father back to the Lord and bring the families together again?

"The Quarryman's Bride" is the second book in the Land of Shining Water trilogy but it can be read as a standalone. This story shows us that nothing can stand in the way of true love as long as we put our faith in God. I highly recommend reading "The Icecutter's Daughter" as well. I received a complimentary copy of this book to review from Bethany House Publishers.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
"The Quarryman's Bride" is the story of Emmalyne Knox, a young woman who chooses to sacrifice her personal dreams for the future in order to honor her parents. In doing so, however, she finds herself a victim of abuse and neglect. With great courage, she entrusts her circumstances to God, believing He will use her life to bless the people He has placed her among. Hers is a story of trust in, faithfulness to, and reliance on God.

In contrast, Emmalyne's former love, Tavin MacLachlan, also a victim of her circumstances, reacts to their broken engagement by running away from everyone he knows and loves--Emmalyne, his family, his God. When trouble at home calls him back to help his family, his own spiritual and emotional healing begins.

I love this story! I love seeing how an author, like Tracie Peterson, can show, even through fiction, how God can work in the lives of people who place their trust in Him and how He also can work through life events to bring the runners home.

Note: victims of abuse may find the opening chapters of the book to be stressful. They also need to know that the outcome presented in the book is only possible when all people involved choose to listen to, trust in, and follow God. However, the story offers hope of reconciliation, something all people need.

I thank Bethany House Publishers for sending a complimentary copy of this book for my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
fonda balir
The latest book I had the privilege of reading for review was called The Quarryman's Bride by Tracy Peterson. I recently read an earlier book in this series, The Icecutter's Daughter, but both books stand alone and are not related except for the time period and geographic region.

The main chacter, Emmalyne Knox, is forbidden to marry her fiance, Tavin MacLachlan, after her youngest sisters' tragic deaths leave her as the one made to remain single and care for her parents according to family tradition. The family leaves town, but eleven years later they return and Emmmalyne and Tavin meet again. The odds are still stacked against them... Tavin's anger, Emmalyne's harsh father, a decade of wounded hearts, danger at the granite quarry, and a charming local doctor could all keep them apart.

This book was really good! I read it very quickly because I did not want to put it down! The characters were engaging and yet showed growth throughout the novel. They captured my attention and emotions. The story had many twists and turns, so it was not always very predictable. Tracy Peterson did an excellent job of incorporating a strong Christian message into the storyline. I felt that a lot could be learned from this book as well. I would definitely recommend this book!

(I received this book as a gift from the publisher, Bethany House, for the purpose of writing a review. The opinions are my own.)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
gabbie winney
In "The Quarryman's Bride" by Tracie Peterson we meet Emmalyne Knox. Emmalyne grew up in St. Cloud, Minnesota and fell in love with Tavin MacLachlan. Just weeks before their wedding, a storm comes through and kills Emmalyne's two younger sisters. Her father ends her engagement because of a tradition that the youngest daughter must never marry and take care of her parents. Emmalyne and Tavin were devastated. Now eleven years have passed and Emmalyne's family has moved back to St. Cloud. Her father and brother are now working for the MacLachlan's. Tavin also returns to St. Cloud in order to help his father with the family business. When Emmalyne and Tavin run into each other they realize the love is still there, but Tavin knows that nothing can ever come of it. He tries to push Emmalyne away but circumstances keep bringing them together. The more time they spend together the deeper the feelings grown. Emmalyne knows that the only way for them to be together is to convince her father he was wrong. Will she be able to bring her father back to the Lord and bring the families together again?

"The Quarryman's Bride" is the second book in the Land of Shining Water trilogy but it can be read as a standalone. This story shows us that nothing can stand in the way of true love as long as we put our faith in God. I highly recommend reading "The Icecutter's Daughter" as well. I received a complimentary copy of this book to review from Bethany House Publishers.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
"The Quarryman's Bride" is the story of Emmalyne Knox, a young woman who chooses to sacrifice her personal dreams for the future in order to honor her parents. In doing so, however, she finds herself a victim of abuse and neglect. With great courage, she entrusts her circumstances to God, believing He will use her life to bless the people He has placed her among. Hers is a story of trust in, faithfulness to, and reliance on God.

In contrast, Emmalyne's former love, Tavin MacLachlan, also a victim of her circumstances, reacts to their broken engagement by running away from everyone he knows and loves--Emmalyne, his family, his God. When trouble at home calls him back to help his family, his own spiritual and emotional healing begins.

I love this story! I love seeing how an author, like Tracie Peterson, can show, even through fiction, how God can work in the lives of people who place their trust in Him and how He also can work through life events to bring the runners home.

Note: victims of abuse may find the opening chapters of the book to be stressful. They also need to know that the outcome presented in the book is only possible when all people involved choose to listen to, trust in, and follow God. However, the story offers hope of reconciliation, something all people need.

I thank Bethany House Publishers for sending a complimentary copy of this book for my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alexandra barker
The latest book I had the privilege of reading for review was called The Quarryman's Bride by Tracy Peterson. I recently read an earlier book in this series, The Icecutter's Daughter, but both books stand alone and are not related except for the time period and geographic region.

The main chacter, Emmalyne Knox, is forbidden to marry her fiance, Tavin MacLachlan, after her youngest sisters' tragic deaths leave her as the one made to remain single and care for her parents according to family tradition. The family leaves town, but eleven years later they return and Emmmalyne and Tavin meet again. The odds are still stacked against them... Tavin's anger, Emmalyne's harsh father, a decade of wounded hearts, danger at the granite quarry, and a charming local doctor could all keep them apart.

This book was really good! I read it very quickly because I did not want to put it down! The characters were engaging and yet showed growth throughout the novel. They captured my attention and emotions. The story had many twists and turns, so it was not always very predictable. Tracy Peterson did an excellent job of incorporating a strong Christian message into the storyline. I felt that a lot could be learned from this book as well. I would definitely recommend this book!

(I received this book as a gift from the publisher, Bethany House, for the purpose of writing a review. The opinions are my own.)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
karan parikh
Thank you to Lit Fuse and Tracie Peterson for sending me a copy of The Quarryman's Bride. I am a huge fan of Tracie's writing. I am excited to share the latest novel.
Emmalyne is about to wed Tavin McLachlan when tragedy strikes her family. The two youngest daughters are causalities from a tornado. Their deaths especially affect the father. He decides that the wedding will not happen due to an old custom and Emmalyne feels she must obey, but feels conflicted about her feelings for Tavin. What will happen to Tavin? As the years go by how will she and Tavin reconcile their feelings? Is there any hope for the future?
My Thoughts:
Tracie is one of my favorite authors. She has a way of telling a story that grasps you from the beginning to the very end. The master of storytelling has mastered another tale. The development of conflict between the McLachlan family and the Knoxs that creates great emotion. You can see this through the struggles that Tavin, Emmalyne, and Mr. Knox.
Any woman could identify with Emmalyne's conflict between obeying her father and following her heart to Tavin McLachlan. My heart went out to her in this delimma and I wondered how she would maintain hope?
This time the setting is in Minnesota and the lake of shinning waters. The writer is very descriptive of the time and the surroundings. I can't wait to see more from Tracie. This novel is a treasure to read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I just read The Quarryman's Bride by Tracie Peterson. I thought this was a fun book. It was about a girl named Emmalyne who just weeks before her wedding, her two younger sisters die so her father refuses to let her marry because of an old family tradition: the youngest daughter cannot marry but must stay home and take care of their aging parents for the rest of their days. Emmalyne's fiance would have her blow off her parents and elope with him, and although she loves him she feels like she need to honor her parents and stay with them instead. Her family moves away and after 10 years they decide to move back. When Emmalyne and her former fiance see each other again they know that they love the felt for each other is still there, but the same obstacle as before is till there as well: her father. I enjoyed reading this book. It was a good book about a daughters loyalty to her parents and it gave an good example of different ways to deal with trials. While Emmalyne tried through it all to move closer to God, her father and fiance blamed him instead, and she was much better off for it. The book was set in the late 1800's and is a christian novel. It was a clean easy quick read (one of my favorite kinds).

I received this book for free from Bethany House Publishing in return for an honest review. If you would like to review books follow this link: [...]
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Have you ever wondered about how traditions are set in stone? One person believes and then their descendents have to believe the same thing, never doubting that the original person could be wrong so many years ago. Then add some history to it and BAM! It becomes a story.

In Quarryman's Bride by Tracie Peterson, Emmalyne Knox and Tavin MacLachlan were destined to be together...until the tragic deaths of Emmalyne's youngest sisters. Family tradition mandates that the youngest daughter should remain single to care for her parents in their old age, and now that daughter is Emmalyne. Her father unyielding, Emmalyne surrenders to her duty, heartbroken. Tavin leaves town, equally devastated.

Years later, Emmalyne's family moves, and she and Tavin meet again. Their feelings for each other are as strong as ever, but their painful past and Emmalyne's father still stand between them. Soon both families are in the midst of the growing conflict rising between the workers at the granite quarry that Tavin's father owns and operates. When a series of near-fatal accidents occur, Tavin must figure out who is behind the attacks before someone gets killed.

Bound by obligation, yet yearning for a future together, can Emmalyne and Tavin dare to dream that God could heal a decade-long wound and change the hearts of those who would stand in the way of true love?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
maudeen wachsmith
I have really enjoyed this series, Land of Shining Water, by Tracie Peterson. I like how Tracie Peterson can take those tough and difficult circumstances and still show that God is worthy of being trusted. The opening pages don't sugarcoat the circumstances that Emmalyne Knox finds herself in. It was a little uncomfortable to read because your heart goes out to Emmalyne, but I'm glad that abuse was covered in this book.

Tavin and Emmalyne want to marry and plan to until God's plans intervene. Years go by and they meet each other again. Their love blooms, but before they can join in marriage, issues need to be discussed. Both of them have had some traumatic experiences and different responsibilities that mean that they have to put their happiness on hold to please others.

Tracie Peterson has always been one of my top authors to read. She is able to tell weave different stories together to show readers that God has a plan for each person and that He is still in control, even if we can never understand. I'm looking forward to reading book 3 in September.

To read more reviews on this book, go to [...]


I received this book free from Bethany House Publishers and Lituse Publicity Group in exchange for my honest opinion of this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
claudia breland
I loved how Emmalyne Knox followed the Lord's Commandments, no matter the heartache that presented itself. With her heart broken she takes care of her Mother, and Brother and Father.
At first I did not like the Father, what a grumpy personality. He sure is a "Me Person". Some of the things that have happened in his life are really tragic, but he needs to find his way back to God. Both his daughter and his wife feel he doesn't "Love" them, and he treats them that way.
We meet more tragedy in this small MN community, it comes from different directions, and seems to be linking back to the Unions??
We also meet Emmalyne's former Fiancé, Travis MacLachlan. We read and can hear the deep brogue spoken, almost like we are there, through the author's writing. I loved hearing it.
Will Emmalyne ever have her own personal happiness? Their is the new Dr in town who likes what he sees in her. Will her Mother ever be able to live again, so much grief and heartache. Will her Father ever come back to his Lord, and live a happy life? The answers are here in this wonderful read. I recommend you pick it up, you won't put it down until finished.

I received this book through Litfuse Publicity Book Tours, and was not required to give a positive review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I really enjoyed this book. Emmalyne was set to be married to Tavin, then tragedy strikes. Her two younger sisters are killed and that leaves her to serve in the role as the youngest daughter. Though it isn't something she was planning and she loves Tavin, she doesn't marry him so she can take care of her aging parents. Her father is the one pressing this and she and her family move. Years later, they move back and Emmalyne realizes she still loves Tavin but the same obstacle still stands between them and happiness.
I really liked this book. Emmalyne was heartbroken to not marry Tavin but she did as her father demanded. She trusted God throughout though it wasn't what she wanted, she still trusted Him. I loved that. Tavin didn't and neither did her father but as the story unfolds, we learn more about them. Tavin only comes back to town because of a promise to his father and sickness strikes Emmalyne's family. Overall, it was a good solid Christian story.
I rate this a 4/5. It is a good quick read that has more depth than you would expect.

Thank you to litfuse for the review copy of this book. I received this book in exchange for an honest review and the opinions stated above are 100% mine.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bexy ross
After her two siblings are swept away by a tornado, Emmalyne is forced to stay home and take care of her mother, and forbidden from ever marrying.

This book started out on a such a sad note, which made it a bit hard to get into but as I kept reading rays of hope began to shine I realized how much I truly enjoyed this book. Emmalyne was such a strong character, and took what her father threw at her with strength, faith, and courage.

I really liked how there were so many characters, with both Tavin and Emmalyne's large families. I also really liked the doctor, and thought that he was a kind man.

There was a lot going on and I loved how complex the families were and I really got a feel for the conflicts that were going on. There was the cutest 4 year old, named Gunnar who I just adored!

I loved the history woven into this tale and the many dynamics that really came together to make such a touching story.

Overall a touching story, with well characterized families and plenty going one with great details. I loved how it all came together and I would happily recommend this book to others!

I received this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. Thank you!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Emmalyne Knox and Tavin MacLachlan had the type of love that we dream about but rarely find. Months before they were to marry, her mother dies. Suddenly, Emmalyne's life changes. Because of some (archaic) family rule, she can not marry Tavin, but follow her father and take care of him. Despite being an adult, and the please of her love, she obeys her father and leaves Tavin behind. Tavin devastated leaves with a broken heart.
Years later Emmalyne's father returns to the quarry business. Unbeknownst to Emmalyne, Tavin has returned also. The two meet once again, only to find their love for one another is still strong. Eventually love wins out and the two are returned to one another.
I really enjoyed reading this historic fictional story. I did find myself yelling silently at the father. Seriously? You cannot figure out how to take care of yourself? What's up with an adult daughter giving up her life and her husband for an aged who is a pain in the butt? I guess I don't understand the "Honor your Father and Mother" being interpreted as "Til death do us part."
Overall, a great story, easy-to-read. Perfect for a night of rest
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
andrea vincent
Emmalyne Knox & Tavin MacLachlan are in love and weeks away from their wedding when tragedy strikes Emmalyne's family and her father says that the marriage is off.

Fast forward 11 years, Emmalyne & her family return to the town where she and Tavin fell in love. Emmalyne & Tavin meet again and realize that their feelings for one another haven't changed, but will they ever be permitted to marry?

Tracie Peterson is a master storyteller. The Quarryman's Bride is a lovely romantic story, but in many ways the romance falls by the wayside as the story becomes about more than Emmalyne and Tavin's love. It becomes the story of a family's healing after tragedy strikes. It is a story of family devotion versus devotion to one's self and God.

Emmalyne is torn between her devotion to her family and her love for Tavin. Like everyone does, she questions where God is when tragedy strikes and she begins to learn that being a Christian doesn't mean that things in our life will be perfect, but rather that God will be there to teach us and guide us if we trust Him. Emmalyne learns that love is an act, it is something you do, not just something we feel.

Disclaimer: I received a free copy of the book from Bethany House for review, but the opinions are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
hern n paz
I have read and enjoyed several of Tracie Peterson's books in the past, so I was looking forward to reading The Quarryman's Bride. She did not disappoint.

The story follows the love between Emmalyne Knox and Tavin MacLachlan. Tragedy has caused their pending wedding to be cancelled and their lives are separated for several years. Years later they are reunited, but has their love prevailed, or has life happened to cause them to stay apart?

This story was well written and kept me interested thoughout. My heart was in this story from the very beginning to the end. I love that type of story that can keep you engaged and have your emotions help to carry you through the story. I felt for Emmalyne and understood her quandary about helping her parents as was custom while still staying true to her own heart. I felt for Tavin who was stolen away from his fiancee as custom made clear.

This is another must read from Tracie Peterson.

Disclaimer: I recieved a copy of the book from the publisher in exchange for a review. All opinions are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
evan levy
Even though the main story line goes as expected there is so much else that the author has added: a move from city to country, fixing up the house and managing daily life, a new doctor, fighting depression, a mental illness, vandalism, a union situation, measles, stone work, funerals, and finally a wedding. The religious content is mixed well into conversations and daily life.

The heroine, Emmalyne, is a much better person than I. I don't think I would have been as obedient, generous, or loving in her situation. The hero reacts in a more typical way. Two of my favorite supporting characters are the young doctor and the pastor. The geographic location is mentioned and interesting but does not play a huge part in the story.

There is an eleven year gap in the beginning of the story that raised questions that were answered as I continued to read. The only question left is how many books is the author planning for this series and who will be the main characters in the next?

You can read more of my Christian fiction reviews at [...]
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The Quarryman's Bride is a sweet story that begins with an intriguing idea: What would you do if honoring your parents meant sacrificing your own personal fulfillment and heart's desire?

Peterson takes what seems like an impossible choice for a Christian, 19th-century young woman and turns it into an opportunity for healing and redemption. Peterson writes with clean, precise prose. Her plot, though simple, is well-paced and original, and it includes a rather interesting twist involving a potential rival for Emmalyne's affections.

Peterson is known for her meticulous research, and historical detail certainly plays a key role in this story. She believably shows what nineteenth-century Midwestern life must have been like for Scottish immigrants and their first generation American offspring.

Though I'm not especially drawn to historical inspirational fiction, this one measures up to every standard of the genre.

Thanks to Bethany House for providing me a free copy to review. All opinions are mine.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ann o neill
The story of The Quarryman's Bride takes place in Minnesota in the late 1890's. Emmalyne Knox was once engaged to Tavin MacLachlan and they were planning their wedding when a great tragedy pulled them apart 11 years ago. Emmalyne's father calls off the wedding because of a family tradition and she out of obedience and honor for her parents, goes along with her father though her heart is shattered. The 11 years that followed was filled with heartache and suffering for Emmalyne and her family and looking for stability, the family returns to the town where the tragedy struck.

Along the journey, Emmalyne returns to her Heavenly Father and finds hope and healing that she can only hope will restore her own family and the relationships broken over the years.

The Quarryman's Bride is the second book in the series, Land of the Shining Water. Though it is a series, each book is free standing and does not need to be read in any specific order. Tracie Peterson has once again written a great historical fiction that points to the love and redemption that only our Heavenly Father can offer.

I received this book from the publisher in return for my honest review, all opinions are my own.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Cussed TRADITION entangled love in this 1897 tale. Tracie Peterson expectedly writes enjoyable historical Christian fiction. "Quarryman's Bride," story 2 of "Land of Shining Water" is a `BLAST.' Sorry for the pun. Even tough and rugged quarrymen will enjoy this read. Romance is but a portion of life for these near-end 19th century families. Lasses will swoon over the chivalry.

Tradition combined with a fatal tornado ended a proposed marriage as quickly as the storm death of 2 wee girls. Scot/Welch traditions evolved from faith in the Bible's words. Emmalyne could nae oppose that. What would a St. Cloud return offer 11 years later? Would Tavin be married to another?

The story tells, through Em's ma, just how devastating depression can become. Sabotage interferes with the work to complete a contract at the quarry. Union tension is high for all quarrymen's families. The nearer the final pages approach, the more intense the action and suspense.

A conflict-driven yarn. As father Luthias said after Tavin appeared to begin working side-by-side at the quarry--11 years after Luthias denied his wedding to daughter Emmalyne:
"It can bode nothin' guid."
Slight brogue dialects and historical word usage makes the 19th century period come alive.

Peterson spins another rock-solid story. My appetite was whetted for the next in the adventure series, posted as "The Miner's Lady." If you missed book one, here's a link: Icecutter's Daughter, The (Land of Shining Water).
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Tracie Peterson has a nice, relaxing writing style that always seems to agree with me. I have especially been enjoying this Land of Shining Waters series. The Quarryman's Bride is the second in this series and another very good book by Tracie. I have always found Tracie's stories predictable and this one is no exception, but I have never been bothered by a predictable story. As I always say, if a story is predictable that means it didn't let me down and this book did not let me down. Just like with all of Tracie's books, this one had a good Christian message and characters that I was able to learn from.

Overall, The Quarryman's Bride is another nice story from a very talented author. I'm never wowed by a Tracie Peterson book, but I am always able to enjoy them. Even though this is the second book in the series, this can be read as a standalone. But, after having read the first book in this series, I recommend that one too.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
judy ahrens
The Knox family has been dealt some major tragedies. Emmalyne was engaged to Tavin, when her younger sister were killed. Emmalyne is now forced to take care of her parents due to a tradition that her father has.

Tragedy and this decision that Emmalyne can't marry sets a pattern of turmoil and anger in the Knox family. I am amazed by how many people one man's decision affects. Pursuing selfish desires over what God would have creates a great downward spiral for this whole family.

Can the Knox family turn back to God and turn around that downward spiral?

How blind am I to not think that my selfish decisions have a great impact on others? I think this need to be a daily reminder if not every moment reminder in my life. How easy it is to become selfish!

Thanks to Bethany House for allowing me to review this great book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Love filled with bitterness and anger as a result of the "tradition." this story takes "honor your parents" to a new extreme. It's absolutely incredible what this father expects Emmalyne to do just two weeks before her wedding.

Over ten years and many tears later she meets up with her former fiancé, and he tells her he hates her. She still loves him and doesn't realize he's still in love with her, too.

What a mess! Even if they give in to their love, they still have the "tradition? To overcome. It looks as if the odds are insurmountable.

Will love win out in the end?

This very interesting book taught me a lot about the history of this country's early immigrants. This is the second novel in the Land of Shining Water series, but is truly a stand alone read. I look forward to reading more from this author.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Tracey Peterson's The Quarryman's Bride is a very good story about a young woman who chooses to honor her G-d at the expense of her own love. Emmylyne and Tavin are only weeks from their wedding, when tragedy strikes and Emmylyne's 2 little sisters are killed. Now she is the youngest remaining daughter and her father demands that she follow family tradition and remain single to care for her parents. Following Biblical command to obey her parents, she bids Tavin farewell and moves to Minneapolis with her parents.
Eleven years later she and her family return, but they need G-d to perform a miracle. Tavin has also been gone and returns home within days of Emmylyne...does G-d have a plan for them?

I love this story, first because it is set in Minnesota and second because it is a wonderful story of the power of forgiveness.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
corby roberson
Emmalyne Knox and her family have suffered a great loss but Emmalyne is forced to suffer even more. She is to break her promise of marriage to the love of her life Tavis MacLachlan to fulfill a Scottish tradition honoring her parents. She will see to her parents needs in their old age and she will never marry. The love Tavis had for Emmie has now turned to an attitude of hatred which caused even more pain for Emmie. As if all of this was not enough her father has decided to move to another state taking her further away from the quarry, Tavis and all her friends. She wonders if her father has any love for God or his family .

Eleven years have passed and Emmie's father is moving their family back so he can work at the quarry owned by Tavis's father. How will Tavis react to her family living a mere three miles from his parent's home?

This story caused me to have great sorrow for those under Emmalyne's father's tyranny. The author has touched on a subject that has severe effects on a families emotional and physical being. The character Emmie was created by the author to be a loyal daughter to her parents and to God. The author shows how fear and loss of loved ones can eat a person alive until there is nothing left but bitterness. Only God can heal such pain and that is how the author writes her story of love, forgiveness and reconciliation.

I highly recommend this book.

Disclosure: I received a free copy of this book from Baker Publishing Group/Bethany House and Litfuse Publicity Group for review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
trent haughn
The Quarryman's bride by author Tracie Peterson tells the story of love between two people who have been seperated by circumstances beyond their control. Emmalyne Knox and Tavin MacLachlan have always loved each other and planned to be married. Family obligations and a very strict father kept Emmalyne at home with her mother instead of with Tavin and building their own family. Years go by and then Emmalyne and Tavin meet once again. Will they finally marry and will their families respect their wishes? Nothing in life is ever that easy, but the problems that we face make us stronger.

This story is a really great read and you won't be sorry to buy this book and enjoy every word for yourself.

This book was provided to me by Bethany House Publishers.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
swathi m
This is book two in this series by Tracie Peterson. The first book is The Icecutter's Daughter and the third is The Miner's Lady. This is not one of my favorite by this author. The characters are interesting but not intriguing. I found the story line a bit unbelievable at times. Who is engaged and then leaves with their family anyway! I just don't see that from a young person. Once you get past the basic story though and follow the different events the story does get better. I gave this book 4/5 stars. I do think you will enjoy the book I just don't see reading the book a second time!

I would like to thank the publisher for the copy of this book I enjoyed reading. I gave an honest review based on my opinion of what I read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
beccah kornberg
This book was not predictable like some reviews I have read. It kept me in suspense until the end and once I got through the first chapter I could not put it down.

I love Tracie Peterson's books and this one did not disappoint me.

A very entangled love tale of one man, two women and a child. So what could go wrong - everything! A story of love, forgiveness, selfishness, fear, suffering, bitterness, death and loss.

Emmalyne and Tavin have the kind of love rarely found, but could she marry? She honors her father and mother when her two sisters are killed in a tornado and tragedy strikes. Their wedding is called off and she sacrifices her dreams.

This 1890s historical fiction book will make you feel like you are there with these characters. I loved the family devotion and faith these characters showed.

*Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Bethany House Books as part of their blogger review program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Tracie has another winner with this book. As with all the books I have read by Tracie this is another that I could not put down. Her books read very quickly for me and I think some of it is because she makes the characters really come to life. This book offers a bit of history, a bit of romance and a bit of the spiritual aspect and when all combined make for a great read. I felt for Emmalyne giving up her dream to marry when her father said to after tragedy struck. But she is given a second chance at love when she meets Tavin again. I did not like her father so much but then I think he may have been trying to do what he thought was right for his family. I look forward to the next book in this series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
michael connolly
Emmalyne Knox and Tavin MacLachlan 's wedding was just a few weeks away when a tornado devastates her family by killing her two youger sisters. Because of a long standing tradition of their heritage, Emmalyne is forced to take care of of her parents, thus calling off the wedding.

Tavin leaves home and takes many different jobs trying to rid his memories of the wonman that he loved. No matter what he did he was not to get Emmalyne out of his mind. Eleven years later he returns home to work with his father, Robert MacLeachlan who owns and operates a quarry.

Can love survive? Check out this wonderful story and find many twists and turns to this story. This is the first book that I have read by Tracie Peterson and I must say that I will be reading others She grabs you from the first page and doesn't let up until you close the book at the last page.

The Quarryman's Bride is the second book in Tracie Peterson's series called The Land of Shinning Water. It can be read as a stand alone book.

Thank you Net Galley and Bethany House for this ebook in exchange for a review. This is my honest opinion of this book.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
The main theme running through this book is that God is good and we need to fully surrender to him in order for His work in us to be accomplished. Beautiful theme, but I couldn't quite fall in love with any of the characters. The bible verses were thought-provoking and the situation that Emmy finds herself in is a unique one that most might not be able to relate to, but on a deeper level, parallels can be drawn between her life and how we sometimes get stuck in situations not of our own making. That being said, her father's turnaround was a bit too rapid, maybe, if his character had been better developed it wouldn't have all seem so far-fetched. Additionally, the good doctor who just gave in without a fight, is a hardly plausible subplot and not sure why it is even in the book. I don't want to give away the plot but my advice is simple, read it for the message, but not the plot or characters.
I give this book 3 out of 5 stars
The good: good message, some scenes well written it felt like the emotion was dripping off the page.
The bad: predictable plot, shallow characters.

I received this book from Bethany House Publishers in exchange for an honest review
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
My most recent free book from Bethany House was The Quarryman's Bride by Tracie Peterson. TP is in my top three favorite authors for historical fiction, probably my top two even. This book was no exception to her top-notch story telling. The main character Emmalyne has a tyrant for a father, and much of the story deals with their family dynamics and how having a less-than-loving father impacted her life. Without giving things away, suffice it to say that the story offers hope to daughters who have been wounded by their fathers, that the Lord can heal and restore. Nothing is too hard for God, and God's constant love and care even when we don't feel it are also main themes of the story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nate irwin
Emmalyne and Tavin were weeks away from their wedding when tragedy strikes and her father calls it off. Tradition says the youngest daughter will not marry but remain with her parents to care for them in the old age. Emmalyne makes the heart breaking decision to obey her father rather than follow her heart. Eleven years later, they return and so does Tavin...

This story is more than just a romance. Topics of honoring parents and Biblical obedience, grief and mental illness are all discussed. I love how Emmalyne looks to scripture for guidance and comfort. Her life with her father has been so difficult, however, she still strives to honor God by honoring and loving him. I found this to be a thought provoking story and frequently found myself wondering how I would have responded to the situation. Another wonderful read by Tracie Peterson.

While this is book #2 in the Land of Shining Waters series, it is a stand alone book.
I received my copy free from Bethany House in exchange for my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
stacy hiemstra
Story of a father that looses his wife and daughter and has a daughter and son left. Father is bitter and demands his daughter to not marry as scheduled and stay home to take care of him and his son. Once caught in the story I could not put it down. It's about a daughter that her family has come first but in love with a man that she had to give away.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
j miller
The Quarryman's Bride by Tracie Peterson is a great story of love, betrayal and forgiveness. I thoroughly enjoyed this book. Tracie Peterson is a wonderful author that always incorporates faith and God's love in her stories in a way that does not shove it down your throat. Every Christian aspect is an integral part of the storyline. I give this 5 stars and recommend to anyone who loves a good love story. This book is appropriate for young ladies as well as adults.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I enjoyed this book even though there were some very sad moments in the book. It was refreshing to see a heroine trust God even in the difficult times and obey. When people move away from God and make wrong decisions. They affect not only themselves but also others. Yet God is still the God of miracles and can bring healing. Tracey is an awesome author and I want to read more of her books.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
mary beth busby
Peterson's attention to detail and her sweet descriptions of the setting and characters can make this a pleasant read, especially for her loyal fans and those interested in a quiet story about changes of heart and a love that lasts through adversity. Her writing is smooth, and I appreciated that about The Quarryman's Bride.

However, this was not a favorite of mine out of the books I've read by Peterson or out of the genre in general. The story is so quiet, descriptive of simple things like everyday chores, and a little stilted in dialogue that it tends to drag and lacks the excitement of some of her other premises. The "suspense" element is hardly there to add any tension, and what little there is (pertaining to unions) is hardly explained or dealt with in a satisfactory way. The twist with a character who is suffering from a mental illness or emotional breakdown, if you will, is one that has been explored in this genre of late through stories about insane asylums, but - while adding a different sort of tension and challenge to the characters - is more of a side story that doesn't have much emotional impact despite the sorrow of the situation.

Certain characters did appeal to me, especially Dr. Williams, who was quite thoughtful and gracious. Unfortunately, that contrasted sharply with Tavin's selfishness, and Tavin's character did not win me over. I think it might have helped to have been given more of a glimpse into how much Tavin and Emmalyne loved each other in their childhood and teen years...but, as it was, I just did not understand why they had seen each other as "soul mates," especially given Tavin's reaction to Emmalyne's decision in chapter one. I mean, seriously? Of course, they were young, but the fact that his feeling of being affronted by Emmalyne's choice persisted over the many years they were apart aggravated me. He couldn't seem to look beyond himself to see how others might be feeling or to sacrifice as Emmalyne had been willing to do, and at least a hint of that self-centered attitude remained, in my opinion, throughout the whole book.

As for Emmalyne, it's nice to meet a heroine whose faith is an integral part of her character, and who struggles with how to live out her faith in difficult relationships. However, the story does occasionally get rather "preachy," and the swiftness of big heart-changes does seem to be portrayed more conveniently rather than authentically.

When I was younger, I especially enjoyed Peterson's "Yukon Quest" series, and I recall liking a few of her other books more than this one. If you've never read one of Peterson's books before, I might recommend starting with something other than The Quarryman's Bride. But if you're a big fan of her work, you might enjoy it more than I did. As it was, this one just didn't leave a great impression on me, and it came across as a book lacking passion and an engaging plot.

*With thanks to Bethany House for providing me with a copy of the book in exchange for my honest opinion.*
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
richard retyi
My Review: 3/10
I think this is a generous rating. This book was boring at best and senselessly depressing at worst.

I just did not enjoy this book. I admit, I did not read the first one, because I did not realize this was a series. And After reading the first few chapters, I did skim the next twenty percent of the book.

The only positive thing I have to say is that it was a breath of fresh air to read about a heroine who was obedient, humble and servant, rather than a fierce, ahead-of-her-time pistol. But I felt this character was wasted. We are introduced to a heartbreaking situation, fastforwarded ELEVEN YEARS LATER with no time spent, not even blips, in their lives. This story could have been stronger if we had been taken along on that ride and could have seen firsthand how Emmy grew to despair for her mother, find companionship with her brother and grew to resent her father. But nope, the author obviously feels these are all unimportant when contrasted to her broken engagement; they're briefly brought up later and quickly resolved.

And, despite her admission of such feelings, I didn't see that her actions followed suit, making it unbelievable. For example, many women would be hardened, turned weak or bitter or angry etc, after so many years of pain and suffering and unappreciated sacrifice. The first man to pay her attention (and a possible escape) would have certainly at least proved to be a temptation. Not so with Emmy.

Anyway, the story picks up with us being dropped in eleven years later to see that nothing has changed, but they are packing up and returning home. I think the lack of change was unrealistic. And I was completely bored by the next TWENTY PERCENT of the book being spent on talking about how she spruced up the dump and made it a home. Ugh.

I was surprised by Emmy's friend, Fenella's, storyline. I just couldn't see the point.

I have witnessed people doing 180 degree changes in personality. But this happened SO rapidly and we didn't really get insight into Luthias' feelings or motivations. I was confused by some contradictions where he was concerned, like his questioning Tavin on his feelings the first time. His conversion was not gradual at all.

Things wrapped up too smoothly at the end, which was just not believable for me, especially not where Fenella was concerned. I have siblings, in laws and friends and I can't imagine behaving the way ANY of the characters did if this happened to one of my family or friends.

And I did not get pulled into the subplot of the trouble with the union. I just couldn't get into it.

*I was given a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.*
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
heba el sherif
Tracie Peterson has written another sweet historical romance fiction. I have read all three books in the series and the only thing the 3 have in common is the setting is in Minnesota. They take place in different towns and in different years but not in chronological order. Although I enjoyed each book, I was a bit disappointed that it was not a true series. I recommend the books.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
When tragedy strikes the family and Emmalyn's father refused her marriage to her fiancé Tavin, out of her desire to honor God and her father, she obeys, and in so doing, loses everything she's ever dreamed of in life. Eleven long years later, Emmalyne and Tavin's path cross once more. With her heart full of disappointed dreams and his heart still boiling with anger and resentment, their reunions causes sparks for all. Can she learn to trust God again, will he learn to forgive and will they ever have their happily ever after that was previously denied them?

If you're really taking that last question seriously, then perhaps this book is for you. However, for me, by the second chapter I was rolling my eyes and laughing as the story progressed on into further unbelievable predictability. Sorry, Ms. Peterson.

Pros: I'll start off with the good aspects of this book, seeing as my con's list will be my longest section. For the author's credit, this book was well written. It was evenly paced; the sentences were well-structured and the story-line flowed smoothly on itself. If you're looking for an author who knows how to craft a story, then this could be for you.

Cons: Engaged as youths? Girl calls it off for her family? Years later they meet up again? Is this ringing any bells or am I the only one who feels like they've read this story before in the pages of Jane Austen's Persuasion? Perhaps I'm just over-picky, but it felt slightly like a copped-out copy of a timeless classic. Without the timeless or classic part.

Copyrights aside, the thing that had my eyes stuck in a perpetual roll was the main character, Emmalyne, herself. She spent the majority of her time moaning and tearing up over the loss of her old fiancé. Now, granted, I realize that it hurts a lot when you lose someone you meant to marry, I get that. I've been there, too, so I know. But eleven years later? Please. There's a steadfast truth in that life goes on. You do get over the people you love and after eleven years, I find it very hard to sympathize with a grown woman who is constantly still moaning over her loss and thinking "I would have been doing this for him" with every single house-hold chore she performs. That was my biggest issue with this story. It felt highly unrealistic that Emmalyne would still be suffering the degree of youthful loss that she continued to feel, eleven years after the fact. Or maybe that's just the fairy-tale "true love" showing through, the part of love that doesn't always translate over into the real world, but we still so often find in books and movies.

In summary, I didn't like this book. Not because it was ill-written or necessarily a poor story (after all, Persuasion is my favorite Jane Austen), but because of the simpering, weepy heroine who lacked any backbone or inner character to triumph through the unfortunate wagonload of lemons that life dumped on her.

I received this copy for free via LitFuse & the Bethany House Publishers in exchange for an honest review.
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