Taurus (Zodiac Dragon Guardians Book 1)

ByKim Faulks

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
tina henrikson
Ok, well I liked the storyline, 12 zodiac dragons, guardians tasked with protecting the weak but have lapsed into keeping to themselves, slowly dying and not even realising it until their eyes are forced open to see that their lack of attention to their duty has allowed dark forces to creep in and threaten everyone.
Marcus finds himself drawn to Abrial, a wolf shifter and when her life is threatened he's prepared to level cities and kill anyone who gets in his way to keep her safe. The action in this book had me riveted to the page unable to read it quick enough, the story would defiantly be a 5⭐️read for me so why did I give it only 3⭐️? Unfortunately this book could do with a good editing, there were some out of place words and sentences that were disjointed making it at times confusing to read so the flow of the story wasn't as smooth as it should be which was frustrating and disappointing as it affects the enjoyment of what is/could be an excellent read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A dark, twisty paranormal story with dragons, demons, shamans, mages and wolves. Abrial is alpha born, but as a female she has to fight every day of her life and all she wants is her sister back. Marcus has been existing for years and slowly dying inside even though he is immortal. "What you don't use turns to stone. You're the eldest, so your line starts and ends with you. You can either heed the warning, or ignore it and you all perish." Abrial will do anything to get her sister back; defying the orders of her alpha leader father, killing another, fighting everything in her nature. Marcus feels himself start to come to life in front of the mirror. Where before there was only existing in a wasted life, now there is blood and want and need. Can these two overcome insurmountable odds to become something more? Hold on and enjoy the ride, it's a bumpy one!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This was an interesting, action packed read that kept me turning pages until I'd finished it, and already wanting to see what happens next. I've always been a fan of zodiac stuff, and the fact that I'm a Taurus myself, I was very excited to read this book, and I'm happy to say that I was not disappointed! I really liked Abrial and how strong a character she was. I also really liked Marcus and thought he was a great match for her, and enjoyed seeing the two of them together.

I was very worried towards the end of the book, when I thought we would lose Odessa and how depressing and horrible that would be, especially to Victor. However I was EXTREMELY happy to see that she survived, and that her and Victor's story is up next. I can't wait to see what happens with them, and the rest of the brothers. I really hope we get to see all of the brothers get their HEA. It would be horrible to follow their journeys only to see them not get that. We ARE left with a cliffhanger, so be warned. I'm looking forward to reading more books in the series. I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dana gonzales
Taurus is the tale of Abrial, a young female wolf shifter trying to stay alive in a male dominated world, and Marcus, a dragon warrior and protector who has been long away from the modern world. A vision convinces Marcus to reintegrate with the world outside his hidden domain, not only to save himself, but also his family. What he doesn't realize is that fate has tied him to Abrial and they must save each other. This story is dark, but it is also full of hope, and strife, and evil, and light. We are pulled into the world of nomadic werewolves, coexisting with demons and vampires, but also dragons who drive sports cars and turn into the creatures of the Zodiac that they represent. Taurus was immensely creative, imaginative world building, and emotional upheaval all in one well written package. I enjoyed seeing Marcus' physical transformation from thin and malnourished to thick and strong, through the eyes and descriptions of Abrial. Abrial, who had been beaten down and treated as less than by all of the men in her life, including her father, to see her so treasured and respected by Marcus was very moving. I can't wait for the next book in the series! I was given as ARC in exchange for my honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cassie s
This is such a amazing book about dragons who are powerful immortal guardians. But the one problem is that these different dragons have been forgotten and are being thought of myths. This story is full of suspense, drama, evil, twists/turns, fighting, hate, betrayal, magic, sexual chemistry, and love. The cast of characters in this story involves dragons, wolves, demons, shaman, magas, vampires, and a scorpion.
Marcus Kane, aka the Bloodletter, is the oldest of twelve dragons born under the mosaic signs. He is a Taurus and carries the traits of the bull (good/bad). He is a Guardian who is meant to protect! He is driving along and almost runs over someone, so instead of hitting this person, hits a tree. Who is this person/wolf?
Abrial is an Alpha she wolf and daughter of the Bloodstone pack Alpha. She will stop at nothing to keep those she loves safe. So, she turns to a complete stranger for help. Who is this stranger?
Will this stranger help her? Will they be able to do what needs to be done? Read this book because it will grab you from start to finish. (I received this book for an honest review). Can't wait for the next book to read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
karis bouher
There are other reviews that visits on the theme of thr book. So i woll digress from that. It a fantastic new theme on a well love hero, its starts out great with a hook to grab you. I feel that some aspect of the story didnt need to be dragged out. And then there is some action that could had been written more thoroughly with more flesh in the story line, but sorry to say it was more flash then anything. This too me made it kind of confusing. But with all that said he was still a great story, i hope with the other stories the confusion will recede and there will be answer handed out.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
aditi mittal
wow this is going to be an amazing series. wolves, dragons, demons and a scorpion. This is dark, intense, not the wolves you usually read about. These are inhuman, they believe the female is a bartering tool she cooks cleans and is only there to please the male. Echo pack keeps them caged or chained, starved and trades them to demons. Abrial a daughter born to an alpha, she watched her world be torn away when her mother and sister were taken when she was 6. Grown now she has never quit searching for her beloved sister Rowan. Her search, leads her to meet the Bloodletter who is trying to solve the vision he and his siblings have of there own demise. I received a free arc copy for an honest review. this book is a must read a keeper!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
mark avraam
Marcus is the eldest born of twelve, the Zodiac dragons born under the Taurus sign. They are the Immortal Guardians tasked with protecting the weak. However, when you feel you are not needed anymore; are you living or just existing?

Abrial is the daughter of a wolf pack Alpha. She is strong willed and will stop at nothing to defend what is hers. Her pack is small, mainly women, children, elders and a few "Warriors". The problem is the wolf pack mentality "she only a girl".

A large rival wolf pack, the Echo Pack, moves into the area causing her pack to move camp. When something happens to a pack member, Abrial refuses to leave the pack member behind. However, whom can she turn to for help? The humans or the man who drove his car into a tree to save her?

The story line is well developed with lots of twists and turns. I could not wait to see what happens next. Looking forward to the next book in the series!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
joseph lee
I love this new series, based on 12 siblings, dragon born under the 12 signs of the Zodiac. Born to be Guardians, but no longer active, now they are legends in stories to children, but they are now coming awake again as the Guardians they were meant to be.

Marcus Kane is the first of twelve. Dragon-born under the sign of Taurus he has the traits of the bull--the good and the bad. He has turned to nothing along with his siblings, The dragon is dying, his bull is silent, until he comes across a she wolf Abrial, she seems to spark life into him when he sets eyes on her and by extension to his siblings.. These are dark times for all supernatural beings without the Guardians, but Abrial may be the only hope of bringing life to her pack again and to The Guardians.

Hurt, treachery, hope and love, fantastic read!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
keri bass
Great series. Read this and get invested in the series.It is a story of love, loss and finding ones self. Marcus is the oldest of the Guardian family and takes the full load of pain and guilt for abandoning their mission in life. Abrial is a wolf shifter who comes to believe in him and in turn saves her pack. Her mission is to save her sister, but it becomes so much more. She is driven to save the women of her pack from the horrible life they are forced by tradition to live.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Taurus is the 1st of the Dragon Guardians books, it's the story of Marcus, the bullheaded, stubborn Taurus and Abrial the female of a wolf pack whose only concern is getting her sister, whose been missing for years, back from the enemy wolf pack. This is not your run of the mill Dragon story. This is a high octane, fast paced, bloddy, sexy read that leaves you wanting more and waiting eagerly for the next book !! 5☆'s for Kim Faulks !! I recieved a gifted copy and am voluntarily choosing to leave an honest and unbiased review.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
The story started out ok. But, before long the author was trying to fill pages and pages with what the characters were feeling and thinking. This story could have probably been told well with half the words. The story veered too much away from the main characters. The author got involved with trying to bring in all of the story characters until the story just got too "busy" ! This could have been a good paranormal book but, she "worded" it to death.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Very creative. Well written. Page after page this book just feeds the reader's hunger. If you love paranormal romance with a touch of darkness then this book is for you. Immortal Dragons that have existed for thousands of years. They are the Guardians, protectors of the week. Wolf shifters fighting for power. Powerful witches. "Taurus " has it all. Dive into the story Kim Faulks has brilliantly written.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
To know who is talking. Especially in chapter seven. It seems like she is having a flashback but there isn't enough to tell when it starts...it gets confusing. There are other times before cp7 but they are small and a little less confusing. Time is confusing too, it runs in a straight line but sometimes it seems like it is one night while other times it sounds like 6 or more days have passed. I'm sorry Kim, I like this book but it needs some fixing before I'll pick it up again.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was an amazing start for the series. From the very beginning I wasn't able to put it down. Kim managed to make me feel so many emotions in this story. It kept on the edge of my seat and sometimes to tears. It's a story of family, despair, love, hate, betrayal and hope. You will not be disappointed with Taurus. I can't wait for the next book! I was given this book in exchange for an true and honest review
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
They thought they'd live forever, but living and existing are not the same. They find out now that because they have withdrawn from society, their immortal lives may be ending. The twelve Zodiac dragons. Marcus is the first of twelve, the sign of Taurus he carries all the traits of the bull--the good and the bad. He's strong-willed, unbreakable. Deadly on land and in the sky, but when Marcus falls in love, he falls hard. He wasn't meant to fall for the wolf, Abrial. His only job was to protect those he loves--his family. Abrial is Alpha-born. The daughter of the Bloodstone's pack Alpha, she will stop at nothing to defend what's hers--every wolf--and every inch of her new found territory--and she'll break all the rules to do it.
But when a rival pack moves in ready to spill blood, Abrial comes up against an enemy deadlier than she understands. So she turns to a stranger for help--a man who drove into a tree to save her. A man who smells like danger, but looks at her with fire in his eyes. Marcus Kane.

An amazing story with the Zodiac dragons, immortals meant to keep the peace and protect all within their realm. They have withdrawn form the world and devastating forces are threatening to take over the world. Abrial is a strong willed woman and wants what is best for her pack, even though they treat all women less than dogs. I cannot wait to read about the other eleven brothers and sister.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sammi sheffield
This book brought out many emotions in me... anger, sadness, and happiness are the first to come to mind. It completely pulled me into the story and and try to put myself in the guardians shoes, how would I react into their situation? It took a nobody female to snap the leader out of his depression and back to what his reason to survive was. I really enjoyed reading this story. An ARC for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alyson mccartney
The writing and storyline were well developed. It is a moral in what can happen when someone does not live their life to their full potential. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes romance and a good come back from the brink of nothingness.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
A spell binding tale of hardship, betrayal and danger, add in a romantic attraction and you will find yourself holding your breath waiting to see what will happen next. There were a few places that were hard to follow but the story itself will keep you on the edge of your seat. A dragon falls for a female alpha wolf, who has more on her mind than romance and they all involve her being in danger. Can he protect his woman when she doesn't want protected. And will the other dragons and wolves accept their relationship? I received a free review copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Amazing ! The story comes at you quickly. It takes a little bit to keep up with all the characters but through it all is this growing love between a wolf and her awakening dragon. Can't wait to read the next book. Good to know you get twelve chances to fall in love with a dragon!
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
This book jumped around all over the place. There wasn't a whole lot of explanation. There was very little back story on anyone. Not near enough conversation. I was just confused most of the book. There's just too much going on all of the time. I'm going to try the second one to see how it goes.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Intense action makes this book good. Some of the connections between descriptions of emotions and actions are disconnected though and some of the goodness gets lost in confusion when you try to put it together. Enough shines through to entice me to read the next book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rebekah grmela
The writing and storyline were well developed. It is a moral in what can happen when someone does not live their life to their full potential. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes romance and a good come back from the brink of nothingness.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
andrea doggett
A spell binding tale of hardship, betrayal and danger, add in a romantic attraction and you will find yourself holding your breath waiting to see what will happen next. There were a few places that were hard to follow but the story itself will keep you on the edge of your seat. A dragon falls for a female alpha wolf, who has more on her mind than romance and they all involve her being in danger. Can he protect his woman when she doesn't want protected. And will the other dragons and wolves accept their relationship? I received a free review copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ian macarthur
Amazing ! The story comes at you quickly. It takes a little bit to keep up with all the characters but through it all is this growing love between a wolf and her awakening dragon. Can't wait to read the next book. Good to know you get twelve chances to fall in love with a dragon!
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
jennifer pickens
This book jumped around all over the place. There wasn't a whole lot of explanation. There was very little back story on anyone. Not near enough conversation. I was just confused most of the book. There's just too much going on all of the time. I'm going to try the second one to see how it goes.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
gottfrid w nnberg
Intense action makes this book good. Some of the connections between descriptions of emotions and actions are disconnected though and some of the goodness gets lost in confusion when you try to put it together. Enough shines through to entice me to read the next book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sarah peterson
I began reading this expecting the typical shifter story and was I wrong. Yes another shifter story with a new spin but wow I was not expecting the writing style. I would compare the writing style to Shana Abe or Grace Draven. This is not the typical shifter story. I am very excited to continue the series.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
tim lock
Thank goodness it was free with my Kindle Unlimited account! This book is SO bad I didn't even finish it. When you think of a dragon shifter you think of a powerful being. That was not the case. This dragon shifter was weak and didn't get any stronger as the book went on. Abrial, the female lead, wasn't much better. For supposedly being an alpha female wolf shifter she acted helpless 90% of the time.

Frankly, it's very rare I don't finish a book but I just couldn't read of their weakness and helplessness any longer. Given this, I won't be reading the other 2 books in the series that are out.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
asma badr
Intense story line. A demon, this is a very interesting and full of love and loyalty. Some parts of the battles I had trouble follow and understanding but end result is clear. Very interested in reading the next of the series
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jennifer guyer
I was given a copy for an honest review*****EEEEK, HOT, Sexy, awesome! This is a great start to an awesome series! I can't wait to see where the next one goes. This romance isn't your drop your panties kinda read. It's got dark, moments, complex characters and a wonderful story line!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
robbie hoffman
Good story..some typos wayyyyyyy to descriptive..by the time i finished reading a description(almost a page sometimes more) i realized the author was describing a smile. I had to skip pages..i hate doing that
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
zebulon watkins
What a fascinating book. This book is a real page turner. So different from your usual dragon, wolf stories. I don't know how many times I had to remind myself to breath.
I feel in love with the main characters, my favorite is Odessa and can't wait to read more about her in the next book.
Quite a few surprises in some of the characters, didn't expect it.
I really liked their sister and will be anxious to she her character develop.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
yon zubizarreta
I received this ARC in exchange for an honest review. It was a good read. If you are into dark paranormal that still has love then this is the book for you. Good characters and plot. Pulls you in from the beginning.
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