Arcane (The Arinthian Line) (Volume 1)

BySever Bronny

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cheryl lima
I discovered this author though a recommendation made in some comments on an article on fantasy stories and I'm so glad I decided to give it a try. I really enjoyed this story and quickly bought the next book in the series to continue on with the story as soon as I finished this book. It seems like anymore everyone wants to compare books and determine if it's the "next Harry Potter" or "next Lord of the Rings". In just about any fantasy book you're going to find some common elements. For me, what's important is whether the author can create characters that the reader cares about, create a world that feels real, and tell a story that is unique. I think that Sever Bronny has accomplished those tasks here. I know people will want to compare it to HP just because you have teenagers learning magic, but that doesn't give credit to the story that is being established here. I thought the story flowed very naturally and the characters were nicely handled. Another item I really enjoyed is how he structured the magic in this world. I like it when the author comes up with a system that can structure how the magic (ok, arcane) works rather than just know that magic can happen and not know the limits (i.e. does anyone understand what Gandalf can or can't do?). Yes, there are many powerful things that can be done, but only through training and certain spells that must be learned and not everyone can reach the same levels. I'm really looking forward to reading the rest of the books in this series and see what he comes up with in this wonderful new series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jo dunn
Arcane from the first page kept me riveted. The development of the storyline from chapter one kept you guessing as to what next. Cannot wait to read the others in the series. The twists and turns keep you reading expectantly no way I could have predicted the next twist which happens a lot with fantasy series. A refreshing approach to fantasy writing.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What a wonderful line of books! Not sure why some if the reviews are focused as good for kids. Maybe the kids inside us, adults. I'm 48? So I might be a kid, again! Reading the third book. Can't stop reading, great adventures and very inspirational. This guy have a great imagination, but I wish this was all true. I woukd love to have arcane abilities in rea life!
Valor (The Arinthian Line) (Volume 3) :: Haunting the Deep :: The Witches of BlackBrook (Volume 1) :: The Briar King (The Kingdoms of Thorn and Bone - Book 1) :: Superbia
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
tammy bertelsen
Good enjoyable read told by from the perspective of the main character. The beginning was a bit confusing, potentially a bit too much show and not enough tell or the somewhat sudden jumps. It is certainly fast paced, lots of things happening. Others posted loss appears to be quickly forgotten as a good thing, but I find it a bit extreme.

Curious about the magic system. Seems to well structured compared to most I have read about in other books, although I am not entirely sure on what basis the elements were chosen. Maybe that is just my ingrained basic four with extensions into life/death/thought rebelling to the main elements in this world.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Awesome characters. Unique ideas on magic, oops, the arcane I mean. A young boy who never had a chance to be a child, willing to become a hero no matter what is thrown at him in order to protect his first ever friends. Very Harry Potter'ish but with its very own unusual world to play out in.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
elizabeth traviss
The best book in sithesia!!!! You will not believe how fluently written and interesting this book is! I absolutely love it! It just keeps getting better and better! Once you start reading you can't stop!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
tonya cherry
This is the start of a classic series featuring an underprivileged youth growing into interesting hero. The character development of the hero and his female friends is started in an imaginative way. Combination of Star Wars and Eragon.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
nick catucci
I fly through series and books and this book (and entire series) has to be one of my favorites. Very well written with a great story that left me hungering for more. I can't get enough! I have 3 series I re-read year after year, this will be another I add to that list!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
ashlee draper galyean
Trite nonsense, all checked. Evil empire is a go, main character is the leader's kid because of course he is, annoying changing of common terminology for no reason, and the characters certainly don't carry this farce of a book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Every time I start to think I have read everything good, I stumble across a gem like this book. The story is familiar in the genre, but enough character twists to be fresh and interesting. Looking forward to rereading this a couple times while waiting for the next two.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Good opening story. Young boy finding his way in life with magic. Or should I say arcane. The story at time reminds me a little bit about the Harry Potter story. Glad that I read it and looking forward to the next book. This would be a good for teens at this stage. I liked the test but was predictable about the bird. Also glad that Mrs. Stone did not reward the kids for misbehavior. Good first book. A pleasure to read.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
melanie nelson
I loved loved loved this book. I keep thinking about the characters and how their lessons are coming about and what dangers they are facing. The next books in the series is over my budget....but I hope I can continue soon!!!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
hamish mack
I have bought Arcane by Sever Bronny even though I try to keep far from so-called "young-adults" genre - the average rating was very high. After reading it I have to admit the genre is the least of the book's problems.

The author tries to keep the book fast paced. However, for some reason it is achieved by rather random development at times. (Spoiler alert). The village Augum (main character) lives in is raided, which is probably understandable - "one cannot have a fantasy book without a village or two burnt". Though, what happens next, starting with the counterintuitive advice, through being hit by a thunder, to meeting greatgrandmother who pretends not to recognise him, is... well... it's yuuuge... just fantastic. I got an impression that each time the author did not know what to do with the plot, there was some kind of coincidence. Then, though, "once is an accident, twice - coincidence, thrice - that's enemy activity".

Other than irritating lack of logic and too many coincidences the book is utterly boring. The characters are overly chatty. They will talk you to death. Really. If they talked about anything of substance - that would probably be less annoying. Though, they just talk. I should probably admire the author for making the teenagers so realistic. However, couldn't they be less talkative? Less talk, more chop?

All in all, I felt like I've read a poor rip off from Harry Potter. Main character is a son of the leading officer of the evil doers, who is - guess - a very powerful magician. He is being taught by the same teacher the mentioned evil doer was. There are countless similiarities. However, the most important one is missing - Harry Potter was fun to read.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
catherine davis
The characters are written in black and white, bad and good, with very little gray.

Events happen that are not realistic. Examples: the protagonist grows to 13 years of age with only one aging knight as a friend - he is reviled by everyone else. His move from forest to mountain during a storm early in the book may be realistic in the context of the book's arcanery (magic) but is never explained. He is saved from black knights on a lonely mountain by a young boy he never met before.

Reading the book took only a few hours. While the writing was very fluid, there was very little to think about. Events proceed at a furious pace.

The book is a straightforward sword and sorcery piece of fluff.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
you need to stop your hero from blasting through stone walls and then pissing in his pants in the next 20 pages.started out great then went downhill . easy to get back on track by not having him wimp out.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
The story had likeable characters and a good story line. The reason for not giving it five stars is the characters were suppose to be 14 years old and acted as if they were 8 or 10. The author must not have been around a 14 year old recently. Bought the second book and am looking forward to reading it.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Over the lasts year I have been struggling to find a book that is worth reading. This is not a great book but it's not bad either.

The story is about a boy orphan who has the worst luck till he meets a lady with magic power. Soon he finds out he to possesses power and becomes an apprentice to the lady. Soon they are in the run from evil and makes friends along the way.

The writer has a decent story line but he struggles with action scenes. The writing becomes jumbled and descriptions become a bit confusing. The start of the book was the worst though. The boy is kinda bland and I can't help but not care about him. In most stories you tend to be pulled to the main character I did t feel that here.

This is a good .99cent read but anything more it's cutting it close.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dawn mead
Many books have passed through my hands (or my beloved Kindle), and Mr. Bronny's book certainly lives on the top row of my favorites. Mind you, it's not a terribly long row! His story is immediately engaging and most difficult to put down . . .I stayed up late.
His characters are well developed, and I thoroughly enjoyed the strong female hero. I especially appreciated the lack of "gore" and needlessly graphic grossness that seems to be so popular in current young adult fiction. Thank you Mr. Bronny! And now, I must hurry up and find your next book ;-)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
cari magrino
This story develops the heartfelt relationship of three heroic young people who don't think of themselves as heroes. Augum, Bridget, and Leera are three of the most enjoyable teens to read about in fantasy literature. They aren't perfect, they're often very funny, and they are very curious about the world. Unlike 2/3 of another famous teen trio in epic fantasy, they actually love learning about arcanery, the proper term for spellcasting in the Arinthian Line books, and work their butts off to get better at it. Their mentor is strict, even harsh, but this is about life and death. No lucky circumstances are bestowed upon our heroes, which I find quite refreshing. They all earn their way into our hearts, making you want to salve their wounds and give them each a good pat on the back for a job well done.
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