Racial Demagoguery from the Seventies to Obama

ByAnn Coulter

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nivetha kumar
Delightful reading from an outstanding writer of historical facts. As always, the books by Ms. Coulter complement her sharp intellect, honesty, and indomitable spirit. Ms. Coulter is an American gem.; we owe her a million thanks for her contributions to our nation's valuable reservoir of outstanding books. Bravo Signorina Coulter!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
michelle malach
Readers despise her or love her, but her arguments concerning the hijacking of race to win political points, and more insidiously, to hold human beings captive with lies and fear tactics that metastasized into powerful self-perpetuating movements, bear the marks of the demagoguery Miss Coulter charges in her title. The result? A powerful book that is needed now more than ever, i dare you to read it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rachel white
The farther from truth one gets, the more you hate the one that speaks it; this is so true with Ann. This book is a must read for anyone that is seeking the truth in the one thing that matters most....governmental rule. You do not get a real sense of who Ann is on TV because of time restraint, but in this read, especially in the last chapter, you are pleasantly reassured. Ann, we need more people like you and hope I can meet you in person one day.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
saeed alqahtani
Ms. Coulter is a top-shelf researcher. I realize she has a reputation as a reactionary bomb-thrower. That, I think, mischaracterizes her mind, and under-rates her ability to reveal the truth of history coherently. I'm thankful she found the time, and made the effort to write us a reminder that some events of the past did not happen quite like we might believe or see portrayed. She does the thankless job of challenging the lies and dis-information that burbles from too many U.S. academies and media. It needs to be done, and I'm so glad she does. Some of these pernicious outfits really operate like the old Soviet, and East German "Information Ministries": routinely spinning an event into something totally backward from reality. On one hand, it's disheartening to realize that so many Americans consume that slop without question, and might soon be persuaded to address each other as 'comrade', or just 'citizen'. On the other hand, there is a smallish band of Patriots risking their chances for quiet and comfort to cultivate the vision of our Founding Fathers. Ms. Coulter is a Patriot. Hallelujah.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Ms. Coulter is certainly brave (and methodical enough) to call out those in the media who focus on the claims of racial hoaxers, while doing very little in the way of apology or retraction once those hoaxes are exposed to the light of truth. Her detailed catalogue of the abuses perpetrated by charlatans like Al Sharpton, as well as the actions of their enablers at outlets like The New York Times, is a meticulously footnoted and sourced dossier that shows in damning fashion how many well-meaning but delusional liberals will always believe the claims made on behalf of a criminal, while never extending the same courtesy to a law enforcement officer (even when confronted with a mountain of evidence).

The author also does a good job of showing how white guilt and self-abasement has as its ultimate consequence horrific farces of justice like the O.J. verdict. She also makes a strong case that many white liberals who champion diversity but live in lily white environments (i.e. Paul Krugman in Princeton, Chris Matthews in Chevy Chase, Maryland, or the Clintons in Chappaquiddick, New York) are terminal hypocrites.

Why, then, am I giving this book three rather than five stars? Basically, because Coulter is guilty of the same drive-by tactics of which she accuses others. She uses Godwin's Law (alternately known as Argumentum ad Hitlerum) whereby she paints opponents with a broad brush and isn't below invoking the Third Reich and Nazis to get her hyperbolic point across. She knocks libertarians when their views conflict with hers (i.e. on abortion, borders, or drug laws) but she quickly changes her tune when it comes to tax policy or federal bureaucracy. I can see the appeal in almost any political outlook when considered from the right perspective, but some consistency would be nice on her part.

Ultimately, this book is basically the literary equivalent of what gets churned out on a nightly basis by any one of the three main cable news channels. It has kernels of real truth and insight, damning to the post-racial facade which many liberals cling to as bitterly as a reactionary clings to his guns or religion, but in the giant pie-fight of American discourse, Ann can't help but sling a few too many plates of custard in this one.

Still, I don't blame her. It pays well, and she does have a very good sense of humor.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
barbara whiteley
This was a well- researched book. I enjoyed it. Her writing style shows a sense of humor that lightens the depressing reality that she describes. Her research puts a lie to the authors who proclaim that she is a liar.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have never been disappointed by Ann Coulter. This book lives up to her reputation and if it weren't so true it would be a funny book to digest. I recommend it as a must especially if you can get your kids to look at it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mustafa darwish
I am an African American college woman who was raised liberal. However, lately as I have been learning more and more about life, I've found that I think that I actually believe in conservative politics more, and so I've been investigating. I found this book to be extremely helpful, factual, and honest. Ann really dives into the history of black people in American society, and the role of both republican and democrats in the current state of black society. This book is eye-opening, thanks Ann!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
In other books she has written, Ms Coulter has relied on colorful language and scorn to the detriment of an organized argument. In "Mugged" she uses good scholarship, careful summary of data, and clear argument to make her points. In my mind, this book establishes her as a serious political commentator.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jessica cave
The PC police will hate this fact-filled, in-your face, tell-it-like-it-is book that puts the current "racial issue" in plain sight. This alone is sufficient reason to like it. Pages of citations and Coulter's clear way of expressing herself brings historical perspective to this serious socio-political problem .
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kirk rueckmann
This book is a fact laden, well written, exquisitely researched and documented primer for race batting in America over the past 50+ years. As usual, Ann's no nonsense, right to the point style, are a breath of fresh air to people who want the unvarnished truth about current affairs.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
richie schwartz
Coulter wrote a brilliant book outlining the party (republican) who was the one fighting for blacks. I am a real fan of Thomas Sowell, a brilliant black guy who Coulter quotes often in the book. Liberal policies have hurt the black family.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jason schneeberger
Mugged is a reminder of the bizarre warping of history which has occurred in my lifetime. The Republican party was founded to fight slavery, and was historically the party that fought racism. All the way until 1964. Then suddenly the Democrats became the champions of the civil rights struggle, and that's the way I learned the history, that Democrats were now and always the champions of civil rights. Mugged does a FABULOUS job of devastating that false argument, and explaining how it happened (I'll give you a hint, look who's gotten rich because of the "civil rights movement" since 1964. I recommend it to anyone who has been mystified at the hijacking of the civil rights movement. I had to fact check a lot of this book and it all checks out as far as I can see in history and public records.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I thought that Ann Coulter did an outstanding job of reviewing the perception of racism created by the modern media and stripping away the spin to reveal and remind the reader of the facts. She also provides a very good historical overview of racial relations and where the real racism is based. A valuable book to read for anyone trying to get to the truth of where racism is really coming from in contemporary time.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The titles for Ann Coulter's books are usually catchy, but make it hard to share her books with liberal, progressive, or whatever you want to call them, Democrats. Although her writing contains significant dollops of sarcasm, Coulter's research is flawless and exposes much of how liberals in the media, in academia, and elsewhere have attempted to rewrite history. I never knew that Republican Presidents, Eisenhower and Nixon were so instrumental in attempting to bring Blacks into mainstream America. In fact, Eisenhower was The president who used the National Guard to help integrate southern schools. I use the term Blacks, because using the ethnic term African-American disallows their full integration into American life. For whites we only use terms like Polish-American, Irish-American, etc., for people who are either fresh off the boat or have so failed to assimilate that they are still identifiable by their ethnic behavior and characteristics.

Coulter's book likewise shows how, in pursuing the significantly growing Black American vote, Democrat President LBJ's disastrous "War of Poverty" program decimated the American Black/Colored family. During Martin Luther King, Jr.'s time, people of color looked like they belonged to mainstream America. There appeared many middle class looking families among his followers (emphasis on the word family). Pursuing a policy of rewarding women for having illegitimate children, which is what LBJ's War on Poverty of the 1960's did, wreaked havoc in minority families and even destroyed them; minorities being where these welfare programs were targeted. In fairness, minorities were already attracted to the social spending programs begun by FDR, so it was only a short step toward total handouts, especially for having more children out of wedlock.

Coulter also shows how the liberal/progressives (i.e., Democrats) have also hijacked Civil Rights -- which were meant to redress the past wrong of slavery -- for causes like Women's "Reproductive" Rights and Homosexual Rights, which are more important pet projects for liberal/progressives than was the original Civil Rights of the 1960's, which again, Republicans Eisenhower and Nixon began. Coulter's book is full of historic examples of illegitimate attempts to enforce so-called Civil Rights in ways that the original Civil Rights, dreamed of by Martin Luther King, Jr., were never meant to be used. Mugged is a highly informative book that puts into perspective many of the social ills that plague our country today. My review only touches on few parts of Coulter's well-researched book, which documents many atrocities committed in the name of Civil Rights. It is a Must Read for anyone who wants to be informed, well educated, and who truly and fairly wants to redress the wrongs of the past without ruining our country in the process.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
g khan ahin
A good read about how the tables have turned. Ann Coulter talks about the Democratic opposition to
Black's and how that oppression has turn into a solid voting block. I await someone who will write a response as well researched as her book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
erin benbow
Every American should read it. I am familiar with Tom Sowell's work and have read many of his books and every column he has written for over 10 years, so I was especially pleased that she referenced him. Thank god for people like Ann. Tells is like it is with a great sense of humor. W R Nickerson
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
lara torgesen
This book is much better than I anticipated. Ann has a sharp tongue at times and I was hoping that it would not get in the way and for the most part it doesn't.

I didn't so much read the book as study it. I found myself not only reading scores of paragraphs and whole section over again, but also frequently going on-line to validate resources that she used and to gather additional information from other sources. I personally didn't find any discrepancies.

I knew that Al Sharpton was/is quite a piece of work, but I didn't realize to what extent. Former New York mayor Lindsay is right up there with him.

I know that people from the liberal political persuasion consider themselves the champions of the minorities and the downtrodden but some of their claims are so divorced from reality as to be scandalous; not the least of which is civil rights.

After viewing the Movie "Lincoln" last week with the focus of that movie being the 13th amendment and how the republicans had to fight tooth and nail with the democrats to get the amendment passed, I was looking forward to reading this book.

Listening to the liberals rant today on the majority of the TV networks you would believe that they have long been the champions of civil rights. That simply isn't the case and "Mugged" will give you plenty of information to that end.

Does Ann Coulter come off with a right wing bias? Of course, she is a republican. That in itself certainly doesn't make her wrong.

I can think of a few folks who would benefit from reading this book though I doubt that they can get over themselves long enough to read it.

Check it out and check the sources. You may be surprised about civil rights legislation from the 1860's through the 1960's. You may also come to understand that the liberal movement has conceivably caused more harm to the minorities than good. At times, the way the story is told today reminds one of Orwell's "1984". "Mugged" may help to refresh your memory.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I love her facinating sense of humor. Her insight into the left's adjenda. Anyone who remembers the L.A. riots of the early 90's has GOT to read what actually happened to Rodney King.

I reccomend this book to anyone who wants to know the truth.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
While this book lacks the usual frequent humor (that liberals find so annoying and claim it proves she's a bimbo), it's loaded with history and facts that you can research if you want to dig further into the subject. The history of the Democrats of the South and the Democrat Party's lack of response to it, is a history the Democrats don't want taught in public schools and universities (and it isn't). As a person who was old enough to be aware of what was happening during the civil rights speeches and marches of the 1960s, the integration of public schools in the South, and the Republicans not only backing the civil rights movement, but sending in the National Guard to enforce the integration rulings impressed me and has motivated me to never miss an election since I became old enough to vote. If enough people read this book and took the time to research the historical facts she presented in the book, they would definitely realize the extent to which the leftists have rewritten history for their own political gain, not to improve America or the lives of all of our citizens. The fear that people will discover the history of the Democrats drives the liberals to not only trash Coulter, but anyone they deem to be conservative. Read the book, do the research if you don't believe what you are reading, and then think before you decide who you're voting for in the next election. If you don't read the book, at least think before you vote in the next election and hopefully you'll also revisit the history of the political movements of the Twentieth Century into current political history.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Ann has a way of chronicling the truth with history, research, and a fearlessness that makes it difficult to turn a blind eye to liberal race baiting. No matter what your political leanings, her take on this important matter looks to be nearly impossible to refute. Excellent read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
miranda moen
With her scintillating wit and charm, Ann - yet again - makes a devastating expose of the disgusting 'race hustlers' who infest America; and their ongoing, shameful use of the "Race Card" (in perpetuity), to successfully cower and brow-beat "whitey"; and extract untold millions of dollars from individuals and corporations as 'contributions' ($$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ that would otherwise clearly be seen as Grand Larceny.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mariam qozi
An old proverb says "A rumor is halfway around the world before the truth has got its boots on." A skillful demagogue takes full advantage of this. After reading this book, two questions about American mass media news come to mind: What do I believe?, Whom do I trust?

This book can be very slow and tedious to read if you verify Ms. Coulter's notes. I started with Note 15 to chapter 4. After 11 randomly selected notes (all true), I reached nearly the same conclusions the author did, although her writing is that of a lawyer who manages to keep the language laundered. Enough note checking!

Does the mass media know that at times they can be manipulated and not have a clue that they are? Does the general public know that at times they are manipulated by the mass media? The author is obviously highly intelligent and well educated; her writing may at best induce the mass media and general public to change their perspective on this topic, or at worst, will be ignored as being too recondite.

And now, back to watching my Bugs Bunny cartoons...
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
arthur lewis
The author does an excellent job of walking through every major race related issues in the last 100 years showing exactly what happened. It is generously foot noted and I challenge every reader to be skeptical. Check the notes for yourself and see what you find. I think you will come to understand that the popular press has not told us the whole story!
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