Black Skin Privilege and the American Dream
ByDavid Horowitz
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Readers` Reviews
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
adel maher
Interesting book and premise. Race batters like Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson & more have found their fortune in keeping the cry of racism alive & well. Basically this book makes the case of how the media helps to keep it that way. Well written short & to the point. When you check out the statistics offered, you'll get the point.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
brigitte fisher
Reverse racism been around a long time. How can the MSM continue to hide it? Hussein Obama needs to keep a lower profile on this subject. Whites voted for him to do a big job, not offer snide remarks.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mindy worley
Mr. Horowitz provides a thoughtful and well reasoned argument to counter ill conceived policies and shed a light on willful distortions propagated as fact by people who claim to be civil rights activists, but are actually working to fan the flames of bigotry. Brief, but concise; this is really not a book but an extended article. In a way, this works better because Messrs. Horowitz and Perazzo get right to their point, back up and cite their facts and avoid the hysteria that tends to creep into this topic.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kaylee colon
Sometimes the adage truth is stranger than fiction is proven so strikingly vivid that you must shut your eyes to not be blinded by the light, most liberals and black Americans will consider this book very biased unless they actually take the time to read it, facts and numbers don't lie. Let's consider the latest news headline the acquittal of George Zimmerman, even though a jury of six women agreed and chosen by both sides of the argument found Mr. Zimmerman not guilty on all counts, the race baiters and hucksters are out in full force demanding civil rights charges against Mr Zimmerman, I am certain that if the roles were reversed and a black American killed a white American and the Back American said he did it out of self defense it wouldn't even make the back page of a free periodical let alone the topic of MSM and other liberal biased media for over a year, so is there truly Black Skin privilege, the answer is a resounding.... ABSOLUTELY, as I said above while Mr. Zimmerman an American of Hispanic descent had to, and still has to prove he is not guilty until proven innocent, a black American would have been taken at his word and this would have never been brought to trial, of course this is my opinion and you the reader can take it for what you think.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ann myers
Any taking unfair advantage or abuses perpetrated by anyone using race as an excuse is unmoral and shameful. Thousand of our men and women died in WWII preventing this menace from engulfing the entire world. However I do believe that the bulk of the shame rest with those radical individuals that permit and foment these unmoral behaviors and the rest of the population that looks the other way.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
george stenitzer
I say unfortunately because just as Obama has done a diservice to blacks more than any other race. It is going to come back on them as slavery has for whites. The black privilege hurts the blacks but has damaged the entire country. 12% of the population and so destructive and even more to other blacks. They get away with everything and change things that make no sense. Like dont be afraid of a black man on the other side of the street that has a hoodie on. Oh and now hoodies are good suddenly meanwhile people are robbing using them and using them to hide behind and it is demanded we are not to complain. The hate is increasing and the entitlement is increasing and every neighborhood they go in becomes like trashcans. They are ruining this country which is sad because they are teaching their children this behavior which will not serve them but someday will come back on them. Once again David Horowitz tells the truth and has the courage to publish it. Truth is not realative GOOD BOOK WELL WORTH 99 cents!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
doris gwaltney
I've read this book, and agree with it completely. The reason I do is that I have personally witnessed and experienced the black skin privilege that is described in the book. I have seen people promoted solely based on their minority status and not based on their individual ability or accomplishments. I have seen minority managers give special treatment (as in double standards) to minority workers and promote them over white workers. I've seen minority workers get away with unprofessional behavior that is not tolerated with white workers.
I've experienced the anti-white, pro-minority racism in the public school system, in the military, in the private sector, in the media, and in society. This is not a recent occurrence but has been going on for decades. I have no respect for the minorities who knowingly take advantage of this privilege, nor do I respect the guilt-ridden whites who try to justify it. I also don't respect the media, private-sector companies, or government organizations who promote this racial privilege. I do respect equal opportunity (which Affirmative Action is not), equal standards applied to all, and equal treatment and protection under the law for all. This book hits the nail right on the head in regards to the reality of what is really happening in American society. These skin privileges don't really benefit the minorities either, because a doubt (along with usually a resentment) usually is placed on minorities who are allowed in to universities and get promoted to jobs based on their race instead of their individual talents, capabilities, and performances. It doesn't benefit society in general when the standards are lowered so minorities can be promoted. I'd prefer to have a doctor treating me who had to be able to meet a high standard of ability, competence, and performance than be treated by a doctor who was allowed to be a doctor due to a system of lower standards applied to him or her because he or she is a minority.
This anti-white pro-minority discrimination is all part of the Cultural Marxist plan to undermine American society and transform it into a Marxist society. I've read several of David Horowitz's books and I feel he hits the bullseye dead center on each book he has written. Cultural Marxists divide people into tribes (as in racial groups) instead of focusing on individual talents, abilities, and responsibilities. Focusing on groups is a collectivist thought that is typical of Marxist philosophy. There are two films that I've seen that I'd recommend anyone to watch. They are "Agenda" by Curtis Bowers, and "Runaway Slave" by C.L. Bryant. Both of these films address Cultural Marxism and what it is doing to American Society, and these films fit right in to what David Horowitz (and others) are talking about in their writings.
I've experienced the anti-white, pro-minority racism in the public school system, in the military, in the private sector, in the media, and in society. This is not a recent occurrence but has been going on for decades. I have no respect for the minorities who knowingly take advantage of this privilege, nor do I respect the guilt-ridden whites who try to justify it. I also don't respect the media, private-sector companies, or government organizations who promote this racial privilege. I do respect equal opportunity (which Affirmative Action is not), equal standards applied to all, and equal treatment and protection under the law for all. This book hits the nail right on the head in regards to the reality of what is really happening in American society. These skin privileges don't really benefit the minorities either, because a doubt (along with usually a resentment) usually is placed on minorities who are allowed in to universities and get promoted to jobs based on their race instead of their individual talents, capabilities, and performances. It doesn't benefit society in general when the standards are lowered so minorities can be promoted. I'd prefer to have a doctor treating me who had to be able to meet a high standard of ability, competence, and performance than be treated by a doctor who was allowed to be a doctor due to a system of lower standards applied to him or her because he or she is a minority.
This anti-white pro-minority discrimination is all part of the Cultural Marxist plan to undermine American society and transform it into a Marxist society. I've read several of David Horowitz's books and I feel he hits the bullseye dead center on each book he has written. Cultural Marxists divide people into tribes (as in racial groups) instead of focusing on individual talents, abilities, and responsibilities. Focusing on groups is a collectivist thought that is typical of Marxist philosophy. There are two films that I've seen that I'd recommend anyone to watch. They are "Agenda" by Curtis Bowers, and "Runaway Slave" by C.L. Bryant. Both of these films address Cultural Marxism and what it is doing to American Society, and these films fit right in to what David Horowitz (and others) are talking about in their writings.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
A stunning expose of the usefulness of race-baiting and provocation, along with thuggery and criminal corruption in America, especially since Jan. 20, 2009...when Obama began his campaign of global corruption and criminal enterprises,while ceding influence to Putin's Russia and the consequences of submission to the worst of the worst....funded by Arab oil money. and anti-Semitism/anti-Christian 'cleansing.' A disturbing and well-documented account of an ugly chapter in American history.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
veronica knudson
This Book basically is a horror story. Sad to see the way things have gone in the USA. But things are going the way they must, for Jesus will be returning soon. But there will be alot of people falling away before that time comes.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
chris fish
Yeah I love all those invisible privileges and prerogatives I get on my monthly pension, living paycheck to paycheck, black privilege sits on their arse and waits for the government to "give" them everything.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ryan fox
These are Pamphlets, not Books. Group them together Mr Horowitz, so more information is available, and your not having to chase down all your writings. The 21st Century version of the Witch hunts is Racism.The truth will just earn you the 1692 version of a trip to Gallows Hill in Salem (if your white).
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I remember when growing up, my impression of favorites in my family was especially felt toward my sister. She was in the minority and she was my only sister. I love my sister and will protect her against any aggression, verbal or physical. But Mom and Dad favored her above we 4 boys-so was my perception anyway.
As I read this short book, those feelings popped up again. Mr. Horowitz describes privileges and the American Dream in such a way as to remain objective and transparent regarding the difficulties bestowed on all Americans no matter race or gender. Government intervention as laid down little equality among citizens in our country. Martin Luther King, David Horowitz and other folks who stand for equality and the liberty to express ourselves without the so called phobias suggested by extremists can and will prevail. Because human compassion for what is right is alive as long as we breath.
As I read this short book, those feelings popped up again. Mr. Horowitz describes privileges and the American Dream in such a way as to remain objective and transparent regarding the difficulties bestowed on all Americans no matter race or gender. Government intervention as laid down little equality among citizens in our country. Martin Luther King, David Horowitz and other folks who stand for equality and the liberty to express ourselves without the so called phobias suggested by extremists can and will prevail. Because human compassion for what is right is alive as long as we breath.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
r james
First, it is total idiocy to claim that blacks can use black privilege to escape being charged with crimes and sent to prison, and the book shows no documented proof of this claim.
To believe this you have to ignore the large population of incarcerated blacks who are in prison now.
Basically, this book is offering a false, cherry-picked view of race and crime, and it also falsely scapegoats blacks as being the major criminals in this country.
Ignoring the long history of white organized crime since the late 1800's
Black skin Privilege is about race baiting and vilifying blacks for political or financial gain.
In the case of the two authors of this book, it is financial gain.
The authors also lie about certain events in this poorly researched pamphlet.
First, George Zimmerman was not a "Watch Guard" as they falsely claimed.
Zimmerman was a member of the local neighborhood watch who was not on duty the night of the shooting.
As a member of neighborhood watch he is not allowed to be armed and was told by police dispatcher not to follow Martin.
He also did not identify himself when he approached martin, which made martin uncomfortable because he did not know who Zimmerman was or why he was following him.
Black skin Privilege also claimed that Trayvon martin was suspended for having burglary tools and uncounted jewelry.
According to the March 2012 edition of the Miami Herald that is totally false.
Trayvon was suspended for writing graffiti on school property and the search of his locker looking for the marker and found the Jewelry and what one school official called a burglary tool, which in reality was a screwdriver.
The jewelry was confiscated and Trayvon said it was given by a friend to hold, but he refuses to name the friend. Also according to the herald there is no evidence the Jewelry was stolen by anyone, least of all Trayvon Martin.
And the police did not file charges because there was no evidence he stolen anything.
Like other conservative pundits, desperate to defend George Zimmerman for shooting an unarmed teen, the two authors were just as despicable in falsely vilifying this kid who was bothering no one at the time he was shot.
Another falsehood the authors highlighted was the beating of Matthew Owens which took place in April of 2012, the book claimed Owens was beaten by twenty blacks armed with bats, bricks, pipes and brass knuckles because he had asked kids to stop playing basketball in front of his home.
While that sounds horrible here, truthful information was left out that was in the original article posted on the Huffington post in 2012.
There were between three and four black men who attacked Owens; everyone else that was there were bystanders, according to police.
This confrontation started over Owens objection about kids playing basketball near his resident, the kids told their parents who went down and confronted Owens.
Also according to police there were no comments made about Travyon martin during the attack.
Police also said that this was not a hate crime.
Police also said that Owens was responsible for starting most of the confrontations that eventually lead up to the final confrontation and attack.
This included racist slurs he made toward one of the men who attacked him.
The authors left a lot of these inconvenient facts out of the book and this information has been on record for years.
The facts about Black Skin Privilege is it creates countless number of falsehoods about race beliefs and race crimes where the authors purposely lied about to make a race baiting point.
For decades Horowitz has been a dishonest, race baiting instigator who has no credibility to talk about race issues because he lied about nearly everything written in this so called book.
And John Perrazzo was not much better.
To believe this you have to ignore the large population of incarcerated blacks who are in prison now.
Basically, this book is offering a false, cherry-picked view of race and crime, and it also falsely scapegoats blacks as being the major criminals in this country.
Ignoring the long history of white organized crime since the late 1800's
Black skin Privilege is about race baiting and vilifying blacks for political or financial gain.
In the case of the two authors of this book, it is financial gain.
The authors also lie about certain events in this poorly researched pamphlet.
First, George Zimmerman was not a "Watch Guard" as they falsely claimed.
Zimmerman was a member of the local neighborhood watch who was not on duty the night of the shooting.
As a member of neighborhood watch he is not allowed to be armed and was told by police dispatcher not to follow Martin.
He also did not identify himself when he approached martin, which made martin uncomfortable because he did not know who Zimmerman was or why he was following him.
Black skin Privilege also claimed that Trayvon martin was suspended for having burglary tools and uncounted jewelry.
According to the March 2012 edition of the Miami Herald that is totally false.
Trayvon was suspended for writing graffiti on school property and the search of his locker looking for the marker and found the Jewelry and what one school official called a burglary tool, which in reality was a screwdriver.
The jewelry was confiscated and Trayvon said it was given by a friend to hold, but he refuses to name the friend. Also according to the herald there is no evidence the Jewelry was stolen by anyone, least of all Trayvon Martin.
And the police did not file charges because there was no evidence he stolen anything.
Like other conservative pundits, desperate to defend George Zimmerman for shooting an unarmed teen, the two authors were just as despicable in falsely vilifying this kid who was bothering no one at the time he was shot.
Another falsehood the authors highlighted was the beating of Matthew Owens which took place in April of 2012, the book claimed Owens was beaten by twenty blacks armed with bats, bricks, pipes and brass knuckles because he had asked kids to stop playing basketball in front of his home.
While that sounds horrible here, truthful information was left out that was in the original article posted on the Huffington post in 2012.
There were between three and four black men who attacked Owens; everyone else that was there were bystanders, according to police.
This confrontation started over Owens objection about kids playing basketball near his resident, the kids told their parents who went down and confronted Owens.
Also according to police there were no comments made about Travyon martin during the attack.
Police also said that this was not a hate crime.
Police also said that Owens was responsible for starting most of the confrontations that eventually lead up to the final confrontation and attack.
This included racist slurs he made toward one of the men who attacked him.
The authors left a lot of these inconvenient facts out of the book and this information has been on record for years.
The facts about Black Skin Privilege is it creates countless number of falsehoods about race beliefs and race crimes where the authors purposely lied about to make a race baiting point.
For decades Horowitz has been a dishonest, race baiting instigator who has no credibility to talk about race issues because he lied about nearly everything written in this so called book.
And John Perrazzo was not much better.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
This is just another author making money from people that want to believe the worst of anyone that is not white. They need to get the facts of many of those cases before they put out this information. This could possibly be the reason why we are having so many problems today with such hate and racial tension.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
This is just another author making money from people that want to believe the worst of anyone that is not white. They need to get the facts of many of those cases before they put out this information. This could possibly be the reason why we are having so many problems today with such hate and racial tension.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
"Black Skin Privilege" is both a race-baiting and fantastically ignorant read. The "facts" cited are skewed completely in favor of proving the authors' point (and for those who read this book looking for "proof" of the beliefs they already have). How can you look at America's mass incarceration rate and deem it not in favor of white privilege? Where's the logic?
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
fatima saadullah
Being shot dead by a policeman when you're unarmed just because you're black is some privilege! Serving in the military but being denied VHA housing assistance to buy in a good neighborhood because you're black is a grat privilege.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Based on what? In the 200+ years of this country, we've had one president of color and that makes black people privileged? I showed this book to my fellow co-workers and, I'm sorry, we all started to laugh.
Let's define racism. Racism is committed by those who are in power to act on their prejudices; black people do NOT have the power to act on their prejudices - however, whites do.
It is laughable to think that Barack Obama is really in charge. Some of his decisions and indecisiveness makes it clear who is still running this country.
Look around you. When you go to the store, restaurant, movie theater, to your job, etc, etc, etc - who do you see mostly?
This book is a joke and a bible for racists, tea partiers, the kkk and others of that ilk.
My job gave me hope (I'm the only African American employed here) they thought this book was an incredible joke.
By the way, the doctors who treated the woman stated SHE HAD BEEN raped (whether by the Duke lacrosse players or someone else)! What happened to the attorney that tried to prosecute those thugs that drugged and attacked her? He was disbarred by whites in POWER to make him pay for being a turncoat. African Americans ONLY have that kind of power if whites are behind them. Furthermore, if whites hadn't voted for President Obama, he NEVER would have made it to the white house - it wouldn't have mattered how many black people voted for him.
Let's address this so called interracial violence committed by blacks against whites. I have not been able to find those statistics. When I went to the FBI website and researched statistical violence by race, what I found was that most violent crimes are committed by blacks against blacks, whites against whites, etc. Very little to support what this book lies, I mean claims.
The scary part of what I've discovered is that racial violence AGAINST blacks has gotten worse since Obama has been in office. The aryan groups (neo nazis, aryan nations, etc) memberships have risen dramatically and have appeared on social websites like Facebook and Twitter, etc.
President Obama has received more death threats than any other president in history as reported by the FBI, CIA and the Secret Service. So has black skin BECOME more privileged than white skin??
Luckily, there are only 32 or 33 reviews on this garbage - as stated earlier, my fellow co-workers thought this a joke; even some who don't like my race much, scoffed at the idea of black people being privileged.
Jeez - this would be funny if it wasn't so scary.
Let's define racism. Racism is committed by those who are in power to act on their prejudices; black people do NOT have the power to act on their prejudices - however, whites do.
It is laughable to think that Barack Obama is really in charge. Some of his decisions and indecisiveness makes it clear who is still running this country.
Look around you. When you go to the store, restaurant, movie theater, to your job, etc, etc, etc - who do you see mostly?
This book is a joke and a bible for racists, tea partiers, the kkk and others of that ilk.
My job gave me hope (I'm the only African American employed here) they thought this book was an incredible joke.
By the way, the doctors who treated the woman stated SHE HAD BEEN raped (whether by the Duke lacrosse players or someone else)! What happened to the attorney that tried to prosecute those thugs that drugged and attacked her? He was disbarred by whites in POWER to make him pay for being a turncoat. African Americans ONLY have that kind of power if whites are behind them. Furthermore, if whites hadn't voted for President Obama, he NEVER would have made it to the white house - it wouldn't have mattered how many black people voted for him.
Let's address this so called interracial violence committed by blacks against whites. I have not been able to find those statistics. When I went to the FBI website and researched statistical violence by race, what I found was that most violent crimes are committed by blacks against blacks, whites against whites, etc. Very little to support what this book lies, I mean claims.
The scary part of what I've discovered is that racial violence AGAINST blacks has gotten worse since Obama has been in office. The aryan groups (neo nazis, aryan nations, etc) memberships have risen dramatically and have appeared on social websites like Facebook and Twitter, etc.
President Obama has received more death threats than any other president in history as reported by the FBI, CIA and the Secret Service. So has black skin BECOME more privileged than white skin??
Luckily, there are only 32 or 33 reviews on this garbage - as stated earlier, my fellow co-workers thought this a joke; even some who don't like my race much, scoffed at the idea of black people being privileged.
Jeez - this would be funny if it wasn't so scary.
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