A Perfect Union of Contrary Things
ByMaynard James Keenan
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Readers` Reviews
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
jojo z
This book is a poorly written piece. It is nothing more than a promotion for the singer. There is no "humanity" in the biography: instead of feeling like I was getting to know the avoidant singer, I was given a sales pitch for an entertainer. I learned some things, but overall, I did not like the book.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
sherry ann
...a book about Tool, especially an explanation as to why it takes so long for them to record and why they only have 4 studio albums in 24 years you will be disappointed. There is nothing here. If Maynard is worried about them entering Chinese Democracy territory you will find no enlightenment. If you want detailed information on his wine-making endeavors then this is the book for you. He is certainly an interesting Renaissance Man type and his energy can be contagious if a bit exhausting but the eternal navel-gazing can be a bit off-putting.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
donald schlaich
While most diehard MJK fans know him as reclusive and enigmatic, this book sheds light on his formative influences. True fans will appreciate this book as the connections are made through the chapters to his various artistic expressions.
The Best of Us: A Memoir :: Beast Behaving Badly (The Pride Series) :: Wolf with Benefits (The Pride Series) :: Pack Challenge (Magnus Pack Book 1) :: New Seeds of Contemplation
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Maynard is an amazing human being. His recollection of events from his childhood at first might seem a bit conceited but you quickly begin to realize why they are included. You'll have to read why! ;)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I really enjoyed the book. A story that's conventional in the way that it starts from the beginning of one's earliest memories and then fills in the events up to the present. However, this is a story that is part biography and all about inspiration; the need to take risks and chances, follow your dreams and ultimately get off your ass and make things happen for yourself. Maynard has more to offer than just snap shots of a rock star.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
tom grant
An excellent insider's view of "Maynard" James Keenan. A Perfect Union of Contrary Things provides an insightful and entertaining read for fans and curious onlookers of Mr. Keenan and his growing body of work. Jensen masterfully weaves together the nuances of the complex life Maynard has led. Not only does the reader receive previously undisclosed aspects of Maynard's story, but an abundance of direct quotes from the man himself. Each phase in Maynard's journey seems to have a life lesson, an archetype, grounded in a specific context. Just as the archetypes expressed in his music can be applied to your own life, so too are the archetypes in this book relevant to the life of anyone still growing, still creating, still spiraling out.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
maxine kennedy
Awesome book. Very well written. MJK still only lets out so much information and tid bits, but the book does clarify some ongoing discussions about influences on his music and moments in his life. Sarah handled this biography extremely well and obviously her relationship with MJK allowed him to open up more than he ever has publicly. Don't buy this thinking its a biography on Tool. Its not. Though obviously it covers a lot of Tool's past, as it was/is a huge part of his life, this book (correctly) focuses on Maynard's life. There are no real nuggets of info about Tool/APC albums, but there are connections you can make to his life story that reveal themselves in his work, and can maybe give a better perspective on his lyrics. Mostly, this book will make you feel lazy because there's no way you've done even half the amount of stuff he has in his life. The guy walked from Boston to Michigan just because....
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I've loosely followed Maynard for 15 or so years (I'm 32). Aenima was the first Tool album I heard and got immediately interested in the band. As APC and Puscifer came along, Maynard became more interesting to me (why branch out to other bands when Tool is doing so well?). I personally enjoyed the book, hearing about where he came from, what he's gone through to get to this point, and his perspective on a lot of things. I found it to be an easy read, and appreciate him giving us this look into his life. I'm glad I purchased and read the book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Maynard is my favorite artist, and I was not disappointment by this book in the least. There is more in here about Tool than it seems some of the other reviews saw. Maybe they skipped through it? There is some really interesting information about Tool, APC, and Puscifer. For those worried, there is only one chapter on wine (less pages than Tool.) It was interesting as well because you get insight as to why he pursued this endeavor.
Most of all, this book is inspiring. It made me want to get to work creating immediately.
At any rate, this book isn't about Tool it is about Maynard. If you're curious about Maynard and what led him to the success he has experienced than this is the book for you. I couldn't put it down.
Most of all, this book is inspiring. It made me want to get to work creating immediately.
At any rate, this book isn't about Tool it is about Maynard. If you're curious about Maynard and what led him to the success he has experienced than this is the book for you. I couldn't put it down.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I really, really love Tool. I was ecstatic to read this book because I think Keenan is a really interesting person who is talented in a variety of ways. The book does a really nice job in focusing on these key areas - it outlines Keenan from childhood until 2015/2016 and does a nice job connecting how he got to each connection and pivot point in his life.
That all said, Jensen's writing style...I can't even articulate. It was difficult, verbose and awkward at times. It was not a book that was enjoyable to read in its prose but rather learning about the subject matter itself and that, in essence, is the only thing that really motivated me to finish it.
That all said, Jensen's writing style...I can't even articulate. It was difficult, verbose and awkward at times. It was not a book that was enjoyable to read in its prose but rather learning about the subject matter itself and that, in essence, is the only thing that really motivated me to finish it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
max preston
Anyone who says this book isn't something amazing are exactly those "fans" who MJK criticized calling "insufferable".
THIS IS ART. This is a true glimpse into the history and living reality of a man that came from little and made many incredibly touching pieces of artistry that will forever be remembered by few too many. The honesty of emotion, struggle, luck, camaraderie, life, chance, the ebb and flow of all living beings is eloquently touched with eloquence, humor, sadness, and triumph. This book brings thorough understanding of progress from "FU$K YOUR GOD" to "what patience will provide" in an easy to reading fashion that will draw you from chapter 1 to the epilogue and left me feeling satisfied but wishing for more.
"Lost as I may be
All in the fog of my own noise and triviality
Grant, Holy Mother, grant me clarity
I am standing on the edge of forever... forever..."
THIS IS ART. This is a true glimpse into the history and living reality of a man that came from little and made many incredibly touching pieces of artistry that will forever be remembered by few too many. The honesty of emotion, struggle, luck, camaraderie, life, chance, the ebb and flow of all living beings is eloquently touched with eloquence, humor, sadness, and triumph. This book brings thorough understanding of progress from "FU$K YOUR GOD" to "what patience will provide" in an easy to reading fashion that will draw you from chapter 1 to the epilogue and left me feeling satisfied but wishing for more.
"Lost as I may be
All in the fog of my own noise and triviality
Grant, Holy Mother, grant me clarity
I am standing on the edge of forever... forever..."
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jessica t
This book was insightful. I've never read anything and thought 'Wow, that was a waste". If a book that boring, I will put it down. I understand a lot of Tool/APC/Pusifer "fans" stated how disappointed they were by this Biography. Fact is, if you are not in someway inspired by this story, then you are probably (in some form) dead. It's pretty remarkable to see how magic, inspiration, constant focus & drive transformed into all of the art & music which has enriched our lives over the years. "All you know about me is what I've sold ya, DF." haha
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
As someone who has every tool, puscifer and a perfect circle cd. I have to say the music will never sound the same. I'd like to thank MJK for putting out so many things so personal, this book is absolutely essential for anyone who enjoys him half as much as I do. I went back and listenned to so much of his music over and it was more surreal than the first time I listenned to it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
angelina thoman
Inspiring biography detailing Maynard James Keenan's life before Tool and after. I laughed, i cried, it was not what i was expecting but definitely a good read. Anyone who appreciates his artwork whether it be Tool, A Perfect Circle, Puscifer or Caduceus wine would enjoy this book as it touches on their origins in great detail. There are some great pictures as well. Cannot wait on the Tool book. Spiral out!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sam carroll
A true journey. Finally we get some of the perspective into the man that we all adore so much. His art, his passion, his need to invoke in us emotions that we were not prepared to contend with...
This book explains where that ability is rooted.
I would personally love to thank JMK for some of the most memorable experiences of my life, this book explains how he was able to make each one of those experiences unique and special to me.
This book explains where that ability is rooted.
I would personally love to thank JMK for some of the most memorable experiences of my life, this book explains how he was able to make each one of those experiences unique and special to me.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lorna nicholson
Insightful, thank you for breaking my original idolised reality of Maynard and revealing something so much more. I have witnessed Maynard from a fans perspective many times, but now cherish the Maynard from the other side of the stage. The book helped bring so more personal value to his performance and recorded music.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I read alot of reviews that said tool fans wouldn't enjoy this. I don't know about that I am a tool fan and enjoyed this book. Its a glimpse into the childhood and life of the man not a complete history. I think that was done purposely knowing mjk
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Before reading this I'd heard mixed reviews, some excellent, some really bad. After reading it myself I'd say it wasn't exactly what I was expecting, but I was pleasantly suprised that it turned out to be a book with the goal of motovating the reader to follow their own dreams.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
joe wilcox
I purchased this book because I thought it would be an insight into one of my favorite frontmen. It gave me that and then some. Not much in the way bands but more in the way of the person. A very well written book and a great story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lucia madiedo
This was a gift to my nephew who joyfully received it and gave it rave reviews. My nephew has degrees in International Relations and Economics and will soon have a Masters in Computer Engineering, so he's pretty keen on the subject matter. I, personally, have not read the book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
john baker
Very interesting read that really helps you learn how Tool was formed and a lot about Maynard's life. You get a bit of a different thought about his music when you realize what made it all come to be and it gives you a little better understanding of where he's coming from and what he means when he creates it. It was well written and easy to follow. If you're a fan of any one of Maynard's many talents, this is must read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Loved the reading. Got some ideas on next books to read. Love going through Jerome to Prescott or from Prescott to the Verde valley. Turned my young son onto Pucifer and it's a mandatory stop every time we go through. I thoroughly enjoyed reading.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dan o leary
Phenomenal read for MJK fans. Not at all boring, and very enlightening. Learned so much about Maynard, also, mostly about his life as a musician, not too much on his life as a wine maker in comparison.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I love the style of this autobiography/biography. The author weaves seamlessly through MJK's life, while MJK provides "color commentary" on what is happening throughout the book, which really helps the flow. A must read for MJK fans.
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