The Basics of the Teachings of Abraham - The Law of Attraction
ByEsther Hicks
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Readers` Reviews
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
chris harper
I love Jerry & Esther Hicks; i suggest reading as much as possible but i love their audio tapes. I listen to them all the time on youtube; and they are my favorite meditation/type to listen too; i can listen to esther for hours & hours; i just love her!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tina shull
The Law Of Attraction CD is an excellent tool for ones growth. In my opinion, It is a necessary compliment to the book because I find it beneficial in hearing the words-it seems to give the material more power. Arthur Ford said that "THoughts are things", and Edgar Cayce exclaimed that "The mind is the the builder,the physical isthe result." THoughts do create your existence, whether positive or negative, and this CD re-inforcesthis claim. It is an abridged version of the book; however, the authors cover the subject thoroughly. Abraham, the group which channels information through Esther Hicks, explains plainly and simply how one attracts both positive and negative events into their life. The teachings are broken down into categories: The Law Of Attraction; The Science Of Deliberate Creation; The Law Of Allowing; and Segment Intending. I find the CD helpful in reinforcing the written version of the same title. I highly recommend both the book and the CD.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
linda friesen
If you liked the movie The Secret, this book will take you deeper into understanding how to really make this powerful law work in your own life. I recommend this book frequently to clients and use it in my coaching and speaking work to emphasize how each of us really do create our reality. Now that I know how the Law works, I have become able to stay much more positive and trusting. It amazes me how things fall into place as they never have before. The principles within the book are ageless and timeless. We benefit from the refresher course nonetheless.
Sara Learns The Secret About The Law Of Attraction :: Banned Manifestation Secrets (Banned Secrets Book 2) :: The Amazing Power of Deliberate Intent, Part I :: A Talking Owl Is Worth a Thousand Words! - Sara - Book 3 :: The Master Key System
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
heather miederhoff
I love this book! I toggle it between my nightstand and breakfast table and read it in little pieces because it's packed full of inspiring thought provoking ideas. If you are familiar with the Abraham materials, this will help you consolidate the biggest and best Abraham ideas. If this is your first foray into Abraham's teachings, it's a great place to start.
This is the kind of book you could read over and over, each time getting more and more out of it.
We all want to know how best to improve our lives emotionally, physically and mentally. This book will help you get what you want. It is clear and conscise.
This is the kind of book you could read over and over, each time getting more and more out of it.
We all want to know how best to improve our lives emotionally, physically and mentally. This book will help you get what you want. It is clear and conscise.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
I returned this book after reading that the author "Channels" a dead spirit. Not to be disrespectful but I do not believe in a human's ability to speak for the dead. Also after reading what the Channeled spirit tells this woman was totally against my personal belief system. This goes against my beliefs and I could not in good faith read it. I do believe in the power of positive thought and the law of attraction.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
If you are interested in the Law of Attraction but know nothing about it, this is an excellent place to start. Much of the book is written in an interview format in which Jerry Hicks interviews Abraham, giving the book the feel of watching a talk show with a skilled host. While reading the discussion, I began to have the distinct impression that the book was written for me, personally.
A well-constructed index at the end of the book makes it easy to find answers to specific questions.
The first part of the book discusses in depth the concept of the Creative Workshop. The Creative Workshop is a valuable tool for changing one's attitude toward life, since a large part of it is affirmation. "The Law of Attraction" could indeed be a life changing book for someone who wants to change the direction and focus of their life.
A well-constructed index at the end of the book makes it easy to find answers to specific questions.
The first part of the book discusses in depth the concept of the Creative Workshop. The Creative Workshop is a valuable tool for changing one's attitude toward life, since a large part of it is affirmation. "The Law of Attraction" could indeed be a life changing book for someone who wants to change the direction and focus of their life.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I found this book to be inspirational. It teaches the benefits of positive thinking and, it helps the reader to understand that their own basic attitude dictates the happiness in their own life. But this book would also have you believe that people actually get cancer and other vicious diseases just because they thought about it; while I fully understand the benefits of positive thinking I found that part of the book to be kind of ridiculous as they suggest the blame lies on parents and children's thoughts that cause even little kids to be born with diseases . That being said I would still recommend this book as a guide to remaining positive in life, each reader needs to take from it what they feel is acceptable, and reject what they find to not make much sense.
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Remember others. Let them be more important than yourself. Ask questions and don't talk about yourself or personal problems, past bad relationships etc. Avoid negativity at all cost.
Number One Rules = Common Courtesy and most of all, Smile A Lot.
There, now you don't have to buy the book.
Number One Rules = Common Courtesy and most of all, Smile A Lot.
There, now you don't have to buy the book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rose keeler
Esther and Jerry Hicks's books on the teachings of Abraham have inspired millions already. For those not yet familiar with the Abraham teachings, this book is definitely where to start. It is the perfect introduction to how we use our thoughts to attract what we want or do not want into our lives. For the current student of Abraham, there is much that will enhance and clarify past teachings. The section on segment intending, setting forth your intention regarding each segment of your day, is especially helpful. Abraham also speaks with common sense upon such topics as the power of our emotions, whether evil really exists, and why we cannot control other people.
The book is a must read for anyone who wishes to have a happier, more enjoyable life. Having been a student of Abraham now for two years, I have seen results in my own life from these teachings, and this book only makes me feel more clear and calm in my wanting process. Read The Law of Attraction, and when you have finished, read The Amazing Power of Deliberate Intent and Ask and It is Given in that order so that each lesson will continue to build on the one before. Attract Good Into Your Life!
- Tyler R. Tichelaar, author of Iron Pioneers and The Queen City, available on the store
The book is a must read for anyone who wishes to have a happier, more enjoyable life. Having been a student of Abraham now for two years, I have seen results in my own life from these teachings, and this book only makes me feel more clear and calm in my wanting process. Read The Law of Attraction, and when you have finished, read The Amazing Power of Deliberate Intent and Ask and It is Given in that order so that each lesson will continue to build on the one before. Attract Good Into Your Life!
- Tyler R. Tichelaar, author of Iron Pioneers and The Queen City, available on the store
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
We have read numerous books on Law of Attraction. This reading has been the most productive and has led us to a better understanding of our potential. We are now more prepared to move into a greater level of Life achievement as a result of this exchange.
Thank you so much!
Thank you so much!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I originally bought this book thinking it was about something else (actually about the original Abraham) as a present for my husband's brother for his birthday. Well, there is no doubht it (the book) was attracted to me for a purpose
Since reading the book, and beginning to put into practice some of its teaching, I can testify to the fact that it is A MUST for anyone, even a sceptic, wanting to improve their thinking, their life as a whole and to enjoy prosperity. Margot
Since reading the book, and beginning to put into practice some of its teaching, I can testify to the fact that it is A MUST for anyone, even a sceptic, wanting to improve their thinking, their life as a whole and to enjoy prosperity. Margot
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
joe briggs
There are some very simple laws that govern how lkfe unfolds for us here on Planet Earth. In very easy language The Abraham Teaching shares this wisdom and how to acheive it. A must read for those just newly exploring New Paradigm thinking.
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iman sjamsuddin
This compact disc focuses on the basics of the Law of Attraction. If you believe in the Law of Attraction and you want step-by-step instructions on how to put it into practice, then this cd and the book by the same name are for you. Even if you don't believe in the Law of Attraction, the ideas presented here might get you to think more positively about what you can create in your life and the world around you if you put your mind to it. It's worth the investment.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I enjoyed this so much I have since recommended it to two other dear friends. It's pretty much common sense but information that once you hear it, and listen to it regularly, it is life changing. Great value.
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wesley king
Loved this book. It is a great introduction into a few of the many Universal Laws and a great guide to improving your thoughts and life. I bought an extra one and gave to my niece who just graduated from college. My husband read it on a trip - only because he lost his favorite book, The Secret. He reluctantly agreed to read this one instead - which was a great stepping stone for him on his somewhat hesitant, yet progressing spiritual journey. He absolutely loved it and I think it is now his new favorite book. Highly recommend for anybody who maybe is feeling surrounded by negativity or in a 'rut' - and can't get out of it. This is a great little life line for those willing to grab it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jennifer morris cummings
This book is absolutely right about almost everything. I have been living to this book for years and it is a great help. Maybe the best printed book you can get on the subject of getting success in your life in the history of humankind.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
michelle donnelly
You want to know about the law of attraction read this book. Keep your mind open and explore a whole new life, I enjoyed reading this book and I have started training myself (by the method describe in the book) to be a happier me. If you want to know more you would have to read the book.????
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
mykel x simmons
This old classic hums right along on a streamlined track that helps the reader identify, visualize, and pull his desires into being. Abraham explains his single-minded program plainly, and practically guarantees success. It sounds like a simple way to establish of life of comfort and prosperity.
Abraham has you constantly visualizing and planning your future, never content, and declares that, “If you are only able to see what-is [the present], then by the Law of Attraction you will create only more of what-is.” Maybe so, but he just blew off the Zen ideal of living in the moment.
Then about three-quarters through the book Abraham advises that if you feel uncomfortable when confronted with what you see as injustice and pain in the world, just recognize “that it is not part of your experience. And that, in most cases, it is truly not any of your business. It is not your work. It is the creation; it is the attraction; it is the experience of the others. Rather than trying to control the experiences of all others (which you cannot do no matter how hard you try), instead, intend to control your own participation within those experiences. And by setting forth your clear image of the life you want to live, you will prepave a smooth and pleasant path for yourself.” (p. 137)
That’s it for compassion, altruism, and the Golden Rule?? Abraham, we have a problem here …
Let’s face it – once you identify flaws like that, the rest of the premise loses its luster and falls under suspicion. I do think Abraham’s methods are sound, but cannot agree with his aims or context. I’m sure his Law of Allowance would say I am free to assist others, and he would cluck that in doing so I am thwarting my own prosperity by diverting my attention to lack and error. All right, then, I won’t be recommending this book to anyone who might not have the discernment to question its broader principles.
Abraham offers a simplified and potent teaching, but it is not a high teaching. Similar texts agree that we concentrate on our goals, invest them with emotional suction, and operate with intent. But besides accommodating our fellow man, they also include standard advice to express our gratitude as well, even gratitude in advance of the manifestation, because this participation completes the loop. Abraham doesn’t mention anything about giving thanks – a serious omission.
A sounder approach can be found in “The Nature of Personal Reality” (a Seth book by Jane Roberts) and “Conscious Life” by Alexander (channeled by Ramon Stevens), both of which discuss the subject incidentally within the greater picture. While Abraham encourages you to change your thoughts, Seth goes a step further and pushes the reader to identify and change the BELIEFS behind one’s thoughts. And for a truly spiritual perspective, try one of the books by Bartholomew (channeled by Mary-Margaret Moore), such as “Planetary Brother.” #
Abraham has you constantly visualizing and planning your future, never content, and declares that, “If you are only able to see what-is [the present], then by the Law of Attraction you will create only more of what-is.” Maybe so, but he just blew off the Zen ideal of living in the moment.
Then about three-quarters through the book Abraham advises that if you feel uncomfortable when confronted with what you see as injustice and pain in the world, just recognize “that it is not part of your experience. And that, in most cases, it is truly not any of your business. It is not your work. It is the creation; it is the attraction; it is the experience of the others. Rather than trying to control the experiences of all others (which you cannot do no matter how hard you try), instead, intend to control your own participation within those experiences. And by setting forth your clear image of the life you want to live, you will prepave a smooth and pleasant path for yourself.” (p. 137)
That’s it for compassion, altruism, and the Golden Rule?? Abraham, we have a problem here …
Let’s face it – once you identify flaws like that, the rest of the premise loses its luster and falls under suspicion. I do think Abraham’s methods are sound, but cannot agree with his aims or context. I’m sure his Law of Allowance would say I am free to assist others, and he would cluck that in doing so I am thwarting my own prosperity by diverting my attention to lack and error. All right, then, I won’t be recommending this book to anyone who might not have the discernment to question its broader principles.
Abraham offers a simplified and potent teaching, but it is not a high teaching. Similar texts agree that we concentrate on our goals, invest them with emotional suction, and operate with intent. But besides accommodating our fellow man, they also include standard advice to express our gratitude as well, even gratitude in advance of the manifestation, because this participation completes the loop. Abraham doesn’t mention anything about giving thanks – a serious omission.
A sounder approach can be found in “The Nature of Personal Reality” (a Seth book by Jane Roberts) and “Conscious Life” by Alexander (channeled by Ramon Stevens), both of which discuss the subject incidentally within the greater picture. While Abraham encourages you to change your thoughts, Seth goes a step further and pushes the reader to identify and change the BELIEFS behind one’s thoughts. And for a truly spiritual perspective, try one of the books by Bartholomew (channeled by Mary-Margaret Moore), such as “Planetary Brother.” #
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The information in this book can be a life changer. The Law of Attraction will explains how the Universe works. Have you ever wondered why some people seem to "get what they want" most of the time? This informative book will explain why that happens and gives you the information in a clear and direct way, while leaving the hocus pocus abstract "could mean a hundred things" words out.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A wonderful book, delivered quickly to my device, provides a wonderful introduction to the law of attraction. I love the humanness of this book, imparting solid spiritual wisdom woven together with the people, Esther and Jerry, who deliver it.
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