Where the Law of Attraction Assembles All Cooperative Relationships
ByEsther Hicks
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Readers` Reviews
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
krithika kalyan
I love anything Abraham-Hicks. I keep on learning so the more I read the more I learn. The book answers a lot of questions and gives a lot of insight into the Law of Attraction and why we attract certain things. It also tells us how to stop attracting those things and how to attract the things we WANT to attract. Great book. Fast read because it is written so beautifly. Has specific question/answers so you can look for a specific question you may have and get a quick answer. You will be glad you bought this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
paul reed
Abraham ends every workshop with the words "There is great love here for you" and yet at times the messages are delivered with a lack of "feeling". I equate this with the "tuff love" approach. Much of what he says is not easy to hear, yet we need to hear it. Many of his messages require us to re-think what we currently believe and adhere to...that is the point of Abraham...to enlighten us to do better, have better, and be better. And Abraham only responds to questions that we have asked...and so it is my belief that if you are hearing or reading the messages from Abraham, at some level you have asked and therefore are attracted to his answers.
The message about parent/child relationships seems to receive the most negative responses. In my work to help parents become "awakened" to the wisdom of Abraham concerning parenting and the parent's role in their children's lives is often met with enormous resistance. Many times parents feel Abraham is telling them to "let go" and "let the child". This leaves them with a sense of dismissing their responsibility as a parent to take care of and watch over their children...in essence take their control over their children's lives away. It is here that I feel Abraham could be a bit more specific in the Vortex. I was fortunate to have been raised (many years ago) by forward thinking parents to live by the principles of the law of attraction long before the term was a household word. This, combined with years of purposefully studying, practicing, and teaching these principles I can attest to the fact that it is the absolute best way to raise your children to be and have and do all they want in life AND all parents want for them.
The law of attraction (Abraham's message) clearly charges parents with the responsibility to raise their children...his message clarifys that a parents role is to empower their children with the positive mindset that will encourage the continued connection to Source (God, Divine, Universe or whichever word you choose) in order to create their desires. Unfortunately, parents interpret this to mean they are to allow their children to live in an "unparented" setting, when in fact what Abraham is saying is to protect your children from physical and emotional harm but at the same time allow your children to discover through his own experiences his preferences and beliefs. For example, rather than teaching your children that to eat meat is wrong because you think eating meat is wrong, encourage your child to investigate, gather information, research and then make his own choice as to what preference he feels aligned with...and then honor his preference without judgment or ridicule. In my work, I refer to this as "relate vs dictate". And all that means is, and what Abraham is saying is for parents to NOT instill their thoughts and beliefs into their children but to inspire them to find their own.
I highly recommend this book, however I also encourage parents to look at other Abraham-Hicks messages concerning parenting before closing your mind to his teachings. And of course to listen with an open mind...
The Law of Attraction: The Next Generation
The message about parent/child relationships seems to receive the most negative responses. In my work to help parents become "awakened" to the wisdom of Abraham concerning parenting and the parent's role in their children's lives is often met with enormous resistance. Many times parents feel Abraham is telling them to "let go" and "let the child". This leaves them with a sense of dismissing their responsibility as a parent to take care of and watch over their children...in essence take their control over their children's lives away. It is here that I feel Abraham could be a bit more specific in the Vortex. I was fortunate to have been raised (many years ago) by forward thinking parents to live by the principles of the law of attraction long before the term was a household word. This, combined with years of purposefully studying, practicing, and teaching these principles I can attest to the fact that it is the absolute best way to raise your children to be and have and do all they want in life AND all parents want for them.
The law of attraction (Abraham's message) clearly charges parents with the responsibility to raise their children...his message clarifys that a parents role is to empower their children with the positive mindset that will encourage the continued connection to Source (God, Divine, Universe or whichever word you choose) in order to create their desires. Unfortunately, parents interpret this to mean they are to allow their children to live in an "unparented" setting, when in fact what Abraham is saying is to protect your children from physical and emotional harm but at the same time allow your children to discover through his own experiences his preferences and beliefs. For example, rather than teaching your children that to eat meat is wrong because you think eating meat is wrong, encourage your child to investigate, gather information, research and then make his own choice as to what preference he feels aligned with...and then honor his preference without judgment or ridicule. In my work, I refer to this as "relate vs dictate". And all that means is, and what Abraham is saying is for parents to NOT instill their thoughts and beliefs into their children but to inspire them to find their own.
I highly recommend this book, however I also encourage parents to look at other Abraham-Hicks messages concerning parenting before closing your mind to his teachings. And of course to listen with an open mind...
The Law of Attraction: The Next Generation
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This newest book of Esther and Jerry Hicks is just one more step in the direction of manifesting and/or creating your dreams. The reviewers on here who were more negative still don't understand the concept of creating one's own experience. This meditation CD is not meant for the newbie; I have been studying Abraham-Hicks works for nearly five years and these concepts are not absorbed overnight. You are wasting your time if you start with this CD and companion book if you know nothing about universe laws, most notably the Law of Attraction. Being a seeker and finding your own spiritual path takes time and utilizing this latest tool is no exception. I purchased the CD in November and have faithfully and consistently listened to the meditations and read the companion book for these last two months. If you are dedicated to taking the 15 minutes per day required for these meditations, you will not be disappointed. Your vibration will rise, you will find happiness in everything you do, and your life WILL change. This is not a cure-all, however. You have to do your spiritual "work" and belief in the process is one of the main prerequisites. Just like Henry Ford once said, "If you think you can, or you think you can't, you're right." :-) Happy meditating!
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I have been studying TRUTH PRINCIPLES for over thirty years and when I started to read Ester and Jerry's books and going to the group gatherings I found that the teachings helped me to practice what I have been studying for so many years. This book THE VORTEX is a progression of their work and I enjoyed it. It really gives me peace on the inside because I understand now that life is all about being an inside job. I gave The Vortex to my youngest son for his 34th birthday and I plan to give it for Christmas presents. I thank God for Abraham every day.
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luke jahn
I have read other books by these anthers and have always gotten some good insight. This book is no exception, a great read, with so much information I will have to read it over and over to get it all.
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I have been studying the law of attraction for about four months now and own all of the Hick's books and a few others on the topic. The Vortex is one of the best, breaking down our physical and spiritual lives into such clear, easy to understand language that i am utterly astounded. The essay on sexuality alone is enough to answer virtually every question, concern, fear and misunderstanding others have had about their own sexuality or that of others. Tend to your own Source and your higher self, and don't worry about others. If you can align yourself with Source, then by the Law, others who are aligned will fall into your experience, and the co-creation can be even more fulfilling than ever imagined. I have already experienced many of these changes happening in my life, and i vastly look forward to what comes next. The Abraham books are some of the most spiritually informative books i have ever read, transcending and overlaying all religions, schools of magic, self-help books and the advice of psychiatrists. It is truly life-changing stuff, and although simple to understand, it takes dedication to truly practice it regularly without falling back into non-productive habits.
I only wish i had found these years ago, but i look forward to sharing it now.
I only wish i had found these years ago, but i look forward to sharing it now.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The Vortex continues to expand our knowledge of Source and move us on our journey. Our relationships give us plenty of opportunities to experience contrast so Abraham uses this as a vehicle to increase our understanding of how we can stay in the flow and in appreciation. Each book can be read at many levels and, often, re-reading a book is like reading a whole new one because there is so much there and I have grown. This will be in my library and read many times.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book has dramatically increased my understanding of the Law of Attraction. Abraham has answered all my questions and it came at the exact time that I was asking them! This book has done it for me. It's amazingly simple, easy to understand and brings it all together. You will not be able to put it down and you will never be the same again after reading it. Jerry and Esther along with Abraham has changed my life and they will surely change yours...for the better! Have fun reading and see you in the Vortex!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
katie hardewig
I borrowed this book from the public library based on a recommendation from a friend that I know from A Course In Miracles. She spoke frequently about the book at our meetings.
I could hardly put the book down, but I absorbed it slowly and had to actually renew it. (I generally only read a few minutes each night b/4 going to sleep).
I enjoyed/benefited so very much from reading the book (I've read other channeled information from the Abraham entity through Esther and Jerry Hicks) that I decided to purchase it for my son for Christmas.
I have not spoken with him to obtain his reaction yet. It will be his first exposure to information re: the law of attraction (as far as this mom knows).
I could hardly put the book down, but I absorbed it slowly and had to actually renew it. (I generally only read a few minutes each night b/4 going to sleep).
I enjoyed/benefited so very much from reading the book (I've read other channeled information from the Abraham entity through Esther and Jerry Hicks) that I decided to purchase it for my son for Christmas.
I have not spoken with him to obtain his reaction yet. It will be his first exposure to information re: the law of attraction (as far as this mom knows).
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
padmaparna ghosh
This book was phenomenal and provided amazing insight towards where alot of my negative feelings. I had some recent relationship issues that i felt mirrored my mother's relationship. Through discovering the law of attraction I was able to change my thoughts about the relationship and let go of childhood dramas that were holding me back from seeing the good in my relationship.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Amazing and astounding wisdom here. I believe there's too many 'ah-ha' moments and gems in this book to count! I appreciate that this book has a very healthy way to be spiritual during our physical existence. This is a great way to let go of the guilt-ridden beliefs we are all brought up in. The ideas on how to focus your attention and focus on 'good feeling-thoughts'...any one can benefit!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
debi gerhart
I am always reading something in order to expand myself and my understanding of people and how the universe functions. Although I was somewhat resistant at first, this book gives incredible insight into the daily function of our lives and offers an opportunity to create change in a powerful way. It may take years to digest it all, but in the process I have the ability to take control of the one thing I have control over and dramatically transform my life and the lives of those around me.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I find that many spiritual books point to the same truths, and it’s just about finding which perspective speaks to you and resonates with you and drives the point Home. This book has a very unique and wonderful way of explaining how you are in charge of your own energy and possibilities and it leaves you feeling empowered because it explains the why’s as well as the how to’s of their proposed method. The reader feels good because you gain knowledge and tools that you can apply which leads to personal empowerment and this book strives to give you tools to be self-empowered and living a spiritually and materially happy life as you define it for yourself, and it helps clarify what that is for you as well as gives a broader understanding about why we are here, and how to understand ourselves and others and our place with each other. I enjoyed this book tremendously and found new insights and it is offered with a vibration of expansion that the reader can resonate with so I think it delivers exactly that for the reader, a chance to work with yourself and expand to your full vibrational potential.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
d arcy
I have been studying the "Abraham" work for many years and find it absolutely brilliant. The
guidance given has helped me through many difficult times in my life. My ability to perceive all these events with a positive, philosophical outlook and attitude had enabled me to live a full, joyful life.
However, my friend told me there was a meditation CD that came with The Vortex that was the best part of the book. I purchased the book from the store.com - but there was a different CD. That's why I ordered the next book and sent it back - because the CD was again not the one I wanted.
To summarize, the Abraham work is outstanding, but the fact that there are so many variations on
this book is confusing. I believe there should be one book and one CD (the meditation one)
guidance given has helped me through many difficult times in my life. My ability to perceive all these events with a positive, philosophical outlook and attitude had enabled me to live a full, joyful life.
However, my friend told me there was a meditation CD that came with The Vortex that was the best part of the book. I purchased the book from the store.com - but there was a different CD. That's why I ordered the next book and sent it back - because the CD was again not the one I wanted.
To summarize, the Abraham work is outstanding, but the fact that there are so many variations on
this book is confusing. I believe there should be one book and one CD (the meditation one)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amanda mcclain raab
The Vortex, and all the Abraham-Hicks books, give on-the-court processes and games for putting Law of Attraction ideas (from The Secret and other places) into action. So many of us agree with the LoA ideas, but have no idea how to implement them into our daily lives and behavior. The Vortex and other Abraham-Hicks material are the missing link.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The Vortex inspires me, it gives me hope.Change my thinking. I feel more acceptance for diversity and peaceful with myself. The world is so beautiful with so many many types of people, jobs, cultures. I can accept for change. Change is good, Change means growing.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
When the student Is ready the teacher will come. The teacher came in the form of this book. Abraham has a wonderful way of explaining universal laws and truth in a way that makes a difference immediately.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
the slt
This book captures your imagination and demands your engagement with the material. Reading this book awakens intelligence rather than just feeding the intellect with additional information. It provides an engaging experience and does an excellent job of fulfilling the stated intention of a transformational experience.
Please RateWhere the Law of Attraction Assembles All Cooperative Relationships
Leonard Szymczak