Too Hot to Handle (Romancing the Clarksons)

ByTessa Bailey

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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
michelle jenkins
3.5 Stars

It was the concept of estranged siblings going on a cross country journey that had me picking up Too Hot to Handle. And though I found Rita and Jasper’s Speed Racer-esque rollercoaster of a ride courtship entertaining, it was the dysfunctional relationships between the Clarkson siblings and their evolution throughout the story that truly held my interest in the end.

This isn’t to say that I didn’t like Rita or Jasper, because I did, it’s just that when you have two people collide who are in the process of reinventing themselves in order to shed what they see as failures of their pasts things tend to become quite angsty. Rita sees herself as a failure in practically every aspect of her life and is hoping that the crazy road trip will bring her the change she believes she needs to erase her past. Jasper is working to prove that he is no longer the party boy manwhore of his past and is hoping that a new business venture will finally show those in the small town of Hurley that he has turned over a new leaf.

With Jasper and Rita in such unstable and uncertain places it is no surprise that their courtship was filled with so many misunderstandings, some of which had me wanting to reach through my Kindle and shake some sense into both of them. But what they did accomplish was to break them both down so they could sort through the chaos of their doubts and start to make solid decisions about who they truly wanted to be. As I said their courtship moves at light speed and while the label of insta love is valid in a general sense they do spend enough time together that I could see there was more going on than just sexual attraction and that they could have a HEA.

If you were to look up the definition of what a dysfunctional relationship is I’m pretty certain that the Clarkson siblings pictures would be under it as examples. Their estrangement from each other is one that was born when they were children and grew as they did and it was honestly painful to watch them interact. The lack of communication, the fear to open up emotionally and to give comfort all made for a tense situation, but as the book progresses so do their relationships. The evolution of their relationships to each other is slow, think baby steps, but I liked it because they all have a lot of issues to overcome and a quick fix just wouldn’t have worked.
My experience with this book was an unusual one for me. The beginning hooked me right away and I had a difficult time putting the book down during the last five chapters or so, but the middle was a bit bumpy for me. It didn’t really have anything to do with the writing style, it was more that when I put the book down I didn’t have the urgent need to pick it right back up and yet when I did pick it up I couldn’t wait to see what would happen next. But regardless, I enjoyed the book as a whole and after spending quite a bit of time with the Clarkson siblings can’t wait to get my hands on the next book to see what’s in store for all of them.

~ ARC provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review ~
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
alkhansaa alhakeem
Tessa Bailey once again proves to her readers that she can deliver a romance that is sexy, funny, witty, and ridiculously entertaining!!! And in her newest release Too Hot to Handle, Tessa opens this book with a fiery explosion. Literally, the roof is on fire and I’m not kidding. Sparks are flying and Rita Clarkson just burned down her mother’s Michelin star restaurant and the only thing that she could do was watch it go up in smokes.

With a whisk and her mother’s notebook in hand, Rita Clarkson just watched the restaurant that she inherited from her mother burn to the ground and her career go up in flames. And to make matters worse, her siblings shows up. Rita loves her siblings but they get on each other’s nerve and haven’t kept in touch. And so when Rita shows them their mother’s dying wish that each of them travel to New York and jump into the ocean on New Year’s Day, Rita decides that this must be something that they must all do. And so begins the crazy adventures of the Clarkson siblings, Belmont, Rita, Aaron and Peggy.

Like any typical family, you put four strong personalities in one car traveling from California to New York, you would expect lots of bickering and for the Clarkson clan, there is no shortage of that. But one thing is for certain when trouble arises, the Clarkson siblings have each other’s back. And so when their Suburban breaks down somewhere in New Mexico, a good samaritan comes to the rescue.

When Jasper Ellis spots the Clarkson family stranded, he decides to help them out and also catches the eye of Rita. Right off the bat, Jasper is intrigued with Rita and tries his best to charm her. Since the car will take a day to be fixed, Rita and her siblings are stuck in this small town. And so when Jasper invites Rita to his bar, sparks and sexual tension is in the air.

"Welcome to show-and-tell. You’re going to slide those sexy legs apart and show me where I’ll have the privilege of putting this hungry c#ck. And I’ll tell you to spread them wider.”

As Rita and Jasper gets to know each other, it was only a matter of time these two finally acted on their sexual attraction. Knowing his time with Rita is short, Jasper tries his best to keep Rita and her siblings to stay longer in town even if it means delaying the repair of their car. As much as Jasper wants to keep Rita in town, he knows the choice lies solely on her. Will Rita realize love when it’s standing right in front of her? Or will she let her fears stop her from truly living the life she wants?

Too Hot to Handle was one of those sweet romantic reads that weaves elements of family, understanding and second chances. Tessa Bailey not only gave readers a love story but she allowed readers to feel the depth of a family coming together. So if you are looking for a story filled with humor, honesty, romance, and second chances then I would recommend you give this book a try and I seriously can’t wait for Aaron’s story and his trek in finding love and new beginnings.

~Michelle of Four Chicks Flipping Pages
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
elisa marchand
To say that Rita Clarkson has a complicated relationship with her family is putting it mildly. The personalities of the four of them couldn't be more different, so when they embark on a cross-country trip based on a journal left to them by their mother, shenanigans are sure to ensue. Jasper Ellis is doing his best to live down that kind of reputation. Having spent most of his adult life as the resident manwhore of Hurley, New Mexico, Jasper has sworn off women and is focusing on creating a new version of himself, and things have been going just fine. Until the Clarksons show up in town, that is.

I love a book that takes me by surprise, one that has sass, humor, and enough snarky dialogue to make me laugh out loud. And, if said book has enough heat and spark to start a fire, even better. I was delighted to find that TOO HOT TO HANDLE by author Tessa Bailey has all of these things, and more.

Tessa's books never fail to appeal. In TOO HOT TO HANDLE she's written characters and a story that engage from the first page. There is no way not to be intrigued by the complex relationship of the Clarkson family. Watching them together is amusing, and sometimes heartbreaking, but never dull. Their cross-country trip promises to be one heck of an adventure from the very beginning, because there is just a whole LOT of personality packed into one Suburban. And, even though they seem like caricatures, each a cliché of a type, there is so much more to them than meets the eye.

The immediate heat between Jasper and Rita could power a small country. The more time that they spend together, the more it flares, and I find it a wonder that there is no spontaneous combustion going on. Serious fan myself moments going on there. But beyond all of this, there are two people that are trying really hard to refashion themselves into rebooted "better" versions of themselves. To find out that each is what helps make them that better version is bittersweet, when they're working with a timeline of just a few days.

I am so glad that Tessa has written this book, and that there are more to follow, because I can't imagine that the other Clarksons will be any less wonderful to experience. 4.5 deliciously funny, sexy, snarky, 'grab this book now' stars. Grab this book. Now.
Chase Me: A Broke and Beautiful Novel :: Getaway Girl :: Disorderly Conduct: The Academy :: The Fever Tree :: Unfixable
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jade craven
Tessa Bailey has turned her sights to small town America with this charmingly sexy tale of the Clarkson siblings on the road to New York, following the wishes of their late mother. Having her mother's restaurant burn down is the impetus for Rita to pick up her her mom's journal and in it, the directions for the four somewhat estranged siblings - Rita, Aaron, Penny and Belmont to head to New York for a New Year's Eve dip in the ocean. For years the four have been somewhat at odds with each other, never close enough to count on one another when times got tough, but they've all piled into one Suburban, heading off on an adventure together. En route, car trouble lands them on the side of the road in Hurley Nebraska, and into bad boy biker Jasper's care. Jasper runs a bar, and is getting ready to open a restaurant - how fortuitous that he happens to land upon a stranded chef! Rita and Jasper have each got something to bring to the table, including some serious self esteem issues. Can an unexpected stay turn into a new dream?

An adventure indeed! Piling four siblings into one car for a road trip, each carrying slights and bruises from their relationships with each other is a feat indeed, and one taken on with gusto here. I really like stories that feature family dynamics, especially when said family is definitely not a picture perfect one. Though this is Rita's story, the importance of her relationship to her siblings (and theirs to each other) is clear from the beginning. The fact that they are willing to take this trip together shows that they want to mend the fences between them as well as honor their late mother, and bickering and banter aside, they are all very likable characters. There are several scenes that feature the four siblings together, and in smaller groups, as they start to confide in each other, baring their secrets and thereby finding out that they really do have each other's backs.

Rita is dealing with the fallout from having lost her temper on a television reality cooking show, her fallen souffle indicative of her failure to live up to her mother's chef reputation. It's just another area where she's found herself lacking. When her mom's restaurant burns down, an action that precipitates their cross country journey, she carries the guilty knowledge that she could have possibly prevented the fire, but couldn't stand the thought of one more day trying to fill her mother's shoes. It's in this frame of mind that she meets Jasper.

Jasper is the town playboy. Well, he was the town playboy, until about two years ago when he finally woke up from his days of drinking and sex to realize that he had lost any respect of the townspeople that he might have had. He's spent the last two years celibate, building back his reputation by running a successful bar, and working on his dream of owning and running a quality restaurant. When he first sees Rita, rescuing her on the side of the road and bringing her into town to get a mechanic for her car, his attraction to her is instantaneous. Yet he is determined to not act on it. With her he has a clean slate - she knows nothing of his past and his reputation. Rita feels the same attraction but for their first day at least, he keeps her at arm's length. He wants her to know him, the real him, not just the guy who can please her in bed. Rita takes this as a rejection, but learns quickly why, and makes it clear that she is interested in him as a person. He's friendly and funny and outgoing, a man who doesn't know about her past either. Together, they can make a fresh start.

However, this is a Tessa Bailey book, so you can be assured that the sexy times, once Jasper and Rita establish that they want each other for more than a quick lay, are still plentiful. Jasper has the dirty talking hero vibe down pat, and even though their first couple of intimate encounters don't end up with them in bed together, it's clear that that's where they are headed. It's also clear that Rita knows how to lash out at Jasper when he inadvertently hurts her - all she has to do is go straight to the sexy times and skip the communication parts. And this is an insta-love book - the whole story takes place in less than a week, so readers who don't buy that you can find your soulmate so quickly might scoff at the idea of Rita ending up in this small town permanently. In this story though, it seems quite logical, with all that Jasper and Rita have gone through to date, that finding someone who will support you no matter what is enough to cement the relationship.

For the first in a series, it's got lots going for it. Likable characters, a very steamy romance, and a definite sense of where the next in the series is headed, with Aaron looking to be up to bat. It is definitely a series I'll be following closely.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
riadun adnan
Tessa Bailey is one of my favorite contemporary romance writers so I know that pretty much anything she writes, I am going to love. No one writes a steamy sex scene quite like Ms. Bailey. So I loved what she did with the story of Rita Clarkson, who has just accidentally burned down her mother's award-winning restaurant. On top of that, it was her mother's dying wish that Rita and her siblings - who aren't exactly close - travel to the East Coast to swim in the ocean on New Year's Day.

The Clarkson bunch is headed off on their road trip when their truck breaks down in the middle of New Mexico. The oh-so-hot Jasper enters enters the picture and offers them a ride into town and help with the local mechanic. So now the Clarkson family is stranded in the middle of nowhere. Yes, Jasper and Rita have instant chemistry BUT once again, Tessa Bailey surprises with Jasper: he's trying to make something of his life and live down his bad-boy reputation, and low expectations that everyone has of him.

"What if— to Rita—he could be Jasper, the decent soul and sparkling conversationalist? Standing right in front of Jasper was a woman without any preconceived— or hell, conceived— notions about him, and he couldn’t recall the last time that had happened."

Rita and Jasper were amazing!! But Rita is worried about her future and can't stop thinking about life without Jasper. She thinks he is just a temporary diversion but Jasper is so much more than that! He is shocked that he actually wants to spend time with Rita and can't stop think about her. Tessa Bailey always creates such terrific characters and Rita and Jasper were no exception. I LOVED their scenes together - Jasper is TOTALLY Alpha - and adored the alternating POV's. You know you will always get an incredibly hot and sexy story with Ms. Bailey and add to that the wonderfully unique Clarkson family, then you have a great recipe for a funny, sexy and heartwarming story.

"Here's the thing. I swore off women. But then you came pedaling into town with this mouth, those eyes and the way they see everything... and f* yes, I want to kiss you. I want to do all manner of things to you.”

Too Hot to Handle is a very enjoyable start to the new series involving the Clarkson family!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
millie anne
4.5 Stars

Rita Clarkson's life has imploded before her eyes. Her mother dies, she embarrasses herself on a tv cooking contest show and then she burns down her mom's restaurant. When she discovers her mom's journal and finds out her dying wish is for her children to travel to NY for the annual New Year's Polar Bear jump into the ocean, she takes it upon herself to convince her three siblings they need to do this to honor their mom. Rita's 'good luck' holds and their car breaks down mid road trip in New Mexico. They are rescued by Jasper and before she knows it, Rita is questioning her need to start over in New York City.

I felt for Rita as she grappled with her feelings of inadequacy. She was in her mom's shadow and had an extremely difficult time trying to see her way out from under it. Jasper is struggling to prove he is more than just his town's good time. He wants to prove he has substance and worth.  Rita and Jasper have instant sparks, but she is determined to make it to NY and fulfill her mom's last wish. She can't let herself be side tracked by a sexy man like Jasper, can she?

I just loved Rita and Jasper together. People who are not fans of stories with instalove may have a bit of a problem with it, but I was personally all in. I really enjoyed how Jasper wanted to take the physical aspect of their relationship slow because he cared about Rita and felt their connection was special. Once they got there though, my kindle started smoking! Bailey always writes hot sex scenes and she did not skimp on them in Too Hot to Handle! Tessa Bailey is pretty much the queen of dirty talking male leads and Jasper is a wonderful addition to that line up. He could talk dirty to me anytime he wants!

In addition to all of the sexy scenes this book was so much fun to read. I admit I have a huge weakness for road trip books. This is the first time I have read one with a cast of siblings and I ate up the scenes between them. The Clarkson siblings are not especially close and they are all expecting this road trip to end in disaster. Watching them interact and grow closer was tremendously enjoyable and I laughed out loud during many of their conversations.  I am so anxious to read all of their respective books.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
angela lopez
A mixed bag, but ultimately I'm absolutely intrigued by the whole Clarkson clan so I'm going to keep reading. Especially because I'm pretty sure that Ms. Bailey's going to make me wait until book 4 to get Belmont's story--cruel, but effective planning. ;)

What I liked:

Jasper. When he was telling Rita about the day he decided to change his manwhore ways my heart broke a little. Talk about slut was definitely different to see it aimed at a guy for once. Every time it made him doubt himself I just wanted to give him a hug.

The dynamic between the four siblings (Rita and Peggy's thing for The Golden Girls? Loved it), and later on, Sage (Peggy's best friend) as well. Not to mention the whole crazy whatever-it-is between Sage and Belmont. Did I mention I'm anxious for his story?

Jasper's grandmother. She cracked me up.

The last 20%--definitely the most solid part of the book. Loved the ending.

The series potential. It's got me hooked.

The siblings' names--all relatively unusual but not jarringly so. So many books seem to go to extremes--the same "unusual" names that everyone else is using, or ones that are head-scratchingly weird. I liked Rita, Peggy, Aaron, and Belmont.


What I wasn't so crazy about:

Jasper's dirty talk. Too much (I know, I know!) and it made him seem like a different guy than he is in the rest of the book. It was more jarring than hot.

Rita's kitchen phobia. I just had trouble "getting" it, which made her getting over it somewhat puzzling as well. I don't know why--it was explained, more or less, but it just didn't work for me, exactly. I can't put my finger on it.

Jasper's back-and-forth with Rita and intimacy. As much as I got why he was conflicted, it got weird. Especially when he started with the talking...

Overall I enjoyed reading this and more ended up in the "like" column than not. Aaron appears to be next--since he's got a dog, I'll forgive him for not being his older brother.

Rating: 4 stars / B+
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
nichole wintheiser
Rita Clarkson thought it would be a great idea to gather her three siblings and drive cross country in order to fulfill their mother’s last request. She forgot to account for the fact that the 4 siblings are each as different as a single group of people could be. Not long into their trek, they find themselves stranded in the Middle of Nowhere, New Mexico with car trouble.

Jasper Ellis has been trying to live down his reputation in a small town. No one seems to see the man he is trying to be, they just miss the good for nothing partier he used to be. When he rides up behind a broken down Suburban, he knows he will struggle to keep the man he used to be in check long enough to treat Rita the way she deserves.

The tension between these two is epic. Not only are they fighting time, as Rita’s time in town is only as long as it takes to replace a fan belt, but they are also fighting the demons each of them carry. They each struggle with the choices they have made as they work to shape the future.

I haven’t read two people so caught up in what others think in a long time -- and that is both something I liked about them and something that drove me crazy. Jasper is trying to make a new man of himself, but can’t seem to shake that others expect him to be a partier rather than an upstanding businessman. Rita fears so much about her past and her future that she is running nearly blind. But their chemistry is on fire, even as they fight to make sure the other’s feelings don’t get hurt.

The story felt like to was a little slow in places, but as a whole it was a sexy, easy read. Though the timeline of the main story is only a handful of days, they are jam-packed in a way that can only happen in a small town.

I enjoyed getting to know all four Clarkson siblings here. Each one is hiding secrets from the others (and from themselves it seems). As the siblings get to know each other as adults for probably the first time, they realize that they are all struggling with aspects that no one else sees. I can’t wait to see more as they travel across the country.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
lynn ellen
Tragedy strikes the Clarkston family again mainly Rita this time, when her mom's restaurant catches fire she knows it's time for a change and she doesn't know that that change is going to be. When she finds her mom's journal she sets out with her siblings on a road trip each has there own plans with the end results of them ending up in New York for there mom's final wishes.
When they break down everything states to change in Rita's world and she's starting to wonder where her next stop will take her.
Jasper is sick of being known as the town tramp and he is ready to start as a new life and see other options in his life. He has one person he is set to prove he did good and he is set to continue to have lunches with Grandma. When he is on the way to have lunch he sees Rita's family broken down and he knows he needs to stop when she catches his eye he knows he needs to take this slow or reputation will still be true. Will they both be able to find were they belong before its so late.

I am not sure where I stand with this book..... While I found the storyline well written and it draws you in, and leaves you wanting more. The story gives you an amazing group of fun characters from grouchy to right down ornery and funny. I enjoyed the banter and relationship with Jasper's grandma and her role in the book it wasn't this flamboyant personality you would expect from a star but its just perfect and you know where she stands. What I didn't like is I felt the language was super strong and on almost every page. I felt that if it was calmed down and not used as often then the book would have been that much better. Over all the book was a decent read just feel it could have been a little better with less curse words.
Disclosure: I received this book free of charge from the publisher, but this review consists of my honest opinions, not influenced in any way by the author or publisher
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
augusteen chelliah
I am laughing out loud just writing this review, remembering the various chapters that kept me giggling and witty lines that brought out the smiles :D . And that's not even the best part. The story as a whole was full of depth, believability and what felt like genuine characters. Their pain, challenges and triumphs pulling at the heartstrings and emotions of this reader. Rita's character was written with flawless magnificence. Her character, while often vulnerable, still held much strength, and was written with credibility. Jasper was an absolute swoonfest, loveable, "can I have one too, if only" character that absolutely just jumped from the pages for this reader. His big heart and caring, focussed character was entertaining and superbly portrayed. Both characters shined in a story I couldn't get enough of. Such emotion packed reading that made for a read not to be missed. Not to forget Rosemary - what a hoot of a character lol :) There wasn't anything about this book I didn't like. Rita's siblings - Belmont. BELMONT - OMG his character had me speechless in all the right ways - intense (ahem, Ms Bailey #PMB ring any bells lol) and Sage's introduction in Belmont's circle will make for a great, cannot wait, read. Aaron - bahahahaha rightious, funny, sarcastic and pristine to boot, and Peggy lmbo - sweet, sassy and a whole lot of smooth - all of their characters have their own tale to tell and if it's anything like how they grabbed this readers attention in Too Hot To Handle, with their funny multi-liners and smouldering smexiness that burnt the pages on every page turn, then I can not wait to read each of their stories. I cannot say enough how much I truly enjoyed reading this story and the characters within. All of it just blissful reading :D
Advanced review copy received from Forever (Grand Central Publishing) via Netgalley for an honest rating
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jbin taylor
When Jasper Ellis rolls up onto a broke down Suburban alongside the road, he can't believe his luck, and is quite certain the love gods are smiling down on him, because amongst a bickering family he spots the most alluring and stunningly beautiful woman he has ever had the pleasure of sharing air with. There is something about her that has him gravitating to her, something he wants to explore on a more personal level, so he invites her and her family to stop in at his bar with the hope that they will have the chance to learn more about one another. The moment she walks into his bar and the sparks start flying between them he knows they have stumbled onto something that has the makings of forever written all over it, the problem is her stay has a time limit... now he must find a way to convince her to stay or he may just lose his one real shot at true love.

After Rita Clarkson watches her future burn to the ground she decides it may be a sign from above that her and her siblings need to make time to carry out their mother's last wishes, so after a whole lot of discussion and some bickering they decide to load up in her Suburban and set out on a cross country trip. But just outside of New Mexico her beloved Suburban decides to take a dump on them and leave them stranded alongside the road, and puts a major damper on their trip. As their standing alongside the road bickering about their next move, and sexy man rolls up on a Harley and offers his assistance, and gives Rita some serious heart palpitations... she has never been in the presence of such a wickedly handsome man and it seems as though she has caught his eye too! He invites them to his honky tonk for a drink or two and the minute Rita walks into the bar the sparks start flying and suddenly her cross country trip starts to lose it's appeal...

The moment I saw the cover for this one I was immediately intrigued, and had to know more, so I went in search of the synopsis and liked what I found, so I took a gamble on a new author in hopes of discovering a much needed spicy literary escape... and I am happy to report I got my wish...and found a whole lot more!! Barely three sentences into this sinfully delightful story, and I felt a obsession start to ensue, and instantly knew that there was no way I was putting it down until I had devoured every last page!! From the get go I felt myself being sucked into Rita and Jasper's world, and completely captivated with every written word, and left dying for more! The chemistry between these two burned brightly from start to finish, and every encounter they had was filled with so much passion and intensity that I frequently found myself breathless and in dire need of a fan!! This is by far one of the most memorable first reads that I have had in a long while and I look forward to coming installments in the series, and getting myself better acquainted with the Clarkson family!

If you like small town romance, with a hot and spicy twist, then I highly recommend you give this read a try, the Clarkson family is sure to find their way into your heart and provide you with a laugh or two along the way too!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
evans mcgowan
Gosh, Tessa Bailey does it again!! I loved this book! It was different. Charming and fun!! And if I'm being honest, you need to meet Jasper Ellis!! Sweet baby Jesus!

The best way to dis robe the feel of this book is ... A traveling journey. There is no other way to read this series then in order. And I've only read book one and the sneak peek to book two, and I can already tell. This new series by the wonderfully talented Mrs. Bailey is going to be a grand slam!! The main focus is on older sister Rita and her quest to find herself. She is at a cross roads in her life. Closing one chapter and running from the next. Jasper has stopped running and is on the road to recovery. It's been two years since Jaspers found interest in someone enough to break his celibacy , then he meets Rita Clarkson and all bets are off.

This is a fast past love story, but something when you know , you know. And jasper knew, he knew this was his one shot at redemption. Then Rita was it. I loved everything Jasper! He was so refreshing and real I could also it feel his and that damn hot body!! I could see him. Smell him and man did I want to trade places with Rita a time or two! Jasper Ellis is a naughty little thing!! But man does he do it right!!!

I can't wait to see where the rest of the Clarkson's end up, where ever it is, I know it's going to be epic, just like Rita and Jasper's was!! I recommend this book to anyone who's ever wanted to have flannel babies with a hot flannel wearing biker husband in sunny New Mexioco. Olè ladies!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
elaine armstrong
Jasper, you sexy, delightful, dirty-talking, recently reformed man whore you…

Rita, you fragile, strong, self-doubting, recently displaced chef you…

I loved this book. It was a few chapters to get into and get past Rita’s grunting incommunicative brothers…but man o’ man did Jasper make up for it. I loved his back story and his angst and especially his fears that he will never meet a woman who “stays”. I loved how he saw in Rita all the self-doubt and self-loathing and wanted to heal her and be her balm. He felt all those things about himself and he truly believed that if he could bring Rita joy and peace then he would be at peace.

Just a moment here to mention Jasper’s dirty-talking abilities…If there were an Olympics for smexy talk…Jasper Ellis would be right up there with Tatum Jackson (Sweet Dreams by Kristen Ashley) and Dawg MacKay (Nauti Nights and the whole Nauti series by Lora Leigh). The things he says…not just the smexy but “the things he would never admit in the daylight”. Be still my beating heart. He wants in there…in Rita so bad the ache is palpable from the beginning of this book right through to the end. I love that in a book, where the intensity and passion perk you up and keep you firing page after page after page.

A great start to a series and I cannot wait for Peggy’s story…who is this “one that got away”…that even 4 fabulous fiancé’s cannot replace??? Enjoy!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
anh lyjordan
Rita, and her siblings aren’t the most conventional family. The four of them couldn’t be more opposites, though that doesn’t mean they don’t care about each other. After their mother died, and Rita accidentally burned down their legacy, they decide to fulfill their mother’s last wish a.k.a. road trip to New York for some skinny dipping (don’t ask).

But what is a road trip without a few bumps along the way. Stranded what feels like the middle of nowhere, rescue comes in the form of reformed bad boy Jasper Ellis. The connection is instant, but Rita isn’t here to stay, and siblings kind of cramp your style.

Jasper was not expecting Rita, and he’s not ready to let her go that easily. With a bit of help from the locals, Jasper is set out to convince Rita to give him a real chance. I do have to admit that he has a certain charm about him, that makes him pretty irresistible. Not to mention the mouth on this guy, so hot.

While maybe not the most original story line, and plot, I did enjoy the characters a lot. Mostly the dynamic between the siblings I found the most interesting, so I’m very looking forward to each getting their own story. As for Rita, and Jasper, you really do have to ask yourself if you can handle all that hotness?

*I received a copy from the author in exchange for an honest review*
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The first book in a brand new romance series from Tessa Bailey!

Will leave you looking forward to the next installment in this amazing series.

I freaking loved this book, it's funny, sexy and totally a must read. It's got a sexy ex-man whore yummy something to definitely look forward too. And sibling drama. It also bring out the importance of family and that even though you go different paths you are always connected. Jared totally made it to my Book Boyfriend List. And I really loved that even though Rita is fighting her own secrets and insecurities she won't back down and be weak.

The first book in a brand new contemporary romance series from New York Times bestselling author Tessa Bailey!

When Rita Clarkson's Suburban takes its last breath on a New Mexico roadside, rescue roars up on a Harley in the form of smooth-talking honky tonk owner, Jasper Ellis, a man as mysterious as he is charming. Rita's cross-country journey to New York City--with her three estranged siblings in tow--is only beginning, but now that Jasper has found Rita, his plans do not include her leaving.

5 Stars ......Loved, Loved, Loved and looking forward to next book

Reviewed by : Deanne C.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Four siblings start out to New York from California. Their mother left a journal after she died. She had went as a guest to the Coney Island Polar Bear Club. She jumps into the Atlantic on New Year's Day. She thinks her four children should do it too.
Rita is a chef like her mother. Runs the family restaurant until it burns down. She convinces her two brothers and sister to make the trip. They break down in Hurly, New Mexico.
Jasper owns the town's bar and is opening an eatery with it. He is also the one the women turn to for a good time. But he is trying to turn his life around and be a better man. He is very attracted to Rita, so he bribes the mechanic to take longer on fixing their car.
Both are a little damaged and continue to accidentally hurt each other with their words. This is a story that will have your e reader smoking it's so hot. A manwhore who changes his ways, a chef who has panic attacks in the kitchen, and siblings who aren't close but are slowly finding their way to each other.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Tessa Bailey and her family of misfits took some time for me to warm up to but once it happened, I was all in. The Clarksons are a family that know what they want but lack the direction needed to get there. That guidance has always come from Miriam, the family matriach. Through the flubs she made and the love she gave, her teachings were the one constant in an ever changing world of heartaches and failure. She was the glue that held this faltering group together. Now they have too find the way on their own. With a little divine intervention. I received an ARC of Too Hot to Handle in exchange for an honest review. Rita had the heart to fulfill her dreams but lacked the confidence. Her life is quickly falling apart and she is losing herself piece by piece. Through memories, we get to explore her relationship with her mother and her personal development. I loved how Ms. Bailey wrote a tempting love story but she also explored the deeply emotional bond between a family. Through the good and bad.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
***Review posted on The Eater of Books! blog***

Too Hot to Handle by Tessa Bailey
Book One of the Romancing the Clarksons series
Publisher: Forever
Publication Date: May 17, 2016
Rating: 4 stars
Source: eARC from NetGalley

***Warning: this is an adult book, and for the eyes of mature readers***

Summary (from Goodreads):

When rescue looks like a whole lot of trouble . . .

The road trip was definitely a bad idea. Having already flambéed her culinary career beyond recognition, Rita Clarkson is now stranded in God-Knows-Where, New Mexico, with a busted-ass car and her three temperamental siblings, who she hasn't seen in years. When rescue shows up---six-feet-plus of hot, charming sex on a motorcycle---Rita's pretty certain she's gone from the frying pan right into the fire . . .

Jasper Ellis has a bad boy reputation in this town, and he loathes it. The moment he sees Rita, though, Jasper knows he's about to be sorely tempted. There's something real between them. Something raw. And Jasper has only a few days to show Rita that he isn't just for tonight---he's forever.

What I Liked:

I count Tessa Bailey among my favorite contemporary romance authors. I've read so many of her books (say, eleven including this one), and I don't think I've rated any of the books less than three stars. She writes so quickly! And all of her books are steamy and swoony. While this new book is probably not a new favorite Bailey book, it was definitely satisfying and enjoyable, and I can't wait to continue the series.

Rita Clarkson's restaurant just burned down, and Rita has just about had it. It was her mother's restaurant, and her mother recently died, leaving behind a dying wish of her four children doing a Polar Bear Plunge in New York on New Year's Day. The Clarkson clan were never close, but somehow, Rita convinces them to go on a road trip from San Diego to New York over the course of the month (starting December 1st). Rita could use the break from the stress of, well, everything. But car trouble stalls the gang in Hurley, New Mexico, where one wickedly charming man helps them with their car, and sweeps Rita off her feet. But Rita is on a road trip, and falling for someone wasn't part of the plan. Jasper doesn't want her to leave - he needs a fresh start just as much as she does.

This book is longer than most of Bailey's books, yet it takes place over several days. Jasper and Rita meet fairly quickly into the book. I like that the first two chapters are somewhat short, yet we learn so much about the Clarkson family. Belmont is quiet and stern. Rita is stressed about her future in cooking, and she is somewhat of the matriarch of the group. Aaron is a cold arrogant jerk, but there is something lovable about him. Finally, Peggy is a professional shopper who has had a lot of engagements and left a lot of broken hearts.

Rita is so complex, and we see this quickly. Her mother, a cooking genius, placed a lot of expectations on Rita. Rita wasn't born with her mother's talent, but Rita is an extremely good cook. Yet she doesn't like the pressure she's felt when cooking. So the road trip was a good idea for her.

Jasper is sweet and charming, yet a little wicked and arrogant. He has sworn off women and hasn't had sex in nearly two years, after An Incident. He used to be a ladies' man, and he has the lasting reputation to prove it. But Jasper is so much more than that, and he wants to prove to everyone that he is so much more. He is intelligent and kind and chivalrous and driven. He has a bar and he's opening an eatery - Jasper is may be feeling lost, but he has a lot going for him.

Jasper and Rita's relationship evolves rapidly. Both of them do not open up easily, especially Rita. One will assume one thing, the other will assume another thing, and both will end up apologizing. I like that they both realize their mistakes as the story goes on (versus Jasper constantly being the only one apologizing, or vice versa).

The romance was very steamy! In classic Bailey fashion, there were tons of hot encounters between Jasper and Rita. I like that, despite writing so many romance novels, all of Bailey's steamy scenes are pretty different. But always fiery!

I also really like how this book is not just focused on Jasper and Rita's relationship, but also the relationship between the Clarkson siblings. Each sibling is so unique and complicated and dealing with their own mess and misery. I can't say I have a favorite Clarkson, because I genuinely like them all. And I like seeing how their relationships with each other and overall change and grow and improve as the story goes on.

The ending is PERFECT! I was hoping it would go this way and not the other... well, it was perfect. Love!

Anyway, overall I really enjoyed this book. There are a lot of things to love, and a lot of growth/development/emotion that add depth to the story. It's not just a steamy romance novel; it's a story of personal growth (in both Rita and Jasper) and familial growth.

What I Did Not Like:

I think this has more to do with me personally than the book (but maybe not, who knows) -- I didn't like how fast the romance occurred, how fast the feelings developed. Lust, okay. But feelings/love? I suppose it's possible, but it just felt very fast to me. Why I say this has more to do with me personally - I just read a book that pretty much took place over two days, in which the hero and heroine meet and fall in love in those two days (Chasing Lady Amelia by Maya Rodale, in case anyone was interested). Great book, but the romance felt fast. NOT undeveloped, but fast. If that makes sense? That is probably my only complaint (though it weighs heavily against the story). I like how drawn-out the romance/steamy side of things was, but realistically, the emotional side to this story occurred extremely quickly.

Would I Recommend It:

I mean, I'd probably recommend just about any of Tessa Bailey's books, if you're a fan of steaaaamy romance novels. Every time I read one, there is a new story, new characters, new steamy scenes. This novel is perfect if you like road trips, charming men, and a strong sense of family in a romance novel! And steamy romance, of course.


3.5 stars -> rounded up to 4 stars. Like I've said, not my favorite Tessa Bailey book, but that doesn't mean it was bad or anything. I wasn't disappointed! I can't wait to read Too Wild to Tame - let's see what Aaron's story is all about!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
mohamed mazhar
This was an interesting read that gender flipped the "bad reputation" trope. Rita Clarkson has had a bad couple of years. Her cooking show when up in flames and her mother died. She has to travel with her siblings cross country to fulfill her mother's dying wish and the family SUV has broken down in the middle of nowhere. Rescue shows up in the form of Jasper Ellis, a local restauranteur who falls quickly in lust/love with Rita.

Jasper looks at Rita and sees an opportunity for a clean slate. Jasper had been a local ne'er do well and lothario who earned his bad reputation and now loathes it. Rita doesn't have any baggage related to him and his self-confidence desperately needs someone to look at him and see someone worthy of a relationship.

Both characters come with a bit of self-loathing and baggage. Rita has always felt unworthy, her mother was a famous chef and Rita has always felt the inferiority that comes from not being as brilliant as her mother. Jasper has been trying to make a name for his bar and his work and he does not know how to make a fresh start.

The story was enjoyable and fresh with great secondary characters that made me look forward to the continuation of the series.

Reviewer received copy of book on Netgalley
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
dylan platt
Rita Clarkson isn’t having a stellar month. After watching her culinary career go up in flames, with a whisk and her mother’s journal, she watched her mother’s restaurant burn to the ground. The road trip was a bad idea but all she had was that journal and her mother’s wish. She had to try something. But she never intended to get stranded in New Mexico.

Jasper is tired of being the town tramp. The one that everyone looks for an easy good time. He never thought he could be more, that is until Rita Clarkson and her 3 siblings stumbled into town.

This was a cute and sweet read with lots and lots of heat. It was a romantic story weaved with family and hope of second chances. Rita and Jasper had different plans but in the end they weren’t much different. They just wanted to love and be loved and have a chance at happily ever after.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Review Submitted By: Korena Reviewer for Alpha Book Review
(Received ARC from Netgalley in exchange for our honest review.)

Steph Anderson wants to retrieve what was taken from her mom from the stepdad. A man Steph used to feel like her dad. Steph went to the Cayman Islands where her stepdad has a club.

Jake Harlowe was hired to find misappropriated funds. Jake went to the Cayman Islands. Step hand Jake were after the same man. They decided to work together to get the information. A lot of mistrust between the couple. A lot of chemistry between the couple.

This was a fun story to read. I enjoyed the banter between the couple. I can't wait to read the next installment.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
becky granger
I checked out the entire Romancing the Clarksons series on my Kindle from my local library, and was looking forward to reading it, but I honestly LOATHED Too Hot to Handle so much that I'm not sure I can bring myself to continue trying to read the series in hopes that it improves. I hate not finishing books, but found myself skimming through the last quarter of the book just to get it done because I could not stand the characters anymore. I've had books I've disliked before, but none that I've flat out hated all around as much as this one - a round of applause to Ms. Bailey for creating an entire cast of unlikeable characters.

First of all, this book is simply straight up porn - nothing more, nothing less - and bad porn at that, so if that's not your cup of tea, you definitely don't want to read this book. I don't personally have any problem with sex or dirty talk in my reading, but I also want a story & some romance to go with it. The problem is that Too Hot to Handle lacks any semblance of a real relationship - just degrading sex that supposedly leads to insta-love. There is extremely minimal non-sexual dialogue between Rita & Jasper, yet Ms. Bailey expects the reader to buy that a self-confessed man-whore and a gothesque-loner who are both chock-full of more issues than a magazine subscription are able to overcome all their problems and fall happily-ever-after-in-love in just 3 days - it doesn't work. Nothing Ms. Bailey writes in this book makes that ending plausible in any way. Even the sexual dialogue and encounters don't give credence to the story, because every single time Jasper comes off as the man-whore we're constantly told he was - other than the reader being told he's been celibate for 2 years trying to change how he's viewed by the town, there's nothing in his dialogue or his actions that make him appear anything other than a self-absorbed man-whore. There was nothing remotely romantic about the way he treated Rita. Sorry, when the "hero" is always shoving his business all up in her business, even when they're clothed, and repeatedly telling his love interest that she's such "a hot piece of a**" (literally - his exact words, over and over again), I have trouble buying that he's truly in love with her - her body, sure, but as a human being, no.

Secondly, prior to the "romance" being introduced, Ms. Bailey puts in motion a storyline about 4 dysfunctional siblings who set off on a road trip a year after their mother's death because of an entry she wrote in her journal before passing away. Ms. Bailey leads the reader to believe that a secondary part of the series will be the siblings embarking on this cross-country road trip together, and working through their individual issues, as well as their fractured relationships with each other, to become closer. However, they break down in Hurley about 3 seconds after embarking on their journey, and the siblings make very minimal strides in their bonds to one another during their few days in town - yet in the end, when Rita decides to abandon the road trip she instigated, even though it's barely begun the reader is supposed to feel okay with her ditching her siblings for a guy she's known less than a handful of days. I couldn't get on board - I thought both Jasper & Rita came off as selfish jerks. Jasper because Rita told him the reason for the road trip early on in the book, yet near the end he has an never-ending internal tirade about trying to convince her stay with him instead - if he really loved her as much as he claimed, why couldn't he let her complete the road trip with her siblings, then come back to him (she would have only been gone a month tops)? And Rita, she just comes off as weak all around. First she lets her mother's restaurant burn down instead of putting on the fire because she's too scared to go back to working there after she has a meltdown on national television, then she throws her siblings over for a guy she barely knows because he gives her an orgasm. Never once does Ms. Bailey effectively make the reader believe Rita has dealt with any of her issues that led to her burning out on her life in California and embarking on this road trip in the first place. She just goes from always doing whatever she thinks her mother wanted to doing whatever Jasper wants - she's basically always dependent on someone else to tell her how to live her life. For someone who the author goes to great lengths to make sure the reader understands is drowning in issues, Rita doesn't actually go through any actual personal growth. There are times when Ms. Bailey sets a scene where the reader feels like FINALLY we're going to see some progress (i.e. the cooking class with Grandma Rosemary's group and making a cheese soufflé with Jasper in his kitchen to name a few) but instead of following through, Ms. Bailey resorts back to heavily-laden sexual encounters instead of giving any emotional depth or growth to her characters.

At the end of Too Hot to Handle, I'm left with the impression that the cross-country road trip is just a means to drop each sibling off in a different state (I'm assuming Aaron in Iowa & Peggy in Ohio based on the little information given about them) so they can go back to their individual lives separate from one another, rather than a journey that was meant to bond the siblings & bring them closer together. The epilogue only further promotes that notion that no one in this book really cares about anyone else - the 3 remaining siblings pick up a stray dog & Aaron basically jokes they have room to take the dog with them since Rita bailed, like his sister's presence is interchangeable with a dog. I'm not sure what Ms. Bailey's thought process was in thinking that scene was a good way to set up Aaron's story that would encourage the reader to want to continue on in the series, because it doesn't. Unfortunately, none of the siblings were overly redeeming characters in Too Hot to Handle, and because I hated Rita & Jasper's story so much, I just don't think it's in the cards for me to find out what happens to Aaron, Peggy, or Belmont & Sage.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Okay. I actually really enjoyed this story. It was cute and definitely had some fun moments. I think the only reason I am not giving a full 4 stars is that I didn't fully connect with the main characters. I think maybe because it felt rushed. I just thought Jasper and Rita also had so many things they were working on in their only lives finding themselves, that the instalove just felt a little much. However, that being said. I thought the storyline was good and I enjoyed all the characters. I would love to read more about the other siblings in the story. I also love Tessa Bailey's work so will definitely be reading more.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I fell absolutely head over heart for Jasper. He is my favorite of all of Tessa's men and that is a hard decision to make as she writes incredible men. Jasper is just delicious. Damn the man gives good sweet with such a big heart and holy hell does he have a way with the naughty talk as well. I LOVED him. Rita was just as wonderful. She is a little lost as she jumps in the car with her brothers and sister to fulfill her mother's last wish. Not knowing who she really is. Then Jasper comes into her life riding up on his bike to save the day. They are scorching hot together and I loved him wooing her so damn hard. I so enjoyed their story.

I give Too Hot To Handle 5 hearts!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
yuan ming
I checked out the entire Romancing the Clarksons series on my Kindle from my local library, and was looking forward to reading it, but I honestly LOATHED Too Hot to Handle so much that I'm not sure I can bring myself to continue trying to read the series in hopes that it improves. I hate not finishing books, but found myself skimming through the last quarter of the book just to get it done because I could not stand the characters anymore. I've had books I've disliked before, but none that I've flat out hated all around as much as this one - a round of applause to Ms. Bailey for creating an entire cast of unlikeable characters.

First of all, this book is simply straight up porn - nothing more, nothing less - and bad porn at that, so if that's not your cup of tea, you definitely don't want to read this book. I don't personally have any problem with sex or dirty talk in my reading, but I also want a story & some romance to go with it. The problem is that Too Hot to Handle lacks any semblance of a real relationship - just degrading sex that supposedly leads to insta-love. There is extremely minimal non-sexual dialogue between Rita & Jasper, yet Ms. Bailey expects the reader to buy that a self-confessed man-whore and a gothesque-loner who are both chock-full of more issues than a magazine subscription are able to overcome all their problems and fall happily-ever-after-in-love in just 3 days - it doesn't work. Nothing Ms. Bailey writes in this book makes that ending plausible in any way. Even the sexual dialogue and encounters don't give credence to the story, because every single time Jasper comes off as the man-whore we're constantly told he was - other than the reader being told he's been celibate for 2 years trying to change how he's viewed by the town, there's nothing in his dialogue or his actions that make him appear anything other than a self-absorbed man-whore. There was nothing remotely romantic about the way he treated Rita. Sorry, when the "hero" is always shoving his business all up in her business, even when they're clothed, and repeatedly telling his love interest that she's such "a hot piece of a**" (literally - his exact words, over and over again), I have trouble buying that he's truly in love with her - her body, sure, but as a human being, no.

Secondly, prior to the "romance" being introduced, Ms. Bailey puts in motion a storyline about 4 dysfunctional siblings who set off on a road trip a year after their mother's death because of an entry she wrote in her journal before passing away. Ms. Bailey leads the reader to believe that a secondary part of the series will be the siblings embarking on this cross-country road trip together, and working through their individual issues, as well as their fractured relationships with each other, to become closer. However, they break down in Hurley about 3 seconds after embarking on their journey, and the siblings make very minimal strides in their bonds to one another during their few days in town - yet in the end, when Rita decides to abandon the road trip she instigated, even though it's barely begun the reader is supposed to feel okay with her ditching her siblings for a guy she's known less than a handful of days. I couldn't get on board - I thought both Jasper & Rita came off as selfish jerks. Jasper because Rita told him the reason for the road trip early on in the book, yet near the end he has an never-ending internal tirade about trying to convince her stay with him instead - if he really loved her as much as he claimed, why couldn't he let her complete the road trip with her siblings, then come back to him (she would have only been gone a month tops)? And Rita, she just comes off as weak all around. First she lets her mother's restaurant burn down instead of putting on the fire because she's too scared to go back to working there after she has a meltdown on national television, then she throws her siblings over for a guy she barely knows because he gives her an orgasm. Never once does Ms. Bailey effectively make the reader believe Rita has dealt with any of her issues that led to her burning out on her life in California and embarking on this road trip in the first place. She just goes from always doing whatever she thinks her mother wanted to doing whatever Jasper wants - she's basically always dependent on someone else to tell her how to live her life. For someone who the author goes to great lengths to make sure the reader understands is drowning in issues, Rita doesn't actually go through any actual personal growth. There are times when Ms. Bailey sets a scene where the reader feels like FINALLY we're going to see some progress (i.e. the cooking class with Grandma Rosemary's group and making a cheese soufflé with Jasper in his kitchen to name a few) but instead of following through, Ms. Bailey resorts back to heavily-laden sexual encounters instead of giving any emotional depth or growth to her characters.

At the end of Too Hot to Handle, I'm left with the impression that the cross-country road trip is just a means to drop each sibling off in a different state (I'm assuming Aaron in Iowa & Peggy in Ohio based on the little information given about them) so they can go back to their individual lives separate from one another, rather than a journey that was meant to bond the siblings & bring them closer together. The epilogue only further promotes that notion that no one in this book really cares about anyone else - the 3 remaining siblings pick up a stray dog & Aaron basically jokes they have room to take the dog with them since Rita bailed, like his sister's presence is interchangeable with a dog. I'm not sure what Ms. Bailey's thought process was in thinking that scene was a good way to set up Aaron's story that would encourage the reader to want to continue on in the series, because it doesn't. Unfortunately, none of the siblings were overly redeeming characters in Too Hot to Handle, and because I hated Rita & Jasper's story so much, I just don't think it's in the cards for me to find out what happens to Aaron, Peggy, or Belmont & Sage.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
lauren balthrop
Okay. I actually really enjoyed this story. It was cute and definitely had some fun moments. I think the only reason I am not giving a full 4 stars is that I didn't fully connect with the main characters. I think maybe because it felt rushed. I just thought Jasper and Rita also had so many things they were working on in their only lives finding themselves, that the instalove just felt a little much. However, that being said. I thought the storyline was good and I enjoyed all the characters. I would love to read more about the other siblings in the story. I also love Tessa Bailey's work so will definitely be reading more.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
hannah avery
I fell absolutely head over heart for Jasper. He is my favorite of all of Tessa's men and that is a hard decision to make as she writes incredible men. Jasper is just delicious. Damn the man gives good sweet with such a big heart and holy hell does he have a way with the naughty talk as well. I LOVED him. Rita was just as wonderful. She is a little lost as she jumps in the car with her brothers and sister to fulfill her mother's last wish. Not knowing who she really is. Then Jasper comes into her life riding up on his bike to save the day. They are scorching hot together and I loved him wooing her so damn hard. I so enjoyed their story.

I give Too Hot To Handle 5 hearts!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ben lee
This book of insta-love, family-journey, and self-discovery was a fantastic read! I loved the H&h but there was a special something about the siblings interactions and backstory that spoke to me too! This one made my fave of 2016 list!!

Too Hot to Handle might not be quite as steamy as some of Tessa's other work but the chemistry between Rita and Jasper comes through in her writing. This story really touched a cord and I'm really looking forward to the next book on this series about the stuffy politician Aaron!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
After the death of their mother, four siblings; Belmont, Rita, Aaron and Peggy embark on a road trip from San Diego to New York City, to fulfill a wish their mother left behind in her journal. Along the way, they break down by a small New Mexico town named Hurley, where are met on the side of the road by Jasper, the local playboy, who offers to bring one of them, Rita, Into town to send back a tow.
I loved the story of Jasper and Rita. Both trying to over come their own personal demons while circling around each other's obvious attraction. The story also casts a light on the relationships between the four siblings and how they interact with each other. Little by little we discover the "why". I really liked the characters, in this book and am so looking forward to unraveling the mystery that is Belmont! I have read almost all of Tessa Bailey's books and have yet to be disappointed.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book of insta-love, family-journey, and self-discovery was a fantastic read! I loved the H&h but there was a special something about the siblings interactions and backstory that spoke to me too! This one made my fave of 2016 list!!

Too Hot to Handle might not be quite as steamy as some of Tessa's other work but the chemistry between Rita and Jasper comes through in her writing. This story really touched a cord and I'm really looking forward to the next book on this series about the stuffy politician Aaron!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
yogesh rana
Okay, Tessa does it again. Proves without a doubt she's the queen of down and dirty, dirty talking heroes. I loved the dynamic between all the siblings, as we get to know them and they get to know each other, on their road trip. It really was the perfect opening for the series. Rita and Jasper's chemistry is apparent from the moment they meet and she climbs on the back of his motorcycle. I'm incredibly intrigued by Belmont. The wait for the rest of the series is going to be unbearable!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Too Hot to Handle brings a classic Tessa Bailey alpha with a bit of a gentler side. Jasper's bit of baggage makes him oh-so-compelling. Tessa Bailey's creativity blooms in the premise of the Romancing the Clarkson series. As these siblings make their way across the country, I can't wait to learn more.

Gifted a copy in exchange for an honest review. See more reviews at
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
katie day
Tessa Bailey is the master of the quick romance. Normally I'm the logical one yelling "but you just met!" in this came she makes the whirlwind romance not just believable but cheer worthy. My only complaint is I'm going to have to wait until the last book for my most intriguing characters story!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
marc cunningham
Jasper can be quite honest when he needs to be, “why did you run away from me like that?” His mouth traveled up to her ear, tasting, breathing. “Lord, I’m in a effing state over you. Pushing me away when I need you this bad is cruel.” I liked this book I loved Jasper he was one sexy man.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
sherrie cronin
I had never read anything by this author before so I didn't know what to expect. I had a hard time getting into this book but I would recommend that people try reading it since every body has different opinions.
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