Make Me Forget (It's Kind Of Personal Book 1)

ByAnna Brooks

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
drew conley
Make Me Forget is a beautiful story of unconditional love and conquering demons.
Anna Brooks has created engaging characters whom you will grow to love quickly. This book is so absorbing, I read it in one sitting.

I look forward to reading more from this new author.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
phoebe ayers
Loved this. So so loved this. Love Travis. My gosh that man is a swizzle stick of perfection. He's kind, protective, sweet, adorable, gentle and honest. He falls for charlotte without meaning to and even after finding out she lied to him forgives him, does the right thing but also waits for her. He doesn't move so that when charlotte is ready she can still find him. Once these two walk away from another, Charlotte loses her way though. She loses her dad and than her mom falls apart and than she gets in a bad situation out of loneliness. Travis in the meantime is putting his life together so he can be what Charlotte needs. One moment he has his life shattered and he begins to doubt Charlotte ever cared. this has him have a series of one night stands but never does he not think of Charlotte or stop hoping she will return.

Suddenly there she is and Travis can't help but feel so overwhelmed with hope and love. But she is broken and he wants to help. She shuts him down continuously and runs from him. No matter how much patience and love he shows charlotte she doesn't trust Travis and fears he will run. Travis begins to feel that he is the only one trying in the relationship and forces charlottes hand. It hurts him to do this but he needs reassurance as well.

this man is just so amazing. And her cousin Pierce such a sweetie as well. when Travis is finally let into Charlotte's life it is a wonderful moment. than a wrench is thrown into it and a new reveal sends charlotte running. Travis goes after her yet again and now we also see a hint of a romance for travis's brother yeah yeah!!! Again they work things out and things seem perfect but charlotte's insecurities wiggle again. Travis though is wonderful and patient. His love and support is unwavering.

a beautiful story of a man's love being there unconditionally and helping a young woman find her way back and finding that there are people who love her no matter what. A wonderfully written emotionally powerful story that will truly tug at your heart and show you what love true love is.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
I am having trouble. Reading this book, the language is raw. There is no substance to the characters or the story. I am rating it a 1 because that is the lowest number, I will finish it . 8 would not recommend loading it.
The Prince & The Player (Dirty Players Book 1) :: Body (Trinity Trilogy) :: An Indecent Proposition (The Indecent series Book 1) :: Hidden Pleasures :: The Blood of Angels: Divine Vampires
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
From the very beginning this book will have you captivated. Two people that need each other more than they realize but the problem is Charlotte can’t be seen with Travis, if she is he could be in a lot of trouble. So she lies to everyone and only goes to places with him where they won’t be seen, little does Travis know but she is lying to him also. They start falling in love and spending as much time together as they can. When Charlotte has to leave and go home to Texas they are both devastated. Shortly after the family gets home the first man a girl learns to love is gone. Char’s mother is a complete wreck and hides away for weeks at a time leaving everything for Charlotte to handle and she has to learn fast. Her mother gets gravely ill and Charlotte has to take care of her too. Luckily for Charlotte her mother’s Dr. comes to their home to check on her mom every Friday night. He eagerly helps with the hospital bills and helps her take care of things. At first she is thrilled that he wants to help and seems to care for Charlotte a great deal, but then things start to change and the good ole dr. get aggressive toward her sexually and it is not good. After he torments and abuses her, she has had enough and moves back to the Midwest where she calls home. She eventually hooks back up with Travis but it has been 4 years and they both are different now. She is an emotional wreck and doesn’t trust anyone but her therapist who helps her deal with the sick things the dr. has done to her. But will Travis be able to get past all her baggage? Can Charlotte learn to trust Travis heart and soul?
Anna Brooks has written a strong emotional story that has totally made me want more! Her writing is very good and she hooks you from the start until the end. Can’t wait to read book 2 from this series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
alex hess editor
“Make Me Forget” is a dark, but wonderful story about Charlotte and Travis. As a recent native of Texas, Charlotte and her family like to visit their old home in Wisconsin where their extended family still lives. The story starts with Char, as she’s mostly called, going to visit her cousins at a party they are having. She slips away from the crowd to go to her favorite spot in the world, a giant rock overlooking a beautiful lake. That’s just when she meets Travis. He’s in a bad way, mourning a loss on the anniversary, and he too much to drink. Char immediately feels like she needs to care for him, so she stays with him through the night to make sure he’s okay. One night seemingly innocent night starts something neither Char nor Travis saw coming. Events happen between them and years end up going by where they don’t see each other. Char goes through a series of tragedies and Travis works on being the man he always wanted to be. Their story is long and complicated and I don’t want to give too much away, but it’s a story that everyone should read. It’s a sweet yet sad story that makes you smile just as much as it makes you want to cry. It’s the first book in the series, and I honestly can’t wait to devour the rest of the ‘It’s Kind of Personal’ series. Anna Brooks has a way of telling a story that I just love. She gets deep into the heart of each character and shows the reader exactly what she wants to reveal. I really enjoy when an author can show true depth in a character and then show them grow in some way, and Anna Brooks delivers just that. This book could be read as a standalone, but I just have to see what else the series has to offer! I give “Make Me Forget” five stars!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Travis and Charlotte meet when they are both young, and without the other knowing they fall in love with each other. While they are apart for quite some time, when they are reunited it's like they were never apart to begin with. Travis is a strong alpha male who has been through a lot by the time that he meets Charlotte, and will continue to endure quite a lot more than anyone his age should ever have to go through. Charlotte is young and naïve when she first meets Travis, but she grows into an amazing woman with a very tragic past that she in time reveals to Travis. When they are finally brought back together, they don't have all hearts and flowers and candy on the road ahead. They have some very large speed bumps that they have to work through, but what good love story, real or fiction, doesn't? By the time that they are brought back together, Travis is a firefighter and Charlotte has been through so much that she isn't doing much of anything but decides to work some in her families bar. Even through all of the ups and downs Travis loves Charlotte with a passion that most only hope for in real life, let alone ever see. Knowing how Travis feels for Charlotte she still doesn't think she is good enough until her cousin helps her see just how blind she has truly been to the love that everyone else sees. So if you would like to read a love story that has its ups downs and finally a happily ever after, then this is the book for you. Please take the time to read this book and then possibly continue on with the rest of the series. I know I will, thank you Ms. Brooks for writing such a beautiful story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
yon zubizarreta
“You let me know when you’re ready, sweetheart. I’ll be waiting.”

O.M.G!!! I have found myself a new FAVOURITE author in Anna Brooks!!!! MAKE ME FORGET is the kind of story that had me swooning from the very first page; gave me a permanent lovesick grin; and had my heart fluttering!!!

I absolutely LOVED Travis!! Not only was he deliciousness on a stick, but he was also the embodiment of an UBER ALPHA hero!!! He knew that he wanted Charlotte right from the beginning and even with her constant push and pull, he never gave up!! He was fiercely protective and amazingly patient with Charlotte! And every single time he called her "sweetheart", I melted into a puddle!! Swoooooonnn!!! And I adored Charlotte; my heart ached for her tragic past and constant self doubt and insecurities.

In a nutshell, MAKE ME FORGET was the PERFECT blend of a sweet love story packed with angst and ALL THE FEELS!!!! Ms. Brooks's narrative was beautiful and addictive!! I devoured this amazing book in one day and cannot wait to read all the books in this series! This is a book that I will not be forgetting!! 5+ heart palpitating stars!!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sharon reynolds
Anna Brooks is an extremely talented author! She has developed an exceptional cast of characters in the novel: Make Me Forget that will leave you breathless. A novel full of hardships, young love, and pasts that haunt the main characters Charlotte and Travis. Brooks leaves you wanting to read the next novel before you finish the book.
When Charlotte is visiting family during summer vacation, she meets Travis. They both share a tragic loss in their own families and they bond. What started out as a summer fling leads to something more when Travis says he will wait for her no matter what. After losing both of her parents, and ends a very toxic relationship, she moves back to be with her family and meets Travis again. With a past that she is afraid of, she doesn’t think anyone will forgive her. With a family to care and love her, a man that makes her heart stop, Charlotte realizes that loving someone and being loved is what she has been missing since her parent’s death four years earlier. When her cousin takes her on a trip to remember what it was that she wanted and to help her overcome her doubts, she understands that no matter what, she does deserve to have the love she once dreamed of having.
Brooks has the most exciting plot with twists and turns that will leave you wondering what will happen before it happens. I absolutely loved reading about Charlotte and Travis and how they overcame something that would break them if they weren’t so in love with each other.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
craig maloney
Charlotte Kelly is kind of shy, she thinks that boys don’t look at her, she is 17 and is on vacation in Wisconsin where she used to live before her family moved to Texas. They come back every summer for vacation where her cousins live. Charlotte was at their summer party when she decided to go for a walk and ended up at her favorite rock. She was sitting there enjoying the water when Travis Parker stumbled up and she decided she needed to help him. Charlotte does everything she can to help this stranger and ends up taking him home because he is too drunk to drive. Charlotte ends up leaving in a few weeks to go back home after she was dishonest with Travis because she wanted him so bad.
Travis Parker is a handsome guy that has a past. He lost his girlfriend, his baby, and his future until he meets Charlotte Kelly. He is so good to her and wants to make her his. Travis doesn’t like people that lie and that is exactly what Charlotte did to him as well as his former girlfriend.
Charlotte goes back home to end up with some tragic losses in her family to add to her sister’s death. She ends up making bad decisions and feels that she is scared for life. Can Travis be her happy ever after? I can’t tell you, you will need to read the book. I loved this book and look forward to reading the rest in the series. I could not put the book down…
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
storm rogers johnson
Charlotte is a carefree seventeen year old. Now living in Texas, she vacations once a year in Wisconsin, where she grew up. This visit, while at a party, she meets an older boy and begins a relationship she will never forget, even when she has to go back to Texas.
Travis is trying to move on from a harrowing event that still haunts him, even two years later. Now that he has Charlotte in his life she seems to make everything easier. But a lie threatens to tear everything he thought they had apart.
This book caught my eye, and I am so glad it did. From the first paragraph it captivated me. I didn’t want it to finish but I couldn’t put it down, reading it in one day.
Seeing Charlotte from the age of 17 and then spanning the next four years was really interesting. Her journey was heartbreaking and I really felt for her. I could understand why she would behave the way she did, after what she had to endure and I feel the author did an amazing job of making it believable.
Where do I start with Travis? I loved him. He is so caring and adores Charlotte, being patient when she needs it most. He is up there as one of my top five favourite book boyfriends.
This story made me laugh, smile, want to throw my kindle, tear up and gasp, it was brilliant and I am so happy to know that book two is already out. Great job Anna Brooks, I look forward to reading more by you.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
david burk
Wonderful lost and found again love story.
Fighting to free herself from her past Charlotte hides for 6 months knowing that Travis is right in the same town. All she has to do is let go and let him back in.
It all started that summer when she was 17. Meeting Travis, spending 6 weeks lying to her parents and to Travis. Falling in love with him. But when she went back to Texas things went south so to speak. Two deaths and then finding herself indebited to a man who she couldnt stand. A man who punished her at his whim every time he saw her.
A broken Charlotte moves back north to be near her cousins, the only family she has left. The man she left 4 years ago lives there. Would he still want her after he learned about her horrible past?
Only time and healing will be able to fix her broken and mangled heart and mind.
Anna Brooks is an amazing author. I cant wait to read more and more of her books. I look for wonderful things to come from her.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lauren hilty
loved this book. I have been reading alot lately that,when done,are immediately deleted. Not this one. I went right to the next 2 It's kind of Personal and bought them. The author makes you care about,not only, the hero/heroine but the whole group of secondary characters. What a family Char has and what a wonderful man Travis was.I have to say I was immediately drawn to Meara and Liam too. Char has lost so much in a very short time but has the love and support of some memorable people. I will continue with this series as it is well written and u really care for the characters.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Charlotte (love the name) tugged at my heart strings. She grew up with a loving family, then lost them all and had to figure out how to grow up very quickly at a young age. She took on a lot and managed to handle it all, until she got taken advantage of and lost it all. When she returns to Wisconsin and finds Travis again I knew that she would be okay. But oh my gosh, it was an extremely long road for her. The struggles she goes through are something no woman or man should have to deal with, yet she shows her strength and her determination. While struggling to let go of her past, Charlotte finds something much stronger, safer, and wonderful.

Travis is a hero. He is alpha male, firefighter, and a lover. He knows that if he is to hold on to the love of his life he has to find patience and understanding beyond what a normal person has. While being with Charlotte is all he wants, he knows that it has to be on her terms, which for an alpha male is almost impossible to handle. While taking everything thrown at him in stride, I am glad that Anna Brooks let him lose it once in a while and be a real man.

Make Me Forget is a story with two wonderful characters that are absolutely perfect for each other. They are truly each other’s real love. I could not stop reading and thinking about this story. It is a beautiful story, touching on a few tough subjects. I absolutely recommend this book and cannot wait to read more from Anna Brooks.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
i was gifted a copy by participating in a giveaway I think i just found an amazing author to add to my tbr list :) i coundnt put this book down at times it was hard for me because you see both travis and charlotte are hurting but makes for a powerful read it was very touching with parts that were really sad but you just have to keep reading and not give up hope it wasnt your typical love story and thats what i loved about it so much it was something new and not over done the conection between the h and H is electric they both fell it the sexy or heated times was hot ;) i loved travis he was kind , adorable and very protective he also believed in honesty but when he finds out that charlotte lied or omitted to a lie hes fells very betrayed relationships cant be based on lies i felt so bad fro him when he went to goes to see charleet i felt his heart break i just wanted to give the h a big hug wht she went through after leaving the H it was really sad cant wait to read show me how :)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
i was so pleasantly surprised by how good this book is i'm glad i read it on a friday to start my weekend off right! the writing was really good and it was quick, albeit emotional read. most of the story was pretty predictable. there was quite a bit of foreshadowing for possible future stories with the secondary characters who were strong and extremely likeable.

charlotte has had a pretty crappy life and she's been emotionally beaten down. when she was 17, she was full of life and was a pretty happy teenager which is when travis met and fell in love with her. after that summer of love, her life pretty much fell apart. it changes her. most of what she went through was pretty emotional and some was really hard to read. travis was REALLY amazing. he went through a major tragedy a few years before meeting charlotte and was just floating through life. charlotte got him back on track and interested in life again just in time for her to go through her tragedies and shutdown.

this book takes you on a pretty much on an emotional roller coaster but it's definitely worth the read! i look forward to reading more books by ms. brooks.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
amanda leigh
Charlotte Kelly arrives in Wisconsin for a family visit and finds way more than she bargained for. A love unlike any other she has known before or will ever know without him.

Travis Parker has known loss. He's known heartbreak. On a particularly bad day he meets a beautiful girl who makes it seem a little more bearable, until that girl he fell in love with in just a brief summer encounter lies to him. That lie tears them apart.

At seventeen Char was in love. She had her heart broke, her father passed. Her mother gets sick and after all of that.... years pass. She gets into a relationship that tears her apart. But the one relationship she wants... she destroyed with a lie.

Moving back to Wisconsin years later, therapy, and family, Char is working to recover when a crazy accident brings her back into the sphere of Travis. Travis never forgot. Never gave up. And is ready to pull her back to him.

Have you ever fell in love with an older guy? Lied about your age? Now... Have you ever had them find out about it? It's not all it's cracked up to be.

I found this book very refreshing. The alternating view points are phenomenal and the writing is absolutely some of the best I've read in a long time. It's a must read series at it's finest. Dig in and read up! You won't be able to stop at just one.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lori lyn
Make Me Forget is a contemporary romance that follows the blooming young love of 17-year-old Charlotte and 22-year-old Travis. Their love comes easily, but the age difference and then personal adversity keep them from fulfilling their destiny for more than four years.

Anna Brooks brings you into her novel with an aching need to discover how Charlotte will survive her regrets, mistakes, and need for redemption. She delves deeply into the psyche of abuse in Charlotte without becoming overly entwined in a hero-complex for Travis. Their love story spans enough time and adversity that it will not fall into the insta-love trope and will leave you with a satisfied sigh of relief when the end comes and they do get their happily ever after. Anna Brooks took me on an emotional ride, not a roller coaster that left me winded, but a nice drive out in the New England autumn--easy, beautiful, natural. I loved her for giving me a read that didn't leave bring me in aching and leave me aching for more.

I look forward to her next novel.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I absolutely love discovering a new author. I hadn't heard of this author before reading this book, but now I will be looking out for her work. I thoroughly enjoyed the book particularly the characters. Travis and Charlotte had an instant spark, they were adorable together from their first meeting at the beach. However life and death pulls them apart, taking their lives on different paths but their hearts were always as one! Will they be able to find their way back together? This story was written in different time frames. Occasionally this was confusing but overall added more depth to the story. We are also introduced to the families of the two main characters and I love meeting Charlotte's protective cousins, I wonder if they will have their own stories? I happily award this book 4 stars
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bruno ferreira
Loved storyline & characters,travis & charlottes connection is undeniable secrets & lies torn the relationship apart,Travis hates liars when he thought he had something look forward to one lie shattered everything he believed.Charlotte comes back four years later try to find happiness again,she know she will see Travis connection she still feels for him years later is undeniable but one lie tore them apart years ago.she's afraid mistakes can't be forgiven, can Travis forgive & forget ? Can he trust Charlotte ? Can they have future together ? Loved sex on a frigging stick Travis he's everything a boyfriend should be & more ! Thanks anna brook for bringing Travis into my life swoon ! Well done anna for a emotionally beautifully written book can't wait for Brandon & Mary's book !
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Wish the store would do half stars....This would be 4.5. Charlotte and Travis met when she was seventeen. Too young for him. He was years older. But love knows no age. He let her go. Now four years later they are meeting up. But she has so much going against her. She feels that she is too broken for him. When he finds out what happened to her will he walk away again? I started and finished this book in one night. Can't wait to read more by Anna Brooks.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Review by Natasha Gentile

When we first meet Charlotte, she is spending the summer in Wisconsin. She is at her cousin’s graduation party, when she meets him. Travis Parker. Stumbling drunk on the beach, he sits, or rather, falls right next to her. Practically right into her lap. Which kind of irritates her. I mean she was sitting all by herself thinking...and boom, hot guy!!

This time when he talks, he’s looking right at me, and I can see his eyes. Damn. They look like the water – perfectly clear and bright blue. Granted, they’re a little bloodshot, but still beautiful. I wonder what they would look like if the sun were shinning down instead of the moon.

So what is a girl to do but help this poor drunk man home, especially after he’s poured out his heart to her. She knows the one secret that he’s keeping. But…

One lie can destroy everything.

After years apart and more loss than one person can possibly handle Charlotte decides to go back to the one place that she knew what happiness was. She know she has to face the one person that she has always loved. She just doesn’t know how to go about it. It seems fate has stepped in, making the decision for her.

“Charlotte.” That voice. Oh, God. I close my eyes and lower my head at the gravely sound that manages to both calm and excite me. I knew I’d see him eventually since I moved back home, but this is not how I planned things. I’m not ready to see him yet.

And if you think time makes feelings go away, you couldn’t have been more wrong.

He puts a finger under my chin and tilts my head up. My eyes collide with his blue ones, and I suck in a breath at the man in front of me. His muscular frame looks even larger in his gear. Although I can’t see his black hair under his helmet, I would bet it’s still shaved close to his scalp. His strong jawline and long, dark lashes make him look like a model. If he were to smile at me, I would see the dimple on his left cheek. He’s not smiling though. He’s looking at me with the same sad eyes I saw the first night I met him.

Travis Parker thought Charlotte was the one for him, till one misunderstanding shattered him leaving him hollow once again. Now she’s back, and the feelings he thought were gone are not only back, but they are back with vengeance. Just one thing, Charlotte isn’t the girl he thinks she is. She is older, she is wiser, and she is broken and empty. Can Travis get her to open up to him and make her forget the sorrows of the past?
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
terry corallo
Reviewed for Hooked on Books

I doubt there is a single person in this world who doesn't want a love like Travis has for Charlotte. He's attentive, sweet, protective, and he waited for her even when he shouldn't of. The twists and turns in this book with those few 'aha' moments make them even better because I Love books that do exactly what you don't think they'll do. Heartfelt read. Funny, sweet, and hot. A solid 4, 4.5 stars. :)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jordan bowman
Complex love stories make for great books. Travis is so complicated, yet so straightforward. Charlotte is scarred and fearful, but still holds on to that little thread of hope. I had read this book before on my own and was given an ARC and was so excited to get to reread this prior to the next book in the series. I forgot how much i had loved all the characters, it just sucked me in. I read all 4 in the series in 5 days. I couldn't put it down.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
arun kumbhat
The premise of the book is very intriguing. Charlotte has endured several tragedies in her family and on top of that, is being taken advantage of by an older man. She escapes him and runs into Travis, her one that got away. They had a special bond five years ago, and though they separated, they never stopped loving each other.

I read this book in a day because I enjoyed it so much. Travis has a very deep love for Charlotte, and it was exciting to go through the journey with her to heal and come to terms with her feelings for Travis, even though they face some challenges. I like feeling satisfied with the outcome of a story after the time investment of reading a novel, and though the author set foundation for another book with different characters, I was very pleased with the ending.

This is a lovely book and an enjoyable read. I will have to remember to look for Mary’s story.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
There are great books out there, and then there are books that you literally cannot put down once you start them. Books that make you skip dinner and your favorite tv shows. Books that keep you up until 2am when you have be up for work by 6. Make Me Forget was one of those books for me. Travis is every woman's dream. His love for Charlotte is what we all long for. The kind that never gives up, never judges and never walks away. I laughed, I cried and was pleasantly surprised by the twist and turns in this book. The author never left me bored and left me wanting more. I cannot wait for more from this author and more in the It's Kind Of Personal Series.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I received a copy in exchange for an honest review.

Fantastic read! This book mixed the past and present together extremely well and the characters are very loveable. If you enjoy second chance romances, definitely check this one out.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This story had me from the beginning, the characters just draw you in. It had me laughing, crying, then happy again! At times I was sitting on the edge of my chair waiting for what's next. It's a must read you won't be disappointed.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
greta schmidt
Loved this. So so loved this. Love Travis. My gosh that man is a swizzle stick of perfection. He's kind, protective, sweet, adorable, gentle and honest. He falls for charlotte without meaning to and even after finding out she lied to him forgives him, does the right thing but also waits for her. He doesn't move so that when charlotte is ready she can still find him. Once these two walk away from another, Charlotte loses her way though. She loses her dad and than her mom falls apart and than she gets in a bad situation out of loneliness. Travis in the meantime is putting his life together so he can be what Charlotte needs. One moment he has his life shattered and he begins to doubt Charlotte ever cared. this has him have a series of one night stands but never does he not think of Charlotte or stop hoping she will return.

Suddenly there she is and Travis can't help but feel so overwhelmed with hope and love. But she is broken and he wants to help. She shuts him down continuously and runs from him. No matter how much patience and love he shows charlotte she doesn't trust Travis and fears he will run. Travis begins to feel that he is the only one trying in the relationship and forces charlottes hand. It hurts him to do this but he needs reassurance as well.

this man is just so amazing. And her cousin Pierce such a sweetie as well. when Travis is finally let into Charlotte's life it is a wonderful moment. than a wrench is thrown into it and a new reveal sends charlotte running. Travis goes after her yet again and now we also see a hint of a romance for travis's brother yeah yeah!!! Again they work things out and things seem perfect but charlotte's insecurities wiggle again. Travis though is wonderful and patient. His love and support is unwavering.

a beautiful story of a man's love being there unconditionally and helping a young woman find her way back and finding that there are people who love her no matter what. A wonderfully written emotionally powerful story that will truly tug at your heart and show you what love true love is.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mike van
Anna Brooks delivers a heartfelt romance book with Make Me Forget, if you are looking for a quick sappy romance this is not the book for you. This is the type of love that you have to work for, mistakes are made, regrets make themselves know, forgiveness is learned and last but not least healing. Charlotte used to live in Wisconsin bit after a tragic car accident taking her sister Carolines death they moved to Texas. They revsist Wisconsin every summer, only this summer is different then all the rest. Is true love really blind to all? Have you ever been put in a situation where you know the outcome if you tell the truth, yet you're willing to risk everything on a lie because you know it will end if you are honest. Thia is one of the many situations Charlotte is on throught the story, after she meets Travis, beautiful, broken, travis. She decides to lie because she knows he is her one and only and they have limited time together. The truth comes out and hearts are broken, but will time help them heal and move forward... Can she help Travis move forward from his painful past and begin to heal from the loss of his unborn child and deceased girlfriend. After the passing of her father Travis goes to Texas to console Charlotte and tells her he will always forgive her and he is waiting for her, then life happens fast forward four years and one abusive controlling relationship and you have a rekindled love story full of drama, anguish, and most of all forgiveness. This story made me cry, a lot, Anna brooks did an amazing job with the flow and character relationships i cant wait to start book 2.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dee wade
This is an amazing story, subject matter was very difficult but if you can read with an open mind you need to read this series. Perfectly paced and pulls you in from the start. Everyone has a secret they don't want to talk about or are just embarrassed to talk about but family and friends backing you up is how you best deal with some of it all.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
This was one of those books that was really interesting in the beginning then tapered off. Don't get me wrong, it didn't totally die off but the same kind of excitement in the beginning reading about Travis and Charlotte no longer existed. Well for me anyways. I was hoping it would pick up again but it never did for me. I did continue to read until the end though. Travis was a total sweetheart. Every woman's dream man; sweet, handsome, streak of a bad boy in him, get the gist. I found Charlotte to be annoying. Yes I understand she went through Hell but she continued to be a whining weak person. Sigh, I wanted to love the novel and give it five stars but I just couldn't.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
james crutchley
Anna Brooks is a new author that was recommended to me and boy was I glad she was. This book was amazing. I could not put it down when I started it and had no idea it was going to take the route it did. I love this author's writing. It is flawless and flows so well. This story is about Charlotte and Travis (and boy is Travis a hottie). They meet when Charlotte is 17, but she lies (by omission) to Travis about her age. And if there is one thing that Travis doesn't stand for it is lying. This is when the story starts to take off. Charlotte has lots of tragedies that occur in her life that completely change her from who she used to be. When Travis and Charlotte are reunited, can old wounds be healed and can broken hearts be mended??
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
louisa webb
What a rollercoaster ride of emotion!! Travis and Charlotte have an instant connection when they meet but time no isn’t always what we want it to be. When the world falls apart and lives have been changed, will the love they once had survive and heal them both?
Heartbreaking story with tough situations. Characters that make mistakes and trudge through the darkness to find the light once again. A beautiful story that won’t disappoint. Looking forward to the next one!
Please RateMake Me Forget (It's Kind Of Personal Book 1)
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