11-CD set - The Teachings of Abraham - The Master Course CD Program
ByEsther Hicks
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Readers` Reviews
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
this was well worth the investment . I have shared it will clients & friends and gotten great feedback . The sense of humor that Abraham has is great .Several different problem areas are covered .
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Wow.............Even better than reading the books!!! I love these audio cds!!! If you have read Esther Hicks books, these cds will reinforce her teachings. They are entertaining and very informative. It was a great buy!!!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
rebecca hunt maples
The material on these CD's is outstanding. But the plastic in the case it came in was all broken, so the cd's are loose in the box. Not a problem enough to give a totally bad review, but enough of a pain to knock it down to a 3.
Ask :: Where the Law of Attraction Assembles All Cooperative Relationships :: Sara, Book 2: Solomon's Fine Featherless Friends :: The Master Key System :: Learning to Attract Wealth, Health, and Happiness
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
joetta day
The Master Course is wonderful. I had already read Manifest Your Desires by Ester and Jerry Hicks and got much out of it. This 11 CD program has been quite amazing as well. My only complaint is how long it took the item to get to me. Either way, I am glad I have it now, as it has truly changed my life for the best.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
The material on these CD's is outstanding. But the plastic in the case it came in was all broken, so the cd's are loose in the box. Not a problem enough to give a totally bad review, but enough of a pain to knock it down to a 3.
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amanda agnew
The Master Course is wonderful. I had already read Manifest Your Desires by Ester and Jerry Hicks and got much out of it. This 11 CD program has been quite amazing as well. My only complaint is how long it took the item to get to me. Either way, I am glad I have it now, as it has truly changed my life for the best.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
lori widmer bean
This series is just a lot of questions and answers, most of which do not really answer the question in a way that I can understand. You need to read and understand the "Law of Attraction" before this series makes any sense.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
jason fretz
I was introduced to the multi-dimentional concept over 30 years ago when my sister gave me the book "Seth Speaks" written by Jane Roberts and Robert Butts. Jane Roberts was a woman who channeled a spirit called Seth. I read a number of the books in the Seth series but, though I am no dummy, had great difficulty understanding the concept and so put the books aside.
I went on with my life....continually questioning but was not re-introduced to the idea until, while stranded in the Columbus airport in the early 1990s, I accidently found and read "A Return to Love" by Marianne Williamson . This book led me to the "Course In Miracles" textbooks, the writings of Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer, then "Conversations with God", "Seat of the Soul". "The Dancing Wu Li Masters" and more recently "The Secret" and the writings of Alan Wolf, Alan Watts and Uell S. Andersen.
I found the emotional and intellectual journey both interesting and helpful......can't explain why but I do believe that there is something to it.
2-3 years ago I happened upon "Ask and It is Given". I bought and read it as well as the subsequent books by Esther Hicks / Abraham ("The Amazing Power of Deliberate Intent", "The Law of Attraction" and "Money and the Law of Attraction") and became an enthusiastic believer......partly because the writings seemed to tie together all of the other material I had read previously and partly because I probably just wanted to believe.
However, after listening to these particular CDs, I find I have a very uneasy feeling about the validity of the channeling done by Esther Hicks. Make no mistake, I am still a believer in the idea of universal protection, the law of attraction and the power of meditation.....but something about the Abraham process all of a sudden just doesn't feel right. The "advertisement" given by Jerry at the beginning of EACH of the CDs is such a sleazy turnoff. I am left to ask myself if the voices channeled by Esther Hicks are truly those of other-dimensional beings or are they simply the concoction of 2 people who have read the same books that I have and who were just smart enough to put it all together and call the ideas their own? Is there anyone out there old enough to remember the very similar channeling done by J.Z. Knight of the spirit called Ramtha in 1980's ??? Is Abraham real or just the clever revival of an old spirit? There's really no way of knowing.
Before buying any of their books / tapes / products, I encourage you to "google" and read the interview of Jerry and Esther Hicks that was done by Robert Chalmers (The Independent, UK/July 8, 2007). Also read some of the Seth books ( notably "Seth Spesks" and "The Nature of Personal Reality")
Bottom line: The truth lies within each of us. Take anything else with the proverbial "grain of salt".
I went on with my life....continually questioning but was not re-introduced to the idea until, while stranded in the Columbus airport in the early 1990s, I accidently found and read "A Return to Love" by Marianne Williamson . This book led me to the "Course In Miracles" textbooks, the writings of Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer, then "Conversations with God", "Seat of the Soul". "The Dancing Wu Li Masters" and more recently "The Secret" and the writings of Alan Wolf, Alan Watts and Uell S. Andersen.
I found the emotional and intellectual journey both interesting and helpful......can't explain why but I do believe that there is something to it.
2-3 years ago I happened upon "Ask and It is Given". I bought and read it as well as the subsequent books by Esther Hicks / Abraham ("The Amazing Power of Deliberate Intent", "The Law of Attraction" and "Money and the Law of Attraction") and became an enthusiastic believer......partly because the writings seemed to tie together all of the other material I had read previously and partly because I probably just wanted to believe.
However, after listening to these particular CDs, I find I have a very uneasy feeling about the validity of the channeling done by Esther Hicks. Make no mistake, I am still a believer in the idea of universal protection, the law of attraction and the power of meditation.....but something about the Abraham process all of a sudden just doesn't feel right. The "advertisement" given by Jerry at the beginning of EACH of the CDs is such a sleazy turnoff. I am left to ask myself if the voices channeled by Esther Hicks are truly those of other-dimensional beings or are they simply the concoction of 2 people who have read the same books that I have and who were just smart enough to put it all together and call the ideas their own? Is there anyone out there old enough to remember the very similar channeling done by J.Z. Knight of the spirit called Ramtha in 1980's ??? Is Abraham real or just the clever revival of an old spirit? There's really no way of knowing.
Before buying any of their books / tapes / products, I encourage you to "google" and read the interview of Jerry and Esther Hicks that was done by Robert Chalmers (The Independent, UK/July 8, 2007). Also read some of the Seth books ( notably "Seth Spesks" and "The Nature of Personal Reality")
Bottom line: The truth lies within each of us. Take anything else with the proverbial "grain of salt".
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Nothing else in the world has resonated with me so profoundly and powerfully as the works of Esther and Jerry Hicks have. I received this collection a few weeks ago and I have listed to it in its entirety twice. I am ready to manifest one of their cruise workshops into my life for next year.
I would like to expand on the first reviewer's comments. Abraham is loving and does have a whimsical sense of humor. Abraham takes you on a guided tour of how to raise your vibrations to the higher levels. This is also called "the emotional journey."
The basic message in this collection is to always be reaching for better feeling thoughts with regards to the situations that are most important to you. Rather than focusing your attention on the lack of something, you always want to be moving toward what it is you want. Look at it this way, does feeling rotten get you anywhere? You might as well reach for thought that will help you feel better rather than dwell upon what you do not like or want. The side effect of being more positive is everything you ever dreamed or hoped for yourself from monetary abundance to relationships to healthy body weight and good health in general.
Today, Friday the 13th of all days, I finally "get it." This could be the luckiest day of my life! I think I have finally moved into the vibrations of positive expectation and knowing. This means that my manifestations are not far off. It's kinda strange to feel and KNOW inside that everything is going to work out the way I want. My affirmations have changed for the positive. I have people at work calling me Suzie Cream Cheese and telling me to shut up because they believe I'm too positive! WOW! What a difference and what a blessing Abraham-Hicks has made in my life. It will be interesting to see what unfolds for me over the next couple of months. I also believe that I can actually HEAR the higher vibration in my ear and I have been able to for the last week!
I wish you much love and success in your lives and I know that you will enjoy listening to Esther as she channels Abraham.
~Kitty Kellie
I would like to expand on the first reviewer's comments. Abraham is loving and does have a whimsical sense of humor. Abraham takes you on a guided tour of how to raise your vibrations to the higher levels. This is also called "the emotional journey."
The basic message in this collection is to always be reaching for better feeling thoughts with regards to the situations that are most important to you. Rather than focusing your attention on the lack of something, you always want to be moving toward what it is you want. Look at it this way, does feeling rotten get you anywhere? You might as well reach for thought that will help you feel better rather than dwell upon what you do not like or want. The side effect of being more positive is everything you ever dreamed or hoped for yourself from monetary abundance to relationships to healthy body weight and good health in general.
Today, Friday the 13th of all days, I finally "get it." This could be the luckiest day of my life! I think I have finally moved into the vibrations of positive expectation and knowing. This means that my manifestations are not far off. It's kinda strange to feel and KNOW inside that everything is going to work out the way I want. My affirmations have changed for the positive. I have people at work calling me Suzie Cream Cheese and telling me to shut up because they believe I'm too positive! WOW! What a difference and what a blessing Abraham-Hicks has made in my life. It will be interesting to see what unfolds for me over the next couple of months. I also believe that I can actually HEAR the higher vibration in my ear and I have been able to for the last week!
I wish you much love and success in your lives and I know that you will enjoy listening to Esther as she channels Abraham.
~Kitty Kellie
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
joe corso
I like everything Abraham, but I REALLY like it when Esther does the channeling. The only downside to their audio books is when Jerry has to read the text. He takes this wonderful material and plows through it with no emotion or emphasis. That way, the inherent humor is lost. Here, we get the full workshop (even though one can purchase other workshops on their website) with all the humor and emphasis in place. No comparison! Worth the price!
My two cents.
My two cents.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
julie nelson
I've read so many reviews that echo my sentiments about the teachings of Abraham---Exciting beyond words! I just want to add a comment about the variety of topics for those of you contemplating this purchase. I listen to the disks every day. I get something new out of them every day! It's not just Abraham's messages that make this collection the most valuable tool in my library, but the contributions of questions by the participants. Sometimes the answer is only as good as the question, and these questions offered are fantastic! What a variety of issues and topics! I can't say enough about the co-creative endeavor that went into this production. If you have a curiosity or concern about money, relationship, our interaction with animals, creating things that others can appreciate, letting go of illness, earth changes, how you attract things you don't want, what psychics can pick up on, children being ready for a faster flowing energy----it's in here! If you want a whole new set of questions and answers, I highly recommend the Law of Attraction in Action DVDs, volume I - VI. I own them all and feel tuned in, tapped in, and turned on watching them every morning.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Two years ago I had listened to and studied Rhonda Byrne's "The Secret." I was introduced to an Abraham-Hicks' CD a month ago when a friend loaned me hers to listen to during a two-hour drive. It "saved" me at that particular time. I had much stress going on in my life and I seemed to be letting the stressful situations pummel me.
After listening to the one CD about ten times, I ordered this 11-CD set. I had listened up to CD #8 and had relished each one, listening to many segments over and over. The teachings are rich and relevant to where I am in my pursuit of understanding my life and beyond.
Two days ago, my car, with my dog inside, was stolen. If I hadn't been so deep in the studies of these CDs I don't know that I'd be able to cope as well as I have NOR be bringing about the manifestations for recovering my dog and belongings. In less than 24 hours my personal belongings have been found, including D/L, debit card, and checks (unused), and video catching the thief with my car. A statewide network of people are looking for my dog and all of us KNOW that she is on her way back to home. :) I know that these teachings were what made it possible for ME to take control of the situation. I've been tempted many times to embrace despair, but NOW I am so aware of the emotional indicators leading me to staying in control and getting what I want!
After listening to the one CD about ten times, I ordered this 11-CD set. I had listened up to CD #8 and had relished each one, listening to many segments over and over. The teachings are rich and relevant to where I am in my pursuit of understanding my life and beyond.
Two days ago, my car, with my dog inside, was stolen. If I hadn't been so deep in the studies of these CDs I don't know that I'd be able to cope as well as I have NOR be bringing about the manifestations for recovering my dog and belongings. In less than 24 hours my personal belongings have been found, including D/L, debit card, and checks (unused), and video catching the thief with my car. A statewide network of people are looking for my dog and all of us KNOW that she is on her way back to home. :) I know that these teachings were what made it possible for ME to take control of the situation. I've been tempted many times to embrace despair, but NOW I am so aware of the emotional indicators leading me to staying in control and getting what I want!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
william marquardt
I bought the whole set and found the recordings with the Spirits of great value, easy to listen and put into practice. However, I found it difficult listenting to the set where Jerry Hicks reads the book, as he plows through the material. I found I didn't have enough time in my brain to process what he was reading. All in all I think everyone should give these messages serious thought and consideration to become a better person and really attract what we want in our lives. It is hard work, but the recording help by being able to listen over and over and over again.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Immediately after listening ( audio book ) I began applying these core priciples. They work> That's all I can say. It works, and my days have steadily shown more and more evidence. I mean Everyday. I don"t care what the skeptics say. I am astounded how easily it all falls into place. I am very grateful and happy to have made this purchase! Very easy to understand.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
shannon gray
From the title I expected a list of rules , teachings and structured lessons . Instead I got 11 CDs of people asking Abraham , channelled through Esther Hicks , specific questions about their own lives' journeys . At first I was disappointed , and after listening for a second and third time began understanding more that each question in some way pertained directly to my journey and I would bet , everyone else's in some way . This is a universal masterpiece , the material is different from anything else and fully applicable to every person alive today .
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
mary tasker
Great purchase for anyone who looks to be deceived and serving gods of their own design.
After I had listened to this babbling I destroyed it lest it should confuse others that might be persuaded to attach truth to this garbage
After I had listened to this babbling I destroyed it lest it should confuse others that might be persuaded to attach truth to this garbage
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
al diaz
The teachings of Abraham are easy to understand on these CDs. Abraham has heart to heart conversations with real people, asking questions like you might have on topics that include how to help bored kids, addictions, money, breaking the rules of 'fine art' to honor inspiration, and how to improve relationships. Abraham uses several ways to get the point across that we have the right to be happy. We have an obligation to express our artistic creativity as we experience it. Also, that we need to learn to live a happy life where we are, learn more about how to be happy, and that we deserve happiness.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
david camacho
Another fantastic audio of the incredible teachings of Abraham.
Even if you have listened to many many audios of Abraham such as I have, there is still ALWAYS more to learn and answers to many questions you may have regarding being aligned and downstream in this incredible experience called life. Thank You so much Ester, Jerry and Abraham. "There is Great Love for you here." ...............Mike Ludens
Even if you have listened to many many audios of Abraham such as I have, there is still ALWAYS more to learn and answers to many questions you may have regarding being aligned and downstream in this incredible experience called life. Thank You so much Ester, Jerry and Abraham. "There is Great Love for you here." ...............Mike Ludens
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ismail elmeligy
I have been listening to this CD and other Abraham-Hick Cds and reading their books. Their message is simple and clear. I do not tire of hearing it. I am in appreciation of the wonderful gift they offer. Thank you!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
andrea newberry
Anything from Abraham is great stuff. And this is a great set with a lot of information at a very good price for people new to the material. Lots of information about working with your emotions and a greater understanding about how to truly help people in the healing process.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is the most valuable tool for improving one's life. I listen to these CD's over and over. I just keep them in my car, and as I drive to work, I'm continually reminded to be aware of what I'm feeling, and to consciously improve my vibration no matter the subject.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tanya cornely
This is spectacular. I am familiar with the Abraham work and philosophy and have all the major recordings and books. I thought I'd heard their message but this is better and clearer and every second is well spent.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
laurie devine
This Mater Course CD Program contains the same information as the Master Course DVD program. It is less expensive and just as informative. The program is great for those already familiar with the teachings of Abraham.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This CD set provides explanations as to why 'things happen to us' and gives us some guidance as to how to have, be and do anything we want in this life. Abraham manages to provide clarity in a very simple and easy to understand way. Many questions are answered, and once the teachings are put into practice.... well..... the possibilities are endless! There are NO limits to what can be achieved!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I give this the highest recommendation. Esther is phenomenal, Abraham is, well, earthly worlds do not hold enough praise. We are very lucky to have them and these tapes are beyond fabulous. The price was great and it got here fast. Don't wait!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
elizabeth severance
Enlightening,affirming and empowering...it was mana from heaven. In time like today it is important to be remebering the truth about life, the essence of life and living, Abraham helps us remember and celebrate the truth about ourselves without all the drama or negative stuff. Thank you, Esther and Jerry Hicks!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I highly recommend this product! Even if you listen to the CDs sent out on a regular basis, this is even more enlightening. Very strong and clear messages and explanations. Totally awesome. I mean it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The material is awesome; life-affirming; life-transformative!
The 11 CDs are labeled 4 different ways - very confusing after downloading to my I-Pod. Please label consistently in cyberspace.
Asheville NC
The 11 CDs are labeled 4 different ways - very confusing after downloading to my I-Pod. Please label consistently in cyberspace.
Asheville NC
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
lee tracy
After undergoing a painful surgery, I got interested in something that could rest my intense soul and discovered the law of attraction.
Though I do not question the concept, it seems to me this channeling of "Abraham" (such a convenient name) is ridiculous.
At the beginning, you think it may be interesting, after three cds the mind starts to notice patterns of answering that are actually transposable to any subject and any question and most of the time, the original question of the participant isn't answered either.
My mind is open to many things but I hate being taken for a fool, channelling indeed! trap rather... I hope that at least these two persons believe the crap that raises so many millions for them...
Forget it if you are looking for comfort, what these people are interested in would be money I think.
I enjoyed Louise Hay's books, I respect her work, when I see that they publish these books though, I feel dubious about the rest too.
Maybe I'll change my mind on all this or get a sudden revelation... but study quantum physics for a while and you'll see where all this comes from... wanna-be psychics using scientific progress.
Though I do not question the concept, it seems to me this channeling of "Abraham" (such a convenient name) is ridiculous.
At the beginning, you think it may be interesting, after three cds the mind starts to notice patterns of answering that are actually transposable to any subject and any question and most of the time, the original question of the participant isn't answered either.
My mind is open to many things but I hate being taken for a fool, channelling indeed! trap rather... I hope that at least these two persons believe the crap that raises so many millions for them...
Forget it if you are looking for comfort, what these people are interested in would be money I think.
I enjoyed Louise Hay's books, I respect her work, when I see that they publish these books though, I feel dubious about the rest too.
Maybe I'll change my mind on all this or get a sudden revelation... but study quantum physics for a while and you'll see where all this comes from... wanna-be psychics using scientific progress.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
They lost me when Esther starts "channeling" other beings and speaking in voices. Religious (spiritual) con artists have been pulling this kind of trickery for years and the public still laps it up.
Jerry and Esther Hicks have built a merchandising empire that honors not Abraham, but their true patron saint: P. T. Barnum.
Jerry and Esther Hicks have built a merchandising empire that honors not Abraham, but their true patron saint: P. T. Barnum.
Please Rate11-CD set - The Teachings of Abraham - The Master Course CD Program