Truth vs Falsehood: How to Tell the Difference

ByDavid R. Hawkins

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★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
In a round about way Hawkins implies that if God (Truth) were to speak, this is what it would have to say about all the things he has calibrated. Hummmmm...I say Hawkins calibrations are measurements from his own life filter, from his own perspective and are a reflection of his own self-expression and the life he has lived.

Let's say you use the muscle testing technique to test the level of truth of the furniture in your house. Your sofa calibrates at 220 and your dining room chair at 300. What exactly does it mean that one chair has a higher level of truth than another? The relevant question however is, now that you have this information, what are you going to do next? Have you been able to successfully use muscle testing yourself to prove or disprove this theory or the assessments he has made about people, places, things, times and events?

Hawkins states "research indicated that truth is actually available relative to an absolute constant. Its degree of validity is identifiable on a calibratable scale that includes all of life in all of its expressions throughout history." He then confuses the matter by taking his "truth" measurements and putting them into what he calls a consciousness table. He then states that his calibrations measure the level of consciousness of the stuff he tests. Hawkins work as it is presented is just another book like all those other holy books that people claim to be the one true Truth. Book in hand, they then go out and justify their actions, judge and condemn others, all with the greatest air of superiority because, after all, they calibrate at a higher level of consciousness then you. And of course a book backs you where the author has calibrated the level of truth of his own chapters.

There is a wonderful email being passed around the internet right now, of a speech Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple Computer, gave to the graduating class of Stanford University. He tells the story of being fired from Apple Computer, a company he himself started and how at the time it was the worst thing that had ever happened to him in his life. Now years later he sees how it was one the best things that ever that ever happened to him. Many of us have had life experience where our truth about something changed as we changed. That is, it's all a matter of perspective. The only absolute constant is change. Is it true as Hawkins suggests that Mickey Mouse calibrates at 205 forever?

Current wisdom teachings say that true vs. false is a construct that we make up given what we are trying to do. In this model the constant is the intention you have set for the situation. It is a continuous scale as opposed to some absolute constant.

Hawkins put a lot of time and work into his philosophy and I'm sure has had a great time doing it. It all sounds so logical, coming form our other God we call science. I myself have been thoughly entertained by it all. His consciousness table aside, some of his other points can be correlated with other wisdom and spiritual teachings. However, the great wisdom teachings of our time say that the highest truth you can know for yourself is the truth you find within. Let your own soul be your guide. So if you can successfully use muscle testing and access the level of truth for your own life situations then do it. Then go do whatever you do when you know the truth. But don't use Hawkins measurements as your guide, go to the Source yourself. I don't doubt that things can be measured and are measurable. Hawkins books have got me thinking about what exactly do we mean by the word truth anyway. The work of Byron Katie has an interesting perspective on that. But I don't know where the idea of an "absolute constant" (the foundation of his theory) fits into an ever expanding universe of infinite possibility. It still begs the question, now that we know a truth, what's our next move? And so the conversation continues.

If you are looking toward your own enlightenment development or creating a better world, Jerry and Esther Hicks offers an interesting book along the lines of putting things on a scale. Its called Ask and It Is Given. This book does not have any of the judgments assessments and evaluations the Hawkins book has.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book will certainly get you thinking, and possibly, protesting some of the calibrations... I was bewildered by some, did not like others and totally concurred with many - but all that is beyond the point. If you are only interested in reading the books that you are in total agreement with, this might not be the one. But if you made it to this site, you clearly might be looking for something more. Please, please read it with an open mind and unless you are truly interested in finding the truth, don't even try to "verify" the calibrations just to prove (or disprove) the point - they won't be accurate if you are not coming from integrous point (ditto for card testing and such). After reading some of the negative reviews I felt like defending Dr. Hawkins - and then realized how silly of me was the idea that his book needed my defence. It is one of a few books I'd take with me on a long journey even if I had to carry it in my backpack. Sometimes you can tell a hero by the number of arrows in his back. So be it.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
I have read Hawkins' other books. I have listened to him on tape and on online radio shows. And I have seen him in person in Sedona. So, it was with great anticipation that I awaited the arrival of my copy of Truth vs. Falsehood. My excitement was met with disappointment after my initial cursory read of the book. Not wanting to have "contempt prior to investigation", I continued reading.

This wasn't the first time that he has raised my ire. And I know that that is the job of any good spiritual teacher. I struggled with acceptance of the whole Walmart thing. So, I guess I shouldn't have been so blindsided by this new book, but I was.

I admit to resistance with many of his calibrations and the book, in general. Conservatism. The War in Iraq. Fox News. "Bill O'Reilly is a belweather for truth..."(or something like that.) Nevermind. It was more of a political and social commentary (represented as Truth) than I had anticipated.

I realize that everything serves to further our spiritual growth. Hawkins provides a doorway to the spiritual for people who need facts and numbers. I used to be one of those people. Hawkins didn't change, I did. As evidenced by several of the other reviews, this book has been very meaningful for some people. With the publication of this book I was once again reminded not to look outside of myself for someone else to define my spiritual experience for me--to make note of the signposts left by others and trust my own truth within.

Hawkins has spoken often of Ramana Maharshi and Nisargadatta Maharaj and the path of advaita, the path to the heart via the mind. I guess I was hoping for more heart, and less mind. Regardless of whether or not I agreed with his calibrations, the whole thing was just too mental for my liking. Too much content. I'll stick to reading Ramana Maharshi and Nisargadatta Maharaj.

So, maybe I don't calibrate as highly as my ego would like. And it is very possible that I don't have the spiritual or mental acumen to see the larger picture or the greater wisdom of things. I feel good about not blindly either ascribing to or resisting someone else's version of the truth. Like the Buddha said, "don't take my word for it, go out and find it out for yourself."
The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior by David R. Hawkins M.D. Ph.D. (2012-07-31) :: The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior by David R. Hawkins M.D. Ph.D (2012) Paperback :: The Hidden Determination of HumanBehaviour - Power Vs Force :: The Eye of the I From Which Nothing is Hidden :: Transcending the Levels of Consciousness - The Stairway to Enlightenment
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
gabbie winney
Everyone has had an intuitive moment...the gut feeling about something, a sense, knowingness without words. For those who, like myself, have sought to understand the process of intuition, consciousness, life force, Dr. David Hawkins' first book, "Power vs Force," elucidated the link between the unseen, non-linear, with modern science. From that basis, Hawkins now lucidly brings forth the link between consciousness and the world in his new book, "Truth vs Falsehood." Hawkins presents a synthesis of the coherence of the multi-faceted world that surrounds us, i.e. the hard sciences, medicine, geopolitics, history, economics, religion, the arts, etc. The framework, the underlying thread is consciousness, from which springs forth the world as we see it. Hawkins looks at the nature of life itself, traces life from before the protozoa to modern times. The process of the expression of consciousness in its infinite variations is explained, from a fleeting semi-conscious thought, intention, the purr of a kitty cat, to the more palpable expressions such as the stock market, internet search engines, suicide bombers, political agendas. As the book unfolds, it dawns upon the reader that Hawkins' synthesis is all encompassing in scope, yet ultimately simple and elegant. For this reader, the elegance of Hawkins' synthesis is breathtaking. It is as if one is reading and seeing ourselves through the eyes of Divinity. There are no more issues, no more questions. All issues, controversies become subsumed in the field of consciousness. Life is explained.

Dr. Hawkins' link between the linear, five-senses-physicality of the human body to the non-linear realm of consciousness is the phenomenon of the kinesiologic response. Our everyday "gut feeling" is a kinesiologic response. For readers who do not understand kinesiology, who do not accept it, or have never even heard of it, the ideas in this book stand on their own- even if kinesiologic testing was not used. Hawkins' description of the dynamics of our world simply resonates with our own intuitive sense of what is real and true, which in itself is a positive kinesiologic response. What is read is truth.

For those who have been seeking a "unified theory of everything", this is it. It is not "theory", it is Truth.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
sue pigula
I was a bit dissappointed with the contents of this book. I am a big believer in muscle (or kinesthetic) testing. But this book appeared to have more opinion than actuality. If you are purchasing the book out of curiousity about how the Hawkins researchers calibrate current events, this book is great. However, I think the claim of "Falsehood" in the title is not a valid position.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Both my husband and I found this book very disheartening. I can only recommend it for anyone who read and believed Power vs Force so they can decide for themselves how much truth is in his form of kenisiology. Also, each needs to be warned that if they are seeking a purely spiritual book, be prepared this is book is also full of a lot of politics.

I had imagined that this book would be merely lists of Dr. Hawkins' Level of Calibrations (LOC's) of people, places and things. Had it been so, perhaps I may not have questioned its content. Ironically, coming from a man who says the fastest way to reach God is to give up every positionality to God, this book is full of.........positionalities. And for someone who has supposedly let go of his ego, this book is full of it. I personally would have called this book the "Hawkins Pontifications" but perhaps "Truth vs Falsehood" IS the most revealing title.

As pointed out in other reviews, his political biases are extremely conservative. He exposes his flawed kenisiology method within his sources he uses to defend his LOC's (ie. opinions), especially glaring in the political arena. For example, page 206 he uses Bill O"Reilly(2005) as his source that "[spreading memes and their disguised hatred] is now being played by Far Left financiers of organized extremist attacks that plant spurious stories with a network of `bloggers'". Apparently Hawkins (I doubt Bill O'Reilly) is completely unaware how many far right blogs exist on the internet. Its this lack of balance, found throughout this book, which screams at the "falsehood" of many of his arguments.

Normally I would not point out errors found in manuscripts, however Hawkins has heralded his kenisiology to catch all errors and "falsehoods" by "testing" every sentence in a book before it goes to publication. Therefore, it is glaringly obtuse that he would list (pg 32) snakes, alligators, dinosaurs, song birds and doves as PREDATORY MAMMALS and cats, family cats and dogs as GRAZERS. (He says that grazers have higher LOC's than predators but cats and dogs rated pretty high, even though cats are obligate carnivores and canines are also in the order carnivore.- Mine eat a mostly raw meaty bones diet). It seems that if you cannot resolve a carnivore having a high LOC, you resolve it by listing them as a grazer!! I bring up this LOC specifically because it is objectively and scientifically wrong, and therefore should have been easily caught, and can easily be pointed out. All other LOC's in the book are subjective and opinionated, and are so numerous the ideas/sources/biases could be debated ad nauseum.

It becomes obvious to me that all he is testing is his emotional response to any subject.

Perhaps this explains how he rates great Saints and Sages in the 700's yet his own writings in the high 900s (with the highest and Christ being 1000). It would explain how he vacillates in his opinions, er,... I mean LOC's, of many ideas- from his ratings on astrology changing from a radio program to this book, and those on Gandhi's ideas of changing politics without war in previous writings certainly changing with this book, which dismisses non violence and argues for war. Other opinions also contradict within the book itself.

That this is simply emotional testing could also explain why one reviewer of Power vs Force found her friends tested strong to the thought of saccharin (maybe they thought it would help them lose weight), as compared to real kenisiolgy when held against the body would make one weak. In my own experience while testing with my husband, we can get completely different LOC's on the same subject and question depending on how we each feel about it. And although Hawkins recommends in Power vs Force to use his methods for business, I warn that this can be self delusional and may lead to bad business decisions.

Kenisiology in its original physical-body-test application is not innately flawed, in my opinion. Hawkins' mind-thought application of it does not work/tap into the highest universal mind. (God considers Fox news to be more integritous (380) than Dan Rather(205)?And the BBC to be only 15 pts above al-Jazeera?) (Pg 113) If Hawkins does achieve consistency within his close circle of testers, I agree with another reviewer that it is very possible he is subconsciously energetically influencing those around him. Or perhaps, like some political pundits, only surrounds himself with those who agree with him.

I disagree with reviewers who choose to accept his religious calibrations and not his political ones. Hawkins has presented this as the "Truth", take it or leave it. In this framework, if you question some parts, you must do the same to all calibrations.

Hawkins' strength is in his experiential teachings, such as his book, "I". This is the only book of his I can now recommend, although there are many more spiritual teachings I would now put ahead of even this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bev fair
When I first read Dr. Hawkins' first book, "Power Vs Force", it changed my life. I had been using Applied Kinesiology techniques in a clinical setting, but the calibration of truth that was demonstrated expanded my paradigm. Ever since then there has been less guesswork and wrong turns in my life because as often as possible I now use kinesiological testing to point me in the direction of my highest possible choice and truth.

"Truth Vs Falsehood" is a continuation and expansion of "Power Vs Force". Dr. Hawkins touches on many subjects and lists their calibrated numbers right in tables in the book with explanations in the following paragraphs. Topics that are covered include social structures and problems, countries and politics, war, spirituality and religion, as well as a history of man's evolution of consciousness to the present day. Anyone who picks up this book and reads it with interest and an open mind will have some points of view changed.

As always, I am impressed with Dr. Hawkins' level of scientific and spiritual knowledge, wisdom and creativity. This book, like his others, shifted my outlook on many aspects of life. I was surprised how thoroughly I enjoyed this book and I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to make a difference in their life or the life of others.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
bhushan bapat
I am deeply familiar with Dr. Hawkins' work. I've read all the books, attended many of the lectures and listened to most of the tapes. It was with this background that I eagerly devoured this newest book. Even with this familiarity, the book far exceeded my expectations. There are those who mouth the aphorism: "The Truth will set you free" and those who try to live it. Since it has been impossible until now to know what is and what is not true, it has been difficult to distinguish the talkers from the doers. No more. The wheat can easily be separated from the chaff. Only those interested in the wheat will get what this book is all about.

This is a "must read" for every statesman, jurist, policy maker, diplomat and university president. This book lays the groundwork for the development of a true science of diplomacy that will allow us to develop laws, policies and programs that are likely to be constructive rather than destructive. As a result we can avoid the blunders of the past that have cost so much in human life and suffering.

This is a "must read" for physicians, psychiatrists, and psycholgists. A more compassionate understanding of the human condition will allow us to reclaim our role as healers rather than technicians. Our patients will benefit.

This is a "must read" for religious leaders with one caveat. This book resolves ages old spiritual conundrums that have served to separate rather than unite the world's major religions. If you are an avid religionist with inflexible religious beliefs, then you had best avoid this book. If you are a part of a religion that emphasizes guilt, shame, hell, and damnation but somehow find this oppressive, then this will be a truly liberating experience - for you and for all you serve.

I am convinced that we are at a major branch point in human history. Very often this is only realized in hindsight. It could take generations before the impact of Dr. Hawkins' work is truly appreciated. I hope it happens faster than that, however.

Buy it. Read it. The sooner you're set free, the sooner we all benefit.

Timothy P. Gray MD
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
To the other reviewers who made comments of disapproval and skepticism of the work, I think you guys are idiots! From reading your reviews, it becomes perfectly obvious that you guys interpret the book differently than it is written. Sure thats ok, but you guys are the fakers, not Dr. Hawkins!

Sure his work is 'difficult' to understand, but first be honest that is where you are coming from BEFORE saying something that may turn others off to this INCREDIBLE, LANDMARK, piece of work. This guy is a spiritual and human genius, and anyone who doesn't see that can't because they don't know how to tie shoes.

Anyone who is looking for the latest, cutting edge resource for excellent achievement in personal, spiritual, or community growth should read this book. People in power positions especially would benefit greatly from reading this book because it points out, contextualizes, and reveals extremely important, priceless, genuine Truth's about the world and it's past and current leaders.

For good reason, I think this book needs and deserve national acclaim and needs to be used in all fields including: schools, hospitals, law enforcement, government agencies, international relations, personal life and relations, big and small businesses, etc.

I thank God for this work and how it reveals the TRUTH about almost everything. This book and his other works has and will continue to save infinitely many lives, including my own, and I hope that everyone will enjoy the same gift!

Hawkins says in the book "truth calls a spade a spade" and thats just it. If you don't want Truth, then don't read it, because thats what your going to get.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
tanawut tantisopharak
Truth Vs Falsehood, How to Tell the Difference.

Knowing what's true is a very important issue for us in life, and this book claims that there is a reliable technique for discerning truth from falsehood. As in his previous books, Dr. Hawkins, makes the extraordinary claim that a simple muscle testing technique can be used to determine and calibrate truth. Furthermore, this technique is "applicable, without limits, to anything and everything, anywhere in time and space." Wow.

In this book, Dr. Hawkins expands upon his previous books with many tables of calibrated levels of truth on a variety of spiritual, political and social topics. His commentary explains the reasons for why this or that thing calibrates lower or higher. Much of this is fascinating, but some of his claims are troubling. In the Author's Statement Dr. Hawkins anticipates that some of his readers will have trouble and forewarns "some of the material may be disturbing and confrontational to some cherished illusions."

I am one of those readers who find this book disturbing and confrontational. The major problem I have is that I am unable to replicate Dr. Hawkins results. I tried to verify that muscle testing works using a shuffled deck of playing cards with a friend who had been trained in a muscle testing technique. We were unable to predict whether the next card to be turned over would be black or red. Our results were not any better than simple chance. So maybe his muscle testing works, but we are not able to use it.

So without access of my own to Dr. Hawkins technique, I don't know what to make of some of his claims that are contrary to what I otherwise understand to be true. This technique and his absolute claims about it seem to lead to an authority based approach to truth (it's true because Hawkins said so) and away from an experientially based approach (it's true because I found out for myself.) For example, Hawkins rates Republicans at 405 and Democrats at 325. Should I vote Republican more often because Hawkins says they calibrate higher overall? I think not.

There are a number of examples of his claims that just seem false to me. Many of these are current political events and pretty controversial, so I'll stay away from these. As a less controversial example, here is a claim by Hawkins that appears to contradict what is documented about a historical event. Hawkins gives President Truman a high calibration of 475 for his "agonizing decisions ...regarding the necessity of a triage benefit of dropping the atomic bomb" on Japan in World War II. Hawkins goes on to say that Truman had to "weigh the morality of killing 180,000 civilians in order to prevent the estimated death of six or seven million people, had conventional warfare continued..." The trouble is that it is unlikely that this was the dilemma facing Truman. The historical record shows that the U.S. (and Truman) knew that Japan was ready to surrender anyway. Japan wanted to keep their emperor, but otherwise they were ready and willing to surrender. Many, if not most Americans (including Hawkins), still believe the line that "we dropped the bomb to end the war". I don't claim to know what was going on in Truman's head, but historians now know what U.S. intelligence and Truman must have known. It's unlikely that Truman's decision was what Hawkins describes. Maybe Truman should still get a 475, but using a nuclear weapon on people when you didn't have to? A high mark of 475 seems inflated to me.

So what are we supposed to do with all of the calibrations presented to us in this book? If we can't find out for ourselves, we must depend on what Hawkins claims to be true. It seems that many of the problems in our world today are based in people blindly accepting what some religious authority claims. Hawkins calibrations are yet another presentation of "The Truth" as dictated by the Authority.

If muscle testing actually works, Hawkins could demonstrate it easily using a deck of playing cards. If he can accurately demonstrate the power to declare simple things that are either true or false, I would love to see that. Until he or someone else demonstrates this, I'm sticking to my own common sense.

Thanks for listening.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
rachel cocar
If you have never read Hawkins don't start here! If you HAVE read his other books this one may disapoint you with its bias which he calls truth, unless you believe in the gospel of Bill O'Reilly. The truth according to Hawkins is heavily influenced by his opinions and his experience as a WW2 veteran republicant who grew up in another era. His pro Bush pro war feelings color much of this work and he says that if you disagree with his findings you just aren't as evolved as he is. I could not replicate his results and am surprised that he would put something out that focuses so much on divisive generalizations. Hawkins other books, Power vs Force, or Eye of the I, are more helpful on the journey to enlightenment, this one though might get him on Geraldo which he rates higher than NPR news.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Dr. Hawkins first book, Power vs Force was interesting and presented a useful way to dowse using kinesiology. However, he began to venture into misapplication of this method, and has now gone off on a tangent where he seems to wish to delude himself into thinking he has developed a fool-proof way to judge the level of consciousness of any entity, concept, or construct and the truth or falsehood of any statement. There are serious logical, philosophical, and practical flaws in his work, and his attempt to quantify matters that aren't quantifiable leads to meaningless data that probably matches the bias & beliefs of those carrying out the muscle tests. This book is a good example to present to show how people can deceive themselves and misuse muscle testing and dowsing techniques. The actual technique is worthwhile, but much of what Hawkins presents in the book is utterly meaningless and invalid. The levels of awareness that can be tapped into with dowsing are wise enough to NOT let us ask just anything we wish to and be able to receive accurate, valid answers.

Hawkins explores issues about media, politics, religion, spirituality, history, philosophies, healing arts, entertainment, and more, and reveals his own gross ignorance on many matters.

He seems unaware that many of the people he trusts in politics and media are professional gangsters, liars, and two-faced sociopaths. He has a negative view of conspiracy theorists, many of whom are genuinely determined to find the truth and don't resort to Hawkins' misguided shortcut attempt to identify truth. Hawkins also fosters confusion with his description of his muscle test method, as it really has little to do with applied kinesiology, but is a form of dowsing where the muscle is directed to remain weak or strong in lieu of muscle response moving a pendulum or rod. I hope Hawkins gets to reconsider his current efforts...consciousness and spiritual research are vital endeavors and there are others doing useful, responsible work in those areas. For now I'd encourage Hawkins to recognize that 911 was in part an inside job, many conservative politicians and pundits are corrupt frauds, and the overall maturity of consciousness in America is not greater than the rest of the world.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have not yet finished reading this remarkable book. I am approximately 2/4 of the way through. Part of me would like to speed read the remaining words, pages so that the whole, complete force of what Dr. Hawkins has to impart is done so in one grand unveiling of his brillance. At the same time i often find myself slowing down my reading, rereading the same chapters and pages sentences and words. slowing down so that I don't miss any of the information that he willingly and so graciouly bestows upon his readers. Truth vs. Fiction is engaging on so many levels. The Doctor allways speaks of highly calibrated energy vs. energy that calibrates low when tested. Falsehood calibrates as low energy. Truth must calibrate at a very high level. Humans fluctuate between truth and falsehood througout their lives. Sometimes several times in a brief dialogue with one person. but, as the book and its research suggest, this conciouns choice to dialogue with others is necessary and if needs be, it is truly a plesure to enjoy my days with the Doctor and his publications.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kimberly burke
I would not read this book first before other books by Dr. Hawkins. It's very blunt statements/calibrations might scare one away. I would read them in chronological order. And if you have read other ones, this one is great; it has a section about America, which I particularly appreciated.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
kate gardner
I was enough impressed with Hawkins' Power vs Force and his The Eye of the I to begin using his technique myself as a non scientist. I gave Power vs Force to several friends. Fortunately I came upon Michael B's review which confirmed some of my experience in trying to use the device as well as disabusing me of much of my enthusiasm for Hawkins as a scientist. I am disappointed and outraged at the writer's ill disguised political bias in Truth vs Falsehood: How to Tell the Difference!
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
sgintoff gintoff
I can't believe Hawkins can knowlingly publish obvious Falsehoods as Truth!

p.31: How on earth can these "Grazer and Exception" animals calibrate higher than 75% of humans???

p.114: Hawkins' comments on Bill O'Reily make NO SENSE... "the rule of the thumb is that if O'Reilly dislikes a public figure or a "cause", it calibrates below 200 (handy for those who cannot do the calibration technique)" So forget everything Hawkins has ever written based on kinesiology and simply watch Bill O'Reilly!!!

p.115: How on earth can 2004 Election Republican voters calibrate at 405 and Conservatives calibrate at 415 - supporting Bush and the unwarranted war on Iraq while peace-wishing Liberals calibrate at only 255??

There are many very questionable calibrations here and I couldn't read any more of this after reaching only page 124.

This is a HUGE disappointment after Hawkins 3 previously enlightening books.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
flo the coffee addict
I have read almost all of David Hawkins books and now wonder about his credability. In this book his calibrations of politics, political leaders and current topics are all aligned with the conservative fundamentalists.

Up to this point I had believed Hawkins to be an objective and brilliant researcher and scientist but now I have my doubts? One example of his bias is George Bush (Any student of public speaking can readily identify speakers who lie or deceive). Applied Kinesiology would indeed be a wonderful tool if you could also calibrate the user of it!

★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
patsy ticknor
Hawkins states that people in developing countries should be grateful for corporate exploitation. They would otherwise starve, he explains. He also rates WalMart has having extremely high integrity. Never mind the mistreatment of its workers for which WalMart recently paid millions to avoid going to trial. Never mind the exploitation of Chinese labor. Pure quackery, in which there is no verifiable means of testing beyond Hawkins' say-so.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
darby stewart
As a praticioner of Applied Kinesiology, I want everyone to know that I know of no authority in the field that would agree with either his method or interpetation of his results. Kinesiology is not a lie or truth dectector, thats ridiculous. You can not predict the future or cards or anything else and no one but Dr Hawkins thinks you can. I have been practicing for 20 years and the first thing you tell people not to do, is what Hawkins is doing with it. Its unethical,unreproducable and is influenced by his bais. He is doing a great diservice to what can be a very useful and accurate methodology. Just not the way he is using it as a fortune telling machine to back up his right wing politics. I have really liked his nonduality teachings but this book is really outrageous and I wonder if we are on the verge of having an American Reverend Sun Young Moon. He certainly fancys himself as being the new Jesus Christ.I just wish he wasnt slandering kinesiology to prove his point. I cannot recommend this book to anyone.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
liz neves
"Truth vs Falsehood" is Hawkins' 4th book. In my mind, it is his greatest gift yet, but not in the sense that one might think. This will be explained in the closing. I will also preface by saying that I am in no way political. Truth is all that I am interested in.

In Hawkins' previous 3 books, the kinesiological response was portrayed as infallible. His language was very absolute in its tone, giving the technique more credibility than it has ever received. Being so absolute with one's tone was the first obvious clue. When one becomes absolute in their tone, they often put an inordinate amount of faith in something outside themselves and overlook the inherent limitations. This is true for everything from religious absolutism to the mythical cure-all in medicine. The person who uses the absolute tone acts as if your salvation lies with this one particular thing.

I am a traditional naturopath. I was using kinesiology before Hawkins' books, and I am closely connected to practitioners of kinesiology who've used it in excess of 20 years. An observant and curious practitioner quickly realizes that the intent of both the testee and tester influences response. In some cases, a strong-willed practitioner who thinks he knows the cause of imbalance or dis-ease is affecting testee response and in essence using kinesiology to validate his own opinions and beliefs, albeit unknowingly. He will get the positive response he desires, whereas the practitioner with no vested interest in anything except the truth will get a different response on the same testee.

It has been difficult for me to bridge the gap between Hawkins' theory/ doctoral thesis on his use of kinesiology and the understanding that most experienced practitioners of kinesiology have. Nearly all experienced practitioners simply don't find the technique to be infallible. Certain criteria must be met for accurate response. Those criteria are training, impartiality, and the sincere and humble desire to put absolute truth above all things. Truth is absolute, but the technique is not. Remaining neutral is an ongoing challenge for the practitioner.

I am not familiar with the testing methods used for Hawkins' doctoral thesis "Quantitative and Qualitative Calibration of the Levels of Consciousness". However, for it to withstand any scientific scrutiny, both the tester and testee would have to be without any knowledge on the subject matter. There would also have to be at least 20 different testers for the 3000+ test subjects, with each tester coming up with their own test responses to a given list of questions. Responses would not be compared until all testers have compiled their findings. For his thesis, something along these lines was most likely used.

Throughout "Power vs. Force", a healthy skepticism was maintained towards Hawkins putting so much faith in this technique. Part of this was based on an inability to get the same responses he was getting. The information presented in "The Eye of the I" and "I" was absolutely astounding, and skepticism was temporarily set aside. Apparently, his intent was pure and sincere enough to allow him to experience absolute truth on spiritual inquiry. Much of this can be attributed to his description of a life-changing experience. He was atheist (or possibly agnostic... don't remember which), hit a major crisis in his life, and finally called out in total humility to be shown the truth of God. I feel his pure intent allowed him to access the truth he did.

However, once Hawkins gained confidence in the technique, he apparently fell into the trap of thinking he could divorce himself from influencing response. The methods used for gleaning the information found in "Truth vs Falsehood" would surely not withstand any scientific scrutiny. The simple fact that the subject matter was familiar to the tester(s) and testee(s) disqualifies it. Asking about the nature of life, death, and other unknown spiritual matters is not the same as asking about one's perceived reality, which one already has strong opinions and emotions about and attachments to. Both testers and testees would have to be completely unfamiliar with the line of inquiry to have any guarantee of neutrality.

Within 30 seconds of opening "Truth vs Falsehood", it was clear something wasn't right. Hawkins' 3 previous books have helped us to discern truth from falsehood more clearly. Many of us have reached a place where now we `just know' the truth. It is often a clear gut feeling, and at that point the kinesiological response seems unnecessary. In a way, it turns out the technique was only a tool to guide us to our own inner knowing.

Hawkins acknowledges the existence of ignorance and untruth, but does not address the issue of deliberate deception. It is ironic that after years of devotion to the truth, Hawkins still does not fully grasp the nature of deception. The world citizenry is currently experiencing one of the most elaborate mass brainwashes in history.

In fact, Hawkins even engages in deception when he explains the Iraq situation. He indicates that the primary reason to be there is to protect the world's (and specifically America's) economic and oil interests. Yet the primary reason given to the public for going to war was weapons of mass destruction. Whether or not it was a fact that there were actually WMDs misses the point. It was given as the main reason, and it was not. That is deception. For Hawkins to agree with the idea of justifiable deceptions is a clear indicator that he is not neutral here.

More importantly, for Hawkins to act as if outright deception is not occurring speaks to one's ability to deal with reality. For a person with 80 years of conditioned perception of reality to have reality turned on its head, a person could have a serious breakdown.

The gift in this 4th book is that Hawkins has shown us what the kinesiological technique can and cannot be used for. It can be used by the sincere truthseeker for his/herself. However, it is not to be used to show one a reality they are not ready to see. There is no technique to make one see the truth. One's clear and sincere intention is all that can do that. And even then, one may not be ready to handle the fullness of reality. The process of how one "wakes up" is yet to be known.

Who better than Hawkins to show us that experience is no substitute for impartiality? So, the readers of his 4th book get the opportunity to discern what is truth and what is his belief. The first 3 books prepared us, and the 4th is the test. Although he didn't intend it to work this way, it is the greatest gift of all. And just as importantly, it shows us that one can be quite enlightened in one area, while not having it all together in another. Even when one crosses the 600 line, one is still assailed by falsity and ignorance and must be constantly vigilant and unattached to one's beliefs.

And realistically, it couldn't have happened any other way. Given Hawkins' first 3 books and his audience, if he gave us the absolute truth about all the deceptions that make up the current perceived reality, it could have seriously messed some people up. It could result in serious mental breakdown if it was said that there aren't actually arab terrorists creating terror in America. So, the book had to be presented this way. And those of us who know the real truth know it through our own inner knowing already and don't need Hawkins to tell us.

In `The Art of War', Sun Tzu said, "All warfare is based on deception." Well, currently we have warfare in nearly every form. Even `necessary' and `justified' wars have deception as their roots.


Santa Fe, New Mexico
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
doris sander
I really wanted to believe this testing system worked but I had misgivings because I always seemed to get the answers I wanted. When I finished this book, I realized that was true. Dr. Hawkins has created and calibrated his truth. If he were liberal, he would have calibrated a liberal truth. I am an independent when I vote, sometimes I go left, then right, or middle of the road. However, it was clear to me that this book was mostly false. If you are conservative you will love this book, if you are liberal, you'll hate it. If you are intelligent, you won't even read it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This is the most readable of his books since power versus force. A pleasure to read and easy to follow and understand. Not just a list of calibrations he also elaborates in depth. A must read for anyone inerested in elightenment.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
mokey milky
I've read Dr. Hawkins previous books and, for the most part, enjoyed what he had to offer. Anyone with an ounce of social conscience (or anyone who enjoys NPR) best stay away. Ann Coulter finally has someone to support her nonsense.
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
I recently tried the techinque mentioned in his book and I did get quite a few "so called" answers. Sometimes the answers were mixed and it wasn't giving a proper reading.

It so happened that we had the opportunity to test this techinque after doing about 2 hours of intense prayers and mantra repetitions. This test was done in an extremely Sacred space, where we practice daily spiritual cleansing, playing of mantras all day and intense spiritual practices done many hours each day, along with selfless service.

I jotted down all those answers that came through from Dr. Hawkins techinque, with the intention to also run them by our Oracle (a pure psychic) to see what truth it held. To my astonishment the moment I started to go down the list of answers with her, she immediately got attacked by an EXTREMELY powerful negative force, which tried to over power her.

Through Grace she managed to break free from it and she warned me that there was a huge negative force around me as well and that I needed to cleanse myself IMMEDIATELY. I was told that I should not have accessed those energies and that I had crossed the line when I did that.

To make a long story short, those demons / negative forces were relentless and tried to attack me using the age old techinque of FEAR. But of course, nothing is more powerful than The Power of LOVE, so they didn't stand a chance.

As the bible says "There is nothing to FEAR, but FEAR itself". My experience with the darkside in this situation just gave this statement a new meaning to me.

My recommendation, is stay away from using this techinque. I also recommend getting the book "THE IMPECCABLE WARRIOR OF THE LIGHT: WISDOM TEACHINGS FOR SPIRITUAL PROTECTION" by Enlightened Master and Peace Shaman Peace Mother Geeta Sacred Song. It was the techinques prescribed in her book, which allowed me to break free from those entities.

Without having techinques to protect oneself, we are sitting ducks for all these energies.
★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
marwa elgamal
I have admired David Hawkins and use his scale of consciousness in my psychotherapy practice. I am accomplished at muscle testing and use this technique routinely. The book, Truth vs Falsehood, is filled with False and misleading conclusions! Hawkins has strayed from the purity of Power vs Force and offered contradictory suggestions in this work. These false calibrations are carefully woven into many true and insightful observations. The reader must be VERY discerning.

Accurate muscle testing requires that the focus for the test be very clearly worded and the intent for the question identified as well. For example, it is not meaningful to judge bodywork as a field for there are thousands of bodyworkers, each resonating at different level of consciousness. It is the LOC of the therapist that makes all the difference! The same is true for physicians and other practitioners. A surgeon's knife in the hand of a loving person is a far different situation than the same knife in the hands of a psychopath...

If killing others is never supported at higher levels of consciousness, then capital punishment is contradictory to true social evolution, as Hawkins points out in Power vs Force. Aggression through war is thus never a meaningful solution (using force) for global evolution yet Hawkins supports and jutifies the United States' Iraqi intervention. Hawkins also goes so far as to support George Bush's policies as having high levels of consciousness, even though those policies and actions are founded on falsehood and personal agendas, not the greater good of the American people.

Hawkins has twisted his levels of consciousnes and orientation of the testing to suit a political agenda. Muscle test on that statement.

In his earlier books Hawkins offers clarity and scientific underpinnings into higher states of consciousness.

"Truth vs Falehood", has taken a giant step backwards as it pretends to be objective when it is not. This is most dangerous for the student of the work must now take a very enlightened state of mind in order to evaluate the book's conclusions. No longer can one simply trust the accomplished writer's authority and seek to learn through osmosis. Test the conclusions in this book against your own understandings and recognition of truth.
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