According to what White People Said They Were - The Five Negro Presidents
ByJ. A. Rogers
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Readers` Reviews
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Very informative. It's sad when the truth is hidden. Why the secrets? What would happen if the truth were known? Could it be that history could and should be rewritten? Tell one tale and you just have to keep telling them. WOW Were these men less for being men of color. This is why COLOR should never matter. We should look at the inward person and not judge what a person is covered with. Are people of color less? I think the unnamed president should have been named. Let's get it all out there. WOW again
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
carl smith
This book is short and sweet and continues his theme. This is evidence that everyone wants to be a black but no one wants black issues.
His historical documentation needs to be included in history books>
His historical documentation needs to be included in history books>
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lobat azizi
In today's era, where "race" are the main talking points in our country, and where black people are proud to have their "First Black President", THIS author's research dispels that belief to be untrue!
Photographs from Barack Obama's Inspiring and Historic Presidency (Young Readers) :: Eye of the Beholder (Nebraska Historical Romances Book 4) :: The Beholder (A Maddie Richards Mystery Book 1) :: A Miss Marple Collection (Miss Marple Mysteries) by Christie :: Strange Stories and Shocking Trivia from Inside the White House
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mary donlon
Who in the crayola pack of American slaves can say their blood is pure after the 'Willie Lynch' experiment that has Black America in a choke~hold with the obvious breeding of distrust and hate bred in before the children are even born? Shame on you 13families.. but awesome delivery... it came in 2 days, will use your service again... Loved the pic on Lincoln.. did a paper regarding this same information... w/o knowing about the pic... bravo book geniuses!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alejandro salazar
Another short read, that delves into the background or shall I say...the "DNA," of some this country's most respected Presidents. I truly don't believe that this existing society, or some of the previous ones...ever wanted these "Dirty Little Secrets," to get out. But I believe the old saying goes..."whatever is done in the dark, will ALWAYS come to "Light," DEFINITELY applies here. Again the research was done to support all thats been disclosed about these Presidents, and SHOULD and quite possibly...WILL make you question A LOT about the great and illustrious history of this "Great Nation" we call the United States of America. Truth is what I ALWAYS BELIEVED...makes anything or anybody great. Read this book, and I think your perspectives will begin to gnaw @ you, about your own personal beliefs, and what you let this "Great Nation," make you believe.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
tom whalley
The style of writing is not committed, it doesn't sound factual, one way or the other. There are many blacks who, because of their features and white skin passed for white and became successful. People have handed down stories for centuries about family members who left to cross over as white; some of it is actually fact. What Rogers "writes down" about the men in this book, isn't with clarity, there isn't definitive supporting documentation that's "clean"; some of the information can be traced, some cannot be validated. I have no doubt that one or two of these men were actually Black. There still remains not enough information that clearly supports Rogers' collection of information.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
please ignore cat happy's review. in his profile he has indicated that he is a lover of fiction or anything thats "false"! this little book as he puts it is very informative. all the information that was gathered by this authour j.a. rogers was information already written of by white people. all the information,names or news papers or magazines or books and the names of some of the people who wrote the information of how and why these presidents might have black blood, only come from europeans. j.a. rogers is giving you the white peoples feelings about these ex-presidents. thats a good tool. whites will only listen and believe other whites. so when they argue about whether or not these presidents were in some part "negroid" they only fight and argue amongst themselves. for another example i always say, thank god for white men like diodorus,socrates,plato,aristotle, all were white men who lived in the ancient world. they lived before there was a such thing as racism. they wrote what they saw. they saw egytians and described them all as "negroid" or black. (do your own investigative work.)its not an argument with blacks because we know what our ancestors were its in our blood,instinct to know,soul,and its just so obvious. thanks to the ancient white man who wrote the truth. so much of our past in africa has been erased. and if it were not for some of these white men from an error of no racism, we would not know a lot of the ethnic characteristics of our ancient ancestors in africa as well as the environs around africa. to finish, like i said this little book is very informative. this book will only point you to more definitive information about the subject and im sure it will be in a bigger book.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
jl smither
Good only as a hisorical curiosity. This book does not have the modern Genealogy standards of proof, or science, to back up its assumptions and claims. Moreover, in the case of Warren G. Harding, its has been proven through autosomal DNA tests taken by multiple members of The Harding family (via the president's brother's lines and through the children of Harding's only proven child, Elizabeth Blaesing) that the percentage of DNA from Africa is less than 1%. This is inline with results with most people with European and middle eastern ancestry, per AncestryDNA, 23 and Me, and FTDNA. So if we use the one drop rule, then every president before Barack Obama and even Trump, most likely is black. Using that logic, the book is not only innaccurate, but its purpose for being ceases to exist.
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karen moore
I've been waiting for this information, our would have been a great addition if a picture of the "Lincoln look-a- like" was included. After doing further research, I've found a picture of the individual however, this is not the forum to reveal such information.
This is a great read for ANYONE who does NOT CONFORM to societal beliefs!!!
This is a great read for ANYONE who does NOT CONFORM to societal beliefs!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
“The Five Negro Presidents” is a book that will open the eyes of those who read it. This book was recommended to me by someone I know. So I decided to buy it. I was curious. Could this be possible? Obama wasn’t the first black President? Who is covering up this lie from the masses and why? This book was written by J. A. Rogers, a black journalist, in 1965. Yes I said it, originally published in 1965! So when the Civil Rights Movement was going on, this book was in existence? The book like the title says, chronicles the stories of 5 U.S. Presidents that had black/African ancestry. One of the men was even quoted, by reporters, as saying “who knows one of my ancestors may have jumped the fence” when asked about his possible black ancestry. I recommend this book for all regardless of race! Four of these men are named in the book, but I don’t want to give away spoilers. All I will say is a couple of men who signed the Declaration of Independence are believed to have had black ancestry. Most of the men mentioned in this book, if not all, are well known. The 5th man is not mentioned in this book by name. Why is that? There could be possible theories. I know the unnamed 5th man was still living at the time the book was originally released. The other 4 were deceased. I hope that didn’t spoil it for you. I desire everyone to read “The Five Negro Presidents”.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Some of Warren Hardings' relatives are buried in Union Baptist Cemetary in Cincinnati,Ohio.My grandfather often spoke of Warren Harding visiting his family on Linn street in the West End of Cincinnati and that he and Warren Harding were cousins.Hardings' wife destroyed all of his private papers upon his death...howerever there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed .The book, although superficial, gives food for thought and opens the door to exploration.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ethan fixell
This engaging, informative account of U.S. Presidents of reportedly African heritage is well written and worth the read. The information as presented is concise and proof for the most part is stated.
As Americans, those of us who are well read, know that we have not always been given the facts and/or the truth as it relates to our history. This writing does just that. It provides the reader with historical facts that leave one asking, "...why haven't I heard this before?..."
I recommend this book to students of history, teachers, presidential scholars and all Americans who have a love and thirst for historical info not usually discussed.
Respectfully submitted,
Joy Watson
As Americans, those of us who are well read, know that we have not always been given the facts and/or the truth as it relates to our history. This writing does just that. It provides the reader with historical facts that leave one asking, "...why haven't I heard this before?..."
I recommend this book to students of history, teachers, presidential scholars and all Americans who have a love and thirst for historical info not usually discussed.
Respectfully submitted,
Joy Watson
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rachel kirk
I believe and can identify with the accounts of this little book. For example: Every African American can name someone in their own family who can not be distinguished from a white person. If not their own family then close relative or friends can tell you the same things. Now that we have DNA, every person has been found to be of African descent. Hooray! for J. A. Rogers, he was a genius.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
tasia johnson
This is complete speculation. As one who has spent thousands of hours researching my own ancestry, and have over 23,000 names in my family tree, including 20 U. S. Presidents, I find this hypotheses totally without merit. The only President with documented proof of African ancestry is President Obama! For documented proof, go to your public library's Genealogy Department and ask to see the book entitled Ancestors of American Presidents written by Gary Boyd Roberts. He is the Chief Genealogist of the New England Historic and Genealogy Society, located in Boston, MA. Mr. Roberts is the foremost expert in this field, and he has NOT found any evidence regarding the false claims made in Five Negro Presidents. Go to the library and see for yourself.
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