Empires and Kings (A Mafia Duet Book 1)

ByA.C. Bextor

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lela brown
This story has it all. Angst, suspense, excitement, drama, sex, emotions and yes gory stuff too. If you like mafia stories you'll like this one. The plot is intruging, the characters instantly likeable.
The way you're introduced to Klara makes you wonder how things will turn out for her. Not really family but growing up in Vlad's home she quickly becomes one of them. Loved by all she is trying to fit in as best as she can.
Vlad, some years older than her suddenly finds an attraction to her he never thought he'd act upon. But by becoming his women the dangers that come with that can proof to be more than she can handle.
AC Bextor has a way to capture your attention from the first page. I had a hard time putting it down and didn't want it to end. I can't wait for book two in this series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
will willis
This was a pretty good mafia/organized crime family romance.

There was a bunch of blood and violence. There were some intimate moments between the main love interests, Vlad & Klara. There was also just a lot of story that was started up, and then left to be resolved in the next two books. I'm very interested to see where everything goes because so much could happen.

So much happened in this story itself and this was just the set up. If you're looking for a super deep love connection I wouldn't say that this is it. I was more interested in the feud between the families and the plot going on there. The love story is interesting, it just isn't stand out IMO.

Can I have more Liam? It'd be interesting to see the next bit of the story from his POV. Like from another families side.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
elizabeth coleman
I would give no stars if I could. Spoilers coming up..........i hate when the main "hero" is a jerk but I hate even more when he is a cheater. I was too disgusted by the man guy Vlad. What a huge let down. He can't sticking his uncovered "manhood" in literal whores then would get it on with the main girl who was so "clean". And this weak b* gladly slept with him. What is it with books today and weak a$$ women. This is so sad. I love reading and love romance novels but this is b.s. will never read this author again. Bye Felicia!
Ruthless People :: Traded (Traded Series Book 1) :: and a Story of Extraordinary Courage - the Medal of Honor :: Ship of Magic (Liveship Traders Trilogy Book 1) :: Bound By Duty (Born in Blood Mafia Chronicles) (Volume 2)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I voluntarily reviewed a copy of this book.
OMG! This author continues to blow me away with her stories. The heartbreak, and yes tears were shed, again. I absolutely fell in love with the characters in this story, Klara is such an innocent and Vlad, total bad-ass in all his deliciousness. Faina, I loved her fierceness and touch of rebellion. Veni, I think could turn into a very strong man, like his father. Then there are the character you just have to hate and wish bad things upon, Ciro, Katrina. Will they get what they so rightly deserve? You are going to have to read this story to find out. You best have a couple Kleenex handy too. Just sayin.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
harriet parkinson
Best book I've read this Month. Dark and twisted, that's how I love my mafia romances. And this definitely lived up to it. Empires and Kings is the first book I've read by A.C. Bextor but will definitely not be my last. She knows how to draw you in with the love building between them and then BAM slaps you across the face with him doing something that could be the end of them.
This book is fast paced and soooooo hot and steamy.
Definitely the best book I've read in a while.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
david misenheimer
Empire and Kings, A Mafia Duet Series, Book 1, by A.C Bextor. Oh my goodness, what a thrilling, heart-pounding book. There is murder, sex, mystery and some serious intrigue. When looking into this book to see if it is something that I wanted to read, I saw someone else say that this book reads like a movie and it really and truly does. If you want a book that will keep you on the edge of your seat, I highly recommend this book. I give this 4 big gold stars out of 5.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
zora l woo
I actually have mixed feelings about this book. It was very raw, but also full of emotion. I didn't like how dark Vlad's personality was at times and how callously he treated Klara at times. The plot and the gritty elements of mafia life was captured perfectly. I love the background characters. The villain, him, I want to die slow and painful. The twist towards the end is why I hold out for really good authors. There was tears, for sure. My heart was broken. All in all a good story. Beware-cliffhanger. Grr!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Fantastic. Steamy. The story is deep and intriguing. Vlad and Klara share a hurtful past.Vlad ordered Klara's father to be murdered and took her in his house when she was only five years old. Now 15 years later, Vlad is 35 and Klara grow up to be very beautiful and attractive 20 years old. So attractive that in fact that Vlad cannot pretend not to notice her. And things get hot between them but Vlad's ex wants revenge for losing him to Karla. And his enemies wants a piece of action too. Don't miss it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Wow!!! Suspense....grit!

He couldn't resist those eyes.....
He couldn't resist his attraction.....
He had to keep her safe...
.....mostlly from him!!!

What an emotional roller coaster .....
This novel is written well, couldnot put it down!
It is intriguing, alluring, and the plot twist keeps you reading...
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
worf thaddeus
I was a bit confused starting this book wondering where it was going but I was so glad I stuck with it. Absolutely amazing with some unbelievable turns that I didn't see coming. So much more than a romance and different than most of the other mafia mystery books I have read. I would definitely recommend to anyone that loves dark mafia romance as this isn't your typical love story. Can not wait to start book 2 in the series!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Again AC Bextor has left me speechless. After every book I read of hers I say to myself this is my favorite from her, and every time she outdoes herself. This genre is definitely in my top 5 to read.
Vlad and Klara's story is intense. Every emotion she threw in there, you feel it. I love books that when you start it there is not rest until it is done, this was one of those books. If you are looking for a book filled with angst, then I suggest you give it a try.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Let Vlad & Klara take you on a journey filled with angst, love,passion and danger!
I love heroes that I love to hate and then love again! Vlad was one of those characters that make your blood pump faster with his personality.
If you want a book that will have you hooked from the first page then A.C. Bextor is your author to go. I simply love her writing and I am very intrigued to see where she will take us next!
I recommend it!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Klara was the perfect innocent heroine in this story. She had a great heart and showed her emotions to everyone.

Enter Vlad aka Vee. This is an alpha male at his finest. Leader of his Mafia group, he leads with a strong presence but loving heart. He truly loved his family and his soldiers but because of his own father had a hard expressing himself.

Great book. Totally recommend this
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
will grace
Wow, what an exciting read!! I absolutely fell in love with everyone(well ok, most of them)!! Klara has been through so much and is still a pillar of strength and I just adore Veni. Faina is a gem, and loved by her closest friends and family. Abram is a man you always want by your side. Vlad I hated, wanted to throat punch but in the end got my respect. What a great story of love, hate, sorrow and death. Can't wait for more, I loved it!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have ready everything that A.C. Bextor has written and I absolutely love her work Her Lights of Peril MC series is my absolute favorite. But I have to say, this book was fantastic. As usual she pulled me in from the very beginning, and after some tears, kept me enthralled in the book. I absolutely loved this book and would highly recommend it! Thanks A.C. for another awesome read!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Voluntarily leaving a review. Holy Hell! AC Bextor put it all out there. She gave me so many emotions in this mafia romance. If you want a book that will take you on a ride with the mafia then you need to get a copy. Twist, turns and feel the words seep into your skin. You will be on the edge of your seat and catching your breath. Get ready, Empires and Kings will blow you away!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Very different from the usual Mafioso stories, I enjoyed the author's writing style. I was torn between 3 or 4 star rating. Because while I enjoyed reading this book it did lack in the excitement factor. Also it seemed a bit tame for being a Dark Romance. But all in all it was nice to read something that held my attention rather than making bored to tears.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
praphulla parab
The writing was amazing. Not cookie cutter, suspenseful, and emotional....something you don't get from many "dark" mafia romances. The characters were well developed and leave you wanting to know more of every single one of them, not just the hero and heroine. Or should I say anti-hero. Definitely a must read. Can't wait for the rest of the story!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
molly mcelroy
I loved reading about Vlad and Klara! I went though a few different emotions while reading this. I liked that it actually had a story, and wasn't all about sex ... although there was plenty of hot, steamy sex! I can't wait to read the next book!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
She's done it again!! 1st off Vlad.....hot,wow, *fans self* but at times you'll want to smack him a few times. A.C. has this way of bringing out many emotions. This is a dark read tho and its not all sunshine and roses. But you will love this book.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
anjali shahi

You tell him he can have you. He tells you to go as he starts to screw another women.

Then he says your his but you walk in on him screwing the women again. He sees you and watches you as he screws her and calls your name when he comes. Then he kicks the w.h.o.r.e. out he comes to your room and you starting kissing and touching him.

Um so she has no pride or self respect, I mean he was just screwing another women a minute ago. But she is going to fight for him.

I have no respect for him. The w.h.o.r.e he screws is in charge of the girls. She stays and watches a man to beat and rape a girl, he doesn't fire her. So the whole he takes care of the girls is just a joke. Oh, he whipped them, how nice.

These people are to stupid to like. Rapist should die, not a oh well, don't come back. I found him weak.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Wow Wow Wow!!! I absolutely love AC Bextor's books, her writing is flawless & will leave you feeling emotions you didn't even know you could feel.

If you're a lover of Dark Mafia this is definitely a book for you.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
clarissa asha
I'm always look for new Mafia/Organized Crime Series and this book popped up on my search. This is my first time I've read this author and I'm glad I took the chance. Dark, dirty and Angsty!
Looking forward to book 2.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I really enjoyed this book. It has a great storyline that has me wanting to read the next book in this series. I wasn't ready for it to end. I wouldn't say that it ends in a cliffhanger but there is definitely more to this story.
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