Guided Meditations CD and User Guide - Getting Into The Vortex
ByEsther Hicks
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Readers` Reviews
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I began playing the CD right away. Getting Into The Vortex: Guided Meditations CD and User Guide I am listening almost every day and I find that I am having an easier time over all. My relationship is nicer, my wallet has plenty of money in it and just two days ago, I received a process that I am excited about and feel good about to assist with me flowing into better health habits. For about 20 years I have studied many ways and tried many different paths and I find I have the best results in my life when I settle down and use the tools from Abraham-Hicks. Ask And It Is Given Cards: A 60-Card Deck plus Dear Friends card Thank you Jerry & Esther & Abraham!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kristin mckinney
Book and CD arrived in perfect condition, as new things are supposed to. Material may not be enchanting to everyone, but if you ordered it, you're probably not just anyone, so you'll probably find it well worth the purchase price.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
These meditations were recommended to me by a friend. I use them sometimes with clients and myself. I really like them. Easy to listen to, relaxing and gives new perspectives on finance, general well-being, relationships and physical health. I wish it was on MP3. It's only on CD and I found that tricky to get on my new iPad.
A Course of Love: Combined Volume :: Once Burned: A Night Prince Novel, Book 1 :: This Side of the Grave: Night Huntress, Book 5 :: One Grave at a Time: A Night Huntress Novel :: A Talking Owl Is Worth a Thousand Words! - Sara - Book 3
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is wonderful! How exciting to be reminded of all the power & control we have in creating our lives. It's a bummer when we forget that we are the creators of our lives, our loves, our work and our play - thank God, Esther, Jerry and Abraham for reminding us and helping us back on the path of awareness!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Getting into the Vortex Guided Meditations CD and User Guide is a master piece. The combination of 4 different meditations, of General Well Being, Financial Well Being, Physical Well Being and Relationships, are simple and beautiful, yet very powerful! It is powerful because you only do 1 meditation a day for 15 minutes! With the combination of listening to Abraham and breathing deeply, with the background music helping with the rhythm of your breathing, you gently begin to enjoy the moment! You actually start to enjoy the simple pleasure of how you was originally meant to breathe, slowly and deeply! There are some simple instructions to follow in the book to maximise the full effect of the meditations!
Personally, it is having a good effect on releasing my inner resistance, as the book says, my inner resistance is being released slowly and gently with each new day that I practice, with out having to do long hours of meditation!
Personally, it is having a good effect on releasing my inner resistance, as the book says, my inner resistance is being released slowly and gently with each new day that I practice, with out having to do long hours of meditation!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
beau barnett
I put this book on my iPhone (audiobook) and enjoyed Esther's voice every night falling asleep. Great way of flushing out many old beliefs... Abraham's way of thinking is quite similar to the information I get from my higher self, inner essens... but so different from how I was brought up. It is much easier for me to put on "Jesterham" and listen, than it is to do many hours of writing to get the info. I wanted to get my consciousness to hear the message again and again for me to be able to remember it naturally instead of with my brain. Love love love it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Easy to use, easy to listen to, effective meditations, calming, soothing and - dare I say it? - producing beneficial outcomes. This book and CD may also be of great benefit to those who have no prior knowledge of Abraham, but merely want a tool to bring peace into their lives.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The other positive reviewers said it all. Nothing to add but that this very profound work is powerful, it takes us by the hand and we are actually doing the breathing and learning how to keep our thoughts positive while relaxing into our Vortex. The CD is amazing, it gets directly to the crux, quickly bringing us up to speed. This is possibly the easiest way for anyone to stay in the Vortex and consciously create their life like they want it to be.
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melanie hickey
I have been listening to Abraham's materials and going to meetings for a few years. I have found it to be the most practicable philosophy I've ever come across. This book and the CD offer a way to mediate on the concepts behind getting into the vortex in a way that I have not been able to work out on my own. I highly recommend it to anyone that is familiar with Abraham's teachings and is looking for ways to more deeply integrate those teachings into their every day life.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
sarah heffern
Yes, Esther and Jerry Hicks have good things to share with the public through Abraham but how many times can they rehash the same stuff and get people to keep buying more CDs. I gave this to my sister as she was new to the Hicks so she should enjoy it but truthfully, their First book was the best and they didn't need to keep writing more, except for the $. ;)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sarah schreit
This guided meditation is amazing! I have always loved Ester, Jerry and Abraham's work and this cd/book is such a jewel. In the past week and a half that I have been listening to it I feel so much better! I also have been able to manifest (or allow in) a large sum of money and a trip to This has never happened to me before with such ease or in such a short amount of time. I am quickly getting my life back on track and it feels good! I have tried a lot of different meditations/visualizations in the past and this is the easiest one I've found. Love it! Thank you :)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
terri beaudry
The Abraham Teachings are very simple, practical, logical, but boy, are they powerful! This meditation CD and Guide book are just that: just 15 minutes a day to feel good and empowered. Keep it coming, Abraham!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
connie b
Being in The Vortex is allowing yourself to be what you already are-pure spirit!
Living a life, for most of us, in this density is not easy. Sometimes, we feel and act less than perfect, not only towards ourselves but towards others as well. This CD, in my opinion, adds strength to raising your vibration above mundane matters of everyday life. I have read the book 'The Vortex' by Esther and Jerry Hicks, and I find that The CD reinforces the important concept of The Law Of Attraction, and how and individual can draw strength from his thoughts, emotions, and actions in a positive manner, therefore staying centered in The Vortex. The Vortex is your highest potential in any given moment. By attracting positive thoughts, you then deliberately create, and allow your intention to become reality. For me, listenting to the CD reinforces the positive intent to stay centered in the vortex. I recommend this CD to anyone who seeks an answer to life itself. When you seek, you shall find because the door will always spring open. It is easy listening to it, and provides the answer to many of lifes challenges.
Living a life, for most of us, in this density is not easy. Sometimes, we feel and act less than perfect, not only towards ourselves but towards others as well. This CD, in my opinion, adds strength to raising your vibration above mundane matters of everyday life. I have read the book 'The Vortex' by Esther and Jerry Hicks, and I find that The CD reinforces the important concept of The Law Of Attraction, and how and individual can draw strength from his thoughts, emotions, and actions in a positive manner, therefore staying centered in The Vortex. The Vortex is your highest potential in any given moment. By attracting positive thoughts, you then deliberately create, and allow your intention to become reality. For me, listenting to the CD reinforces the positive intent to stay centered in the vortex. I recommend this CD to anyone who seeks an answer to life itself. When you seek, you shall find because the door will always spring open. It is easy listening to it, and provides the answer to many of lifes challenges.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
barry smith
'Getting into the Vortex' user guide and cd is just what the doctor ordered! Just relax and breath! Then notice the wonderful things that happen to you.
For example yesterday morning i was thinking about my son as i began meditating and made a quick mental note to call him once i had finished. The funny thing was about 1 minute to the end of my meditation the phone rang and as it went to voice mail i heard my son's voice which made me smile.
Basically it helps to fine tune your already God given gift of 6th sense if you like. This cd covers area as General well being, Financial abundance well being, Physical well being and Relationship well being.
Am so used to my 15 minutes down time now, that when i miss a day, i feel out of sync.
For example yesterday morning i was thinking about my son as i began meditating and made a quick mental note to call him once i had finished. The funny thing was about 1 minute to the end of my meditation the phone rang and as it went to voice mail i heard my son's voice which made me smile.
Basically it helps to fine tune your already God given gift of 6th sense if you like. This cd covers area as General well being, Financial abundance well being, Physical well being and Relationship well being.
Am so used to my 15 minutes down time now, that when i miss a day, i feel out of sync.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jennifer stebel limke
Do you want to be happy, healthy and abundantly supplied? Do you want to feel confident in all relationships? Do you believe this is possible? Even if you have never heard of Esther and Jerry Hicks, or who the collective, non-physical consciousness referred to as Abraham are, every bit of searching for answers to questions, for solutions to problems can be reconciled as you begin to practice these suggestions on a daily basis. Look no further, spend no more money on self-help books. Get connected to Who-You-Really-Are through applying these ideas. Universal laws are underlying everything about us and this planet. I recommend you get this product, use it daily and discover how your life changes for the better. You
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alejandro caycedo
Lot of people get confused here but it's simple - three counts inhale, five counts exhale. Then you'll be in synch.
Been doing these a while and a lot of changes in my life. How can you go wrong giving your body and mind more
oxygen and refreshing once a day? Great concept and helps those who need more structure during meditation.
Been doing these a while and a lot of changes in my life. How can you go wrong giving your body and mind more
oxygen and refreshing once a day? Great concept and helps those who need more structure during meditation.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
raye g
There is nothing more lovely, more deliciously soothing and uplifting, than an Abraham-Hicks anything and this is no exception. When I feel like I want to suck my thumb and curl up in a fetal position in the lap of a LOVE-ing Care Giver, I can put on my headset and completely let go into one of these four meditation segments: general wellbeing, financial wellbeing, physical wellbeing, and relationships. The soothing, lighthearted, uplifting music feels like a lullaby. Some of the beloved words, these from the relationship segment, are: "When others lash out at you in anger, with words or actions, their battle is not with you, but with themselves." Everyone deserves to have this cd. It is not religion-specific. It is for everyone, everywhere. It is about relaxing into being who you really are.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
These guided meditations make slipping into a completely relaxed meditative state so completely effortless! The ethereal music combined with Esther's soothing voice speaking these gems of clarity is the perfect way for me to wind down at the end of the day. I love that the meditations are given in 15 minute's a blissfully relaxing 15 minutes that I look forward to each evening!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jeanne gervais
I have been trying to meditate and have used other systems. I found that this one works for me, it helps me calm my breathing and free my mind of the worries of the world. It also bring wonderful affirmations into the mediation, the music is pleasant and I could listen to it all day.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book and cd are amazing...I have shared this product with many people and have suggested buying it on the store. The cd makes you feel very peaceful after listening to one of the meditations once a day...when someone feels good inside they attract good on the outside, people, situations etc...I highly recommend this duo.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I attended the conference teaching on Getting into The Vortex in Asheville, NC several years ago, so when I purchased this CD and user guide I was kind of in a low place and I wanted to get the good feelings back that I remembered from this teaching. I have used it some not everyday and it has helped. I am sure if I used everyday things would be even better.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
srishti srivastav
This book and cd are amazing...I have shared this product with many people and have suggested buying it on the store. The cd makes you feel very peaceful after listening to one of the meditations once a day...when someone feels good inside they attract good on the outside, people, situations etc...I highly recommend this duo.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I attended the conference teaching on Getting into The Vortex in Asheville, NC several years ago, so when I purchased this CD and user guide I was kind of in a low place and I wanted to get the good feelings back that I remembered from this teaching. I have used it some not everyday and it has helped. I am sure if I used everyday things would be even better.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The Hicks, and Abraham, never disappoint. This CD is keeping me happy, focused and productive at a time when turbulence seems to rule in every aspect of the world around us.
Thank you Ester (et al!)
Thank you Ester (et al!)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
byron seese
This is beautifully done and very helpful.
When used as suggested, it has a positive effect in one's life.
It is easy to listen to, calms, comforts and and inspires.
I am so happy to have purchased it.
When used as suggested, it has a positive effect in one's life.
It is easy to listen to, calms, comforts and and inspires.
I am so happy to have purchased it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This CD was helpful in making me slightly calmer and more focused. I wasn't sure how to use the accompanying book but I think the best way is to first read the whole book or at least the section you're going to listen to. I think the words in italic are the words spoken by Abraham on the CD. The effects of the CD are accumulative and it's best to listen every day. I listened for 3 of 4 days and then skipped a day or two. I rated it 4 stars instead of 5 because I haven't listened long enough to be sure of it's full effectiveness but I did notice an improvement in my outlook after 3 or 4 days.
Please RateGuided Meditations CD and User Guide - Getting Into The Vortex