And How Far She'll Go to Become President - When She Knew It

ByEdward Klein

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Readers` Reviews

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
katie beitz
Excellent and well-written non-fiction book. I learned enough facts, (that I already suspected) to not EVER vote for this person. She only cares for the people to get the vote to be President. Once voted in office, then it's all about her. She has the love for power that is unprecedented in American history. The author backs up everything he writes with interviews and publications, so the reader can be certain they are reading a factual account. I have just read his latest book; "The Amateur: Obama in The White House" another fantastic book by Edward Klein.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
A quick, easy, must read for the Hillary hater or Hillary fence-sitter. Klein's protected sources have the ring of obvious truth.

If one is concerned about a lying, megalomaniac running the most powerful country in the known universe, read this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
teresa rose
This is a wonderful book that exposes the most evil women in America. Hillary is a dangerous woman who must be stopped. She must have her ultra left wing way or else. Get in her way to total power and she will destroy you. Hillary is truly a woman without a soul.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ryan casey
I thought I knew everything about Hillary, however this book was a true eye opener for me. This is truly a vicious person who should never be allowed to sit in the "White House" ever again. People tend to forget the things that went on in the Clinton's time. The economy might have been good but the morals were sorely lacking. We should demand more from our leaders.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
eric shaw
An informative book. Mr. Klein presents the impressions and personal accounts from those who have personally experienced Mrs. Clinton's personality and character traits. I have heard many rumors and stories about Mrs. Clinton; this helps separate the truth and the myths. An interesting account and a sad epitaph.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The book should be required reading for everyone old enough to vote in the next election...2006 in New York and 2008 in the presidential election. Hillary is the most dangerous person in the Senate because she can reinvent herself whenever she needs to. Mr. Klein presented her more fairly than she deserves. The book made me very angry, but that anger will serve me well in upcoming elections.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
can e ridere
This is not for Hillary lovers. Her quest for power is unbelievable. I knew she was a liar, but a pathological liar. She never had motherhood skills. She has known about Bill and his girls from the very beginning. For better polling, she plays the victim, when she knew of every affair Bill ever had. If every voter read this book, she would never get elected to the Presidency. She is clearly a dirt bag.

Update 8/25/2013

She now admits to having a lot of baggage. She will not however, admit to the complicity in the Benghazi incident. I think she belongs in jail. She said during a Senate hearing, "what difference does it make?" The difference it makes is that she may very well be culpable for her lack of responsibility during the incident. She also allowed the sex scandals in the State Department on her watch but says nothing about it. Perhaps she is a good lawyer but not a good citizen and therefore would not make a good President. What did she really accomplish as Secretary of State? What happened to her health plan when her husband was President? Has she ever really done anything to help this country in any way?
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
carol simpson
In his book, Klein presents an incisively brilliant character study of perhaps the most well known political figure in America today. Hillary Rodham Clinton has been a political animal her entire life. She spent most of her married life with Bill in the Governor's mansion in Arkansas. Then, in the mid-1980's Bill started to consider a run for the Presidency in 1988. Hillary talked him out of that, and into waiting to 1992.

The thrust of Klein's book is bifurcated. Firstly, he tries to show the reader that a person such as Hillary Clinton, who is so aware and so involved, could not possibly have been unaware of her husband's penchant for philandering. In fact, there is specific commentary by Klein and those he interviewed, that Hillary was aware of the former President's nature even before she married him. Therefore, because of her network of informants, she was kept well abreast of every single potential encounter that the President might be having and was having. She was the one who was the very LEAST surprised by the revelations of the Monica Lewinski affair; as she had been well aware of it for over 18 months.

Klein's second point is that Hillary is the ultimate "ice woman" of American politics. She has brilliant advisors, some of them with a bit of a shady past, and she herself is brilliant. She has "star quality" in a field of people that usually are not known for such Hollywood type comparisons. And yet, through observation, one can see how Hillary has "re-invented" her image multiple times. One can see, she has in fact blatantly lied when the conditions were to her advantage to do so. This lying is no stranger to politicians, but in Hillary's case, it has created a personality that no one really knows. All we know is her façade; the carefully crafted image that she is presenting to the public at any particular point in time. But one can be sure, that every thing about Hillary is tailored to benefit one person more than any other: Hillary!

Interestingly, Klein indicates that she is surely the front runner for the Democratic Nomination in 2008. The only question is, "Who is the real Hillary?" This book is highly recommended for those who follow American politics. It is truly a well written and interesting look at a major political figure.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
gerda laubscher
If the author has been blackballed from the Mainstream (Clinton) media, which includes Network TV, and the print media, which he certainly was, and his book is slated to appear on the NY Times Bestseller list for the fifth straight week, imagine the outpouring of interest this book would receive if it just enjoyed normal reviews.

My feelings and beliefs about HRC have been more than substantiated as I read this thoroughly proofessional expose. She may be considered to be smart, but I can't remember hearing praises for her good character and just plain honesty. It also is embarassing that we have the NY Times downplaying Ed Kleins novel while it is enjoying its rightful place on the best seller list in that very same paper, and that they have the nerve to claim they represent the American people.

In my opinion, Mr. Klein deserves high praises for this courageous portrayal of the truth about Hillary, when he knew he would be landslided by the Clinton media machine.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
sara mutchler
I was surprised that a NYT type wrote this book. If all of his information is accurate, Hillary is one bad dude. Law abiding citizens and those who work need protection from her and Bill. Unfortunately, if Hillary committed murder on TV, one half of the voters would still vote for her. Those who want "free stuff" and those who rely on government to control their lives believe that she cares for them. Really! If the author's information is incorrect, she should sue him for libel . I don't believe she has. She has played with many as fools. This book was written 10 years ago. The baggage she is dragging has to be heavy. If more recent news stories about her contain any truth, the baggage might be overwhelming.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is an important book, which is being unfairly criticized and dismissed by a biased press. It is not "unsourced" as is frequently claimed; it is supported by numerous sources, including the Clintons themselves. Many voters would vote for its subject because they believe she is an innocent, "wronged" wife. But this book shows that she is an enabler and knew all along. All voters should know that.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ngu lorna
After reading this book, I came away feeling a little sorry for Chelsea- both her parents are narcistic power hungry fools.

The author backs up his statements with verifiable sources. The book reads in a thoughtful manner- not like a text book, but not a fast paced work of fiction, either.

It is obvious that Hilary seriously needs Dr. Phil's help. We're not talking a one hour show either...
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lisa byrd
Come from a family of Democrats, but if the party were to nominate Hillary Clinton it would be time to go Independent. This well written Klein book just adds to the many other reasons to feel we have had enough of the Clintons. It is a work that is highly recommended. Thanx Edward Klein.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
melissa gale
I got this through overnight shipping, hoping that the hype matched the book. What this actually is is a tepid rehash of other Hillary books. She likes power. She wants to be president. Her respect for the truth is shaky. She looks the other way when it comes to Bill's adultery. She started out as a radical liberal and is moving to the center for political reasons. She has had rumors dog her that she may be gay. Nothing new here. And that is the gist of the book. No bombshells. No new revelations. Since I already thought that Hillary was a values empty yuppie who lusted to be president at any cost, this book did not offer me anything new. I feel that I fell for the hype when I preordered this with overnight shipping. I think I wasted my money.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Yep, I knew this book would fall along party lines... the liberals believing that the Clintons were gods and the conservatives believing the Clintons are criminals. This book seems to be a chronologicalized rehashing of events and facts that are now part of the public record. Even so, if only 20% of the book were true, it would still be a damning testament against the Clintons in general and Hillary specifically.

I think the main question of the book the book makes each of us answer is: "What would you rather be -- right or president?"
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
After spending the day reading this newest book by Klein, I have come to the conclusion that the best chance for electing another Republican president in 2008 is if Hillary is the democrat candidate. By the way, is that a wart on her face?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Yep, I knew this book would fall along party lines... the liberals believing that the Clintons were gods and the conservatives believing the Clintons are criminals. This book seems to be a chronologicalized rehashing of events and facts that are now part of the public record. Even so, if only 20% of the book were true, it would still be a damning testament against the Clintons in general and Hillary specifically.

I think the main question of the book the book makes each of us answer is: "What would you rather be -- right or president?"
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
samantha storey
After spending the day reading this newest book by Klein, I have come to the conclusion that the best chance for electing another Republican president in 2008 is if Hillary is the democrat candidate. By the way, is that a wart on her face?
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Probably about 90% of the negative reviews you read here are from folks who never even picked up this book. I bought this book because I was shocked by who wrote it (a liberal).

This book doesn't just dig up a little dirt and throw it in your face. It gives you the total package and illustration of what kind of a person Hillary really is from her past to very present and very near future. If even 50% of this book were factual and had been backed up by sources, it would be far and away enough to scare the pants off me and question why on earth this woman is in a position of power today. Oh my gosh, just imagine if this woman ran our country. I feel sorry for anyone that doesn't do their homework about this woman and actually casts a vote for her. My sister bugged and bugged me to read about her. Because at first I felt sorry for her and was sucked in by all the lies I kept hearing. What I know now is very scary and recommend every woman in American to read this book in length and make your own opinion. It will change your life about this woman.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have been reading about the Clintons since some friends in Arkansas alerted me about them in the 1970s. I have read numerous articles and biographies since that time. I believe I know them as well as you possibly can without having actually met them.

I concluded before Klein's book that we are dealing with two creatures who have enough of Hare's psychopathic traits to tag them as a team of psychopaths. That's rare because psychopaths don't generally team up unless one is very dominant. In this case, it was at first difficult to tell which one was dominant, until they got in the White House. After a few years and Hillary having chosen all the appointments, extremely radical ones at that, it was clear she is the dominant one of the pair. She lusts for power; Bill for sex.

Klein's book and other recent ones, along with studying the Clintons and checking Hare's list of traits reaffirm my earlier conclusion: What the world has on its hands is a team of highly functional psychopaths who are protected by a host of enablers in the media and the Democrat Party, along with a group of dedicated lawyers who know how to beat the criminal system.

Neither of the Clintons is an ideologue, but many of the people enabling them are. The Clintons quite simply don't believe in anything except the path that will help them appease their lusts. Klein proves it and others have too. It will be a sad day for America, nay the world, if these two pathological liars, narcissists, and conscienceless creatures return to power with the dominant one totally in control.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆

With the 2016 Presidential Election approaching, I wanted to read some books about Hillary Clinton to get more insight into her background and political career. WikiLeaks is releasing several private emails every day involving Hillary Clinton and her campaign chairman John Podesta. I picked this book up, along with three other books (Hillary's Choice,The Case Against Hillary Clinton, andHell to Pay: The Unfolding Story of Hillary Rodham Clinton) from the library. These books reveal information that was already known before the WikiLeaks emails. The Truth About Hillary: What She Knew, When She Knew It, and How Far She'll Go to Become President details Hillary Clinton's political scandals.

The Truth About Hillary Synopsis

The chapters in The Truth About Hillary: What She Knew, When She Knew It, and How Far She'll Go to Become President are very short, 2-8 pages long. Quotes from sources comprise much of the book.

The author briefly writes about Hillary's childhood and her sexuality. She is the eldest of three siblings with her being the only girl. Her mother taught her never to allow anyone to hit her. If someone hits you, hit back harder. Hillary did just that many times, even fighting with boys.

Bill and Hillary's Marriage

Bill and Hillary met at Yale Law School. It was not a romantic relationship since there was no sexual attraction between them. Hillary seemed not to want to have sex, and Bill had sexual relationships with many other girls. Hillary was fine with this. Both Hillary and Bill looked to each other to help with their individual political ambitions to get to the top. They needed each other.

"Hillary hitched her star to the charismatic Bill Clinton. She followed him back to Arkansas because, as she told several friends, she believed that he was going to be president one day. According to the Reverend Don Jones, Hillary and Bill started plotting his run for the White House as early as 1982 - almost ten years before he actually declared his candidacy." (p. 41)

Political advisors to Bill and Hillary hinted to them that having a baby would help their public image. It wasn't easy for them to get pregnant, so they went to a fertility specialist in California. They were willing to go through this because both Bill and Hillary agreed that it wouldn't look good politically for them not to have children.

Bill's sexual infidelities had begun before he and Hillary got married. Even back then, she would have her dad and brother keep an eye on and report on Bill's romances. Later, Hillary hired private investigators to watch Bill and continued this activity throughout their marriage. She wants to make sure that it does not get out of control and ruin her career with political scandals. When she thought the infidelities were becoming too public and too dangerous, she would have her employees remove the women by transferring them so that they wouldn't be in direct contact with Bill.

Monica Lewinsky Scandal

When the Monica Lewinsky scandal became public, Hillary pretended that Bill's infidelities hurt her, but it was all an act. She needed to keep up her image. The public sympathized with her and hated Bill for doing this to her. However, we didn't know at the time that Hillary knew about Bill's infidelities all along and helped cover it up. More political scandals are to come.

Of course, it was in Hillary's interest to preserve the fiction that she didn't know the truth about Bill's philandering. She found many creative ways to circulate the idea that she and Bill were a normal, happily married couple. For instance, she would occasionally drop a tantalizing remark that all was sweetness and light in the presidential bedroom. (p. 33)

After the scandals, Hillary is still gearing up for the road back to the White House. Being the first woman President of the United is her ultimate goal, the goal she had since childhood.

My Review

The two primary emphases of the book are Monica Lewinsky and Bill Clinton's impeachment. The author dropped quotes about these subjects throughout the pages which made it difficult to follow the timeline of events.

There were too many quotes inThe Truth About Hillary: What She Knew, When She Knew It, and How Far She'll Go to Become President. The words didn't flow well with some parts confusing me. Monica Lewinsky and the impeachment were mentioned over and over again when I thought we were past that time.

I believe that this is a good book for people who want to know the inside story of Hillary. Most of the details I already knew from the media, but it was good to hear about what the people who worked close to her said about Hillary. I also didn't know anything about Hillary's childhood. It helps to understand her personality and why she is so ambitious with her political career.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
sarah rhea werner
Although I am a moderate Democrat, and this book is nine years old and therefore not relevant to Hillary's political prospects in 2016, I admit it held my interest. My mother-in-law, no fan of Hillary or any other Democrat, passed this on to me, I suppose in hopes of converting me to the GOP. That won't work, although I am not going to be an enthusiastic Hillary voter should she win the Democratic nomination in a couple of years. Frankly, I don't think she will run, due to age and health and a reluctance to relive all the negative baggage of the past 25 years of her life. If she does run, I don't believe she will win the nomination, for the reasons cited above, and the traditional voter impulse to switch the party of the president after eight years in the same party's hands. She was the strongest Democratic hope in 2008, everyone thought at the start of that race, but some nearly unknown, inexperienced dude knocked her off. I believe it would happen again...a fresher face, with less of a record to be criticized, younger and more energetic, is likely to emerge. As for this book's criticism of her, most of it was already well-known: she lusts for power, she may be sexually ambiguous, she has jumped all over the political map from conservative Republican as a teen to ultra-liberal Democrat after college, to centrist Democrat when it was popular. Since her 2008 defeat by Barack, she hasn't done much to enhance her presidential credentials. Her time as Secretary of State did not result in any big benefits to world peace that can be credited to her account. That Hillary has been caught in many outright lies and in shady ethics apart from public falsehoods is also true of many long-term successful politicians. As for the book itself, Mr. Klein takes some snarky shots at minor-league figures who have worked for or with or befriended Mrs. Clinton, especially as to the females' haircuts, smoking habits, wardrobes and same-sex relationship choices. Those oft-repeated descriptions of her "team" should have been beneath a professional non-fiction author supposedly publishing a serious book warning people not to make her commander-in-chief in 2008.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
matt london
Great that Hillary buffs got the word out so they could gang up and low-rate this book. But I actually read it. The facts are lined up. The reader can make up his own mind, and well he should... In the case of what to believe and how to vote. I cannot understand how reading the entire book shouldn't make you rethink politics as practiced by all, but especially one person who considers herself about any laws, morals, or social concepts that rule all the rest of us. If oversized and ego and grandiose vision added to moral depravity equals ambition.... The dictionary should mention those traits! Otherwise "ambitious" Hillary should face consequences for what she HAS done and be investigated for other crimes that evidence points to. No excuses, and no free passes. Judge Hillary with the same standards with which others have been thrown from the public arena!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Edward Klein has written a well researched and honest book about America's "Lady of Shame" - Hillary Rodham Clinton. The only problem is that it was written in 1995 and a LOT has happened since, to say the least! Ed Klein has been somewhat complimentary to her, considering how much fodder she gives anyone that wants to write about her. Hillary is ruthless to anyone that crosses her path and will do ANYTHING to get what she wants. She takes lying to a new fine art! I had a hard time putting this book down and read it really fast compared to other books I have been reading of late. Since she is to be feared, Mr. Klein was very brave to write this book but I commend him on being so thorough. I would recommend this book to any and every one that wants to understand what Hillary is REALLY like.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
aji purwoseputro
When the impostor psychologist Dr Greta Penterschloss counsels Gomez and Morticia in the first Addams Family movie, she ensnares them by using the word "displacement." Mr & Mrs Addams eagerly enquire as to whether the condition is unpleasant. "Deeply," the good doctor replies, to their delight. So it is with this book - it is deeply unpleasant, but at the same time as absorbing as Harry Potter.

The unpleasantness is already evident on page one in the Prologue where Monica Lewinsky reminisces about an encounter at Radio City Music Hall in August 1996. From there it's downhill all the way.

Part One: The Big Girl, deals mainly with the revelation of the Lewinsky scandal whilst listing the others, like the cattle-futures windfall, Gennifer Flowers, the health-care debacle, travel office purge, purloined FBI files, the renting of the Lincoln Bedroom and the missing Rose Law Firm files.

Part Two: The Book Of Life, looks at Hillary's childhood, her school years, her first loves, her time at Wellesley College, her internship for a liberal Republican in Washington, Yale Law School, the meeting with Bill and the romance (if it can be called thus), her role in the impeachment of President Nixon, her move to Arkansas, the wedding in 1975 and the politics up to 1982.

Part Three: The White House Years, deals extensively with the running of the White House, the Bimbo problem and how Hillary handled it, her coven of close aides and supporters, the health care fiasco, the Ken Starr investigation and how she successfully played "the wronged woman."

Part Four: The Candidate, explores her successful senate run and Part V: The Road Back To The White House, her role as senator, their marriage of inconvenience since leaving the White House, the 2004 Democratic Convention, and her first moves towards the Presidency in 2008.

Chapter 34: Nixon's Disciple and the Epilogue recount the Nixon visit to the White House in 1993. Afterwards, the old president observed that she inspires fear. This section also speculates on what the "new, new Hillary" might look like: sincere, genuine, forbearing, open-minded, sunny and smiling. The make-over is in progress.

This riveting book concludes with acknowledgments, a bibliography, a note on sources, 31 pages of notes and an index. There are 30 black and white photographs, including the notorious one where She embraces Suha Arafat.

Sheologists now have a tasty variety of titles to choose from, including Barbra Olson's Hell to Pay, Christopher Andersen's American Evita: Hillary Clinton's Path to Power, Bay Buchanan's The Extreme Makeover of Hillary (Rodham) Clinton, R. Emmett Tyrell's Madame Hillary: The Dark Road to the White House and two rather boring recent biographies: Her Way by Jeff Gerth & Don Van Natta Jr. and A Woman in Charge: The Life of Hillary Rodham Clinton by Carl Bernstein. But for sheer unpleasantness, it's hard to beat this one by Edward Klein.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
khairunnisa nakathorige
Most of what I knew about Hillary Rodham Clinton was from the Clinton presidency. This book does fill in some blanks while missing numerous key incidents. I would have liked to have seen more material on Vince Foster and also campaign finance corruption. The author didn't cover the last days in the White House where a lot of dubious activity took place. He made a passing reference to "Pardongate" without detailing the players.

There were some informational topics in the book.
Her childhood was an interesting subject and explains her aggressive,sometimes physical behavior.

The most troubling revelation from this book is Hillary's choice of reading material after High School. The magazine "motive" was a marxist magazine that helps to explain some of her socialist ideas. According to this book she proudly claimed in 1994 that she kept every issue.

"Heading up health care reform was the only major administrative job she tried to do. And she was a complete flop at it.She had neither the grasp of policy substance,the managerial skills nor the political smarts to do the job she was then given..."-Bradford DeLong.
That was interesting insight from someone in the White House that explains why she failed so miserably on the health care plan.

I found the story of George Stephanopolis' and James Carville's losing their composure over Bill Clinton's suggestion that Hillary's negative image was due to her hair style to be hilarious.

This book is a fast read. I am sure that with the sheer volume of public information and scandalous corruption of the Clintons,that there are more informative,and comprehensive books available.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
alden conner
When the impostor psychologist Dr Greta Penterschloss counsels Gomez and Morticia in the first Addams Family movie, she ensnares them by using the word "displacement." Mr & Mrs Addams eagerly enquire as to whether the condition is unpleasant. "Deeply," the good doctor replies, to their delight. So it is with this book - it is deeply unpleasant, but at the same time as absorbing as Harry Potter.

The unpleasantness is already evident on page one in the Prologue where Monica Lewinsky reminisces about an encounter at Radio City Music Hall in August 1996. From there it's downhill all the way.

Part One: The Big Girl, deals mainly with the revelation of the Lewinsky scandal whilst listing the others, like the cattle-futures windfall, Gennifer Flowers, the health-care debacle, travel office purge, purloined FBI files, the renting of the Lincoln Bedroom and the missing Rose Law Firm files.

Part Two: The Book Of Life, looks at Hillary's childhood, her school years, her first loves, her time at Wellesley College, her internship for a liberal Republican in Washington, Yale Law School, the meeting with Bill and the romance (if it can be called thus), her role in the impeachment of President Nixon, her move to Arkansas, the wedding in 1975 and the politics up to 1982.

Part Three: The White House Years, deals extensively with the running of the White House, the Bimbo problem and how Hillary handled it, her coven of close aides and supporters, the health care fiasco, the Ken Starr investigation and how she successfully played "the wronged woman."

Part Four: The Candidate, explores her successful senate run and Part V: The Road Back To The White House, her role as senator, their marriage of inconvenience since leaving the White House, the 2004 Democratic Convention, and her first moves towards the Presidency in 2008.

Chapter 34: Nixon's Disciple and the Epilogue recount the Nixon visit to the White House in 1993. Afterwards, the old president observed that she inspires fear. This section also speculates on what the "new, new Hillary" might look like: sincere, genuine, forbearing, open-minded, sunny and smiling. The make-over is in progress.

This riveting book concludes with acknowledgments, a bibliography, a note on sources, 31 pages of notes and an index. There are 30 black and white photographs, including the notorious one where She embraces Suha Arafat.

Sheologists now have a tasty variety of titles to choose from, including Barbra Olson's Hell to Pay, Christopher Andersen's American Evita: Hillary Clinton's Path to Power, Bay Buchanan's The Extreme Makeover of Hillary (Rodham) Clinton, R. Emmett Tyrell's Madame Hillary: The Dark Road to the White House and two rather boring recent biographies: Her Way by Jeff Gerth & Don Van Natta Jr. and A Woman in Charge: The Life of Hillary Rodham Clinton by Carl Bernstein. But for sheer unpleasantness, it's hard to beat this one by Edward Klein.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
This book gives you an eerily believable snapshot of Hillary Clinton.

The author has many sources, some of them a bit dubious, some unnamed, but they all have the ring of truth. "The Truth About Hillary" gives an account of her life, from her scheming to get with Bill Clinton who she "Knew would be the president someday", to her life in the white house, with dozens of spys who reported back to her giving her information about who was doing what where. As with everything political, whether it be written by Michael Moore or Ann Coulter, take it with a shaker of salt.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Heard THE TRUTH ABOUT HILLARY, written and read by Edward

Klein . . . methinks that how you view it will depend on how you feel

about Hillary Clinton.

Those who dislike her will appreciate all the dirt in the book, and there

is a lot . . . those who like her will think it is a hatchet job.

My feeling is that it was a quick read that was actually amusing

in spots . . . also, though I don't know how objective the book was

(it is obvious that Klein is not a big Hillary Clinton fan), I did pick

up a few tidbits about the former First Lady that at least got me thinking

some more whether I think she'd be an effective President.

Among them:

* She learned three life lessons from her father and mother:

1. Never allow yourself to be a victim.

2. If somebody hits you, hit him or her back harder.

3. Stay in control of your own destiny.

* She did not support John Kerry, though on the surface, it appeared

she did. In fact, she was campaigning for herself.

* Clinton continually reinvents herself, so now she is the new, new

Hillary. (Much like Nixon came back when he lost the race for

Governor of California.)
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
steve marsh
About half the truth that the author reveals in his book about Hilary Clinton is the author's own hatred for Hilary. Hey Ed, Hilary is not the only person in the world who has married for motives other than love. Folks throughout the ages have married for such things as power, wealth, social standing, etc. etc. etc. Such a feeble thing cannot be held against a person, and is really none of our business, and who really cares, anyways. I cannot help feeling that because she is a strong person and a woman, much like Martha Stewart, she is being persecuted by the author, who has no sympathy or understanding of women trying to maintain a sense of self while balancing marriage, family and life. Of course since the author is a man, he'll never know how it feels to change a name one may have identified one's whole life with.

Beyond the author's obvious despisal, there are some interesting behind-the-scenes stories. I especially found it appalling that when the Clintons were moving out of the White House, they were caught in the act of loading the moving van with White House furniture that was not legitimately theirs... Klein did a good job portraying Hilary for the bully that she is, her means of covering the truth, ways of talking from both sides of her mouth, her shady ways of fundraising, and her attempts to reinvent herself to gain support for her destined role as President of this country. She doesn't seem to me to be much different from the present President. Both think they are chosen by God, both distort the truth, both are huge fundraising machines, both are "special" and therefore are "incapable of making mistakes," both do not think twice about taking jobs away from those on the lower rungs in society, etc.

I find it fitting that the book begins with Hilary on the committee to impeach Nixon, and ends with Nixon's observations of the First Lady when he met her for an informal meetiing in the White House. It was a perfect ending to the book. In Nixon's words, "Hillary inspires fear." Nixon has been criticized for several things that members of civil liberties turn a blind eye toward when Hillary attempts in the same manner.

An OK read. Very thin on factual information with a thick slathering of out-right personal hatred for the woman, which I can agree with mostly however I feel the book's focus needs to be more objectional.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
james mcentire
Mr. Klein did some interviewing and quite a lot of research but alot of what is in this book is also in Dick Morris' book "Rewriting History". Whether you are a Democrat or a Republican, this book does have a few interesting facts that are pretty well documented on what Hillary knew about some scandals and when -- but I am not sure this is really new information for most people, friends or enemies of Hillary. What IS new is the order and the way Mr. Klein presents this information with emphasis on Bill's philandering and Hillary politics.

Mr. Klein did try to scare us a bit at the end by implying that the late Richard Nixon found her scary, but I am not sure if that would be enough or is really that accurate.

I will say I am not a Hillary or Bill Clinton fan so I may be prejudiced in reading this book but I do feel that it does point out well as other books have that she is very smart in how to position herself and change herself to derive the best results for where she wants to be, i.e., First Lady of Arkansas, First Lady of the US, US Senator from New York, President (?).

Whether you like her or not, the book is an interesting read for me mostly for who are her companions, supporters, etc. I would like to see more information on them to be able to make more decisions on the type of person she really is. She does seems to be able to sublimate her emotions and sexual needs in order to achieve the power and political standing she desires. I also wonder even more after reading the book just exactly where she stands on some issues as she appears to change her views with the polls!
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
The 2008 presidential campaign has already begun so it's not surprising that an author would capitalize on Hillary's political history with a recap of her antics. THE TRUTH ABOUT HILLARY begins at childhood and highlights her youthful experiences and personal faults that would shape her into the manipulative character that felt entitled as co-President despite the fact that she didn't appear on any ballots.

The best part of the book is the story behind her decision to run for Senator, so that she could shed her co-dependent political marriage for the less damaging carpetbagger reputation. This was the only part of the history that I didn't know. Klein makes Senator Moynihan a sympathetic figure that is serious about the people of New York and the problems with the country who reluctantly agrees to tepidly endorse Clinton for the good of the party.

This is not a book that will take long to read and it's probably best for people who were too young to remember Hillary's role in the 1990s. As a repudiation of Hillary it's better than Peggy Noonan's THE CASE AGAINST HILLARY (2000) which depended more on psychology and not enough on the treachery.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is a fast read of good journalism reporting on the likely democratic nominee for 2008. This quality makes it required reading for all voters. Liberals try to downplay the documented facts presented in this book by attacking the author Edward Klein. But as an Independent voter who is not aligned with any particular party, I read every word and checked Klein's sources and references, and found them to be credible.

Back cover quote: "She's the most unbelievable actress I've ever met," said a woman who worked on Hillary's Senate campaign. "I remember one time at a Women's Leadership Forum event in New York, 30 of us sat around Hillary, talking about politics. And she said, `You know, I love this organization not just because we sit around and talk about politics, but because of the bonds of friendship forming around us.' The way she said it, people were riveted by her performance. But I had gotten to know her, and I could tell that she didn't mean it. She has this unbelievable ability to be a liar. She is soulless."

Example: Jennifer Flowers, Paula Jones, Jaunita Broaddrick, Monica Lewinsky, Saffron Burrows, Naomi Campbell, Charlotte Dawson, Belinda Stronach, and Lisa Belzberg are but the tip of the iceberg of Bill Clinton's women that Hillary either enabled or tried to control in several ways. But not just to control and shame Bill, but more importantly, to make her appear to be a victim, which she has exploited to the hilt. Any sane woman would have left him long ago. But she has selfish reasons for staying: marketing herself as presidential material.

Another example: A group of women had supported her financially and politically so that she would help pass their childcare wishes. But after she had so used them, Hillary spit them out and left them in the room in a huff. "We had supported her, raised money for her, and there we were with our jaws on our toes," said the group's leader. "It was so high-handed, so arrogant ... so Hillary." (p.223)

Almost every page has these kinds of facts and revelations. Author Edward Klein joins the ranks of such competent authors and journalists as: Dick Morris, Gail Sheehy, and David Maraniss by giving us more information about this now major presidential candidate.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
k m fortune
After hearing so much vilification toward Ed Klein and finding that even the usual conservative firebrands refuse to give it airtime, I naturally decided it was a book I needed to check out.

What I found was that, as other reviewers have noted, it is a rehash or compilation of many of the Hillary stories that have been done before. But I don't necessarily see that as a negative. Such a compilation can be very useful to those who want insight on the kind of person and politician found in Hillary. Certainly, Ed Klein is no Kitty Kelley, and seems meticulous in identifying sources for nearly everything divulged throughout the book.

As for the book being some sort of hatchet job on Hillary, I'd have to disagree. In fact, I firmly believe that her core constituency will find in the book an affirmation of Hillary as the epitome of their perfect presidential candidate. The book clearly illustrates Hillary's toughness and ambition, her socialist credentials, her affinity for the gay rights movement, and her dyed-in-the-wool feminism.

Anyone in those core camps of the social and economic left, NOW, NARAL, Planned Parenthood, NEA, Gays and Lesbians, militant minorities, and most other left-wing groups will find in the book confirmation that Hillary is their ideal choice.

Sure, the book references her past ethical lapses, but seems much harder on Bill than Hillary by focusing a little to much on Monica. Even the innuendo that Bill raped Hillary reflects much more negatively on him than her; and there is no way an objective reading of that passage can be construed as anything more than speculation.

The book fails to exploit the Vince Foster case much at all, and doesn't even mention the more recent problems with illegal financing of her Senate campaign or Sandy Berger's stuffing classified documents down his pants to hide them from the 9/11 commission. I was a little disappointed that the book didn't do more to uncover the reasons why Hillary seems to remain untouchable from these problems while those around her take the rap.

So why has Ed Klein been blackballed for writing this book? Is it possible that while she is working so hard on an extreme makeover to the new Moderate Hillary, a book that points out her left-wing legacy must be thoroughly and ruthlessly discredited? Is she now abandoning her leftist base with her shift toward the center, or do they tacitly approve, knowing that she cannot be elected unless she misleads the voters about her true convictions? In turn, can moderates really trust that she has seen the light and matured from a fire-breathing leftist into a pragmatic consensus-builder?

If the treatment of this relatively tame book by the media is any indication, I suspect we will see a 2008 campaign where no facts about Hillary will be allowed to find air from those who control what we all get to hear. Anyone who tries to release information about the "Real" Hillary will be savaged and held up as an example of her paranoid fantasy, the "vast right-wing conspiracy".

This book is designed for anyone planning to vote in the 2008 election to review the facts (and some innuendo) about Hillary to make the decision, is this the person we should choose as our next president? Ed thinks no, and I agree with him.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
I found the book interesting and a good consolidation of previously available information by what appears to be a relatively unbiased source. It does add some new material and ideas.

The book highlights the extent to which much of the media will support the Clintons. The the store review further supports some of what the book contains. Notice there is a lot more "politics" in their review than most book reviews.

I'm reminded that Hilary said that the Lewinsky fuss was started by a "right wing conspiracy." Turned out that this "conspiracy" was started by her husband when he had the improper relationship with Monica.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
darnell barrett
So many had tried to discredit this book. My suggestion is that everyone who's remotely interested in this nation's future direction should read this book. If you are a democrate, this book probably will not change your mind (except hate the right even more). If you are a republican, this will re-enforce what you believe already. I found this book very interesting as it detailed day in and day out activities of what's going on in the White House. If even half of the stuffs in Ed Klein book is the truth, then we must reconsider if Hillary is really blinded by her political ambitions and operates her career (and life) toward her ultimate political goal. In final remark, I urge those who's interested to read this book and form their own opinion. Unlike Michael Moore's books which is full of disputed lies and proven political biasis, this book is at least deal with 1st and 2nd hand facts...
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