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Readers` Reviews
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
david bell
I don't normally read romance books like this one but I actually enjoyed it. The storyline wasn't to bad and the sex was good. The characters are interesting and funny but I wish there was more on them. The main charater finds out what she really is and instead of feeling sorry for herself like she was she learns to accept and embrace it. She also meets a very interestign man who finds her to be annoying at best and smoking hot. Yet he has no interest in claiming her just turning her. lol you'll see how that turns out.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
mary bruggeman
I have read other books by Shelly Laurenston and this book to me seemed different than her other books. If I had to describe it I would say that the relationship between the two lead characters is an aggressive romance and might turn off people who prefer a more loving and tender romance story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
greg fanoe
I love all Shelly Laurenston's work and buy everthing she writes. I've had this in ebook for a couple of years and couldn't wait to add it in paper to my collection of her works. Her characters and dialog always give me lots of laughs to balance the action.
The Mane Attraction (The Pride Series) :: The Beast In Him (The Pride Series) :: Bear Meets Girl (The Pride Series) :: Bring the Heat (Dragon Kin Book 9) :: Wolf with Benefits (The Pride Series)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
gloria moseley
Good book. Sassy, crude heroines I can easily identify with. Story building was a little sketchy. i.e. I didn't get they were "shape shifters" like the grandmother until the very end and the only difference was preference for name called. Not nearly as good as the Dragon books, but well worth reading. 3.75/5
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
jeff sullivan
Good book. Sassy, crude heroines I can easily identify with. Story building was a little sketchy. i.e. I didn't get they were "shape shifters" like the grandmother until the very end and the only difference was preference for name called. Not nearly as good as the Dragon books, but well worth reading. 3.75/5
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
megan davidson
There a war brewing between the Pack (wolves) and the Pride (lions). Sara, a female wolf shapeshifter is smack in the middle. Problem is, she does know who and what she is. Will sexy Zach help her realise her potential and survive the coming battles ?
Lots of tough, rowdy, rip the clothes and bedsheet sex. What this novel needs is a story line that's more than an excuse for both characters to come together (pun intended).
The level of the writing is also less than impressive. I didn't like either the language nor the interaction between the three best friends. They all seemed like unpleasant people.
Get it for free and for the sex scenes or forget it.
Lots of tough, rowdy, rip the clothes and bedsheet sex. What this novel needs is a story line that's more than an excuse for both characters to come together (pun intended).
The level of the writing is also less than impressive. I didn't like either the language nor the interaction between the three best friends. They all seemed like unpleasant people.
Get it for free and for the sex scenes or forget it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
meta silvyani
My goodness. I want this life.
Bunny shifters.
Hell yeah.
Such wit, you'd think Ms. Laurenston had to have grown up around shapeshifters. She knows too much about them, from how they hunt to how they mate.
Living during current time, managing to maintain incredible humor and soul clenching love for one another...
I'd fetch for them, any day.
Bunny shifters.
Hell yeah.
Such wit, you'd think Ms. Laurenston had to have grown up around shapeshifters. She knows too much about them, from how they hunt to how they mate.
Living during current time, managing to maintain incredible humor and soul clenching love for one another...
I'd fetch for them, any day.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
I delved into Shelly Laurenston's "Pack Challenge" in my search for a humorous paranormal romance. I quickly learned that it wasn't what I was looking for. Yes, there was a sense of humor, but it wasn't enough to overcome all of the negatives.
I actually liked Sara Morrighan. Sara is a tough chick - she's had a hard life, but has come through it with the aid of her equally tough friends, Miki and Angelina. Zach Sheridan is extremely hunky - as all good male leads in a romance novel should be. However, it went downhill from there.
I'm no prude, but the language used was a bit much for me. Why on earth would so-called best friends constantly call each other "bitch" and "whore?" Anyone that chooses that sort of language to describe me will not be included on my list of friends.
There also wasn't any real build up to the "romance" between Sara and Zach. They met, they lusted, they humped. This quickly led to the over use of such terms as... Well, the store doesn't allow the use of the words that frequently became overused because they are considered "profane" or "obscene" - which was my problem with them as well.
Where was the sensuality? It certainly wasn't here.
I actually liked Sara Morrighan. Sara is a tough chick - she's had a hard life, but has come through it with the aid of her equally tough friends, Miki and Angelina. Zach Sheridan is extremely hunky - as all good male leads in a romance novel should be. However, it went downhill from there.
I'm no prude, but the language used was a bit much for me. Why on earth would so-called best friends constantly call each other "bitch" and "whore?" Anyone that chooses that sort of language to describe me will not be included on my list of friends.
There also wasn't any real build up to the "romance" between Sara and Zach. They met, they lusted, they humped. This quickly led to the over use of such terms as... Well, the store doesn't allow the use of the words that frequently became overused because they are considered "profane" or "obscene" - which was my problem with them as well.
Where was the sensuality? It certainly wasn't here.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
shon reed
I struggled through this book. This was not due to the quality of writing or the story line, but due to the language. An occasionally placed curse word in a book of this type often adds to the story. This book was overwhelmed with unnecessary foul language. It did not add to the storyline at all. "B--ch, this" and "B--ch" that got REALLY irritating after awhile. It did not add to the story in any way, shape or form, and just bugged me. If you can get past the childish foul name calling, the underlying story is pretty good. 4 to 5 stars for story, minus 2 or 3 for language.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
julie deardorff
This book had a perfect combination of humor, romance, and action. And the love scenes were STEAMY! Zach and Sara were a great couple...not too mushy...but still loving. Sara was a great heroine. I also loved the supporting characters. I can't wait to read their stories. This was a great book!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
caitlin h
Laurenston has a good sense of humor but no jokes and so although the book was fun it was tedious. It's like that guy who laughs at all your jokes but when you find out he laughs at everyones jokes you start being offensive (and maybe racist) to try and find something he wont laugh at.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
abrar raza
the juvenile dialogue, gratuitous sex, and very weak story line made for a bad book. the banter between the three girls drove me nuts. by then end of the book I was so hoping that the baddies would eat them all and spare the world from more of their banter.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
What a ridiculous book! It was so cheesy and bad, and I mean porn bad, that I could barely get threw the first couple pages. I should have previewed this book before I bought it. Ugh! I just couldn't get into the book.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
I know the write up states explicit sex and language but the language, geez. The dialogue was nothing but swearing, unimaginative swearing at that. I prefer my characters to sound a little less uneducated and trashy. I also prefer the dialogue to include more than profanity. The purpose is to move the story along as well as let me get to know the characters. I just wanted the characters to shut up. The interactions between the three friends always ended in a cat fight. I personally don't ever have yelling matches with my friends over what another is going to wear. I also don't refer to them as to them as `b!tches'. What woman would want to be called that? The plot had potential and in some areas it reached it, others it fell flat. Character development - not so great, plot movement-slow but it did pick up towards the end, dialogue - a big thumbs down and sexual content-graphic and intense.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
mandy brocklehurst
The base story is ok, but after reading about 25% of the book I was starting to wonder if a man wrote this book - a man that has a low opinion of women. The way women and their relationships are portrayed in this book is messed up to say the least. Moreover the terminology used by the female characters as they speak to one another is largely unbelieveable in its totally derogatory manner. If the author would leave off with the cliches and excessive derogatory female referencing, it would actually be a pretty good book.
Please RatePack Challenge (Magnus Pack Book 1)