Comic Coloring Activity Book - Ted Cruz to the Future

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
precia carraway
Before Ted Cruz’s masterpiece, the only books allowed in this house were the bible, the Federalist Papers, and the Constitution. Anything else is just Liberal mumbo-jumbo. Or so I thought. Then a friend mailed me (I don’t believe in email, or “Devil Mail” as it is known ‘round these parts) some info ‘bout this here “Ted Cruz to the Future.” Boy did it change my world. Now there’s four books I’ll let come through my front door. Thisin sure is a whole heck of a lot more easy to read than the other three.

I see a lot of folks on here are upset about Ted Cruz’s stance on that Obummercare. All I can say is just you wait. You think healthcare ain’t worse than going to war? Well before you know it, the govment will be forcing you to go to the doctor and you’ll be getting a cold finger up your behind. I bet you’ll be beggin’ to go back to Iraq then!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
ahmed na em
The last time someone tried to indoctrinate kids with a colouring book was when some German chap with a funny moustache produced one in the late 1930's in the Fatherland.

Strangely the ideas were very similar to what is in this book
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
alaa sami
Anything emanating from this blow hard is not worth the paper it is printed on. "In God We Trust" is not the American Motto...nor are any of the other ramblings and nonsensical fairytale fiction between the covers of this utterly ignorant "book." The only activity I would enjoy with this so-called "activity book" is to partake in the activity of storing them for the ravaged world we are going to experience thanks to the mindless policies of the GOP that are sure to leave the US bankrupt and back to the dark ages where we will need these things as a source of kindling starting fires to keep our homes warm. Cruz is looney tunes...checked out mentally...gone to the happy home with rubber walls....bonkers....nuts...a dim bulb in a room full of lights. Save your money and don't support the republican agenda to dumb down the US.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bryan murray
This is fantastic - I'm buying it just because it's actually at a level the Tea Party can understand. I'm going to piss off a liberal friend or two by giving it out for Christmas but I think the message is clear: if you don't like the black-and-white something or other, do what Ted would do and paint it a different color.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Wow, what a wonderfully bad idea, a coloring book that helps the youngest members of our society learn about bigotry and hatred. Everybody knows you just can't get enough of that at home. I applaud the folks at coloring to have the farsightedness to release such a narrow minded coloring book. Might make a good bird cage liner if you want to punish your birds...
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
katelyn cauthen
Well written and well illustrated. Kids have very much enjoyed this
"coloring book." Ted Cruz is one of the few honorable men in politics. Don't blow it! Greed is bipartisan. Time for a book by his father, the Pastor Raphael for kids.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
At first, I didn't think this was any improvement on other coloring books. There are never enough directions telling me what colors I should use, and having to employ my creativity to make these decisions is stressful for me. Fortunately, once I completed the first few pages, I began to realize that the makers of this book only see things in the starkest black and white. Thankfully, I can now throw out all the rest of those shamelessly lewd colored crayons and keep only the black and white ones! Thank you, Mr. Cruz!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
brian bartlett
Without books like this we would never have documented fact in regards to the blatant stupidity still roaming the earth. This clearly demonstrates that those who breed hate are still among us and are so self entitled that they really pose a threat to the safety and security of free citizens. It clearly teaches kids that fear and hate are one in the same and by understanding this we will move towards a better society,..... and better understand the mess we came from. Go Ted Cruz!! lead your Ilik from the closet and get out here where we can all see you.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
willow roback
Not nearly as intellectually challenging as "Green Eggs and Ham,'' but that's a good thing since Cruz misunderstood that book.

Our family had fun drawing SS uniforms on Cruz and all his friends.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
john hepple
I have to assume that this coloring book was already used; all of the people inside were already white. But other than that, what a great way to teach my kid that bigotry is alive and well in this century!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
richard ladew
With society constantly going south, my children have now been given the ability to use "motivational rhetoric" to inspire each other and other children! They even chased a gay neighbor away with some cardboard guns yelling, "We have the 2nd ammendment! You can't take away our guns! Marriage is between Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve!"

The best thing that happened was the bond they've formed with the other children. My children have either bought out or ran off all the competitive lemonade stands and hired minority children to run them. Now if that isn't giving back to the community I don't know what is!

Instead of boring dinner conversations about finger painting and learning to add, my children now stand up for their rights and make sure that the poor children at school don't get free lunch, and are all good Christian folks.

If I met Ted Cruz today, I'd shake his hand in thanks. God knows his coloring book is turning the tide in the war for our childrens' future against socialism! My only complaint is that it didn't come with any seeds to plant in preparation for the end of times, but with Ted Cruz leading the fight again Obama and his dogs, I think we will be ok!

Note: Since I bought this book my kids have started a, "Productive Parent fund" where they penalize me for not being a productive parent. I told them that's not fair and sounds like a tax, but they keep insisting that only liberals increase taxes. It was cute at first but now they are running me dry and spending all the money on "house defenses". When I ask them what we are defending against they respond, "Socialists, liberals, atheists and pedophile gays". Please help us Ted, you are our only hope.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
katie griffith
Had to take away four stars for missing the opportunity to put in the coupon.

I know that hasn't specifically been a "Cruz" issue, but the man missed an opportunity to jump on that particular band wagon and I'm just not in a forgiving mood. -4 STARS!

I love the 24-hour Epic Fillibugger page! It's as inspirational as reading the print on a Charmin package. Ok. Maybe that's giving Cruz a little too much credit, but you get the idea!

I was a little nervous about the "thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor" part of the Ten Commandments though. Ted, don't you feel that hits a little close to home? Just sayin'...

Did Baghdad Bob ghost write this book?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sarah andrews
Ted Cruise, I mean Tom Cruz.....oh forget it---is a brilliant author. We must educate our children to not fall for the evils of socialism. I gave this to both of my public school attending children. I purchased it with my tax rebate which I had cashed at the bank, riding there on my state funded local highway. Obamacare is a trainwreck and our five years olds just can't learn this early enough. For example, I couldn't even access the website for 39 minutes before I finally signed up for it after 499 private insurers had turned me down due to my 49 pre-existing conditions. Hell yeah, I like beer and barbecue.

My only criticism is this book does not teach children how to operate a firearm. The only thing that stops a bad Wiggles fan with a gun is a good Wiggles fan with a gun.

In summary, liberalism is a disease and Ted Cruz is the voice for our great nation's children.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I was hesitant to order this for my child because I could have easily used the $6 for a few bird-shot shells, but heck, my kids need to know who has our back in Washington.

We recently spent nine hours waiting for emergency medical care (I won't be force-fed Dumbocrat insurance) but it flew by for my boy, all thanks to this Activity Book. Whether we were reinforcing the polar ice caps or drawing lines between bullets and trespassers in Florida, my child was able to color through his tears like a real American. I plan to buy another copy to keep it handy for the next time we have a shooting accident. (Poor little fella lost enough blood that I doubt he'll remember having done it already.)
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
caroline berry
Whoever wrote this should be ashamed. "Tedcruz" is much too scary for young children. If your children are still coloring with crayons, then "Tedcruz" will give them nightmares. You've been warned.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
See above caption. 1 star is for the extra white crayons included, thanks for those. Comes in handy when coloring in the faces of the GOP. Missing 4 other stars is for people living in these United States where we're (supposed to) enjoy freedom of religion, public safety, diversity and a government that works *for * us and not one who obstructs, demeans the duly Elected Peoples president. Oh Ted, you're no better than that other mad man whose namesake you share, Ted Nugent. You're both WHACK.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
chris sauerwein
True! At a recent education workshop we reviewed this book. Question 1: Would you rather be eaten alive by sharks or recommend this book? Since sharks are my number one fear, I of course agreed to recommend the book. It wasn't all softball questions, if that's what you're thinking. Question 2: Would you rather an innocent child be set on fire or recommend this book? When all was said and done, I just couldn't recommend this book enough!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Seldom does a great man like Ted Cruz come along. We are so fortunate to have a man of this caliber take the time to show the youth of America how to hate, put (and keep) down anyone of any color other than white. Children need to know that how ever many guns they have, it's not enough. Mr. Cruz outlines his unwillingness to allow anyone other the wealthy to have access to quality health care. After all if you're not wealthy enough to pay for the best insurance, you don't deserve to be well. But the crowning turd in this masterpiece has to be the sticker section where children can simply cover over images of hungry families who need a bit of assistance with a food stamp program with colorful pictures of plates of food from their parents favorite 5 star restaurants. I applaud Mr. Cruz's ability to stand on the throat of so many people and wave the American flag at the same time. The kind of multi tasker we can all get behind (and push into obscurity).
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Goshdarnit this book is the greatest thing in this great nation of ours which our foundin fathers would have loved to color. Children need to know about Obama's death panels and their parents can also color the books when they are not watchin' Fox and learn about death panels in this great nation of ours. Just sayin that readin can be hard so colorin is a good way for children and their parents to learn them about our great Senator from the great state of Texas and his principles which Democrats who are destroyin our country are believin in. Who needs thinkin' when you have colorin to do. SaraPAC is goin' to buy a whole bunch of these fine books and donate them so we make sure evolution doesn't happen.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
craig campobasso
This coloring book brings fourth all the lerning you're kids will kneed. My nephews Herman and Dolffy found the artwork especially delitefull. I also got them a box of white crayons to use. Thanks four the great idea! You're kids will thank you four getting this book four thems.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
james noll
This is by far the most amazing coloring book! Thanks to Ted Cruz, I know now how life and death works. Before I was lost, now I found the way. See, to understand my review you need to hear my story. I have a physical condition for the pasr 7 years. I have been living a nightmare on a daily basis. A torture of the body, mind and soul. I have not been able to take a dump in 7 years, the worse constipation ever! Following my friend's advice, I bought this coloring book and it worked its magic in mysterious ways. Within the first 2 pages, the amount of excrements printed started to provoke a gurgle in my stomach, sparkling a chain of events I could not control. The results? An intense sensation of freedom I've never felt before. That sensation of freedom I owe it to Ted Cruz. I also owe to Ted Cruz my first puking in 4 years, that's when I heard his DC speech. Ted Cruz, the ass liberatore!!!!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
tara smith
This book is disgusting and robs your children of independent thought at such a young age. Let them come to their own views through guidance in their own time, don't force politics down their throats.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
joel spencer
So, I forget. Is this the cruise that believes in alien gods? Or the one taxpayers funded to read dr suess in a session of Congress? It's just so hard to keep one crazy loon sorted from the next. It's great to see that the effects of the tree of knowledge are reversible.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
diane ailor
The book was clearly made by a Canadian Latino that hates immigrants, which explains the confused layout. Also, not surprising that someone that is barely literate would choose to author a coloring book.

If you like to write all of your personal documents in crayon, because pens are too sharp ... get this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
k e douglas
This book is aimed toward the average reading level of my fellow Tea Party Republicans. It's a nice book to sit out on the deck with, away from the intense/serious journalism of Fox News, and contemplate the liberal constructed downfall of America. Word of advice, don't get the e-book as it made my kindle a one time use device.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Now your kids can color page after page depicting a crazy, boring, white politician. You'll totally want to rip pictures out and hang them on the fridge so when people visit your home they know you are raising your child to be a bigot. Also, children that are the age to use a coloring book would obviously know what 'adultery' means.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dipti brahmane
Mention Ted Cruz and you immediately think of all those great films he made - Top Gun, Rainbow Man, Mission Impossible, Mission Impossible 2, Top Gun, War of the Words, South Park etc...

Now Ted has written a colouring book for kids, which is good but I wish there'd been more pictures of Maverick and his F-15 Harrier from Top Gun instead of stuff about taxation. But still, my kids had hours of fun colouring in and learning stuff. Then I gave them this book and they started watching TV - ingrates! But I still love you Ted and I hope you make a sequel to Top Gun or The Final Countdown even though you were not in that one.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
lauren rogers perrault
I was hoping for something to prop-up my outdated views on government and society, specifically something targeting children. This book, for all its bigotry, white-washing, and extremist dogma is not suitable for this purpose. Far too much nudity and smut to be suitable for children.

Ron Paul's "WHITE, Red, and Blue - A guide to purity in America" is much more suitable for kids.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
I thought the original title of the whole series, "The Adventures of Captain Orifacewipe" was more exciting and plugged into the all white, gun toting, right wing only financially contributing, bigoted toddler. However, since I think most toddler boys want their heroes to be morally good; I think this coloring book would be more suited to 50+ tea party supporters who can only color in red, white, blue, army green, elephant gray and inside the lines that are inside the lines.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
laureen nowakowski
I was inspired to inform all of you wonderful peasants about this book when I finished my beef briquet with toast points and had a small epiphany. This is a fantastic gem of a book and most of you cretins with your retched public education and multiple part-time jobs in the retail and food service sectors with your sordid children, can even find time to peruse during your soul crushing week. After you are done reading it you can pass it along to your spawn and future grist for the markets, to color as well. What a savings and it will look wonderful next to the bible on the shelf you've never bothered to read.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
I picked this coloring book up for our daughter after some new people moved in across the street who, let's just say, don't look like us. She was so upset that I wanted to get something to take her mind off of it. She enjoys coloring in all the white people and the far right indoctrination really helped calm her down. Unfortunately, "those people" are still living in our neighborhood, and this book doesn't do anything to help that. My daughter keeps asking if we can move to Ted Cruz's neighborhood so that we don't have to worry about these things.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
trish leja bloom
Wow! I finally found something for my child to use when we go camping this summer! I bought this, along with Bill O'Rielly's book for my husband and Sarah Palin's Christmas book for myself. I can just imagine our summer camping trip to the Oregon coast - frolicking in the forest and swimming in the ocean. Thanks to Mr O'Reilly, Sarah Palin and Ted Cruz, we now have plenty of paper to wrap our fish, wet clothes and forest treasures in. Not to mention, plenty of extra toilet paper! Well worth the price, the store!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
betsy the muffin
Political rhetoric of the far right or the far left rarely pretends to be unbiased. As a life-long Republican, I am offended by this publication. As an American, I question how it can be portrayed as anything other than an attempt to seduce unwitting youngsters for selfish political gain.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
I understand is coming out with a whole series to use the entire eight colors:

White for the Ted Cruz book.
Orange for the John Boehner book.
Blue for the Mitt Romney Blue Blood book.
Black for the Dick Cheney's Soul book
Green for the George W. Bush Color of Money book.
Brown for the Color that Should Leave Americans book.
Yellow for the ChickenHawks Take Us to War Again book.
Red for the Republican Budget book.
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