The Blinding Knife: Book 2 of Lightbringer

ByBrent Weeks

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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
shimaa samir
This one is shaping up pretty well, but they changed the read aloud feature to be able to be turned off by the publisher. Bought it to listen to on a trip and read the rest of the time, ended up only being able to read it, not a big deal, but still sort of a b*!#+ move in my opinion. I understand the whole they want you to buy the audio version for like twice as much, but whatever
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have really grown to like this series from Brent Weeks after a bit of a slow start in the first book. The crushing disappointment is how he leaves you hanging at the end of The Blinding Knife. How long will I have to wait for the next book? It seems the better the author the bigger the cliffhanger at the end of books they are writing as series these days.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
words cant discribe how amazing this searies is, i was dissaponted when i heard that mr weeks wasnt countinuing the night angel series, but after reading the black prisem, and blinding knife i just couldnt be happer with this series, amazing amzing story, with amazing charechters. Gavin guile is defently my favoret charchter ever as is mr weeks my fvore auther now days. I cant wait for the third book looking forward to it with sadness fearing that it is the last book in the tails of the amazing gavin guile.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
danny sillada
This whole series gets a great big, enthusiastic thumbs up from me. I love the fantasy genre, and read a lot of the series. The biggest problem is that it's hard for authors to not be derivative, to come up with new ideas. This idea is imaginative and unique. And most importantly, NEW. At least I've not seen anything quite like it. And so well written, with a sense of humor that fits the characters and doesn't get out of hand. Bravo, Brent Weeks!! I'm reading the whole series, and everything else he's written
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I absolutely fell in love with Brent Week's Night Angel Trilogy when I first read it, and when it was announced that Brent was creating another trilogy(now a 4 book series), I will admit I was more than a little skeptical. I had faith in Mr. Weeks, I just didn't think ANYTHING could be the NAT. Reading the first Lightbringer book, I felt I was right. It was a great book, don't get me wrong, but I didn't think it lived up to Kylar's adventures.

But boy, The Blinding Knife proved me so so SO very wrong. I've fallen in love with Brent's story writing and his unique worlds. Color magic? Brilliant, and this book creates a GIANT (Brightwater)wall from the foundations he gave us in the first book.

I cannot wait for more, and I'm not even done with this book it's so expansive. Each page and chapter is so delicious that sometimes I have to take a walk just to cool off and analyze what just happened.

★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Gavin Guile is as is name, clever and cunning, and it runs in the family. He is the prism, the king of drafter of all colors of magic. He plays his hand, and his son, so other do not see what deception he is hiding. He is dieing, but he is going to go out in a spectacular fashion, if he lives long enough to do it.

Brent Weeks is a spectacular fantasy writer, I am only the edge of my seat/bed/bus or where ever i can read his book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
richard rouillard
a great sequel. an egaging wold of magic, unique and beautiful. kip is slowly learning to be a badass. a great series. brent weeks did it again, one of my favourite epic fantasy series that i reread from time to time, especially when a new book comes out. i recommend this book, this series to anyone who likes a good epic fantasy.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
kay cooke
at times, the reader is confused due to the author constantly shifting to many scenario's... and, the ending leaves the reader to assume that there may be a 4th volume; because, many situations have not been resolved, and, too many loose ends not closed.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kathryn louise
Weeks does an amazing job of bringing us further into his world, then systematically tearing little holes in how we think it works. The story moves much faster than in the first book, without all the worldbuilding to do. If the next book is anything like this one, this trilogy will be marked as one of the greatest in history.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was definitely not a filler book. The story continues on in a way that keeps you wanting more. The characters and dialogue are a joy to read and the action builds up to a point that were you don't know what the ending will be. Now, if you don't mind, I have a third book to read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I just had the bittersweet moment when you finished a great book and you realize you'll be stuck reading something inferior for months if not years. That's how good this book is. Luckily, I have A Memory of Light to console myself with. I hope it doesn't take me twenty years to get to the end of the Lightbringer series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mary anne
Brent Weeks continues to amaze with his outstanding abilities in wielding words. Not entirely as fresh as the The Black Prism, but common, just how awesome can things be every time? A very good continuation of the series, and I look forward to The Broken Eye.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jennifer e cooper
This book will have you saying finally, finally, finally! Gavin kills his brother - finally. He stands up to his father - finally. And, he marries Karris - finally. But all seems lost at the end and misery is reforming. I look forward to book three.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Brent Weeks continues to amaze with his outstanding abilities in wielding words. Not entirely as fresh as the The Black Prism, but common, just how awesome can things be every time? A very good continuation of the series, and I look forward to The Broken Eye.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alexander chang
This book will have you saying finally, finally, finally! Gavin kills his brother - finally. He stands up to his father - finally. And, he marries Karris - finally. But all seems lost at the end and misery is reforming. I look forward to book three.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
taylor siddons
The long awaited second book was excellent! I really enjoyed it, and felt that while it didn't have the same pop as the first book, it did continue the story very well. The cliff-hanger of a finish leaves us wanting more, and I can't wait (although I will) for the third book. There are many unresolved threads left to explore, and I hope that Brent continues to work them. Great job.

Miles Gibson
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
brenda delgado gallagher
Loved The Black Prism and have been anxiously waiting for The Blinding Knife. It was fairly decent. Did a good job in continuing the story but felt a bit more convoluted. The flow was not as easy as Book 1. The ending also had me frustrated which might have been the point as I now want Book 3 to ensure that things work out.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
annie rim
Brent Weeks knows how to capture the attention of serious readers of stories that seems not to end. The anticipation for continuing installments is a mix of impatience and trepidation regarding the main character(s) and the world that they create and is created for them. But always the worth in waiting...
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
la fuente
Brett Weeks has become one of my top three favorite authors. He has really grown as an author and the Lightbringer series shows that. I love the imagination that has gone into these books. I saw a rainbow the other day and was able to the sub-violet, but not the sub-red. This book was a good continuation of the first book with further enlightenment on the stories from the first book, but also some good and also new spins.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The second novel is this series avoids the usual slump. I found it to be a good read and continued right where the first left off. I'm really looking forward to the next book. I suspect it will be a while as these novels are good size. I like the fact that I didn't feel ripped off after paying $12 for it. If you enjoyed the first one I think you'll like this one also.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
If you haven't read the books in the Lightbringer series, you are missing out. I had read the Night Angel trilogy and truly enjoyed it. This is just as enjoyable. Mr Weeks has the ability to immerse you in the current storyline without giving all of the back-story, which I hope will lead to further universe development in the future. Read it. You won't be sorry.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cooper o riley
Loved everything about this book until the end just now which I was not expecting at all. SOOOO excited for the next book though this author has imagination combined it with beautifully written literature and transformed it into organic life. Thank you Brent Weeks but give me an exclusive of the third book please
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Thoroughly entertaining tale that twists and winds up and down in an everlasting twirling journey. The second installment of the Lightbringer series by Brent Weeks continues to develop much like a great stew that taste even better the longer one let it stew.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
brandon westlake
The first book was basically presenting the cast of characters, who they were, who they were related to, what they did, etc... it was mostly a set-up, interesting one, but setup.
This second book is more focused on the events and what each faction is doing as an aftermath to what happened during the last large battle, and of course how each of the characters presented in the first book interacts with all that.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
krista bratton
I picked up Brent Weeks book after a recommendation from one of my top authors, Brandon Sanderson. The series offers a unique magic system, great twists, and satisfying character development. The first book (The Black Prism) is good, and this second book is great. I hope the third and fourth books in the series are equally as strong. I highly recommend the series.

Caution: there is a bit of language in the book, as well as some realistically depicted violence.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I only looked up Brent Weeks after Brandon Sanderson recommended it on his blog/FB page. I am glad I did. Weeks has now been added to the list of top five writers and The Blinding Knife is one of the best and most original stories I have read in the past few years. At first the world and the magic system seemed kind of simple but after a few chapters I just could not l put the book down. The second book takes everything on a whole new level. The battles, the background everything just sort of kicks in and you get swept away by the story. I highly recommend to all fans of fantasy writing. Thank you Brent!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kayla avery
I have read this story line from the beginning and love it thus far. I would suggest everyone to start at the beginning even though you do get a great read from each individual book but there is so much involved with all the characters for a complete understanding.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
leila mohamed
Weeks is a strong and very creative writer. I have read a number of his books and am a committed fan. The Blinding Knife (Lightbringer) continued a clever story line about light and color and how they are magically harnessed for goor or evil. Weeks has a vivid imagination and knows how to capture a reader's interest. His character development is strong and emotional; each character has his or her own flaws. Weeks offered plenty of surprises in this book and has set us up nicely for the next Lightbringer book. I want to read more!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
stephanie laurenza
Brenton Weeks continues to write books that i enjoy. waited for both books to come out before reading 1st. engrossing, well written, interesting change in abilities ties to science of light. I am looking forward to reading with my granddaughter when she gets a little older. Wish Kindle had illustrations.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
michael palma
As a massive fan of Brent Weeks' previous work, I was very happy to see the second part of the Lightbringer trilogy released.

Don't bother reading this if you haven't read the first book in this trilogy. It's very dense with a specific vocabulary, and the setting although amazing and awe-inspiring, doesn't really get introduced here at all.

It's also a nice big fat book, so there's plenty to read.

Highly recommended.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What a great concept, adepts use color to fight and build. And Gavin is not just conflicted, but deeper than you expect. These books make you feel for the characters and the root for them, hope for them. I think Brent Weeks is an extremely talented author.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
nick dominy
The Blinding Knife is fast-paced, action packed and as riveting as the first book in the series. It develops further the colour-is-magic concepts of the first book, although in perhaps slightly less plausible ways, and charts the progress of our favorites, particularly Kip and Gavin. At times the pace of the story makes it difficult to pay full and deserved attention to the many twists in the plot. I am looking forward to rereading it and pondering these in more detail - after all, I have a year or so of agonized waiting to fill in until book 3 is released. Enjoy - but be warned that this book is likely to produce sleepless nights and furtive reading at work until the final tantalizing page...
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kris freedain
Action packed! Love character building! Love the heroic struggle of Kip, the anguished life of Dazen, the contrast between have and have nots. The courages moral courage of Cruxer was a welcome breath of fresh air.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
prashant prabhu
Stellar read. I actually purchased the paperback version, not the kindle (hence not the the store verified purchase). Either way, the novel was amazing and a wonderful follow up to The Black Prism. It's almost impossible to put down.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
john doe
I'm truly thankful that I stumbled across the books by Mr. Weeks . I've lost myself in all of his stories. I can't wait to continue to read the rest of his Lightbringer series as they come available. Keep up the amazing work Mr. Weeks . I am a true fan of yours .
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nick marino
Just finished reading this book and it was so good, I had to write a quick review (this is my first). This book just draws you in and immerses you in its world. I thought it was written well - you can connect to the characters in the book, it flowed nicely (nothing choppy/didn't jump around randomly), and was just a great read. All my friends who have read/love Game of Thrones I have suggested they read this series and the Night Angel series, and all agree they like these series better, so if you like Game of Thrones, be sure to read this series! Well worth your time!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jane meagher
The characters are well made and continues their development from where "The Black Prism" left off.
You follow this development as the story unfolds from both sides, but the unknown side still reveals as much as the known character on that side does, making you root for Chromeria the more.

A few key elements, like the Nine Kings game, sadly doesn't get what it deserves. These elements are so very interessting and more knowledge regarding them would have been amazing.

I've already preordered the last book "The Broken Eye".
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lisa byrd
The Blinding Knife is a great read, with intrigue and an excellent magic system that's definitely out of the box. As the tensions mount, the characters are forced to positions they previously thought untenable. I can definitely say I didn't see the ending coming the way it turned out. Kept me turning pages until the very end.
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