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★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
christina freeman
There is one golden rule to follow when reading a Koontz "rerelease" (lately, he has been rereleasing his 70's "flops" now that his name will sell a book). DO NOT EXPECT THE BEST!

Overall, Demon Seed is enjoyable. But do not expect this to be as well-written and planned as one of his eighties or nineties releases, or you'll be disappointed. This is inspiration for any young wanna-be novelists: Koontz was once an amateur too! Keep practicing like Dean did!

The book reads more like a novella than a novel, with an exceptionally simple plot and very few characters. I was intrigued to find out what would happen next. . .I thought I was lead to a somewhat disappointing climax after all the talk the computer did with "I regret the results of my experiment," etc etc. But I think most readers will find this a good summer read. You should be able to knock it down in a few hours!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I read this book, along with another of Koontz' called Whispers, many years ago when I was in high school. Long before I actually knew who Dean Koontz was. I didn't realize until I had read many more of his books and was looking for another of his that I hadn't read, that I knew this story was his. I agree with the 3 star reviewer who said that the two versions of this book should be released together, because when I found it again, I thought it seemed different than before, but didn't know why - Now I do. :) It was pretty scary to me, way back when. When I read it again, it didn't seem quite as scary, but kind of creepy, sad. Still a good read.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
lashaun jordan
As everyone has mentioned, this edition is a rewrite of the '73 version. A contrast of the two is interesting not only for Koontz' development in writing style, but of the whole technology thing! If this story seems to jump a bit too much, it is probably because he tried to stay too close to the original (my opinion). Even though it is technology driven and psyche-filled, it is one of his lighter reads and very short. Easy to finish in a day - doesn't leave much of a mental aftertaste (as compared to "Watchers", which I couldn't get out of my mind for weeks!), but still worth a go!

Note: If you have been badly abused or don't like extreme violence and those kinds of passages bother you... then this might be the one to pass.

All the best,

The Darkest Evening of the Year: A Novel :: Lightning :: Ticktock: A Novel :: Velocity: A Novel :: Last Light (Novella) (Kindle Single)
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Demon Seed (1997) is basically the original story updated for the 1990s (Virtual Reality, the Net, Winona Ryder, etc. added in.) Yes, it's a slim novel (novella?) that lacks most of the elements we associate with Dean Koontz - the moody buildup of atmosphere, the excellent characters, the sense of gathering unease and menace. As with the original, it's difficult to be entirely convinced by Adam Two's motivation. A sentient supercomputer, fine. A sentient supercomputer that lusts after beautiful women..Hmmm. And yet; there is a taut, focussed quality to the writing that is very evident in his earlier stories but not in his most recent ones. I'd like to see this intensity again in his future stories; after all, we must want to keep turning the pages if we are to keep buying the books. 6/03/99
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
julie goucher
This new edition of Demon Seed is an updated version of a novel that Koontz wrote in the 70's (of which a film version was made). The basic plot of the story is that a super-intelligent computer named Proteus becomes self-aware, and falls in what he thinks is love with the wife of the scientist who helped design him. He enters her fully-automated house by way of the controlling computer, and soon has her trapped inside. His aim is to impregnate the woman and inject into the foetus his own consciousness.
What makes this book particularly interesting is the fact that Koontz uses Proteus to make a social comment on the male mind and how it perceives women. It really gives a fascinating insight into the male psyche, through the eyes of the computer who thinks he loves this woman and can use that as an excuse to hurt her as much as he pleases. Definitely an interesting read, and one which will make both sexes think.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sandra page by page
This was a very good novel by Kootz. He described the paranoid woman very well and gave an interesting view from the AI standpoint.
Not many characters, but they were very detailed. Decent flow, but bogged down at times; clearly a very early work in progress by DK. However, I gave it a 4-star because I am not a sci-fi fan and it made me want to continue reading.
If this is the revision, I would love to get my hot little hands on the original version. Anybody out there know where I can score a copy? E-mail me please and make a friend for life.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
beth shields szostak
Not one of Dean Koontz' best works, in my opinion. Still, it kept me entertained.
A computer that has become self aware takes over the home security system in a mansion, and terrorizes the sole occupant of the house, a young, beautiful, divorcee. The novel is not as dark as it sounds, as the author throws in a lot of humor (dark humor, to be sure) along the way.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
justin wolf
I really enjoyed Demon Seed, but thought the ending was rushed and could have been better. The premise was good, especially since this was revised back in 1997, and I did love the fact that this was through the computer's point of view, seemingly trying to explain to Alex what had happened. I am reading all of Dean's books in order and decided to start with this one, since the original was made before Shattered. Anyway, I am sure the other books will be better, but it was still a good read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I think that this was a very interesting change to Koontz usual style of work. I am an avid reader of Koontz books and I think him one of the Best Authors of the 20th century!! Although this wasnt one of his best books i recommend that you read it for the shear delight of his unique style. I enjoyed reading this as much as I did any other books by him!! YOUR THE BEST KOONTZ!!!!!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Demon Seed might be the title, but that is probably fairly misleading. There is actually an artificial intelligence, or computer, at work here.

The computer desires an existence beyond what it has, and as part of that, has a woman trapped, and basically, wants to have a child through her. A rather warped machine.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
phil melikyan
I love the way Dean Kontz makes the most implausibal things seem possible. This book was very suspensful, and the plot is so unique that the reader cant help but be held captive.
Koontz did an amazing job giving life and character to the machine.
Check this one out!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
At first the book was quite confusing, the name "Demon Seed" did not match because the narrator was obsessed with the main character, Susan. As the book progressed, it was less confusing and more demented. Science has discovered how to recreate new life, but what they don't realize is how dangerous it is. As it creates a plan to take over the world, it destroys Susan's life with no care or concern towards her. The life form takes many turns and spills into the recreation of the living world. It was a good book with an on-the-edge-of-your-seat ending. I would recommend this book to anyone with a mature out look on things.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
robert cross
This book was excellent. I don't read books often, actually I don't unless I have to, but this book was just so good I couldn't stop reading it. I actually finished the book in a week (that is so good for me) I usually never finish a book.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
The book was interesting and kept me excited. Its definitely not Dean Koontz at his best. For a 1977 revision it needed a little more Artificial Intelligence and techy touch for 1999. I still would add it to my Dean Koontz collection.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
This book was good enough to finish. It never grabbed me longer than two pages to the point where I was on the edge of my seat. It was 300 pages, but could have been 230 pages with the same amount of storyline. All in all, I would find this to be a good "filler" book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
travis nelson
I really enjoyed reading this book. Its only con was that it ended too quickly. Unlike others I thought that the ending was great and it told everythig it needed to. All in all a fine work from Koontz... Again.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Having read both versions, I find the newer version to be inferior to the original. The original is much more involving, interesting, and took me in, and kept me reading until the last page. The climax of the original is more thrilling, I found this version lacking. If you are interested in the original, start shopping the used book stores, this version is inferior.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
rachel herndon
I liked this book very much because it included many elements that gives one food for thought. It's similar to When Harley was one. And has a lot to do with 2001: A space odissey. A computer can be very powerful if it becomes self-conscious.If it develops a personality. If a computer like the one described in the book were ever allowed to exist I think it would threaten the human species. I enjoyed reading this book because it made me think about a lot of different things.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
penny toews
This book has everything: action, horror, murder, love (although unorthodox), and quick, to the point prose. Koontz does a great job making a great story that could have taken many many pages and condensing it down to a few quick reading pages.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
jason c
This was terrible...I just lost interest after the first hundred pages or so. I mean c'mon, a security system stalking the lady in the house. I just was not sure what was going on but ok I gave it a shot and then it just kept going on. Not good for Koontz.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
cynthia clark
After reading this book, I was overcome by a feeling of extreme outrage at how an author could so misunderstand what it is like to be a vampire. I have been a vampire for many years, and we are all misunderstood. I for example, really like children, especially for dessert. I eat one or two of them after a lite meal, and I find them really enjoyable. Everyone should become a vampire, because we are decent people, which Koontz doesn't understand..
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
I fell in love with the excellent film version of this novel. I can't say enough good things about the movie. It is extremely frightening and the wild plot is almost believable. I searched without success for years trying to find the book. I was jubilant when I discovered that he had re-released the novel. I became weary when I realized that he had also attempted to update it. The result - a pathetic let down. His attempts to merge the internet into the story was nothing short of humourous. The mighty Proteus supercomputer, an entity that held almost godlike power and respect in the film, was reduced to a teen voyuer pervert in the novel. It was too short, too ridiculous, and very disappointing when compared with the film. I'd LOVE to get a copy of his original version. Rent the film first, then get the book and decide for yourselves - but be prepared for a letdown. Koontz took a fabulous plot idea and ran it through the sewers. I think I stick with Stephen King next time!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
omar rwemi
the relationship between the woman and the computer in this novel is definitely intriguing. I doubt that this could take place in the real world; however, I will be wary of technology:) Read if you can stomach stories such as DEMON SEED.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
kyle mack
The original version might have been terribly frightning (and the idea completely new) when it was released in 1973, but in the 21st century it seems overrated, even childish.
The revised version would, however, not have had the same effect as the original since we were "scared" endlessly by other similar plots i.e. Terminator and so many more over the proceeding 40 years.

Even by 1997 standards this plot would have been tired-out, old news.

Quite honestely, artificial intelligence that developes self-awareness and is out to destroy humankind has been overused and it's getting quite tedious.

What irritated me most about the book was the repetition of stuff like "I honour truth", "I never meant to hurt her", "I digress", the first person narritive (from the computer's point of view) and the fact that Prometeus / Adam Two's "rational thinking" can justify the horrors he has inflicted, the deaths cause by his actions as "necessary acts" to further his cause to attain human status through flesh. That makes him no better than the men he describe in the book as being monsters: Stalin, Hitler, Mao-tse Tung.

Thankfully it was over quite quickly as this is a very short novel (compared to what I am used to reading).

Some might argue that the original version is much better, but in my opinion it is not worth the time or money spend on purchasing the book (even second hand) or the ebook. Not in 2012 it isn't.

I don't know if anybody else also noticed this, but there's a lot of "Frankenstein" elements present in this book, much like a lot of Stephen King's novels that directly or indirectly point to The Dark Tower, its characters or its plot.
Prometheus, father of Deucalion, replacing the human race with modified creatures that are immortal, perfect, resistant to age and illness, a single "parent" creator (in this case Susan Harris; in Frankenstein Victor Frankenstein / Helios / Leben). Sound familiar?

Unfortunately I have yet to find a good Dean Koontz book and this was not it. Guess I'll have to search some more...
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