A Tale of Transformation by Dan Millman (2001-09-24)

ByDan Millman

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
valyncia raphael
The delivery was prompt and the book was in excellent condition! The Laws of Spirit were nicely organized so one could easily refer to any specific affirmation.at a glance. I loved Peaceful Warrior and highlighted many of Socrates lessons, but found it time consuming to relocate them. This book facilitated easy access to all lessons.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
I can't understand why this has gotten such awesome reviews. I hoping that this book would be something like 'Man's Search for Meaning.' But instead I got an amateurish written book that resembles the script for a disney channel movie. Don't waste your money.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
dana gonzales
good book, I found it interesting, I have not finished to read it all the way through. It is thought provoking. It does promote the stop , look , feel before we act. Overhall a good book for as far as I have read.

Finding Your Life Purpose by Dan Millman (1993-09-06) :: Sacred Journey of the Peaceful Warrior :: The Laws of Spirit: A Tale of Transformation :: The Crow by James O'Barr (1997-02-03) :: Way of the Peaceful Warrior Classic Edition edition
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
I ordered a 2 cassette tape series by Dan Millman--The Laws of Spirit and the package was delivered today however the first tape Part 1 was fine, but the second tape Part 2 had a tape by Judy Collins/Colors of the Day (The best of Judy Collins). I would like to have Part 2 (Second tape) Please.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
andrey bagdasaryan
I read this book after reading "Way of the Peaceful Warrior" and "Sacred Journey of the Peaceful Warrior." I highly recommend both of those, but the thing that I like a lot about this book is that it presents it's message in a shorter form than the two mentioned above. I really like how this book is organized into 12 sections "Laws" so that you can look any specific one up as needed.

Each chapter begins with The Law that will be presented, a short verse pertaining to it, a quote relevant to the topic, then it's right to the story/example/point of the lesson in understanding the "Law". It's along the same lines as "Peaceful Warrior" books in that the lessons are learned from a sage through different experiences. Some of the experiences are extreme, -but useful in that - so often, are the life experiences that awaken us extreme.

There is a lot of good information in this little book that we need to help us as we continue to grow in our spiritual path. This is a book I will keep on my 'favourites' book shelf. The shelf where I go back and run my fingers along the book spines and pick just the right book to remember/refresh and read again.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
neema nodoust
No other author has inspired positive change in my own life as much as Dan. Like most, I'm still feeling my way around, trying to learn how to live my life to the fullest. For those who are also questioning their everyday experiences and searching for a better way to live, this book is an excellent source of wisdom. Its main feature is its small size. The wisdom is as direct and condensed as possible without a loss of meaning. Very very convenient for busy people like me. I actually read one chapter for a period of time, and use it in everyday life, then return for the next "law" when I'm ready. Not a bad way to go.
Laws of Spirit gets only four stars, however, because Dan truly has written better books. Way of the Peaceful Warrior impacted me the most of all his books, as it has for millions of readers around the world. It is an adventure story, but unlike Laws of Spirit, it is not corny, and it is mostly true. No Ordinary Moments is the other book I can testify to.. it is the guidebook version of Way of the Peaceful Warrior. They both were published in the 1970's, and therefore speak directly without flattening out the powerful philosophy into "layman's terms."
Dan's books are set apart from the other philosophies on my shelf because of this: he speaks in terms of actions. Lots of books give you great spiritual food for thought, but the wisest authors involve excercises or life examples that put philosophy into action. Thinking about something you read is useless- action is the only means by which positive change occurs.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
My search for a kind of unfiltered universal truth is over after reading this masterpiece. The author, Dan Millman, has written a work for the ages. Never have words from a book jumped out and expressed so much in so few pages.
I have never assumed religion and truth to be necessarily synonymous (although they could be). This book has nothing to do with religion and yet is everything about truth. I was consciously aware that my normally cynical attitude on matters spiritual was literally being reshaped with each turn of the page. For example, The Law of Faith really hit home for me when the Sage says to the Traveler, "What if you suddenly knew with certainty that a higher intelligence was working through you and everyone else for the highest good of humanity--that there is indeed a purpose for every pleasure and hardship?" and the Traveler says, "If I knew that, it would make a difference." The Sage responds, "The Law of Faith doesn't require you to believe this, Traveler, but it guides you to live your life as if this were true; in other words, on faith." Later adding, "Faith is not the opposite of reason. Applying the Law of Faith is one of the most practical, reasonable, constructive things you can do to live an inspired life."
The book seems to literally crescendo towards the final law--The Law of Unity: "Whether we are One or many depends more upon our perspective than on any objective reality. Conventional knowledge tells us that we are separate; higher wisdom informs us that we are One. We are all the same Consciousness, manifesting in different bodies, the way leaves are part of the same tree. Later, "The Awareness that looks out through a billion eyes is the One Consciousness of infinite Love and Wisdom that we call God, who watches life unfold with mercy and compassion, and who is life itself. . . . As you begin to see friends and adversaries, loved ones and strangers, through the eyes of the One Being, then all dilemma and conflict are dissolved, all wounds are healed, and all paradox is resolved in the light of this essential truth. This is the end of all seeking, because you are everyone and everywhere. It is the end of all fear, because you grasp as living truth who you are--that pure Awareness which never dies."
I dedicate this review to my wife who gave me The Laws of the Spirit as a gift. I am buying several copies as Christmas presents to my closest friends and relatives.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have a handful of books that have been foundational for my personal growth --this one included. I haven't cared for his other books, but I found this one to be exceptional. The messages resound with me, actually making a difference in my life (and I have read a LOT of books). Thanks, Dan, for being a conduit for change in others.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
aaron dubin
The Laws of Spirit: A Tale of Transformation
I've never left a review of the book, however, I felt compelled to leave a review for The Laws of Spirit. This book was recommended to me by my Shaman. At first, I was trying to figure out how this book would help me. After I read the Law of Balance, I started to see how this book would benefit me. I started making changes based on the other Laws and can definitely see a difference in my attitude already. I'm in the process of reading the book a second time to ensure I get the most of the book. I would recommend this book to anyone!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What a thought provoking approach to delving into the way to look at and "be" in the world. I think this is a book I will read over and over again. I think it is one of those books that you'll get something different each time you pick it up!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lauren read
Dan Millman has written a fine little book that is full of simple but powerful truths. He describes these truths as "Laws" or immutable principles that are simply and always true whether one agrees with them or not. A powerful message and very good advice.
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