The War with Grandpa (Yearling)

ByRobert Kimmel Smith

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tracy ruggles
Superb, addictive story!
Grandpa has just moved in. Peter has suddenly been informed that grandpa will sleep in his room! Peter won't give up his room without a struggle. With his friends, He devises silly plans to force his grandpa into surrendering.
On the final attempt, he takes a chance. Will he ever get his room back?
I found this book interesting after the first few chapters. It is a surprising fictional book....Read this book to find out!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
liz hardesty
I thought the book was a really good book.Grandpa ended up moving into his grandson's house.His name was Peter.Grandpa was very lonely because Grandma died.Peter loved his room, but then Grandpa moved into Peter's room.Then the war begain.I liked all of the different kinds of tricks Peter did to Grandpa, and Grandpa did to Peter.I think the book should teach everybody a lesson,to not get in fights with your own family.That's what I liked about the book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
michelle prinzo
Peter gets an assignment from school to write a true and real story about sometime in his life.Grandpa Jack moves from Florida into his grandchildren's house, because his wife died from emphysema.Peter wants Grandpa to move in. Before he finds out his Grandpa is moving into his room because of his arthritis in his leg,forcing Peter upstairs. Peter thinks the only way to get his room back is to go to war with his Grandpa. Read this thrilling exciting book, to find out what happens!
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
eva etzioni halevy
Mason and Nick Little 3rd graders rated this book five stars because of the good sarcasm in it. For teachers it means good vocabulary words for students and it means fun for kids! This whole story begins with a simple narrative story (true and real.) Peter and his Grandapa Jack fight over who's room is who's. There are lots of funny or mean tricks that are played in this book. You've got to read this book! There's your critique from third graders at Everett School.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
molly frisinger
I think The War With Grandpa is a wonderful book. It’s about a boy named Peter who’s Grandpa has to come and live with him. Peter really loves his Grandpa, but the only problem is Grandpa takes Peter’s room! Now Peter has to go to war with Grandpa. They play the most funny tricks on each other. It is a great book and to find out what the best trick is, you have to read The War With Grandpa! I give this book four stars.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The War with Grandpa kind of goes like this.Grandpa moves to Peter's house.Dad and mom told Grandpa to just move all his things into Peter's room.Peter said that he did not want that to happen,but it did.Peter was mad and said it was going to be war.Peter took Grandpa's slippers.Grandpa did some harsh stuff, too.Grandpa and Peter went fishing.So now I'm not going to tell you the end.Read it if you want to know the ending!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
rebecca pizzey
We had some mixed feelings. Some thought it was a fascinating story, but some thought is wasn't dramatic enough. We were disappointed that a few of the pictures were portraying the story incorrectly. The favorite scene was Grandpa's last prank and Peter's retaliation.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This was a very interesting book. Pete throws a fit about Grandpa having to take his room and this leads to a WAR! Pete and Grandpa square-off against each other.

You should read this because it is very funny when they go back and forth with each other taking each other's things.

At the end of the story a lesson is learned that you should talk things out before they get out of hand!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
jodi skeris
I liked this book because it was funny. Peter has to give up his room . Grandpa and Peter get in a war . What will Peter do ? Peter plays a trick on grandpa . Then grandpa plays a trick . Grandpa then plays a big trick . Last Peter plays his last trick . They find out how to get their own rooms . I injoyed this book because it was funny . I think you'll injoy it to . Don't waste time get the book and read it .
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jill corddry
I just read a book called THE WAR WITH
GRANPA.Peters granpa came to live with Peter,but the
bad paet was that granpa took Pete's room!Peter had
no choice but to start a war.My least favorite part is that
Billy and Steve tell Peter what to do.My favorite part is that
Billy,Steve,and Peter make up silly words.Does Peter get his room
back?Read the book and find out.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The War With Grandpa is wonderful.I liked the book because Peter just found out that Grandpa was moving in with his family.Peter heard that he had to move out of his bedroom.Second I like it because they having a war.It was cool and it was funny,too.When Peter does his last attack it is so funny. The cool part is when Peter forgets his lunch.If I tell you any more you won`t love it.It was a great book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
elinor laforge
I would recomend this book to someone because of the way it tells about how Peter has a family war with his Grandpa. Now they don`t really have a war with bombs and stuff. But I can not tell you all about the book . You will have to read the book yourself
to find out the surprize ending yourself.If I could tell you the ending I would .But then it would give it away.That would spoil it for you.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The War With Grandpa is a very interesting book. It has a lot of character in it and a lot of hilarious parts. The two main characters are Peter and Grandpa Jack. The story was wrote because Peter had a asighnment from his teacher to write a true and real story. Read the book to find out wwhat grade Peter in in, what tricks were played, and why I rated this book 5 stars.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The War With Grandpa is a very interesting book. It has a lot of character in it and a lot of hilarious parts. The two main characters are Peter and Grandpa Jack. The story was wrote because Peter had a asighnment from his teacher to write a true and real story. Read the book to find out wwhat grade Peter in in, what tricks were played, and why I rated this book 5 stars.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I relly liked The War With Grandpa because it was a relly funny story. I cant tell you all of the story but I can tell some of the details. Something weird is going on at Peters house .Peters grandpa is moving in. Peter does not like that at all. He thinkes Grandpa is taking his room. I do not want to tell you all of it. So read this book and you will like it.Trust me.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
My favorite part was when Peter steals Grandpa's false teeth. I liked that part because it would be very funny. My least favorite part is when Peter refused to burn Grandpa's underwear. If I was Peter it would have been the first thing I would have done to him. I thought that the whole book was very boring. I almost fell asleep!! That is why I rated the book as 1 star.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I liked this book because it was funny. This story is about a boy and his that go to war because grandpa moved in to Peter's room. They play alot of nasty tricks on each other. But in this story thay still love each other. He has a little sister that trows tempertantrums to get her way. Peter had a tick with an alarm clock.
This is all you get for free.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kelly dasta
When Helen's family decides to adopt a child, they get a Korean boy named Chok Do Choy. When they pick him up at the airport, they find out a horrible secret. Read the book to find out!
The book is well written and the author makes you want to read on. Theodore Taylor is a very colorful writer. He uses lots of literary devices and he makes me feel like I'm right in the story.
I would recommend this book to people who like suspense, tragedy, and humor.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
renee rice
When Helen's family decides to adopt a child, they get a Korean boy named Chok Do Choy. When they pick him up at the airport, they find out a horrible secret. Read the book to find out!
The book is well written and the author makes you want to read on. Theodore Taylor is a very colorful writer. He uses lots of literary devices and he makes me feel like I'm right in the story.
I would recommend this book to people who like suspense, tragedy, and humor.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
erin alaia
I think that the book was good because Peter gets to fight with his grandpa.Peter's grandpa teaches Peter how to cath a flounder in high tides.The funny thing in the story is Peter's grandpa steals Pete's underwear and socks plus shoe laces.I can't tell you all of the story or it will not be exciting.So if you want to find out more about read it yourself.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
chris mulhall
I think that the book was good because Peter gets to fight with his grandpa.Peter's grandpa teaches Peter how to cath a flounder in high tides.The funny thing in the story is Peter's grandpa steals Pete's underwear and socks plus shoe laces.I can't tell you all of the story or it will not be exciting.So if you want to find out more about read it yourself.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
gil gershman
My favorite part in the book is when Grandpa took all of Peter's stuff and made him late for school. It was so funny when Grandpa hid Peter's underwear in the drawer and eveyone in my class laughted and laughed. This book is really good and you should read it and see if you like it as much as I liked it. If you like laughting this is the book for you.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
vincenzo bavaro
Christian.I think this book is very exellent because it is humourus and sneaky.It is humourus because Peter does not just do ordinary tricks but humourus tricks and sneaky tricks too.One trick Peter does is he steels his Grandpas wristwatch.One more thing if you think I am giving away the ending I am not.Soyou will just have to read the book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
War With Grandpa is a interesting book. It's about a boy named Peter and a grandpa. Peter has an assignment (for school) to write a true and real story. Grandpa moves into Peter's (Stokes') house. I won't tell you why! Peter has to give up his room. Then war got started! Read the book and find out why! I give War Wih Grandpa 4 stars!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jayson slade
Alex.My favorite part is when Jeney told Peter that Grandpa was moving in to their house because they think about everything hes going to do and still don't know where hes going to sleep or wonder what it is going to be like.My least favorite part is when Jeney almost finds out because the action will stop and they will both get in trouble.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This book is fun to read because the chapters are short and the author explains what the hard words mean. This makes the book fun and easy to read. The book seems real when you read it like it could be happening to one of your own friends. The author makes you think about what would happen if you were at war with your own grandpa.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jennifer preston
I think this book was okay. My favorite parts were when Grandpa and Peter steal each others thigs. My least favorite parts is when Peter is with his friends. This book is very exciting when Grandpa takes Peters room and when Peter calls war. I mstly did not like this book because it did not have a lot of exciting parts.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I liked war with grandpa because it was funny. The funny part was when Grandpa took Peter's underwear and socks. Another funny part was when Grandpa woke up with his hair all crazy and wild. It also reminded me to take care of my family. Sorry but if I tell you the story, it won't be a surprise to anyone who reads this.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
suki rohan
I would rate this book awsome! Grandpa takes peter's room and peter does'nt like it. my favorite part is when they play tricks on each other like taking watches,socks,underware,school books and more. My least favorite part is when they go fishing.But will peter get his room back who will win the war peter or Grandpa jack.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I really dont know if other studets would like it, but I liked it. It was so truthful yet so funny at the same time . I think that if people like comedy as much as I do ,then they ejoy having to laugh so much .While having such a good time you laern too. Dont forget to get the book on you wont ever have a better time.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ken liivik
I like this book because Grandpa hides Peter's underwear and shoelaces. It is also funny because Peter takes Grandpas watch. I don't want to give to much details away but the book is good. If you want to find out more about this book read it yourself,and you'll find alot more amazing things about this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The War With Grandpa is a good book.Before grandpa moved in Peter
was mad that grandpa was going to take his room.When grandpa moved
in he did not fell comfortable.Grandpa was sad that gramdma died.
Then grandpa got comfortable.If you want to know more about the story you'll have to read the book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I liked this book because Peter, this kid, is going to have a war with Grandpa. You may love it or not. But, I like it because Peter gets mad at his Grandpa because Peter has to sleep on the couch. So who's going to win?! Grandpa or Peter? So, buy this book if you want to know.

Reviewed by Destiny
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I like this book because it is excellent. It was a really good book. The part that I liked the most was when Grandpa did a very long dirty trick to Peter. And Peter wasn't very happy. Grandpa liked what he did. I think you should buy this book because it is exciting. It tells you alot of funny things.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I liked this book because it was funny. This book is about a boy and his grandpa. The boy, Peter, gets moved out of his room to the guest room, and his grandpa moves into his old room. Peter plays a nasty trick on his grandpa by setting his Grandpa's alarm clock to wake him up in the middle of the night.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
steven slaughter
War With Grandpa War With Grandpa was a really good and exciting book. It's about a boy named Peter and his Grandpa going to war over a silly thing! Peter plays baby jokes on his Grandpa, while Grandpa thinks of mean cruel jokes to play on Peter! So read the book to find out more hilarious things!
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