Winner Best Vampire/Shifter Novel of the Year (Knights of Black Swan Book 4)

ByVictoria Danann

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Every book in the Black Swan series is fantastic. If your looking for an author who can really write a good, solid story who has put just the right amount of everything you could want in a book, then these are the books for you. The only down side is I couldn't get anything done because I COULDN'T PUT EACH BOOK DOWN ! Keep writing Victoria. Just keep writing. I'm defiantly sold. I can hardly wait for the next book in this series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I read it straight through except for a couple of hours of passed out sleep with my ipad resting on my face..These stories have interesting, strong characters with a strong sensual undertone. Always enjoy the stories and am able to picture her worlds due to the authors gift for beautiful, descriptive writing.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
samina show
The series is a refreshing story line in this genre...It's hard to find something new and exciting... This is it! They get better and better with each's not will not be disappointed.. I have good taste, trust me ;)
Winner BEST PARANORMAL ROMANCE NOVEL of the year! (Knights of Black Swan Book 3) :: A Tale of Two Kingdoms (Knights of Black Swan Book 6) :: Journey Man (Knights of Black Swan Book 9) :: Winner BEST PARANORMAL ROMANCE SERIES four years in a row! (Knights of Black Swan Box Set) :: Gathering Storm (Knights of Black Swan Book 5)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
becca reissman
These books are great! The story line just keeps you wanting more. Each member of Jefferson Unit has a life now and it just keeps getting better. I can't wait for books 5,6,7,8,9, and 10. Thanks to a great author.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ann margret hovsepian
Moonlight was a wonderfully engrossing paranormal romance with just a dash of science fiction that grabbed me from page one and didn't let go!
Ms. Danann absolutely knows how to get a series going. As long as she continue to write this series I will continue to read them.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Can't wait for book 5 :) good writing, fun characters, nice continuity. Every book picks up where the last one left off and leaves you happily wanting to read the next to find out who we get to meet that's new, check in on a continuing strory line and have a crazy good time with all involved! So far there is no down side to Victorias writing skills and this series/serial saga only has room to grow as she has opened many doors so far for later exploration and I'm sure fans of
hers would be more than happy to see
her write the Wolves as a series unto
themseves...hint, as well as any
of the other dimensions mentioned so
far, which we have only gotton a teaser of but for me it was enough that I want to know more :) happy reading!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Love this series so much! Each new character brings something wonderful to the series. The next one comes out soon and I can't wait to read it. These are some of the best paranormal romances around!!!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I am hooked!! Smart writing with strong, intelligent, funny women. Men who would make any woman swoon and drool!! I can't wait for the next book to come out! This series has cost me a lot of near sleepless nights reading until I couldn't keep my eyes open. I highly recommend ?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
gunther nugent
Love this series so much! Each new character brings something wonderful to the series. The next one comes out soon and I can't wait to read it. These are some of the best paranormal romances around!!!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dinesh kumar
I am hooked!! Smart writing with strong, intelligent, funny women. Men who would make any woman swoon and drool!! I can't wait for the next book to come out! This series has cost me a lot of near sleepless nights reading until I couldn't keep my eyes open. I highly recommend ?
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
azilrhaine retada
I have discovered a new author of paranormal to compete with Feehan and Hamilton. Love the plot, main characters and the interaction of each in the next novel. This secret agency and agents have it all.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
"Moonlight" was an imaginative and entertaining reading experience just like its predecessors. The story's pacing is rather slow, there is little in the way of "heart-pounding" action and it's not a "page-turner" in the commonly thought of sense of the word. However, if one has become as fond of this band of diverse and likable characters as I have than you will be compelled to keep turning pages so you can find out what happens next. The lore and world building is imaginative, cohesive and exciting. There are still a few instances of incorrect words and over description of the mundane but I found the story so enchanting that it wasn't distracting. On the other hand, e.g. when I wanted more details about Ram's reactions to breast milk none were provided. However, on two separate occasions the author took the time to give a very detailed description of a floral centerpiece. Really!! There was a lot of interesting stuff presented in this installment: King Grey's quest for a mate, revelation of what caused the low birth rate of females in the Elk Mountain pack, Storm and Litha's pending parenthood, astounding news regarding Jefferson Unit's Sovereign Sol, new responsibilities and challenges for Glen Catch, Aelsong and the Elf Prince, Duff Torquil's, romance progressed a bit, and so much more. Nevertheless, there was nothing confusing or disruptive about the story's flow. Each transition to a subplot was smooth and natural. The character development was spot on with most characters continuing to grow and even surprise me. All the characters seen in previous books were present and account for except for Kay, Katrina and Kay's sisters but I don't think that the latter were suppose to be ongoing characters anyway. The story didn't end in a cliffhanger per se but clearly it will take reading the next book to find out what happens next. Which I plan to begin doing as soon as I post this review. The story is told from a 3rd person/narrative POV which worked perfectly. The story contained romance, adventure, a bit of suspense, humor, adult language, adult situations and some tear jerking moments. The latter may only be applicable to me and my periods of over sentimentality. lol There was a love scene or two but nothing that I considered superfluous or overly graphic. I would still classify the book and this series as belonging to the New Young Adult genre which, again, isn't my favorite genre. Nevertheless, I thoroughly enjoy this book and I'm looking forward to reading the next one. I gave it 4 stars because under the store's rating scale 4 stars mean "I Like It" and I did. However, quite honestly, I'm still not sure whether I think that the books are worth $3.99 each. The two 3 book collections afford a much better bargain.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Many books are defined by the events that happen in their pages. You can immediately pick out what book someone is talking about just by listening for key words in the conversation. The Knights of the Black Swan, however, is defined by its characters. Gorgeous, multi-dimensional, immersive characters that, by this point, I’m not only becoming personally invested in, but that are also starting to feel like old friends.

And, how do you not immediately fall in love with a book that has this opening line:

“’What do you know about my sister and that prancin’ prick of a fairy prince?’”

Rammel Hawking will never cease to simultaneously bring a huge smile to my face and make me swoon.

This installment brings us the story of the enigmatic King of Werewolves – Stalkson Grey. He is stoic in the traditional sense of the word – a man who always puts his people first in everything he does regardless of his own happiness. He is strong, chiseled from granite, with a glittering sense of humor that always takes everyone around him off guard.

In an effort to save his people, he is dimension jumping with Deliverance and happens to catch site of the one woman he thought never to find – his one true mate. And after spending some time courting Luna, he takes matters into his own hands and kidnaps her back to his own dimension. The very last thing she ever thought would happen, happens – she falls just as in love with him as he is with her.

Their romance is a glorious thing to watch. Luna chips away at Grey’s hardness to reveal a heartfelt and tender man underneath the leader. Grey opens up a world to Luna that she never thought to want. Watching their intellects battle in their conversations is ridiculously fun and just more proof of the genius that is Victoria Danann.

We get a good bit of Ram and Elora, Storm and Litha, Deliverance, Glen and a whole new angle gets added to the slippery vampire epidemic when some new visitors from another dimension arrive with a new answer to the original issue.

To go back and try to summarize this book makes it feel quite busy. But as I was reading it, it felt like a languorous stretch after sleeping in a lover’s arms – endearingly comfortable, warm and I never wanted it to end. The characters just wrapped themselves that much tighter around me and I never want them to let go.

Victoria Danann is just flat brilliant. There’s really no other way to say it. Her writing is meticulous and mind-blowingly illustrative. She is a first-rate storyteller to be sure. She has managed to burrow so deeply inside of my heart, I will never let this series go.

Seriously, how many more adjectives do you need? Start reading this series yesterday.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
chase lydick
This one was okay compared to the previous books. Im a little upset about how theres so many stories in one novels causing them to be rushed. Before everyone was give a book to tell their story and now everyones story is entertwining into a rushed summary. Theres no concept of time passed what so ever a paragraph ends at them doing an activity and then begins 3 months later but youre not even made aware that that much time has passed until a few pages in. Its so confusing if you dont pay attention. Ive never skimmed a book before but this one I definitely read fazter than my mind was actually grasping the words.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
My first real disappointment with the Black Swan series. The main characters suggested in the cover are an interesting side story to Elora's adventures. The issue with the herb the werewolf tribe uses never gets resolved - he simply desserts his family and entire tribe to extinction, which felt supremely contrary to the entire premise of the book.

Very much enjoyed Glen's moment with the tribe, Sol's changed role with his former subordinates which gave him more dimension. Other wise, this simply felt like more chapters to the original book - something I still need to get used to from the series, as it's simply not a world style I'm accustomed to (typically, lengthy book series with a large cast offers a more balanced focus on multiple main characters, whereas this universe clearly revolves around Elora, with chunks suggesting we should care more deeply for her friends without actually allowing me, as reader, enough depth of feeling to do so - and they really are interesting characters, but they're not allowed to stand on their own).

Not my favorite in the series, but offered more interesting world building to enjoy.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Ram and Elora are enjoying new parenthood but have a lurking sense of unease concerning the assassins that came from her former dimension. Storm and Litha are preparing for the birth of their first child , with the help of her demon daddy Deliverance . Meanwhile the werewolf population is facing extinction due to lack of female werewolves. Deliverance comes up with a solution but the king of the werewolves must make a decision; find happiness or give up his position as alpha. This book is an amazing roller coaster ride that is a must read !
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I found this author by accident and decided to try the first book. It was pretty interesting and different so I tried the next and now I'm hooked. The storyline and characters get better with each book I read. The variety of characters and plotlines are awesome and keep expanding. One of the most wonderful things about the series is that the story is obviously the most important part while the sex scenes are not. Too often in this genre the plot just seems to be an excuse for lots of sex but this series and its various dimensions is truly fascinating.
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