The Girl in the Italian Bakery

ByKenneth Tingle

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
meta silvyani
Kenny Tingle wrote this book very well! I just want to say that I did not even realize that this book was an autobiography until about two-thirds of the way through this book. It was a fantastic story of the trials and tribulations of a kid whose odds are against him, and a beautiful story of the realization that it does not matter what anyone else thinks about you. I would recommend this book to anyone!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cindy nolt helms
I love "true" stories. Sad yet inspirational. Toward the end of the book he gave a quote that hit me like a ton of bricks!! You really can learn from others - I almost feel like I learned a life lesson from this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I love "true" stories. Sad yet inspirational. Toward the end of the book he gave a quote that hit me like a ton of bricks!! You really can learn from others - I almost feel like I learned a life lesson from this book.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
josiah goff
Very enjoyable read. The reader becomes involved in Kevin`s struggle to survive in the slums of Lawrence, Massachusetts. I would recommend this book to anyone who thinks their own live is a struggle.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
As others have stated, the title had little to do with the book. It should have been called "Dear Diary" It is a very long and boring account of a young man growing up in the projects of Boston. He has a fairly crappy life and irresponsible parents. There is no story here other than the fact that he survived his childhood. He may have wanted to write this in an effort to bring closure and healing in his life, but it should have been shared with his therapist and not the whole world - sorry, this was a waste of time with no entertainment value and nothing learned.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
very dissappointed with the story. It drew way too much attention to his childhood, and didn't lead up to the title of the book. I expected much more about the girl in the bakery. I'm glad I didn't pay for this one.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
This book has been sitting on my kindle for years. I finally decided to read it and I'm glad I did.

The book starts out a little slow in my opinion, but it is not devoid of action. Kenny and his brothers are constantly getting into mischief.

As I continued reading part of me was disappointed in Kenny because I could see the protein him. He just needed to get out of his own way. On the other hand, I found myself in his corner so to say, and was hoping life would give him a break.

Overall, I enjoyed reading this. The book held my attention and I felt invested in Kenny and his life enough to need to finish the book.

As I continued reading part of me was disappointed in Kenny because I could see the potential in him. He just needed to get out of his own way. However, I also found myself standing in his corner hoping he wohk
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book was awesome. It captures you from the very first pages and you just can't stop. The adventures Kenneth experiences as a child bring you back to your childhood. He certainly is right about not being able to think about the past without feeling sad or smiling. Just wondering if the Dave Matthews he meets near the end is the famous Dave it Kenneth?
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I struggled with the beginning of the book but kept on reading and it was worth it! What a great story. I finished the book two days ago and haven't stopped thinking about the struggles of many children growing up even today. There aren't many books that keep me thinking for days and this one did it. Thanks to the author for sharing this story!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I started reading this book thinking what the heck isn't it suppose to be about a girl in a bakery? Then I realized what it was truly about and could not stop. Anyone and everyone should read this. I hope that you have found out her name and have actual met.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amanda eastofreaden
To put it simply, this book is fantastic. I honestly had a hard time putting it down. Please don't be deterred by the few low ratings from people who were so caught up in waiting for "The Girl" to appear that they missed the rest of this amazing story.

What I liked most about this book was the lack of self-pity from the author. It's a memoir of his upbringing in a rough suburb and the ups and downs in his personal life. But as hard as his childhood may have been, there's very little wallowing or finger-pointing done by the author. He has embraced his past, the good and the bad, and has not allowed the negative to outweigh the positive. It reminds me of a line from one of my favorite songs, "For every moment of joy, every hour of fear, for every winding road that brought me here, for every breath, for every day of living, this is my thanksgiving..."

This story is very well-written, the characters well-defined and I highly recommend it. I liked it so much that I'm going to add it to my actual library, not just my virtual one.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Painfully slow. Repetitive bullying scenes…ok, I get it…no need to tell us yet again of another incident. …and what does the girl for whom the book is named really have to do with the story? Book was chosen for book club…..will be a short book club meeting this time…will only get complaints about a poorly written book. Sorry sir for your trials, but I'd keep your day job.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
homa tavassoli
Kenneth tingle recounts his childhood and growing years in a way that lets you be there with him through hard times and good times. He looks at his life realistically and sends the message that we should always grab for the golden ring no matter what the odds
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kariann mcalister
I love true stories about people who beat the odds in life and who recognize that God is the One who helps us beat those odds. The story is written very well and kept me turning page after page to get to the end. It is truly an uplifting inspirational story that needed to be told.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tina tanberk
I loved this book! Kenny Tingle has shown that regardless of what cards you have been dealt, you can still come out a winner. After reading, I feel as if I know him. The descriptions and details of his experiences as a child were top notch. This is actually the first book I have read in quite a while. I can't say enough good about it.....great read!
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