7 Money Habits for Living the Life You Want - Love Your Life Not Theirs

ByRachel Cruze

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
joy p
My husband and I have been following Dave Ramsey for a few years and are actively on his baby steps to one day be debt free. I love Dave. However, it is his daughter, Rachel Cruze, who truly knows how to speak to my heart and mind with this debt free stuff. Not only about getting out of debt and staying out of debt, but about living life differently. It's so easy to get caught up in the trap of comparisons, wanting the picture perfect social media life that someone else has, and wishing the days away for better THINGS. I'm guilty of it. It's a struggle. Let me tell you, she gets it! This book speaks to me. Not only is it entertaining, but it is packed full of advice to make changes now. Learning to be content is hard. However, it is necessary. Rachel is raw and honest about the struggles she has with the comparisons and wanting more. It's nice to hear that I'm not the only one who is missing out on things for a better future. It's nice to see that it is possible to enjoy the life I have and put my wants aside for the bigger picture. I couldn't put the book down. Very well written and it is a perfect handbook for my life right now.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book is great! Rachel does a great job explaining how the Dave Ramsey baby steps can help you achieve to love your life and not try to keep up with the Joneses. She has a softer tone than Dave Ramsey which will reach a new audience in my opinion.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
michele rosenthal
I have been an avid Dave Ramsey listener for years. My husband and I have read all of his books and his principles helped us pay off a 10,000 second mortgage in less than 6 months. His teachings have had a big impact on our life.
I was so excited to be given a copy of Rachel's new book Love Your Life Not Theirs in an exchange for an honest review. She brings a fresh new approach to the principles taught in Total Money Makeover. She includes a whole section on comparing ourselves to others and I really needed it! I think a huge problem with my generation is social media. It is so easy to compare ourselves with others and end up spending money as a result. Rachel mentions that you no longer have to actually see the Jones's drive up in their nice new car, you can simply get on social media and see a vast array of seemingly perfect snapshots of other's lives. She addresses this issue very well and I highlighted so many parts!
She walks with us through the book as a friend who is cheering us on. She shares personal stories of comparisons and the desire to spend money. She also shares some of the hard decisions her and Winston have made to say no to buying something for a greater good. Its such a good picture of not being able to do it all. I sometimes feel like our culture thinks we need it all and never wants to say no. I am guilty of these feelings too, so to hear Rachel talk about her own struggles with those feelings but overcoming them, is so refreshing.
Even though I already knew many of the money habits she talks about in the book from listening to Dave Ramsey, it was still a much needed read. It helped me get fired up again and to continue doing that hard things to get where I want financially. To not compare myself to others, but rather live my own life and love it.
I love the Ramsey team and would recommend this book to anyone and everyone!!
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★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
lili dias
I don't follow Dave Ramsey, but will skim through his books. I hadn't realized this was his daughter and just saw the "Foreword by Dave Ramsey" on the cover and was impressed. Not so much anymore that he wrote her foreword. It's interesting (and sad, perhaps), how she says nothing about how her entire career is due to her father and in her father's foreword he says, "But I'm happy to say that we struck gold with the very first personality we added to our team, Rachel Cruze." What are the odds that one's OWN DAUGHTER would be the VERY BEST financial public speaker one could find? It also made me think when she notes how many types of vehicles are parked in the Ramsey Solutions parking lot and even those who drive older vehicles aren't envious of those with luxury cars as they know they'll get there. I wonder what the Ramsey Solutions regular employees REALLY think of how the company is run and what type of vehicle is drives or will be driving in a few years. She also notes she's a NYT bestselling author (once again, due to her dad).
I liked the part about giving as part of one's financial planning, but think it should have been noted that if one can't given financially, then one can give in other ways (such as volunteering and calculate how many hours one would have to volunteer to tithe 10%). The giving is Bible-based, so some might find the Bible quotes in the book objectionable.
She also notes that one can drive a "cheap reliable" car for a year and save $500 per month to buy a better car. Her target audience appears to be upper-middle class who must now limit themselves to eating out only a few times a week rather than almost daily. The premise then being throughout the book that you cut back a little for a short time to have better things in the future.
Oh, by the way, Facebook might not reflect the reality of someone's life (yes, I know it's hard to believe), so keep that in mind.
Not a bad book, just not an overly useful one and there's always the elephant in the room of riding her father's coattails.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This message of this book is something we as Americans desperately need to hear. While I was initially concerned that this book would be a re-hash of material I've already heard/read, I was delighted to discover that is not the case. I've been a follower of Dave Ramsey's teachings on finance for the past few years and, no surprise, this book does work hand-in-hand with his principles. However, it also distinguishes itself by tackling one of the biggest obstacles to living in financial peace - comparisons. Trying to fight our tendency to want to "keep up with the Jonses" has become exponentially more difficult since social media has exploded in our culture. We no longer compare ourselves to our friends and family, we compare ourselves to our Facebook "friends" and even to people we don't know! We aren't even comparing ourselves to actual people, but a filtered social media representation of them! When you stop to think about it, it's completely crazy!

This book will not only bring this to life, but also help you learn to appreciate what you have. It will teach you the power of contentment. It will help you overcome one of the greatest obstacles you will face as you aim for a stable financial future for your family. It will teach you to love your life, not theirs.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Rachel Cruze delivers a powerful book as you read what feels like a conversation with your best friend! I received an advanced copy of the e-book in exchange for an honest review of her new book which is sure to be a best seller. Rachel provides an engaging view of comparison living and easy to follow habits to keep you out of debt. One of my favorite quotes from Love Your Life, Not Theirs: 7 Money Habits for Living the Life You Want is "With every spending and saving decision, we're moving ourselves closer to financial success or financial distress." #LYLBook A wonderfully thought out book to keep you on track to contentment (and staying out of debt!).
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is a must-read for anyone struggling with comparison living! Rachel provides 7 practical, truly life-changing habits for overcoming the financial and emotional stresses of comparing your life to others'. It's amazing how much our finances can get out of control when we are trying to keep up with the proverbial Jones'! This book tackles prominent money problems facing people today and gives encouragement and sound financial advice for getting out from under debt. Her writing style is enjoying to read; it feels like you are chatting with a friend over a cup of coffee. This is a great book for millenials and/or recent graduates to read!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
timothy tucker
Live your life, not theirs is an outstanding book. Rachel's wisdom with the seven money habits flows off the page as if you are having coffee with your best friend. Her down to earth style is easily relatable and touches on topics that are not easily approachable. She guides you through busting the comparison traps, the importance of budgeting, and the freedom you'll feel when you achieve financial goals. This book has helped my family define our values so we can have the freedom to live out or passion and dreams. Thank you Rachel!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
natalie rocks
Must Read, especially for Millennials, and those Boomers still trying to keep up appearances - even when they can't afford to and are broke!

Though much of Rachel's book is totally in sync with what Dave Ramsey preaches and teaches everyday, I do think her spin on "Loving Your Life, Not Theirs" is worthy of discussion in this book from a younger perspective. She serves her peers well.

Opening with a discussion of Contentment and admitting that even she falls for eyeing and drooling over what others have and are flaunting on social media is important because we are bombarded daily with media that says that others are better off than we are, and we must have...more.

I've read and recommend all the books of the Ramsey Personalities and am a die hard daily listener of the Dave Ramsey Podcast because I think they provide the best framework, The 7 Baby Steps, for ANYONE seeking financial peace of mind.

Aside from recommending those Ramsey offerings, I would recommend this book first to uninformed younger folks who may blow off my recommendations of Dave Ramsey or Chris Hogan because they feel they don't relate to them.

I also think this makes a great gift for young professionals, any college student or graduate, to give them a valuable head start in life!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
julie mansour
I really wanted to love this book, could not wait to get it .The book does have really good sounds advice and for a young couple starting out, the new graduate it would be a very good read.
If you have followed Dave Ramsey , its the same great advise you already have . Rachel delivery is much sweeter and kinder . She talks a lot about social media and the instant world we live in which is important , we use to have to drive by and stalk the Jones house to see what they had and we didn't . She touches on how people only shows the best on social sites( # blessed ). I really like that she talks about her own personal struggle with spending and that empty feeling when you simply can not afford something that you want . She talks about discipline which is hard for most but much harder when your starting out in life and want it all . If you listen to Dave Ramsey at all you know he can be rough and gruff and down right cranky at times, I do love me some Dave .Rachel approach is a much more gentle but still good sound advise .
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
don hackett
With Student loans, a couple consumer credit cards and a home loan I am just a normal 30 something, right!! Nope.. after reading an advance copy of Rachel Cruze's new book I realize it doesn’t have to be that way. Rachel says, "When you eventually eliminate debt, you'll get your life back", I want my life back! Worry and stress can be eliminated with these habits!

This book gives practical, real world advice on making my money work for me; not the other way around. Rachel tells of her own struggles with money and how completing a budget for her is not always a pleasure but has become a joyful habit. Now I believe with these 7 simple habits over time I can control my money and work toward living a life, I love!

I know we all feel that we don’t have what everyone else has but if we give up those jealous tendencies and strive to live a life of contentment in what really matters; then and only then, we will find what #blessed really means.

Get this for yourself and anyone you want to see succeed with their finances! She does a great job of combining the baby steps that Dave Ramey always promotes with the emotional side of money!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This book contains a great message. It is refreshing to hear it from a new perspective. This is coming from someone who understands how the world works today, with social media and information being available non-stop 24/7. It is a great reminder to not compare ourselves to the version of everyone that we see on facebook.
Given that this is Dave Ramsey's daughter and put out by his organization, you know that it will contain his principles and outline the money habits that he has been preaching for years. I don't have a problem with his message or including it in this book. There are parts of the book where she says verbatim things that I have heard Dave say for years and are included in his books. These parts of the book felt a bit disconnected from the rest.
Overall, it is a great read and I would surely recommend it to folks who are under 40.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
caleb seeling
I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book! It was a light easy read and was pleasant and upbeat from start to finish.

Those who are familiar with Dave Ramsey will recognize the same belief system (the one that is based on common sense and logic) in his daughter, Rachel Cruze's book. But this is not to say that if you have read one, you have read them all. This book is different, not only in writing style, but in current more modern topics. For example, how social media is unconsciously pressuring people to spend more money and have things that maybe they shouldn't.

“Love Your Life Not Theirs” conveys the same Dave Ramsey genius with a younger more hip voice. While I believe that it is a must read for everyone, and there is much to be gained from reading the book, it will truly appeal to those who have grown up in an age of instant gratification and social media.

BUY THIS BOOK! You will be glad you did.

***It should be noted that I was gifted and advanced copy of this book, but I chose to review it because it was so fantastic***
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lauren aguilar
Rachel Cruze has created a fantastic book with some of the basic principles that we love from Dave Ramsey, with a spin directed toward the younger generation. With the comparisons that are thrown in our faces on a daily basis, it is easy to spend our way into debt in order to keep up with the Jones'. In reality, most of the time, the Jones' are broke and when you try to keep up with someone who is broke, you can't win with your money or love your life.

Rachel writes in a way that makes me feel like I'm having coffee with a close friend. Love Your Life Not Theirs is an easy read that you can get through quickly, learn a lot, and will give you the motivation to better several aspects of your life by creating new, healthy habits that will help you win with money and set goals for your future.

Even after living the debt free lifestyle for several years, I was able to learn so much from this book. I have since renovated my budget and will be purchasing copies of this book for friends from my new giving envelope!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Hardcover (edit)
Review "This is a judgement free zone"

The best part about this book is the relatability and practicality of Rachel's words throughout her book while knowing that her words above are completely true. Our culture and our generation is having to deal with something that no other generation has had to deal with before: social media comparisons.

In her book, Rachel delves deep into the problem with comparisons and how they will only leave you even more discontented with your life. By focusing on your life and it's purpose, Rachel helps her fellow natural born spenders give yourselves the freedom to spend with a budget. She tackles hard topics like money in the marriage, giving, and making sure you are setting your future self up to win with money.

The best part of this book is how open and honest Rachel is about her own spending struggles, real-life tips that are applicable, and practical strategies to stop trying to "keep up with the Joneses" all the time. I've never felt so validated in my struggles but also so motivated to implement her strategies. I can't wait to read even more from this great author.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ismail elmeligy
This book is like sitting down with that friend who has known you for forever and having a cup of coffee!! There are several sections where I just wanted to tell Rachel to get out of my business!

If you're in that place where you want to "get it together" financially, but don't know where to start...THIS is where to start. I am a long-time follower of Dave Ramsey and his principles, however, what made this book stand out, for me, is Rachel's fresh, but light-hearted perspective on the same principles, but while living and raising children in a social-media driven society. It's a great new outlook on "keeping up with the Joneses" and how to change your habits and become better stewards of what you have been entrusted with.

If you're on the fence, BUY THE BOOK!! It is money VERY well spent!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
andreea avasiloaiei
For the past year, or perhaps longer, I have eagerly awaited each time that Rachel Cruze puts out a new vlog on Youtube. I love that she is so relatable, as well as funny, and she gives great advice based on her experiences. Needless to say, I was thrilled when I found out that Rachel was working on a book about contentment. My excitement increased when I had the opportunity to read the book early!

Contentment is something all of us deal with on a daily basis. Love Your Life, Not Theirs recognizes this, and reads just like a conversation. Rachel manages to convey some hard truths about contentment, and how discontentment can wreak havoc on one’s budget, full of grace and compassion. Rachel shares stories from her own life where she struggled with discontentment, which helps to make the book very relatable. I also love that this books speaks to readers in various stages of financial circumstances. Whether the reader is getting out of debt, or just finished with their emergency fund, each of these habits inspire a strive toward financial contentment.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jan rayl
I am loving this book!!! Rachel isn't saying anything new, but neither has Dave Ramsey. Many before him have taught the same money principles. What I love about this book is Rachel's authenticity shines through. I also resonate with the femininity she adds to the topic of money. When I hear Dave I hear my dad talking about money, when I hear Rachel I obviously hear myself. She has the same struggles with social media, budgeting, shopping etc..

I think her voice is the voice of a new generation addressing financial freedom in a different time. I truly believe many of us like learning from teachers we can connect with, resonate with and also find credible. Rachel definitely fits the bill. She also feels very grounded and "human" in her writing. May sound weird, but it's refreshing to hear that even though your dad is Dave Ramsey you have emotions around money and you dated/married a guy who HAD a credit card. LOL!!

I totally recommend this book especially to a young women. I think this demographic would resonate the most with Rachel's voice.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Rachel Cruze has correctly set her sights upon a stumbling block in the average American’s life, social media. A major emphasis of this book is contentment. Cruze works to bring her reader’s focus back to intentionally building their life. If you are familiar with Dave Ramsey you will recognize some concepts, but Cruze’s voice comes through loud and clear. I can honestly say that after reading this I will be making more of an effort to use cash with her “clip system.” The envelopes got on my nerves (no offense, Dave). She covers all the major categories of debt facing the average American and provides resources for further reading. She honestly addresses marriage and lays out a plan to protect your marriage from financial problems. This book is perfect for the high school graduate, the college student, as well as the working adult. Love Your Life, Not Theirs is well worth your time and should be on many Christmas lists this year. Cruze lays the groundwork for financial freedom in a readable and accessible way. Let’s do ourselves a favor and achieve that freedom.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I was fortunate to receive an early copy of Rachel's book Love Your Life, Not Theirs. I have been a Dave Ramsey fan for some time now, and I appreciated her fresh approach to developing habits to help apply these principles.
From the moment I picked up the book I did not want to put it down. It felt much like a conversation with a girlfriend who really is cheering you on and not judging you at all. Whatever stage of you life you are at, this book can be very beneficial to your outlook on YOUR life. It is so easy to fall into the comparison trap, and she talks you through step by step how to fight those feelings, head on, when they creep up.
My biggest take away from the book was that I don't need to let other people's success and failures (but mostly success) dictate my life or make it anything less than the life I love. You should pre-order a copy now too...because you shouldn't love your life any less either!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book is very informative and to the point. The author gives you a different perspective on your finances. The way that she shows you how to budget is so simple that you wonder "why didn't I think of that?" I recommend this book for anyone that need to get their finances paid off and want to learn how to live comfortably within their budget.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This book contains a great message. It is refreshing to hear it from a new perspective. This is coming from someone who understands how the world works today, with social media and information being available non-stop 24/7. It is a great reminder to not compare ourselves to the version of everyone that we see on facebook.
Given that this is Dave Ramsey's daughter and put out by his organization, you know that it will contain his principles and outline the money habits that he has been preaching for years. I don't have a problem with his message or including it in this book. There are parts of the book where she says verbatim things that I have heard Dave say for years and are included in his books. These parts of the book felt a bit disconnected from the rest.
Overall, it is a great read and I would surely recommend it to folks who are under 40.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
monique aurora
Excellent book. It can change how you manage money and your life. I liked it more than total money makeover since Rachel used a lot of examples of how to apply the principles of Ramsey. If you want to life a debt free life you should read it. It does not matter if you have read other ramsey books.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
patrick maloney
This book is unbelievable. I already know a lot about her Dad and his principles but I was so interested in this book because of the wag social media is going and the pressure to be "in." This book is so easy to read and enjoyable... a great tool to motivate you to love you and your families life and not those around you. It also it a great tool to help you learn how to budget and say "no" at the store, something I really struggle with; I am an impulsive buyer.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A life-changing book with timeless principles written for the new generation! I have been a Total Money Makeover believer for years and have appreciated Dave Ramsey's content so much, but Rachel's take on the same principles have hit home in a way that the other books haven't been able to. With an honest & authentic voice, she expresses the challenges of smart money management, but also inspires the reader to strive for more than just making it this month. So grateful I picked up this book, and would highly recommend it to all!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
katherine p
Anyone familiar with Dave Ramsey's work will be acquainted with the advice contained in this book. Rachel Cruze is Dave Ramsey's daughter, so no surprise there. You'll see the Baby Steps, emergency funds, 15 year fixed rate mortgages, etc., right out of the Ramsey playbook. This isn't a bad thing, since Dave's plan works and reinforcing it is good. Just don't expect anything shockingly new in terms of financial planning. This book is definitely directed more at young people starting out versus people who are well-established, but that's okay, since so many younger people seem to be financially illiterate.

The most useful aspect of this book, I think, is that it approaches the topic from the point of view of a woman who likes to spend, and Cruze offers good strategies for resisting those impulses to "keep up with [probably secretly broke] Joneses" and instead staying on a financially responsible course. While I don't personally need a woman's perspective, I think this book could be very useful for "saver" husbands who are having some difficulty getting "spender" wives on board the Ramsey program. It could also be useful for father or mothers advising young adults (particularly daughters) on financial topics. It's an easy, pleasant read with good, immediately-actionable advice.

I really like the idea of enjoying your own life rather than constantly comparing it to others. Reading this book is an excellent step in that direction, and will help armor almost anyone against the constant barrage of consumerist pressure that American society attempts to put on us all.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Excellent book! I was hesitant to read this wondering if it would be much new after her dad's books. It wasn't a whole lot new but it was great refresher of why we do what we do with our finances. She brings her own fresh words to some of the classic baby steps Dave teaches. Well written, funny when appropriate and very relatable! Got me fired up again about winning with my money!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
gina lorax
This book is like sitting down with that friend who has known you for forever and having a cup of coffee!! There are several sections where I just wanted to tell Rachel to get out of my business!

If you're in that place where you want to "get it together" financially, but don't know where to start...THIS is where to start. I am a long-time follower of Dave Ramsey and his principles, however, what made this book stand out, for me, is Rachel's fresh, but light-hearted perspective on the same principles, but while living and raising children in a social-media driven society. It's a great new outlook on "keeping up with the Joneses" and how to change your habits and become better stewards of what you have been entrusted with.

If you're on the fence, BUY THE BOOK!! It is money VERY well spent!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What a refreshing read!!! Bringing in the ideas taught for decades by her dad, Dave Ramsey, but adding a young, modern twist makes this a quick read and one that everyone can relate to on several levels. Highly recommended!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
joel spencer
TL;DR: Tried and true concepts, fresh take and easily digestible. Highly recommended.

The book offers a fresh take on some of the core concepts taught by her father Dave Ramsey but with a focus on money habits. At the heart of the book is the message to "not keep up with the Jonses" which is especially difficult in this modern social-media driven world. It feels fresh and has some new ideas but at the core remains the stuff that works (would be somewhat strange for her to depart on that). I love Dave's advice but some people find him a bit too, um... blunt? sassy? And some find his religious and political leanings (which sometimes show in his writing and often show in his speaking) off-putting. I have no problem with either but Rachel is two notches down on sass and one notch down on religion. I didn't detect anything overtly political in the book at all. So the core concepts and the fresh take may be the most palatable presentation of the material to the widest audience yet.

The only criticism I have is that it felt a bit repetitive in spots. She even says in several passages "I know we've covered this before but...". I'm a fan of short and simple - 50 pages less and the book would have been really perfect.

I give the content, presentation and style a solid 4.5 (out of 5) stars and Rachel earns the round-up for providing so much awesome free content on her YouTube channel and other social media outlets. She has stood in the long shadow of her dad for some time - in recent years you can see her peek out and with this book I feel like she finally walks far enough ahead to begin casting her own shadow.

Note: I picked up the Kindle Version which is nicely formatted and was a pleasure to read. No obvious typos or other graphical glitches except the very top of each of the major chapter breaks was cropped (literally the word HABIT was just a few pixels above the top of my Kindle DX which affected nothing in the actual reading).
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I love Rachel Cruze however this book is very similar to Total Money Makeover but with a woman's touch. I feel if you have read TMM or listen to Dave on the radio, you won't be learning anything new in this book.
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