8 Sandpiper Way (A Cedar Cove Novel)

ByDebbie Macomber

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I loved this book, the series is wonderful. It is a nice wholesome book....delightful read for everyone...It is good for all ages. I recommend reading the whole series...once you start with the first book you have to finish so you can start on the next one. I hope that Debbie Macomber doesn't stop writing...she is the best.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Another great book by Debbie Macomber. I buy one, read it and have the next one ready to read. I like the way one book just flows into the next but just in case you aren't reading them in order she keeps you posted on previous events in each book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This was another great book by Debbie. It was great to turn back to cedar cove. Did the sheriff fiscar out who stole the jewelry. Did Bobby find out that Teri was pregnant with Europeans did Christie fall for James. There was a cave and did they find s skeleton in the cave.
The Trouble with Angels :: 311 Pelican Court (A Cedar Cove Novel) :: 74 Seaside Avenue (A Cedar Cove Novel) :: A Bestselling Western Romance (Heart of Texas) - Promise :: 50 Harbor Street (A Cedar Cove Novel)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
kate schatz
An interesting romantic novel. I confess I am hooked on this series. I love following the characters and the events in Cedar Cove. Can not wait to find out happened to James, Troy and Faith and of course, if the triplets are OK.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
tina fairlamb leonard
I started this series with high hopes. Unfortunately, the author spent a great deal of each book developing new characters while continuing with the old ones. As she adds new characters, she gives them a chapter in a rotating basis. Then she spends a great deal of each chapter re-visiting each characters past to "remind" you of who they are as if you are not smart enough to remember or review a previous book. The first few books in the series were not bad, but as it has moved along the characters become less real and the book depends on action rather than characters of the denizens of Cedar Cove. They go from boy meets girl to boy proposes, they call it off, they revisit the proposal, someone in the relationship or someone they know gets pregnant, then they suddenly get married. It needs to focus on fewer people in each book and give them adequate story.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
skip booren
It's almost Christmas in Cedar Cove and Pastor Dave Flemming has plenty on his mind - the Christmas pageant (with live animals!), sermons to write, sick parishioners to visit and more. He's a busy man, but his wife Emily suspects something else is going on and begins to think her beloved husband is up to no good. Other residents of Cedar Cove have their own issues to deal with. Sheriff Troy Davis is pining after long lost love Faith Beckwith; Christie Levitt is fighting her attraction to limo driver James Wilbur; and Olivia Lockhart Griffin is fighting breast cancer. As each of them and other residents of Cedar Cove deal with their problems, they realize how much family, friends, and neighbors mean to them.

"8 Sandpiper Way" is the eighth book in Debbie Macomber's Cedar Cove series - a series that is a lot of fun to read. While the book definitely has a soap opera feel - complete with a large cast of characters - Dave and Emily's problems are very real and very timely in today's world. At times I wanted to yell at Dave for not confiding in Emily, but his keeping his problems to himself is also very real. Besides David and Emily's story line, there are several other story lines going on and the one that I like the most, more so in fact than Emily and Dave's, was the interaction between Christie and James (and Macomber drops a bombshell in this plot line). Chess player Bobby Polgar never seems quite real to me as a character but James his driver does.

If there is a fault in this entertaining series, it is that Macomber has too many characters in it. Because of this, some of the characters that featured prominently in past books in the series - for example Maryellen and Jon Bowman, the Cox family, and Justin and Seth Gunderson are either barely in the book or just mentioned in passing. This can be disappointing, especially since Macomber introduces some new characters - Shirley Bliss, her daughter Tanni, and Shaw Wilson. While I realize Macomber wants to keep the series fresh and Tanni and Shaw's story does end on a cliffhanger that helps set up the next book in the series, neither of them do much for me as characters.

"8 Sandpiper Way" is a nice cozy book to read. It's not terribly deep, but Macomber seems to have had a lot of fun writing it (I suspect her tongue was firmly in cheek more than once) and it is a lot of fun to read, especially during these cool autumn nights.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
sun ica
After a short hiatus for spring break (in which I completed quite a few books) I am back with a new review.

8 Sandpiper Way by Debbie Macomber

I listened to the audiobook version of this whilst doing my usual weekly driving around to complete errands.

This is the 8th book in Debbie Macomber's Cedar Cove series. It can be read as a standalone, but I did wish I had started from the beginning to truly get to know these characters more deeply.

The central focus of this book, at least according to the book jacket, is Emily Fleming, whose husband is a pastor. And yet, though he is supposed to be a man of God, she suspects something horrible: that he is having an affair.

Her suspicions are aroused because he keeps coming home later and later at night, and then she finds a pair of diamond earrings in his jacket. Furthermore, he suddenly has a gold watch, something they could never afford, and he gets a mysterious phone call from another woman...

Feeling betrayed Emily doesn't know how to handle her emotions. Dave is supposed to love her, and respect their marriage! How could he behave so callously?

And then rumors begin to circulate that after the recent death of an elderly woman, much of her jewelry has gone missing. And Dave used to visit her quite frequently...

And then there's the Sheriff, Troy Davis, whose wife died some months ago, and now his former high school sweetheart, Faith, has moved back to town...

Will Emily be able to discover the truth behind Dave's strange actions? Is it an affair as she suspected, or is there a much more tangled web of lies he has told her...?

Read 8 Sandpiper Way to find out!

I enjoyed this book, though perhaps it would have been easier to read than to listen to because there are so many characters and so many points of view. While the narrator doesn't write in first person, the third-person viewpoint switches from character to character frequently, which took a while to figure out.

But aside from that confusion, this book was an interesting read! I loved the element of mystery, and it wasn't something I could have easily guessed. I don't want to give away too much, but I will say that perhaps the most interesting mystery raised in the book (closer to the end) wasn't resolved in this book, making me interested to pick up the next book in the series!

It's a compelling Christian read, but perhaps not the most memorable ever. And it's definitely not a preachy book. It's more that there are Christian overtones than most other Christian books.

I'd say 3 out of 5 stars.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dallas davis
Book number eight in the "Cedar Cove" series has proven to be as heartwarming as the previous seven. Emily Flemming suspects her pastor husband, Dave, is having an affair. He is never home and does not appear as attentive as before. When Emily finds a pair of diamond earrings in Dave's suit jacket, she is almost certain there is another woman, but she is too afraid to confront him with her suspicions. Instead she imagines the worst and lets her thoughts run away with her. When Emily finally confronts Dave about her suspicions, he breaks down and insists he is not seeing another woman, but has been working a second job to cover their mounting expenses. When she shows him the earrings she found in his jacket, he is dumbfounded and does not understand how they got there. When they learn the elderly woman he had been visiting prior to her death had several items of jewelry that were reported as missing, Dave, fearful that he would be arrested for the theft of the jewelry and at Emily's insistence, went to his friend Roy McAfee, a private investigator, to talk to him. Roy insisted he go to the sheriff, and Dave is ready to believe everyone will find him guilty, though he has not done anything wrong. Soon the real thief is revealed and Dave's good name remains unblemished.

Meanwhile we get a peek into the lives of other residents: Judge Olivia Griffin learns she has breast cancer and needs surgery. Ben Rhodes and Charlotte, Olivia's mother, want to cancel their cruise, so Charlotte can be with her daughter, but Olivia is adamant they go. She insists husband Jack, best friend Grace, and daughter Justine will stay close by her. Terri Polgar realizes her sister Christie cares deeply for James Wilbur, Terri's husband's chauffeur, though Christie does not feel she deserves a decent man, for she has always hooked up with alcoholics and losers who have used and abused her. And, Sheriff Troy Davis aches to rekindle his relationship with his old high school sweetheart, Faith Beckwith. When his daughter Meagan found he was dating so soon after her mother passed away and after she had suffered a miscarriage, she made such a stink, that Troy thought it better to sever their relationship, even though they both hold deep feelings for each other. Then unbeknownst to Troy, Meagan befriends Faith and insists he date her, but time will tell what will happen with their relationship.

Ms. Macomber has again touched our hearts with her ongoing series. She has an uncanny knack for drawing the reader into this little town of Cedar Cove, getting us to know the residents intimately, and making us feel like a member of the family.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
In this delightful book, 8 Sandpiper Way (Cedar Cove, Book 8), we are introduced to a cast of characters so charming and homey that they could be your friends and/or neighbors. This one begins with a letter addressed to "Dear Reader," from a distraught woman named Emily Flemming. She suspects that her husband--the minister, no less!--is having an affair.

We are then launched into the day-to-day lives of this town's residents, and with each snippet of their lives, we become more and more invested in them. From their romances to their illnesses, from their wishes and dreams to their worries and troubles, we come to care about them.

This Cedar Cove tale is not the newest one of Debbie Macomber's, since it's been on my TBR stack for awhile. But I enjoyed it tremendously, and at the conclusion, there were some loose ends and an announcement of the next book, which will pick up these loose threads and weave them into another cozy tale. The next one will surely go on my wish list.

Like all of her books, this one of Macomber's earns five stars from me!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
brenda dickson
Cedar Cove has become a favorite city for thousands of readers like me who enjoy gossipy writing, small towns filled with good-spirited characters, and a little romance and drama to keep things interesting.

Debbie Macomber does not disappoint with this eighth installment set in the soap-opera like town. Emily and Dave Flemming take center stage in this novel as the local pastor keeps important information from his wife. With his much-later-than usual hours and the discovery of some diamond earrings in his jacket, Emily believes Dave is either an adulterer or a thief. Old friends Roy McAfee, the local private investigator, and Sheriff Troy Davis will get involved before this is all put to rest.

In the meantime, Sheriff Davis has some important personal challenges to face as he anguishes over lost love Faith Beckwith and grapples with his daughter Megan's health issues. Old friends like Olivia and Jack Griffin, Grace Harding, Teri Polgar, Christie Levitt, and Rachel Pendergast reappear and let the reader share what is happening in their lives. In addition, new characters like Tanni Bliss and her mom, fabric artist Shirley Bliss, appear and begin what will undoubtedly be the fodder of future sagas.

My only complaints with this installment are: first, my personal favorite, Mary Ellen Bowman, only got a brief mention; second, the mystery surrounding Pastor Flemming was one I figured out very early in the book (maybe I trust him more than his wife does) ; and lastly, I want another Cedar Cove book immediately. They are addictive! Fortunately, in just another month we will have a Cedar Cove Christmas, but must wait a full year to find out more about what will transpire at 92 Pacific Boulevard, the home of Troy Davis.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kathy doyle
Did you ever think the worst of your husband only to discover it was not at all what you thought? This is how 8 Sandpiper Way begins. The pastor's wife discovers diamond earrings in his suit jacket and her imagination begins to spin tales. Debbie Macomber writes another intriguing novel in the Cedar Cove series featuring all your favorite characters. Somehow Debbie leaves us all wanting more. A fast reading book you will enjoy.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
joan parks
Debbie Macomber returns to the fictionalized setting of her own home town in this eighth book of the Cedar Cove series. Favorite characters are revisited and they are involved with everything from health problems to romantic troubles. Pastor Dave Flemming and his wife Emily are featured, but some of the subplots involving Judge Olivia Griffin, Rachel Pendergast, Sheriff Troy Davis, and Christie Levitt are actually more interesting. Several of the plots are left unresolved, as the book "Cedar Cove Christmas" came out just a month after this book, and fans are directed towards next September's entry in the series "92 Pacific Boulevard". This is an entertaining series which keeps up reader's interest by including stories about several Cedar Cove characters which occur simultaneously.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
douglas carnine
8 Sandpiper Way starts with Pastor Flemming as a suspect in the theft of a deceased womans jewels. Shaw is seeing Tammi a girl who is an artist and has recently lost her father. Olivia has another medical scare. Troy and Faith have called it quits and Faith doesn't want to give him another chance. Shaw has also found a dead body which will be the main topic along with Troys love life in the next book. These aren't the best written series but they sure do make you want to keep coming back for more.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
adam bletsian
I really thought the pastor was guilty. The story brought to life the devious things people will do to get away with deception.

Each story leaves a new mystery our plot for the next book and introduces
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