The Secrets of Existence Revealed - The Universe Is a Dream

ByAlexander Marchand

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
elaine hyatt
Alexander Marchand's thoroughly enjoyable book is like ACIM 'Cliff Notes' in comic book form. It's loaded with superb visual humor and metaphors, and remarkable depth and insight disguised as a VERY fun read. For those that want in-depth non-dual metaphysics in a graphically engaging format (including some very cool glyphs for concepts we can all relate to), this one is a total page-turner. I couldn't put it down. Try it, you'll like it! You might even find you are less interested in polishing a less-than-satisfactory substitute for what we all really want. (You'll just have to read the book to figure what that hilarious reference was about. :-)
- Bruce Rawles, author of The Geometry Code: Universal Symbolic Mirrors of Natural Laws Within Us; Friendly Reminders of Inclusion to Forgive the Dreamer of Separation
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sarah cripps
This wonderful book manages to present the main concepts in A COURSE IN MIRACLES in a joyful, light, although, very deep way! It facilitates a lot the understanding of those concepts and make it easier for people to study ACIM itself after its reading.

The symbols on the Glossary are great! And we can really feel the Holy Spirit's Presence all along the book.

The book is available on other languages too, including Portuguese: "O universo é um sonho."

Congratulations, Alex!

We are waiting for a new book asap! :-)

Try this:A Guide to Forgiveness - True Forgiveness According to A Course in Miracles
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alice akinsola
I came across this book while looking for books for teenagers on how we create reality. I'd already read 5 or 6 Seth (Jane Roberts) books, and was looking for something to introduce my teenage kids to the nature of reality. I am so pleased that I decided to buy this book for my kids - I read it through first and couldn't put it down for 3 days - until I'd finished it. It's such a clear, easy to follow explanation of why we are here, how we got here, and how we can reclaim our sanity and thrive in this crazy world that we have all created.
A classic and a must read!
After finishing this book I went on to buy A Course In Miracles. The Universe is a perfect introduction.
I highly recommend this book to anyone thinking of starting ACIM but not sure. If you loike this book, you'll love ACIM. If you can't get your head around it right now, then the teachings of ACIM will find their way to you when you're ready for them.
Of course it could quite easily upset some traditional types if they believe they are not yet ready to hear the truth. That's ok, they'll be ready one day and when that day comes they'll find their way to the message contained in this book.
The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe - The Field :: Frequency: The Power of Personal Vibration :: Quantum Enigma: Physics Encounters Consciousness :: The Revolutionary Theory of Reality - The Holographic Universe :: Red Rose of the House of Tudor - 1544 (Royal Diaries)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bj fogleman
When Gary Renard's Disappearance of the Universe appeared, it seemed to accomplish the impossible: explaining the Course in the vernacular. But that was 400 pages. This little book delivers the even more impossible, of summarizing the Course in 200 pages in cartoon format, complete with an adequate painting of the whole context of Western traditions in which it stands. I could not praise it enough, so I won't try. This book can be a helpful first introduction, but likewise it can be extremely valuable to help one's understanding of the Course, even for advanced students.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
fiona fagan
CAUTION RE: KINDLE VERSION: because each page is a picture of the corresponding hard copy page, you cannot adjust the size of the print. To see the fine print and some of the drawings, you have to enlarge the page like a photo - real nuisance when trying to read philosophy and keep a train of thought. Cannot comment on content as I returned the book early in the reading process. BTW - I have 2 Kindle Fire's (#6 & #7 of my Kindle history and can usually adapt to most anything I get.)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jessica suarez
For those who have scoured the spiritual buffet line for some time and are ready to clear away the crumbs of confusion, this book may very well be your answer. If you are a beginner student of A Course in Miracles and need a quick, concise overview of its core message, this book is for you. If you are an advanced student of A Course in Miracles and are ready to have your learning revived and shaken up a little, this book may just dot enough i's and cross enough t's to push you to your next level of experience. Sometimes, a fresh new approach is all that is needed to remove the cobwebs of unknowing. Deliciously irreverent, delightfully provocative, decidedly radical, definitely non-dualistic, devilishly divine and perhaps divinely devilish! I dare you to read this book, cover to cover.
Pauline Edward
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
paige wakefield
The other well written and congratulatory reviews of this masterpiece say exactly what deserves to be said here; so I won't repeat things. But I must add that I believe Alex has originated, at least in the field of self help, spirituality, enlightenment, metaphysics and truth awareness books, because of the exciting and fun format of his work, a profound, exceptional, triumphant and pioneering teaching phenomena.
I would never have believed that the seemingly complex principles of such a spiritual masterwork as A Course in Miracles could be so clearly explained. And 'The Universe is a Dream' as a book at the top of its class in the aforementioned categories stands proud as an individual teaching resource for the attainment of enlightenment.

Alexander Marchand,from the heart of my spirit, for your work and your contribution to the awakening of our world, thank you!

Kurt. ([email protected])
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Amazing, the whole house vibrated with the sound of laughter as I read The Universe is a Dream in one sitting ( because I couldn't put it down ) Holy Spirits humorous journey as told through Alex is a work of art in content & form. This book is a most wonderful blessing as surely as is the promise of the awakened mind - Now being awake to the Happy Dream. Thank you Alex, ego is always so serious a bit like turd polishing. If this review confuses you, go get ACIM + The Universe Is a Dream, allow the miracle of forgiveness into your awareness then start to experience the happy dream, from there waking up is just a giggle away.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ragui janho
This book has something for anyone interested in A Course in Miracles and those that would like an insightful and enjoyable introduction. The cartoon format is entertaining and well suited to communicate the complex metaphysics of the Course in a clear easy to understand way. I appreciate the author's sense of humor, creativity and attention to detail.

This book is clearly a one-of-a -kind and a must read for all students and teachers of ACIM. Where I live and teach ACIM, there is a shortage of younger ACIM students. I think this book will be very appealing to these younger students and that will be good for the ACIM community!

I really enjoy any book that teaches me something new and Alex's book accomplished that in grand style!

I highly recommend this book to any and all.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
slater smith
Words...just empty words. This book was written for Christians who feel conflicted by the logic and reason of science. This is the ultimate put your head in the sand contrived tripe that destroys any legitimacy in both Christianity and Philosophy.

He goes on and on and on about how life is just a dream with all sorts of nifty words but never actually explaining why. Basically he bombards you sentence after sentence using multisyllabic words from different areas of religion, science and philosophy in hopes that the reader will be over loaded with so many silly two dollar words that they will not ask for his reasoning. Mind you I am not even talking about facts or proofs, I just wanted him to explain his hypothesis and how he came to his conclusion.

Basically his whole theory is based on "Jesus" being some type of cosmic, super philosopher and Buddha as his sidekick who isn't quite as smart or clever. It would be comical if he wasn't so sure that he is right. This man clearly wants to be a Christian but he is so insecure and conflicted about the logic/reason of science and maths that he created this notion to try to bring the two together.

Really if you have any inclination to take reason and/or science even semi-seriously don't read this. You will feel like you need a hot shower to wash all the stupid off of you.

I am gobsmacked in how this book got such a high rating on here. Not only do I want my money back, I want the time I wasted on it back.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
trey gwinn
Absolutely brilliant! Bravo, Alexander! Your clarity in describing the thought system of A Course in Miracles will be helpful to both beginning and advanced students. Your use of cartoons to illustrate ACIM and physics principles makes the difficult concepts easy to understand. You are able to take the reader step-by-step along a complex path, with each section building upon the previous one. I have long recommended The Disappearance of the Universe to my ACIM study group members, and will be recommending The Universe is a Dream as well. Thank you for being a shining channel for Truth.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Bravo! Alex! I've been studying and teaching A Course in Miracles for more than 18 years and I have found very few books I would recommend to others on ACIM -- this is one!!

I stumbled impatiently with the first few pages...but then flipped into the icons index in the back as you suggested and "Oh, I see, yes, that's good, that makes sense, I like that icon for the holy spirit and that one for the mind..." and I was hooked. Another part of my mind became engaged in learning and assimilating A Course In Miracles. I respect your understanding and thank you for this work. If you are reading this review and somehow ACIM in on your path, get this book with confidence.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
saul blonval
This book robs from the latest scientific discoveries and the new age spiritual teachings such as spiritual consciousness,negative positive consciousness polarity,cosmic awakening and awareness, insinuate to believe the most contradictive,flawed,hypocritical and illogical religion ever created...christianity.It uses comedy through it's comic like style to draw in people.The author writes in a cunning and sneaky way to slowly turn the reader to convert into that dumb religion called christianity.IN THE END OF THIS BOOK,IT BASICALLY TELLS YOU,"WORSHIP JESUS CHRIST OR GO TO HELL FOREVER,BECAUSE GOD LOVES YOU".That's pretty much the message spread out into 194 pages using new age and scientific discoveries.No matter what christianity tries to use or do it will always give the same message wich is " Follow Christ or burn in hell forever".For anyone who really is conscious and awake in these times on Earth and is truly looking for the cosmic universal truth involving spiritual ascension and purpose and the fact that we are not alone with scientific data then try the Holographic Universe with Michael Talbot,The Source Field Investigation with David Wilcock,The Field with Lynne McTaggart,The Prism Of Lyra with Royal Priest,UFO's And The National Security State with Richard Dolan and many more who are not influenced by narrow perspective religions like the most narrow christianity.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
claudia thompson
Descartes philosophy is the foundation of our narcissistic culture, and I do not see at all how it correlates with the truth and love of Jesus and The Course of Miracles. Yes, we are not just physical beings, yet we must not disregard the Living Earth and our union with all life. Life is a miracle, a blessing. Our physical bodies and the physical Earth are all part of this miracle, this gift. Disembodiment brings separation/disconnection.

Of the many errors that scientists, philosophers and men of god have made, Derrick Jensen singles out René Descartes' famous sentence "I think, therefore I am". Though at first the quote seems self-evident, it is so established as just a part of human development. But Jensen picks apart the quote as more of a watershed where thinking became detached from feeling. "I think therefore I am" is not the same as "I eat, therefore I am" or "I breathe, therefore I am". It is much more sinister because it tries to ignore the world that surrounds us. It also negates the body and its senses and tries to monopolise consciousness and conscience in the brain alone.

"I think, therefore I am" encapsulates everything that Jensen believes is so wrong-headed about the 'progress' of civilisation. Only when a man becomes so isolated from the land, from the elements, from his own body could come he up with something so narcissistic. Derrick Jensen imagines being able to go back in time to the moment when Descartes came up with this idea. He would take Descartes in a warm embrace and kiss him passionately. And Jensen would the ask Descartes (in response to his famous statement), "But René, my friend, don't you feel anything?"

Because life is uncertain, and because we die, the only way Descartes could gain the certainty he sought was in the world of abstraction. By substituting the illusion of disembodied thought for experience (disembodied thought, of course, not possible for anyone with a body), by substituting mathematical equations for living relations, and most importantly by substituting control, or the attempt to control, for the full participation in the wild and unpredictable process of living, Descartes became the prototypical modern man. He also established the single most important rule of Western philosophy: if it doesn't fit the model, it doesn't exist...Welcome to industrial civilization. Jensen p10. A Language Older than Words

"I no longer see Descartes' statement as arbitrary. It is representative of our culture's narcissism. This narcissism leads to a disturbing disrespect for direct experience and a negation of the body."
' Derrick Jensen
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